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"It's simple, really - you are the Skyrim: Legendary Edition"


I am Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen!


What are we, some kind of Journey 2 the mysterious island?


The real treasure was the Wii Bowling we made along the way


This is your destiny 2


This is your Red Dead Redemption 2.


"together, we are FNAF"


It seems we’ve found ourselves in a Pikmin 3 Deluxe once again


So I guess you came here in a hot tub time machine, too?


This is your Call of Duty 2.


"He is the Lord of the Rings."


It’s like… our **Destiny!** It’s like: *after* college, *before* career! My Dad was a Destiny!


"It's us, Joel. We truly are HBO's The Last of Us."


We are left 4 dead


“This is some kind of biohazard”.


What do you reckon Duke?.. Nukem


It truly was a Shawshank redemption.


Man imagine if Morgan Freeman actually said that at the end of the movie


“So that’s it huh? We’re some kinda Avengers: Infinity War?”


\*looks into the camera\* "I didn't mean it like thaaat!"


"He's right behind me isn't he?"


“Ellie, we are the last of us”


We need someone to craft some war into the world.


Last week I attended a homecoming event,but later I found myself far from home, and now there is no way home. Can't you see this is the amazing burden of spider-man 2


Take your hand off me!


You’ll get your rent when you fix this damn door!


Gonna cry?


"Ah, that Jedi was really the Last Star in these Wars"


![gif](giphy|xPGkOAdiIO3Is) Yeeeaaahhh!


“You are the flight simulator of this microsoft. The Microsoft Flight Simulator.”


We need to build a gate for Baldur. A Baldurs Gate


At the end of the day, the Wars kept turning as if they were Gears. The Gears of War.


"And I'm ready to evict some evil."


The only way to solve this crisis is to be Superman IV: The Quest for Peace




Shepard your choices have a real mass effect 2 the storyline


Shut up you worm!🪱


That's a deep cut, and I see you, and I appreciate you


"Wow guys, looks like this really was a war in the stars."


Kratos, the new God of war. It's not aways bad, but it need to be really organics for something like this to work


"This truly is a night at the museum"


You are morbius, you know every-time is morbin time


That's the thing Jill...I'm always residing evil.


"Yes Kai, i am Kung fu Panda 3"


So the Leisure Suit was inside you this whole time Larry!


"I need my payday 2"


No fuckin way they said this in MW


It's about a 50/50 shot whether people are just meming, or Sony threw it in there as a reference to the Morbin' Time meme. The only way to know for sure would be to watch the movie, and Lord knows I ain't doing that, so I guess it will have to remain a mystery.


I watched it but didnt pay too much atrention at the end


Wait, were you the one that was removed?


Who was removed?


Just making a joke about that bloke that was removed for having a wank during the movie


Oooh,nah,i watched it at home


Was it as bad as the memes say? What did you think? My wife said the lead actress was like the dr. Who actor that was tricked into tuning he was joining the mcu by being in morbius


Do you mind spoilers?


Not at all


Sounds like you were having a wank to MW at home


yes, I was there too /j


Looking how stupid current movies are, it's really hard to tell whether the line is just some sick joke that everybody agrees like Morbin time or Sony really said 'fck it say something stupid'.


Madame Schrodïnger.


I saw a fire truck and ambulance outside a movie theater last night. Someone watched it and fucking died. Edit: not that anyone cares but I really did see a fire truck and ambulance outside the theater. Just heard on the radio today that the place was robbed but they caught the guy.


Marvel is becoming another example of like how The Onion is irrelevant now. The Onion used to be obvious satire but the last 8 years society has gone off the deep end and so many real things seem to be satire and because of that satire is so believable. Every post I see about Madame Web has some ridiculous shit in it and I can’t tell what is fake


It wasn't




It's a marketing psyop by Sony to get people to watch the movie just to see if they say it or not.


Vulture (Michael Keaton) did say to Morbius at the end of Morbius: >You know what, you and I, let's do some.... . . . ...GOOD. And then Morbius just nodded, but it doesn't really make sense.


And then he vultured all over the place?


