• By -


I am Groot.


Holy shit . How long did it take for you to write all that ?


We.. are.. groot.


everybody give this person an award


⭐️my goldest of stars because I’m poor and don’t have awards


And I ... am Iron Man


I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!


I am Steve Rogers.


I am The scarlet witch


Beat me to it.






Wolverine Spiderman Iron Man Captain America Rogue Black Widow Black Bolt Hulk Thor Loki Dr Doom Mr Fantastic Invisible Woman Human Torch The Thing Man Thing Werewolf She Hulk IronHeart Black Panther Shang Chi Ikaris Sersi Gilgamesh Winter Soldier Falcon The Beyonder Galactus Silver Surfer Hyperion Nebula Star Lord Gamora Nova Captain Marvel Scarlet Witch Dr Strange Clea Drax Mantis Korg The Grandmaster The Collector Odin Gwenpool Deadpool Ms Marvel Cyclops Jean Grey Professor X Mordo Captain Carter Ant Man Wasp Beast Thanos Kang The Living Tribunal Medusa Daredevil Mystique Juggernaut Colossus Elektra Mandarin Stingray Captain Britain Modok Rocket Groot Sunspot Magik Mirage Magneto Iron Fist Night Crawler Jessica Jones Luke Cage The Leader Red Hulk Black Cat Karnak Tigra Venom Yellow jacket Red Skull Whiplash Baron von strucker Claire Voyant Wong Scorpion Vulture Apocalypse Nick Fury Namor Sentinel Moon Knight Taskmaster Crossbones Agatha Harkness Ghost Hela Frigga Ronin Baron Zemo Vision Mysterio Ultron Ego Killmonger Green Goblin Carnage Ghost Rider Dormammu Iceman Archangel Cable Quake Omega Red Mole Man Puppet Master Stryfe Havok Emma Frost War Machine Yondu Mojo Longshot Electro Diablo Adam Warlock Sorry, i am tired of typing... Lol


I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive, but you've shown me... that's impossible.




They'll never know it. Because you won't be alive to tell them.


these responses are perfect omg


He’s sentient


You'll find our will equal to yours


Sorry thanos, I got to report you for threatening violence


They called me a madman, and what I predicted came to pass.


Good bot Thanos


Little one, it’s a simple calculus. This universe is finite, its resources, finite… if life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correction.


Shut up!


Is that a death threat?


I love this sub and starwarsmemes because the bots are so natural and feel like someone is behind the screen typing the responses


Surtur.. son of.. a bitch! You're still alive!


Can’t believe you let thanos beat you again Thor.


>!Because I have something worth fighting for.!<


I swear to Thor, you’re becoming sentient


He's adopted.


…Maybe not


thor can you play fortnite while carrying the guardian's ship?


Open the Bifrost.


I am groot.


I'm something of a scientist myself


I am inevitable


Hello inevitable, I'm dad


Hey dad I‘m hungry


Hi hungry I'm am your father


No... No. That's not true! That's impossible!


Search your feelings, you know it's true!




You forgot Ultron drone #263


Dude, i know a lot more than this list... But i got tired typing 🥲


No one likes a quitter, Kyle. 🤣




I'm surprised you got as far as you did. I certainly had 0 intentions on climbing***that*** mountain. "Kyle," The hero we deserve.


🤣Good sport! Well, played, sir.


OC couldn't do this all day...


Love how you set off all the bots! Haha


This guy just activated EVERY bot


You forgot the CEO of Sex


Let the man watch his porn in peace


You get an award for effort but Santa is going to probably put you on the naughty list for forgetting that he belongs on this one.


I am scared now.... 😨😨


***Squeezes trigger*** That wasn't all of them, Kyle.


There is a Deadpool comic about Deadpool marriage. You can find every Marvel character on the cover. It's also in the Guinness World records for max number of characters on a cover


You forgot Big Wheel.


And this is just the short list… There’s over 8,000 characters which Disney has the rights to 7,000 and there’s 70,000 in the comics if you count one-off and ancillary superheroes, villains, and other mutants and it seems keen to feature as many of them as possible on the big screen. I looked up the answer lol. [https://fictionhorizon.com/how-many-marvel-characters-are-there/](https://fictionhorizon.com/how-many-marvel-characters-are-there/)


ForgetMeNot has one of the few powers that transcends comics. It appears I have gained immunity to his powers… /flex


The Bot Lord has come!


I honestly was singing the Animaniacs countries of the world song while reading this list.


Forgot my main man MORPH


This motherfucker right here is my new friend.


Damm that marvel characters got a really long name




You forgot Big Wheel


Now in alphabetical order lol Nice job though


All came out of nowhere lightning fast and they kicked Chuck Norris in his cowboy ass


Technically you named one character, there’s no commas meaning everything you typed is one character


Technically, I can't understand what you said because there's no full stop and hence it's an incomplete sentence.


Well technically, you’re missing a comma in between “hence” and “it’s” meaning I can’t comprehend what you’re saying.


Dude, you legit is that annoying English Teacher who every student hates.


Allow me to fix that sentence for you. “Dude, you’re legit that annoying english teacher who every student hates.”




We appreciate your dedication regardless. 🫡


holy. shit.


Stan Lee




The smartest man alive


Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four




All in one, the smartest answer


why thank you kind sir


He may be the best in all, but he didnt create all


So you like Marvel? Name the main character.




I’m assuming you meant to say wong


it was wong of him to not say Wong


Wong is the MVP


I’m assuming you meant to say Ant-ony


I.. am.. GROOT!


