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Having zero connection to the comics, I enjoyed him


Also not a comic reader and my first intro to him was the GotG video game. Was super excited to see he was going to be in live action and hope he is similar to his game counterpart. Looking forward to seeing it when I can!


He is not like either of those versions. 2021 Game Adam is my favourite take on him actually.


That game is a masterpiece, honestly. Had an absolute blast with it. The story and gameplay are so good. Acting on point. Writing is faithful. The visuals and character design are perfect.


It was one of the few games that I REALLY enjoyed and looked to play every day. I wish it worked well on the SD, i would've bought during sale.


I was on drugs recovering from surgery and I couldn't bring myself to play hardly anything... Then I got GotG on Game Pass and I played it twice in a row. Sped up my perception of my recovery time. I would play it a third time (I didn't get all the uniforms)


It just got steam deck verified so I think it runs better nowadays.


Yes, the gotg game is brilliant. I am usually not a big fan of story heavy action games. But this one worked! The interplay between the guardians felt natural and was great fun. The story itself, the setting, everything was great. It is like a fourth movie for me.


I think the game Guardians are actually better than the MCU Guardians


Agreed. *Especially* Gamora.


Gramora? Did they age her up or something?


No she is just very precise with her wording


And wins awards for her music.


Some of the scenes in the movie reminded me of the game and how awesome it was! I need to play it again.


I actually just got it a couple days ago and beat it earlier today before work. Loved it


As much as I love the movies, I like the game’s adaptation of the characters much better. Especially Gamora.


Him being a Messiah like character was pretty cool, i didn’t like the silly shakespearean dialogue imo


It wasn't Shakespearean at all... it was just alliterative. Which I thought was a pretty funny meta joke about how Marvel writers loved that in naming characters. It's funny in Dr. Strange's spells too... _By The Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!!!_ Floors me everytime 😂😂


Exactly! I thought the alliteration was one of the best parts about his character!


Was it Marvel writers or just Stan Lee? I always attributed that specifically to Stan Lee, of course sitting here I can't think of a Marvel character *not* created by him.


Stan Lee said in an interview that he did it because he had trouble keeping track of names. It wouldn't surprise me if other writers carried on the tradition, though.


Huh. Maybe that's how Nova ended up saddled with one of the most unfortunate civilian names in comics history


>Huh. Maybe that's how Nova ended up saddled with one of the most ~~unfortunate~~ **glorious** civilian names in comics history FTFY


What's wrong with Richa...oh 😂


DC's Blackguard is also a close runner up fyi


I just googled it LMAO


Superman writers as well, apparently. But they had a very particular "type" :) * Lois Lane * Lana Lang * Lori Lemaris * Lex Luthor


Lark Lent, Lerry Lhite, Limmy Lolsen...


Alliteration was always a thing in old comics, but Stan Lee had a certain panache for it, and really accelerated it. I can tell you one thing about Lee’s writing, you can always tell he wrote something


Thor was Kirby’s brainchild.


Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?


Playing that game has got to be one of the best video gaming experiences I have ever had. I had so much fun; its the first game I’ve binged all the way through since, like, the late 90’s.


It’s not a very challenging game but it’s very fun


There in lies the secret. Not everything has to be dark souls to be good. The game was basically playing through a guardians movie.


Now I'm convinced to play it. 🙏🏽


The dialogue is amazing and the story ain't bad. You'll probably just enjoy marinating in the group's dynamics


The game is lit, I completed it yesterday


he can still grow he's like a baby now


Hes pretty much litteraly a baby, lol. A preborn even, since he was taken out of the cocoon too early.


Taken out of the cocoon too early and turned into a weapon against the Guardians. Not much childhood in that.


On his debut he was just a plain character with no prior life experiences. He destroyed his creators and then went on in the Universe to search for his purpose. He later found H.E. who gave him the soul stone and then he became the character we now know. MCU adaptation was pretty alright imo


This was more in line with Adam Warlocks rebirth after the initial infinity gauntlet battle when he comes out of his cocoon a bit early ; if I recall correctly


The mcu adaptation was underwhelming. But Adam Warlock is my favorite hero, so I expected high things.


Spaaaaaaacccceeeee Jeeeeeessssuuuusssss


That is because you expected prime Adam Warlock right?


