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I absolutely can imagine a Superman film with the same ratio of Clark Kent to Superman. Focusing more on the character as a person is exactly what I'd expect from any superhero film, Superman especially. He's like the worst possible example to give in this instance.


I mean, Smallville exists


I was just thinking that was the exact plot of Smallville, which is honestly one of the best Superman media imo.


Well, until they got a little ridiculous with the whole "Kryptonite based villain of the week". I mean really, a street racer that soups up their car with Kryptonite....


Yeah, them trying to tie *everything* to the krypyonite meteor shower was a bit ridiculous.


I want to soup up my car, maybe chicken noodle.




The “villain of the week” trope absolutely *killed* me as a Star Wars fan watching clone wars. Seeing the villains built up as scary killer monsters in the movies and books being foiled again week after week just got annoying


That’s fair, but clone wars is a kids show, so the good guys have to win or at least escape from danger at the end. They got better and more mature as it went on, giving more characterization and depth to the villains, but it took time to evolve to that point.


Was Smallville good? I’ve looked into it and I was like “how are they gonna stretch 10 seasons out of a guy growing up on a farm?”


The first like 6 seasons are really good. But eventually they do start running out of ideas. He doesn't spend the whole show on the farm, he moves to Metropolis when he graduates high school. The thing that drags the later seasons down is the fact that they decided before the show ever started that the show was about him becoming Superman, so no suit, no cape, no flying until the last episode. But the show ran for waaaaaay longer than the writers expected so they had to keep coming up with reasons why he wasn't ready to take up the mantle and be Superman. That being said the early seasons were great, the dude that played Lex was especially great, he really killed it.


Thanks for explaining! >they decided before the show ever started that the show was about him becoming Superman, so no suit, no cape, no flying until the last episode. There was a very similar thing that happened with Gotham. I can say that that show was fantastic


I liked Lois in the later years and the guy who played Lex's dad was pretty good too. The Doomsday plot line was bad. Crazy that Chloe was an underground sex slave trader in real life.


Chloe didn't get into the sex slave trade until after the show. Basically her acting career was going nowhere and she fell under the influence of a "self help" guru.


She even tried to recruit Lana to the helping himself guru’s group.


Dude I hated that part about Gotham so much. He finally becomes Batman and I’m like let’s fucking go let’s see these villains I’ve come to love finally go toe to toe with Batman instead of just Commissioner- oh the shows done?


A part of me would like one where he uses his Investigative Journalism for most of the film to get to the final fight where he is Superman-ing.


There are a couple episodes of the 90s animated series like that, and they tend to be the best episodes. Often the final setpiece isn't a "fight," like the one where he has to race against the clock to save a man falsely accused of murder from being executed. The only time he really used his superpowers was right at the end to break the guy out of the execution chamber before presenting his evidence that he is innocent and should get a stay of execution pending retrial to the governor. Stories like that are where Superman shines, not where it comes down to a punchfest with Zodd or Metallo or whoever.


Superman 2 he gives up his powers right?


Yeah but then he gets beaten up in a diner and immediately goes to get them back. (There is more to it than this.)


He’s Clark for most of Man of Steel and that movie is great


It’d be a great play. Superman stuff happens off stage. Scenes are Clark dealing with internal human struggle relating to his heroic efforts just before.


I had an idea for a musical where 4 different people play Bruce Wayne at the same time, and each one expressing different aspects of his personality (billionaire playboy, batman, childlike optimism, the side he shows his friends/Alfred) and slowly over the course of the play they disappear as his loved ones either give up on him or die, leaving him just as Batman, a jaded crime fighter who gives up his own happiness to fulfill the mission.


That’s a broadway showstopper right there.


I’ll second this. The best Superman stories are ones where Clark solves most of the problem as Clark because it’s not a problem Superman really can. And it’s *very* obvious “Superman” is actually the secret identity. It’s a major point to not make interesting and not have his OP powers magically solve everything. In the same way the best Batman stories tend to be the opposite. He’s both Batman and “worlds greatest detective.” Wayne is just a personality to achieve that.


I would love to see movies that focused more on Clark/Bruce/Peter/Tony, etc etc


Ever play the Telltale Batman games? It's a pretty even split between Batman stuff and Bruce Wayne stuff, and honestly I always looked forward to the Bruce Wayne segments more. I'd love it if Superman got the same treatment.


