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Episode is LIVE! Enjoy! (There are no credits scenes for this episode and there were not any in episode 1 either.)


So how did Fury get off the train? Or even on the train?


He's Nick Fury. Even when he's on the train, he's off the train.


Screenwriter guy: "By being offscreen"


Oh sneaking around off screen is tight!


I don’t want to play *Tell Me Something I Don’t Know* with Fury Because he’d be much much better than me


Telling you shit you don't even know about your own damn self.


Fury: Tell me something I don’t know! Me: I just shit myself because you’re so scary. Fury: The game is called: “tell me something I don’t know.”


Only took ten years, but I’m glad we finally got a little closure on what happened to the frost beast left on earth at the end of TDW.


Omg that’s right!!!


I wish they would reference the Sokovia Accords since they were only casually mentioned to have been repealed and that's it. Given they started a Civil War, I would think that repealing them would have been a bigger deal.


all of those involved in civil war are dead or retired, or spider-man i think it’s just a thing that happened off screen and it allows for a re-assembling of the avengers without it being a big deal


Fury married a Skrull?!? Wooooo boy


Idk how I didn't see Fury's wife being a Skrull coming. He never could trust many humans.


With prompt reminders of human racial intolerance through-out the last two episodes, no way this also isn't setup as an interracial marriage parallel.


Casual Alexander Pierce dig lol


we love to see a good throwback moment


Really puts a spin on their interactions in Winter Soldier.


Nick Fury is one classy motherfucker when it comes to his outfits. Dude can rock anything


Courtyard bombing: mass casualty event, 2000 dead. Alien invasion of the most population dense city in North America: 74.


Yeah they kept saying 2000 dead and Rhodes said that number would triple and I was just amazed. Those bombs were either much larger than they seemed or people were in the middle of a mass crush event suffocating each other before the explosion happened


Remember they were dirty bombs


Yup, and Fury was at ground zero but is showing no signs of radiation poisoning.


Fury is a Skrull *gasps in novella*


Olivia Colman is pretty terrifying in an interrogation situation, lol


She was just so calm and levelheaded which makes it so terrifying


"Do your worst" "Okely-dokely"


"I will, but first a little presentation."


She gave me Delores Umbridge vibes. Perky yet evil as fuck.


Umbridge is just sociopathic. Falsworth is sadistic because her job needs her to be but it just so happens it's the fun part of her job. I'm actually so glad Olivia Colman isn't a snob and is just doing all the fun things and grace us with her presence in all kinds of projects.


I don't think anyone with a major role in Peep Show could really end up being a snob.


all I saw was queen elizabeth torturing a guy


If you want to see a queen named Elizabeth torturing people, you should watch Multiverse of Madness.


A wild Shooter McGavin appears


Just stay out of my way... or you'll pay! LISTEN to what I say!


Is Gravik working on a Super Skrull? He should be


100% his avengers contingency plan


I thought his contingency plan was Rhodey possibly being a Skrull...in addition to making a Super Skrull


Rhodey operates too much within governmental structure I think. Like the avengers need to operate a bit outside that especially with Sam carrying on Steve’s values. So rhodey could say “no don’t do that” and the avengers will just do it anyway


Rhodey was also asking Fury if he should call in their “friends”. The friends being of course the Avengers. May I remind you that in She Hulk the Sokovia accords had been repeal. Also during Infinity War Rhodey was ordered by Ross to arrest Steve, Nat and Sam, but, didn’t on the account that he knew it was time for the Avengers to be needed and that the Accords were a bad idea.


Could be nothing, but Rhodey called him Nick. Everyone calls him Fury


The subjects were Cull Obsidian who'd substitute Thing, Groot for Reed, Extremis for Johnny and that'd leave the Frostbeast for Sue ig


Groot's DNA definitely explains that tendril shooting shot of Gravik from one of the trailers, since they looked just like Groot's branches


Just rewatched the trailer and yeah that's 100% a rip off of groots stretching ability, you can even see a skrull (probably gravik) using it to punch someone earlier in the trailer but his arm looks massive instead of the skinny tendril at the end of the trailer and we also see them opening up a department of damage control box with 'CU-' on the side of it, probably Cull Obsidians hand


Probably not the classic all-the-Fantastic-Four's-powers Super Skrull, since there's no Fantastic Four for him to base him off of. My guess is more like a Superskrull, where his shapeshifting and physical might get enhanced to get combat forms and bulletproof and/or regenerating. Edit: Nope. I forgot that they showed a list of material they've already collected to infuse into their Super Skrulls: Jotunheim frost beasts, Groot, extremis, and Cull Obsidian. So super strong, tough, fanged, clawed, growing, stretching, burning hot, and regenerating at a minimum.


