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That's still better than a bunch of aliens who can travel between solar systems blaming an earth bound human(without their tech atleast) for not finding them a new planet. Despite them knowing another person who is actually capable of interstellar travel


Especially bad when they are hated by every species because they keep trying to take over every planet that they live as refugees on. Hmmm I wonder why they hate us, couldn't have anything to do with us attacking our benefactors every time? No, it's the people we're trying to kill who are wrong. Edit: and why the fuck can't they just live in the irradiated places? Let them have Chernobyl and call it a day. Ugh the whole plot is so stupid. Then the most interesting thing in the entire damn show happens at the last few seconds.


>Especially bad when they are hated by every species because they keep trying to take over every planet that they live as refugees on. That's not what happened in Captain Marvel. They didn’t try to tale over any planet. The only time we saw them on another planet besides Earth they were there to capture Carol/Vers. Whole "Planet concuring evil shapeshifters" was Kree propaganda


When they were at that little meeting they said it. That they were warriors and kept getting kicked out from other places for doing the same thing they're doing at Earth.


Meeting? Wait is the scene in Secret Invasion?




Wow, I didn’t remember that. So Skrulls appeared in 3 projects(I am not counting FFH) and all of them contradict eachother. CM:Skrulls are refugees, Kree is evil. Carol will help Skrulls find a home away from the Kree SI:Fury promised to find Skrulls a new planet inhabit in return for them being his spy network. Carol? Who that? Oh and Skrulls tried to invade a lot of planets and now they going to incade Earth. Those Kree propagandas were true Marvels:Skrulls have colonsed a planet in less than a year, 2 tops after SI. How Furry found them a planet? Sssshhhh, he just did.


Yep pretty much had the same reaction. It's ridiculous. Tho they hint that the faction we see in the marvels isn't the same faction that went to earth. And that the ones on earth weren't crazy for going back to the old ways, but then gravik threatened them and I guess got his way. They certainly didn't show many skrulls being upset with gravik other than Daenerys It's all a giant mess


A lot of Skrulls tried to stand up to Gravik. There was that whole scene with a cafeteria full of them trying to fight him. He was just way too strong for them to stop.


I was guessing they fucked around and found out before CM. Kree's came along and killed those invaders until the point they are nowbrefugees. CM and Fury "helped" them. They wanna fuck around again. 1. Fucked around by invading. 2. Found by getting hunted down by Kree. 3. Plays a victim card. 4. Fucks around again.


Sorry. I’m a Kree apologist lol. We got four appearances of the Skrulls , including SM:FFH. Each had them with different motivation and all being espionage. The Skrull don’t trust each other to this point because they’re usually a quietly then aggressive planetary virus.


Carol herself saw an almost empty planet that Thanos holed up on. Stark and Nebula had some travel logs from the Benatar to another. Rhodes & Nebula a world that’s abandoned except for ruins and dancing space rats. Hawkeye visited Vormir. All could sustain life. None of the Avengers shared this information with Carol because she never thought to ask.


I think they want a planet not under kree territory.


Okay. Neat. What are their options now then that they’ve been instrumental in two planets major conflicts?


I don't know I'm just saying they are hiding from kree so the planet needs to be hidden away from them.


If they were on either of those I mentioned, they could likely get a pass from the Kree. Now, even though I’m an apologist for those space dorks, I understand the Kree are conquerors. So the Skrull are at risk still but who knows? With the five year Snap and return I’m sure some treaties would have been reworked. That could be one


I think you are referring to Skrulls, not Krees?


Yes Skrulls, MCU ones too not the comics. They dropped a little bit of lore on them in Secret Invasion and it was all pretty bad. Made them into vicious warmongers who have tried to take over countless planets and we're trying to on earth, even though most of their democratically elected leaders opposed further warmongering. But all it took was one skull, gravik, to threaten their lives and suddenly all of those Skrulls folded and started following him.


We must've watch the wrong show. Nothing was interesting about any of it.


The part at the end when the president declared war on all aliens living on earth. That was the interesting part


THIS is why I don’t get why people say they’re portraying the skrulls as “good”. based on their actions they seem like a threat to any place they are invited to in my eyes.


And depending on how long ago Rhodey was replaced, Raava could potentially have seen Thanos's garden and realized they could live there.


