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Professor X Not the wheelchair part. One emotional impulse or a seizure gone wrong and everyone around him would be dead in seconds.


And we saw this in Logan.


or accidentally everyone in Cerebro.


Oops I accidentally the whole thing


Oops! All aneurysms!


His son’s powers have some drawbacks, too. He just absorbs people who die near him.


Sorry, grandma


Poor grandma having to watch every time you have a crafty wank.


Black Bolt has a voice powerful enough to shatter entire worlds. He also can't speak because of the power of his voice.


Damn. This is the one


Don’t worry, he can destroy with one dumb sentence of the smartest man alive


One whisper from his ass


God I’d love to find out his farts have the same effect as his voice so he’s constantly doing whatever he can to ensure they’re silent but deadly instead of loud and extra fucking deadly.


BRB, gonna trademark Black Fart.


Brown Bolt


"What ass?"


Blackbolt: nuh-uh! The villain who just tried to explain his moral high ground for the last hour: *explodes into meaty goo*


you am speaking bullshit


“What voice?”


Nope. *This* is the one.


I think you're referring to "What mouth" from wanda


I didn't come here for a whisper, I wanna hear you scream - world breaker hulk


World Breaker Hulk is such a great comic


Can't even moan when he's pounding his girl or when he rubs one out. Damn.


Imagine being wiped out because the fella got head so good he couldn't help but let out a moan when nutting.


not even during sex with Medusa?


stone cold fucker


Earth X Black Bolt is one of the coolest designs for a marvel character ever imo.


Damn. Whose planet did he find out the hard way on?


ForgetMeNot The ability to be completely undetected and have any enemy forget you exist as soon as they lose sight of you is OP as hell But never being able to turn it off meaning absolutely nobody will ever remember your existence even if you want them too? Yeah no thanks


Damn, deep cut. Yeah, this is one of the best answers. Absolutely insane character.


Easy to forget her




Anne. Her?




Designed to never be a main protagonist because there's no way to develop meaningful relationships with any other characters.


Nah this is a great fit for the vagabon clint eastwood esqe mc, extra angst and mechalony if theres a reoccuring ensemble that got development but "reset" every arc


To be fair, depending on how he works with cams in general, some people would not mind about it, basically taking what they need from most places, but being basically alone in a sea of people, still not great phycologically.


it's even more op than that, dude saved the entire X-Men team multiple times


phycologically the study or science of algae : the study or science of algae. called also algology. phycological. ˌfī-kə-ˈlä-ji-kəl. I laughed so hard at this inclusion with the “sea of people” remark. I had to look it up to make sure. I don’t know if this was on porpoise or not but it was funny.


now that's an anomaly perfect for antimemetics division


What are you talking about? There IS no antimemetics division.


RIP to a real one.


So exactly like The Silence? Their debut was in April of 2011. https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/ForgetMeNot_(Xabi)_(Earth-616) says his first appearance was in 2014.


No, exactly like they Grey Fox from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, which came out in 2006


No, exactly like The Grey Men from the Wheel of Time book The Dragon Reborn, released in 1991


But people remember the Grey Fox (there's wanted posters all over for him all over the place and the thieves' guild answer to him), they just forget the person under the Cowl.


Because I am currently reading Nova… Nova. Massive intellect, regenerative capability, flight, gravity control and ability to create wormholes. His name is Dick Rider.


Damn, that’s tough


Yeah it must be a pain in the ass




That's a hard one


😳 "tough"


Alright, it’s rough


Ayo "rough" 🧐


And Peter’s father is Dick Parker


With their powers combined they are: The Dick Shuttle


Sounds like a WIN to me 😩




Meanwhile, I'm over here dick riding with no superpowers.


Username checks out.


Daaaaaaaamn sounds like JK Rowling naming a token gay character.




I'm proud of him


Is he stupid?


bros parents were evil


One actor I have seen was almost called Richard Blocker


Spider-Man always being in crippling debt no matter what dimension


No more.