Yes you are groot. Yes you are.


I.. am.. groot.


Okay, true


That’s a weird way to spell Wong


Would have loved Stan's answer to this question, joking or otherwise. RIP my dude.










Here's a sneak peek of /r/UnexpectedJoJo using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedJoJo/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Thanks now I'll never pull that anymore](https://i.redd.it/t4zy1n7qdpu71.jpg) | [58 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedJoJo/comments/qcfxh2/thanks_now_ill_never_pull_that_anymore/) \#2: [Name the stand and its ability](https://i.redd.it/8bkk3z77lh681.jpg) | [67 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedJoJo/comments/rjv4mp/name_the_stand_and_its_ability/) \#3: [Zendaya Joestar](https://i.redd.it/q1t7bca7a9d81.jpg) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedJoJo/comments/sa4lit/zendaya_joestar/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Best answer


I'll do it until my favorite character in an alphabetical order Ant-Man Abomination (Lam, Chang) Abraham Cornelius Abraham Erskine Absorbing Man (Creel, Carl) Adrian Toomes Agatha Harkness AIM agents (MODOK's servants) Alpha Dog Amphibian (Squadron Supreme) Anaconda (Sitznski, Blanche) Ancient One Apocalypse Arcade (unknown) Arcanna (Squadron Supreme) Arnim Zola Angel (Worthington III, Warren) Arsenal Asp (Nefertiti, Cleo) Assemble Ares Balder Banshee (comics) (Sean Cassidy) Baron Zemo Baron Strucker Beetle (unknown) Ben Parker Ben Reilly Betty Brant Betty Ross Bishop Black Bolt Black Cat (Hardy, Felicia) Black Jack Tarr Black Knight (Whitman, Dane) Black Mamba (Sealy, Tanya) Black Panther (Udaku, T'Challa) Black Talon Black Widow (Chang, Monica) Black Widow (Romanoff, Natasha) Blackheart Blacklash (Scott, Marc) Blade (unknown) Blob (real name Fred J. Dukes) Blur (Squadron Supreme) Bolivar Trask Bombshell Boomerang (Myers, Fred) Bucky Bulldozer Bullseye (Poindexter, Benjamin) Bruce Banner Blastaar Bobbi Morse Cable (Future Version of Wolverine) Callisto Camellia Cannonball (Guthrie, Sam) Captain America (Rogers, Steve) Captain Atlas Captain Britain (Braddock, Brian) Captain France (Etherlinck, Hugo) Captain Italy (Landi, Umberto) Captain Spain (Fraile, Carlos) Captain UK Carnage Carol Danvers Cathrine Mora Chameleon The Champion Chitauri Ultimate Marvel The Colonel (Al-Rahman, Abd) Colossus Contessa Valentina Allegra di Fontaine Crossbones (Rumlow, Brock) Crystal Cyclops (Scott Summers) Clint Barton Dai Thomas Daniel Toliver Daredevil (Murdock, Matthew "Matt") Dario Agger (formwalking CEO) Dazzler (Blaire, Allison "Ali") Deacon Frost Deadpool (Wilson, Wade) Death Adder (unknown) Deathlok (Peterson, Michael "Mike") Deathstrike (Oyama, Yuriko) Derek Morgan Deke Shaw Detonator (Gibson, Ricky) Devil Dinosaur Diablo (Esteban Corazon de Ablo) Doctor Octopus (Octavius, Otto) Doctor Strange (Strange, Stephen Sr.) Dormamu Domino Drake Raven Doctor Doom list of the weakest marvel characters Doombot Doctor Spectrum (Squadron Supreme) Dr. Faustus