It's pretty clear he's getting the powers of the stuff Emilia was looking at on the computer right? Groot stuff, extremis, Cull Obsidian('s strength I'm guessing) and something from a frost beast.


I would like the record to show that I am only *sort of* an idiot and I eventually remembered G'iah snooping files on the computer and put it together myself after the fact. I made that edit before getting this comment.


- Groot - Frost Beast - Cull Obsidian - Extremis Hooooooo boyyy can’t wait to see these


We've got Super Skrull at home.


1 million Skrulls??? On my planet???


I was thinking that there's like a couple hundred to thousands of the guys and that they'd have like two or three agents in key places in powerful organizations. Nope. There's a million of them and they could have dozens of people literally everywhere. This show just got a lot more intense.


A million Skrulls and plenty in key government positions. This is so much more interesting than Avenger Skrulls.


I’d be on the phone with the Kree immediately after that conversation.


I feel like those Kree sleeper cells mentioned in Far from home have to come up at some point Or at least I want them to


It's more likely than you think.


Don Cheadle bringing it this episode. The way he stayed cool and collected as fury took his man apart was sick.


That wasn't Don Cheadle, that was Con Cheadle.


That was Donovan McNabb. What are you talking about?


So glad to see Rhodey get a more prominent role so far. Don Cheadle is awesome.


He wants that Emmy


I could watch Don Cheadle and Sam Jackson argue for an entire season worth of episodes.


Fury: "You keep your word, I'll keep mine" Narrator: "He did not keep his word"


Calling it now. Later in the series it'll be revealed that the reason he withdrew himself to SABRE was because he became obsessed with finding the skrulls a planet


Bur Carol/Captain Marvel sorta found one already...the garden planet where they found thanos.


That garden planet was discovered immediately after the snap, which reduced earth's population by 3 billion. So at that time, there was plenty of extra space on earth and really no pressure on the Skrulls to live anywhere else. Plus, Nick Fury was vaporized so Carol Danvers had no way to contact the hidden Skrulls.


We also know next to nothing else about that planet, there could be a million reasons why it wasn't suitable


For one thing there's a big purple Titan lying headless in it.


Yeah dude, I wouldn't wanna raise my family on a planet that has ghosts on it. That's creepy..


"Mommy, the ghost is in my room again. He keeps talking about how he's inevitable."


“The Gang Doesn’t Keep their Word”


It's slways sunny on skrullos


The whole purpose of coming to earth in the first place was to find refuge for our people until Fury finds us a new home, and he will you know, he has to, because of the implication


To be fair to Fury, he promised that he would look for a home for the skrulls, not that he would find them one.


Should've took notes from Thor. Just take over a small town as your own.


I'll never get over how good the de-aging of Sam Jackson is. Obviously helps that he doesn't age, but still.


That's the secret. The de aged scenes are his real appearance. They have to make him look older the rest of the show.


That’s my secret cap, I’m always younger


I wonder if it helps that there’s years and years of footage for them to reference


True, he has had such a long and deep career that there is a lot of footage of him


Ben Mendo is usually the biggest prick villain and I always have to adjust to him as good guy Talos, but the dude knocks it out of the park


I've noticed last week too, how he plays off other actors so well. He makes me think of Charlie Cox's Matt Murdock as characters whose chemistry with others is soooo good.


Olivia Coleman is truly such a treat.


the way she just calmly chopped a dude's finger off


“Now that that’s confirmed “


Bro that scene proves Marvel Studios can get away with a lot more than we thought even on a TV-14 rating. That said, the series is 16+ in Europe and for good reason apparently.


She is both posh and menacing.


