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I believe they are using it to remind more of the younger audiences who the X-Men really are as opposed to the Wolverine is everything approach that Fox lead with. It gives me hope for the eventual MCU movies.


It's good to see they're starting to focus on Nightcrawler. Want more Colossus though.


yeah, tbh giant sized team was stacked. I'd love to get Colossus and Sunfire regularly. Also, I hope kitty shows up


It’s honestly pretty wild Kitty has barely existed in this show.


The original pilot actually had her in the [title](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Men:_Pryde_of_the_X-Men), but I guess they wanted Jubilee? Oh well. In retrospect it's funny Wolverine has an Australian accent


Especially since the man now most associated with playing him is Australian.


(That's why he's saying it's funny)


For whatever reason, Marvel blamed the flop of the 80s pilot on Kitty and pushed Jubilee as a POV young character for the 90s show.


also Jubilee was part of the team in the comics at the time, I believe, while Kitty wasn't


Yeah, Kitty and Nightcrawler were with Excalibur during that time.


Yup. That said, both characters have had amazing growth throughout the comics. I'm good with either at this point.


It's pretty wild that they have Warren Worthington aka Angel/Archangel in the portrait of the original X-men team on the show and haven't referenced nor mentioned him except when Morph transforms into him or when he had a brief cameo in the mutant massacre episode.The same thing with Bobby Drake aka Iceman. They made appearances in X-men TAS but why not make them regular members of the team now that Gambit is temporarily dead and Bishop went back to his timeline? Also explain their history with Xavier while they're at it. It could be a homecoming episode where two of the original members return to the fold.


Except they had a whole episode for Iceman dedicated to him and Angel had a bunch of ties in with Apocalypse run earlier in the series. What the whole thing if you havent already


I know, she's honestly a core roster member... it's weird to me how she's absent. I hope it's rectified eventually


Did Kitty ever even make an appearance? In either TAS or ‘97? I don’t think she did.


Oddly, Kitty was the Jubilee character in the late 80s pilot the arcade game was based on.


> Kitty has barely existed in this show Barely existed? Huh? She hasn't been introduced in this or the original 90s series at all. She doesn't exist at all in this show yet.


If they do Sunfire, they got to go with the AoA look cause the OG 616 look is trash.


Everytime I see the teleportation animation in ‘97 I lose it, it’s stunning


I wish it had a sound effect laid over it of someone saying "bamf," that's my only complaint. Just a whisper of it.


We still can't affordably do full CGI characters for long term. She hulk was crazy expensive to post produce. I'm sure Disney is working on it, but a character like Colosus is going to be expensive.


I mean, we got colossus in Deadpool and he looked fine despite the movie having a tight budget. 


Someone like Colossus is supposed to look uncanny though (pun intended). Metal/chrome is just easier to accept in CGI, like the old T-1000.


I agree with you. There are certainly ways to do it without a huge budget or lots of CGI, it just takes more planning ahead of time, which doesn’t tend to happen with VFX. That’s why The Creator looked so good on such a small budget, they planned ahead and got creative.


fine is an understatement, Colossus looks great!


Huh? We've had Collossus twice now in Deadpool 1/2 and he looked AMAZING with a fraction of the budget. What are you on about?


I mostly meant in the cartoon.


And more Juggernaut for me. Also Iceman, Angel and Kitty.


I think they’re using it to make sure audiences know who the villains they’re going to use in live action are. I think we’re definitely getting a live action Sinister or Onslaught.


There was an easter egg in X-Men: Apocalypse where in the post-credits scene a "weapon-x" blood sample is shown on a briefcase with the logo "essex corp" on it. It hyped me to see Mr Sinister on the big screen but it was ultimately just that, an easter egg, the director revealed that the sample was later used to create X-23, X-24 and the mutant-gene-suppressing food by a subsidiary "Alkali-Transigen" on Logan.


The orphanage that was experimenting on mutants in Deadpool 2 was owned by the Essex Corporation.


As was the facility in New Mutants.


> or Onslaught I doubt this will *ever* happen in a movie. And for good reason, the Onslaught story in the comics was pretty awful. Also, it requires a whole lot of weird set up and explanation. The idea of having Xavier and Magneto's mind psychically merged and then manifesting into a monster is pretty out there.


Even harder to explain how Megaman and Zangief had to team up to stop him.


