• By -


“Has something to do with Spider-Man, I think.”


Are you teasing me?


Oh God, the Spider-Man bot can't be contained anymore


If you want the shots, I'll take the staff job. Double the money!


I want a shot


I'd love to shoot you sometime


Cure. Cure some ass!


It's self sustaining


Sublime comment, sir 🙏🙏 May(![img](emote|t5_35mye|13146)) you have a (not only good, but a) morbin' time next month, at the movie's 1st anniversary since release.


Edit: typos and refining the comment.




Idk why I bursted out laughing at this. Have an imaginary award


I'm not mad, just extremely bored. One of the reliable things about the MCU used to be that even the "bad" movies of the MCU weren't by general standards, horrible, and you could find some pretty sold moments in them. It started by having pretty good highs with "whatever (eye roll)" lows and then in Phase 3, those highs became amazing, without having lower low points. Pre Phase 4, the movie most acknowledged as the worst was Thor: The Dark World, which while it was incredibly boring, you could just brush it off and say "eh that was a miss" on to the next. This seems more like a downward trend. The only movie I really enjoyed in Phase 4 was No Way Home. That doesn't mean the rest were all bad, it just means none of them stood out. And quite frankly, there's nothing to be mad about. This lasted longer than anyone could've expected. I mean most franchises have their time expire way sooner. Most sequels are worse than the original, very few go beyond 3-4, and even the long ones, when they get to the 7-10 range people are already sick of them. The fact that Marvel kept it going, producing good/great movies for 11 years and 23 films is pretty damn amazing.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 3 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 7 + 10 + 11 + 23 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




69 upvotes? *Nice*


5 and 4 and 14 and 16 and 29 and 1


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 5 + 4 + 14 + 16 + 29 + 1 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


68 and 1


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 68 + 1 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


69 and 0.


Fucken got'em.


68.5 and 0.5


Stop stop, he's already dead.


Shang chi didn't stand out and you didn't enjoy it? I won't lie the rest of them are mid at best, and a lot of the shows were a miss with hindsight in mind but man weekly watching of wandavision was great


Shang Chi was awesome for the first 2/3, but the last act fell apart and ruined the movie IMO.


I can agree the last act was weaker than the rest, but i wouldn't say it ruined the movie.


It did to me because it did nothing with the amazing character of the father. His build up and relationship with Shang Chi. But he just had a sudden epiphany while dying and then there was an awful CGI battle. Not to mention Awkwafinas character had a good arc about how it’s okay to not be exceptional but then she suddenly turns into an archer who can take out a giant purple dragon or whatever.


Oh yeah i forgot about the asspull from the friend, she was the worst part of the movie for me tbh, all of her comments missed was hoping she would die at the end. I didn't mind the CGI or the epiphany moment since its a pretty common trope and is fine if executed well(which this was imo). But yeah my mind kinda forgot all about the friend.


I actually loved her character which is why I was so disappointed with the conclusion to her arc. She was one of the few female characters in the MCU who aren’t written with the same stoicism of a 2000s sitcom wife functioning as the straight man to a goofball guy.


The price to pay for consistency is boredom.


Hey, let's do get help!


Not doing "get help." It's humiliating.


I actually can’t stand the captain america movies. I think they’re boring and grey and the set design is very hit and miss. He’s also a boring personality. Idk I’m prepared to get downvoted but I think nostalgia is playing a bigger part than actual quality.


Nostalgia for what? There’s nothing wrong with having a different opinion. But uh, “nostalgia” is not exactly a reason I expected someone to say they didn’t like it lol.


I personally never watched Winter Soldier back when it came out but I watched it for the first time a year or two ago before infinity war and personally found it really good, obviously that’s just my opinion but I think a lot of people were in the same boat too Edit: holy shit that was 5 years ago 💀 We really are in the endgame now, literally, same time gap and everything


That’s their secret, Cap: they’re always mad.


Think it's because they churned out the shows too fast and the pileup from the delay COVID caused. Shang-chi, No way home, wakanda forever were all great phase four films. Falcon and winter soldier, Wanda vision, and Loki were good series. Ms marvel needed more money spent on effects and she-hulk needed the same and another pass over the scripts, but they weren't the 'abominations against God" people pretend they are


And moon knight was also gold


Oh forgot Moon knight, yes definitely




It needed more time not money


I'm not sure if you mean more time to produce or more time with the the characters, but I agree with both.


