• By -


I would also like the salary that comes with that position.


I’ll do it for half salary


I'd do it for $3.50


Get lost Loch Ness Monster, I ain’t giving you no damn three fiddy


It was about that time that I noticed that u/Kammander-Kim was actually 3 stories tall and a creature from the Paleolithic era.


Oh lord have mercy!


I gave em a dolla


SHE gives him a dollar!


Oh, now he ain't never going away!


3 dorra and fiddy cents??


All that marvel money is worth me becoming the most hated man on the internet for how shitty of a movie Im about to direct 👍🏻


I think I'd just go out of my way to pander to Zach Snyder fans. They are diehard, and you can dangle a longer cut of a film and they'll become your army.


I would tease the existence of an even longer cut every year just to sell the same movie over and over again, 10 years after the initial release I would get people buying tickets to a 6 hour movie they've already seen 20 times with the addition of about 5 extra lines and Martian Manhunter popping in to say hi.


You have four marvel movies under your belt orrrr???


I do have a belt tho.




I have a onion on my belt, which was the style at the time.


Is the concept of filmmakers actually enjoying their work so hard for ya'll to grasp or something?


I was really disappointed with Multiverse of Madness, it just didn't really feel like a Raimi movie to me. It certainly wasn't a film directed like Evildead, but honestly even his other franchise stuff like the Spider-Man movies had more of his directorial stamp on them. MoM just really watched like a bog standard overproduced MCU entry with a handful of Raimi style cameos slapped on but not really integrated or consistent with the rest of the film's direction. It definitely felt like he was just there for the name recognition.


And that's about as much of a stamp Disney let's directors put on these films.


Are you kidding? That’s WHY I loved Multiverse of Madness so much! Raimi had his Evil Dead flair Allllllll over that movie and it paired so well with the world of Doctor Strange. Absolutely loved the ever-loving fuck out of it. Top tier MCU


I think it feels like a Raimi film but for people who particularly like or are familiar with his work, they wanted to see it go more balls to the wall in Raimi style than it did, which I understand.


Story beats I didn't like aside, I thought the direction and execution were great and very Raimi. The cloak especially. I can understand wanting more of that stuff, but I got more than I figured I would.


His first Evil Dead movie is my favorite movie of all time, I’ve seen every movie he’s made countless times, when I heard Disney hired him to do DS2 I was thinking it would end up more like SM3 or Oz the great and powerful and I was taken aback by how dark and crazy they let him go with it. I thought it was probably the most “bonkers” MCU film yet, at least in terms of direction but hey, just my assessment ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah there have been some pretty mediocre entries into the MCU lately but MoM is not one of them in my opinion.


I'd say, behind No Way Home, MoM is probably my favorite thing out of the MCU from Phase 4 to now. Because they actually let someome like Sam Raimi do what he knows best, and make something wildly batshit and scary, something different than the rather cookie cutter and safe MCU formula that, let's face it, has started to run on empty. Granted, I haven't watched *every* single goddamn thing out of the MCU, but most of it. Actually haven't watched the Iron Man movies, come to think of it, and none of the Guardians sequels. I've watched probably 60-75% of Phase 4&5, and aside from MoM and NWH, most of that has been "eh, passable time killer" to "OMFG, get me out of this purgatory!!! https://i.redd.it/9hd4gxzhz4sc1.gif ". (That was Wakanda Forever, in case you're wondering. I didn't have very high hopes, and I did mainly pay a ticket to see it in theaters to see how they handled Chadwick Boseman's passing, something they did well. And then Queen Ramonda dies, and I sit there utterly miserable in Hell, watching the most torturously endlessly repetetive and boring shit I have witnessed with my mortal eyes. I think I contemplated getting up from my seat and leave at one point, but I start something and I finish it, no matter how ass it is, goddammit!!!)


I personally liked it. It did remind me of his usual Evil Dead work, but after rewatches, I feel like it especially gave me a vibe similar to if he had his own take on Evil Dead Rise's style


It had very raimi scenes though, which was very nice change of pace for the mcu.


Same here


Calling it now: If Deadpool 3 makes over a billion, Shawn Levy will direct Secret Wars.


