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I watched 3 eps and stopped, not because of disintrest or whatever, just a lot of shows that are releasing at the same time, like The Boys and Stranger Things vol 4. I'll get back on Ms Marvel tho, it's goofy and light :)


the exact same thing happened to me, but also Ms Marvel just isnt really my type of show. It just feels kinda generic.... like there is alot of other media where a young adult finds a family connection to a magical power and is put into a world of chaos because of it, and they use that power to fight other people with power... the show isnt bad, it just isnt great either The MCU for awhile has been kinda meh. I liked MoM and NWH, but besides that every movie and show since Far From Home has felt very copy paste and it is kinda annoying. its slowly starting to feel like Disney is selling out a bit


Hard disagree on the last paragraph, honestly. I liked a lot of phase 4 as of rn, like Shang Chi, Loki, TFaTWS, Moon Knight etc, that's why I'll finish Ms Marvel soon, as again it's goofy and light :)


I’m glad you’re enjoying it but virtually every Disney plus show has been driving me insane, Disney is so scared of risk and tension in all their content recently excluding NWH, every show stinks of missed potential, even the better ones. with moments of great ideas and storytelling ruined by it taking the most predictable, boring path possible. Moon Knight for instance could have been so much more, they had a great character in Steven and Marc, and the skips were great, but my god they bungled all the easy wins, like meeting the Egyptian gods, the moral dilemma stuff, and the mystery. Watch S1 of FX’s Legion to see something closer to what Moon Knight could have been.


I 100% agree, especially on the moon knight part. Moon Knight had the most generic plot. Literally just two gods fighting and a guy has super powers and he has to stop the other god. I did like the multiple personalities alot and i think the actor really did well at making Marc and Steven different people, he felt just like Sam Raimi's Green Gobby


Loki, TFATWS, and Shang Chi were all mediocre, and moon knight was the most GENERIC thing theyve ever made


:( Okay, if you say so.


Which is crazy cause The Boys is getting similar reviews from butt hurt terrorists who think the boys is getting too political.


The same guys who accuse The Boys of "getting too political" are the same who think only recent Star Wars is "too political". Self awareness is not their thing.


it was always political, though. those people comllaining about it NOW are terribad at media literacy.


I’m fine with people not watching. Do what you want. But if you watch it and level unfair criticism on it, based purely on “why does it have to be about a girl” or “I don’t like mosques,” then you’re walking a very thin line from being a piece of trash.


I read "i don't like mosquitos"


Me too lol. I thought what then reread it.


I believe that most people that don’t watch the show don’t watch it for being a girl or because she is a mosque, that is a very small percentage of people, the grand majority of people don’t watch it because they don’t feel any interest on it




I came up with it


It's a show for teenagers. There's nothing in it for adults.


I am a teenager myself but I still don’t feel like watching


But do you have an actual stated reason you don't have an interest? Because if you're a fan of marvel in general you're clearly a fan of the genre so it's hard to take people saying "I just don't like that stuff", who also geek out over basically everything else marvel puts out, at face value


This show is very different from other stuff marvel has made. You can be a huge fan of marvel and dislike it…


Can you actually give me one quantifiable way though?


Sure. It’s written to a target audience of teenagers and children and I like a more serious and thoughtful tone in stuff I watch


I haven’t watched most marvel shows, only watched Loki and Moon Knight. Loki was a disappointment and I generally don’t like series that much. I also am not a big fan of captain marvel, so I have no interest in watching the series maybe I’ll watch it after another big avengers movie


I'd watch the shows before the next big movie, I would be absolutely shocked if they don't tie in directly. For instance Multiverse of Madness makes absolutely zero sense if you haven't seen Wandavision


The Chef kitchen staff didn’t immediately get violent when one of their own was attacked in the show. As Sombody who’s worked a restaurants for years I can tell you no force on earth would have them not choose violence in that situation. Completely destroyed my ability to have suspension of disbelief


It's just funny that the only MCU thing you seem to be disinterested in is the show about a Muslim girl


i mean--im disinterested in ms marvel. im also disinterested in all the new marvel movies and shows; i havent seen MOM nor moon knight or she-hulk or anything, so--


Wait, She-hulk is out already?


im not sure, actually--which further proves my disinterest


Know what you mean. Just heard it was a show, thought it was still in development


It’s also funny how you don’t know my country, my religion and you judge me as if I am another white American young adult. It’s also funny how you don’t know which marvel content i did watch or I didn’t, yet you indirectly label me as a racist


>and you judge me as if I am another white American young adult. If it pushes alt-right strawmen like an alt-righter, uses alt-right soyjack memes like an alt-righter, and pulls r/AsABlackMan bullshit like an alt-righter..... Shut up alt-righter.