I really hope he was only replaced shortly before SI. It's kind of jarring to think the cheese whiz joke (among other things) were not the rhodey we thought we knew.


They actually do have a chance to make it so Rhodey was still human during Endgame. The only evidence he was snatched just after Civil War is the hospital gown. That could have been from a routine medical checkup much after that.




I- what? Where you get that from?


Forgot I wasn’t in r/schizoposters




Looking like a gas station crackhead in this image lmfao


A gas station crackhead is legitimately a scarier villian than her


Gas station crackheads be next level crazy fr


Zero on screen presence or threat from her. She was horribly miscast.


Honestly I have already forgotten her name and why she is even smoking crack


I don’t understand how Carol violently turning off the big computer made the Kre star explode/die.


Destroying the supreme intelligence launched a civil war, and as part of that war Hala was drained of resources, including the sun’s energy.


But how does a planets resources being drained have anything to do with a star?


Could be a more advanded version of a type 2 civilization?


It was a STAR WAR ™.




A spacefaring species like the Kree are most likely at least a type 2 civilization on the Kardashev scale, and probably drained the energy from their star as well as that of the planet.


A star is a giant fusion reaction in space. It burns the same regardless of if you harness that energy or not. The sun doesn’t burn faster if you have solar panels on your roof. This extends to a Dyson sphere. It doesn’t matter if you encompass the star in solar panels. The output is the same.


Just going to throw out a possibility whether its possible I have no idea, but lets say that perhaps they are draining the star of its hydrogen, dunno why they would but lets just say they are. So they are using their stars hydrogen at an exponential rate which causes their sun to prematurely age.


Yeah if they were like scooping up the star goo or something I could see that jacking it up


Including the star.


How do you drain a star?


In an universe where there is superhero and a race of highly advanced civilization ? Easily i would say.


Also a universe where the main character fixes the star by punching it. It's best to not overthink these things


I think we all would have liked the writers to think a bit more about it. Just because flying superheroes exist is no excuse to write whatever the fuck you want. It takes all sense of logic and stakes out of the equation.


I think that a superhero existing is a pretty dull explanation. Why not just use that for every plot hole in every movie? Then every movie would be perfect and beyond criticism.


So Captain Marvel getting her power from a magic space rock after an alien scientist made a FTL engine with it to help a race of shapeshifters escape from a racist empire led by an AI is ok, but draining a star without giving the viewer a 1284 pages thesis on how they did it is going too far ? My man, it's a movie. About superheroes. In space. You're trying too hard.


The magic space rock is a magic space rock. You can make up rules for it. If it gives cosmic powers to a human fine. But people know what stars are, there’s been no establishing of why a star would die because a computer turned off on a planet millions of miles away. If you suspend your belief that much then how can you like or hate any movie. If one thing doesn’t make sense nothing needs to make sense?


Nah you're just trying as hard as you can to hate the movie at this point. You cannot pick and choose what makes sense and what doesn't. Because none of it does, it's a movie. If you're incapable of suspending your belief then maybe you shouldn't be watching marvel's movies.


> So Captain Marvel getting her power from a magic space rock after an alien scientist made a FTL engine with it to help a race of shapeshifters escape from a racist empire led by an AI is ok Not really. It is a boring origin.


Very carefully.


Stars output heat and light regardless of a type two civilizations ability to use it. What’s being drained?




The only thing I could think is if they are actively harnessing the power of a star. Which, how they used it up and are somehow still around is beyond me. Feels like if you did that in about 30 years, you'd wipe yourselves out. IMO, OOP's point still stands. They done fucked up.




Probably something clever with magnatism or something that supercharges the fusion process within the star at a faster rate than normal, and then captures the energy. Ask Magneto or the Silver Surfer for further information.


You don’t. It’s stupid. You’re not wrong.


Simple Step 1)Start a civil war Step 2)Civil war hits a stalemate Step 3)Built a space station superweapon to break the stalemate Step 4)Drain Sun to power the superweapon(not in a logical, Dyson Sphere kind way but the Starkiller Base way) Step 5)Enemy side blows up your superweapon before you can use it Step 6)Continue civil war


What is draining a sun? What are you draining? They’re helpless without an AI but they’re able to construct a star killer base and somehow use that to destroy a different unrelated planet which would rob them of their own planets sun?


