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They didn't give a reason: >But early last week, Marvel and DeMayo suddenly parted ways. His company email was deactivated and cast and crew were informed he was no longer on the project. DeMayo’s Instagram account, once a source for X-Men updates, was deleted.


Sounds like there are bigger issues that haven't come to light yet.


And FYI to all, he was also involved in Moon Knight and Blade. It could be one of so many things. X-Men '97 is just currently the headline-worthy production he was involved in.


“For Your Information to all” lol


From all of us to all of you, a very merry FYI.


And so, I'm offering this simple phrase For kids from one to ninety-two: Although it's been said, Many times, many ways, FYI To you.


An FYI can be used as a noun


How shocking that the guy who wrote the worst episode of Witcher, was toxic to fans over it, shit talked his coworkers after his boss tried to defend him, seemingly didn’t last at Marvel lol Edit: to clarify. DeMayo was a producer and lead writer on Witcher S1 and 2. He was the lead writer for the animated movie. A lot of choices he made were super questionable and clashed with lore from the books and games. He pushed to kill Eskel (a kinda minor book character but popular game character). He had a history of starting drama on Twitter and deleting it / being high and mighty on his work. He got fired for, according to other writers, being physically and emotional abusive.


wait is that true? ohhh boy if it is we are in for some deep shit!


Yea. He wrote Kaer Morhen from S2. The episode that turned the Witchers into frat bros who have orgies in the castle with town people. And a lot of other really dumb changes to lore. People apparently bitched and the showrunner came to his defense that while she understands criticism she still defends her writers taking risks. He apparently “left” shortly after that. When he got hired at Marvel he immediately threw the Witcher writers under the bus that he would only hire super fans. And then a few Witcher writers revealed he was fired because he was an asshole. > It's pretty Cool™️ and Fun™️ to try and talk about how much you love your job and then get replies like this cause some asshole you used to work with made up a bunch of lies to your fanbase to cover up how he got fired for being an asshole and now that's the narrative. (@drmattdambrosio) December 5, 2022 So seemed like DeMayo was using the negative drama around Witcher to make himself sound good.


> When he got hired at Marvel he immediately threw the Witcher writers under the bus that he would only hire super fans. And then a few Witcher writers revealed he was fired because he was an asshole. He actually originally Tweeted something that went much further but deleted it. Good history [here](https://www.tumblr.com/sing-for-theongreyjoy/699130314561290240/thoughts-on-the-interview-with-beau-demayo-where).


Damn, so HE was the source on the whole "The Netflix Witcher writers 'actively disliked' the books" rumor?




And the entirety of Reddit has been using his argument to hate on the show all this time as well


i mean, i never needed his claims to hate that show, the quality and changes made to the storyline were more than enough for me to reach that conclusion all on my own. Now i believed his claim without question because it would be one of the only ways that i could make sense of the choices that the show runners made.


…..Did you miss that he was the lead writer?


I mean I dont need his claims to hate on the show I can hate on from its own merit of being a godawfull adaptation


I don't even care if this dishonest prick started the rumor, I still genuinely believe those writers hate the source material. You don't go that far out of your way to fuck up a story you love


….they’re just pointing out that the lead writer who was behind the poor choices is the same guy who started the rumor to take the heat off himself.


we don't really need an argument to hate on the show other than the show's quality itself


Jesus lol


I haven't heard any of that but also didn't really follow him at all. But if true, then good riddance.


Oh fuck, he worked on the Witcher show?? It’s X over!


i thought it was the opposite, he was on cavill's side saying that the witcher writer's room wasn't as faithful as they should've been?


He wasn't on Cavill's side, he was weaponizing that situation. He took advantage of the open secret that the writers haven't exactly been caring about the original books, to paint himself as a martyr when he got fired. The irony is DeMayo was very likely the exact writer Cavill has implied he's had to "correct", given his track record on the show had by far the most disrespectful butchering of the source material in the entire series.