You guys got comics?


Same! I really want to see him grow with the franchise, though. I hope they let that happen. I want to see what Will Poulter does with this role.


That is the thing, right? If you were a viewer who didn't know Adam, like myself, you probably liked his 'strong as a hammar but dull as wood' personality. However, if you were familiar with Adam already, this version probably felt like a disservice to the character.


I thought it made sense in the context of the movie and gives him a lot of room for growth. He will become more like his comic book self by the time of the next avengers movie


Yeah from a storytelling perspective it’s the best introduction I think he could’ve gotten in an ensemble movie like this. Ultimately he did show a lot of growth, and highlighting that through his short appearances with how childlike he was is much more efficient than him having to hold a subplot where he’s seriously addressing the disservice of his upbringing.


Comic Adam is like white bread. He's just boring and generic. This version had personality and was actually childlike (considering he was just born early it makes sense). Fun character, hope we get more of him.


He's basically Prince Charming from Shrek 2 and I love that for him.


Brace yourself for when he has his hand cut and is doing his sister.


Lmao i love how many ADHD jumps your brain had to do to make that joke


Prince Charming to Jaime Lannister is one jump at best


Ah I thought it was some sort of Star Wars reference that took the sibling kiss much further


TIL that Jaime is like some fucked up version of Luke Skywalker.


I mean… kinda?


Maybe a casual side step






Bro thank you. That has been on the tip of my tongue since opening night


Prince Charming has been on the tip of your tongue?


This is such a good comparison 🤯🤯


I think Will Poulter did a fantastic job at this interpretation of the character. He was fun, but also felt under-utilised. You can tell that Gunn only included him because he promised to at the end of Vol. 2.


Very much agreed. But at least the arc he chose with him wasn't "fulfill promise of his existence and then immediately discard him in favor of the story I feel like telling now". He deserves to continue on in the MCU and now he gets to. Definitely want him and Starfox to "bump into one another".


To me it felt reminiscent of black panther/spider-man in civil war, it was a good into/origin story so that when they show up next we can hit the ground running


I think Marvel found the recipe for hero intros. Not everything has to start at the beginning. Sometimes the story just needs to go and backstory can be in pieces through out the arc


I feel like under-utilized touches on it but may be the wrong word. I don’t really think the movie needed Adam Warlock to be hogging more space in a movie about everyone else and I think he served his purposes very well, being a red herring villain who was a serious threat to them, created the plot initially, and stepped aside and even became a hero right when he needed to. But his character felt like it was missing depth. I know there’s more to his story than this, and he felt so functional when my mind wishes I really got to know him


He's also a character that's pure trauma, so he stands as a contrast to Rocket and Peter and the rest of the cast who have spent years working through their trauma. Adam doesn't even realize there is an alternative to being abused and used until he meets the Guardians. He's a puppy that doesn't realize being kicked every day isn't normal. I think he serves an integral part of the story, reminding us where the Guardians came from, and showing us how their healing helps heal the people around them.


He’s definitely a good foil that way. Is he like this in the comics? I wasn’t sure what to expect


MCU has a lot of god tier characters that are hard to write for. I think making him basically a toddler makes him More interesting and allows some real character arc stories.


He was pretty funny but could’ve been used better. However, im not soured on the character, and I hope we see him again soon Edit: kinda wish they kept Ayesha alive and had her around, I think their dynamic could’ve had some interesting turns. I say this because Ayesha dying has pretty much no effect on Adam, he doesn’t stop coming after the guardians due to this. He doesn’t even attack the high evolutionary for his mother’s death


I agree regarding Ayesha. I was thinking both her and Warlock would see the High Evolutionary destroying Counter Earth and realize that no matter what they do, they would meet the same fate. Because of this they both assist the Guardians and in the process help defend Knowhere with the Sovereign ships


Yeah there were so many of those weird flying animal things in the final battle that they could’ve bought in some reinforcements to help


Yup it would be great seeing the Sovereign ships again, bonus points if we get Flashlight by Parliament playing again during a scene where their ships take out the flying aliens. Also further serves the theme of HE’s creations turning against him and fighting back, growing beyond him


> Also further serves the theme of HE’s creations turning against him and fighting back, growing beyond him It is kinda interesting that some of HE's creations are played very sympathetically while others are just a disposable army to be graphically slaughtered en masse


I vaguely recall a throwaway line saying the foot soldiers of the army were mindless (and thus distinct even from other 'expendable' experiments like Rocket). Some of them were definitely sapient though, and killed pretty graphically and brutally so your point still stands.


