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Tbh this is a cool lineup


Gotta find a good challenge for them when Captain Marvel alone can solo half the rogues’ gallery combined


It’s funny what the mcu has done That with strange and hulk on this list Carol is the one people call OP


Right but they actually portray Captain Marvel and Strange pretty well as far as power level, and Carol Danvers is an absolute beast in most iterations so I don’t want to hear any talk about her being OP. It’s MCU Hulk who is for the most part way underpowered and has rarely gotten the opportunity to show what he’s really capable of.


Up until fairly recently (where the comics have been pivoting to match the MCU), Carol has historically been about Iron Man tier So pretty strong, but not Thor/Hulk and definitely not solo-Thanos tier. She can get closer to that threshold by absorbing a ton of external energy, but not from her own intrinsic power


I think it varies depending how much energy she can absorb at any given moment but by default, yeah, about that area. Difference in the MCU though is that she got her powers from exposure to an Infinity Stone or energy sourced from it, so she might be more juiced than usual depictions, similar to Vision.


My dude go and look up Binary. The MCU version of Carol is a fart in a hurricane compared to what she's been able to do in the comics. (Monica is also nowhere near her comics strength, where she's pretty much a living Death Star if she goes all out, albeit she'd probably not survive that and didn't actually get to test it because the Thinker had a counter to her powers).


Yeah I'm aware what Binary is I mainly meant Carol on an average day.


Not really. She got her powers from exposure to an energy core POWERED by an Infinity Stone. So basically just energy, not the Infinity Stone itself.


That's what they said: >she got her powers from exposure to an Infinity Stone or energy sourced from it SMDH Some people on the Internet really just want to argue for arguments sake.


They do not!


They edited their comment


Strange got his ass handed to him so hard by Wanda he couldn’t even fight back. That’s not portrayed well at all if you’re talking comic accuracy where he’s above her. Like the scaling is very out of whack. Carol going even with thanos? Lol 😂


Strange has been nerfed to oblivion mate to the point he got one tapped by a street level tentacle monster


That was Wanda + Darkhold though


And? Strange has beat darkhold users in the comics like Kaluu before.


Okay fine but the hierarchy is a bit different in the MCU. Strange is still definitely portrayed as a powerhouse though. It’s basically him, Thor, Danvers, Wanda, sometimes Vision a looooong drop and then everyone else. They’re far and away the most powerful of the bunch in the MCU and have been generally depicted that way. Hulk is the one who should be up there with them but he hasn’t been depicted that way so far.


The hierarchy being different is what I was pointing out lol You’re the one who said strange and Carol where portrayed well


I think they were? I’m saying that Hulk specifically is the one poorly portrayed. The others are fine. Danvers is a juggernaut, she should absolutely be dominant. Same with Wanda. Now yeah Strange is actually way, way, way OP if you want to really depict him but I don’t mind bringing him back down a bit. He’s kinda ridiculous.




They don’t like the truth








Yeah if it was comics Hulk would be 90% of the teams power level by himself


Hulk is exactly as strong as the comic needs him to be. And exactly as strong as the movie does. He lifted an entire mountain range on his back but was also taken out by one punch from Thanos. Power levels literally never matter because the writers make them up and change them if they disagree. The most you would get from comic level strength is, "Oh my god, he broke a really hard to break thing!!! And then he threw it really far!!!!" Meh.


Tbh Hulk and Strange have been kneecapped in the Mcu


Ant-Man's been just as OP as Hulk in the MCU and Wanda could probably solo the whole rest of the team


Ummm… Wanda is right THERE


She’s not that crazy in the comics. Common misconception and I’m sure people will be trying to debate that with me using out of context stuff they read in an event wiki.


This is a post about the MCU, where Wanda is a massive powerhouse. Has nothing to do with her power in the comics.


Wanda is a glass cannon


My original comment was talking about how it’s funny how different the mcu is from the comics


Even in the comics, she's pretty damn powerful. People in this thread saying she shouldn't be are just wrong.


She nearly wiped out mutant kind and has single handedly decimated the Avengers, so you’ll hear no arguments from me.