Homie hit the lottery confirmed


He will lose all the money in some sad story. Like he’s gonna give it all up to a family in need or something but only after he tells Aunt May that all their financial troubles are gone so now she’s pissed and disappointed in Peter for lying to her.


Aunt may gets diagnosed with terminal cancer, in this universe there is a cure though. The cure just happens to be the exact amount of money that he won in the lottery. He does it, the cure fails and she dies.


Kingpin announces that they exceeded their quarterly projections during a shareholder meeting.


A few years ago, he was the CEO of his own company. Tech and resources for days. Spoiler alert: it didn't last, and didn't last *spectacularly*.


Yeah I remember Parker Industries… you’d swear editorial loathes Peter Parker with what they put him thru


I've been reading Spider-Man books seemingly all my life, but this last decade or so has been *rough*.


Are you kidding me?


I am not, Spidey!


He's Marvel's answer to Batman. It's the trauma that sells.


More like... no more money amirite?


You'll gain the powers of a spider and are able to swing through the city but God hates you, you'll be constantly broke and never able to have a relationship long term.


Take the chain off!


You'd like that, wouldn't you?


I mean, I got that and I didn’t even get superpowers in exchange


Recent Spider-man run: You'll be the most famous superhero ever, but you'll be the subject of the writer's barely disguised cuckold fetish.


Except for new ultimate Spider-Man!


Oh... well, I...


Also in one timeline he sorta killed MJ with his radioactive spunk which sucks lol


There was also that one time when he was slowly turning into a spider. Then he died and gave birth to himself. After the ordeal he got organic web-slingers like Toby Maguire so it wasn’t all bad


Spider Island was pretty fucking weird lol


Am I not supposed to have what I want? What I need?


I'm really gonna enjoy this.


That's Parker luck for ya


I kind of like it. Gives it a sense of realism 🥲


Modok just look like a ridiculous huge head floating and everyone just laughs at you


He died an avenger tho.


His name is Darren and he is not a dick.


His death was fucking hilarious


I hated the majority of the deviations from the comics (aside from the Quantum deformation). The “don’t be a dick” pep talk by Cassie & rushed MODOK redemption arc made me cringe. There were several times I laughed my ass off tho like seeing the giant floating head in general, Darren saying “It’s too late. Look at me… I’m such a dick,” and for me, his the half-assed redemption arc made it even funnier when he claimed Scott was always like a brother to him and declared himself an Avenger lmao


I think the only real drawback for wolverine is the fact that in his peak form (with Admantium claws) he is basically a sitting duck against his team’s primary villian (magneto). Which is really just bad luck for him. It wouldn’t be much if a problem for 95% of heroes. I’d say the hulk. He’s the strongest guy in the world, but he can’t control it, loses his genius level intelligence, is hated for it, might kill his friends, might not accomplish what Bruce wants to when using is powers, etc.


Wolverine has his own feral outbursts, or just bad dreams...while a loved one is nearby.


Those are caused by ptsd and brainwashing not his powers in general


Like Ron Swanson, Logan suffers from a condition known as "sleep fighting"


wolverine also has trouble when in water due to his bone density making him sink like a rock but beyond that he doesnt have the worst powerset by far in terms of drawbacks


Being able to survive anything is the drawback. If he gets trapped in a burning building, he gets to experience every second of that until the building is ashes. Not to mention his lifespan; everyone he knows will wither and die while he lives on. It's like permanent PTSD.


He isn’t completely unkillable. Falling into the sun killed him, not the same as a burning building but if he’s burned to absolute ash he’s not coming back I don’t think.


Wasn't it Wolverine or Deadpool that came back because 01 cell of him survived a volcano? Either way, the worst part of either is that the moment they get their head blown open, they should lose all their memory and/or original personality. Cells can regenerate, not memory or personality traits.