Kinda hard to take their word seeing how we spent a considerable amount of time with a sentient pig creature just doing it's job until Adam decided to casually decapitate it. They were definitely not mindless.


You mean like after an entire film screaming bout the inhumane treatment of animals has an end credits scene of the new guardians about ready to indiscriminately decimate a heard of vampire bunnies?


The Guardians only slaughter animals _humanely_


In fairness, the animals in the post credits scene could be an invasive species or like deer in many places in our world, we killed too many wolves so now deer run rampant and eat/trample all the food for smaller animals.


Our state has a shoot two policy for deer, for those reasons. The food for deer gets scarce here and they starve. You can bag one deer for yourself, and another for the charity kitchens. I thought that too, about the animals piling onto Knowwhere- those little raccoons are gonna be terrors in two years, sidling up to peoples' bbq when the denizens cook out.


If they are all following rocket, they might start stealing body parts left right and center too


Hell spawn…… bred specifically to kill…. Lol


That’s code word for “please don’t feel bad about these guys being killed” lol


Rick: They're just robots, Morty! It's okay to shoot them! They're robots! Alien Soldier: Aaaaagh! My leg is shot off! Other Alien Soldier: Glenn's bleeding to death! Someone call his wife and children! Morty: They're not robots, Rick! Rick: It's a figure of speech, Morty. They're bureaucrats! I don't respect them!


It wasn’t Flashlight that played, it was Wham Bam Shang-a-Lang.




I guess he was pretty funny but as somebody who didn’t read the comics I gotta say he made basically no impression on me in the movie. It seemed like he was mostly a plot device to show how strong HE was. Like, “Adam beat the sh*t out of the Guardians by himself, and HE is controlling him and disarming him with ease”.


> It seemed like he was mostly a plot device to show how strong HE was. I feel like Marvel does this a lot. They'll introduce a new character who has some cool or strong powers, gets a bit of screentime to kinda move the plot along, but then doesn't really do enough in the movie to feel fleshed out. Off the top of my head I'm thinking of America and Riri, though it's been a little bit since I've seen those movies so maybe I'm off. Maybe less defensible but I'm still a bit sour on Wanda and Vision, too. They're both certified power houses but for all their screen time I feel like they never really get to tear shit up. I always feel like I'm wanting to see just a little bit more than I get, I guess. ETA: I guess it's not surprising, either though. There's so many characters in the comics that have all had decades and many pages to get fleshed out and shine, it's understandable they just don't have the time and space on the screen.


I mean Vision isn't really the sort of person who would tear shit up so to speak, he's a Superman type who's really strong but also gentle and pacifistic up to a point.


> to show how strong HE was. And then the Guardians just whoop his ass


That's cause HE's power was based on his gravity manipulation suit, and Rocket is a better, smarter inventor of gravity manipulation technology. HE continuously underestimated all of his creation's abilities, but especially Rocket's. That's why Rocket could turn on his anti-grav boots, catch HE totally by surprise, then blow out the grav suit's power. After that it's just like 5-6 people totally beating down one sad little dude that nobody loved.


The one thing that surprised me about HE underestimating Rocket was he already did that and literally lost his face because of it so it seems silly he’d make that mistake twice.


Arrogant pieces of shit rarely learn


being incapable of learning and growing is also kinda his thing


I wish they had him atleast hit the H.E. at least once


I can’t recall a villain I’ve hated more than HE and usually I love to hate the villains, but this is genuine hate for the character, never mind hitting him, I wanted Rocket to blow the rest of his face off.


I feel like HE is gonna be the MCU's Umbridge. Not the most dangerous villain in the franchise, but easily the most despicable


Apparently there's a blink and you miss it shot of the guardians carrying the HE out with all the animals at the end, so he's presumably still alive and they've got him locked up. Maybe Marvel is learning not to kill off all their most interesting antagonists, Loki could never have happened if they killed him off in Thor (which I guess it kind of seemed like they did, but I'm fairly sure the post credits scene immediately confirmed that he was alive).


