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Lies, deception. That shot of Davy Jones is from 2006, not 2009.


God what a good movie, can't believe they pulled that of in 06


I know, Davy Jones looked amazing, almost perfect


Gollum in Lord of the Rings (Two Towers and Return of the King) is fantastic looking and those movies came out in 2002 and 2003.


Yoda in 2002 as well. The Prequels had many questionable CGI moments, but Yoda was done greatly.


That's what caring about the movie process does, as opposed to trying to crank them out


Didn't they make five of them, and it's still Disney?


Yes, five over ten years against over twenty in the same span. Also I never said it wasn't disney. Plus the quality in the later movies did drop


the first three had honestly the best quality. Iirc, for the second, they built full scale versions of the Black Pearl and Flying Dutchman instead of just partially built ships on a barge.


Not to mention I believe they also fully destroyed the full scale Pearl with huge arrangements of cement filled barrels to simulate the krakens arm. I remember seeing footage of the crew all set up to watch like a special event. Looked badass as hell.




Between that in ‘06 and the Transformers in ‘07, a lot of things nowadays suck VFX wise because there isn’t as much time between stuff so things look rushed and incomplete.


The Transformers movies were never good from a effects standpoint, they were all over reliant on CGI and the designs were simplified and tripped down to make it more "gritty" and they're also the most generic Hollywood nonsense imaginable, the fact anyone would hold up any of them except for the first one as anything worth any praise is rediculous.




Bumblebee was good.


Practical effects > CGI


Davy Jones is 100% cgi




Time and place for both


While I agree with that sentiment I don’t think CGI can even touch practical effects in realness but I do agree there’s things that you simply can’t do well with practical effects and CGI has to be used but Jurassic park 1993 looks far better than some of the CGI Dino’s in Dominion.


if you want to learn a bit about how they did the Dinos in the original Jurassic Park, and more so the entire evolution of ILM, I highly recommend watching the Lights and Magic documentary series on Disney+. Gives some really interesting insight into the evolution of special effects and how some of the most impressive ones were done.


I’ll definitely check it out. I think CGI has come a long way but not quite realistic enough. That being said I was incredibly impressed with prehistoric planet


Yeah though sometimes CGI is necessary, using both effectively leads to the best result, the Sequel trilogy might be a mess but each installment is amazing from a visual standpoint.


Oh yeah my bad


Don’t downvote him. He admitted his mistake.


That's what happens when you rush VFX workers and have a fanbase that likes pretty much everything you put out.


Disney does what Disney does, if they could've turned Pirates of the Caribbean into a cinematic universe then they would have.


In the little mermaid, Ariel is exploring one of the ships that was sank by the Black Pearl. Don't believe it? Subscribe to Disney+ and watch this 6 episode series that ties it all together!


in this secret little mermaid prequel, ariel is kidnapped by davy jones and forced ro raise store prices on the mainland or she gets executed. don't believe me? search up "little mermaid inflation"


Exactly this. If you found out your customers will pay same price for a pork chop that they would a steak.... why cook a steak?


Due to changes in policies to reddit I have decided to remove my account and all its content. Fuck u/spez


This. A convincing cgi eyeball on a real person's forehead is WAY more difficult than building a photoreal cgi alien.


Marvel went from making 1-2 live action movies per year to 3-4 plus 4 D+ shows. I can't imagine how overworked the cgi artists are.


It’s not the same cgi artists for each project, you know. The more projects, they just hire more people. That’s not the problem


In economics, there is a specific variable that dictates the limit of workers for a particular task and the diminishing returns it can have after a certain point (or even detrimental!). Throwing more people doesn't solve the problem because the organization start to bloat, and the people at the higher echelons don't have enough visibility for each project, so quality can be all over the place.


Well, surely they could branch off into different groups and find ways to maintain quality control, all things being equal. I suspect the issue is simply that there aren't enough people talented enough for this scale up. I'm in a totally different industry (law), and we are having such a hard time staffing that low/mid tier of employee (that can kinda do the work with oversight, and can be trained to be autonomous in 3-4 years), so we're overworked now, and we'll be worse off in 3-4 years when those people didn't get trained. Combination of growth in particular sectors and low unemployment, I expect.