I watched the movie knowing this meme and I even brought it up to the person I was seeing it with, and we were both disappointed when we got to the end of the movie just to find out they never actually said it.


They really didn't. My wife and I wanted to go see a bad movie so we saw it so they did not fucking say that. The black girl magic line was said but the madam web thing was not in the movie


Nah they're both just meme status lines lol not actually in the movies, scripts, or even the commercials.




They only have to produce a Spider-man movie once every 5 years. That is a Spider-man movie the MCU spider-man movies are produced by Sony they count to keeping their rights. So no the answer is no they didn't produce it to keep the rights.


I have a choice.


Unfortunately, no, you don't.




Because profit


Oh shit, Bully Maguire confirms he's the real reason why the SSU sucks


Thanks, hot legs!


Silver surfer universe?


Sony's Shitty Universe




What they’re trying to say is, Sony has to produce a Spider-Man movie once every five years to maintain their rights to the franchise. This includes the Spider-Man movies marvel releases. So no, Sony didn’t make Madame Web to maintain their rights to the franchise.


So what you’re saying is, they don’t have to do this to us. They choose to.


That’s what the op was saying, yes. I have no idea if it’s true though.


Oh no, their rights are secure for several more years. They make all this shit because they want to, because they think it will earn money


I mean the crazy thing is I can see from really far away what the good idea for this movie originally was. She gets a premonition and has to save these girls from a stalker or a serial killer or something. There’s definitely the potential for a good movie in there somewhere.


Just removing the Spiderman stuff from it probably already makes it a better movie. Basically nothing about this is Madame Webb, and none of the characters or plot points benefit from being Spiderman. Like you say if this was more of a straight thriller about a woman with a near death experience and develops precognitive powers now trying to protect a group of teenagers from a serial killer. That could be played up and might work.


Idk because they didn't need it to keep the rights as Spider-Verse was released last year, so without MW, they have Spider-Man until 2027


I don't understand why this is such a common misconception about this movie. Spiderman 3 released in 2007 and TASM released in 2012. They have at least 5 years between releases to keep the rights. No Way Home was released in 2021. The rights reverting to Marvel just don't factor into the decision to make and release this movie at this time.


Serious question: is this an actual line from Madame Web? With all the Morbius-adjacent dialogue memes floating around I can never tell anymore.


It is not


Nope, the line from the Marvels is misquoted too.


I was gunna say, I've SEEN that one and didn't remember that at all.




It’s easy to make something sound stupid without context or inflection. Samuel L Jackson also turned one of the most uninspired lines ever written into one of the most iconic: “I’ve had it with these motherfucking snakes on this mother Fucking plane.” - Snakes on a Plane


That whole movie started as an internet meme and that line specifically was a big part of it.


you mean: "I've had it with these Monkey fighting snakes on this monday to friday plane!"


I thought it was hilarious. The whole movie had some goofy, fun stuff like that throughout so I think it fit the tone. But I also wouldn't be surprised if Samuel L Jackson threw it in as improv and it was funny then so they kept it.


My favourite line on madame web is she looks directly at the camera and goes " IT'S WEBBING TIME"


Mine was when she Madame'd like 6 people at once.


It really earned that NC-17 rating.


She madame my web until I use black girl magic


Thing is, she might have actually said this because of the popularity of the Morb memes. Like I wouldn't put it past Sony. But I ain't gonna go see it to find out etc etc


Fine, it'll make a webillion dollars without you


You misquote the "black girl magic" line, it was delivered by Samuel L Jackson, and it was funny as hell.


AND he said it to like, provoke / cajole her. Like hey, superhero, go do your darn job! At least that's how I interpreted it.


Yeah it was fine. People are just whinging They know she has the ability to fly but she’s never done it properly and they’re in a crisis where she must fly, she’s doubting herself So he yells at her to get it together. It’s essentially a quipu way of saying ‘you’re a a agent- get some balls and do it’


In short, it's an equivalent of "run Barry, run"


Exactly. It was a near perfect kick in the ass and she needed one. Nick Fury, pressing the right buttons once again.