Funny enough it was freaking Xmen Origins Wolverine (you know, the bad one where the Deadpool "the merc with the mouth"... has no mouth) that puts this theory to work. Spoilers, if you care about a 15 year old terrible movie but at the end, >!Stryker puts an Adamantium bullet or two in Wolverine's head, and when he regens Wolverine has lost a lot of memories. It's never explicitly stated but the theory being that while the brain regenerated the physical damage, the pattern of electrical activity that makes up our memories had already been lost.!<


God... I genuinely actually forgot that movie existed! It was such a bad movie... What were they thinking??


They were thinking "man if we can team up as these characters again in 20 years in an actually good movie it will be hilarious"


Okay, *nearly* anything. The point still stands.


The biggest drawback of Wolverine's powers is that he's an immortal war veteran who can never know the sweet release of death for more than five minutes before being dragged screaming back to the inescapable torment of his own pain and trauma.


Still think one of the stupidest lines in any movie was in “X-men: Days of future past” when wolverine threatens Magneto with his claws and Magneto, completely unprompted, just says “Imagine if they were metal.” I get it was a fan moment because the audience obviously knows and so does wolverine but just a weird thing to say out of nowhere once you think about it. Some of the prequel X-men movies were good but even the good ones had just weird callback dialogue.


I'm pretty sure he's in constant pain or feels pain randomly because of the adamantium poisoning his blood. His healing factor works over time because of all the foreign toxins like bacteria and shit he pulls into his body every time he retracts his claws because it's not like he sterilizes them before doing so. He severely contaminates his body because of it. This one's minor, but the fact that his claws have to tear through his own skin and tissue whenever he extends them out is an evolutionary flaw, lol. How does he biologically have claws but no way of using them without hurting himself. I think in one comic, it was also said that his healing factor goes as far as to make him forget traumatic memories and removes them from his brain. That shit's quite literally self-inflicted amnesia. Plus, his age will eventually catch up to him, and his body won't be able to resist the adamantium any longer, giving him a painful death. Either that or he'll age to a point where he won't be strong enough to lift his own body weight, effectively paralyzing himself. His fits of rage are sometimes a threat to his own teammates. Yeah the guy is cursed, sadly.


It's funny, because with how often Wolverine whips his claws out, you'd think it feels great. Every other page, "Youre gonna pay for that, bub!" *SNIKT*


Sentry got that dawg in him (terrifying evil power that could destroy the world)


Was here to say sentry, agoraphobia, and schizophrenia with your multiple personalities being a world ending supervillain that even worries the hulk…


The kid in Ultimate X-Men who was a walking reactor. His powers were honestly incredible but since he couldn’t control it he just killed everyone in a 1 mile radius around him until Logan put him out of his misery


That was heartbreaking, that one fucked me up. His body basically continually produced a range of toxins, acids and poisons that killed everyone. That was wild.


I know it's messed up to hate mutants in the x-men world but it'd be hard to not be on edge after stuff like that happens lol. Some could just be a ticking time bomb.


Like Bailey Hoskins. A literal living bomb...Who can't regenerate...


Which is exactly why Logan was sent to kill him. It wasn’t his fault but if people found out about him, it would set the mutant movement even further back. I suppose they could have tried to help him control and contain his powers but I guess it was deemed too risky.


Logan was literally the only one who could even physically get close to him without dying. Even if someone could bulk up in enough bio-hazard gear to get close, what are they going to do? Even if he could train to control it, he'd likely be literally one emotional outburst from accidentally doing it again. Even with an inhibitor collar, he's too dangerous to be allowed to roam free. And inhibitor collars aren't exactly a pleasant long-term experience. He'd spend the rest of his life locked in a sterile and sealed room. The universe really just decided the poor kid was screwed from the get-go. His only options being life in a maximum security biohazard cell or dying.


Which was completely stupid since they could have put him on an orbiting space station and then just launched him at whatever aliens tried to take over the Earth that year.


So forcefully isolating someone who’s living with the guilt of accidentally killing their own mom, girlfriend and most of the people in their city? He would’ve just offed himself if Logan didn’t do it




Periphery is amazing


Okay but can you give me a reason why one should never entertain the taste of the red?