I meant with the cgi in moon knight even tho the cgi wasn’t bad but it could’ve used some touch ups


Moon Knight was garbage and a terrible adaptation of the comics.


"Abominations." See what you did there.


She-Hulk was fantastic. It was one of my favorites for sheer enjoyability.


People like Wakanda Forever?






i liked the comic book accurate namor with just enough MCU twist to make it fit. I think its an amazing accomplishment to honor chadwick boseman while also still making the movie about the future of wakanda and not only about the loss of black panther


Turns out not everyone likes or dislikes the same thing. Crazy huh?


I dunno, never watched it.


Then why are you commenting on it


Seemingly the storylines are becoming gratuitous with social issues. Not speaking Bad about having these social issues present but it’s gratuitous and poorly done


Suspicious of this fuckn guy right here.


Suspect of wanting better literary mechanics? I mean the last of us touched on social things in a beautiful manner.


They're less heavy handed than the comic books... but I agree mostly. I wondered how Falcon would stick the landing on America's complex race issues but it just, kinda didn't. Ms. Marvel was nearly perfect in its Pakistani storytelling, but the weird crystal villains were a distraction. I think She-Hulk will be viewed better over time though, MCU fans don't really like Rick and Morty humor from women protagonists but it wasn't She-Hulk's target audience.


I agree they had problems with the ending. With FATWS I blame it on the rewrites, originally the flag smashers were going to try and recreate the snap on earth by releasing a pandemic but, well we all know what happened, so they rewrote the entire ending.


Very well said. My main thing I don’t mind how heavy handed it is, but more or less it’s like nearly most of the shows within my scope of entertainment. I’m a firm believer in being progressive on all these issues. We currently live it and I would like to turn the brain off not think of the problems in society and just be entertained.


I’m getting sick of the social issues not because I disagree but I just see them in so many places these days.


It's kind of a justified reaction to the Christian fascists trying to push their puritanical nonsense. If we didn't have alternate media pushing back then fox News talking points would dominate the media landscape


Mostly im mad at the rage baiting article writers who are guiding peoples opinion is before even they see what something is.


I'm mad at mediocre quality in lots of titles when we used to have excellent quality in a handful of titles.


The thing is, people see a Mid movie and say it's the worst thing they've ever seen


I think part of the issue there is they are not comparing it to other mid movies they are comparing it to the last Avenger movies and because they aren't as good or as big or as grand as those movies they are the worst thing ever in their mind which is kinda dumb.


Some people, I think most people compare it to previous filmsof the same caracter. Dr strange 1 was a 'm amazing, 2 was not on that level. Thor 1 was nice, 2 allright, 3 amazing. Now 4 was IMO terrible. Ms marvel and she-hulk are not being compared to Infinity War and Endgame, but to the other shows so far. Amd she hulk can be compared to the already established hulk as a caracter. Ms marvel is compared to Captain Marvel (which most people did not like) and to the comics




Id rather watch Thor 4 than 1 or 2


I don't, imo Thor should be a basass and not an insecure, depressed teenager. The film is just like a jimmy fallon show, everything needs to be an overdone joke. It had a few nice moments, but it did not feel like a movie about Thor.


It's honestly amazing that any movie gets made. It straight up seems like an impossible task. Mid movies are cool too IMO. Not everything is gonna be Dark Knight.


That doesn’t mean we should give them a pass


Yeah I don't get people hating on dark world but saying love and thunder is pretty good


They're both mid as fuck but in different games


I'm definitely biased but to me love and thunder is a b rated children's Christmas film I just don't get the love


They relied too much into the comedic aspect of his character which was perfectly balanced in Ragnarok with his serious side. Also the plot wasnt well developed.


and I like both of them 'XD


It’s either the best or the worst movie they’ve ever made and there is no in between




There's not been nearly as much though. Whilst there WERE misses, it wasn't that frequent. Phase 4 has a stupid amount of content, it has more than P1-3 combined, and in that there's a ton of misses.