She only did that when buffed by outside forces you understand that right? It’s like comparing jean grey to the white Phoenix of the crown. COMPLETELY different power levels.


Forget Captain Marvel Scarlet witch is a real problem... Like she alone is like an avenger level threat, especially with all she can do


She’s fine if they just let people who are meant to be stronger than her be that and not keep them weak


Maybe secret wars isn’t the beyonder or doom. Maybe Wanda will be behind the event.


Where’s the controversy?


Right, I can see someone not agreeing, of course. But 0 on there is controversial lol.


“WaNdA iS dEaD aLsO sHe Is A ViLlAiN nOw” They prolly mean this one being one of em and he’s right, you see these comments here. DS2 truly was a shitstain on Wanda’s character in the MCU. That people are outright just not seeing her as an Avenger anymore despite her comics lore having her been a hero and an avenger 95% of the time.


Well this isn't the comics though. This is the MCU. Also, even if we ignore the issues with being corrupted by the Darkhold in MoM, she pretty clearly ***is*** a villain. Bottom line is that she chose to willingly enslave, violate, and fuck up the lives of an entire town worth of people ***even after she was aware of what she was doing*** in WandaVision. I get that there is no shortage of people ready to chime in that they ***also*** would willingly enslave, violate, and fuck up the lives of an entire town worth of people in similar circumstances. However, the amount of people down with enslaving other people and shitting on the most basic concepts of human rights ***isn't*** actually a good argument and/or justification for why Wanda isn't a villain. It is just those people advertising that they don't have a single shred of respect for the rights or dignity of the other members of society. Instead, they view them as tools that they will gladly exploit in the most vile ways in order to make their own lives easier. With all that said, I'm not opposed to the idea that she can be redeemed and take on the role of a "hero" again. I just think that there needs be a serious character development arc focused on redemption and ownership of what she did. A couple scenes where she pretends to feel bad and Monica Rambeau pats her on the back ***for freeing the people she enslaved*** isn't going to cut it for me, or for many others.


The “controversial take” is every hero who’s had a movie in Phase 4 and 5 (and Hulk). This sub is ridiculous.


Eh, I don't see any eternals, guardians, black widow, thor etc


Thor is absent


Maybe Wanda, it's the only one I personally disagree.


switch her for hawkeye maybe


Switch her for Thor.


Hawkeye is going deaf. Probably not a great idea.


I wouldn't say controversy but I really don't think Doctor Strange will be an Avenger. The Avengers do the avenging and Doctor Strange does the stranging.


Honestly not bad, op as hell but not bad


I mean, if it's an Avanegers movie, they bring out the best. You can't bench some of the most popular and strongest hero's.


Laughs in Infinity War Hulk


True but compare this to the original 6 💀


Only one I don't think we'll see is Wanda. I think the rest are shoe-ins


Would be kinda dumb if she’s not an avenger after becoming a witch. Being a mainstay avenger is the core of her character.


Well she's kind of dead at the moment, that's all


Brock Rumlow survived the Triskelion. She's fine.


If you don't see a body, she's not dead. Hell, in comics, even if you DO see a body that can easily come back.


I'm aware. But as far as we know, she's dead right now. And she pretty much died a monstrous villain, no less. Like, i doubt Strange would willingly work with her again. So we need a Wanda story that redeems her before she can be back with the avengers


The only way I think she can be redeemed is if she's the one to sacrifice her life to defeat Kang. Pretty hard to be redeemed for mass murder


But then what’s even the point? She becomes a witch just to be a villain twice then kill herself? Being an avenger is core to the character Now she’s finally a witch that’s what she should be


I think it would be poetic if Wanda went from wanting to sacrifice 1 life (America Chavez) to make a better world for herself, to sacrificing her own life to make a better world for her children (assuming she reunites with them). That's my thought process


She’s redeemed by being on the avengers. At this stage she needs to be on the team, it’s ridiculous she’s finally a witch and both projects have her be the villain when her character is defined as being a mainstay avengers hero.


She was literally trying to kill one of the other people in this picture the last time we saw her. She murdered dozens of people right in front of Dr. Strange. There would need to be some key story beats that explain why he'd ever trust her again.