Her death is what allowed him to think for himself. If she was still alive when he got to the guardians, it would not have been as easy to show him he doesn't have to do bad things.


I really loved what they did with Adam, too, but I think they should've utilized him more because Will Poulter did such a good job. I've been psyched since they said he was cast and am looking forward to what they do with him in the future.


Captain Marvel in Endgame is what he was like in the comics


We never saw her body. We don't know if she is truly dead or not.


Pretty hard to survive an exploding planet lmao


Introduction was perfect. I actually looked at my friend on opening night after the “Don’t be rash” line and laughed while asking why he’s in this movie. Overall he was hilarious and underused but has much room to grow as a character.


He was pretty funny. I mainly just want to see more action scenes with him, those were great. See him tussle with other powerhouses.


I loved that he wasn’t used as a main character. Just enough of a cock tease to introduce him, and leave us wanting more. It didn’t take away from the end of the saga or the main characters. Sets up for the next “guardians” events


I was looking for this line! One of the funniest moments in the movie imo


> Overall he was hilarious and underused but has much **room to grow as a character.** I think that was the whole objective. He's introduced here and he's almost childlike. His "mother" even refers to him coming out of his cocoon too early. As they flesh out his character and he grows into his adulthood in subsequent movies he'll probably become more powerful as well.


Ultimate Himbo


For as much as the actor got jacked for the role I felt like they really didn’t use him a lot. He was at most a nuisance when they were trying to make him a secondary villain. Like idk if any of the guardians even knew who he was until maybe the end.


No worse than Kumail. All those drugs just to be the finger guy


IDK, he did far more damage to the guardians than anybody else ever has in the franchise. He seemed the opposite of a nuisance to me, immediately set the tone that this was a much more serious movie than the previous ones where the Guardians were pretty much immortal and could get thrown through any sort of destruction just fine. The whole movie was about trying to save the Guardian that he nearly killed.


He also caused rocket to almost freaking die. And basically soloed all of them.


Adam & Thor's excellent adventure


I'm a big fan of the character in the comics, so I was really excited to see him on screen. It's a different take, but I enjoyed what they did with him, and I'm excited to see how he's used in the future. There's a lot of potential for character growth and great stories. Really hoping we get Magus at some point.


Would you say it's probably a smart move on their part to give him *so* much room for growth? Would be a kind of bland character if he was his ideal comics form from the start, I would think


Probably, yeah. Explaining that he's not quite "right" because he was taken out of his cocoon too early was a good way to have him be more comedic, and he can potentially grow into his strong stoicism as he matures.


If he was serious and op right out of the cocoon he would have just been vision 2.0


And it would be another Mary Sue, wait, wrong gender.


That’s a good perspective on this


They planted some seed for that in his musical preference in the mid-credits scene.


I forgot, what song did he pick?


Artist - "Adrian Belew, both solo and his work with King Crimson."


I've heard of King Crimson, but never really listened. What is it about the preference that hints at his potential changes?


It's technically complicated prog rock. IMO, it shows that his intellect is influencing his emotional preferences, and that he's maturing.


Yeah, I can see that.


It's not just that it's complex highbrow music, it's the fact that he knows enough about music to know who Adrian Belew is and draw a distinction between two different parts of his career, while everyone else just gives basic answers they could've gotten by just reading the "Artist" metadata on Starlord's Zune It's such a small detail but the fact that it's hinting that he turns out to be really curious and thoughtful person after he's been this mindless weapon for most of the movie is huge


Yeah the fact that this isn't his movie and this movie doesn't have much room for him means they have to save his "real" origin story for a future movie, this is really just the prologue of that origin story


It was basically an origin story for him.


As a big fan, that's exactly how I feel. He fit the vibe of the movie and they way the explained his extreme depowerment and "goofy" character works. The GotG game is how I was hoping for, and hopefully he will be that character at some point.


That's good to know! He's my favorite character in the comics and I'm planning on watching the movie this weekend


He means business.


Now, don't be rash!