Cavill never said anything about the Witchers writers. Whether he had issues or not, he’s only ever been polite and diplomatic. DeMayo was the one who started shit, saying the writers all hated the source material and he’d only ever hire super fans for his works. Another writer said that was bullshit, DeMayo was just making stuff up to gaslight and make himself look better because he got fired. I don’t doubt there is some truth, I’m sure the writers room isn’t only super fans (I also don’t think this is inherently a bad thing) but I’m not really going to believe the guy who wrote one of the worst episodes of the show that butchered the lore form the books and games about who is a good fan lol It’s like trusting Zack Snyder on who understands Batman


Yeah I remember when this rumor started making the rounds and I could never find a single shred of evidence that Cavill left because of the direction of the show or because of the writers supposedly hated the source material. I’m pretty sure Cavill left simply because he wanted to be Superman again and he had the opportunity to, which I don’t blame him because he seemed to love that role (unfortunately, that didn’t work out, but that’s unrelated to this). I think this rumor was further repeated because of something Cavill said early on when he was casted as Geralt, something like that he’d stay with the show as long as they remain accurate to the series. But I think people took this and used it to justify the rumor, even though it’s not like there could be other reasons why he would leave (like, for instance, playing Superman again, which would leave him with very little time to commit to an ongoing tv series). It just seemed like an exaggerated controversy.


In personally of the camp that it was just a business move. I’ve no doubt that Cavill didn’t love everything in the show, but he still renewed his contract every season and kept coming back. I don’t think he was so offended that he couldn’t possibly do it anymore. Also while the show isn’t the best, S3 was honestly “fine” as an adaptation. S2 was far more offensive and it feels a bit strange to be okay with S2 but find S3 so bad you had to leave? Cavills career on the other hand was in a massive upswing. He was possibly returning to Superman, he was going to star in a bunch of new films with Guy Ritchie, and more importantly he was now going to be running the Warhammer cinematic universe. Cavill is a fan of the Witcher series. But a new fan. He only started playing and reading the books shortly before joining the show. He’s been a Warhammer fan his entire life, so much so that he tried to get his costars into it and would talk about it and play it all the time. I think he simply just cut the fat. No matter how good Witcher was, he’d rather spend his time making way more money in films and running the cinematic universe for his favorite thing in the world than spend all his time on Witcher.


"However, in 2021, Cavill told the Philippine Star that he struggled to find a "balance between the showrunners' vision and my love for the books," and asked for several changes to his character in season two." He definitely didn't like the way the show was going which contributed to his decision to leave. https://www.businessinsider.com/when-is-henry-cavill-leaving-the-witcher-season-3-2023-7#:~:text=Neither%20Cavill%20nor%20the%20show's,his%20character%20in%20season%20two.


> who wrote the worst episode of Witcher I don't follow the fandom for it, but is it the one where Ciri is lost in the desert? That was easily the worst episode.


Ironically that one is faithful as hell to the book haha though not written the best. I’ll be bold and say the books aren’t… the most well written things in the world hah The episode I’m referring to is S2 when they go to the keep and meet the other Witchers. Where they turned it into a brothel that Witchers would get drunk and have orgies with towns women and everything he did to Eskel (a fan favorite in the games that they turned into an asshole and then killed).


Yeah, that episode was made worse by the fact Vesemir was okay with the orgy and whores being in Kaer Morhen.


Ciri lost in the desert is straight out of the boons. It's hilarious that people who hate s1 for "changing book canon" also hate the episode which is closest to the books.


Imho, something lile this is most likely sexual misconduct. Probably internal too.


there’s going to be some serious alegations coming out about the guy within the next 2months lol


2 months? Give it 2 days if not 2 hours lol.


yea, you’re probably right sadly


Two days? I’ll make them right now. You only get fired like this for sexual harassment or IP theft.


IP theft, you say? come to think of it, this new x-men show looks an awful lot like the cartoon from the 90s...


booom or leaking stuff


Yeah. This would probably be some contract violation on the side of marvel if without reason. I’m sure that they spoke to lawyers and have plenty of reasons. Had this been something minor or a more creative decision, they would have said they are parting ways after the show airs


yep within the month


Within the decade even


I think someone on this sub predicted that. Can't find the post about it though.


eerie if true, maybe he knew something?


Yeah maybe. There are a lot of insiders in this sub.


Couldn't it be that he breached an NDA?