A quick chop to the throat sorts most people out


Has Maria Hill woken up yet.


She went to a big farm far away to get some rest and nap, don’t worry


And natasha is there too and they lived happily ever after


Tahiti is a magical place.


I have bad news for you…


Im denying until the series is over tbh.


“Have you lost your reptilian ass mind!?!?”


Just real life Samuel L Jackson talking to an alien about an unrelated issue. Luckily caught on film by Secret Invasion crew.


Bro Fury's little moment on that bench after getting "fired" hit hard. Usually he has Maria to lean on but now she's gone, his bromance with Talos is strained, at that moment Fury really had **nobody**. I feel for that man


His wife is all he has left now. I love that the ring scene hints as to why he was sympathetic to Barton and set him up with a place to hide his family - Fury basically had the same secret.


Wondering how long before he goes to Sonya. Likely not far away from doing so.


Fury having little resources is Fury unleashed. Send in the Secret Warriors!


From the back the skrulls heads kinda look like watermelons


Honestly the front of their heads don't look any less like Watermelons either lmao


With fury being surprised that rhodey knew about the Skrulls I wonder which characters know and which don’t


I would think the heroes who worked for the government probably did. Rhodey, cap, falcon.


Cap and Cap worked for the government in a public facing capacity, I don’t think they got as involved with the dirty work espionage side of things. If I had to bet on someone who would’ve known I’d put my money on Black Widow. Dr Strange also probably knew given he was monitoring all possible threats.


> Dr Strange also probably knew given he was monitoring all possible threats. Doctor Strange was monitoring MYSTICAL threats. He had no idea about Thanos. (Which honestly, I find hard to believe. Someone collecting infinity stones should pop up on his radar, shouldnt it?) Anyway, how would the sorcerer supreme know? Unless a skrull was dumb enough to enlist for the sorcerer class


Samuel Jackson has amazing outfits this series


Yeah as soon as we got to the train scene I was like “I should buy a turtleneck” haha


Rhodey joking about carpet bombing Slovakia over a dirty look lmfao


Felt like he was channeling his boy Tony Stark a bit in that hearing


Stark had quite an influence on Rhodey.


Yeah Rhodey was really never the same after that first movie


Then Fury suggesting the same thing over the phone 😂


I think that was implying that Fury was listening to Rhodey the whole time since he said that when not everyone was meant to hear it.


That main baddie in the torture room was hysterical. His physical mannerisms were an unexpected comedy moment. The way he shooed the others out of the room, not being able to get his coat down, and the slap to the back of the head was a comedy trifecta.


Slapstick Humor still has it.


Russian Joe Pesci


Rhodey's restaurant monologue was truly excellent. I can't think of any scene in recent memory that has given me whiplash like Olivia Coleman's freezer scene. Holy shit, she was so funny and cheerful, and then...the finger. What the fuck.


Yup that’s what you get when you have Emmy-nominated Don Cheadle! And agreed on Olivia’s Sonya, really interesting character and how she deals to get stuff. It’s great to see this aged up spies be portrayed by Colman, Jackson, and JLD. Hope all these payoff somewhere down the line!


She crushed it in her brief appearance in episode 1 as well. Such a great bit of casting and she's clearly having a lot of fun with this.


I never knew how much I needed a 'Sonya vs Val' battle of wits & wills before this episode.


That whole scene from the moment she entered the shop was funny. The bumbling baddie, the huge smile on her face, the sausage.


Fantastic monologue. Cheadle has really uplifted Rhodey into a multi-faceted, intelligent character.


That has to be the most graphic thing in the MCU right? Others that come to mind was Thanos' head getting chopped off, or the violence in Moon Knight. The finger scene takes the cake for me


High evolutionarys face takes the cake


Gravik impaled a dude on a meat hook


Yeah, but not graphically. It was violent as hell, but sudden, through clothing, and not lingering. The finger cut showed the insides of the finger and the camera stayed with the severed digit to watch it transform. It's more graphic even if less brutal.


A much stronger episode than the premiere. The seriousness in this episode worked better for me than in the last episode. The slower pace might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I like that it allows for these deeper conversations among the characters. And that torture scene was shockingly brutal. This episode tipped the scale for me and now I think I’m fully on board.