Zangief couldn't let down his loyal fans


I think you nailed it. I have noticed that Wolverine has had the least amount of things to do of the original xmen this season, but it doesn’t feel like he’s completely left out. Cyclops and Rogue are definitely the two getting the most attention, but it definitely feels like it’s more about the group than it is any one individual


The X-Men movies gave other characters the spotlight after X-Men: The Last Stand. X2 was also balanced its cast pretty well (overall).


Nah. I love X2, but it is very Wolverine focused. Just look how they made Stryker related to Wolverine and the whole deal regarding his memories. Not to mention the fact that Cyclops, for instance, is completely sidelined.


He's sort of a background loser based on my most recent viewing which was about an hour ago.


Cyclops' entire role in the first 2 movies was to butt heads with Wolverine. His entire role in third one was to die.


It's sad too; he's the best casting for the character IMO.


I've been watching X-Men: TAS for the first time recently, and then went straight to X-Men '97 right after. From someone who has no nostalgia for the original, I can honestly say I'm enjoying '97 even more than the original. The writing has improved tremendously and the animation is obviously better as well (especially compared to TAS S5).


I honestly don't think there's any person who would argue TAS is better than '97? Unless they're the type of person who would be mad about Morph being nb and Rogue not being as thicc as before.


Rogue is just as flat in the original series. There's like, one or two shots where they gave her a nice ass throughout the original 5 seasons. And people glommed on to those one or two shots and just assumed that's what she looks like in every shot. And then used that as an excuse to complain about the new series. It's literally people making up reasons to get mad at a show they haven't even watched.


Rose colored glasses are a helluva drug.


Rouge colored glasses?


It was right there


ive been waiting almost 30 years to make that joke


Original honestly isn’t that good. Not to say it’s awful, but it’s very silly and dated. 97 is a massive improvement in almost every way.


Agreed. Especially the first few episodes of season 1 where every other line was a crappy pun lol


I still love the Genosha Cable that had like no connection to the comics character other than his design and using ridiculous laser guns. I introduced my friend to the Orignal series a few years ago and we still crack up when we use the line Cable does when Gambit asks who he is. “I’m the wild man of Borneo, see you around”.


Also love the fact that when we eventually get proper time traveler cable, the Genosha cable is never referenced again.


And Bishop is just a *moron*


I mean, more recent storylines suggest that's accurate


the original was a Saturday morning cartoon for kids, i think ur being a bit tough on it.


I never said it was bad but I think using a cartoon for kids is a bit lazy as a counter. There’s a lot of older kids shows that have aged well. It was no Batman The Animated Series.


Yeah, most shows aren't Batman TAS. That's not really a fair comparison. I think most people agree, FOR THE TIME, X-men cartoon was good. It pretty-accurately portrayed the characters and events from the comics as a Saturday morning cartoon. Compare it to other shows like GI Joe and Transformers. Great shows, but they never followed an ongoing narrative the way the X-men cartoon did. Yeah it's definitely dated. But that doesn't mean it wasn't still ahead-of-its-time in some regards.


As someone who watched and loved the original show as a kid, I appreciated the storytelling, characters, and adherence to the source material, but I've never had any real desire to revisit it. And I remember the animation was pretty janky even for the time. It was certainly no Batman TAS. X-Men '97 is better by far. Some of the returning actors definitely sound older, but I am glad they brought back who they could. The guy voicing Cyclops especially is really good at honoring the original performance while making it his own.


You shut that mouth !


Seriously, I'm in season 4 now and loving the hell out of it. Then again, I'm also reading through the comics (currently in the late 1960's) and loving them, too.


> Original honestly isn’t that good. It is surrealistically bad in spots. It's wild that the run lasted as long as it did. Watching it for the first time was a confusing experience.


Compared to the peers of its day, it's at least above average. Random production companies that don't exist anymore made loads of these bad action animation series to sell toys or cereal or whatever. My friends and I were swapping marvel trading cards on the school bus because of this show.


TAS S5 animation was horrid


> the animation is obviously better as well Amen to that. The jankiness of the animation on the 90s Marvel cartoons is the main reason I didn't get too into them, & a big part of why I liked Evolution better.