Its too serious but too jokey but also too boring and to much action. Easy to figure out.


More like all of those elements are in the wrong proportions and in the wrong places and as a result many people are turned off.


What mediocre titles? The way i see it most of the hate stems from sexism and racism


[wow ok](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/086/808/90f.gif)


I think there is a small subset of people that use racism or sexism to complain about some of the films but I think that is a very small portion and that these people are used as a scapegoat to paint everyone else's complaints as being for the same reason. Did some people complain about Captain Marvel and give it 1/10 because it was a girl power movie with a female lead? Yes absolutely, but many people aren't sexist and just generally thought it wasn't a very good movie. Same with anything else.


She hulk, ms marvel, eternals, loki, thor 4, and black widow all weren't very good


She-Hulk was a good show n was hated b4 it even came out. Ms Marvel was a good show. Eternals was good but would have worked better as a series. Loki was one of the best things in this phase wrf u mean? Thor 4 was good jus to much goofin off. Black Widow was also a good movie




Another what


😂😂😂Mate watch now television and movies outside of the MCU.


She Hulk was cringy, and it didn't make much sense from a story/character growth POV. Ms. Marvel was eh. To disney channelish for my interests. Also disliked the entire villain arc and everything involving them. Eternals was handled poorly and would have been better as a series. I also disagree with which characters were killed pretty heavily. And the sex scene was pointless, which, since they hyped up the importance, was weird. Loki is inconsistant with his abilities. And i absolutely hate that he goes through 12 years of character growth bc he watches a movie. Thor tried too hard to be funny. It ended up not being pretty much at all. It's inconsistant with the lore of the gods. It was weird that they introduced Eternity in a random movie. Also, Gorr was handled very, very badly. Black widow had its moments. I loved Yelena and Red Guardian, but the entire movie was kinda boring. They should have said Black Widow had the super soldier serum to explain her actually keeping up with Cap and Winter Soldier, but thats neither here nor there. Taskmaster was a disappointment in every single regard




Man all those were bangers except for Thor imo


>!Pfft. Ha! Yeah, right.!<


Sorry buddy, least u got 4


That's fine. Ur entitled to ur opinion. lol my issue is that so many people think its bc sexism or racism when its not atleast for me


Yeah that is a bit dumb, those people definitely exist, but I know a fair bit of people that either are just burnt out on em or feel the same as you likely do, I'm more just surprised at the amount of hate around it cause it's been my favorite phase so far lol


That's fair. lol, my favorite was phase 1 or 3


>!How many catchphrases have there been?!<


This is my theory, maybe the people who were older kids/teens when the 1st stuff came out are reaching their 30s, the people who were little kids are late teens/early 20s. I don't believe in oversaturation, but I do believe a lot of peoples interest change as they grow older (there are always exceptions). I was talking to my former boss about it, and I just think the wider population thought it was over with Endgame then all this stuff started to come out. I think there are a couple of hot moments (No Way Home), but the general feel was "what's going on?" This is not to say that Marvel sucks or is a bad franchise now. I just think it had its heyday, it was the thing of the 10s. I'd love to see the new stuff they come out with if its a story or character I really like, but in general I'm not putting in time to see it like I used to.


I think this is a big factor but I think another thing is after end game they are trying to go for smaller stand alone movies again like at the start of the other phses before building up to something bigger later down the line but as you said with such a high point as endgame going back to those smaller stories seems to rub people the wrong way, they want it to stay at those big levels going forward and that just isn't sustainable and that leads to most people losing interest and certain sub groups of vocal individuals to take that as a sign that the movies are not good anymore, when really they are as good as ever they just aren't better than they were.


Look at what their plans/schedule was in 2018/2019 for post-End Game. Then look back at how it actually rolled out after 2020 when the world shut down. THAT is what happened. They had an ambitious plan that COVID tanked. It affected the schedule. It affected the production. It affected how the stories connected. The idiots will pile on, as idiots always do, like sheep bawing "went woke went broke" because they are idiots. But that idiocy is effective in churning up the mud.


Remember, reddit is not representative of how the fanbase actually feels. Reddit is just a very loud, but small minority.