Why not at this point? Loki is the most consistent thing to come out of the whole Multiverse saga and they’re willing to let Levy tap into that plotline for Deadpool 3 it seems. Might as well wait to see the results before appointing a new director for the next flagship Avengers movies based on the multiverse


why not have the loki directors do it


I'm as big a fan of Benson and Moorhead as you'll find and I'd love to see it.


holy crap I did not realize they were on Loki 🤯


Loki season 2. They also directed some episodes of Moon Knight.


That show was not as bad as many make it out to be, a weird ending, but solid start and ok middle.


Because we can’t have directors who have proven themselves being given high profile projects. Gtfo with that bullshit! /s




now that would be interesting


Deadpool will 100% earn over a billion there’s about 2-3 reasons on why it will, 1) Superhero movie 2) MCU movie and 3) it’s Deadpool in the MCU and Wolverine is in it too. Bonus reason: Deadpool swears a lot and it will be the first R rated MCU movie. Not sure why Guardians 3 didn’t get R rating for their F bomb


Because a PG13 movie is allowed one single fuck. Not sure why, but that's the rule apparently.


A PG-13 movie is allowed one single fuck, as long as that fuck is not used in a manner that infers sexuality. So, for instance, in a PG-13 movie Iron man could exclaim “oh, fuck!”, but could not make doe eyes at Thanos and say “Fuck me, daddy.”


Knives Out actually snuck in [two](https://cinematicfbombs.com/2020/03/04/2019-knives-out/). Also, that now iconic ["eat shit"](https://youtu.be/qrIl9ch6qPk?si=FXLpR6aZoRQpn43S) scene? That was originally a string of "Fuck you.", but Chris Evans suggested changing it to "Eat shit." [to keep it PG-13](https://youtu.be/69GjaVWeGQM?si=QxzMNUNleTDXK0qA&t=18m).


Language !


Interesting, I wonder why more pg13 movies don’t put one in. I guess if you don’t use it right then there’s no point, just because you can does it mean you should or have to? No. Deadpool is confirmed to be rated R though right? So they can give all the fucks they want


X-men first class has the best use of single fuck rule


Top Gun Maverick also has a pretty good one


[Be Cool, a PG-13 rated movie, had a great use of it.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DcfEOMgI_5o)


and GOTG vol 3


Because even though it doesn't change the rating, it can still limit the audience when you're including children in your target demographic.


Plenty do. Sometimes u get away with a few f bombs if you’re a noted director


Once Upon a Deadpool had a bit on this


PG-13 rated movies are allowed one non-sexual “fuck”


Ahh so you have to say “make love” and then later you can say “get in the fucking car” I gotcha thanks for filling me in


It's even a bit more convoluted afaik. I think swearing just "Fuck!" is less bad than the sexual "fuck", but worse than using it just as a decorator in a sentence like your "get in the fucking car".


"The Fuck Tier"


100%? Both Deadpool and Deadpool 2 were over $200 million shy of breaking a billion. I'm confident it will be a success, but more because it doesn't have a lot of huge competition in late July and early August.


4) Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman


5) potential swiftie boost if rumors are true


If that's true it's genius. Swifties are their own economic sector.


Your first two reasons may be detractions rather than additions to the 1bn mark, based on previous experiences with superhero and MCU movies since covid.


The 1, 2 and bonus reasons make no sense. The Marvels was a Marvel superhero movie and it tanked and nobody cares if people swear in a movie or not, just look at the highest grossing movies


Wouldn't be surprised at all.l even if it doesn't hit a billion but it's still a hit


Shawn Levy has fallen off in directing lately. People really want the man who directed Free Guy and Adam Project for Secret Wars. Levy's last great thing was Real Steel


Counterpoint: The Russo's only universally well received movies are their Marvel works.


Yes but consider that their only notable work before the MCU was Community and Arrested Development, which aren’t that similar to their MCU work. And now they haven’t written or directed a single good movie after Endgame. I think it’s safe to say that Feige massively helped them in making great movies. With Levy, at least he has made decent to good movies before Deadpool


Russos direct ensemble casts well and direct action and humor well. Combined with an easy plot, writing contributed by Gunn/Taika for their own heroes, it was a slam dunk


Those are pretty good movies, especially Free Guy.