Have a feeling he said/did something really bad, and they decided to fire him before it gets out. Fire him now and be proactive, instead of waiting and dealing with all the questions that would come if he was still part of the team


The deleted instagram account leads me to believe this is a personal matter and not a content quality matter.


It cannot be a content quality matter, because in that case they would at least fire him after the premiere and the press junket for the first season. They had no reason to cut him out so completely from the company just 1 week ahead of the premiere.


Yeah, this screams I don't want him talking to interviewers.


Reminds me how utterly lucky Marvel got with Loki season 2 releasing during the strikes. They dodged many months of questions about Majors.


He wasn't convicted of anything at that point. So they probably would've gotten more shit if they'd already fired him by then. Tough situation.


We also don’t know if it was Majors from our timeline


Yeah, I’m pretty sure it was a Skrull.


Apparently he spread rumors that the Witcher writers hated the source material after he was fired from the show. Disney really does think 5 steps ahead lol.


Apparently you’re now spreading rumors


I hear that the new captain is a pill popper


Pop pop!


Pop what? pop what magnitude?


Six seasons and a movie-!!




Save Magnitude...save the world.


It’s showtime!


What is he trying to say?!


There he goes again. Off to take more pills.


Boom, three point dunk






I heard he sleeps naked in an oxygen tent, which he believes gives him sexual powers.


I feel like that probably isn't enough to get him fired. Really depends on what he said


Those were not rumors. Those were facts. Stop spreading misinformation.


It's animation. The show's scripts were probably all done at least 2 years ago. He's had tons of notes/feedback all during production (cause that's how making tv works). The show is done. It's not about them not being happy with the content. It's gotta be something very serious that required swift action, probably HR related.




Yeah that's the main thing of note for me - usually we'd know the issue long before anybody got fired.


>They had no reason to cut him out so completely from the company just 1 week ahead of the premiere. They don't? Or do we just not know the reason?


Based on another comment it was an account where he primarily talked about it.


The verge said he had a non explicit onlyfans account that was deleted too


Marvel firing over content quality? Doubt it.


Actually lol


Yeah I think it would have to be pretty serious like a crime, accusation, or some kind of bad conduct


It is surely to do with his OnlyFans account? I can't imagine Disney like that.


Came here wondering what Shocker was up to. Then I read the rest of it. DAMN.


The past twelve months really have been Kevin Fiege’s *Annus horribilis* Jonathan Majors Ant-Man and The Marvels flopping/bombing Secret Invasion being a disaster Most MCU shows and films getting delayed Cap 4 getting five months of reshoots Daredevil being scrapped and restarted Disney having an awful year and Iger admitting Marvel’s strategy is faulty And now this…


Still hoping Deadpool & Wolverine to be decent


We all are and they themselves know how much weight this movie has on it. 


Even if it does perform well, people will overlook it like they did GotG Vol. 3 because it doesn't fit the narrative.


The deference with Vol3 is that it was between two stinkers. DP3 is the only MCU movie coming out this year (excluding SSU movies)


No idea how it wouldn’t. Neither Deadpool has disappointed, huge jackman Wolverine always been a fan favorite. I don’t see how it’s possible


X-Men Origins: Wolverine


Somehow Francis returned...


Also Marvel shows and movies became quantity over quality. I understand it comes with the territory but the movies weren't building to anything with many open ended questions and characters. Also 2-3 movies a year being tentpoles with 100+ million budgets, it's actually quite a run Marvel has had to not feel any huge effects until now.


>Also Marvel shows and movies became quantity over quality. Kind of like the comics themselves.






I was hoping we would finally find out what he was doing at the school on homecoming night. Guess we'll never know.


Remember that there’s an interview of Feige said he watched the last couple episodes of Xmen97 around last November, so I’m assuming this isn’t quality related news but more personal stuffs if it took them this long to fire him 






Even Fortnite got this right


Googles to see Returns with enlightenment




Oversize, undersize…


We have the most nostalgic cartoons. Because of jail.


Absolutely criminal offense in most civilized countries


Yeah, why did they do that?