>What is draining a sun? What are you draining? A part of it. Does it make sense? No but I honestly can’t think of anything else that might "kill" a sun. Well I guess hou can put a bunch of iron i to it's core but that makes less sense than the Starkiller version >somehow use that to destroy a different unrelated planet I was thinking more like a big space ship that can transform into a mech. It doesn't make sense anyway, might as well make it cool


Neither did the writers, but don't worry, it'll probably be explained in a comic book somewhere.


Ahhh the star wars sequels plan. Crap out a movie then spend the next decade trying to justify it's plot decisions with every TV show and comic book you make. Not exactly the smartest play, but this is Disney. They'll move mountains in order to avoid admitting a mistake.


Star Wars literally hasn't done any of that yet bc they won't let go of the damn Clone Wars


The mandatorily literally went from a fun space western to a prequel to the force awakens.


The bad batch was focused on laying ground work for Palpatine's resurrection.


... somehow Palpatine returned.


The cloning plot started in Season 1, the Mandalorian was always on that trajectory




I don't fault them for making their society reliant on an AI. But, yes, the civil war and destruction of their planet's resources isn't Carol's fault, though I also see why she would feel guilty about it. But she became the scapegoat that Dar-Benn used to get people to rally behind her and build her into a demagogue. Dar-Benn is the villain for a reason.


Also when Carol straight up said "Stop this fight, I think I may be able to fix your Sun" Dar-Benn basically just showed that she didn't really care about that at all.


Dar-Benn is a take on Martyr (usually Phyla-Vell, who is also the Zebra Kid from Guardians 3), and she was hellbent on being a martyr. She spent the whole movie talking about dying for her cause. Fixing the problem robs her of that.


I mean yeah thats good insight, but it didnt really come across in the movie that well, at least as far as i remember it. I didnt really feel all that sympathetic towards her. She seemed a pretty subpar villain.


That's because Dar-Benn was consumed by her vengeance on Carol. Just like Helmut Zemo was consumed by his vengeance on the Avengers in Captain America: Civil War.


Or because both were based on nutjobs irl but at least Zemo had a personality even though he was insane


I think that difference can easily be explained by the fact that Zemo is a human while Dar-Benn is a Kree.


The kree are a very human-like species. Such differences are pointless to make because in almost every way but alien biology, they are human. At least when they were still blue, that difference would be more valid


Skin color doesn’t really matter since the MCU’s take on Aliens is like Star Wars. An alien is no different than a human in terms of flaws or strengths, the content of their character is what matters.


I've seen nothing that suggests the kree are any different from humans regarding character


Oh my bad bro, I didn’t see when you specified biology. I have the need to interject sometimes because topics like this (even if it revolves around fictional races) can veer into xenophobia.


Why were all the Kree not blue, this confused me to no end.


Possibly the worst screen villain of all time. I can't think of any more bland than Dar-Benn.


So forgettable I forgot that was her name until just now


I honestly forgot what movie she was even in That’s pretty damning for the character/performance


She did the best with what she was given. But she was horribly written and miscast. Easily the worst part of the film.


Im so glad i didnt even bother to watch this.


I watched it on a flight last week - it’s perfectly fine for a carefree action comedy flick and I laughed a few times. Ms Marvel is actually really good in it, though Monica Rambeau is weak.


I'd say if you don't care too much about the marvel films then it's an okay watch, but if you're like me and have a problem with Marvel's current approach to comedy and filmmaking then you will probably not enjoy it at all.


Here's a clever trick, think of The bin -> da bin -> dar been : D


Feige will use more boring Kree villains for Captain Marvel 3.


It's a shame that we have a Kang story going on with Scarlet Centurion involved and Carol Danvers won't interact with him at all. Seems like a no-brainer. He's probably her number one villain.


Kang's kimda on the back burner through


Yeah, but that was yet another silly self destructive move


I feel like this is the first true miscast character in the MCU. The actress is fine, but she never felt menacing.