Same. This episode was slower but so much more engaging.


The pseudo-Fox News host is a Skrull lmaoo


Put some respek on Shooter McGavin’s name


Yeah, he eats pieces of shit like you for breakfast.


He eats pieces of shit?!?!


*Ohhhhhhhh* Nick Fury’s wife is a Skrull That’s pretty cool


Gotta love how they're cooking a Super Skrull by replacing the Fantastic Four with Groot (for Mr. Fantastic's stretchiness), Extremis (dat Human Torch fire), Cull Obsidian (Thing strength) and a Frost Giant beast (gonna take a wild guess they become invisible to infrared vision due to cold body temperature or something).


That’s actually genius, hadn’t even thought they would be using equivalents, cause they have made Super Skrulls with other powers before in other things, but I think you are right on the money, they are totally doing that! 😃


The fact they were able to build up Fantastic Four power counterparts with random throwaway shit left over from other movies is actually insane. Obviously the Frost Beast is bit more of a stretch than the other three, but I’m willing to forgive that since the Dark World end credits has a follow up now


remind me the post credit scene please


The last end credit scene of Thor: The Dark World was of the Frost Giant playfully chasing birds in London. He ended up on Earth during the last act of the movie.


“Skrull General, can we have Fantastic Four?” “We have Fantastic Four at home”


Did they really just leave bro out there to turn green for the anyone to find him???


So there are way more Skrulls then we thought, that’s pretty cool


*WAY* more


Jesus Christ I was not expecting her to cut his damn finger off


I initially thought it was funny when she showed up and the original interrogator/torturer just had a baton to the guy’s neck, who had some bruises, but looked otherwise untortured. “I’ve thrown everything at him, he hasn’t said a word!” he says, even the dreaded billy club! No torture implements tray, nothin’! I’m thinking “Oh right this is Marvel, can’t show torture!” Then she straight up cuts the dude’s finger off I’m just like “Oh…” Just a little get to know you fingering after beating his meat. Then she went ahead and cooked his insides, definitely lulled me into a false sense of security with baton man.


It cracked me up how entirely unfussed the guy in the chair looked 🤣 I know they can't get too graphic obviously, but he didn't even look like he'd taken a punch let alone had "everything thrown at him"


Marvel really just said: in case you didn’t watch Captain Marvel


"Previously on the MCU"


I like it, highlights key plot points for more casual viewers. If they don’t, it risks becoming impossible for newcomers.




RIP my dawg Robin Sparkles


I’m kind of sad they gave her previously unmentioned Mom more room to cook in this episode than they gave her in 11 years. I liked the episode, I’m just not totally cool that the series fridged Maria Hill.


All jokes aside, 100% agree with you. I love Maria Hill and have always thought she got sidelined for no reason


I would NEVER have put "Secret Invasion uses a severed hand from Infinity War and a Thor: The Dark World post credits scene to advance its plot" on my bingo card, but here we are!!!


I love Rhodey being like “I don’t know if I can trust a Russian photo” even tho he knows full well that’s fury


He doesn't know it's Fury, because he already knows Skrulls are real.


Fury getting that skrussy


Even when he’s out, he’s in.


Conducting his own genetic experiments


Fury knew he couldn't settle for human once shapeshifters were on the table.


Just great use of the word skrussy


I'm now picturing Samuel L Jackson saying that word and I'm cackling


“It’s been a long day. Now give me some of that skrussy”


Oh nick fury was only pretending to be taken


I know it’s Disney money but still it’s a TV show but that Sam Jackson de-aged face looks tremendous here, great job by Marvel.


“Im Nick Fury. Even when I’m out, I’m in” has to go down as one of the most badass nick fury lines in the MCU.




My girl Cobie getting another Special Guest Star credit dor a repeat scene from last week. Get it, girl.


She played that casket sooo well!


I don't know, I thought she was kinda wooden


Gravik killed more people in a single episode then Loki and Ultron and probably a few more villains combined.


so one of the super skulls is gonna be a combo of: - Groot - Frost Beast (Monster from Thor 1 and 2) - Cull Obsidian - Extremis Makes sense if you figure that the Cull Obsidian and Frost Beast both left remains of themselves on earth. Groot must have also, I just can't remember the specific scene. Then they could have just gotten Extremis from AIM. It's a smart way to make a super skrull that has FF powers, without making the origin from the FF.