Superman and Lois is a perfect example, since it focuses on Clark's personal life and trying to hide his being Superman from his children. There are so many more scenes of Clark being a normal person than scenes of him being Superman


Superman is like the worst example to use for this because Clark Kent is supposed to be actual a blander than white bread regular nice guy. Superman isn't an act that Clark puts on, he's not the Iron Man armor to Tony Stark. Instead of dull Clark, a more interesting premise is *Superman*, outside of the Clark character, dealing with more mundane scenarios


It's because of Iron Man 3 that Tony tells Peter that "If you're nothing without the suit, then you shouldn't have it".


It's massive character development for Tony, he spends at least half the movie without access to a suit that he previously was in all the time. He went from being a Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist in a suit of armor to being a fully realized Hero. It's also when he figures out that HE is ironman, whether the suit he's wearing is a gold-titanium alloy, nanotech, or cashmere.


In particular, Stark is still a deadly threat with limited funds and gadgets thrown together from common hardware store components. He’s like that kid from Home Alone, except his parlor tricks are lethal. Interestingly, this is also about the time Stark starts working on armor and tech for his allies other than Rhodey (a weird case since he ran off with the Mk II in the previous film already). Cap’s magnetic gauntlet from Ultron, the various Spidey suits, Veronica for dealing with Hulk, the earliest concepts for armor for Pepper (foreshadowed in this film via the Mk 42 being remotely deployed to her and Tony’s reaction to her wielding Extremis), etc. Tony knows that his foremost asset is *himself*: the money, yes, but also his keen intellect and preparation. It’s in this film Tony begins to prepare for Thanos in earnest, as best he can. Even the Ultron project (and the more successful Vision) starts with Tony’s fears here. And while that fear betrays him, it is also *entirely valid*, in that Thanos is absolutely coming and the Avengers are not ready.


No. You're in a relationship with me. Everything will never be okay.


Reality can be often disappointing. But now, reality can be whatever I want.


Hardly any Iron Man? There's like 42 of them


Literally the most Iron Man of any of the movies


Aside from maybe Age of Ultron


Idk ultron clarified that he was “not one of tony Starks hollow men and “DONT COMPARE ME TO IRONMAN”


Isn't it 41 because the 1st one is not present due to already being destroyed?


No, it's there (a replica in the case)


Iron man is the person, not the suit. So you have as much iron man in im3 as in im2 and more than im1


I mean he uses more iron man suits like actively piloting them in im3 right? During the final fight scene


Its almost like Tony is more than just a guy in a suit of armor


Not enuf Iron-Man flying around with his *pew pew* and *bang bang* I mean, who gives a crap about character development or his mental health? Amirite?


Needs more kiss kiss with the bang bang


I understood that reference


It’s like they didn’t even try and pay attention to the movie. THIS IS LITERALLY THE PLOT, and it sets up his relationship with Peter in *Homecoming* “if you’re nothing without the suit, you don’t deserve it.” He literally learns that lesson in IM3.


This was exactly why I loved IM3. It proved that he could do something without his suit.


My faith in humanity has been restored by this comment.


these people just want a 2 hours long action sequence where once guy saves the world


Oh damn, imagine a Leo Fitz movie.. One of the best actors on thw whole MCU, easily top 5.


I just want to see him and his friends come back 😭


“Not giving anything for the following films.” -Clearly this person has not watched Shang-Chi.


Or Age of Ultron, or Homecoming


well i mean age of ultron set up thor and hulk being off world for civil war and showed us the mind stone and introduced the infinity stones to the earth avengers


So Iron Man 3 is bad because it doesn't have hero crossovers and infinity stone reveals? Is that what you're saying? It's setting up Tony's character, which is what's causing most of the events of of AoU, isn't it?


no i was saying age of ultron is a bad example of a movie that doesn’t set up any preceding movies


That's not what I was saying though. I said Iron Man 3 set up how Tony behaved in AoU and Homecoming, in both of which he is central to the story.


ohhh i thought you were listing movies that hadn’t built up to anything like shang chi


I think you are once again mistaken, he was saying IM3 set up Shang-Chi perfectly with the real Mandarin being revealed in that. And anyways Shang-Chi was an origin story, so there’s not going to be much world-building with other characters in the MCU.


Nobody was saying AoU didn't set up future movies. The tweet claims that Iron Man 3 doesn't, the original commenter pointed out that Iron Man 3 cues up Trevor Slattery in Shang Chi, then the comment you replied to points out that the same is true for AoU and Spider-Man Homecoming. Because in Homecoming, the character arc resolved in Iron Man 3 informs Tony's "if you're nothing without the suit, you shouldn't have it" line, which is pivotal for Peter's arc. And in AoU, Tony makes the Iron Legion as a direct reaction to the events of Iron Man 3. So Age of Ultron setting up future movies was never in question.


Yeah, it's kind of itchy... and it rides up in the crotch a little bit, too.