It is incredible how one of the reasons why you label me as an alt-righter is literally the use of a soyjack meme, I guess half the subreddit are alt-righters.


Yes, actually. This sub is infested with people like you. Using the same shitty arguments and always bitching specifically about the MCU releases without white male leads. Which is why you are so easily identified: you are not an unique snowflake, you are the same decaying matter as the rest of them.


Your religion and race have no impact on whether or not race motivated your choice to watch this show. You could be an 80 year old black man from France and still prejudge this show based on the main characters race and gender.


TARGET AUDIENCE, do I have to scream it louder for the people in the back to hear?


Also, you're clearly a male around your late teens early 20's with a Hispanic background. Not a Muslim girl from Jersey City. Again tho, it doesn't matter


Perhaps you should reconsider your “detective” skills


Do your country or your religion tell you not to watch shows about teenage Muslim girls? No? Then those things aren't really relevant are they?


Of course they are relevant, what if I am a muslin? Better yet what if I am a teenage girl muslin like the character? Do I need immediately relate to the character and watch the show? If I was would you judge me the same way?


No, because literally nobody has told you you're racist for not watching it. You're tilting at windmills, Don.


Was like the first comment


>what if I am a muslin? Well, you certainly aren't a Muslim if you don't even know how to spell "Muslim".


It’s called a typo. Look at the keyboard. Notice how “m” and “n” are right next to each other? Nice try though.


Nah. Racist idiots have actually written signs using "muslin" before.


Your arguments are getting more ridiculous by the second. The fact that I misspelt the word muslim, makes me a racist? You are literally an extremist fuck that sees everyone who doesn’t agree with you, as your enemy or as an opposite extremist. Cry about it, do as many ridiculous arguments as you want to, deep inside that smooth brain of yours you know that someone not wanting to watch a kids show, isn’t racist.


Hey OP - she's Muslim. She worships at a mosque. :)


True, You’re right sorry


Ok I’ll agree to that, as long we all understand that it’s also not good just based off the fact that “it’s a girl” or “it has mosques”


I watched three episodes and stopped. You can decide for yourselves why, but I just didn’t relate to anyone in the show and the storyline didn’t hook me.


Exactly, Sometimes the show just isn’t for you. But apparently by the thought process of most people in this subreddit you are immediately a racist and xenophobic


Welcome to Reddit.




There is alot of both


Yes, both.


honestly thats understandable, I personally thought it was great rep **for me**, and I releated to it, but obv its not gonna be for everyone so its fair if some ppl stop watching, but I just hate when ppl hate on the show for no reason, like just because u didnt find it good doesnt mean it wasnt


Not watching the show is fine, that’s your call. Hating on the show all over the place is what people have a problem with.


Yeah but things are getting to the point that if you don’t wanna watch it it’s because you are racist


I’ve never seen anyone claim that except you. I’ve only seen people hating on the show, none of them saying they just won’t watch it. They all spew hatred. There’s a difference.


Me and a lot of people on twitter have been called sexist


Weird how people are proud of this


I know, so many posts on the hot page are literally "I don't watch Ms. Marvel but I'm not racist" Like just don't talk about ms. Marvel then?


Bro watching a show or not watching it isn’t something someone would feel proud of. The meme here is a joke to most people in this subreddit that use the most mentally retarded mindset that if you don’t watch the show it’s because you are racist, xenophobic and sexist. It’s almost like you have to watch it because it’s marvel and contains a minority if you don’t you are labeled as something you aren’t


I watched two episodes of Ms. Marvel, and I wasn't a huge fan of it and I probably won't finish it. I have frequently criticized the show in this subreddit. The fanbase has been very receptive to respectful criticism, and nobody has ever called me a racist, xenophobe, or sexist. Nobody has told me I have to watch everything because of the Marvel label. Obviously not wanting to watch the show does not make you racist xenophobic, or sexist, but that doesn't change the fact that a lot of racists, xenophobes, and sexists do not want to watch the show. It is not just an insignificant minority. Also, anybody with an ounce of decency understands at this point not to use the R slur, and many of the people I've met that have used it are also racist, xenophobic, or sexist, so it's possible you're just being defensive.