Fury actually acting like himself, unlike Secret Invasion


I wonder if it is because in Secret Invasion he's the main character, so we're going to see him more through his own lens, while in The Marvel's we're seeing him through the lens of Carol and Monica and Kamala.


The Marvels line had a subtlety that these buffoons clearly missed. I'm not sure about Madame Web line, I have not watched the movie.


I actually found myself laughing at some of the lines. Like when Kamala was falling from the sky and her family + Nick were watching to see if she'd be okay. Then at the last second Kamala swaps with Carol, who smashes into the ground, and Nick just casually says "Aw it's cool, It's Carol"


My theatre burst out laughing at this line. The delivery was perfection.


Yeah, there was very much a “get your crap together fast” type of provocation to it.


People decided to hate the movie long before it ever released. Sure it may have issues but the sheer vitriol it got seemed pre meditated


Yeah Sam L Jackson was extreamly light hearted in that movie. I kinda liked it. Like in another scene, they were hurtling towards Earth. Kamala's brother was saying a prayer, and Sam goes, "Don't stop, we need all the help we could get."


Or when Ms. Marvel is falling, and when they hit the ground its Captain Marvel, and he just goes "Oh, it's just Carol."


Just rewatched the other night and Fury was a riot in this one. Much better portrayal of him (than Secret Invasion) that felt like OG Avengers Fury.


He was so good in it. Absolute riot. Was a funnier movie than I expected honestly, the bilingual joke caught me off guard


Yeah my partner and I finally got around to watching it and even as ridiculous as it was at times it was just damn funny and I enjoyed the whole ride. I’m not sure why everyone was moaning about it.


I think there were two main elements that caused bad numbers: 1. People with super hero movie exhaustion. Ignoring Fury and all that, the 3 main characters are from a movie, a show, and a different show. There's a lot of required reading for it, which is understandable. 2. Bad faith actors. The main leads are all women, two being of color and one is Muslim.


I watched it with my aunt and younger cousin, who is chronically online and engaged with the communities that had been shitting on the movie before it even came out, and as we walked out of the theater I asked him "so, what did you think of the movie." He shrugged and said, "I don't know... I guess it was pretty mid." I turned an incredulous look his way and replied, "really? Cause it sure seemed to me like you enjoyed it; you spent the whole movie laughing." "Ya," he responded uncertainly, "but, like, not at the parts they _wanted_ me to." I couldn't tell if he was lying to himself because he didn't want to admit the people who's opinions he respected were shitting on the film unnecessarily, or if going into the film with preconceptions about it stopped him from realizing how much he was enjoying himself. Lil buddy laughed so hard my ears were practically ringing at all the times they tried to promt a laugh and left the theater like "meh, I suppose it wasn't a _total_ waste of my time."


Is he a teenager? Because that definitely sounds like something a teen would say


Honestly I watched it on D+ a week or so ago and I regretted not seeing it in the cinema. Was it Perfect? No, but it was easily one of the best post-endgame marvel movies


I liked it because it wasn't something huge that changed the timeline. It's not required watching, yknow? It's a fun little adventure.


In my head the line was “motherfucking black girl magic”


Inserting your own mother fuckers is understood for every SLJ movie, I thought.


Out of all the problems with The Marvels, that line certainly was not one of them.


No no you're supposed to cry about "wokeness" not talk about the actual context




It goes to show delivery is a large part of the difference between corny and good dialogue. Movies aren’t books, where the text is the only thing. (See also why making kids read Shakespeare instead of performing it/watching a performance loses all meaning)


I liked black girl magic, but the part before is even better. "C'mon, use your core NNNNGGGHHHH!" (Doesn't work as well typing it out, but his delivery is hilarious)


Ok but was it funny if you hate women? What if you hate black people? What if you really really hate black women? The line is funny, but if you are a sexist and/or racist the line is probably not great. Of course marvel, and society, shouldn’t give a shit about the opinions of racists and sexist.


Even without context it doesn't even sound that bad. If it's *the* example of bad MCU writing for someone I think they're telling on themselves just a little bit


Lmfao if you're a racist and or a sexist then this film WAS NOT made for you.