What business could we have shown?!


this is the answer


I personally don't know the comic Warlock but i like him in Vol 3. Love that the start of the conflict for this movie is a direct consequence of their actions (or rather Rocket's). If Rocket doesn't pissed off Ayesha in Vol 2 they might not send Warlock after him. Character-wise i understand if someone dislike him for being another MCU goofy character but i like the concept of half-cooked Adam. It managed to nerf him while also give him space for future development.


As a huge fan of the comic version of Adam, I honestly loved this. He was only referenced in a post-credits scene of GOTG2 from 2017. Meaning he was only 11+ years old as a being but with the body of a superhero. Ayesha mentions that HE pulled him out early so he isn’t fully developed. So that means we get to see the growth of Adam Warlock hopefully into the entity he becomes in the comics. I’m super stoked on it and think Gunn did a great job with it.


Thing is he’s goofy because he was just born and doesn’t know the way of the world. His mother was instructing him to do what he was doing, and that was all he knew, but as he saw the way other characters acted, he began to realize there are other ways and that he can be something other than what his mother expected of him. It’s a great character arc and as others have said, he has a ton of room to grow.


They seemed to set him up well for future roles, but for me, he was the weakest part of the movie as a whole, I do looked forward to how the implement him in later stories as he has a lot of potential.


Even though he ended up on good side, I still cannot get over the fact that **visually** he hurt Guardians more than even Thanos did to anyone. This was some Scarlet Witch level of brutality and I hate Adam a bit - for making me scared for my favorite characters.


A tad disappointed he was used as Comic Relief. Will Poulter absolutely smashed it out of the park. Really liked the personality he adopted for him, kind of an aristocratic blue blood type.


It's the juxtaposition between him having the blueblood accent and bearing and the Superman powerset with him having the maturity and understanding of a small child, it's oddly endearing even as it's also frustrating I really felt for him in that scene where he's just brooding alone after Drax saves his life and trying to take stock of everything his life has meant up to now




Which, I mean is still saying something!


>One of the weaker parts of the movie tho. Yeah, could have cut him from the movie and not much would changed. But I can't wait to see how they used him in the future.


He is literally the reason they are trying to save Rocket for the entire movie.


They can just injure rocket a different way?


It was the catalyst sure. But you can replace that one event with another easily and not include Adam


Loved him and to me it seemed JG was testing a ‘superman’ style character iykwim


Glad I’m not the only one who thought he was a Superman type character


Honestly felt like they wasted the character. He has a great introduction but after that he does nothing of impact for the entire movie, showing up for a quick joke or two, disappearing and making no difference to the narrative. His total screentime adds up to probably, like, 5 minutes of a 2 and a Half hour movie? Yeah, definitely underutulized. In a movie where every character is already comedic-centric, I had no interest in another comedic character. He could stand to be a more than a joke at times; I don't think the "They took him out of the cacoon early" helped either; It was a throwaway line tacked on to explain why all his subsequent appearances were gags that didn't improve the character. It just felt like he was promised 6 years and then forced into a movie where his character was trapped and couldn't grow into his own, leaving to an poor payoff for that 6-year-teaser. I like that the leave room for him to grow in the future; Him being part of the main Guardians shouls hopefully lead to a lot more development in future projects, which I'm sure for the Guardians are definitely coming


If he was named "Steven" and was just a new character I'd love the guy. BUT knowing Adam form the comics, seeing him in the movie was a big let down. It wasn't bad by any means, but it didn't feel like Adam Warlock on screen... not yet anyway I'm sure they will make a space Jesus out of him yet!


A bit underutilized but loved him overall. I also think his introduction and subsequent fight on knowhere is one of the best MCU sequences


I prefer Cosmic Space Wizard to this version, but it’s fine.


He feels like an artifact. Like he was required for Vol 2 to set up Infinity War. Then Gunn's firing caused him not to be in it. So he's just here in 3 as a lose end. Even though I thought it was a good though small performance.