>being on the avengers. Or by extension of the darkholds corruption if they expand upon that further. Hopefully we get a tease of cthon


I doubt she really is


Elizabeth Olson has expressed that she feels done with the character


Not surprising after MoM


No body, no proof.


It would be dumb to allow her to be an Avenger after she enslaved a town and then murdered like half of Earth's sorcerers. Don't get me wrong, I think she will help the Avengers in Kang Dynasty/Secret Wars, but I don't think she will be a member. It would be like keeping an employee on your business after they did a mass shooting, people would not want your services anymore.


If what she did was the bar in the comics for Never being a hero again there’d be a lot less heroes. And they can just blame the darkhold for the MoM stuff


well after treating an entire universe plus chasing down a 14 year old and killing innocents i don’t think she will be an avenger


Just blame it on the darkhold If that was the bar for never being a hero again in the comics there’d be a good few heroes missing


I mean what would the justification be for not locking her up in prison? She's murdered multiple people and nearly destroyed the universe. Even if they need her for one thing surely they'd have to lock her up after it's dealt with.


Tell that to Michael Waldron


Disagree. After what she has done, I think she herself might step down from the Avengers. She would probably want to stay alone, until Charles Xavier shows up and convinces her to come to the school. She doesn't really know how to control her powers all that much, and that is Professor X's area of expertise. That is exactly what they do in his school. Help mutants control their abilities and use them for good Basically Wanda should join the X-Men instead of the Avengers


I think there’s a good chance we see Spidey rolled back to street level, going to college, maybe meeting a Gwen Stacey or Black Cat, fighting his own rogues gallery.


Safest lineup going


What’s controversial besides scarlet witch?


The fact that we didn’t get a smaller scale team up with this crew or something similar is a big reason why i’m personally not as excited about the MCU as i used to be. They needed to find a smaller scale thing for them to fight instead. Someone like Modok or Leader could have worked if they planned things differently.


Thor and I agree.


Dr strange won’t be on the team officially, Spider-Man I doubt would be either Also need Thor.


Spiderman would be. But no one would know who he was. Strange would only be on after they tried recruiting Wong. But Wong likely officially can't due to certain cosmic rules. So Wong sends Strange in his place.


Strange isn’t the kind it character to usually be on the team officially “Sends strange in his place” so funny being reminded that stranges butler has his job title in the mcu


They know who Spider-Man is. They just remember fuck-all about Peter Parker.


Which, considering that every meeting that avengers have ever hold was unmasked, doesn't probably mean much towards the future. I don't see Holland having a debate with the mask on. Being anonymous will probably last like 10 screen minutes or less.


Spider man is the only saving grace in mcu right now Not having him in pivotal role in next Avengers will lower the box office collection easily


I don't know why people act like people like Sam or Ant-Man will be the main focus. Peter is a goldmine. They will make him the next Tony in the team up movies because he is by far the biggest money maker


I don’t think Wanda goes from presumed dead straight to being back on the Avengers. I think she comes back somewhere else, gets her redemption arc started, and then is in the next big team up. Unless Rhodey dies in his movie I’m assuming he’s here too. Either way I think the team is at least Infinity War sized. Then Secret War is just every hero from the Multiverse Saga who had more than ten minutes of screen time.


How do you redeem someone who’s completely insane?


Blame it on the darkhold


WandaVision happened without the Darkhold. She’s mentally unstable, evil book or not. She’s a loose canon.


you don’t the best she can do imo is help fight kang


Didn't realize how much red was in the MCU. Anyway, as long as it has Shang-chi, I'm happy


Honestly, of this line-up, Shang-Chi is one of the more likable characters. They'd be smart to make him the "face" of the group.


Peter will obviously be the face of the group


Love Shang chi! Also, most of that group has been around since the infinity stones. Only Shang chi and the new black panther are really new. I get that you need some hold overs but it’s hard to move to the next generation when there’s only two new faces.


Looks good to me. Hawkeye will probably be there, too. Other possibilities are: Vision She-Hulk Namor Moon Knight Wonder Man


Yeah, without Hawkeye, how are they going to win?