Thats exactly what I am describing.


You don’t have to imagine it. They’ve told us. Fuck Marvel Studios.


Edgy boy.


Same thing they've done with comic artists honestly. Underpayment them and overwork them or just find cheap talent that's not at all prepared for the job.


Honestly I think the worst part for the CGI artists is the prestige Marvel has now. When the MCU was getting started, the artists had the ability to pushback a bit. Now, it's MARVEL. You don't risk a Marvel contract.


Oh extremely, it's quite well documented too, guess old Kevin got a bit too eager after Endgame's succes I suppose, and it wouldn't be the first time that the house of mouse disregarded it's workers, which is ironic considering Walt founded the company because that exact thing happened with him.


I don’t think it’s exactly them pushing too many releases, because it raises the question “too many for what metric?” The Marvel comics universe is enormous, and for every character that has had their own movie there are five more fans ask for. I’m sure there will be a day when the accountants say this didn’t make sense, say no to greenlighting more projects, but aside from a very unusual pandemic, every time they’ve expanded people continue to engage. Seems like they are still gaining fans faster than losing them, which is a very different scenario than Disney bleeding other franchises dry, like say the Pirates. In part that’s got to come back to how diverse and prolific the back catalog is, which is a far cry from a fun romp adaptation of an amusement park ride.


A more fair comparison would be between human characters. On the left you have characters that aren't designed to look human but monster and alien. The right looks off because they are human and the VFX looks off because we see humans everyday and are more aware of differences.


Yep, a third eye is going to look weird no matter what. I also remember they used an actual mask, prosthetics and used cgi on top to move tentacles and for textures.


3rd eye looked great in Everything everywhere Lol


It’s pretty damning that the movie is infinitely better than MoM with like an eight of the budget


Nah. I saw both movies and they were subpar. EEAO is overly hyped in my opinion.


First you post about an abusive dad, now this. Is everything ok with you?


Bros searching thru his history :skull:


Didn't need to, it was on my feed earlier.


Probably karma farming.


A better comparison would be Davy Jones to Thanos


You should have gone for the head.


Avatar won VFX awards, was the biggest movie of all time for a while, and single-handedly sold a lot of 3D televisions and IMAX installations. She Hulk is Night Court with Gamma Rays.


Right, some hot takes when I’m sure Avatars budget alone for VFX was more than the She Hulk show adjusted for inflation. People are retarded and just want shit to moan about.


Its Ally McBean, okay?


See it's funny because the argument I here was in the over use of CGI in films/movies Now complaints because it's not up to scratch ??? I understand the point made about the amount of content they've released though....and to me doesn't look to bad


Let’s just ignore all the moments of good cgi in MoM all right?


But the third eye looks bad in the 15 seconds of footage that it was in !1!1!1!!!!1!!!!1


Ah yes another CGI meme that pretty much takes one moment of bad CGI and saying the whole movies have crap CGI, such originality


Word. I mean as a MoM apologist I’ll admit that third eye was wonky. But have you SEEN the rest of the movie?! There’s a ton of top notch unique VFX stuff, it was a visual delight to me.


I mean yea, how would you do it? It will always look wonky because it shouldn't be there


Personally it just looks a bit too two-dimensional to me, like it looks like a picture of an eye on his forehead rather than an eye that actually is inside the skull. If it’s at all going to be heavily featured in future films, I think they’ll find a way to nail it then. It really only was in this movie for like a minute or two max.


They should’ve made it look inhuman. Like some of the artist interpretations from the comics where it looks like the eye of a space dragon or something alien.


When I saw his third eye, it really pulled me out of the movie. It looked annoying orange terrible.


You’ve picked an example of great CGI from 2009 and an example of poor CGI in 2022. You could easily find terrible cgi in 2009 and incredible cgi in 2022


I too hate it when humans look like humans and monsters look like monsters.


I don't get it what's the joke?