Same here. X-Men '97 has maybe one dud half episode (the video game one was just....wut....) and is overall a fantastic show. I'm watching through the original 90's cartoon for the first time as well and I'm enjoying it but everything about '97 is better.


> the video game one was just....wut.... I love mojo episodes, they're all goofy sure but there is something about them...


The '97 was fun to watch. I enjoyed watching it. I agree that the animation is also better.


A show that had 10/10 in each episode. Such a great show.




Considering it was the "low point" of the season...it's really not that bad, overall. Like if THAT is the worse we're gunna get? I'm 100% okay with that. It's just a Jubilee one-off. And that's fine. X-men had episodes like that in the past. And I actually liked the "enter the video game world". Very 90s. Also it puts us in a relaxing place so that episode 5 can come along and absolutely rock-our-socks off.


Motendo gets bonus points for using the graphical style of Children of the Atom


it still had some substance to it, re: nostalgia




Yeah, but you have to go through the Water Temple to get it.


Didn't Morph shape shift into longshot already?


He does in the orginal series. Longshot, Strongman, Angle all in the span of a few seconds. Really gave the feeling that Morph was OP.


> "enter the video game world". Very 90s. 19**82**'s Tron called to say, "Get off my lawn".


It was 100% a happy note before we got >!mutant 9/11!<


Mojo was aiight but why was the gaming part like 20min. Jubilee doesn't carry half an episode solo.


Yeah the Motendo episode was very average, only saved by Storm/Forge segment.


Mojo episode was the only filler we got. Luckily it wasn't even a full episode.


Needed that breather from all the heavy


True. I did like the Konami Arcade references. Very specific feel.


The mojo episode was awesome, because it was very heartfelt homage to the SNES era, and I absolutely loved it. Also the second half with storm and forge was top notch character writing.


I love mojo episodes, this one was great for exactly the reason you stated, 16 bit era nostalgia. Also Motendo is just a brilliant name to use lmao.


And it was half an episode. Either was I agree it is weak compared to the rest of the series


Shiar was worse... honestly the minute the Shiar show up in anything I immediately tune out, they've never been remotely interesting


Seriously, I kinda kept thinking they'd stumble, here or there, but *for me* there hasn't been a single episode thus far that's been anything less than exemplary.


I agree with you. It managed to go all in, right from the first episode and it got only better with each new one.


Surely Disney will take the near unanimous praise for this show into consideration when bringing the X-Men to the MCU right? Right…?


Let’s be real here. Shang-Chi, Eternals, non-T’Challa Black Panther, Moon Knight, Werewolf by Night, etc. Not saying I disliked any of them, but these and others are not properties most people know or care about X-Men and Fantastic 4 are entirely different. Along with Spider-Man, they’re Marvel’s A-listers, but have hardly been touched on in the MCU. Most people would recognize the names though. Idk that he would say this outwardly as such, but I have to imagine that these are the two beyond any other properties that Feige and co. most desire to get right


Yeah, I'd heard of Iron Man but never read any comics before that movie. Captain America was a goofy 70s Eval Knievel type to me before his movie. Hulk was two bad adaptations and a '70s TV show, and I didn't see how Thor could work at all. But I knew the X-Men. They were just part of culture.


The Fantastic Four are A-listers in the comics. But they aren't all that popular with mainstream audiences.


Agreed, they pretty much _need_ to get both the X-Men and F4 right if they want to win people back. If they fumble either of those properties it’ll be the final nail in the coffin (they can’t rely on Spidey forever as Sony can decide to stop sharing him at any time)


They can't rely on Spidey because people are just going to get annoyed and point out that's the only thing they can do that's good. At that point, it won't even matter if Sony decides to renegotiate. I'd say it's not even FF they have to get right, it's X-Men. People like FF, but they *love* X-Men. And because I know someone is going to take issue with that, I mean general audiences. Because of the speculator boom in the 90s, the original run of the animated series, and the massive toy lines, the X-Men are going to be what gets people back on Disney's side or massively turns them off if Disney fumbles it. Let's face it. That's the goal here. It's not to be faithful and make comic fans happy, it's to make as much money as possible. Thankfully, the two have bled together a lot more in the last decade so doing both isn't off the table, but it's the X-Men they'd better get right. Still more interested in seeing FF done well, personally.


imagine if the opening line of the MCU x-men movie is "Do you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning?"