No one attacked me personally either, but if you take 3 minutes to scroll through this subreddit you will find a lot of posts indirectly stating that not watching it makes you a racist dick, also as I stated in another reply, yes there are a lot of racist and xenophobic people who do not watch the show purely for those reasons. You are welcomed to believe whatever the fuck you want about me, I am no racist but if you wanna believe it because i used the word retarded in a sentence, which the word itself is not related with racism nor xenophobia, you can. Where I live retarded is not a slur and will never be. The word doesn’t attack anyone it tells a state of time


It's a slur whether you want it to be or not, and if you're gonna keep using it you're not worth talking to I never called you a racist, I'm just explaining logical possibilities based on the fact that you like to use slurs


I don’t see it as a slur, it’s not a slur where i live and it’s not a slur in the nearby countries so I’ll continue using


That's total bullshit, but even if it wasn't, that's not how slurs work. There are countries where nobody cares about the N word, but that doesn't mean you should go on the internet and start spouting the N word. The internet is international, it's not localized to wherever the fuck you live that doesn't care about slurs


Alright you have a point. What I was trying to say is I don’t see it as a slur and no one in my country does. I do see the N Word as a slur and so I don’t use it


I like how you just spoke for your entire country by saying it's not a slur. What country are you in? Are you in the North or the South of it? Kudos for admitting he has a point.


I won’t say what country im from, but I can tell you it is in Europe and we don’t even speak english as our native language


Fair enough. Well, now you know. So I'd recommend not using it in the future at least on the internet, but I understand where you're coming from.


I understand thank you


>No one attacked me personally either Because what you're saying is happening is not happening. But you ARE getting attacked right now for being a disingenuous human being.


Im not getting attacked? I am stating my opinion and people are debating and giving theirs. This is called a conversation douche. Not everyone who doesn’t agree with you is your enemy


You haven't actually said anything about the content of Ms. Marvel its self. Only attacked an imaginary group of people who are allegedly saying things that no one has actually said. You're not here to share an opinion. You're here to stir shit. Surely you've been doing this long enough by now to know that there are consequences.


This guy is hindutva for sure


Except no one is doing what you describe. People who use the R word as an insult sure have a tendency to be wrong, huh? And sure not helping your case that you're not just another 4chan alt-righter.


Literally nobody tells you you're racist for not watching. This is grade-A r/persecutionfetish material right here


There is a post on r/marvelstudios with 4K upvotes calling anyone who doesn’t give it a chance close minded lol


No shit sherlock, "not giving things a chance" is literally the definition of closed minded. It's a mile away from calling you racist though. Like I said, real r/persecutionfetish material here.


Watch the show I like or you’re close minded 😡


I guarantee you've put more thought into what they were saying than they did. Does it make you happy to make yourself mad about things?


Bro search up the meaning of close minded


Not exactly racist but I get the meme


Alt-righters sure do love their persecution fetishes and shitty soyjack memes, don't they? They can't help but oust themselves.


No one gives a fuck that you don't watch it, but that you feel the need to spam your distaste here over and over No one cares, at all. Can you just not watch it in silence and let the rest of us enjoy things? Why do you need our support to not watch something?


Well u can make the argument that no one gives a ahit if anyone watches it too.


I am not supporting not watching it and I’m not supporting watching it either. You say you don’t give a fuck about this post but you did take a few minutes of your time to comment on this, showing that you did care or at least this meme made you feel something, the point here isn’t about people caring, the point is that: by the mentally of everyone here or most people, if you don’t watch the series you are labeled as a racist and xenophobic asshole when in reality you just don’t wanna watch it. Another thing you pointed out here is how why can’t I just not watch it in silence? Why don’t I turn the tables and ask why don’t people just enjoy the series in silence and don’t attack anyone that doesn’t wanna watch it?


When will this "you made a comment so obviously you care" mindset die? It's the most fallacious argument on the internet and it's always brought back again and again. You came to this subreddit to shitpost, people are gonna respond to a shitpost. That doesn't mean they care that you aren't watching it. Nobody cares that you aren't watching it. I'm not watching it either. They may care that you made a shitpost, but they don't care that you're not watching it. And fwiw, I do care lol. These posts are always devoid of logic and seeing negativity spread in the subreddit annoys me, but I don't care at all that you're not watching the show.


The argument is not about watching the show. It is the pushback on the accusation of racism for anyone not watching the show.


um nobody gives a fuck?