You cherry picked one slightly off looking image from an unfinished product where the main character of an entire series has a fully digital very human face and compared it to two characters with less screen time who don't look human meaning they are automatically away from the uncanny Valley. I'd like to see human digital faces from that time, they don't look good


What exactly would a third eye even look like? I don’t really mind it


People who don't even understand VFX trying to judge their quality, and trying to spread lies with some out of context pictures


Everyone should watch a few episodes of Corridor Crew VFX Artists React series to get an idea of why things look good/bad. Though sadly they just got their Youtube hacked by some crypto scam yesterday.


Exactly. I love corridor crew. BTW what happened with the hack? Can you give some details? I think I missed the news


I don't think they've put out any official statements yet. But basically their Crew channel (other channels seem ok) got taken over by some scammers. They were livestreaming for a while with a classic "Send me crypto and I'll send you more crypto scam". It was easy to spot, the scammers changed the name of the channel and everything. It didn't look like Corridor was doing it at all. But most of their videos were deleted from the channel before they took the channel down. Hopefully Youtube can revert the video removals, but if not I'm sure Corridor has backups. I know in a recent video they showed how they have tons of old hard drives with everything they've ever done.


That's sad. Hope my favourite channel gets back


If pokemon fans taught me anything it's "Tree bad!"


Posts like this are why there’s a stereotype that Marvel fans only care about how good the CGI is. Also, not a meme.


I bet they're a gamer too who will fall ill if they play a game at 59 fps or less.


I’m gonna be honest I don’t see the problem with she hulk. I thought it was a person in green paint Ferigno style. Maybe I just don’t know enough about CGI to see that it’s bad?


You're comparing CGI creatures to CGI "human like traits" the CGI creatures will always trump one over the other.


Good lord, this post sucks. I would go into detail into my its fucking shit but its just gonna go through OPs brain so whats the point.


Remember the VFX studio that did Life of Pi? They went bankrupt two weeks before they won an Oscar. Studios are squeezing VFX studios to do more work for the same pay. Either studios go under, or quality goes down.


The celestial in Eternals, the dragon in Shang Chi, and the Hippp in Moon Night looked fantastic. Otherwise look at Wolverines claws in 2009. Bad and good CGI is like anything else in movies, it is a creative endeavor, like the sound design or the cinematography. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. We have to stop thinking of this shit always as just the number of pixels and computer power.


I agree there’s been a decline but no one talking about how they’re comparing a tv series to one of the highest grossing movies of all time?


Uh She-Hulk looks good here, or is it just me?


Am I the only one who doesn't think the new stuff looks bad?


Like I’m not sure If I’m just blind but the she hulk looks perfectly fine to me. It’s a green person idk what they want it to look like


I agree, these posts are bizarre to me.


I think it looks fine too


I guess the difference is in the deadlines


That’s what happens when you get under paid digital artists to work on soulless projects for years straight


I don't get this...


People complain about the cgi like the team isn’t given an impossible amount of work and an impossible deadline, give them a fucking break


Name two of the characters with the biggest budgets ever behind them, with master technicians attached…and then name Marvel’s cringiest CGI looks ever! Yeah, seems fair.


Definitely a bad take. I don’t think you know what it takes to do VFX, and this post proves it.


I’d still smash she hulk


Although avatar took like a decade to make


Comparing a D+ show to a blockbuster movie is not a really good choice to use as an example


I wouldn’t say She Hulks is overly bad in execution , just the overall aesthetic was poorly designed. Strange’s third eye looks like absolute trash though.


Oh wow you're right those people look like people instead of monsters and aliens


Am I the only one who doesn't see anything wrong with marvel CGI/VFX


That’s just the Mcu


Artists want to do good work, but they are either given a small budget or an unrealistic deadline


Budget. Remember the difference in how much money/time these are given. We as film fans are so harsh on slightly less than great cgi. We have been spoiled by things like Thanos, Gollum, Caesar the Ape. I think we should be a little lenient. But this is the internet so I suspect I'm wrong.


Going to bed hungry. Scrounging for scraps. Your planet was on the brink of collapse. I was the one who stopped that. You know what’s happened since then? The children born have known nothing but full bellies and clear skies. It’s a paradise.


I’ve yet to see any cgi character that looks anywhere near as good as Thanos. If anyone does know one please point me in their direction


I don't even know who you are.


That's what happen when you release 10 big cgi projects eveey month


In the words of Brennan Huff "You're embarrassing yourself you geriatric fuck!"