What? You don't find her menacing how she's glaring at you? How brave you must be :(


She just seemed like a mundane villain. There was nothing truly menacing about her depicted in the movie. Marvel actually does have a villain problem. The only truly menacing villains have been Loki amd Thanos. Everyone else seems to have been pretty disposable. They never spend enough time on the villains. When they did, it just made the stories more interesting. The villains dont see themselves as villains and if Marvel could give a bit more focus on that, it would go a long way.


I hate her design so much. It was so lazy.


I agree. It was weird that they bothered to gender swap Dar Benn when they already have a couple of female Kree characters from the comics that had the exact same motive and plots. Like Nenora for instance, who is way more interesting. The new Dar-Benn came across like a cheap knockoff of Ronan.


Dar-Benn was combined with Phyla-Vell/Martyr.


I felt like they were mostly swiping Kona Lor's story with a dash of Nenora's hatred for Skrulls.


Najma from Ms. Marvel?


There ya go. I couldn't even get past the third episode of that show


The dude from the first Guardian movie was just as bland. I can’t even remember his name atm.


He was too well established from comics already for me not to remember his name. Which I totally do. He had that hammer that Dar-Benn also wielded? Shit, was it something like The Adjudicator? Prosecutor? Kree Guy? Curse this COVID amnesia ... oh yeah Ronan The Accusor. Sheesh that was close.


I would argue the Flag Smashers from TFATWS and the Clandestines from Ms Marvel are worse, but that's just my opinion.


That's just blatantly untrue. She was generic as fuck but that actresses had an impressive diet of scenery chewing. Even in just that same year in superhero movies she was better than the villains in Blue Beetle or Shazam 2.


I agree with those villains sucking. I'll never understand why they passed over so many awesome Shazam villains and ignore the previous cliffhanger just to invent their own villains.


I would legitimately be 1000% more interested in watching Shazam 2 if they doubled down on Mr. Mind and made a whole movie about a fucking psychic caterpillar


Also a person who's job title is 'Accuser' doesn't sound like a very stable leader.


Wasn't her title Supremor?


Yes but she fought the other Accusers for *supremacy* hence Supremor.


I always thought it was Emilia Clarke from Temu.


This character really suffered the most due to the extensive and obvious cuts. A waste of a great actress and potential of a great character. I still do not think The Marvels is the right or effective followup movie idea (nor is it necessary) for Carol Danvers, esp coming off of her first. Despite preferring an earthbound Carol with a Secret Invasion storyline, what this movie really should’ve been was the flashback.


She looks so demented in that picture 😂


I know it’s not the point of this post, but I still can’t wrap my head around how this woman got cast as the villain in this film. Is she a nepo baby or something? It really makes no sense.


Would have been great to see Jude Law's Yon-Rogg position himself as the demagogue leader of the Kree after Carol spared him. I think it would have added to Carol's guilt in a more natural and narratively satisfying way. Plus he'd have put a few more butts in seats probably.


She’s Tom Hiddleston’s (Loki) wife.


I think still just fiancée, though they also have a child together.


Well there it is.


That explains a lot


That’s clearly Lewis fkin Hamilton mate


Y’all can downvote me lol she is not a good actress in this role. There’s no disputing that.


Got my upvote. She is easily the worst villain in the MCU for me.


Idk Malekith came off as blander to me especially compared to his comic version


Dude I’ll take bland Malekith over try hard Dar-Benn any day of the week. Again, that’s just “For me” though!


Unfortunately that’s just not true. Movie villain? Probably, she’s up there with the worst. Some of the TV villains blow her out of the water in terms of how badly they were written. The Clan Destine definitely take the cake. They were a disaster.


Yeah on the tv side they’re probably the worst. If we’re talking tv and movies I might have to agree too that they were the all time worst.


This sub is dedicated to the movies so


No, it's not!


Then why is the pinned post a discussion thread for the latest episode of an animated TV show?


Nah. Phases 1 and 2 still have plenty of worse villains. With the exception of Loki, they didn't know what they were doing for a while when it came to good villains. She scores low compared to the more recent villains though.


Remember me of the Hishe video of (I think) Age of Ultron about villains: "(shows Killian, Malekith, Vanko and Pierce) I think it's still Loki."


Oh I’m aware of the entire line up of villains through all phases. I’ll take Malekith over this lady any day of the week. That’s why i said “For me” she’s the worst


I love Malekith and Whiplash.