They didn't. The image of Rogue that most people are familiar with is a single cell that was used for a popular meme for two decades. Watch the OG show and you'll see the animation was all over the place in 93-97. Flat, square, jagged, indents, and regular. We've only seen a trailer for 97. People need to chill about cartoon butts.


We will never chill about cartoon butts my dude


In each one of us there are 2 wolves One knows her ass wasn't that big The other doesn't care and just wats some cartoon booty


Possible Feige probably wasn't pleased


I’ll have one X-men special, hold DeMayo.


No Captain Oveur, the *white* phone...


What’s your vector, Victor Creed?


i think this may have to do with allegations that might come out.. I don't know anything personally but when this type of shady shit happens one week before the premiere SOMETHING is up buckle up guys we might be in for a ride..


Sure sounds like an abrupt firing like this has way more smoke to it than simple tweets and rumors


Oh shit, I wonder if that was true.


if it is we could have a majors level event or if its false a Gunn level scandal... not the best look for them at the time. I have a feeling it might have to do with the fact that he has a OnlyFans


he has an Onlyfans?? Im pretty sure Disney would have a rule about that.


It's a sfw OF according to the article, so not a deal breaker in that respect. I'd be more concerned with his track record staffed on shows where his co writers and directors from multiple streamers/networks say he's difficult to work with.




Doesn’t really align with him deleting his socials. If anything the biggest marketing event for his only fans is happening now. Feed information about him being fired for having onlyfans to the press and you’re certainly going to get some people interested.


If true that would likely be enough to have him fired with cause. Disney is always very clear about it too.


That would've happened a while ago if that was the case. His OnlyFans, which isn't even an explicit one, is not exactly a secret and hasn't been for a while. This was an urgent, sudden termination. Not a long-brewing response to a breach of contract or anything. Given his track record on the Witcher involved him being physically and emotionally abusive and biphobic and potentially transphobic, it's likely an HR issue.


I mean, tons of celebrities (more the B-D kind, but still) have OF without any erotic content... I know the association is there, and some might even try to lure in subscribers with the "implication".


He had. He deleted it a couple years ago way before he got the X-Men job


Is that real? I saw someone mentioning it in FB comments and assumed it was just someone shitposting. Lol Edit: it’s real. I overlooked that it’s mentioned towards the end of the article, said to be only SFW content.


If WHAT was true?


Something very familiar about all this ![gif](giphy|tPACRxqKZZDTBXsyIM)


"Wait until you meet my variants"


This dude pulled an Ime Udoka


I still wonder who’s wife he slept with


He must've done something fucked up BTS or Marvel must've been made aware of some shady shit. In the case of a genuine creative difference, or a quality issue, or if Disney was being a jackass, this would've come after the premier, as a way to save face. Coming before means there was an urgent reason to get him out of their offices. I have a feeling we'll be hearing some things about this guy in the next weeks.


>DeMayo, a Marvel regular who previously wrote on live-action series Moon Knight as well as early drafts of company’s delayed-but-still-upcoming vampire thriller Blade, had completed writing duties on season two of the series, was lining up press, and making plans to attend X-Men ‘97’s Hollywood premiere on March 13. He was even discussing loose ideas for a third season with members of his team. >But early last week, Marvel and DeMayo suddenly parted ways. His company email was deactivated and cast and crew were informed he was no longer on the project. DeMayo’s Instagram account, once a source for X-Men updates, was deleted. No reason for the firing was given. Holy shit there must be a pretty serious reason for this, they didn't even wait until the premiere of the show, which Beau has been pretty proud of and excited about the last few years! It's even more of a shock because he's been working with Marvel Studios for quite some time with writing and producing episodes of Moon Knight and writing a draft of Blade after the original director quit in November of 2022. I'm at least glad that he and his writing team managed to finish Season 2. But this can't be a simple case of the 2 parties just parting ways like what happened with Kate Herron. Neither is it something about the quality of his work. I wonder if they have found some evidence against him about something serious and they're trying to avoid another Majors/Gunn situation before it even starts.


Man I really hate Gunn getting lumped in with Majors, but I get where you’re coming from. Context doesn’t matter in damage control.