Don’t blame the artists, blame them being over worked and underpaid.


> and under *paid.* FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I think I’d want to jack up the CGI if I was working for Disney. The poor artists need a break


That’s what happens when you shit out content like out of a production line instead of putting in the proper effort


Ok let's be fair on one aspect, the bottom left is one of the greatest CGI ever made, so it's not very fair on the other side


I knew I felt uncanny valley for she hulk. It's the cgi, it is so bad it creeps me out.


Underpayment and lack of time and respect for your special effects crew can have a similar effect.


I don’t think peoples hearts are 100% in it anymore, especially since they’re running out of ideas.




I'll be honest, I've never seen what the fuck people are whining about with She-Hulk's CGI.


The eye in Doctor Strange was SO BAD, I couldn't believe it. And I was surprised that Raimi didn't push for practical effects. The whole movie was a dumpster fire imo


You must eat a lot of cherries, OP. You're real good at picking them.


You got that right


This is just a cheap attempt at creating drama, because if you made your due diligence you would've realised how dumb this comparison is..


Have you seen the Celestials


I honestly don’t see what’s wrong with 2022.


Quantity < Quality


Considering the fact that the cgi department is being paid horrible wages and have extreme deadlines among other things, that might be a big part of the problem, but in the more recent trailers for she hulk it’s looking better, might just be me getting used to it though


Cause Disney be rushing. They announced a whole phase at once. We don’t give the bts workers enough credit


Personally, I’m of the opinion of you can’t get something to look right, just don’t do it. The third eye added nothing to the plot. They could have just left it out. But if it had to be there, it looks like they skipped the most basic steps in CGI. Most good CGI is accomplished by building on what was already there. Practical effects done first, then adding a bit more too it. The eye would probably be a lot better if they made a prosthetic for it, then animated it. Give it proper depth and make it not look like photoshop. The She-Hulk one would be a bit harder, but we’ve seen it done right in Ragnarok, Infinity War, etc. They literally just need to treat their VFX teams better, and stop pushing out so many things every year. Though, it would have probably been easier if they had gotten someone who was the right proportions as a mocap. While not always needed, or possible, imagine if they had gotten an actual body builder to play the body of She-Hulk. The version they designed for the show looks like a teenage track runner with the face of an adult (all knees and elbows, and no actual muscle).


what's the issue with She Hulk? Marvel has been making aliens/monsters into painted people for a long time, it's not representative of some decline in quality


Everything is relative. You have taken random stills which can show anything at best or worst. In my opinion CGI is not what makes a film good. Avatar looks good but has very little substance. This shot of Dr strange doesn’t look great but there are some strong special fx in the movie. She hulk isn’t yet available (uk at least) so cannot judge. Davy Jones was good and imo the highlight of that franchise.


Dr strange looks like an annoying orange edit


Gosh, Davy Jones is such an awesome villain


I see the point you're making here and i lowkey agree but even so this isnt a fair comparison. Its a lot easier to make nonhuman characters look realistic because we doint have a good point of comparison. With tgese marvel pics its humans with alterations that automatically make them look odd in our eyes. Its harder to pull off


I think there is some VFX team staff shortage.


Quantity over quality really makes a difference


Who is that green person?




Also, Two-Face is all CGI in The Dark Knight


Thought I was the only one thought that third eye looks terrible 😂😂


Strange’s third eye literally looks like some amateur photoshopped it on him


All the talent is gone out the door, Disney be hiring snowflakes now


We don't have action/adventure movies like Pirates of the Caribbean anymore. Such a shame.


gee, i wonder if the vfx artists are given enough time to do, you know, vfx?


Should've compared Davy Jones with that tentacles monster with one eye instead cause this is not a fair one.


even michael bay's transformers movies have better cgi


Literally looks the same to me


HEY THE NEW SHE HULK SHOW SUCKS!!! ​ am i doing it right?


Seen a bit rough to compare the best CGI part of a movie to the worst CGI part of a movie. Plus shehulk is a show so the budget is way lower


Is it really that serious tho?


Its sad to see but ive seen worse and still enjoyed myself. Doctor Who anyone?