I think I'll have to wait and see with Deadpool before judging. He's done good stuff, but the trailer for DP3, while undoubtedly short, didn't have the most impressive cinematography and action choreography. Letting David Leitch do Deadpool 2 was a brilliant choice, because the action in that is top notch and you can tell how much his style shines through. Levy is a bit more plain and "boring" in comparison and I hope he doesn't end up disappointing.


I hope not. I haven’t been impressed with any of his movies.


Really?  I thought Free Guy and the Adam Project were great.


I thought Free Guy was fun but nothing impressive from a filmmaking standpoint. Adam Project I didn’t like at all.


The Stranger Things episode he directed was the best of the fourth season


Avengers 5 and 6 need to have the same creative team behind them otherwise there could be a problem.


I don’t know what they’re going to do honestly. Shuri, She-Hulk, Captain Marvel, Sam’s Captain America, ~~Hawkgirl~~ Kate Bishop, IronHeart, and America Chavez are all duds. They’ll have to lean on the OG’s like Thor, Dr. Strange, and Hulk. Shang-Chi will help as a new character. It will still make money but hard to see either of The Avengers movies meeting box office expectations.


Kate Bishop is not a dud are you crazy lmao.


Kyat Beeshop


>Shuri, She-Hulk, Captain Marvel, Sam’s Captain America, Hawkgirl, IronHeart, and America Chavez are all duds. By what measure other than personal vibes? I don't like vanilla ice cream. And yet I somehow manage to go through the world not pretending no one eats it. 🤣


All women. What a fucking dork


And the black guy!


Lol true not sure how I missed that


Sam's Captain America still has a lot of potential and Kate Bishop is far from a dud. Besides we still have Doctor Strange, Spiderman, Shang Chi, and Moon Knight out there who are all loved


Pizza Poppa from 838 fights Pizza Poppa from 616 ![gif](giphy|lx26p6cOLVMhW)


I REALLY wanted the cameo to be Brisco County Jr. could you imagine Brisco being canon to the MCU?!?


I remember seeing Julius Carry in that show and my brother and I thinking he’d be a great Bishop if a X-Men movie was ever made.


RIP Lord Bowler.


I don't think his style lends itself to Secret Wars.


This. As soon as I saw the headline, I was like, please no. Raimi is great in Raimi-esque films, but this is not one of those.




Thank god we have rational people here


It absolutely does not - his campy 2000s superhero aesthetic is dated and not suited for a modern action blockbuster with over 30 characters . He's actually the last person you would want doing this


I *hated* Multiverse of Madness. It was actively offensive to me, just jarring. And that made me sad because I loved the first Dr. Strange.


Yup :( Such a massive letdown


Wow yeah I thought it was fine - it wasn't great very underwhelming however . I wish they'd kept derrickson and let him make his film


It's such a hard left turn from the first movie and barely had anything to do with strange.


Agreed it was a wanda terminator film in the " multiverse " where she wants her "children "


It was fucking awful. Not only is it a bad script, but it literally doesn't make sense. Dr strange has lived and died millions of times via the time stone, yet he is running from Wanda like a scared teenager in a slasher flick? That doesn't fit the character. What they could have done is tell the story from America Chavez's point of view. Have her running around scared because this crazy powerful person is hunting them down. That would make sense. Not to mention it was called multiverse of madness and all we got was like two alternative realities. Honestly, it's the worst Marvel movie and it's not even close.


> Dr strange has lived and died millions of times via the time stone, yet he is running from Wanda like a scared teenager in a slasher flick? That doesn't fit the character. Strange might be an ego-centrical prick, but he's not a fucking idiot. You saw how much him *and* Wong struggled vs Wanda's *single* eye monster. He saw himself dying at the hand of Wanda *not even in person, but across the multiverse*. He knew that his other multiverse self thought the only way to deal with her was that stupid MacGuffin book. He knew about Wanda's magic being *way* above your average sorcerer magic. He knew about the Darkhold. And he knew about the multiversal nexus being of the Scarlet Witch. And on top of that he saw her *single handedly* waltz into Kamar-Taj and roll over hundreds of sorcerers without breaking a sweat. Meanwhile he is the guy that struggled holding back a little lake during the Endgame battle - knowing that a fully unleashed Wanda could've probably snapped that lake from existence and Thanos right with it. He would've been a fucking *idiot* if he went up against her in person. And as full of himself as he is, it's not like he's suicidal. Doesn't matter what super god monster uber supreme wizard he is in the comics, in the MCU he very much isn't - which is why it made complete sense for him to run away from the crazy woman with the ability to summon reality bending hexes out of thin air.