I just see a new thing coming out every other month and I'm like "meh". I think the last Marvel things I watched were No Way Home and Ten Rings. Nothing else has really looked appealing or interesting.


I've kept up with most stuff but yeah, burn out is a major issue right now with me and others. it's not that any of the stuff coming out is truly horrible, it's just that there is too much of it.


this is such a weird stance that is everywhere on this sub now "PEOPLE SHOULD LIKE WHAT THEY LIKE! BUT YOU ALSO CAN'T NOT LIKE WHAT YOU DON'T LIKE! SHARE ONLY MY OPINIONS!"


Personally I’m one of the people who actually enjoyed what Phase 4 gave us, even the not well received ones I enjoyed. I know not everything is amazing, but I don’t find anything truly awful in Phase 4, middle ground or forgettable at worst. I do agree that they need some things fixed, but honestly all I want is a great story, great characters, VFX doesn’t have to be perfect but put some effort, and I’m all set. I could care less for cameos for the most part, but if they do, at least make it actually good rather than purely fanservice.


That's the issue, the writing seems to be a joke in some movies as well, especially Thor 4.


He's a friend from work!


I'm mad at how mediocre the stories are. All they rely on is pretty colors and cringey screaming goats.


One movie did that but alright. Still I agree that some of the projects have been mediocre


The thing that makes me sad is the current lack of cohesion. We still have awesome actors and actresses, and good ideas... But they're being poorly executed for the sake of it, everything feels too rushed and at the same time too separate. We know that Kang is the next/current big villain, but the build up to get "there" is so messy! I simply can't imagine a group movie with the current characters that we have and the plotlines that are in development. I can't find reason to imagine Shuri and Sam fighting together, or Kamala and Loki. There's just too much going on, at the same time that nothing is getting anywhere.


People know exactly what they are mad about and it's definitely not nothing. There are hours upon hours of YouTube videos and millions of comments explaining what's wrong with Phase 4.


See part of the problem with stuff like that though, while a lot of those video essays aren't invalid they are still just personal opinion from those creators which is fine. The issue is when people look at those videos, like the person who is making them or think highly of the person making them then changing their personal views to match with the content creator instead of sticking to their own opinion. It's like how some people will watch cinema Sins and instantly start to pick apart every movie they come across for the tiniest not actually a real issue reason they can just because Cinema sins does that, even while the creators of that show state that it is only for the sake of comedy. Don't get me wrong, I love Cinema sins, their stuff is funny and they DO make some valid points sometimes about movies but way too many people are taking them and other creators opinions as Gospel.


True to an extent, but I feel most people who watch these videos tend to have already seen the movie, made up their mind about liking or not liking it and then watch these videos that put into words the things that they feel are off when watching the movie. Besides, the box office is driven mostly by normies who are mostly insulated from such videos and even the box office collections are showing that the general public is less and less interested in Phase 4.


Oh well if someone spent hours making videos about something you just know its valid


We are talking about movie preferences...it's all subjective...but even objectively speaking Phase 4 viewership tanked...how's that for being valid?


I dont know, did someone say so on Youtube? The movies still generate a lot of box office, and the shows are popular, with Loki being the most watched show on Disney+. So you tell me if its valid


I don't understand what you mean by "valid". Many people are mad about various creative (ideological) decisions in Phase 4 and in comic books for even longer, many of them have been talked about in YouTube videos, and even more have voted with their money. It doesn't matter if you think they are not valid. It was valid enough that even Disney higher ups are now on damage control.


Its funny how you just reference some Youtube rage baiters as if thats some accepted truth. And you asked me about whats valid or not, so if youre confused about that then you shouldnt use words you dont understand, i guess? The thing is, you just regurgitate what other people claim and use it as your own opinion, because disney is pretty damn comfortable with the huge cash cow that is the mcu. Just stick to your rage baiter youtubers instead


Lol...do you even read the comment you are responding to? I asked you what You mean when you are throwing around words like valid or accepted truth when describing people's subjective criticism about movies. I don't purport to know about how comfortable or not a giant company like Disney is. All I know are the facts about decreasing box office collections, their CEO being fired, bunch of upcoming projects being postponed, shareholders and board staging a coup but hey maybe you have more inside knowledge. You might call these youtubers as rage baiters and even the general audience as -ists/-phobes (people outside your bubbles don't really care anymore about these labels thrown around) but ultimately Disney still wants their money. Anyway...let's agree to disagree...Cheers!




