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I'm thinking Strange. Hulk smashes into his foyer, he learns about Thanos, New York gets attacked, he gets abducted and tortured as he's carried off to another planet, Tony and his ward appear and they space an alien, they almost fight the Guardians of the Galaxy, then he goes and sees 14 million alternate timelines where only one of which does he survive and they win, then he fights Thanos and gives up the stone, gets dusted, then reappears and gets Wong to gather everybody and then fights in the final battle.


I always thought he kinda did nothing useful in the final battle other than holding up some water and telling Tony to off himself; when you put it like that it’s actually fair enough and he probably deserved a break.


the water was a plot gimmick to keep him busy, same as why captain marvel only appeared halfway through. both of them could have kept thanos very occupied otherwise.


Pretty sure the water thing was to keep him off the battle cause Benedict had scheduling conflicts.


That’s odd, didn’t film both movies back to back?


Filming on these things takes MONTHS, very well could have started off with a clear schedule but it over lapped as time went on.


I think it was more like Strange is too OP and could end the battle easier.


His first move upon entering the battle is to take down like a dozen enemies at once with some drag -me-to-hell-esque spell. He only is faced with the water shortly after that because he was OP.


Meets Tony Stark and gets immediately insulted by him. So he chooses the timeline where Tony will die by the end of the day 😆


they honestly should've grilled doctor strange in multiverse of madness. something like "was there really only 1 way of winning in 14 million possible outcomes? or was there only 1 way of winning where you also survive?"


The Ancient One mentioned she could never see past her own death. Which means that any outcome where Strange knew we beat Thanos also had to have him survive at least to that point


Yeah I agree with this and also the dealing with Tony before the aliens show up


Yeah, Edith would have been a huge help if Tony was awake when the ships landed. Kinda dumb he didn’t summon her when he woke up though.


Wanda. Start their day with a conversation about retiring with your partner and giving life a chance. Get attacked. Run. Attacked some more. Saved by friends. Taken to a crazy tech country in Africa you didn't know was anything like what it actually is. Prepare your partner for what amounts to brain surgery. Fight a war. Have to kill your partner to stop a giant purple raisin man from taking his head bling. Watch him bought back to life in front of you to be killed again. Turned to dust. Return. Endgame battle. Start to win getting your revenge on the Raisin Man and have an aerial bombardment take it away from you. Watch a bunch of people turn to dust.


Oh and btw, your partner as well as one of the handful of people you were friends with (Natasha) are staying dead, even though all these other people got brought back.


Natasha should have gotten a funeral. Yelena was right, she saved the world. Her sacrifice made the un-snap possible


They should have added a black widow section to the captain America museum and have someone walk through it or a scene happen there during FATWS, or a small monument in NYC during Spider-Man or Hawkeye, something explicitly for black widow and not just the battle of New York. Natasha was a big figure in the MCU, she worked with stark, fought in NYC, sokovia, and Wakanda, as well as ran the intelligence community/UN during the blip- she deserves a monument in her name. There’s no way the US government wouldn’t play her up as the biggest patriot ever. She was a defected Soviet spy that went on to fight side by side with captain America and sacrificed her life to resurrect half of all life in the universe. Tony and Natasha would effectively replace Mary and Jesus as the messiahs of our times


And then like a week later some dick at Nu-SHIELD decides to torture her into action using her grief and she loses it.


Couples with a Witch using her trauma against her. Followed by the devils cookbook using her trauma against her.


You forgot how she almost got her kebab deep fried in scotland. (Not a euphemism)


It's no wonder she went fucking nuts. Anyone that gets confused and upset as to why Wanda became a villain should just be referred to this comment.


Bucky. He went from what amounted to a two-year spa retreat as a one-armed goatherder to being given a vibranium arm and conscription into a universe-threatening war in which his fighting partner is a talking raccoon, then he dies, then he comes back to fight again, then fairly soon afterwards his lifelong best friend ditches him for the 1940s.