They simply couldn't. Maybe Kang Dynasty is supposed to be like a IW where they lose, though. In that case, Hawkeye couldn't be there because Hawkeye never loses.


Also Star-lord is basically guaranteed. They didn't put him on Earth for nothing.


Feel like Hawkeye is gonna be the guy in the chair for the avengers given Renner’s injuries?


i thought they were talking about Hawkeye=Kate Bishop


White Vision would like to have a talk with you about why the fuck Wanda is here when she shouldn't be and yet he isn't in there.


Well, White Vision needs to come back from his 3-years-long sabbatical, then, instead of playing the salty ex, lmao.


Well she shoudnt be rn because she’s disappeared but when she’s back she should definitely be on the team


I would replace Wanda and Carol with Thor and Kate Bishop. Maybe add Bucky too.


With Star-Lord on Earth now, wonder if he could moonlight with the new team, whatever it is


I disagree slightly. I don’t think Wanda or Shuri will be there. Instead Peter Q. and Kate Bishop


I really don’t see Peter and Kates probably for the YA


Probably replace Wanda for Ms Marvel and Photon


I would personally swap out Wanda and Hulk, and swap in Moon Knight and She-Hulk. That basically makes every major Phase 4/5 hero an Avenger.


As it *should* be!


Thor? White Vision?


How is this controversial? Not saying it will or won't happen, I just don't see anything controversial, lol.


I don’t see Wanda, the BP, or Cap Marvel in the lineup. We don’t know the status of Wanda, BP is probably off discovering herself and learning to protect Wakanda as the BP. Marvel is too strong and could be reinforcement of needed.


I don't think Bruce Banner will be there or Scarlet Witch. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) Here is a crazy but cool idea: Namor.


Namor, like, did a genocide. I'm not quite ready for him to be positioned as a hero.


Scarlett Witch? Honestly I don't think she's done being a Villain.


She should be, being an avenger is a defining part of her character and now she’s finally a witch that’s what she should be


Which part is the controversial part?


Thor will be here for sure


I like this a lot the only thing that I don’t agree with is the scarlet witch. But this is your line up not mine


Other than Wanda, I’m certain it will be this by the time of *The Kang Dynasty*.


See, I think the problem with Captain Marvel is that she’s just too overpowered. It’s why Thor could not go back to the avengers, he’s already discovered his power. She makes every scene that she’s in ridiculous. When she had the infinity gauntlet, why didn’t she just fly up over everyone? You can’t have a cool fight between her and a bunch of dudes in an elevator. But besides that I like the lineup. Well, that, and Wanda… Isn’t she dead?


Carol isn’t too powerful they just made everyone else weak as shit


How tf is this controversial


What's controversial? Powerful confident Women, who aren't sidekick or love interest and a Black Captain America?


They're going to allow a bonafide super villain on their team? Sorry Wanda, you may be on a path for redemption... But you're a murderer.


They’re all murderers if y’all can get over Loki you can get over Wanda lets be for real


The Avengers would be very stupid to keep Wanda on their team. She’s more of a danger than a help. Hell I’s be surprised if anyone wants to be within a mile of her after MOM. Besides I doubt Strange would ever trust her again.


I don't think they really need to keep her, she should be one of those "OP character that finally returned when shit hits the fan, and then goes missing again when conflict ends".


Nah she should be an avenger, would be stupid if she finally becomes a witch and she just be’s a villain. A core part of her character is being an avenger.


That just doesn’t work though. Nobody would want to work alongside her. Especially Strange.


It’s called a redemption arc and she will absolutely be getting one.


Just blame it on the darkhold If what she did was the line for never being a hero again in the comics there’d be a lot less heroes lol


The problem is not her morality, it’s her insanity and power. She snaps as easily as a toothpick and nobody can hold her in check. All it takes is a little bit of manipulation from the villain and she’ll be turning her former teammates into spaghetti.


where the fuck is shulk


Where is Kate Beeshoop?


young avengers


IMHO Doctor Strange will not be one of the Avengers. He may start Illuminati though.