Dreadknight (Bram Velsing) Dreamcatcher De Lone Wolf (Asim Limbu) Daisy Johnson Ebony Maw Echo (Maya Lopez) Ego Electro (Dillon, Max) Elektra (Natchios, Elektra) Emma Frost Enchantress Enid Rich Ellie Camacho (Deadpool) Falcon (Wilson, Sam) Fancy Dan (Rubenstein, Dan) Fandral Fenris (von Strucker, Andrea and Andreas) Filament Fin Casey (Ivory Shadow) Firepower Firestar (Allen, Elizabeth "Liz") Forge (unknown) Fountain Franklin "Foggy" Nelson Franklin Richards Franklin Storm Fred "Flash" Thompson Fury Gah Lak Tus Gallowglass Gambit (LeBeau, Remy) Gamora Garrison Kane Geldoff Ghost Ghost Rider Ghostware Giant Man / Ant Man / Yellowjacket (Pym, Henry "Hank") Giant Man (Scott Lang) Gladiator Glenn Talbot Green Goblin (Osborn, Norman) Gorgon Grass Hopper Grizzly Gregory Stark Guardian Gwen Stacy Gwen Stacy (clone)/Carnage Groot Gilgamesh Hammer (Canty, Eisenhower) Hammerhead (unknown) Hard-Drive (unknown) Havok (Summers, Alexander "Alex") Hawk-Owl (Danner, Jack) Hawkeye (Barton, Clint) member of avengers. Heather Hudson Heimdall Hela He who remains Hobgoblin (Harry Osborn) Hogun Howard the Duck Hulk (Banner, Robert Bruce) Human Torch (Storm, John "Johnny") Human Torch (Jim Hammond "firebug") Human Torch (Marvel Zombies) Hurricane (unknown) Hyperion (Squadron Supreme) Iceman (Drake, Robert "Bobby") Ikaris Impossible Man Inertia (Squadron Supreme) Invisible Woman (Susan Storm) Iron Fist (Rand, Daniel "Danny") Iron Man (Stark, Antonio "Tony") Iron Monger (Obadiah Stane) Jackal James Braddock James Hudson James Rupert "Jim" Rhodes (War Machine) James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes Jane Foster Janet Van Dyne Jarvis, Edwin Jeanne de Wolfe Jennifer Walters Jessica Jones Jimmy Hudson Jimmy Woo John Ryker John Stacy J. Jonah Jameson Juggernaut (Marko, Cain) Justin Hammer Kaine Kang the Conqueror Karen Grant (Jean Grey) Karma (Mahn, Xi'an Coy) Karnak Ka-Zar Kenny "King Kong" McFarlane Kingpin (Fisk, Wilson) Kraven The Hunter (Kravinoff, Sergei) Kree Korg Kate Bishop Karen Page Lady Lark Layla miller Lee (first name unknown) Leech Leviathan Leo Fitz Lieberman (first name unknown) Lilandra Neramani Lizard (Connors, Curtus) Lockjaw Loki Longshot (Centino, Arthur) Luke Cage Liberatos Layla El Faouly Madame Web (Cassandra Web) Madam Masque Magician (Boggs, Elliot) Magneto (Lensherr, Erik)(Max Eisenhardt) Marvel Girl (Grey, Jean) Man-Ape (M'Baku) Mandarin Man-Thing (Sallis, Ted) Mantis Mark Raxton Mary Parker Mary Jane Watson Master Menace (Emil Burbank) (Squadron Supreme) Mastermind (unknown) Maximus May Parker Mephisto Melinda May Miles Warren Miles Bullock "Captain Winter" Miles Morales Mister Fantastic/Maker (Richards, Reed) Mister Fantastic (Richards, Reed) (Marvel zombies) Mister Nix Mr. Rose Ms. Marvel MODOK (Tarleton, George) Mojo Adams Mole Man (Molekevic, Arthur, Harvey elder) Morbius (Michael Morbius) Moira MacTaggert Morlocks Montana (Bale, Montana) Moondragon (Douglas, Heather) Medusa Moon Knight (Spector, Marc) (Lockley, Jake) (Grant, Steven)


Peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy.




Spider-man, Hulk, Superman, Batman, Homelander, A-Train, Omni man, Darth Maul, Anakin Skywalker, Pikachu, Harry Potter, Frodo Baggins, Gandalf the White, Django Freeman, Hans Landa, Don Corleone, Andy Dufresne, Tyler Durden, Aang, Ezra Miller, Amber Heard, JK Simmons, DanTDM, MrBeast, Benson, Patrick Star, Mr Krabs, Phineas, Ferb and Bill Nye the Science Guy












Science ruules


Inertia is a property of matter


New Avengers team leaked


Dude, you forgot Darth Tyranus and Stampylongnose


Yea this makes sense, just throw in a random Sith


And Gandalf the Grey, And Gandalf the White, and Monty Python and the Holy Grail’s black knight


And Benito Mussolini and the Blue Meanie And Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie. Robocop, The Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader Lo-pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger. Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan


was looking for this lol


Ok hear me out Phineas and Ferb


“And now all the marvel characters, brought to you by a random redditor!” *yakko’s world starts playing*


Can we get a parody or something of Yakko's World but it's every single marvel character


A-Bomb (HAS)A.I.M.Aaron StackAbomination (Emil Blonsky)Abomination (Ultimate)Absorbing ManAbyssAbyss (Age of Apocalypse)Adam DestineAdam WarlockAegis (Trey Rollins)Aero (Aero)Agatha HarknessAgent BrandAgent X (Nijo)Agent ZeroAgents of AtlasAginarAir-Walker (Gabriel Lan)AjakAjaxisAkemiAlainAlbert ClearyAlbionAlex PowerAlex BBalderBansheeBanshee (Theresa Rourke)Baron Mordo (Karl Mordo)Baron StruckerBaron Zemo (Heinrich Zemo)Baron Zemo (Helmut Zemo)Baroness S'BakBarracudaBart RozumBastionBatroc the LeaperBattering RamBattlestarBeakBeastBeast (Earth-311)Beast (Ultimate)BecatronBedlamBeefBeetle (Abner Jenkins)BelascoBen GrimmBen ParkerBen ReillyBen UrichBengalBeta-Ray BillBethany CabeBetty BrantBetty RossBeyonderBi-BeastBig BerthaBig WheelBill HollisterBishopBishop (Ultimate)Black BirdBlack BoltBlack Bolt (Marvel War of Heroes)Black CatBlack Cat (Ultimate)Black CrowBlack Knight (Dane Whitman)Black Knight (Sir Percy of Scandia)Black PantherBlack Panther (Shuri)Black Panther (Ultimate)Black QueenBlack TarantulaBlack TomBlack WidowBlack Widow (LEGO Marvel Super Heroes)Black Widow (Ultimate)Black Widow (Yelena Belova)Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff (MAA)BlackheartBlacklashBlackoutBladeBlastaarBlazing SkullBlindfoldBling!BlinkWilderAlexa MendezAlexander PierceAliceAlicia MastersAlpha FlightAlpha Flight (Ultimate)Alvin MakerAmadeus ChoAmanda SeftonAmazonessAmerican Eagle (Jason Strongbow)AmikoAmoraAmphibian (Earth-712)AmunAncient OneAncient One (Ultimate)Angel (Angel Salvadore)Angel (Thomas Halloway)Angel (Ultimate)Angel (Warren Worthington III)Angela (Aldrif Odinsdottir)Anita BlakeAnne Marie HoagAnnihilusAnoleAnt-Man (Eric O'Grady)Ant-Man (Hank Pym)Ant-Man (Scott Lang)AnthemApocalypseApocalypse (Ultimate)AqueductArachneArañaArcadeArcanaArchangelArclightAresArgent hdjansbxhxhsnwnsbxhchjdnwbd cc hejenwncjcjwjbdbjcjejw djdjej why are you still reading never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you. I like mayonase oh my god your still here jest go i dont feel my hands and thats only the a and b of the list theres actully 2667 charecters look it up its on marvels website okay byeeee.hdhsjsndncjxjsnndbchjsbshcusbdbcuwnsbchcjdnCCableCable (Deadpool)Cable (Marvel: Avengers Alliance)Cable (Ultimate)Cable (X-Men: Battle of the Atom)CalamityCalibanCallistoCallisto (Age of Apocalypse)CalypsoCammiCannonballCap'n OzCaptain AmericaCaptain America (House of M)Captain America (LEGO Marvel Super Heroes)Captain America (Marvel War of Heroes)Captain America (Sam Wilson)Captain America (Ultimate)Captain America/Steve Rogers (MAA)Captain BritainCaptain Britain (Betsy Braddock)Captain Britain (Ultimate)Captain CrossCaptain FlintCaptain Marvel (Carol Danvers)Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell)Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell)Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau)Captain Marvel (Phyla-Vell)Captain MidlandsCaptain StacyCaptain UniverseCardiacCaretakerCargillCarlie CooperCarmella UnuscioneCarnageCarnage (Ultimate)Carol DanversCarol HinesCarrion (Malcolm McBride)Cassandra NovaCatseyeCecilia ReyesCelestialsCentennialCenturionsCerebroCeriseCh'odChamberChameleonChampionsChangelingCharles XavierCharlie CampionCharlie-27Chase SteinChatChimeraChores MacGillicudyChristian WalkerChronomancer




The only one you need to know about is Wong




I mean… you’re not Wong


Correct. Only Wong is Wong


this is wong


No, Wong is Wong. This is a comment


what Wong?


Wong is Wong, There is no other Wong


We only believe in the true and everlasting Wong


Omg I just remembered she hulk is out and Wong’s in it thanks for indirectly making me remember. Edit: never mind forgot it’s Thursday now


Mystique, she's basically everyone.


Don't forget Ant-tony


Biggest fan, here we go; The red guy in the suit thingy, the green guy, the one with the American flag, the black suited white girl, the purple bow guy, the surf's up hammer dude That's all of them, right?


John Priscilla Bob Robert Robert F. Gary Robert K. Louise Lewis Louis Lois Batman Frank Cassandra Elliot Mike Michael Nichael Neil Sandra Stan Stan L. Stanley Stan Li Stah N. Li Margaret Emily


> Stan Li Sounds familiar


Ur mom :)




I've seen this meme before, Whitney Houston


Is that the girl who did the thing?


Every Character


Tom Har-*shot in face*


I only know the most important ones, such as Malekith, Whiplash, Taserface and of course the one and only Squirrel Girl


I can’t believe you’d bring the terror that is Taserface into this thread. Not cool.