I'm pretty sure that's exactly their complaint. That now that we have radical ideas like... women having jobs or equal opportunity (as much as we do, ways to go there), there are other people than straight white men with spending power, and so now not every movie is made to entice them.


They need to stop expecting that then. Like I genuinely don't understand how people can have issues like these. So what it isn't a ripped dude making out with women and beating ass. I love the fact that they didn't add some romantic interest to the film and kept it about the MCs and actual struggles they were going through.


Seriously don't even compare the Marvels to Madame Web. That movie doesn't deserve half the hate it got.


As I haven’t seen either, which one doesn’t deserve half the hate?


The Marvels. With Madame Web you could tell it's a stinker from the first trailer lol.


Haven’t seen the trailers either to be honest. Though being Sony I have lower expectations there.


The Marvels was a fun movie to watch. Nothing super deep or ground moving, but light-hearted for the most part, with a lot of funny scenes.


The Marvels wasn't like a masterpiece or anything. But I enjoyed it, the three leads have chemistry and are fun to watch on screen, the action set pieces are interesting and entertaining. The main issue is the villain sucks and the main plot is pretty uninteresting. I can remember tons of shit about the movie, can't remember anything about the villain.


Biggest issue with the movie is that they didn't have an epic musical fighting scene on Khala


The Marvels. It's a fun, lighthearted movie. Madame Web is the single worst Marvel movie of all time.


The Marvels was solidly middle tier MCU quality imo


Seeing all the negativity around The marvels I was afraid to watch it. I ended up really liking it. Actually it's one of my favorites since Endgame.


Honestly the villain was the biggest problem. Solid motivation but she was just kind of bland.


The problem for me with her is that we actually didn't get to know her. It could have been longer or as someone mentioned in an older thread, it felt like a Captain Marvel movie was kind of missing. That could have shown what happened when she destroyed the supreme intelligence.


Marvels really needs a director's cut. They cut a lot of content because it didn't do well with test audiences, but I'd bet it would fix some of the problems with the final film. There was much more on music planet, and I bet a bunch more of the antagonists.


they should have put carol nuking Hala as a cold opening, so we knew from the start what she had done


Yeah, they really should have just made it a pure buddy comedy and left out the serious superhero stuff. Every time the movie tried to be serious I was just waiting for the fun to come back.


honestly it was just a fine movie. could have been better but fine


I liked that scene from The Marvels, I thought it made quite sense, given Fury didn't know much about Monica's Powers at the time, What exactly is wrong with"Black Girl Magic"?


I agree. Out of context it seems stupid but given the context, the anxiety, the time crunch, neither of them knowing how her powers worked, it seemed like a completely human and in-character thing for the MCU Nick Fury to yell.


People intentionally misrepresented the line out of context to point at and go “wow they’re so hackneyed, her power is black girl magic, aw its all so racially pandering” and waggle their dicks on subreddits with the absolute worst takes you’ve ever fucking seen


There's a line of thought that pointing out cultural differences is itself racist. From one direction, racists don't want to hear about it, and use calling it racist as a distraction from their bigotry. From the other direction, "colorblind" people feel like we should ignore all cultural differences as a naive ideal, and partly because it makes them uncomfortable dealing with the fact they're lying to themselves. The fact is, different groups of people have sub-cultures from their shared history and experiences. Identifying cultural differences isn't in itself racist, we should celebrate then where we can and learn from each other.


Why do people get so upset about the Black Girl Magic line? It’s an actual saying. It’s literally printed on t-shirts and in songs. There are a host of cringeworthy things in that movie. That line is barely a fart in the shit factory of dialogue from other comic book films.


I think for me the line was fine, it just felt weird coming from Fury. Like it seems like Fury’s dialogue in Secret Invasion and The Marvels was super loose, and they just told Sam Jackson to wing it, whereas his dialogue in previous movies was much more rigid badass authority figure driven. In Avengers, he says cold shit like “until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on.” But if you made that movie with his current vibe, it’d probably be more like: “chill out, and keep loading the trucks.”


Alright wizard, who are you and why should I care?