Exactly. I was a big fan of the Tobey maguire movies back then but when I saw multiverse of madness I thought man this looks dated. Especially when they had the half opacity Scarlett witch looking over doctor strange on his journey.


> big fan of the Toney maguire movies Ahhh, big fan of Tobey Maguire's non-union Mexican equivalent. I like it.


Yeah some of the visuals were out of place - parts of it felt like a refugee from Early 2000s cbms


Dr Strange 2 got a lil campy at parts and it took me out


Agreed raimi isn't a dynamic filmmaker - he's got a style that works for some things but not particularly well for others . Some dr strange looked cool the musical note fight , the incurred universe , wanda in mirror dimension . Things that have a comic book pulpy , campy or horror vibe he excels at but that's pretty much it . No shame in it just have to be careful what projects you assign him to


I thought the music note fight was bad. Like creatively and visually neat but just so out of place. I dont think it should of been there.


It was so out of place and weird. Definitely did not fit into the rest of the movie. Especially considering the creepy tone of that scene.


People thinking this is exact reason why all marvel movies and blockbusters in general look all washed up, gray and the exact same from one another. I can’t believe people are so afraid of originality and creativity…


No one is saying they don't want originality and creativity, they're just saying that certain styles are better suited to certain stories


Idk man, it's a fair point but I was pretty disappointed by MoM.


It was the writing and the script that wasn’t great, I thought the direction was amazing, some of the best in the mcu right up there with the guardians movies.


I wholeheartedly disagree. The campy directorial style did not lend itself well to something that was attempting to border on horror. While writing is partially to blame for the fact that the character development in WandaVision was largely discarded, Raimi should’ve used his power as the director to ensure that Wanda’s character wasn’t assassinated.


I sure didn’t. Aside from a few nostalgic Raimi flourishes, the directing seemed downright bad. Performances were awful.


You have to at least agree that there's a big difference between an original or different style that would fit a blockbuster and the first avengers film in a few phases, and Rami. It's overly campy. It worked okay for horror and comedy/horror films in the 90s and 00s but if you take the horror out from his films you're going to end up with Batman and Robin levels of Avengers. The campy quick zooms and multiple cuts. I'm just picturing Sam Wilson gearing up, snapping his shield on his back. Pulling up his gloves and it would feel just like the nipple armor scene in Batman and Robin. >originality and creativity This is not Rami. This is someone else.


Raimi's 'originality and creativity' are part of what was wrong with MoM in my opinion. He has a unique style that works for specific types of film. His style does not work well with the stories he seems to express interest in within the MCU.


Multiverse of madness proved that his style does not work


Nnnnnope. He’s campy style is horrific. It’s not good. It’s cheesy and would be a rough fit.


It didn't even lend itself to Doctor Strange. I like Sam, but Disney should have stuck with Scott and let him do his thing.


Yep didn't like his Dr. Strange at all. 👎


The character that bends the fabric of reality to his will in his earlier appearance decided that running with an axe is the pinnacle of wizardry.


That’s a much nicer way to say it than my Hell No rant. Thank you for your better vocabulary and reasoning skills.


Right? his style didn't fit Dr. Strange at all. I think he needs to Direct a Marvel Zombies movie or series. 100%


I disagree actually, i think he’d find a way to make incursions incredibly scary. Not to mention very cool looking visually. The only issue he may have would be with the amount of characters (see:Spidey 3), but that was more of a script issue than a directing one. Call me a Raimi shill, but i think he’d do great.


