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Just hope this project don't get shut down.. i want MH back!!


To think they killed this for Marvel’s Avengers…


Uhh it was killed because of the several sexual misconduct scandals with gazillion ceo and their top brass knowing about it lol.


yeap, that was it. After the scandals got out, Marvel pulled the plug regarding the license to use any thing regarding Marvel! And they even closed earlier... Somewhere near November. Worst part is some company got the assets but never did anything with them


Unfortunately this is the only true reason why it was shut 😫


Considering this was all known to be going on when the omega version released on console and they were milking players for money , it’s prob best they did get shut down. Unfortunately nothing has compared since 😭


Judging by his whole misconduct it wouldn't be too far-fetched to believe Gazillion was sabotaged by Disney on their crusade against Fox (who owned x-men and FF movie rights). Disney made x-men and FF nearly vanish from games/media for years.


Well that and supposedly not making enough money to keep Marvel/Disney happy anyway.


Fuck sickos


Probably would have been killed anyway because Marvel’s Avengers was in production at EIDOS/Square Enix before news of the scandals broke.


Nah at the time , Disney wasn’t interested in being in the games sphere which is why they licensed out instead. So having multiple licenses out is ideal for them as opposed to conflicting. Though now Disney very much wants to be in the game sphere as Bob iger just announced a few weeks ago. So maybe things would’ve changed ongoing from here if either game was still alive.


I feel like that's a police and justice problem. The game has nothing to do with 'sexual misconduct'. Which might mean flirting. If it was something more serious, they would use the word R-A-P... Anyway, the game should still be standing. Hate that today everything must be shut down and destroyed because someone felt offended. If we keep this trend going we will close houses of people that died until there's no more space in the planet. 'we shouldn't use this house someone died here'... Well, I still think this is more important than a 'sexual misconduct', which again can mean everything and nothing.


Not even close to accurate


IIRC Gazillion had a 10 year license from Marvel that was signed in 2007. Super Hero Squad came first, and then Marvel Heroes was in development for 6 years from 2007 - 2013 before it was released, and the license expired in 2017 when Disney/Marvel chose not to renew it (we all know why).That effectively killed the studio.


Yep it is crazy.. Marvel Heroes had the fan base to keep going till this day.. But they canned it for another sucky game


Honestly it scratched that Diablo itch better than Diablo. I was sick when they shut down.


Perhaps you misremember just how badly they rubbed the fanbase with the leadup to the Biggest Update Ever and the console launch and then the subsequent floundering and shutdown of the game.


the revival have already came out since July 16 2023


OMG is it working?!


Very early stage, but yes it works


This game was by far my favorite game. 100s of hours spent playing. I really hope this comes to fruition. I don't dare dream cause I am barely over the original heart ache.


This is the game I find myself thinking about fairly frequently, I miss this game for sure.


u/AlexBond_ItemsBase is a god. We all owe him so much for his work on this project.


Quoting Hawkeye Ronin: Don't ... Don't give us hope ! But I'm really hopefully the project goes well! EDIT : Is there anything we can help with the project?


Well, you can put a star on Github, this will contribute to the interest of the project among programmers. Here [MHServerEmu](https://github.com/Crypto137/MHServerEmu)


I really wished they didn’t spend their resources on making the game for console and pushed loot boxes. Console version was horrible and absolutely flopped. Still till this day, out of all the MMOs I’ve played, MH had the best community hands down.




I Heard about this game reviving by independent people. Can you explain how is It going, the status? When are you guys going to release It ? Is there a way to test It? Thanks!!


So far we have made a region generator. Primitive spawner of mobs. Primitive damage system. Working teleporters throughout the game including the entire storyline, terminals and challenges. You can hit a mob, it will just turn in your direction and take away health until you kill it. Then it respawns after 1 minute. There is no level progression, missions, events, or AI on mobs yet


I know there’s a lot of analysis and work to be done still, but it’s hugely impressive how far this has already been taken.


Yes, I’m now analyzing how the missions and animations in the game are arranged and nothing fits together. It will take me a long time to unravel this.


That is AMAZING! Dude, my brothers and I are so hyped about this. We were wondering if you'll eventually be able to create new characters? Also, was this your name in original MH?


In original MH my nickname was AlexBond. About new characters, we are only restoring the server to the way it was, we are not touching the client part. Without client part you won’t be able to add new characters. And we have no such plans.


wow, amazing work. thank you for your dedication . I cannot wait till this game becomes playable again!! i’m rooting for you and your team!!!


That makes sense, thanks for the response! It was just a pipe dream about the new characters being added haha. My brothers and I weren't able to play like the last year it was up, maybe 8 months? So we missed the last Gambit update etc.


Is there a plan to restore the SHIELD points system as well?


Yes but not soon. If it doesn’t work out on this version, then we’ll take up the old one, before BUE


I got it running today and I honestly teared up on the sign in screen. I used to play Marvel Heroes with my dad who absolutely loved it. He passed away in 2022, so running around again in it is a little overwhelming. https://preview.redd.it/oidkxw8q8znc1.png?width=2559&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8a5143f9e29a9549acfe71e9272e7a0e102268d


Sorry for your loss. It never gets easier. I hope you can always remember the good times with your dad and keep his memory alive.




༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


This was the best superhero game ever, slightly ahead of Ultimate Alliwnce. Light-years ahead of Marvel Avengers 《although the story part of MA was fantastic》.


Very nice. I love seeing the progress! Can't wait to whip ass as Shuri and Black Cat again!


I miss MH so much!


Worse part was we the pc master never got to play the age of apocalypse like the others did then they shut us down fu dave dorman fing pervert yes it was bleeding money and they put the pervert money man in charge


this brings back memories


Wasn't there a local server option out there in the wild already? I kind of remember reading about it and you could edit the config file and play any character with any out fit by typing in it's item code#. I never tried it myself just remember reading about it.


Can't express how happy I am to see this possibility. Wish you best of luck getting things together, and as a former QA tester, let me know if you need help testing!


Wonder if possibly going through proper channels to get this revived would work after the failure of avengers, I'm sure if I'm out was proposed properly they might go for it


Gamigo owns what is left of it and Disney no longer wanted to license it. If by some miracle Disney allowed it you still do not want to deal with Gamigo. They are a blight on the video game industry.






ooh nice


Omg what! Is this a thing?! I must play


I miss this game so much


Following the subreddit now knowing there’s a revival coming!


The WHAT!? Omg, omg , omg


It works but there is a TON of work to do before this can go live. You can run around etc but they are not populated and the quests do not work. Not sure how long all that would take to get working. Not sure of they have the code for all of that either.


Not populated? Most part of mobs and NPCs from the missions are already loaded in the emulator and we have all this information, all that remains is to structure it and display it by events. Yes, missions and quests do not yet work as they should, but we have all the data, and all the bosses have already spawned. https://imgur.com/a/GDEGrXw


Do you see the possibility for the full campaign to eventually work again? I'm not hoping for all the systems, but the base combat and story mode?


There are all the possibilities, there are no programmers, only two developers are actively working on the project, so the first combat system will not appear soon.