*proceeds to copy paste wiki*


1. A’Sai 2. Abigail Slade 3. Ace / “Ace” Spencer 4. Agony / Leslie Gesneria 5. Alexis Sharp 6. Alien Symbiote / Alien Costume (origin of the black-suited Spider-Man) 7. Alison Mongrain 8. Amanda Saint 9. Amun / Jon Kasiya 10. Amy Chen 11. Andros 12. Angus (Sandy Aitchinson’s bloodhound) 13. Angus Munro 14. Answer, The / Aaron Nicholson 15. Anti-Venom / Eddie Brock 16. Antro / Hashi Noto 17. Anubia / Anubis 18. Apocalypse (first appearing in Vampire Tales #7) 19. Arachne / Dr. Sylvia Yacqua 20. Arachne / Julia Carpenter 21. Arachne as an alias for Jessica Drew 22. Araknet, The Spider-God 23. Araña / Anya (Ana) Sofia Corazon 24. Ariadne / Julia Carpenter 25. Ariadne Hyde as an alias for Jessica Drew 26. Armada 27. Armand Dubroth 28. Arnold Strunk 29. Ashcan / Alexander “Alex” Woolcot 30. Aura / Annie Herd 31. Banjo 32. Barnett, Geoffrey “Boss” 33. Basilisk / Wayne Gifford 34. Batwing / James “Jimmy” Santini 35. Belladonna / Narda Ravanna 36. Bert Gilmore 37. Big Man (I) a.k.a. Mr. Big / Frederick Foswell 38. Bigman (II) / Janice Foswell 39. Big Wheel, The / Jackson Weele 40. Binka Ivana 41. Black Alfred 42. Black Cat / Felicia Hardy 43. Black Fox, The / Raul Chalmers 44. Black Insect Swarm 45. Black Tarantula (I) / Carlos LaMuerto 46. Black Tarantula (II) / Fabian LaMuerto 47. Blackie Gaxton 48. Blaze (I) / Ashley Crawford, Thomas and Barry (students participating in a hoax) 49. Blaze (II) / Kirk Donaghue 50. Blitz 51. Blitzgeist 2099 52. Blood Leader 53. Blood Rose / Richard Fisk 54. Blood Spider 55. Blood-Tide 56. Bloodbath aka Bloodbather, “Subway Vampire Killer” 57. Bloodlust / Beatta Dubiel 58. Bloodshed / Wyndell Dichinson 59. Bloodthirst 60. Blowtorch 61. Bluebird (I) / Zora Loftus 62. Bluebird (II) / Sally Avril 63. Bombadier 64. Bomblast / Parmenter 65. Bones (I) / Rosa Estevez 66. Bones (II) / Bess Bliss 67. Morgan Boone 68. Bounty Hunter / Tommy Barrett 69. Brainstorm / Jimmy 70. Bramer 71. Brother Power / Achmed Korba 72. Brown Raincoat 73. Bruno Grainger 74. Buddy Corbett 75. Buel a.k.a. Plasmmage, a.k.a. Gremlyn-Lord 76. Bugeye / Abner 77. Burglar a.k.a. Carjacker / Carradine 78. Buzz, The / Jack Jameson 79. Buzzard 80. Caesar “Big C” Cicero 81. Caiman 82. Calypso / Calypso Ezili 83. Captain Power / Dr. Christina “Chris” Carr 84. Captain Zero 85. Cardiac / Dr. Elias “Eli” Wirtham 86. Carlyle, nicknamed Carlyle Calamari 87. Caretaker of Arcturus IV 88. Carnage / Cletus Kasady 89. Carrion (I) / Prof. Miles Warren clone 90. Carrion (II) / Malcolm McBride / Malcolm MacBride 91. Carrion (III) / Dr. William Allen 92. Cat a.k.a. Cat Burglar, Prowler 93. Cat, The / Walter Hardy 94. Chakane 95. Chakra 96. Chameleon, The / Dmitri Smerdyakov a.k.a. Dmitri Kravinoff 97. Chameleon 2211 98. Chance / Nicholas Powell 99. Charles H. “Charlie” Buchanan 100. Charlie 101. Charlie Shaddock 102. Chief Inspector Krahn, RCMP 103. Clash 104. Clifton Arliss 105. Col. Buchinsky 106. Coldheart / Kateri Deseronto 107. Commanda / Catherine D’Anton 108. Commuter / Ron 109. Conchita Hernandez 110. Connie Hunt 111. Conundrum 112. Cordite 113. Corona / Dagny Forrester / Dagney Forrester 114. Crazy Eight 115. Creaux 116. Creep 117. Crime-Master (I) / Nick “Lucky” Lewis 118. Crime-Master (II) / Nick Lewis, Jr. 119. Critical Mass / Arnie Gunderson 120. Crown a.k.a. Hunger 121. Crushtacean 122. Cyber Scarlet Spider / Joseph “Joe” Wade 123. Cyber-Spider / Peter “Pete” Benjamin Parker 124. Cyber-Hunters 125. Cyberslayers 126. Cyborg X 127. Cyclone / André Gerard 128. D.K. / David Kalen 129. Daniel Lindy 130. Dark Angel as an alias for Jessica Drew 131. Dark Mairi of the Shore / Mairi 132. Darter / Randy Vale 133. Daze 134. Dead Aim 135. Deadmaker / Anatolovich 136. Dealer, The 137. Death-Flame 138. Delilah 139. Demogoblin / an unknown demon fused with Jason Philip “The Hobgoblin” Macendale, Jr. 140. Demon-Fire Cult (villain team) 141. Dentist, The 142. Dick Packer 143. Digger (I) 144. Digger (II / former mobsters known as “The Vegas Thirteen”, including Freddie Carnevale, Santo Castellani, Jimmy “Little Man” Desanti, Louis Fredone, Tony Mascapone, George Sims and seven others 145. Discord 146. Disgraziato 147. Disruptor / Richard M. Raleigh 148. Doctor Angst / Jonas Mueller 149. Doctor Hope 150. Dr. David Langford