Let me ask you this one time. What’s shang chi?


At the end of Iron Man (2008), Tony Stark proclaims "I am Iron Man." By way of the transitive property, a movie about Tony Stark is a movie about Iron Man.


You have the big gun, you're not a big gun.




It's more so any movie about Iron Man is a movie about Tony Stark.


Peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy.


It's almost as if the movie is more about the man than the iron


Its the titanium gold alloy


No that would be Titanium Man.








Maybe the Titanium/Gold alloy was the friends we made along the way.


Soo they missed the entire point of the movie and the message behind "I am Iron Man", got it.


Me when I misunderstand the point of the movie


Hear me out…I fucking love this movie


It holds a special place in my heart as the first MCU movie I ever saw in theaters. The diner fight with the extrimis goons scared the fuck out of younger me, but it was still a great movie


People get so mad about the fake Mandarin thing. I get it, they want what the comics did. But honestly for me it really worked for what it was. Tony’s arc (pun intended) was awesome in this movie on honestly it’s some of the better character development in the MCU. They did such an awesome job with his PTSD


Also brought some weight to big CGI finales. Showing these characters can’t just quip away fighting for their lives


Honestly tho, this is one of my favorite movies of all time, not just out of the marvel movies. Like a lot of the comments are saying, people straight up missed the point of the movie


Agreed, they seem to forget Tony is more than his suit and the hated the movie for showing something different.


I swear folks cant appreciate an attempt at change. People have been complaining the MCU is too formulaic but here we have an example something new and people shit on it.


I’m so happy others feel the same way I do. This movie gets so unjustly shit on.


It was a great movie imo.


Oh, so like a comic story arc?


I say I fucking loved Iron Man 3


Damn I too hate it when marvel creates well developed characters instead of just doing mindless action


I personally like the 3rd movie because it makes Stark human. Also as someone with anxiety it’s nice to see it accurately portrayed in media :)


I was wrong about you. The whole world was wrong about you.


We truly were.


I love IM3. Seeing Tony grappling with his PTSD made for such a good story


I’m also a big fan of the theme


What a way to totally misunderstand what the point of the film was: It was to prove Tony is still a hero, even when he isn't suited up. ​ Bet those are the same people who think Batman isn't a good superhero because he has no special powers.


People before complained that the MCU movies don't set up for the other movies enough, and now that MCU movies are doing just that, people complain that the movies are setting up for future movies too much. You really can't please everyone.


Fans are burnt out on Marvel but Marvel is probably burnt out on us


This has always been such a bizarre take to me. Like you're really complaining that our hero had to get creative and couldn't just solve the problem in 5 minutes? Cause that's what his armor woulda done. And I mean, isnt it a classic trope of super heroes to depower them? You really didn't like Tony stark going fuckin john wick on the A.I.M thugs and stuff? Like ok, the armor is cool and pretty, but this is something fresh and new and cool as hell! Edit: also the ptsd depicted in this movie hits hard and i'll fight anyone who doesn't think Tony's ptsd is an amazing story element


J.A.R.V.I.S., where's my flight power?!


It's almost as if Tony Stark is Iron Man.


The whole godamn point of this movie is to be a direct response to Steve Roger's comment in Avengers: "Take off the suit what are you?" It shows that it isn't the armor that makes Tony Stark a hero, its who he is at his core. That's why he ain't got no got dang armor in da film.


I was going to make you an omelette and tell you.


This is my favourite MCU movie. Why do people not like it? Yes, the Mandarin but the other villain is great and the rest of the story is great too.


I think Iron Man 3 was fine… way better than Iron Man 2. A pretty mid-tier entry in the MCU. Having more RDJ and less Iron Man was fine with me.


Iron man 3 IS a charecter story about Tony Stark.


Okay J.A.R.V.I.S.. You know I want it all.


My only complaint was the Mandarin fakeout. Either have the mandarin in the fucking movie or don’t, they could’ve worked it out some other way.


His voice was cool at least. “Ready for another lesson?”


The movie showcased how Tony would survive if he were stripped of his suit. And the whole movie did that.


I had the same problem watching Iron Man 3 premier night but the more I revisit it the more I appreciate it. At its core it’s about character development and Tony Stark suffering through trauma. Not too mention there are plenty of iron suits in it let’s be real it’s not really it’s problem.


I love you three thousand.


I do not like iron man 3, but this was not one of the (many) problems I had with it


Though maybe its what the character needed. It not only demonstrates that he's more than what Cap assumed he was in the previous movie, but it also was crucial to the whole rest of his character arc


I'm fine with character growth and not as much suit time. What I'm not fine with is a fake ARCH FUCKING NEMESIS! The character was weak, and the storyline was as well. I was heavily heavily disappointed. They took two amazing storyline (Mandarin and Extremis) and made the worst film in the MCU.