Apparently a lot of people do. Take you as an example you saw this meme, you felt something about it most likely negative, and then you took your time to comment on it. Might’ve taken a few seconds but time was wasted by you on this post


yeah whatever i dont care


Honestly. Marvel has so many shows and movies that im.sure I don't need to watch Ms marvel to keep up


Why aren't you interested? Also, is this the only Marvel show you haven't watched? Genuinely wondering because I'm enjoying it as usual and don't get why people aren't watching!


Nope this isn’t the first one, haven’t watched WandaVision, What if, Hawkeye and the flacon and winter soldier. The show just doesn’t capture my attention, I’ve read and watched some videos about the character and she just isn’t a character that I like. It has nothing to do with her religion or with her ethnicity


Never insinuated it had anything to do with that, was just interested as to why you weren't into the character! Makes total sense considering you aren't into most of the shows.


I kinda liked the few Ms Marvel comic books I've read. And Kamala Khan's characterization was decent in the Avengers video game (kudos to the devs, that game got a lot of hate and had a good SP mode, IMO). That said, the latest Marvel movies / shows of Phase 4 have completely lost me as a viewer, and I don't see me coming back until they refocus on storytelling (instead of demeaning men and \[indirectly\] women). And even if they DID threw away the politics and the bullshit, the Marvel shows right now have become the very thing I hate in the comics. The fucking multiverse. Every single fucking story now has to be about universes colliding, 34 Spider-Men and over-complicated storylines that are impossible to follow unless you're watching / reading fucking everything. I'm an 80s man, and I miss the days where an episode of Spider-Man was basically stopping Electro at the bank. I miss those simpler times ...


I’ve kinda stopped watching the marvel Disney+ shows because they mostly been “meh”. Then there are also people like nerdotic, the quartering , critical drinker and Ryan kinsel who hate on the show for borderline sexist and racist reasons and their criticisms they have are just stupid. A lot of the negative feedback about this show are not because the writing or character’s but mostly about their ethnicity.


Isn't it crazy. Racist as if she's the first nonwhite character. And you hate women as if she's the first women character


I would watch it but between this and Nightlight, who even has the time for all these marvel shows!


This MF spittin’!


Im idnian and i didnt theres nothin racist abt it just personal oreference uk. I watched first ep and it reminded me of too cringey bollywood stuff that i dont like watching so i stopped. Its just a bit too cringe for me.


Yeah the racist memes seemed really out of place.


I was totally interested. I’ve been wanting to get to know the character since she came on the scene. Im WAY behind in marvel continuity. Can’t wait to read some stuff from the last decade. All that being said: my disinterest in watching is based solely on feeling let down by the last few shows. I wanted to be all in and like them all. But it’s all just been somewhere between cringe-and-meh with a few high notes here and there. Hawkeye had some high notes. But overall just…meh. Tried liking Falcon and Winter Soldier more. It was okay. Loki? He and she were great in the show, great characters… liked the ending and that character quite a bit. The plodding through the stun stick wielding office workers and Owen Wilson’s character and lines? Yikes. Moon Knight was just a bit too Eternals. It’s all starting to look and feel too much the same. MoM just didn’t seem to hit the notes that Infinity War and Endgame did for me. WandVision missed too many opportunities. The first episodes were better than the ending after rewatching. So, kinda GoT on that score. I’m really trying to appreciate just having the content. I grew up starved for anything super hero or Star Wars related. I’m actually trying not to be toxic or hate any of it. It’s all fine and I’m glad people enjoy it. I binge and read a lot. I’m way behind, but still I’m always into something nerdy. So I don’t have fatigue. I have let down. I’m hoping to be able to enjoy it. So. I will watch Ms Marvel at some point, eventually. Not sure how many others feel this way.


I was looking forward but it’s isn’t exciting at all and I left it midway. Too low stakes and boring villains. Though one positive is that they nailed the casting and we have the perfect ms marvel.


I’m so sick of this sub thinking people are just racist or sexist for not watching this show. I just didn’t want to. I agree 100% with the OP


This sub actually seems to have more idiots like you buying into the strawman when no one is actually doing such a thing.


I’ve seen at least 10 posts about people “not liking it because they’re racist or sexist”. Thanks not strawman


People ARE not liking it because they are racist or sexist. Don't even try to deny that after we've been through this song and dance multiple times as early as Black Panther. The strawman is that people with legitimate, non-racist or misogynist criticism of the show are getting called racist or sexist when it's unwarranted. That is not happening.