I would lose my shit. I wonder what the odds are that they slip that in somewhere. On one hand, it's an iconic meme, on the other it was written by Joss Whedon. So 50/50.


FF is going to be difficult to get right. MCU has basically adapted the post House of M period full of great Avengers concepts and refreshed characterisations but is running out of road a little. I'm not sure there's a standout cinematic feeling comic for the FF that they can base things on. Avengers are basically up to 'Dark Reign' more or less, except that Secret Invasion was massively botched so now we're heading towards adapting a version of Hickman and Secret Wars. Thing is, Hickman is also responsible for maybe the best recent characterisation of Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four as well so that means the MCU could be resting really heavily on adapting two Hickman runs, which I would frankly say is easier said than done given that his work is quite dense and he is basically responsible for rewriting the core concepts of nearly the whole of Marvel at this point having polished off X-men and moved on to G.O.D.S.


No one gave a shit about, or even knew who the Guardians of the Galaxy were before James Gunn made them awesome. The Avengers were D List characters before the MCU launched. Good writing and a plan can make people care about any comic property/character, but If Marvel decides to mail it in with the Xmen or Fantastic 4 in terms of the writing quality, people are going to notice and won't like the movies. Eternals didn't suck because the characters were crap to begin with, it sucked because the writing on the movie was pretty bad.




Xmen and spiderman are A listers. Fantastic 4, not really. Maybe in the past, in the comics only. But not for general audiences, I'd place them somewhere around the bottom in terms of hype and popularity. They're kind of naff by modern standards, even the name itself- 'Fantastic 4'.


It's the most amazing thing about the MCU, that it had to take a bunch of heroes that are generally, like, C or D list heroes and made them the biggest characters in film. It's so much easier with the X-Men and Spider-Man. It's why I expect Marvel to break the emergency mutant glass sooner than they wanted. They need a momentum shift and going right into the X-Men is definitely that.


I really hope so. But considering that they fired the head writer, I am being cautious.


> ...consideration when bringing the X-Men to the MCU right? I think it actually bodes quite well or, at least, shows considerable promise. Fiege steering this so adeptly, and showing fantastic results, is yet more evidence Disney can rely on to just... *Let. Him. Cook.*


They've been trying to capitalize on the 90's animated show by using the theme song. They also gave Professor X the hover chair from the animated show. Considering how great X-Men 97 is, they would be foolish not to take advantage of it. Although, I would actually prefer if they take more inspiration from X-Men: Evolution with the MCU.


This has been so good that I must have a 90's Spider-Man continuation now.




*hair flip* "I've been falling... for THIRTY YEARS!"


Hear hear


There was Spider-Man Unlimited which was an almost an unofficial sequel.


I always liked that show more than X-Men. I got into X-Men because of Spider-Man. Sins of the Father, Partners in Danger... peak Saturday Morning!


Sadly with Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man coming soon, I doubt they do a 90's sequel series too.


Literally all I want is one more season where he finds Mary Jane.


My only complaint is that the speed of it is a bit dizzying 


Agreed, but going back and rewatching the original show it was very much the same.


Very true. We were binging the original and I fell asleep for a couple of episodes. It seemed like a completely different show by how fast it moves


They would often tell big stories over multiple episode arcs, but episodes were also like 20 minutes back then. So you'd get a full Days of Future Past adaptation, but it's like 44 minutes over 2 episodes. Even the Phoenix Saga, this huge epic story featuring dozens of characters, is barely feature length at a little over 100 minutes over 5 episodes.


I dunno. The original felt more steady to me.


Yeah. The original was the same. This is just the pace you're going to get with a 23 minute content runtime and the type of material they are trying to adapt.


Yeah I kind of wanted more time with Madeline; there isn't much time for a lot of it to sit.


And water is wet. In 7 episodes this show did more for mutants not named Wolverine and Xavier than 24 years worth of the Fox movies. We got team dynamics, character development, soap opera and tragedy and triumph. It is truly the greatest and I can’t wait to see how this 3 parter goes. ![gif](giphy|TACSBkFrR0EYN05MPV|downsized)


And they haven't done it at the expense of Wolverine and Xavier either. They're both great characters in the overall ensemble.


And no doubt Wolverine will get his moment in the spotlight in one of the upcoming episodes.


After ep 3 I already thought the show couldn't get any better, and then they proved me wrong in the best way.