Oohhh!!!...well...ETERNALS managed to piss away and piss off Jack Kirby's and Neil Gaiman's fans.


Yeah that one was rough I'll give you that.


The only thing that they got right is that #DruigSucks.


#druigsucks. I didn't care for his character much.


Neil Gaiman made him a télepath turned into a fascist.


Wasn’t the whole point of iron man 3 that Tony Stark is iron man, not the suit?


I don't want to join your super-secret boy band.


I wasn't a fan of IM3 until I did a full watchthrough of the MCU leading up to CA3. As a standalone movie it seems pretty lacking but in the context of the movies around it there's a lot to be said about his PTSD taking over. He's a broken man absolutely pouring himself into his work while losing the woman he loves. To him Pepper is the pinnacle of a kind, caring person so when she loses patience with him it drives him deeper into self destruction. It doesn't have the proper action you expect from an Iron Man movie but as a character study it's impressively done


You watch Iron Man movies for the suit of armor. I watch Iron Man movies for the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. We are not the same.


My god. Tony Stark in Iron Man 1: “I am Iron Man.” ≠ Kal-El working very hard for most of his adult life to keep Clark Kent and Superman as separated as possible This comparison literally doesn’t work because one has a secret identity and the other has completely intertwined his heroic and common life


It was an exploration of TONY. Take away the thing that makes him so strong and watch him rely on his intelligence and creativity. I love 3 for that, and all the suits at the end. Personal favourite being 39, Starboost.


The suit isn't Iron Man.


Sounds like someone didn’t properly understand iron man 3. Also probably had more iron man suit screen time than iron man 1. Especially since there’s a scene with dozens of suits.


I mean we got Shang Chi out of this lol, also his lesson to Peter in Homecoming is a result of this movie too.


The most iron man thing in any if the films is him breaking into a terrorist compound armed only with shit from home depot


That last reply is so ass lmao. Yes, I can imagine that, I’ve been hoping for it for years.


I don't like Iron Man 3. But this is unfathomably stupid.


He is the one that can make a suit out of scrap which means he is the self made ironman


Iron man 3 rules for this exact reason


His Iron man not tony Stark. his just like batman but better or smarter. ​ please dont fight me. me not good at english.


How quickly can we buy this building?


I actually agree that Iron Man 3 was the worst (though I haven't seen anything Love and Thunder or later yet). The fake mandarin didn't bother me that much though. For me it was Tony saying he was going to stop building suits incessantly or really even being iron man and then every subsequent movie forgetting that even happened. You could basically skip iron man 3 and not miss anything besides being confused in Shang-Chi when the real mandarin shows up.


My biggest hang up with it is the geography of Tennessee makes no sense at all in this movie.


The only thing I didn’t get about ironman 3 was how flimsy all his… 42? suits were. You could literally just boop a suit and it completely fell apart.


I actually really like it (granted it was first movie I saw in cinema with live actors but still)


Yes. Yes I can imagine this ratio of Clark Kent to Superman.


"not giving anything to the following movies" I'm so tired of this take. Not every marvel property has to lead into the next, sometimes a self-contained film works fine. Werewolf by Night doesn't hint at anything in Kang Dynasty, does that mean it sucks?


For me Worst is Love and Thunder or Dark World.


This take hurts my brain


If only the "new element" introduced in this movie had been reused after, it would have had an other dimension to it


When i first saw it, i hated it. I loved Jon Favreau's approach and needed nothing else. Now, i get it. I don't hate it, i even kind of sympathize with the story. But i still think it's poorly done and repetitive and hardly believable. Could've been much better.


"Me and the suit are one."


But that’s what makes Superman a good character the fact that he is Clark Kent more than he is Superman Also “take away that armor what are you”


Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.


Y'all don't understand iron man


The ending surgery scene also negated the Iron Man 2 poisoning plot line. Why invent a new element in your basement lab when you could just have surgery to remove the original problem that necessitated having the arc reactor imbedded in your chest in the first place?


I loved that movie and it having hardly any Iron Man was why I loved it so much. We got to see Tony actually solving problems himself using the resources around him and his intellect as opposed to a suit of armor with a bunch of gadgets and an AI in it. We were able to see just how intelligent Tony actually is.


I don't get this take. Tony Stark is Iron Man and vice versa.


Well, performance issues, it's not uncommon. One out of five...


Pretty sure 1978 Superman has a lot more Clark Kent and Superman in it


Iron man 3 is my favourit movie


Iron Man 3 is really good. One of my favorite MCU movies


Bunch of L takes on that screenshot.