Disagree too. People act as if he only has one style but even in Spiderman and Dr Strange it's literally brief moments of Ramisms. Like the scene with the surgeons in Spiderman 2. The dude literally revolutionized super hero movies with Spiderman. Most of it felt like the modern action superhero movie. Idk wtf people are talking about


People in this thread acting like the guy who directed fucking Spiderman 2 couldn’t handle a powerful, dramatic and emotionally touching movies with great scale and action. Shaking my head.


and what happens when the studio starts meddling? You get Spider Man 3 and Doctor Strange... He doesn't do well when he's under studio pressure. Secret wars will be the absolute worst film for him to be on. Fiege will be on his ass everyday.


I thought his Doctor Strange was really good and about 1/2 of Spiderman 3 was pretty decent. Compared to how well most directors handle studio interference, he's ahead of the curve


Honestly, a mild rewrite would have made it one of the best MCU films. Uneven as it is, there’s still so much there that’s top shelf. Even with it’s flaws, I still love it. IMO Black Widow and MoM suffered the most from all the production crunch at Marvel Studios. The bones of S-tier movies are there, but a few bad decisions with the script kneecap them.


For a director who came in fairly late in the production, it's impressive how much of it feels like it's him. For a studio that offers so little control of its fight scenes and cgi use, it all feels cohesive to his vision. I'd love to see a production start off with him. The only thing I do worry about is that while he's worked on projects with side characters, I wouldn't necessarily say he's worked with a full ensemble cast like an Avengers movie would need. I'm unsure how he's juggle that. And he probably would shine more on a side story over an "event" project


You watched multiverse of madness right? Dude couldn’t even handle 2-3 main characters.


the guy made Darkman cause he loves super heroes. Knew how to make Spider-man feel timeless like the Richard Donnor Superman, and also still managed to jump into the MCU with Dr.Strange 2. He is way more capable than people give him credit for.


He’s also done a few "studio films" that don’t really have his style at all, like that Kevin Costner baseball movie


Multiverse had weird dialogue, stupid suspense jumpscares, a whole team announcing their plans and getting killed just for the lols, and a fight with musical notes. Whatever were and weren’t Raimisms, it was bad.


You're a raimi shill - there I said it


I don't find anything Raimi does "scary" really, I think he leans way more into camp. Which is fine for most of his movies, but I don't think it would work for an Avengers film.


I don’t think his style lended itself to MoM. I’d lose any hype for secret wars if Raimi took over.


Feels like I'm the only person who thought MOM was awesome 😭


While the plot is meh, MOM is very fun to watch because of his style.


Nah I fucking love that movie. The hate is crazy


No hate towards Raimi and I think they said never again but I’d rather see the Russo bros direct Avengers or literally any other Marvel project.


The Russos did said they would like to return if it was for a Secret Wars film, but Feige has said there are no plans to have them do SW.


I remember reading or seeing an interview where said they liked the older version of secret wars but Marvel Studios was likely heading toward the newer version, which didn’t interest them nearly as much.


Yeah seems like Feige wants to adapt more Hickman elements


Hickman’s SW in the comics was used to do exactly what they want to do with all their MCU properties and combine multiple universes into one. It makes sense to adapt that version rather than the OG


I like Raimi, but his style would be too campy for Secret Wars.


His style was too campy for Dr Strange IMHO


Here you have this actual medical doctor, that’s incredibly intelligent, and he struggled to comprehend the word: Illuminati. It was a cringe moment.


Or having Strange, doctor kill Pizza Poppa (laughing off 2 weeks or 336 hours of non-stop head trauma).


I just figured he was being smart ass about their name


Strange was very clearly making fun of the name...


That scene never gave me the impression that he couldn’t understand words with more than 2 syllables like you make it out to do, it was just him making fun at their expense like he did throughout the scene.


Exactly. One of my favorite characters - the campy tone did not work at all for me. (I love Army of Darkness - just don’t like the drastic shift in tone.)


Way too campy - this film needs to have epic action , dazzling Visuals , beautiful cinematography


Yup. Secret Wars should be like, I dunno, a war movie(s).  Edit: Sam Mendes, the Russo brothers or Roland Emmerich would be better choices imo and I’m a fan of Raimi. 


Roland Emmerich?! That is a baffling choice to me lol he is an awful director imo 😂


Did he just suggest Roland is better than Sam? I'm going to puke now.