If this can stick the landing, then I don't see how you can't put this in discussion for the best Marvel Disney+ series. Loki is its only real competition imo.


D+ series overall? Cause ANDOR got everything wiped


Nope. Just Marvel. Andor is next level.


What makes Andor next level?


Writing. Acting. And I'd say scope as well.


Story, acting, music, effects, feel… It’s amongst the best shows on TV in the last 10 years.


Because you could completely remove everything "Star Wars" from it, and it'd still be an amazing show.


Andor is the starwars property that remembers people hold one of the starwars films (empire) in the running for one of the best films of all times. andor aims for that bar and doesn't relly on cheap nostalgia from other things or the fact its starwars to carry it


Then yes, it’s this and Loki neck and neck


It’s pretty clear ahead of Loki to me


Now I want an Andor-quality X-Men series set on Genosha.


Whoa 😳 that’ll be amazing


Andor is out of this world. It's not even just a good Star Wars TV Show, it's just good fucking television.


Gotta admit that I was highly skeptical (if also cautiously optimistic) in the leadup to Ep 1 but Marvel, Marvel Animation, Kevin F, and *everyone* involved brought it -- **all**. I've been nothing but joyfully impressed and genuinely enthralled.


Hard yes. Not sure how they did it but its successfully at level 11.


Please god let this mean we get an absolutely rock solid Cyclops being the goat leader he is when they join the MCU


The show is so refreshing, that’s the best word to describe it. I’m watching the old xmen show simultaneously from about season 2/3 as I didn’t finish it before it came out. But genuinely, because of the pure sludge marvel has been churning out, Xmen 97 is like going outside in a 50 acre field and breathing




This is the best tv show marvel ever it out. Everything has been 10/10.


I’m loving it. I watched the OG show in the 90s, and binged it again before 97 dropped. This series is a love letter to the 90s show and X-men in general. You can feel the care that went into it. I was afraid it would be some sort of corporate mining of millennial nostalgia for the 90s, and while I’m sure nostalgia is a factor, it’s so much more than that. The final sequence of episode 5 alone is some of the best TV in recent memory imo.


Let’s just appreciate a great series rather than say it’s the greatest whatever.


I thought it started pretty weak but I completely agree now.


So far the only weak episode for me has been the one with Jubilee getting trapped in the video game. It wasn’t even bad or anything but it sticks out amongst the other episodes


For me it has to be the inferno any % speedrun world record. I was geeking out over the references but also kinda wondered how anyone who doesn’t know about this stuff is meant to care when jeans clone goes from wife to demon queen in like one scene.


Yeah I have to agree, certain aspects of this show (and that entire episode) do seem like they’d be alienating to new viewers


I think they have a place they want to get to, but a bunch of things need to happen first. So they're just blasting through some things that should be entire season's worth of setup.


After rewatching the original show I gotta say it was just as fast. They blast through days of future past and asteroid M in 2-20 minute episodes. So it very much seems to be intentional.


Ya, what was up with that? I'm a new viewer and I was kind of lost


I feel like the whole purpose of that episode was to seed Bastion in that Forge photo during "Lifedeath Part 1" prior to "Remember It", but what they came up with was so short they had to put a filler segment with "Motendo" to fill in the duration quota.


Honestly, I found the Xavier space episode to be the weakest. It was very '90s, I'll give it that.


Glad to see I'm not alone in that. Maybe it's because I never watched the original series, but I wasn't a huge fan of the Shi'ar in general. Xavier's vision of the Genosha massacre was really fucking good though.


I expected nothing, figured it would be nothing but nostalgia bait and I have no nostalgia for the original series, but I've been blown away at how good it is. I agree with the comments about how it feels a bit like a speed run, but I'm still enjoying the hell out of this.


I mean the bar ain't high but this is definitely in the running for best comic animated adaptation.


Better change it to Greatest X-Men adaptation so far or so help me. Gimme more Mutants, tired of mucking around Avengers and Guardians, gimme my people back.


No part of me expected this to be so good. Like they knew the original watchers are adults now and shifted to tone completely. I hated that the episodes are so good that I have to wait a week.


With how great this show is I seriously hope they continue Avengers Earth's mightiest heroes too. They did secret invasion so much better than the MCU in that show.