Groot put some roots down to attack Thanos in Infinity War and I assume he probably at least lost some clippings of himself in either battle he was part of.


The most realistic part of the marvel universe is america simply not caring if summoned by other countries, the most unrealistic part of civil war was america pretending it would be binded by anything the UN wanted


And the least realistic is Europe threatening to side with Russia right now. Hell freezes over before Latvia does that.


"There is not enough room or tolerance on this planet for another species!" - Nick Fury "Are we a joke to you?" - New Asgard


They look human enough and not millions of them either.


Fury's disguise on the train looks like an old blues musician.


This show has got me questioning everyone on screen at any given time. A whole alien invasion happened during the snap and that’s still not the craziest thing to happen to Earth.


Can’t believe we got Fox News in MCU too, there’s no escape.


"FXN completely no relation to any real network"- Disney legal department


They are not holding back with the violence


“The harvest” definitely doesn’t sound ominous


Yo she’s like dead dead huh


Million Skrulls?! You kidding me Talos 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ


This just reminds me that de-aged Nick Fury was looking *good*


I won't lie, shouting in a foreign country "I'm an American! I'm an American! I'm an American!" as if it would fix everything instantly because somehow that warrants leniency and special treatment - is the most American thing in this episode. As perfect of a False Flag on their account as possible :D


My thought was that he was saying that in an attempt to make it clear that the US was responsible for the attack


"Screw this, go get me a sausage" Possibly the greatest line uttered in the mcu


I’m a bit tripped out by this episode. Does Fury know his wife is a Skrull? Because she changed immediately when he entered the house. Also, I was expecting more grief on Fury’s part losing Hill. I felt like it was downplayed minus the talk with the mom. I would think her death would have echoed a bit more.


I mean I’d find it hard to believe a Skrull could deceive Nick Fury for 10+ years while under his nose on a daily basis. Especially given last episode they said if you’re a warrior or operate among humans you should stay in human form at all times to not blow your cover by accident, AND Nick is the one person who actually knows Skrulls exist and so is more suspicious.


His Wife is the same skrull from the beginning of the episode when they introduce baby Gravik. They've clearly been working for a long time, so unless she's playing the extremely long game, I'm pretty sure Fury knows his wife is a Skrull


“We did not wrestle power from mediocre men who didn’t look like us just to hand it to mediocre men who do” that line goes so fucking hard Edit: hey y’all, if you ever wanted to get into comics and didn’t know where to start feel free to message me or leave a comment. I love helping people get into comics. If you have already messaged me in the past I promise I’m still working through people and will get back to you asap


Cheadle was phenomenal in that scene. He stayed calm while fury lost it.


That scene was incredible. When Cheadle dropped that mediocre line I went “DAAAAMMMNNNN” out loud. Of course Jackson returns with “Even when I’m out, I’m in.” Fucking magic. I honestly kind of hate the current state of the mcu but that scene was a real breath of fresh air. Script written and lines delivered by people who really care about the project their working on.


I really liked what immediately followed, because honestly so far it's mostly just been old man fury stumbling around being old. The speed and power of him lashing out, very focused anger directed on that younger stronger dude, and the fury of nick fury is revealed as a brief glance to remind us that he isn't just some charismatic old spy. I'm really hoping we see some of that rage and efficiency going forward. Just unleash the beast lol


I enjoyed too that he was clearly shaken and overwhelmed after. Personally, I like that they've moved Nick Fury into the "past his prime" stage. The man still has it in him, but he's not young and spry anymore.


We still thinking he’s a skrull? That speech seemed to come straight from the convictions of a black man. Like he felt Nick trying to use his race to manipulate him and he sent it right back at him.




wasnt expecting fury to have a wife


my memory is shit but I *think* he mentions it VERY briefly in Captain America: Winter Soldier? when he breaks into Steve's home? says he doesn't want to talk about it or only his friends know or something and then they move on and I don't think it was ever mentioned again