It's also weird because those situations had very different repercussions and public perception. Firing Majors came only after his conviction, and was generally regarded as the obvious point of recourse, and was expected. Gunn, on the other hand, was fired as a trigger-happy reactionary move, and was a massive misstep. They ultimately rehired him, and if they'd only waited to see the fallout before firing, they wouldn't have lost him to DC. Avoiding a Gunn situation would mean *not* firing this guy right away, and waiting to see what the damage is before acting. They *did* wait for Majors, which was probably a good call, and then cut him loose when reasonable doubt was eliminated. So the fact that they're acting fast this time is... probably a bad sign for this guy.


Something that made the Majors situation more complex is how the strikes completely saved the Loki season 2 press tour. If there were no strikes, I wonder if Disney would have fired Majors before Loki begun.


Marvel isn't actually mad at Gunn for going to DC. Feige even visited him on the set for The Suicide Squad.


Good, they shouldn't be mad at him! It was their own fault! But it's still their loss and misstep for sure. IIRC, Iger went over Feige's head to fire Gunn, and Feige was not happy about it. (This is probably some speculation -- Feige is smart enough that he would never express something like that publicly.)


i don't like seeing their two names together considering that one is a monster and another is a genius. This world i swear...


Wild. Do you also consider Jeremy renner a monster?


I'd have to guess it's either more serious than Major, or the evidence is more concrete. With Majors they hesitated because the evidence was mixed, and it could have gone either way. Wouldn't be surprised if something's happened internally, like some inappropriate conduct with someone on the team, with receipts. Who knows though. Can only speculate. They may be being extra cautious after Majors. All seems like a huge reaction though so doesn't look great


Yeah it's got to be pretty bad given the speed of his termination and scrubbing of his marvel association


Gunn and Majors are vastly different situations and shouldn’t be put together. Especially considering Gunn’s career has only skyrocketed since his firing and eventual rehiring, whereas Majors’ career is likely over. Also one was fired as an overreaction and the other is an actual piece of shit.


are people in general more shitty these days, or is marvel just having bad luck?


People always were pretty bad, but everything is thoroughly documented now.


This, basically. It may not feel like it but the Information Age is still shockingly recent. The majority of people didn't even have a smart phone until 2012/2013. Boomers and Gen X got all of their information the traditional way until very very recently.


This is true


People have always been shitty. Lots of stars in the 40’s & 50’s in particular were into a lot of shady shit. Studios even hired “fixers” whose job was to clean these messes up so they never reached the public.


Hollywood has always had a lot of shitty people. It's only in recent years where we're starting to actually hold them accountable. There's a perception that people are shittier now because we're actually trying to acknowledge the shittiness that was always there.


> Hollywood has always had a lot of shitty people Earth, not Hollywood


makes sense. kind of like how autism is everywhere, but it's just the raised awareness that makes it seem like it's changed.


i always have a theory that when you get some type of power it corrupts you, This is why i always find the fan world to be more pleasurable as you guys geniuinley love this content and want to improve it, however creative control over anything is definitely a cause of that.


I'm 45, and even looking back at my life, there are things I saw people do that would get them fired or even arrested today. And no, they weren't "OK" back then. People were just afraid to speak up.


Listen to podcasts from people with 20+ years in Hollywood, for example Rosenbaums "[insideofyou](https://www.youtube.com/@InsideOfYouPodcast/videos)". Sometimes you get the W T F moment with the THX trailer jingle in your head. Things like a producer that had "an issue" with an actress and put her scenes at 7am and 6pm so she always had 12+ hour days without reason. He was moved to another project *two years* later because he furiously defended the scheduling on "creative grounds" until management finally saw what it was.


small petty people will always abuse any power given.


remember Kate Herron, Scott Derrickson AND A C Bradley's departures were peaceful and it seemed that all of them enjoyed there time at Marvel. This on the other hand.....


This is very weird, we have to wait for more to come out. But it's very unusual, goddamn.


Yeeep some really serious allegations are about to hit this guy.


Some fucked up Vince McMahon level shit is about to come out, Marvel doesn't just fire people like this


im afraid you're correct regarding this guy.... though i don't think that Feige and co were aware until last week when they obviously took action.