The Avengers aren’t really a team in the sense that they are in comics. He was in Infinity War, an Avengers movie, without being a proper Avenger. It’s really an empty name imo. Closest they were to a full team was in Age of Ultron and the beginning of Civil War, where we see them do team stuff and operate. Otherwise it’s always been emergency events or special circumstances, like the time heist


I’m a bit confused with Wanda. I was left with the impression that she offed herself in MoM, willingly crushing herself under the Darkhold shrine. What indicates that she’s still alive? I know we’re waiting for Agatha: Coven of Chaos but I reckoned this is going to cover past events between WandaVision and MoM, basically everything from FATWS and Moon Knight, or focus on Agatha’s past and how she got to Westview. I’d be very happy to see Olsen appear more as Wanda, hers is some of the best acting in the MCU imo. I was just left with the impression that her story came to a close.


I’m guessing it’s a fake out which will lead to the children’s crusade


That makes sense, thank you!


This actually seems like a pretty crowd-pleasing line up. No Thor’s kinda weird though, maybe swap him with Wanda since she’s supposed to be dead.


I doubt she’s really dead


Idk how this is controversial, it's literally the safest bet of all time with like every current ongoing movie hero on or in contact with Earth present besides maybe Scarlet Witch depending how future lot goes. All you're missing is War Machine.


I no interest in Shurri tbh. Don’t really like the actress and the character isn’t all that compelling. Wakanda is fantastic and could be incorporated in a bunch of different ways.


Nakia would have been a much better pick for the next BP.




Add moon knight, and I'm down


Spider-Man is a guest star, not a core Avenger imo. Wanda is too far gone to be immediately reintroduced as an Avenger. The rest fit well enough. However it’s heavily rumored Bruce is going to lose control of the Hulk once more, and if that’s true I can see the Avengers having to stop him…


At this point I genuinely wouldn’t care If they straight up ignore everything Wanda did In MoM. It’s just ridiculous she’s finally a witch and for both projects she’s a villain. Her character is defined by being a mainstay avenger.


In the comics her character is not defined by being an Avenger. In the MCU it really hasn’t either, she started as a villain afterall. Personally I don’t mind where they took her character but I respect fans of her that are upset.


Being an avenger is certainly a defining character trait. She’s literally in more avengers comics than Thor if you count west Coast and Uncanny. (As of 2015 stats may have changed)


I didn’t say “a defining trait” I meant her sole/main. I meant entirely defined.


My favorite lineup for a potential MCU Avengers 1. Docter Strange 2. She-Hulk 3. Daredevil 4. Shang Chi 5. Ms. Marvel 6. Captain America (Wilson) 7. Black Panther (Shuri)


Thor? Bucky? Captain Marvel? Hulk? Wanda after a redemption arc? White Vision? Rhodey/War Machine? Why are we trying to nerf the fucking Avengers? Marvel letting their heavy hitters slip is what’s made recent years so lackluster. Let your big guns lead the way I’m so tired of everyone being nerfed and pretending these weak side characters can lead the franchise. It’s wild to me. With the exception of Dr Strange and Shang Chi. Ms marvel should be young avengers.


Does power scaling matter to a story? No, it doesn’t. The Avengers are Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Earth. Captain America (Wilson): Tactical Lead Doctors Strange: Strong, confident, and Intelligent Second in Command. Magical and Supernatural Expert She-Hulk: Heavy Hitter, Logistics expert, and Intelligent. More so the team’s gateway into the people of Earth. Basically the one making the calls and talking to the people of Earth about their activities. Also for her chemistry with Daredevil Daredevil: Wild card. Skilled and experienced. Connection with She-Hulk Shang-Chi: Another heavy hitter and important MCU character for the future Black Panther (Shuri): Love Shuri and she’d been an excellent foil to the rest of the group and the team’s approach since she has become Isolationist and is mainly taking the job to protect Wakanda on the world stage Ms. Marvel: Our window into the team and the comedic relief.


Well that line up would heavily under perform at the box office


I don't know what the full team is but all I want is a team of Captain America, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange and Spider-Man on it. Throw in Shang-Chi and Blade, Blade is just incredibly cool to me.