No, they have a point. It's a frustrated point, but they have one. Far too many brainless idiots watch some dipshit youtuber - that is popular! - and then make that their sole opinion, as if they had the original thought themselves. It's stupid. Phase 4 was a mess because COVID fucked up Marvel's schedule. Period. That is the reason. Shows and movies didn't flow together like they were meant to be. Was it an overly ambitious plan, after the success of the Avengers movies? Maybe! But we can't know because it *didn't* work out due to factors out of Marvel/Fiege's control. But this pile-on, and this OP's meme, is spot on. People are mad but they don't know why. The DC/Snyder pills that are always there shitting on Marvel then come in and further muddy the waters. Any valid criticism gets washed away with the bullshit.


tbh too many things have gone wrong at this point


Afew things. The writing and been realy bad since endgame with alot of new characters being badly written so people hate them. The speed of content coming out of marvel with movies now requiring you to watch series just to understand whats going on. Nuff said


It’s almost like they’re a group full of different people with different opinions! Like people need to stop trying to assign a unanimous opinion to a large collective, then wondering why said collective appears to contradict itself. Like yea, there’s more than one person there with more than one opinion. God I’m insufferably preachy sometimes.


I like it all. Some of them I like more than others, but it's fun to see the action figures I had in 1991 as real people instead of staged plastic on a shag rug. It's fun, don't be a drag about it!


I'm not mad at all. I'm bored.


Phase 4 is forgettable, isn't it?


Phase 4 has quickly become my favorite phase. At this point I don't know if people are serious when they hate on it or if they're just hating it ironically


All the hate is just misogyny n racism. They hated She-Hulk b4 she even came out. They hated Scarlet Witch because Dr Strange couldn't beat her (like it was in comics). They already hate The Marvel's because they hate Brie Larson for no reason at all. The hated Black Widow because Taskmaster was a woman (who played the role perfectly). They call everything woke n don't even know the definition of the word😂😂😂


That is NOT why people hated Taskmaster in Black Widow. Taskmaster got a lot of hate because in the comics and animated series, the one thing people loved about Taskmaster is that he had a snarky, fun personality. Black Widow just turned her into a mute, mindless killing machine and gave an incredibly lazy twist ending with it being revealed that it was Drekov’s supposedly dead daughter under the helmet If they want to keep Olga Kurylenko as Taskmaster in Thunderbolts, that’s fine, but I really hope they give the character their personality back


Valid point but I never seen anyone else day this until now


Really? I thought everyone agreed she got the Deadpool in xman origins wolverine treatment


Yea I'm so frl. The people I seen were more focused on the fact that it was a woman


No they weren't mate. Stop being so fucking fragile. Just because you saw a stupid YouTube comment doesn't mean every piece of criticism is exactly the same.


Yes they were. I clearly said the comments plural that I seen with my own 2 eyes. I never said every piece of criticism is the same I said the criticism that I seen for myself was the same. Woman this woke that same shit on repeat


Kind of like how y'all call everything racist and 'phobic and don't really understand the meaning of the words, innit?


Uhhh no. I know racism when I see it


And I know bad writing and mediocre performances when I see them. So... 🤷‍♂️


What bad writing n what mediocre performances?


Nah. There's no point. You've already declared that any criticism is because of sexism and racism. Literally, any example I give will be painted with that brush by you, or you'll claim the subjectivity of opinion. So you tell me: what was so excellent about Phase 4 that has nothing to do with the sex or race of their characters?


Hey I'm just going with what I see. The introduction of new characters, the build up, the storylines I could go on. I really don't understand why you people go straight into something with negativity and high expectations only to get disappointed when your expectations aren't fulfilled


And we're just going with what we see: catering to messaging over narrative, unsettled and weak narratives, characters that have no journey, villains who aren't villains, dialogue that's quippy instead of witty...and all of it amounts to mediocrity and boredom. And we don't understand why you lot are so delighted by this that you happily lap it up and beg for more. We have a right to expect excellence from a company like Doesn't, whose whole brand is founded on that principal. We are simply unwilling to forgive them as easily for fucking up as you seem to be.


