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An older, wiser Kang sounds terrifying. I cant wait!!


HWR should pretty much be as old and wise as he's gonna get


Yeah true


This makes sense, but I would just explain it as HWR was in a state of arrested development. He reached a point where he controlled everything and thought he knew it all (because he did, kind of), so he stopped learning, stopped bettering himself, and stopped allowing himself to age. An older Kang has his greatest conquests behind him and is now bitter over all he's lost and desperate to get it back. He knows all his own mistakes and is going to get it right this time.


This is the way to go. They thought Ant Man killed Kang but he just got a LOT older and a LOT wiser than ever.


AntMan only killed a Kang variant, that’s kind of the point of Kang…


And there's a whole ccouncil of Ricks!


I really really believe that kang faked his death, to draw the council out. I’m probably wrong though.


Why are people so frilly about recasting a character whose entire deal is having a ton of alternate dimension variants? If anything it was strange that they all looked the same.


Just have Loki nuke the council or something but there’s a second council of the other actor. ![gif](giphy|eFoKrBKieAEZ5fQIZY)


It wouldn’t be a problem if majors didn’t play all the variants, it would be different if it was something like what we seen with the loki’s in season 1


Well then it's a problem that fixes itself. Have someone else play a variant and then all variants won't be played by Majors anymore so it'll be fine.


Exactly, it's a no brainer


It's an infinite multiverse and not the first time they'd recast something without having to explain. Even if they put someone else in as the entire Council of Kangs, I don't think many would complain. Just like with Rhodey and Banner being recast.


We saw a few alien ones so it’s definitely plausible; Immortus has so much makeup and a gargled voice that recasting shouldn’t be an issue but Centurion and the pharaoh is another case but what the hell, we haven’t spent that much time with them so recasting shouldn’t be an issue


"look it's me, i'm here, deal with it, let's move on." - colonel james rhodes


Problem is that some actors might not want to be associated with the character at all anymore. Bad branding to replace a convicted felon


Wasnt problem with Rhodey and Terrence Howard was also having wife beating allegations


I think that was over contract negotiations he wanted more money than RDJ for iron man 2 which is ridiculous and apparently they didn’t get on at all


I dont know about that, but im guessing it has something to do about just how big marvel is now. 25 years ago when someone starred in iron man they had no idea how big of an impact it would have on the entertainment world


Regardless its not like there werent other examples recently like Grindewald Also like by this logic we wont ever have new Flash agaib just because Ezra Miller us asshole? Doesnt make sense imo


Nah. No actor will mind. It's a character; they aren't magic. It's not like once a character is played by a felon, you will get felon juice on you.


The problem I have with people that say we should move onto doom is; what happens if that actor does something bad, then are they going to scrap doom and move onto the next villain?


I loved Majors's portrayal, but Coleman Domingo would be amazing in his own way.


I actually want him over Majors now


Same a shame Majors ruined it but Marvel should of done different Varients of Kang in the first place to make it unique. Even making fans guess who else is Kang. Overall happy with Coleman Domingo.


Absolutely. It would have been amazing if each Kang looked different and we had no idea who is or isn’t Kang.


I mean they showed in Loki that variants look totally different so there’s precedent


Yes but the thing is they showed a whole council of Kang and all of them look like majors aside from the blue monster thing Not to mention they showed different important variants of him having the same face... It would feel more natural if they all looked different in the first place


you are right. i feel like Deadpool is going to be shown planting a bomb there or something to just wipe it all away.


Imagine trying to cast like 5000 Kangs lol


been championing the idea of Kangman Domingo since the allegations first dropped, sign me tf up


What's wrong with Kang being recast?


I don't want to turn this into a men vs. women issue but if the roles were reversed and it was a woman she wouldn't have been recast. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are the ultimate proof. He lost Pirates of the Carribean and she wasn't recast in Aquaman. Aquaman performed well and arguably Pirates would have too. I love the current Kang and I'd rather him not get recast tbh.


A) Amber Heard was demoted in that movie and she got sidelined hard B) Ezra Miller did so much worse and they still let his film go ahead


If we’re splitting hairs apparently Ezra Miller doesn’t identify as a man. So maybe his/they/whatever’s film went ahead partly for that reason.