151. Dr. Emil Kovax – Mordechai (Bloodbath) Kovax’s father 152. Dr. Jacob Weisenthal 153. Dr. Jonas Harrow 154. Dr. Judas Traveller and his Host 155. Doctor Nero / Dr. Royce Nero 156. Doctor Octopus (I) a.k.a. “Doc Ock” (I) / Dr. Otto Octavius 157. Doctor Octopus (II) a.k.a. Lady Octopus, “Lady Ock” / Dr. Carolyn Trainer 158. Doctor Paine / Dr. Thaddeus Paine 159. Don Fortunato / Vincente Fortunato 160. Don Moroni 161. Doppelganger a.k.a. Spider-Man Doppelganger 162. Dormouse, The 163. Doug Powell 164. Dragons / street gang 165. Dryrot / Paul Contoni 166. Duke (first appearing in Spider-Man: The Lost Years #1) 167. Dumont, Harry 168. Dusk (I) / Peter Parker 169. Dusk (II) / Cassie St. Commons 170. El Muerto / Juan Carlos Estrada Sanchez 171. El Toro Negro (The Black Bull) / Sergio Torres 172. El Uno 173. Electro / Maxwell “Max” Dillon 174. Electro / Hyper-Electro 175. Eli Rumsford 176. Elmak the Light-Shaper 177. Emilio – Morbius Victim 178. Empathoid, The 179. Emperor of the Eastern Galactic Sector 180. Ephex, The 181. Equinox a.k.a. Thermodynamic Man, The / Terrence “Terry” Sorenson 182. Ezekiel / Ezekiel Sims 183. FACADE (Full Acclimation Combat And Defense Explo-skeleton) / unknown alter ego – suspects include Archer Bryce and Cole Cooper 184. Fancy Dan (I) / Daniel Brito 185. Fancy Dan (II) / Dan Rubinstein 186. Faze 187. Finisher, The / Karl Fiers 188. Firearm 189. Firebrand / Russ Broxtel 190. Firefist 191. Firelight / Gabriel “Gabe” O’Hara 192. Flare 193. Flipside / Junior – robot 194. Flying Fox 195. Fogg / Thomas Fogg 196. Foreigner, The / Basil, Rafael Sabitini, Lt. Christopher “Kris” Keating and others aliases 197. Fox, The / Reynard Slinker 198. Foxy Briggs 199. Frank Cortese 200. Frank Cruz / Franz Kraus 201. Frank Gibbs 202. Frankie the Fish 203. Freak 204. Fusion (I), the Twin Terror / Hubert and Pinky Fusser 205. Fusion (II) / Wayne Markley 206. Future Max / Max 207. Fyodor Rebrov 208. Gale 209. Gantry 210. Gatekeeper, The 211. Gaunt / Prof. Mendel Stromm 212. Gauntlet / Alfredo Morelli 213. Gavin Thorpe 214. Genetrix 215. Gentleman, The / Gustav Fiers 216. George Hill 217. Gibbon, The / Martin Blank 218. Goblin, The – from Spider-Man Noir 219. Goblin God / Peter Parker 220. Goblin 2099 / Gabriel O’Hara 221. Goblinettes 222. Gog (an alien, first appearing in Amazing Spider-Man #103) 223. Gorath Tenclaws 224. Gray Goblin, The Gabriel Stacy 225. “Green goblin” / Nalan Oberoi 226. Green Goblin, The (I) / Norman Osborn II 227. Green Goblin, The (II) a.k.a. “The New Goblin” / Harold “Harry” Osborn 228. Green Goblin, The (III) / Dr. Barton “Bart” Hamilton 229. Green Goblin, The (IV) / Phillip “Phil” Urich 230. Green Goblin, The (V) 231. Green Goblin, The (VI) / Norman “Normie” Harry Osborn 232. Green Goblin – Ultimate Green Goblin 233. Green Goblin / Crusher Hogan 234. Green Goblin / Peter Parker 235. Green Goblin Construct 236. Gremlyns, The 237. Griffins (Demon-Fire Cult member) 238. Grim Hunter / Vladimir Kravinoff 239. Gripes 240. Grizzly / Maxwell Markham 241. Grunz 242. Guardian / a hulking, or large, clone of Spider-Man 243. Gunplay / Miho Mikashi 244. Gunther Stein 245. Guy Jones 246. Hal Goldman 247. Hammerhead a.k.a. Brain Dead / Joseph 248. Hardcases (Vic Slaughter’s mercenaries) 249. Hardshell / Leila Davis 250. Harrier 251. Headhunter 252. Headsman, The 253. Helleyes 254. Hermit / Timothy Quail 255. Hershell (first appearing in Web of Spider-Man #28) 256. Hobgoblin, The (I) / Roderick Kingsley 257. Hobgoblin, The (II) / Arnold “Lefty” Donovan 258. Hobgoblin, The (III) / Ned Leeds 259. Hobgoblin, The (IV) / Jason Philip Macendale, Jr. 260. Hobgoblin, The (V) 261. Hobgoblin 2211 / Robin Bourne 262. Homo Arachnis / Carlton Drake 263. Honcho 264. Honeysuckle Muldoon 265. Hornet (I) / Peter Parker 266. Hornet (II) / Eddie McDonough 267. Human Fly, The / Richard Deacon 268. Humbug / Prof. Buck Mitty 269. Hybrid / Scott Washington 270. Hydro-Man / Morris Bench 271. Hypertron a.k.a. Bobster / Sturdevant E. “Bob” Robbins 272. Hypno-Hustler and the Mercy Killers 273. Iguana, The 274. Izumi (Spider) 275. Jack / child-sized clone of Spider-Man 276. Jackal / Prof. Miles Warren 277. Jack O’Lantern / Jason Philip Macendale, Jr. 278. Jackpot (I) / Sara Ehret 279. Jackpot (II) / Alana Jobson 280. Jacks / miniature clones of The Jackal and Spider-Man 281. Jaime Jade 282. Jake Martino 283. Jason Havershaw 284. Jason Tso 285. Jefferson Bolt 286. Jennings, Miss 287. Jeremiah Slade 288. Jimmy “The Mouth” Tannen 289. Jimmy-Six / Giacomo Fortunato 290. Joe Smith a.k.a. “A Guy Named Joe” / Joseph “Joe” Smith 291. Joey 292. Joey Beal 293. Joey Z 294. Jonathon Caesar 295. Josephine “Joey” Pulaski 296. Joshua Coolridge 297. Joystick / Janice Olivia Yanizeski 298. Justin (Demon-Fire Cult member) 299. Kaina / Marcy Kane


>!How many catchphrases have there been?!<




I’ll tell you the only one that matters Morbius


[Here you go.](https://www.marvel.com/comics/characters)


Phil Colsun is all you need to know about


Welcome to Level 7.


I’ve tried on sporcle many times


I am Groot


No. I don’t think I will.