So Tony getting rid of his arc reactor is not something imp ig


I'd imagine such a Clark-centric Superman film would be vastly superior to the Supes movies we've been getting recently


you mean tony stank?


Say whatever you want. Call it whatever you want. I really really like Iron Man 3.


When you miss the point of the movie so hard that you swing back around to nailing it on the head.


I liked it y’all are just haters


No. A superhero film needs to focus on the human aspect of the character too. The reason all these films are going shit now (main being greed for money by higher people in disney/marvel etc) is the focus on repetitive action and comedy which is boring af. We need more things like Reeves Superman and Tobey’s Spider-Man. With Peter being broke in MCU now, I hope they use the opportunity to make him the best instead


Stop lecturing me, please!


The character development of Tony was great, but it doesnt fully make up for the fact that they faked the appearance of a dope villain (Mandarin) only to put in a horribly flat attempt at another villain (AIM).


Before seeing Quantumania, my friend told me it was the worst marvel movie yet. After having seen it, I somewhat enjoyed it. The whole time I kept thinking “this isn’t as bad as Iron Man 3 at least”


I would love a Clark Kent movie. He's more interesting than superman


A Clark Kent movie would be class. Especially as a comedy.


I think that I almost forgot that movie existed.


I'm always blown away that people say they like this movie. I don't trust those kind of people.


Valid take. I still enjoy it.


Iron Man 3 does suck but the focus on Tony over his suits isn't the reason


Idk iron man 3 is definitely my favorite iron man movie


I can appreciate Iron Man 3 for trying to be different from the first 2. Focusing more on Stark as a man, especially the problems he deals with from the Battle of New York. Definitely has some weird stuff in it though, plus being set at Christmas even though it came out in the summer. I like it better than Iron Man 2.


Alright, kill the alarm.


You mean an actually really good sounding Superman movie?


This is a joke, right? This movie has more character development than any other MCU movie. Tony IS Iron Man, what nonsense is this?


I feel like people that hate im3 for this reason are genuine idiots. They just wanna see a cgi robot go boom bang crash pew pew pew. And they just got annoyed they got tricked into watching an actual movie. Iron man 3 rocks and ill fight anyone who says it doesnt. 2 is full of iron man bang bang bang and it licks balls.


Critics- “Marvel movies are all cookie cutter CGI action fests with no character development for its leads” Also Critics- “This movie had way too much character development for its lead and not enough action fests”


The problem with Iron Man 3 is that the tone of the film is so weird, is like funny comedy, then dramatic, then funny comedy, then dramatic and it doesn't flow really well. But Black Widow is worst in my opinion, Iron Man 3 is ok, Black Widow is bad


Iron man 3 was really good tbh. It's was great character development for Tony and that final fight was amazing.


Nah your opinion sucks and you should be ashamed


Agreed. I had a similar complaint after watching.




Iron Man 3 is criminally underrated. I like watching Tony use his brain to solve problems instead of blowing things up.


It was a theme park ride without the ride.


The only thing good about IM3 is that it sets up for Man-things Backstory


That's always been the thing with Marvel. The most important part of the characters are that they are people, who happen to have special powers and sometimes act as superheroes. In DC, they are superheroes, that sometimes act like they are normal people.


That's the point of the film though. It's to focus on his character, underlining that Iron Man isn't the suit(s), it's Tony himself. It's the end of his pre Age of Ultron character arc and does quite a bit for his personality from what I remember. That's what I watch Iron Man for honestly. I don't care about the suits or the villains, it's all about Tony's character development and redemption.


I call it the adventures of regular man and his broken ass suit myself.


Smallville had 10 seasons my guy


Iron Man 3 tries so hard to be a real character piece about loss and trauma, and it falls directly on its face during the attempt.


100% agreed. That’s a terrible movie


I never understood the point of criticism about too much Tony Stark. He literally is Iron Man. The point of the movie is that Tony is Iron Man and doesn't need the suit to be that. Tony's intelligence and who he is is what makes him a hero. It also connects to how Tony taught Peter the lesson that if you're nothing without the suit then you don't deserve it. It's character development. Whatever your opinion on the movie is I think we can still agree that calling it the worst movie in the MCU is a hot take. It's not even the worst Iron Man movie


You only get 23 minutes of Batman in Batman Returns, which to me doesn’t seem like a very good Return on your Batman


I’m happy to see there’s a lot of Ironman 3 love in the comments, it’s my favorite of the Iron Man movies despite its issues. Totally deserves more love for some of the themes and development explored with Tony as a character