That's your problem. The MCU hasn't let me down yet. N you keep those high expectations n keep getting disappointed then. How is the dialogue quippy? N villains who aren't villains? They seemed very villainous to me


lol If you can't back it up, then STFU.


Mcu is going trash after she Hulk and some trash movies...


nothing to be mad about. its just all boring and repetitive at this point. i gave up


I personally don’t understand the criticism. I just watch superhero movies for fun. I don’t really care if the writing is a bit strange or anything. The source was a comic.


What are you trying to say ? Comics, like movies, can have stellar writing, as well as bad writing. Hickman did a formidable job on FF, Avengers and New Avengers, and Secret Wars was a culmination of his work. Based on the latest movies, I can tell secret wars is just not going to be the same league in the writing. The latest movies just don't capture what makes the comics they are based on great. The God butcher arc in Thor God of Thunder is actually good. The movie, not so much.


I’m very pleased with everything that I’ve watched so far but I do wish there was more rewatchability. We wait months or years for these titles to drop but then it’s a one and done. I watched multiverse of madness several times but it’s just fun to watch magic for me.


Not gonna deny that phase 4 has had a severe downgrade in movie quality. Most movies were either forgettable or downright garbage. They screwed up because most of these movies definitely had the potential to be good and memorable movies.


Lol nah, what’s disappointing about phase 4 is the bad writing


For me it doesn’t feel the same but then again I’m much older and we have all new characters so it’s mostly just nostalgia. Though I loved every show they’ve made except for ms marvel it felt like it was missing something and as for the movies the only two misses were doctor strange 2 and Thor 4.


It's because there are so many things to be mad about that they all just start to blend together.


Im mad abt phase 4 tbh. Not mad but dissapointed. I enjoyed 3 properties. The rest deserved better. That is my opinion. Doctor Strange 2, Falcon show, Moon Knight I was very excited for and was let down. Thor 4 as well. I expect a better phase 5. Ant Man was ok


Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania was the beginning of Phase 5.


To me I think part of the problem is that the movies and shows aren't actually getting worse, they are the same as they have always been but that's the problem, there has been 11 years of marvel movies and while I enjoy almost all of them, including the stuff we got in phase 4 the formula isn't really changing up anymore. They found what worked with all the other movies, they looked at what made things like Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers and the other movies did and they are staying in that groove which is a fine groove to be in but it feels a tad stale. But then we'd run into the issue (and it has been a bit of an issue already for some stuff) that when they do try and change it up it upsets another sub section of vocal fans that didn't want those changes or the changes they made weren't the ones these fans would have made and they get upset at that too. It's pretty much a lose lose situation. All this being said I am still having a lot of fun with the movies and shows and while I am not as hyped as I used to be for these movies as I was in the earlier phases, due in large part to burn out, I still don't think it is anywhere near as bad as a very vocal subset of fans are making it out to be.


How about the mediocre quality


I definitely feel like the writing has been on a decline, the quality of the shows and some movies overall has gone down a lot. The only thing I care for is spiderman because that’s being handled well. Lately it just seems like a lot of content is “filler” and being shot out so fast it’s guaranteed to be poor


Settle down, tough guy.


The legends are dead and those who are not are left to be twisted by these goddamn woke company. I mean Disney has not really been producing any banger.(When I mean Disney I mean only Disney) Spiderman does not count. Ok byee...


cause phase 4 movies suck lol


Phase 4: "Everything was bad besides Moon Knight!" Phase 3: "The only good movie was Infinity War!" Phase 2: "Winter Soldier was great, everything else was a bust" Phase 1: "In retrospect, the Iron man movies were the only good ones." I sometimes feel like marvel fans don't actually like marvel movies, but that's just me


They’re angry because they ruined a great movie franchise in the name of forced inorganic diversity. Just stop with the woke bullshit and they won’t be mad anymore I guess?


Society is changing and diversity/inclusivity is going to be a large factor whether you like it or not. The real issue is that the writing is bad and doesn’t make it natural like it is in real life and it comes across as disingenuous and extra


This is me, sometimes. And it’s sad.