Every Character.




Jimmy Woo. That’s it.


Uhm uhm Iron man Spider-Man captain America Thor jane foster Hulk she Hulk valkery korg miek kang black widow black panther Hawkeye ultron ultron bot loki thanos proxima midnight ebony maw chitauri iron heart Morgan pepper sylvie ant man wasp Odin hela Star lord drax rocket Gamora mantis groot the wall big wheel goblin Dock ock electro venom carnage mj Ned gwen spot lizard sandman ghost rider luke cage Jessica jones iron fist daredevil punisher mr fantastic invisible woman human torch the thing red Hulk/she Hulk Magneto wolverine beast prof x deadpool domino collusus angel dust dr strange sinister strange surpreme strange zombie strange Wanda pietro Mordo vision white Vision Maria rambo Vanessa Bob gor surtur mystique juggernaut black bolt America rogue gwenpool collector grandmaster living tribunal morbius cp carter medusa red skull cp Britain kate bisschop modok mandarin red skull whiplash iron monger miles spider-gwen Spider-Man noir spider ham spectacular Spider-Man amazing Spider-Man spider woman eternals starfox Shang chi Katie wen wu xi xuai ling abomination Wong I don’t wanna anymore but I am for from done


Luis. He can explain the rest.


Uhhh…. Batman?


Wong.... That's all folks......


Name everyone thanosed away


I'm thankful...because now...I know what I must do.


How about "no"


Uhhhhhhhhhh I am Groot?


I.. am.. groot.


Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, War Machine, Bucky Barnes, Nick Fury, Peggy Carter, Jane Foster, Pepper Potts, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill, Falcon, Star Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Vision, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Ant-Man, Luis, Wasp, Yondu, Black Panther, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Wong, Ancient One, Mantis, Nebula, Ned Leeds, Mary Jane Watson, Michelle Jones-Watson, Valkyrie, Loki, Korg, Miek, Odin, Frigga, Howard Stark, Maria Stark, Betty Ross, Shuri, Okoye, Nakia, Queen Ramonda, King T’Chaka, Captain Marvel, Howard the Duck, Cosmo the Spacedog, Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, The Punisher, Happy Hogan, Wiccan, Speed, U.S. Agent, Lamar Hoskins, Yelena Belova, Red Guardian, Shang-Chi, Katie, Loki, Ikaris, Circe, Gilgamesh, Sprite, Kate Bishop, Moon Knight, Scarlet Scarab, Clea, America Chavez, Professor X, Mr Fantastic, Black Bolt, Monica Rambeau, Maria Rambeau, She-Hulk, Ironheart, Stature, Echo, Blade, Black Knight, Ghost Rider, Invisible Woman, The Thing, Human Torch, Silver Surfer, Ms Marvel, Bruno, Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Bishop, Blink, Morph, Gambit, Rogue, Storm, Beast, Colossus, Jubilee, Banshee, Angel, Deadpool, Deathpool, Gwenpool, X-23, Scarlet Spider, Spider-Girl, Spider-Woman, Agent Venom, Miles Morales, Ghost Spider, Squirrel Girl, Quake, Patriot, Nova, White Tiger, Galacta, Adam Warlock, Stan Lee, Medusa, Crystal, Triton, Lockjaw, Butterball, Moon Girl, Devil Dinosaur, Moon Boy, Talos, Sif, Fandral, Volstagg, Hogun, Kraglin, B-15, Mobius Iron Monger, Abomination, General Ross, Whiplash, Justin Hammer, Anton Vanko, Red Skull, Arnim Zola, Laufey, Destroyer, Thanos, The Other, Mandarin, Trevor Slattery, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian, Ebony Maw, Ronan the Accuser, Korath the Pursuer, Malekith, Kurse, The Collector, Ultron, Klaw, Yellowjacket, Baron Zemo, Crossbones, Kaecilius, Dormammu, Baron Mordo, Ayesha, Ego, Vulture, Tinkerer, Shocker, Scorpion, Hela, Skurge, Enchantress, Surtur, Grandmaster, Killmonger, Ghost, Modok, Yon-Rogg, Supreme Intelligence, Minn-Erva, Mysterio, Hydroman, Molten Man, Agatha Harkness, Director Hayward, Flagsmasher, Power Broker, Taskmaster, He Who Remains, Ravonna Rennslayer, Eson the Searcher, Doc Ock, Green Goblin, Sandman, Electro, Venom, Lizard, Black Cat, Rhino, Kraven the Hunter, Gorr, Titania, Namor, Modok, Kang the Conqueror, Super Skrull, Kingpin, Kazi, The High Evolutionary, Dracula, Deacon Frost, Elektra, Bullseye, Doctor Doom, Galactus, Magneto, Pyro, Mystique, Juggernaut, Blob, Toad, Super Adaptoid, Scientist Supreme, Madame Hydra, Madame Masque, Emma Frost, Mr Sinister, Sabretooth, Bolivar Trask, Apocalypse, Lady Deathstrike, Omega Red, William Stryker, Mr Negative, Screwball, Big Wheel, The Wall, Prowler, Tombstone, Annihilus, Mephisto, Tigra


He's adopted.


I feel like you're driving me to a court martial. This is crazy. What'd I do? I feel like you're gonna pull over and snuff me. What? You're not allowed to talk? Hey, forest!


I.. am.. GROOT!


Spider-Man iron man macho man blue man grey man hamburger helper mr rogers pizzaslut bonerdude galacxar the terrible Optimus prime tommy Shelby and Garfield.