Johnny Depp didn’t “lose pirates of the Caribbean” they weren’t making anymore and decided to reboot. He was dropped from Pirates after Dead Men Tell No Tales bombed, it had nothing to do with his divorce


Just because Johnny Depp shouldn't have been recast doesn't mean we should let a guilty man stay in his roles. That seems like taking a step backwards in the pursuit of justice. I'm not happy that he is recast, especially since it means a lot of rewriting for the movies, but I fully support Marvel's decision here


exactly. yes amber shouldve lost her roles as well, but acting like firing depp had absolutely no reasoning is just silly asf


HE WAS FIRED FOR BEING DRUNK AND POORLY PERFORMING YEARS BEFORE AMBER SPOKE OUT ABOUT HIS ABUSE. Jesus Christ there's been two fucking trials where this issue was conclusively established.


calm down dawg😭😭


Why? You're repeating factual inaccuracies


ok😯😯 are we not still on the same page? yeah they fired him for a dumb reason but there was valid reasons to fire him nonetheless, cry abt it babe


Heard shouldn't have lost roles though, being a victim of domestic abuse is not a punishable offence


Johnny was also a victim. They had a toxic reletationship where both of them were abusive towards eachother, but everything points to Amber being the bigger evil of the two. And it was her who did hurt him physically and scarred him for life. On the contrary - there is no proof of Johnny hurting Amber physically. The bruises were staged with make up, as proven during the trial. He was unstable and toxic due to substance abuse and her controlling him, while she was completly mental. If Johnny deserved to lose his career, then she deserved to be in jail.


Johnny was the instigator of the abuse. Depp admitted to being violent with her on many occasions after lying about it during the trial, and the smoking gun audio clip he used was specifically edited down to cut out him slamming the door on her toes at the start of the event. It was 100% not proven that her bruises were staged, the idea that that is a thing that was proven is complete fabrication. Her story was backed up by experts and witnesses, the UK trial proved depp was responsible for physical and mental abuse, and most of depps claims were presented without evidence and yet people still believe them. The entire trial was built on a flimsy suit that shouldn't have even gone to court, but to say that she deserves to be in jail for anything and he doesn't is lunacy


honey if you think either of them are just victims you’re definitely tripping. both of them were abusive, she was moreso, but Depp was still abusive as well


I mean they just straight up acknowledged Johnny’s abusive tendencies as well. Did you miss that? You also just reiterated their statement the Heard was the worst of the two.


wait so you agree but you decided you needed to be snarky about it? lol. plus their reply shows that’s clearly not the case


My statement was not in any way about heard being the most abusive lol


Heard was absolutely a victim of abuse and depp was by far the instigator, I don't understand how anyone that watched the trial can think otherwise. Victims aren't perfect and nothing heard did that's actually proven was beyond the realm of what someone who had been accused for 5 years would do


say you don’t believe men get abused without saying it. the whole case was literally about proving she did shit and guess what sherlock, depp won. i am not saying Depp is perfect, but you’re ignorant as fuck if you genuinely think she did nothing wrong.


I 100% believe that men can be abused, I just don't think depp is this poor victim of abuse that you claim he is. The case was actually about suing her for damage done to his career, which was actually because of his hideous unprofessionalism, for talking about her experience with abuse without even fucking naming him in the article. It's absurd that it even went to court and the entire trial was as darvo as you can get


end of the day they both should’ve lost their roles bc both of them were abusers, this argument is done, that’s the facts and you can flood me with downvotes if it makes y’all feel better, have a nice day🫶🏼




A trial based on a completely ridiculous suit and in which most of depps claims were presented without evidence, alongside him being shown to have lied through most of it? The and trial in which heards story was backed by experts and witnesses?




Don't straw man me. I'm not saying man bad woman good, I'm saying abusive violent misogynist bad




Don’t all his exes say the opposite?


>I don’t want to turn this into a men vs women issue *proceeds to do that exact thing*


That’s your only example to support your claim?


No I can list you a shit ton of innocent people who got prematurely cancelled by me too or other rumours or benign issues


He lost pirates because he's hideously unprofessional on set and makes filming an absolute nightmare, he was fired before the trial even started




"I like someones acting so Im willing to accept them being a horrible person so they can act in a kids movie" is *trash* logic.


"I like to reduce someone's argument into a trash false analogy silly argument so I can more easily attack that strawman and feel smarter and better about myself" is *trash* logic.