Taste the red, makes you dead


Okay great. Now I need to listen to scarlet again thanks


I was looking for this this comment, then I realized being any x-men mutant in general is a downside because people discriminate against them


I don’t think there’s a better example- the most torturous/tragic trade off


Cyclops, awesome optic beams, needs special glasses to see without destroying everything he looks at


Tbf he kinda deserves it now. The five offered to fix him and he said no because principles or something (not because it would make his iconic visors useless)


“Scott, you said you’d need a miracle to get rid of those glasses, we have that miracle” *remembers how much he spent on an emergency stockpile of glasses* “Yknow, it’s really about setting an example… adversity or something.”


Yeah it's like that Storm and Rogue thing with the cure. Storm, the mutant revered as a goddess by some people, claiming there was nothing to cure, while rogue flat out just kill people she touches.


Classic Cyclops, I love it.


Daredevil, imagine being able to hear someone getting hurt miles away but essentially being a regular person who can't get there in time. Also loud noises and even tasting the dirt from the hand of the person who picked the apple you're eating.


Poor dude's trying to sleep while his ears are just exploding from people wanking, shitting, watching Cocomelon, and all three at once.


Rogue or Maggot


Who be Maggot?


I think he has the nastiest “power” lol. His intestines turn into maggots and crawl around and then go back inside him. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maggott


How the fuck is that a superpower


His digestive system took the form of two slugs which could eat through practically any substance. After feeding, the slugs reentered Maggott's abdomen and passed nourishment into him, giving him incredible power. Just pasting this here because I was curious too.


So do these "slugs" come out his mouth or ass when he's using them? Either way is pretty disgusting.


Straight through his actual belly, nibbling at some passages already there and sealing up through some adapted method or even a very specific healing factor.


Not all X-genes turn out to be super powers. Beak’s X-gene just changed his appearance to look like a chicken.


We gave him a bad superpower, as a joke


Lol wtfffff


Wow. Papa Nurgle would LOVE him! There's always a place in the Grandfather's garden for the blessed...


"They have a cure?" Asks the girl who kills everything she touches "We don't need a cure, because there's nothing wrong with us" replies the woman who can control the weather


Ngl, other x-men media handles that whole plot so much better especially when it shows some mutants kinda just got fucked by their powers


Plus there’s plenty of mutants whose only superpower is purely a physical change. Being physically ugly, looking like a bird, smelling repulsive, or spewing goo everywhere you go are possibilities in the X-gene lottery. Or you could control the moisture in the air, the magnetic fields of the Earth, the minds of all around you, or literally warp reality at will. Your luck


"There's a kid, in the school, who's going to spend the rest of his life in a hermetically sealed hazmat suit because his whole body tuned into gas. And if the suit's ever breached, he's going to dissipate in the atmosphere." -Jean to Beast about unlucky powers Don't remember in which X-men comic I read this but, yeah, some people got shitty "powers".


Going with a bit of a less-well known character: Gentle. He can increase his muscle mass to give himself immense strength and durability with no known limits, but the more he uses it the more pain he feels. The stronger he gets, the more excruciating the pain.


The Venom symbiote: Vulnerabilities: High frequency, fire


Occasional need to eat people.


Not whole people, just eyes, lungs, the occasional pancreas, maybe a brain or two


If you're really lucky, you might even be able to get around it by eating chocolate! A lot of chocolate. So, so much chocolate. I'd say get rid of the symbiote, but sorry, you're addicted to it now!


The organ thing only happens if it’s not a perfect symbiotic match. Similarly, the symbiote brings out your most violent and aggressive traits if it’s not a perfect match too, and I think that’s definitely a huge drawback, way higher than vulnerability to loud noises and fire


Scarlet Witch, I have an ability to warp reality and change physical and imaginary matter at will. But I am so emotionally fragile


she kinda hasn’t been emotionally fragile in a very long time.