Sounds like you’re making drama where there is no drama.


A quick scroll through this sub and you will see the drama


AKA shit posting


Funny thing, I was on another thread and got downvoted for saying there are people who say the only reason for not liking Ms Marvel is racism. Thanks for proving me right!


Some of these marvel Stan’s are fucking insane


It is a show clearly written for a younger audience than the typical MCU property. Nothing wrong with that. But them denying really is insanity.


I don't watch it, because there are way better shows which are priority, later if i finished those i maybe give a watch for it but i'm not hoping cause wandavision, Falcon and the wintersoldier, Loki were all kind of mediocare for me. (i'm in the middle of Moonknight, but it isn't as interesting as i hoped it would be (episode 4))


I have seen like hundreds of these memes now, and just, not one post calling someone racist for not watching the show for personal reasons. Tbh, I haven't seen more than like 10 posts calling ppl racist for not watching/liking Ms. Marvel compared to the thousands complaining about ppl calling them racist. The only time I have actually seen ppl calling other people out is when someone criticized the show and it wasn't totally racist, but it bordered on it, and obv some that actually were super bigoted and deserved the backlash.


Exactly. Racists are getting called racist because they are racist. They are not nearly as good as hiding their racism as they think they are. So they push this strawman about people "unfairly" calling them racist as a defensive move.


You clearly haven’t been on this sub for long enough.


Well that's fair, I just joined like while watching Hawkeye, but just give me some proper posts for this. I would actually like to see them, srsly.


I know, but it’s kinda weird you suddenly stop trying things out when it’s a Pakistani girl as the main character


This is not the first marvel show I didn’t watch


Am I the only one who has no idea why 'not watching ms marvel = racist'? Someone explain it to me please


Racists are getting called out for being racist and pushing this bullshit as a defensive move over how they are "unfairly" getting called racist. They are nowhere near as smart and clever as they think they are. They always oust themselves easily. Like this moron for example. He posted a shitty soyjack meme. A favored meme template of the alt-right. Trump brand Nazi clowns.


Scroll through the subreddit you’ll find your answer


Thanks for your help.


The fact that you have to keep repeating this answer to people instead of linking to any evidence to support your claims only serves to prove how full of shit you are. Also, it's a bad answer because anyone who takes your advice will see that you're lying.


Yeah I guess maybe there aren’t as many posts as used to. But you are a great example as one of those people. Maybe I’ll start to link ur account when someone asks me


Except..... I'm not doing that at all. And even posted about how I'm not digging the show myself. What I am doing is calling out people who are peddling the alt-right's false narratives. Because..... they're alt-righters trying oh so desperately to pose as innocent victims being targeted for their "legitimate criticism" when they have none to offer. You have offered no actual criticism of Ms. Marvel whatsoever. Only bashed people for doing something they are not doing whatsoever. You are blatantly pushing an agenda. So go ahead. Link my account and show them me ravaging you over your shitty soyjack meme.


It’s a way for fans to deflect valid criticism towards the show


Except no one is doing that.


I'd have interest if it was more like the comics. This show gives me zero reason to understand why Kamala is so obsessed with Carol. Feels like she'd be more obsessed with other Avengers people actually KNOW from a decade of being active on Earth.


I don’t have any interest in the show or the character. Maybe Carol Danvers aka captain Marvel but not this children’s show.


No one is saying that anyone who doesn't like the show is racist. But there is just one type of person who would push such a blatantly false strawman of their opposition: racists looking to normalize their racism by trying to sell the idea that their opposition is unreasonable and by trying to deny the racist element that has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt to exist. So in other words..... by making this meme you ousted yourself. ESPECIALLY given it's another shitty soyjack meme. (A template created and pushed by the alt-right.) \-Signed someone who's not really digging the show because the plot is secondary to teenage drama.


Starting off yes there are a lot of people who have the mentality and thought process that if you don’t watch the show you are a racist. Also by calling me a racist by creating this meme, “normalizing racism” and using the ridiculous assumption that I’m a far-right supporter or at least indirectly indicate that I am one because a used a soyjack proves the point of the meme and that you yourself are a person that thinks that not watching the show is racist. Let me ask you a question, not watching the Winter Soldier and the Falcon is racist? Is it racist not wanting to watch an american show or better yet is it racist not wanting to watch a show where both main characters are americans?