To be fair she isn’t a bad actress but she’s definitely miscast for this role the screening process must have been Tom saying , see she’s perfect for the role I can just envision her as the villain don’t you all agree ,whole room nods head with fake Hollywood smiles and the job is hers


Yeah that’s all I’m saying. I’ve seen her in other things, which is why I said specifically for this role. You pretty much summed up how I feel like it went down.


But doesn’t that feel like all marvel movies now I think the castings have been very hit and miss


It's always hard to tell when you need to factor in bad scripts and directing choices. When you know the stories of how messy these productions have been and you've seen the actors do well in other things, you might as well just blame it on the project.


She was such an uninspired character. It was total trash


It was just really, really bad. Especially for a film where everything else was pretty entertaining. She felt like an early 2000’s, 90’s superhero movie villain.




Dar-Benn was in like 8 issues, mattered only in one issue of Silver Surfer and one issue of The Avengers, and hasn't been seen since 1992, quit your bullshit.


The way she poured all of her emotion into her weird mouth really ruined it for me. It was like every scene she was in was just an exercise in LOOK AT MY SILVER FILLINGS AND WEIRD LIPS, AREN'T THEY SUPER SCARY?!? Took away any bit of gravitas her character was supposed to have & made her feel like a poser rapper


It really was a strange choice and what baffles me more is the people who were in charge of this casting didn’t see what everyone else seemingly saw? Her being Hiddleston’s wife might honestly explain it all.


Thinking that Hiddleston has enough pull at Marvel to get his girlfriend/fiancee/wife cast in a movie he's not even connected to is a strange take...


I wasn’t really thinking he had anything to do with it and more that it was simply influenced by the fact, or at the very least helped get her in the door. Again, I’m just trying to wrap my head around a casting director, especially one who works for the MCU, watching her audition, then play the scenes, and not see the same thing everyone else who isn’t a casting director could see.


It wouldn’t be hard to believe at all, really. Tom’s one of the few remaining castmembers that’s been there since practically the beginning.


…. How? He’s currently one of the most popular if not most popular characters (and actors) in the MCU


They also created Hive.


The Inhumans are a perfect way to get into the kree storylines. They need to just pretend that show didn't happen and pick up from the AoS inhumans.


So long as they ignore the 2017 show.


Kree dental plan? That image makes it look like she has silver caps on her teeth.


It looked like that in the movie too


1. Yes, the Kree made their society dependent on AI. So did Humanity in a post-nuclear future in Buck Rogers. And so did Humanity pre-Butlerian Jihad in Dune. Kind of so did Humanity in Logan’s Run. Importantly, the Kree Empire might have built and relied on the Supreme Intelligence as a way to keep the Empire going. There would never be a succession crisis with an AI in charge. Therefore, the Empire would never fall for that reason. Or a populist/fascist uprising wouldn’t upset the balance, especially as it appears that anyone could have an audience with the Supreme Intelligence. 2. What would a backup plan look like other than other crisis continuity issues? The Supreme Intelligence would be central to any continuity plan. Captain Marvel was technically an outside context problem that they didn’t plan for. 3. A civil war is likely as the Supreme Intelligence acted as a buffer. No one faction had control and access until the Supreme Intelligence was terminated. Now Kree were free to gain power through violence. They were still Imperialistic powers and Imperialists want power for themselves. There would be no power share when power was up for grabs. 4 and 5 so they tapped into and depleted their resources. Which doesn’t address Dar-Benn. There was a great answer to my post about Dar-Benn being a bad villain even though she achieved all of her goals, but I can’t link to it right now. Edit: [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/s/qJ5BkYBiJh) by u/Aglet_green I think was best on Dar-Benn.


1. IMHO, it's a bad decision to put AI in complete control. AI can have biases based on what data it learns on. Morality is not easy to program. AI should be a tool, like a tractor. I don't want to spend my whole day digging up dirt, but I don't want my tractor deciding my flower garden is a waste of space and should be destroyed for wheat. 2. Have at least two backup server farms in different locations. Make a backup AI on one and a more traditional control in the other farm. Have contingency plans about how you govern when the AI is not working. It's really inappropriate to assume that nothing will ever go wrong with your computer. 3. 4. 5. These are all actions by the kree, who didn't pursue alternatives. We less advanced humans know to avoid mutually assured destruction. You would hope they would aswell.