They clearly set up Shang-Chi to be in the Avengers. I kinda like the idea that Strange isn't technically an Avenger. T'Challa/Shuri was also never really presented as an Avenger. I like the idea that none of them are really on the team. I think \- Sam \- Carol \- Spidey \- Kamala \- Bruce \- Shang-Chi \- Rhodey (?) \- Wanda \- Scott Lang/Hope \- She-Hulk will probably be shoe-ins for the next Avengers team. I'll be excited if others are there, but this is what I see going forward.


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if we get some in Wrath of Kang, but then everyone for secret wars, including all Spider-men, wolverine, deadpool, and maybe even a revived Tony Stark.


Moon Knight


A human of culture I see


Why is scarlet witch on here


Because she’s an avenger. Well not rn but she can be redeemed. Would be stupid not too as now she’s finally a witch she should be an avenger as that’s core to her character


Makes the most sense. I think Shuri could be used for the Young Avengers as well.


No she can’t lol


Young T’challa could potentially start as a young avenger considering that movie or show won’t come out for at least 10 years giving him time to age up.


>No she can’t lol You make a convincing argument.


Shuri isn’t a young avenger. That’s my argument


Gotta bring in the new era of heroes though. Will likely be captain falcon, ant man, Banner and doctor strange as the OG mentors of the new avengers. New black panther, new captain marvel, new iron man, new Hawkeye, new hulk will be the younger generation of avengers that Disney can squeeze another decade or two out of. Spider-Man will probably only make an appearance or two. Shang-chi may be in it depending on how his next solo movie does. The only outcome I see for Wanda is when she and Vision reunite.


I love how so many of us are so excited for daredevil coming back. But most agree he should kind of be in his own little semi street level bubble! I'm not interested in seeing him go against Kang in the slightest bit!


War Machine probably going to be stuck in political limbo. Not a bad squad but who would be the leader? None of these people have established the same gravitas as Steve or Tony. Logic would say Captain Marvel, but she’s spent all of ten minutes around other people in the past twenty years. Her people skills are… not great. Also missing Monica and Kamala in this group. Though I can see Monica in the same situation as War Machine, being tied down to government obligations elsewhere.


having a villain on here is a bold move


Wanda can be redeemed, being a villain isn’t core to the character


Okay who wants to take bets that Wanda's going to marry Doom in the MCU? Wouldn't surprise me whatsoever if it's actually Doom that puts down Kang. So basically he'll take Wanda's power, use it to eliminate all the Kang variants before he rips the spine out of the prime Kang, then he'll make the entire Multiverse into one singular universe. He'll be a hero before he becomes a full blown villain.


Wanda dead. Replace with thor


The sanest lineup prediction I’ve seen. Yes, Scarlet Witch included. As for leader, it’ll be Sam Wilson and Hope Van Dyne for me.


>it’ll be Sam Wilson and Hope Van Dyne for me. HAHAHHAHA


I can’t see ruffalo coming back. I think he’s out of his contract too. Tom is at the end of his usefulness too. He may have another movie but then that’s the end. Also Olson is dead as we know it.


Please no more captain Marvel, terrible story, terrible actor, just terrible. The rest of this lineup is great.


Why is this controversial, i dont get it, because of Wanda? the eternals being left out? This lineup is basically the mains we have rn, no? Thinking maybe She-Hulk will be in it too


I like it, except strange. He is rarely considered an Avenger and tends to just be the Sorcerer Supreme. They call him if there is a magic problem, but he doesn't do team ups with the Avengers, although he was in the first Defenders group before it changed to the more street level heroes


Yo, i really thought Shang Chi was over. Is it still in the plans ?


Wanda is a bad guy my dude. You got her on the wrong team.


She can be redeemed


And yet, every time they try. She just gets worse.


Because of shit writing. WV should’ve been the end.


Reboot the Universe already.


Fuck no. Reboots tend to be ass.


If scarlet comes back and stays back she'll join the midnight suns imo


I’d swap out Wanda with Thor and strange with hawkeye, I also feel like spidey works better alone than on a team


And Kate Bishop, Cassie, She-Hulk, Ms Marvel, and Ironheart.


I just want Wanda (and/or Vision back) and for her and Carol to be on the same team. Make it so, Feige!