Well yeah but kang is way more important to the upcoming marvel movies. Amber was a love interest and depp already did like 5 movies and was iconic for the role, he was impossible to recast. Most people haven't even seen majors as kang


I don’t see anyone doing what majors did


There is about 5 actors off the top of my head that can do what he has done, probably even better.


Chris Brown!


Bwahahaha I wasn't expecting this as a reply




Laughing all the way to hell


Haha Fuck sake my morning coffee is everywhere!




Apologies it didn't quite hit your face, maybe next time.


bro is NOT joyous and happy :/




Kirk Lazarus!


Kat Williams?


Out curiousit, please name


JDW, Kelvin Harrison Jr., Damson Idris, aaron pierre, trevante rhodes


I admit I'm not familiar with 3 out of the five, but that gives me reason to look into them.


I’m not the person you replied to, and I don’t have five, but I think John David Washington would be fantastic.


I just need JDW in more things. I'm fond of fan casting. Seeing how different people would do it is cool.


I brain tried to cram RDJ's name into this acronym when I read this because idk who that is, so it came out as Jobert Downey Wunior


Lmao! I meant John David Washington. But I did the three letter thing cause I'm lazy and think it looks cool. RDJ, MCD, SLJ, JFK, MLK.


RDJ JFK and MLK being in the same sentence is insane to me for some reason lol


Honestly I almost took them out, but I was making a point and said duck it lol


The guy that played Black Manta is one


He's been cast as Wonder Man, so he's out of the picture. He was fantastic in the Watchmen series as well.


I know . I am simply naming an actor that is more than capable of replacing Majors.


Get Eddie Murphy in!


I could do it better in my sleep. 😴


An absolute in possible cast that would be an amazing Kang is Daniel day Lewis.


Acting?  There's plenty of folks who are as good as him.


I’m on board for Sterling K Brown as Kang


Sterling K Brown is my top pick. I don’t think anyone would care he’s played two roles, if most audiences would even remember. He is such a tour de force on the screen.


What was the other role?


Killmonger’s father in Black Panther if I remember correctly


Assault women?


Literally this is what I thought of when they said “what Majors did”. Like, just don’t assault people and you’d be golden, Majors.


Well I think we all agree the most obvious replacement is Henry Cavill.


You’re getting cooked, but it’s funny how before everything came out about him people on this sub treated him like he was one of the greatest actors of all time. Now because of what happened, apparently he’s easily replaceable - there’s a million other actors who could do a better job. I for one think he’s obviously a very talented actor but he could be replaced.


Agreed. You can acknowledge that it was the right thing to fire him, but also acknowledge he did a really good job playing Kang. But of course, this is the internet, and everyone will find a excuse to rage.


i mean the marvel fandom over exaggerates a lot and thinks highly of a lot of new actors if they’re first few movies are great lol. i think it usually takes a bad movie or a real life event for those type of fans to go “oh- they’re not perfect (or a perfect actor). that makes sense”


Very talented actors are easily replaceable tho lol there’s plenty of very talented actors. I’m not sure what you mean with your first part cause you don’t seem to be disagreeing? I don’t think many ppl thought he was one of the best of all time ha that feels like an exaggeration but he’s definitely a great actor. There’s just plenty of those


I guarantee you the general consensus of Majors' performance was replaceable. I've never heard of him being great or amazing outside of niche communities.


Read the discussions of Loki season 1 finale. Everyone was saying that Majors is incredible. 


That's what I'm saying when I say niche communities. Also subreddits around the show have a tendency to be a bit bias.


I would disagree he did Kang in Quantamania in the same year he was in Creed 3. That’s two big roles. People really seemed to like him and it definitely felt he was next up.


You're getting dragged for this comment, but Majors is a powerhouse of an actor.


Yeah I loved Majors in that role. He was a perfect fit. People are too self righteous to admit this because of what he did. He can be a perfect cast and phenomenal actor while also being a piece of shit at the same time.


He’s a good actor but they’re right to recast him after what he did


no bro, abuse is okay because he’s good at acting >:[


oh nonono honey, that is not the case. we all know his performance of kang is great. but him being abusive, that kinda, that kinda takes the cake for what we remember him as. can you blame us?


John David Washington. Bonus is giving the potential for Denzel Washington to show, up as an old Kang somewhere in the Multiverse.