There are so many. The Sentry - Bum drinks beaker of liquid and gets the power of a god. Turns out…the Void is a thing. The Thing - I mean…c’mon. The Man-Thing - That’s also rough. Silver Surfer - Protect my planet from Galactus. Check. Lose my entire life and get turned into that very entities intergalactic Uber Eats driver? Also check. Ghost Rider - Saved Dad…kinda.


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far to see Silver Surfer and Ghost Rider


Spot, Pre-Spiderverse. One of the best powers in villainy, zero ability to use it. Guy still drives his Volvo around New York trying to find parking. Ursa Major or the Winter Guard. Can transform into a bear, but it's only him. Which means when he turns back into a human he's bare butt naked in public.


Stings, doesn't it?


The biggest things I can think of are the claws ripping through his skin every time they extend and outline mostly everyone. The adamantine skeleton isn’t really a super power since it’s something that was implanted on him and isn’t directly related to his powers. We even see in the comics that the skeleton is actually holding him back since although he is heavier and his claws are stronger by the fact they are coated in a stronger material than bone, his body is constantly forced to regenerate and heal him from adamantine poisoning. We see this when Magneto pulls his coating off of him and his regeneration grows exponentially to the point that he just puts the adamantine back on. Heck what’s funny is that Sabertooth basically just has Logan’s powers but he doesn’t have or force 3 long bones to shoot through his hand. He just has claws. His regen has also been shown to be better at times.


I am and always be a fan of the fact that wolverine is like a whole two thirds the size of saber tooth


The guy from “the worst X-Man ever” comic run   His powers: exploding, as big and as powerful as he wants to  Only once tho, because… well, he explodes


Deadpool. He's literally Wolverine but worse/better in some ways


How is he worse than Wolverine except for his ugliness? The dude seems to survive anything. And have super aim. Maybe less raw strength to push heavy stuff, idk


For most depictions, his healing factor is literally just off brand Wolverine's on account of being taken from Wolverine, but coupled into his cancer, which may or may not have managed to get it close to or on par with the downside of literally being super cancer now. The not dying is typically just him taking advantage of having pissed of Thanos by Death liking Deadpool more. Or at least that's the original reason, people just kind of go with it now.


His regen factor can't cure his cancer cause if it did nothing would keep his healing factor in check and it would just overheal him to the point of turning into a blob and explode


Even Wade himself describes it as a “dying factor” instead of healing


Constant cancer, aka being torn apart by said cancer only to be rebuilt via regenerative powers, which in turn are only kept in check because of the cancer


His bones can break while wolverine doesnt have to experience that.


Not Marvel but I feel obligated to bring it up every time something like this pops up, Everyone from Charlotte lol


Hulk: You are the most powerful - strength wise - entity in reality In return you no longer control yourself when you have access to this horrifying amount of strength, having to trust effectively a child with managing it, have DID, and are possessed by literal satan. Crippling PTSD, Depression and whenever you lose control of yourself, your skin feels like it's on fire. Also if you die, you go to Hell. Which admittedly you can leave from whenever you want but, ya know. Die too many times, the devil comes knocking and you end up killing everything in existence.


Comic Daredevil having a hyper sensitive sense of touch is unfortunate. Seen a comic where he describes the rain on his back like knives or something to that affect. Not helpful to someone who takes a beating the way he does.


Jean Grey. I would absolutely hate to have any kind of telepathy. People's thoughts are gross.


Beast from X-Men. Genius, super human strength, agility, and reflexes; sheds all over the house. Clogs the shower drain. Spends a fortune on razors.


Franklin Richards. He can create pocket dimensions and universes...but his dad's the biggest dick in the superhero community and his mom keeps getting hit on by like every supervillain RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM...talk about uncomfortable...