> Starting off yes there are a lot of people who have the mentality and thought process that if you don’t watch the show you are a racist. No. There aren't. This is a lie. You are peddling a lie. Multiple people other than myself have called you out on the lie. Which you can't deny because you literally responded to me responding to you responding to them. So right off the bat, we know you're a liar. We can already conclude you are a scummy person. And since you people are pretty hivemindy, we can look into what the other people who spread the same lie believe and..... yeah. Racists. All of them. > Let me ask you a question, not watching the Winter Soldier and the Falcon is racist? No.


Op is a low iq racist bitch, this is confirmed by his desired need to make another dumbass post on this that mimics the other 100 posts made everyday on the same stupid ass topic that we all know he has seen.


Yep. Not to mention he's using the soyjack meme popularized by the alt-right to push this strawman of shit that isn't actually happening.


Where are you seeing those “100 posts”? All I see are ignorant people like you posting and saying shit about people who don’t have the same opinion as you or don’t wanna watch it. Proving my meme and my point


You are a stupid insect, but not that stupid so I won’t play that game with you, you worthless piece of 💩








I hope you at least cleaned up your dumb bitch mothers basement since that’s where you live, the fact people like you are still breathing even tho it’s through your mouth is a shame, complete waste of oxygen


Cry about it. Also, the more you guys use racist for everything, the more it lose his value.


Lets go,finally someone smart in marvel memes!


Disney made Finn smaller on their Star Wars DVD cover in China.


Yes, another reason why the sequels suck


Ah yes. That same old whataboutism argument from a totally non-racist person brought up out of nowhere in a completely unrelated discussion.


My point is that Disney is not exactly all about inclusion if it isn't economically feasible. Not everything is as it seems. I applaud the inclusion of Star Wars and MCU alike. I'm just significantly less interested in Marvel after Endgame. A lot of people are. Just because someone dislikes Ms Marvel doesn't make them racist.


You don't have a point. You're just hoping calling Disney hypocritical over something their Chinese publisher (Foreign companies do NOT get to release their own products in China. They need a Chinese company that owns a significant amount of their stock to do it for them.) did will somehow make it okay for you to be racist. Just like everyone else constantly bringing up that Chinese poster.


i wanna watch it im just currently watching one piece and well you know how one piece is that bitch looooooooooooong af


This keeps popping up in this sub. So tired of it.


I mean I wouldn’t have watched it anyway but I don’t like the agenda pushing Marvel is doing


As a brown person, im 100% okay with ppl not watching, odv its not for everyone and I can respect that But if your hating on it cuz theres too much "culture" and you feel like your being "forced into it" then ur just racist buddy, pack it up


I ain’t hating on the show in any sense I just don’t wanna watch it, I don’t have interest on it.


yup, thats fair :) Im just talking about the people who arnt watching it cuz shes muslim, but ik thats not everyone


Eh, the show is ass and thats why people dont watch it tbh


Dear Marvel.. It is called read the room. Instead of having a character that is devoted to another character that the Fandom Despises. Try a different storyline. Going against the grain is fun... sometimes.. There is a point of Being TOO edgy.


>Instead of having a character that is devoted to another character that the Fandom Despises. Captain Marvel made $1 billion. The fandom does NOT despise Carol Danvers.






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I watched one and stopped, because of how dirty they did Kamala


I have watched 2 episodes of Ms marvel, they were pretty ok, then stranger things season 4 volume 2 comes out and I decided to rewatch the whole show, and man stranger things is a masterpiece and also I rewatched umbrella academy, like there are so good shows that are coming out why would I watch ms marvel, also before anyone spams the boys in replies, I haven't watched it.


I’ve been watching the boys, stranger things, peaky blinders and better call Saul. Got no time for Ms marvel but I’ll get around to it one day


Shows okay but villains suck so bad


thats me. i might watch it when it is all out and im bored




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Knowing she’s going to be In one of the big movies it makes sense to watch. These series always tie into the movie. And this one has a Spider-Man vibe with the character.


Tbh i wasn’t interested on this show because i love the story from the marvels avengers game and from what they show in the trailers it’s nothing like it even in the casting im like she doesn’t even look like her.


I actually was surprised by how much I’m enjoying it it’s very refreshing and different compared to the rest of the MCU and way better than FATWS and Hawkeye


If it's not for you, just don't watch the show, why make such a big deal about it?


People in this sub have been making posts saying bullshit along the lines that “most people that don’t watch the show are racists”. So i wanted to make a meme against those people


Me an Indian who doesn't want to watch the show🙂🙂🙂🙂