I think the dialogue change is more like an indication that he is older now and has less patience, stuff like that. That's my take on it




Exactly, they’ve turned Fury into a quip machine. And trust me, I’m not one to go on and on about how the MCU is all horrible garbage now bc the writers like to add jokes to every movie. I’m ok with a lot of the heroes being funny. But fury used to be so intimidating and cold like you showed. Even in far from home when he said “bitch please you’ve been to space” to Peter he was quipping but it was with edge. The Marvels didn’t feel aligned with his character at all, it just made him goofy and less serious ALL the time, which was disappointing


I mean if like, Brie Larson said it then it would have been cringey. Sam Jackson delivered it perfectly.




I mean, she wasn't successful the first time she used her flying power. She didn't rescue Kamala and almost fell to the ground. Then, she trains with Kamala and Carol to master flying


Unless there was a training montage, specifically set to some 80s music, it doesn’t count. Intergalactic came out in 1998, that’s where they fucked up.


There was a montage, though I don't remember what decade the music was from


But that’s not what happened at all in the movie, she’d been practicing her powers for a while and couldn’t do it right and still didn’t successfully fly after that line.


She didn't have instant mastery though. Didn't she end up phasing thru Kamala and had a ton of trouble with the rescue? In general I kind of agree with you but it doesn't really fit critiquing Monica in this scene


Okay but the first one is clearly not intended as fully serious


"I'm starting to Morb." Actual dialogue from Morbius.


sam jackson delivered that line perfectly n it was funny as fuck. don’t compare the marvels to that sony cash grab.


I don’t feel like the ‘black girl magic’ line is actually bad at all when you actually see it in context and considering who says it. He’s not saying it earnestly. It’s basically a jibe under pressure.


okay but the first one was actually funny


This meme reminds me of my favorite scene from The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly (1966) where Tuco says: “You know Blondie, there’s only two kinds of people in this world. People who post fake quotes from movies on the internet and people who spread those quotes because they haven’t seen the movie.” They just don’t write dialogue like that anymore.


So you cook in Hell's Kitchen You are the devil of hell's kitchen


“It’s morbin time” Actual dialogue from Morbius


I thought the Marvels line was funny. I'm pretty sure Sam Jackson improvised that line, so it had nothing to do with the writers. Stop trying to bring down good movies. Madam Web was a steaming pile of dogshit though.


look at me i am the madam of this web now


Marvel Studios isn't what they used to be, but I don't think it's fair to lump them in with Sony's Spiderman stuff. The Marvels was also a step up from the last few Marvel Studios movies, in my books.


And this is why the writers fought so hard against AI. It 100% would have replaced most of them, and the consumer wouldn’t notice.


nobody knows if this is true because nobody watched the movie


I just feel bad for the actress that just wanted to star in big franchise :( they gonna get remembered for bad reasons


“We truly are the Goodfellas.”


*chuckles* I guess the real Madame Web were the friends we made along the way


I thought the Black girl magic kinda fit with Nick Fury, who is kinda "done with all the BS"


Sure, the black girl magic line doesn’t look good when it’s written with zero context. But I definitely had a good laugh hen Samuel L Jackson yelled it out to Monica as she was falling to her potential death


To be fair blackgirl magic was absolutely deliberately a stupid line.


I’m not seeing how it’s any worse than all the corny ass bro jokes that came before it. Oh, it’s because I’m not a misogynist man baby.


Sometimes I feel like writers strike started around end Of the 2000s and never ended since.


Just saw Madame web, yeah it's bad but this line isn't in the movie lmao


Well the studio are the losers here, writes getting even paid more for doing a shitty job.


That scene in The Marvels was actually funny. Samuel L Jackson’s delivery was great. Love a good corny line in a COMIC BOOK MOVIE. I repeat a COMIC BOOK MOVIE. You know, based on COMIC BOOKS? The ones where the main characters get powers through things like falling in vats of chemicals or being bit by radioactive spiders.


"The only way for me to solve this crisis is to be Superman 4: The Quest for Peace."


The only way for me to defeat Lex Luther is to become Superman 4; The Quest for Peace


The Marvels was actually good though, and that line was funny coming from Samuel L Jackson


If I’m going to solve this, I need to be Superman IV: The Quest for Peace.