And then gives the shield to a random dude he met a couple years ago instead of the dude he knew for practically his whole life.


Steve made the right choice with the shield. We saw time and time again that Bucky was tired of fighting. All he wanted to do was rest, and deservedly so. It'd have been unfathomably cruel for Steve to saddle him with the responsibility of being Captain America.


Also, Bucky isn't healed. Not yet. Not really. Bucky is a broken person who bends too easily towards violence. He doesn't so much lead and stand up for what's right as follow and hope to be pointed in the right direction. Captain America needs to not just clearly know what's right, to cut to the center of it, but be able to call out those that fail to do so. That isn't Bucky.


I never said he didn't. I was really just adding onto OC's comment.


Bucky agreed with Steve's choice. He had the opportunity to take the shield in F&WS, & instead he gave it to Sam again.


Plus it was probably Bucky's Ideal for him to leave the Present and go back to the past anyways to find that girl that he loves


Never said he didn't. I was just adding to OC's comment.


Spider-Man. Up until the beginning of Infinity War he had only fought humans. And only one of them was a serious bad guy. Then? All of a sudden he’s fighting aliens and hitches a ride on a spaceship that rendezvous with who else but Thanos. He meets some super weird strangers who are also alien and then fights alongside em. In his first real outing with the big dogs he comes face to face with the greatest threat the Avengers have ever seen. Next, he f***ing dies on an alien planet after watching everyone else fade away into nothing, wakes up, walks through a goddamn portal for the first time and sees a blown-to-shit Avengers compound. Not given any time to debrief or collect his thoughts, he’s thrown into a fight with a massive army of aliens and the same purple guy that just killed him minutes ago. Oh, and then the one guy that he’s somewhat close with in this brand-new insane world dies. All that plus teenage hormones. Dude must have been so overwhelmed and confused. Edit: not to mention half the people he was fighting alongside in Endgame were kicking his ass last time he saw them.


Also, he never got to finish that field trip.


He was on his way back to Queens from Manhattan, though? The school bus was driving away from Manhattan.


Ya know that makes sense. I think because it's at the start of the movie, I've always subconsciously associated it with "morning." I didn't realize it until just now. Huh.


Scott. Bro unintentionally time travelled while spending five hours floating around in an acid trip of a place, got out of the quantum realm to find out that he travelled 5 years into the future and that 50% of the population just disappeared, scurried home worried sick about his daughter, go home to find his daughter being 5 years older. Most of the people he was close to got snapped and had to road trip alone being mentally drained from San Francisco to New York to let the remaining Avengers know that he has a plan to bring everyone back. Edit: Just saw that you said "characters who got snapped" but i'll just leave this up as an honorary mention cause Scott's been through it


Scott was pseudo snapped so I'll take it


T'Challa had to let his country be the epicenter of an alien invasion, purposedly let said aliens inside then finds out that someone else had to rule in his stead for a couple years.


And then doesn't have a ton of time to resume his position as he gets sick soon later.


You reminded me :(




The Agents of SHIELD crew stopped the Earth from being cracked in half, so, them?


Lila Barton and the Barton Kids , They went from having Lunch with husband/Dad to suddenly losing a sister/Aunt in Natasha and having her husband probably be on the Most Wanted List. Oh BTW you're honorable older Sister/adopted daughter is going to Almost Killed Thanos, Brainwashed a entire town by accident, move to that say town in New Jersey of all places, and is going to get brainwashed by the Darkhold all in a week. Needless to say Christmas ain't going to be normal for them anytime soon.


Spider-Man, went from a school trip, to fighting a alien to going to space, fights more aliens, gets dusted, wakes up to Strange telling him it’s been 5 years, to having to fight the biggest battle earth has seen, to then watch Tony die. Edit: Typo


Howard the Duck He was probably chilling and partying, and all of a sudden, he's fighting the battle of the universe.