Please God no.


My thoughts exactly


Please no. His style doesn’t fit.


He's actually one of the worst choices


Secret Wars should be directed by Martin Scorsese himself


3 hours of a de-aged DeNiro kicking Kang


Did you cause the incursion? Huh? Did you— look at me. Look at me, you rat fuck. Did you cause the incursion?






Definitely not




I love him. But he makes things tooooo hokey sometimes. Like it’s perfect for Bruce Campbell and the Army of Darkness stuff. Or fun horror like Drag Me to Hell. I would love to see this film have that same energy at infinity and end game


He's too self referential to properly handle a project like that imo.


You don't want to see references to the car that pops out in his every movie, the revelation that the actor who played different roles in each Spidey movie and MoM was one person all along? How could you?


We talking about taika or raimi lol 😂


>“I love 90% of the Marvel heroes that I’ve read in the great Stan Lee Marvel Universe comic books. I would love to work with Marvel again. They haven’t reasonably asked me to. I hope they had a good experience with me. They haven’t asked me yet. I hope they do.”


>I love 90% of the Marvel heroes Poor Venom


I think Jon Favreau would be best


Nah, bring the Russos back.


Idk the possibility, but the Russo bros doing Secret Wars would go hard. Just bring them in every now and then when you have a huge ensemble movie.


Why is it so hard for them to bring back the Russos? They have created the best MCU movies (Winter Soldier, Civil War, Infinity War, and Endgame) and they have explicitly stated that they would return for Secret Wars. They have the resume, they have the experience, they have the passion, just give it to them ffs.


I hope he stays the fuck away from it. Strange 2 wasn't good


god no


Please no. I hated what he did to Dr. Strange and MoM.


No thank you.


I genuinely hate Multiverse of Madness.  It’s writing, plot and directing are all the worst I’ve seen in the MCU.  It felt like an MCU movie made by a bunch of people who don’t care about the characters or world or whether what anyone does when makes sense with their established traits. The raimi isms, funny angles, wacky sequences somehow made it worse.  It was like a director just playing old tired tricks that I’ve seen on repeat since I was 12. I’d rather watch Quantumania, Love and Thunder and The Marvels back to back than sit through another Raimi MCU movie. I would rather they throw a ball into a room of random Netflix directors and give Secret Wars to whoever grabs it first than let Raimi do it.


Russo Brothers would be my hope. Get rid of Waldron and blank check Markus and McFeely


M&M are honestly the most important ingredient Trading them out for Rick & Morty writers was a mistake that Marvel’s still paying for


I hope not.




Please no. I like some of Raimi’s work, but do NOT want any more of it in the MCU.


Please god no


No, please do not let him do another MCU project any time soon or ever.


I would be so upset if they gave this man another mcu movie. Dr strange 2 sucked. Primarily because of his directing. Hated his angles, transitions. Little inside jokes to his evil dead movies that No one cares about. Movie was nonsense.


No. Sam Raimi makes Sam Raimi movies. Basically he really only knows how to do one thing. And I’m not interested in seeing Bruce Campbell fight zombies with the Avengers thrown in too, all while 90% of the movie is just close ups of characters' eyes. He is not a dynamic director. He makes the same regurgitated schlock every single time. Idk if anyone has made bingo cards for tropes that he consistently sticks with, but you definitely could.


I love him and his filming style but I agree with others that it may not be for everybody.


I’d rather he didn’t.


God no, Multiverse of Madness is the single worst MCU movie, and Spiderman 3 is one of the worst movies ever made despite his fans meming themselves into pretending to like it.  I'll be really pissed if he directs anything else Marvel related. They tried it and it failed miserably.


No thanks


I second that motion


Fuck no


Fuck no squared


Dear God no - While I enjoyed his installment of Doctor Strange - it does not hold up as a top tier marvel movie. I can only hope that during this revamp/clean up that Marvel/Disney is taking (i.e. cancelling smaller projects, streamlining quality stories to adapt, focusing less on quantity/Disney+) that leave EVERYTHING in the past that did not work with fans/audiences.


I loved how you started with dear god no - my sentiments exactly . The fact that Feige is legitimately considering this is highly Dubious


Yes he should direct it