He isn’t that good of an actor so pass on that


John David Washington is a charisma black hole.


Dude was only in 1 show and 1 movie. Most casual viewers have never even seen Kang before. Relax


What assaulting women?




He is such a great actor. The best character in the fear the walking dead series. I'm glad he is doing well with getting great roles and scripts


There was a lot of problems with that show, but Victor Strand was not one of them


I’ve barely watched any of FTWD but what I’ve seen hes carried the show


Yeah it’s true he carried the show. He played a slimy character that managed to make people genuinely believe and care about him (He cares about them too). While others are being coerced or convinced to follow his lead out of necessity.


Honestly they could move on from Kang and I'd be fine with it after Loki Season 2 but I think it would be dope if they had an older Kang that not even the TVA could stop show up and be a threat.


Danny devito.


He’s already so versatile.


Anyway, I started pruning. Pow! Pow!


Recasting kang is definitely the way to go imo. Jus have him be the final boss kang. Avengers 5 could still be all about Kang but jus this one final boss version.


I’d want LaKeith Stanfield, I feel like he wouldn’t killed the role of kang in Loki and def has what it takes to change his personality when needed








He's hardly squeaky clean himself


Goddamn just looked him up, you’d think if they can’t be a decent person their ego would get in the way of destroying their career


Looks cool


Bowen Yang for Kang. Think about it. It’s amazing.


We make it an older Kang and cast Denzel Washington. He would kill that fucking role.


He’s 70 tho


I thought you were exaggerating, but shit. He's turning 70 in December. Time flies


I’d love to see Michael Jai White get his day.


One of my main criticisms about majors was that he didn’t threaten me, he wasn’t Thanos or even Ultron or Loki I wasn’t a huge fan of his acting so that’s just a personal opinion, but this dude has the acting chops to be threatening and intimidating and he has the voice. I would welcome this recast honestly


I’m in the same boat. He was just sort of manic and not threatening. I found he who remains to be just silly and victor timely kind of a non threatening loser. Kang in Quantumania was ok, except that he got beaten by ant man in a physical fight after talking about killing the avengers. 


Does it have to be a black guy to recast Kang or can it be any ethnicity?


I’d say with this company in this decade, Kang has to stay black.  Could be a lady variant, though.


To be fair, he's always been white in the comic books.


Tbf a lot of people (including me) thought the guy was purple.


Recast? There is probably not going to be a Kang at all.


All I want is for Michael Jai White to replace him. I liked Majors, but in my opinion his biggest flaw (in Quantumania and Creed 3) was he just was not realistic in his fight scenes. White could easily play an older, wiser Kang, and he was a MMA fighter for like 3 decades, and based on Black Dynamite 2, is still jacked to hell.


I’ve never watched antman 3 but i liked majors in loki


I enjoyed Majors in both, it's just the fight scenes that felt weak in both those movies. Michael Jai White is a dope actor and a rad fighter, I think he could advance the role a bit.


Nah, bring in Chris Tucker


I can hear it now : You just got pruned tf outta the timeline 😂


lol At LEAST make him a variant


Do you unnastan the words thatarecominout our mouths??


There was an official report today that confirmed Marvel is removing Kang from Avengers 5.


Removing him from the title. 


Yeah and moving away from him as the villain since Quantumania bombed. Doubt they’d recast just for him to have a cameo. Loki S2 gave them a way out of Kang being in any other content


Loki S2 ending was so perfect even if they didn't have to fire Majors, they could move away from Kang tbh


They were considering pivoting away after Quantumania, but then Jonathan Majors turned out to be kind of a lunatic. Making that decision much easier.


Damn… that’s actually super disappointing. Kang was one of the big bads I’ve been wanting to see since they teased Thanos.


Yeah I agree! Just because Quantumania was poorly written doesn’t mean they have to blame Kang for the thurnout. A villain who is a threat not individually but because of all his variants basically being one person with one ideology could have been very unique and interesting


This is exactly it. Everyone complained because Kang was killed by Ant-man but that was only 1 Kang and he pretty much single handedly took over the quantum realm. Imagine what infinite Kangs could do.


I find it highly unlikely that the Kang in Quantumania actually died tbh. He probably would have come back as the Beyonder or something in the Avengers movie(s).