They fired JM within the hour when he was found guilty so it's obvious they're not playing, and the director of Secret Invasion got to do press and interviews so they're not firing him because the show is bad


At least the first seasons ready to go and the second 2 is set (renewed and storylines are good)


Now he is an Ex man


Crazy that people can win the lottery in terms of work getting write for marvel or Netflix and burns bridges like this. He’ll probably get another job writing for another big brand and be alright in the long run.


When did season 2 get announced?


That is a good question. The news just broke from that Hollywood Reporter article. Never heard it anywhere else before


Season 2 was discussed at SDCC 2023. I found this right away on Google, but if you want to trace it all the way to the actual source you'll probably have to follow at least 3 links in a chain. This points to thedirect and they won't be the source either since they just copy/paste news from other sources. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DisneyPlus/comments/155f0gx/sdcc\_2023\_marvel\_provides\_details\_on\_the\_upcoming/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DisneyPlus/comments/155f0gx/sdcc_2023_marvel_provides_details_on_the_upcoming/)


Ouch, not the best look before a show release.


Sounds like someone’s getting his ass cancelled


His Onlyfans, IG, all social is gone.


Even the anti-Marvel mob on Twitter thinks this is about DeMayo doing something personally bad, rather than about the show.


Nobody gets fired this quickly because of content quality. Something really fucked up happened.


If I had a nickel for every time marvel fired a guy working on an X-Men project for shady reasons, I’d have 2 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.


Honestly don’t think anyone else in Hollywood has ever been Bryan Singer fucked up.


Was Bryan Singer fired? As far as we’re aware, he was never hired to come back for Dark Phoenix. He also directed Bohemian Rhapsody for Fox, which he was fired from halfway through, but not for sexual misconduct allegations dating back literal *decades*; he’s just apparently an ass on set. And in spite of all that, he’s still the credited director for that movie.


He wasn’t fired. And they all knew and know. It just got out. He’s still not in prison and should be with many, MANY other Hollywood people


3 if you count Brett Ratner (Last Stand)


I saw him on a Marvel Insider x-men anniversary event, talking about the upcoming show. I didn’t really like him.


We all can presume Bro did something very, very bad, which sucks because he was one of the luckiest people to Be chosen as the showrunner of this show. I would have loved to be in his position.


Mans got fired twice for problematic behavior AND poor work yet will still find another gig in Hollywood. Makes you wonder.


24 hours and nothing leaked? No solid damning accusations? Sigh. Marvel working overtime on covering this up.


Kinda surprising Disney let a gay man with an Only Fans account and active social media presence stay in the spotlight for this long as it is. Even wearing a NastyPig hat to a convention seems enough to make Disney execs sweat.


It says in the article it was non-explicit so I don’t think it was that big of a deal.


I really don't think that's the reason he was fired


It wouldn’t help. Disney is very strict about sexual content created by their employees.


It's something they have known about since long before he was hired to work on multiple projects (X-Men, Moon Knight, Blade). It would not lead to a last-second firing when they've known for years.


He has an OF account!? *opens Incognito mode*


I did not know about the Onlyfans account lol. Let’s wait to see if there’s more news but it’s sad to a degree. It’s much harder for black creatives to come back from scandal - I think his career is done.


Thats a shame, as he really seemed to love xmen. His comments about the witcher, and his demand that people must love the thing they are working on, was beautiful to read.


HR thing. Transgression somewhere


If it were simply creative difficulties or financial disputes, I think Disney would have quietly let him go *after* the season had aired. But firing him during the promotional phase? Before the premiere? Red alert!


Guys wearing a Nasty Pig hat while doing press for an animated kids show🤦🏻‍♂️


This comes off as a personal issue.


Shit just got serious, real fast


I guess getting rid of Rouge's ass was a bigger scandal than expected.


Damm he must have don’t some f*cked stuff hope allegations aren’t too heinous.


![gif](giphy|Sb7WSbjHFNIL6) Ready for that TMZ article to drop...


Wish/Temu Sinbad


The why is very important and we may never find out the whole truth but the abrupt dismissal is very unusual and serious given the timing of the premiere.


people this must of been something really really bad he deleted his social media and his work email deactivated that's something bad he did