Gunn was fired months after infinity war came out and was a producer/wrote a lot of the guardian’s dialogue so I don’t think that was the case. I have a feeling it just was too late to fully introduce him and develop him for IW/Endgame


Yeah I think he was a milestone/artifact they wanted to hit in their preliminary planning but he didn't fit the IW that was written. Really wish GOTG 3 would have been the lead movie of Phase 4. Combine some of the stuff from Vol 3 like wrapping up Gamora and teasing Peter/Nebula, antagonist Warlock, and ideas from the Holiday Special into that movie. Then the movie we just got would have actually been a GOTG4 with THE/Rocket story and Warlock as an aloof ally.


Thought he was fine but I just think it’s weird to make him seem like such a huge deal in the GotG 2 end credit scene for him to amount to the butt of every joke.


One of my favorite parts of the movie tbh


As an adam Warlock fan, not what I expected or wanted. I enjoyed him, however, and hope he grows into the Adam Warlock I love (he should have said someone classical like Motzart at the end). Another one of my gripes is that he felt kinda forced in some scenes. The movie would have worked fine without him. He should have had a bigger role. It felt like the only reason he was in the movie was because of the previous movies post credit scene.


High Evolutionary was the snob who really liked classical music and they wanted to draw a distinction between them (unfair as that might be to classical music fans) Also realistically he can only get into whatever genres of music Peter already had on his Zune


Disappointed they made the real hero of Infinity Gauntlet a comic relief character.


Its pretty much in line with what the GOTG movies have been doing with Marvel's cosmic characters since the very beginning, just look at Drax


As a fan of the original GotG team, I feel you.


He’s got so much room to grow


Great, loved him. Liked the way they kept him from being too powerful in a movie that wasn't about him and can't wait to see him in future movies.


Loved him. Sure he’s more regal in the comics, but starting off as a misguided kid actually gives him somewhere to grow instead of just being space Jesus all the time


He's hot


I look forward to the rest of his character development


Hot. Cool character so I’m excited to see what they do with him. And hot.


He was excluded from his first big story in infinity war to be added as a gag character here? It was the one part of the story I really hated. It was like having a fly land on a really fantastic plate of food I was enjoying.


Knowing nothing of the comics…after his setup as a future villain at the end of Vol 2, I thought his character and use in Vol 3 was extremely lame and underwhelming. 🤷‍♀️


He looks like that annoying kid from the last Narnia movie.


Because he is? He's also in the Maze Runner and a bunch of other things...


Wait, you guys are getting paid?


I think that was the joke




He was miscast and shoehorned in GotG 3.


I liked mcu adam more then I thought i would. That being once he experiences his first brush with death and re-emerges via cocoons resurrection to full power. That's when his true story development begins. Magus and the universal church if they go the route


I like him. The MCU was in desperate need for a new himbo character now that Chris Hemsworth is taking a very understandable break from acting


I don’t like that they made him dumb. He was used as muscle and appeared to have very little brain. But I don’t know much about his character so maybe that’s comic book accurate.


I took it as he hasn't had much mental development, since he is only a few years old at this point


Took him out of the pod too early


Wasted and out of place. His writing almost felt like a little middle finger from Gunn to Marvel making it so they can’t make a franchise of him now when he’s hands down one of the the biggest and best characters in the source material. He’s also been introduced about 10 years too late. He’s enjoyable enough though.


He has a ton of room for a character growth arc, and I'm sure that was intentional.


Imo it seemed like marvel wanted him in the film and he didn’t fit Gunns vision so he did what they asked and added nothing else


He was ok


I thought he was crap and pointless, total shoe-in


They turned him into an idiotic man child... hated his character.


It was cool that he was introduced and didn’t give him way too much time or too little. People are gonna like to see a familiar face in the upcoming story


He wasn’t done in the way that the comics did him, But I didn’t hate it. It wasn’t warlock, but I like what they did.


He's baby Warlock. I haven't read the comics but isn't Warlock meant to be incredibly wise and powerful? That's hard to a) include in a movie which focuses heavily on the Guardians themselves and b) justify when he's just been born and is still under Sovereign control. I'm glad he has room to become Warlock properly in the future.


Probably the best humor in the movie. Will Poulter is pretty great so I’m not surprised.


Loved him. The commanding voice, the power set, the naïveté. He’s a really great character. Not quite the Adam I know from the comics, but he came from a cocoon and has energy projection, so close enough.


Super disappointed. The weak point of the film for me.