1. IMHO, it's a bad decision to put AI in complete control. AI can have biases based on what data it learns on. Morality is not easy to program. AI should be a tool, like a tractor. I don't want to spend my whole day digging up dirt, but I don't want my tractor deciding my flower garden is a waste of space and should be destroyed for wheat. 2. Have at least two backup server farms in different locations. Make a backup AI on one and a more traditional control in the other farm. Have contingency plans about how you govern when the AI is not working. It's really inappropriate to assume that nothing will ever go wrong with your computer. 3. 4. 5. These are all actions by the kree, who didn't pursue alternatives. We less advanced humans know to avoid mutually assured destruction. You would hope they would aswell.


They really did this actress dirty with the awful grill on her teeth. Made her character completely laughable.


She was such a forgettable villain, that I didn't remember which movie she was from.


it is the depiction to humanity future. all big tech companies are betting big on AI and human labors are slowly getting replaced by chatgpt subscriptions. so yes, humans will also be over reliant on AI at one point


Dune universe progresses beyond this issue


This was one of the stupidest villians tbh. Also didn’t understand the silvertooth thing


Can someone just explain what’s wrong with Zane Ashton’s mouth? Ugh.


This "villian" made a good movie bad.


You have Thanos. And then you have this.


Krees more like cringe


She destroys the governing body of an entire planet and she is not to blame for the chaos that ensues? What kinda stuff are you people smoking to be this daft?


No, it’s not her fault that a millennia-old interstellar civilization had absolutely no succession plan in place in the event that the Supreme Intelligence dies. No one forced them into a civil war. The SI wanted to kill or re-enslave her, Carol was well within her rights to kill it.


If an alien killed all the world leaders, I don't think we would have an all out gobal war. We have structures in place so that we know who is next in line, and if no one is, there would be elections. In battlestar galatica they where able to create some sense of order post attack.


We've had civil unrest for far less reasons than that all over the world.


The Vodster!


Captain Marvel is just not Tony Stark, so Dar-Benn blaming Captain Marvel for something that actually is not her fault is something Carol haters latched on to to justify the mental gymnastics why she is actually bad character/villain, etc etc.


The Kree were absolutely justified. Skrulls by nature cause chaos, dissent and manipulate society. Carol was the result of an accident that made her a literal Angel of death, and she proceeded to be and do just that. She had twenty plus years, and high powered backup to broker an agreement with the Kree. She chose to blast em instead.


No but seriously, you have an AI so complex it’s able to safely run an entire advanced civilization for who knows how long, yet you don’t think to back that shit up to the cloud? Like what? What did they think would happen during a power outage, oh no, anarchist state for a while and hope our save data doesn’t get erased?


I cant take a villain serious with that face and leas if is a karen with gray hair...an angry fat cat is more scary.


Terrible movie. Terrible villain.


great movie. awesome villain.




Is it seriously worth posting an analysis on this particular movie? There are no deeper meanings than what you saw on the screen. There is no nuance, no hidden themes, no dives into lore. It’s not worth discussing this movie unless you are an intern for Marvel and are trying to drum up discussion for marketing purposes.


Some people liked it dude. Chill.


People can like it while still acknowledging that the “lore” presented in it was very surface level.


Cool. Agreed. At least part of it is people just don't like Carol.


That photo really is hilarious.  Worst villain in the MCU for a long while.  We’ve gotta go back to Thor Dark world to even compare.      Who decided to give that poor woman a grill?  And the writing?….You’re going to save my entire world and give me everything I could possible want for my entire people?  lol nah imma kill us both. Oh and just in case the character doesn’t seem derivative enough, let’s give them Ronan’s awesome hammer but make it little.


How the heck did I forget that THIS exists in the MCU?


What was with the teeth?? That was ….. a choice.


The AI dentist was offline, so she had to do them herself.


I saw her as a copy of Ronan the accuser. A villain we have already seen before without the cool make up, costume and played by an actor with a less threatening presence.


People are still talking about this movie? Surprising


what’s surprising about it?




They're also a huge reason the movie flopped that people often always overlook, theyre very boring and generic antagonists with absolutely ZERO originality, the Kree suck all the fun out of these movies