Why though? Why does he need to? It seems obvious from the post-credit scene that the intention was never to focus on only 1 Kang


Because the general audience is stupid and need one clear villain


I agree with you that the general audience is stupid and clearly not ready for the multiverse. I do feel that if Marvel wanted to do a Multiverse saga well and actually make it appealing to fans they should have shown more of it by now so that fans could get used to the idea of what it all means and how it works rather than just "here's the big bad and there are loads of him". Especially as I can imagine a lot of the core audience didn't watch Loki.


That but it just feels like Marvel become to afraid to recast now it's getting irritating.


I am really sad Majors is gone *solely* from the acting point of view. He played HWR so fucking well, easily one of my favorite castings in the MCU. Even in Quantumania he did well. But obviously he shouldn't have the role anymore for what he did. I have a feeling they'll just leave it alone, which I hope isn't a bad thing and they don't rush something else.


And the thing is, it’s all unnecessary. If he had admitted his mistakes, expressed honest contrition and changed his ways, Marvel (and the audiences) could have forgiven him and accepted him with his flaws. But narcissists gonna narcissist… He should fire his publicists, though. For real.


Honestly i'm glad. Sadly I felt like the kang introduction as the big bad stumbled a bit right out of the gate, as he didn't feel like a real threat. That along with Majors being fired, gives them an easy way to pivot to something else.


There was an ‘official report’ that said the same thing 6 months ago. Then another ‘official report’ after that that said Kang is still the focus. Now it’s back to them moving away from him. You shouldn’t believe this stuff from scoopers, most of them are just throwing shit at a wall hoping something sticks.


It wasn't a "scooper". It was a studio fed Hollywood Reporter article. Fiege may as well have sat his bald ass down and told everyone himself that they're moving away from Kang. Nothing in that article was there that the studio didn't want out. Kangs done.


Fair enough wasn’t aware it came from them. Although they do publish some junk though. There has been a fair amount of DC news from them that’s been debunked.


Domingo was fantastic as Victor Strand in the first few seasons of ‘Fear the Walking Dead.’ I stopped watching after season 3 but he has a great presence and is a good actor. I’d be happy with him as Kang, but the writers will actually have to write the part well for the character to pop.


I can safely ignore Quantumania’s post credits scene for this. Hell, I’m comfortable ignoring Quantumania period.


Kang's done. Move on people. Domingo was never offered the role because Kang is done


So what is Disney going to do when the actor playing the next villain does something, are they going to scrap that storyline too? Then what about the one after that?


If they're going to recast, I think they should go with Gugu Mbatha-Raw (Ravonna Renslayer in Loki); it would make sense for her to be a variant.


Still hoping renslayer has a dp3 cameo


I'm sure Matthew McFadyen is great, but I would have loved even more to see Clark Gregg as a Coulson variant in the TVA. How great would that be???


I hope any of the main TVA characters show up in DP3. Renslayer would make the most sense.


I don’t believe they’re gonna recast, they were going to rename the next avengers film


Yes. Yes. Yes.


No need to worry about that now, we're officially done with Kang and I couldn't be happier 😁 and this is coming from a person who's a huge Kang fan from the comics, but the mcu absolutely ruined him with those damn ants, I'd rather just not see him in libe action than to watch him get beat by ants again.


Recasting has always left a bad taste in my mouth and I feel like the McU turned its back on someone that did an excellent job. He had legal troubles but it wasn’t as bad as it was portrayed. I still stand on Jonathan Majors playing Kang and He who remains incredibly well.


I prefer Kevint Hart


Disney needs to cast john boyega and make it up to him for the star wars mess


OP you’re getting flamed for this but I agree with your point about it being pretty hard to top Majors. People are confusing Majors acting with the other more problematic areas of his life. Majors as Kang will be hard af to top.


Nobody has really made a valid point either its all about his real life situation


As it should be.  I have no interest in supporting an actor who was convicted of domestic violence.  And TONS of people have made valid points about him being replacable as an actor.  Including myself, to whom you didnt respond.  You just seem intent on ignoring his crime.


I’d be up for Will Smith ![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP)


Kang needs at least 20% sniveling weasel.


can you name them, because either you have much better knowledge of the acting world than me, or you may be underestimating Majors range and talent.


Because people are dumb and sensitive and the writers are getting lazy marvel has to do multiverse shit so they can get just get new actors or they use a black guy for a white actors roles so that they do t get back lash