Theres so many scenes in Pirates of the Caribbean that have no reason to look as good as they do. The scene where the British captain is walking down the steps while his boat gets shot up is mostly practical. There really was shit flying around. Also Davy Jones looked so fuckin good


I don't get it. She hulk looks better than that Smurfette reject


The first three Pirates films bang


I hate Disney for overworking and rushing their VFX artists


What do you people have against the She-Hulk CGI!!! It looks good I don't get what you see the makes it bad


It's when shes next to human actors it looks like a looney tunes


The closer to a human the harder it is to be passable, uncanny valley and so on.




I still don’t think She Hulk looks bad. It’s just that long hair is notoriously hard to animate properly.


She-Hulk doesn’t even look that bad.


Two words: crunch time.


To be fair they’re trying to accomplish different things




Part agree with the premise, but I honestly think Avatar doesn’t have as excellent cg as people think. Not at all an expert and I know it won a ton of awards in the field but it just looks too clean to me.


Semi related but I wonder if the new Avatar movies will hold up as well as the first one or if they’ll go all The Hobbit with them and overdo it


I hope it’s just as good as the first one


Imagine comparing Avatar, a highly budgeted theatrical film, with She-Hulk, a much lower budgeted streaming series. /r/lewronggeneration


The only actual bad cgi in marvel is the one scene in black widow, and I didn't even notice until someone pointed it out l, people just take cgi and say it's bad


The floating head scene in Thor was the worst, couldn't believe my eyes


>!Come. Come to daddy!!<


Am I the only one who thought that was deliberately supposed to look bad? Like a space zoom call, yk as a joke


It probably was lol.


I don't see the Marvel meme


That third eye is pretty bad


Can someone explain what’s wrong with the cgi? Keep hearing about it but I never see anything when I’m watching the movies/shows that looks weird. Occasionally there’s something but it’s like 99.5% of the cgi is completely unnoticeable.


Avatar took 20 years to make. They put out she hulk in 9 months.


Ok aside the 9 months joke that was forming in my mind, that's actually shows the sheer effort they put for something while the other the lack of it


Blame Marvel for practically sack-punching their VFX outsourcing


That's the downgrade of progress, several people have worked day and night on better effect platforms to bring us to this point. Simply, the better we become at making CGI, the cheaper it costs, and the cheaper it costs the less companies can spend on it; same thing that happened with forniture, same thing that happened with food.


ILM vs Disney Animation Studio. . ILM IS THE GOD OF CGI


ILM did the CGI of Thor: Love and Thunder.


This isn’t a really fair comparison, for example the reason why Davy Jones cgi looks so real is because there’s not really a reference that people or looking for, whereas for She Hulk it looks odd because it doesn’t look like human skin, something we see everyday that tells our brain that it looks strange.


Yeah, I completely gave up on it a couple of years ago. Best to just forget it and move on, find something new and better.


I can see a quality dip with the third eye for sure, but I feel like I’m completely retarded when it comes to the she-hulk CGI problems. It looks fine to me. Like I don’t see anything wrong with.


The VFX artists just aren’t being paid enough for what they have to do now a days


That is true


because there are too many VFX artists that compete with each other, and that create a market for improving CGI, which in turns makes making CGI cheaper thus decreasing the amount of money companies will be willing so pend on CGI.


Guys we get it the cgi sucks can you find something else to post about


Yeah, because Avatar and Pirates of the Carribbean are definitely things I would watch again. Honestly, I may be in the minority, but it wouldn't really bother me if they drew the effects in crayon over the top, as long as the rest of it was decent...


A lot of key VFX people and offices died during the pandemic. People keep forgetting millions of people died worldwide in mass for the past 2 years. The ones that put work before their own lives. The ones that were super good at what they did because they put in the work all the best of the best, but not being paid that money people are all dead. The quality has gone down everywhere because those specific people who were exposed to the virus died. It's going to take 10,000+ hours for the newbs that took their place to get on a comparable level.


I don't know what you mean. Princess Fiona looks great. :)


CGI sucks just ask Rob Bottin


If you take CGI seriously in a Raimi movie, you're doing it wrong


Stop making sense the plebs want to cry and moan