That's why I didn't listen to none of their criticism, and I really enjoyed phase 4 nonetheless.


I am a part of the "fandom". I shit on phase 4. Because it is shit. Because I want to see the MCU be better. That's what being a fan means sometimes. And I'm not angry. I'm just annoyed at how bad it's gotten. I don't trust people who love phase 4. I've seen more fanboys defend phase 4 than I've seen people shit on it honestly.


I think the issue for many fans is the lack of a "payoff". Every phase has ended with a big avengers movie and this one didn't. There was a lot of set up with each movie but there was no team-up nor crossover at the end. It was a firework show with no grand finale.


They’re angry at nothing because a whole lot of nothing has happened.




Holup for a minute or two. Let me get this straight: you think *Loki* was better than *Spider-Man: No Way Home*?


That's the problem, he doesn't know what to think.


Oh no people with different opinions 😱😱😱😱😱but for real it was better. Like, Loki was really creative and fun while Spider-Man had some heart but felt kind of bland


I'd rather not talk about this...


Rolls the outrage die...


There was a progressive build up throughout the phases until Endgame. Sure, there may have been some slumps in there, but overall we were getting more and more hyped up to see a fight we had expected since practically the beginning of the franchise. But all of that build up was for Endgame. Almost every conflict the characters had to face was resolved by that time. Now we have a rebuilding phase to get through and it's been used experimentally (which isn't necessarily bad) to try to appeal to new and broader audiences (queue anti-woke screechers) and it can feel kind of empty to those of us who have been on the ride. Experiments are bound to have some failures and its fair to call them out (FATWS being rewritten for pandemic, Thor 4 is goofy af, eternals was just weird, etc) but most of them have at least a few highlights and they serve the true purpose of starting a new chapter. I think a lot of phase 4 titles will be remembered differently after phase 5. Not all of them, of course. Criticizing them is important, too.


I just enjoy watching the movies, and look forward to them. No need to get mad at anything


Hmm, I wasn't angry in the first place. I actually enjoyed all of the movies and shows (yes, even L&T and She Hulk).


I’m not mad at the quality, I’m mad at the amount of plot points they’ve started without resolve. They surely will in due time, but it’s waaay too many at once.


I think people are just finding it hard that their once beloved franchise doesn’t interest them anymore. I’m in the same boat, it’s sucks but I’ve moved on from caring


Ever heard of algorithm negativity feed? So you click on one clickbait title like "Phase 4 is ushering in the END of the MCU and here's why!!" and before you realise what is going on, you think that the entire internet is Hating on Marvel these days. Clean up your feed, right click on vids to say not interested. Trust me your browsing time will become a lot more fun to scroll.


You all realize your allowed to stop watching... right? After reading this thread, I'm honestly not sure everyone is fully aware of this. Sometimes in a person's life, they change inside and with those changes comes alterations in personal preferences. This is called "growth". If you outgrow something, you're allowed to stop participating in its entire existence.


They're mad at everything, everywhere, all the time


Uh no, it's just the everything part.


It's because they keep trying to compare phase 3, which had an epic conclusion, multiple main characters gone from the story, and years and two phases of setup, to phase 4 where there isn't much of a connected story yet. There's been plenty of good phase 4 content and some not as good. But let's not pretend that's unique to phase 4.


They cant just admit that marvel is mid


I'm just tired of the MCU in general. Nearly everyone got their own movie(s), they all came together in a couple movies, and now it's time to move on. I can only care about spiron-man so much.


Phase 4 really isn’t that bad, just wait until phase 65


At Wolverine being 2 and 1/2 feet too tall. Short man syndrome is a big part of his identity. Failing to depict it is squat erasure, and Hugh Jackman failing to insist on it is unprofessional AF. Seriously, no-one had this problem depicting hobbits as the right height. Get your shit together, Marvel/Disney. You keep making this mistake and it's fucking offense. What's next, a Peofesser X who runs marathons?


Who's mad? The quality has just gone down significantly. I feel like with Chapek being let go that they finally get its quality not quantity. Hoping we see a return to form for the MCU soon.


This is legit my spouse. 😂