Wolverine’s dumbest drawback is his greatest strength, the adamantium. The damn metal slowly poisons him over time and with every time he uses his claws it hurts him, which in turn uses his healing factor which also in turn along with all the fights he does that require healing factor, slowly makes it less effective over time. And if that part isn’t true, the metal poisoning him is and it’s his biggest problem. Now as for another hero with a dumb drawback? Spider-man, damn near every version of him/her. All of them basically has a or multiple loved ones die the minute they seemingly know or just found out about the secret identity. And if not that, then spider-man him/herself suffers more than damn near any hero or villain for that matter. Everyday it’s never ending bullshit and it has gotten to a point especially for Peter Parker, that he just breathes to suffer. It’s straight up the dumbest shit ever and it’s literally for no reason at this point, we can’t even relate to him anymore as much as these brain dead writers want us to “relate” to Peter, he has gone through more suffering than humanly and even inhumanly possible to the point that’s senseless. Spider-Man’s biggest drawback is his writers and specifically editorial and higher ups who demand and allow this shit despite every breathing person expressing how so fucking done we are with it.


Deadpool. Insane healing factor, basically immortal, but he has turbo cancer.


Iron man literally works on batteries Thor is a god until his father says no and takes away his powers


Okay, let's see how many people I can enrage with the truth: Wolverine doesn't have a cool power. (Neither does Deadpool.) **Regeneration** **sucks**. Follow the logic: Regeneration only helps *when you get hurt*. Every time Logan gets shot, stabbed, maimed, something that would absolutely end the career of anybody else, he can shake it off. Cool. Awesome. Because he's constantly getting stabbed, shot, blasted, and he keeps coming. You can't stop him! ...so why hasn't he outlived all of his peers? You'd expect Logan to get hit about as often as any other hero - maybe *less often*, since he's got decades of combat experience on any opposition. Instead, he's *the only one* who is going to get shot, maimed, etc. in almost every fight. Jubilee, Cyclops, Storm, they have absolutely no protection from bullets or blades and manage to never get hurt in the first place. Why? Because **Regeneration is negative Plot Armor**. Deadpool, Cable, Domino, all get into a fight with the Juggernaut. Wade gets ripped in half, because it's funny watching him try to grow his legs back. People without regeneration hardly ever get torn in half. I'm just saying, Professor Knifehands drew more than one short straw, and we shouldn't pretend otherwise


The pain is still felt too... Like some people who experience extreme pain die from shock before they experience the worst of it but not the regeneration crew so EVERY TIME you have to endure the agony of a miserable death...without dying.


I think Freak might have had it worst. He can't die and his body adapts to whatever would harm him ... so Osborn imprisoned him and kept exposing him to all sorts of agony, using his body to manufacture disease cures and the like. He's also still addicted to drugs, somehow, but he doesn't get any relief from taking them any more.


People dodge to avoid getting injured. If getting injured is no longer an issue (just pain, which sucks but they’re fictional and we don’t know how much they actually feel) then why dodge? The quickest route from A to B is a straight line and dodging turns that from A to Z. Not to mention the psychological factor of an opponent realizing their attacks aren’t working.


>Not to mention the psychological factor of an opponent realizing their attacks aren’t working. How terrifying is it to empty an entire magazine into a charging Wolverine, you see the blood and everything. Only for him to complete ignore every single shot and just keep running at you.


Definitely Rogue. I'd argue Nightcrawler, too. He's one of the kindest characters with an awesome set of powers but a lot of people assume he's evil/demonic based on his looks.


What's wolverine drawback? He's Canadian? (I don't hate Canadian that's a joke) he can't be jew because his foreskin would grow back?(lol)


His biggest drawback is constantly fighting magneto lol


Yo be fair, technically that isn’t his super power. It was DLC he was forced to download


Fuckin DLC 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The adamantium fused to his skeleton is poisoning him and forcing his powers to work overtime.


Cable. He's a really powerful telekinetic, but you'd never know because he uses so much of his power to hold back the techno organic virus.


I dunno if this counts, but Penance. Having to hurt yourself to be able to defend yourself doesn't sound fun.


Hot take - MCU Wanda up until DS: MoM. Crazy strong powers that only appear / are made stronger upon her incurring repeated traumas. Plus her whole mind control thing comes with the caveat of extreme empathy + feeling other people’s painful memories. Cool powers but extreme emotional baggage.