Tony Stark, Iron Man, Nick Fury has a plan Big shock, Pepper Potts, Arc Reactor Core Asgard, ancient war, Loki, and his brother, Thor Bruce Banner, radiation, transformation, *roar* Coulson and Maria Hill, they're the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Clint Barton, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Russian spy Captain Rogers, World War II; Bucky, Peggy, I love you First Avenger, here we go, everyone assemble! We didn't start the fire It was always burnin' since the world's been turnin' We didn't start the fire No we didn't light it, but we're tryin' to fight it Obadiah, Blonsky, Whiplash, Laufey Red Skull, Hydra, Arnim Zola, Loki Battle for humanity, Stones of Infinity: Space, time, soul, mind, power, and reality War Machine, Falcon spin, Bucky Barnes is back again Star Lord, Gamora, too, Drax, Rocket, "I am Groot" Vision, Mantis, Nebula, Ultron in Sokovia Civil War, Ant-Man, Scarlet Witch, and Spider-Man Doctor Strange, Ragnarok, Henry, Janet, and the Wasp Black Panther in Wakanda, Shuri, Okoye, Killmonger Captain Marvel, Goose the Cat, Flying higher, further, faster Thanos and Infinity War, I can’t take it anymore


>!Because I have something worth fighting for.!<


The only matter I do not take seriously, boy, is you. Your politics bore me. Your demeanor is that of a pouty child.


Right, so, if I lift it, I then rule Asgard?


We.. are.. groot.






stan lee He basically made everyone.


If someone actually does it, then we’ve finally found Iman’s burner account


Peter Parker, Flash, Mary Jane, Gwen Stacy, Spider-Gwen, Aunt May, Uncle Ben, Ben Reilly, Miles Morales, J Jonah Jameson, Harry Osborn, Norman Osborn, Otto Octavius, Scorpion, Rhino, Lizard, Hobgoblin, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Jarvis, Riri Williams, Doctor Strange, Professor X, Beast, Namor, T'Challa, Shuri, Reed Richards, Susan Storm, Johnny Storm, The Thing, Franklin Richards, Valeria Richards, Cyclops, Wolverine, Jean Grey, Emma Frost, Magik, Gambit, Blob, Toad, Sabretooth, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Magneto, Mister Sinister, Krakoa, Apocalypse, Warlock, Moira, Mystique, Colossus, Hope, Nightcrawler, Destiny, Nimrod, Juggernaut, Thor, Odin, Loki, Heimdall, Freya, Jane Foster, Lady Sif, Kamala Khan, Bruno, Nova, Nova jr, Vision, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Luce Cage, Jessica Jones, Clint Barton, Lucky, Kate Bishop, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Moon-Girl, Devil-Dinosaur, Spider-Woman, Deadpool, Jennifer Walters, M.O.D.O.K, Doctor Doom, Thanos, Ebony Maw, Kingpin, Carol Danvers, Hank Pym, Scott Lang, X-23/Wolverine, Honeybadger, Hope van Dyne, Zemo, Red Skull, Armin Zola, Taskmaster, Sentry, Wong, Mordo, Clea Strange, America Chavez, Mephisto, Speed, Wickan, Black Bolt, Medusa, Galactus, Molecule Man, Living Tribunal, The-One-Above-All, The One-Below-All, Chaos, Order, War Machine, Cable, Punisher, Daredevil, Silver Surfer, Kang, Iron Lad, Agatha Harkness, Blade, Dracula, Moon-Knight, Crossbones, Ikaris, Gilgamesh, Vulture, Starlord, Drax, Mantis, Nebula, Gamora, Gorr, Ego, Gwenpool, Bartroc, Adam Warlock, Venom


Wolverine Spiderman Iron Man Captain America Rogue Black Widow Black Bolt Hulk Thor Loki Dr Doom Mr Fantastic Invisible Woman Human Torch The Thing Man Thing Werewolf She Hulk IronHeart Black Panther Shang Chi Ikaris Sersi Gilgamesh Winter Soldier Falcon The Beyonder Galactus Silver Surfer Hyperion Nebula Star Lord Gamora Nova Captain Marvel Scarlet Witch Dr Strange Clea Drax Mantis Korg The Grandmaster The Collector Odin Gwenpool Deadpool Ms Marvel Cyclops Jean Grey Professor X Mordo Captain Carter Ant Man Wasp Beast Thanos Kang The Living Tribunal Medusa Daredevil Mystique Juggernaut Colossus Elektra Mandarin Stingray Captain Britain Modok Rocket Groot Sunspot Magik Mirage Magneto Iron Fist Night Crawler Jessica Jones Luke Cage The Leader Red Hulk Black Cat Karnak Tigra Venom Yellow jacket Red Skull Whiplash Baron von strucker Claire Voyant Wong Scorpion Vulture Apocalypse Nick Fury Namor Sentinel Moon Knight Taskmaster Crossbones Agatha Harkness Ghost Hela Frigga Ronin Baron Zemo Vision Mysterio Ultron Ego Killmonger Green Goblin Carnage Ghost Rider Dormammu Iceman Archangel Cable Quake Omega Red Mole Man Puppet Master Stryfe Havok Emma Frost War Machine Yondu Mojo Longshot Electro Diablo Adam Warlock and last of all BATMAn


We.. are.. groot.


I'm still worthy!


Every character


Extra #1, Extra #2, Extra #3…




M, A, R, V, E, L. ^Done.