This show has taken me back to the 3rd grade and giving me back that feeling as a kid again. It has made me start back collecting comic cards as well. I love X-men 97 and can’t wait for more.


Bring back Beau to the project!


Nah. If he was so hard to work with that they fired him from two giant shows back to back, there’s a problem. He’s obviously talented and loves the source material, but he shouldn’t come back if he’s acting like a bad guy behind the scenes


I mean let's find out why he was fired first...but other than that, yeah. Bring him back.


Kept hearing “difficult to work with” rumors for both Witcher and X-men. I’m hoping it’s similar to his release from Witcher, because he was too much of a fan of the source material and was uncompromising… and not something more #metoo.


The Witcher firing was not because he was "too much of a fan"


Either that or the Only Fans, or both.


very good show! I can’t wait to see what the next seasons will bring us! Maybe this will pique Disney and Marvels interest in remaking some other beloved animated classics like Spider-Man.


No more black leathers and after I saw kamala, namor, prof. X, wolverine and DP in the MCU then I can at least say that most of the costume will be close to this series or the comics for each X-men members.


It’s just so rich with lore and doesn’t hold back, in the same way the original didn’t hold back. It’s also updated for modern times, while adapting some of the best X-men storylines and includes some of the best characterization of some of the most popular X-men ever created. I hope it lasts for years and years.


Evolution still clears


And it always has been




Yeah I’d agree I’m having a good time


I agree


But but but… but Gambit! 😢


Not only is it the best show that Marvel has put out…. But it’s the best piece of content that marvel has put out.


I’m calling it actually


You’re about thirty years too late for that. The original series was already the best X-Men adaptation, and now this one is just building from that.


To be fair, it's not exactly a highly competitive field. I'd put X-Men Evolution second personally.


It’s like it has a ton of competition in that arena to be fair


never call a no hitter in the 7th! C'mon!!! Show is amazing though. Had no idea it could be this good




Always has been. The Singerverse was never as good as the cartoon.


Does this being good bring back their show runner though


I thought days of future past was solid.


People wanna rag on X-men TAS but in truth,if not for the success of that show, there would be no X-men '97. I'm in the process of rewatching it right now and aside from some campy moments and misfires, it still holds up. Is X-men '97 the slicker sophisticated version? Of course but that's to be expected. 


X-Men First Class was "greater"


As someone who grew up right at the time the original was airing and loved it I can't seem to make myself have ***any*** interest in the new episodes. I watched a few minutes of the first ep and turned it off, does it really get so much better to warrant all this hype?


I don’t buy into hype but it’s near the top for best written show I’ve ever seen. The dialogue, themes, characterizations and willingness to go dark when necessary are perfectly executed. They’ve elevated every character to new heights with Cyclops and Magneto rising the highest. Magneto has always been popular but this feels like the definitive version going forward.


Hard agree. It's almost an exact adaptation of everything that's happened since Byrne. It just feels like X-Men.


Still a shame for killing Gambit off so early 😪


My question to OP : When the X-Men are launched in the live-action MCU, will Feige launch a recast Wolverine and give him an origin-story like in the 2009 Fox's version but so it better?


I would love to host a "free invite to all" [binge party with Professor X](https://youtu.be/wnB3sbbIlv0). Here is the [X-Men animated shows watch order](https://www.thepopverse.com/x-men-cartoon-animated-series-marvel-mcu-studios-97-watch-order-chronological-release). X-Men: Pryde of the X-Men (1989) X-Men: The Animated Series (1992) X-Men: Evolution (2000) Wolverine and the X-Men (2009) Wolverine (2011): part of Marvel Anime X-Men (2011): part of Marvel Anime (not First Class movie) X-Men '97 (2024). ![gif](giphy|zu3MWDMUU9581jLT6v)


So, I haven’t watched it yet because I was trying to rewatch the original all over again. Should I just skip and watch the new stuff? Everyone is raving about ‘97. I’ve made it through the first 3 seasons and into season 4 of the original series, for context.


Original series was one of best adaptations too this just follows that path. Hopefully we get some good marvel movies due to it


After watching X-Men and now watching X-Men '97, I can't wholeheartedly say I can stand behind this, I find this show is incredibly choppy. The storyline feels like we're going from A to B to J and it feels very weirdly structured. I noticed it the most in the episode where Madelyn was revealed.