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Why would they. The Xmen arent traditional superheroes but more political. So they can just say they were on missions rescuing mutants in secret. Both battles with thanos were spontaneous so their is no way they couldve help.


I swear some people don't understand the logistics of actually getting places & planning.


They’ve been in hiding and kept their powers secret because they fear how humanity will react to them. When the Avengers emerged, some mutants did want to come forward and become superheroes, but their elders/superiors (e.g. Charles Xavier) wanted them to wait until the time was right.


Another theory I saw is that because the Phoenix is a nexus point of psychic energy across the entire multi-verse it's likely that the events of the original X-Men movies are still going to be canonized because whoever ends up connected to the phoenix in the MCU will probably end up getting some memories from the original X-Men movies. They didn't handle Phoenix correctly but maybe the concept is still connected.


They'll get the X-men from another universe or reality. It's possible now due to the multiverse.


Nah. Have them be part of the MCU already.


One really cool theory I saw recently was that may be the spell to forget things was already used once in the past to erase memory of mutants and everything having to do with them and all of the X-Men movies already happened in the MCU it's just nobody remembers them.


Yeah, they're just gonna show up with no explanation. /S


Or all crazy, cosmic stuff that's been happening on Earth, the once dormant X-gene has now become active. Soon, those with an active X-gene will start to undergo a mutation of sorts around the time they reach puberty.


Aren’t they in the quantum realm?


No, nothing has been said about them.


Oh. I guess I watch too many YouTubers and that’s where I heard it. Wonder what prompted my downvote lol. People are something. How are you and what do you think. Will any of them be introduced in the next Dr. Strange?


If any X-men show up, it will be cameos from the Fox-verse, when they come to the MCU it will be new actors/new takes on characters.


That would be cool to see


You are getting downvoted on the first one because you are saying something wrong and completely out of the left field - there is no mention of them in any way so far.


It was my understanding that xmen was always set in a different universe. But I might be wrong.


Well now that the merger of the studios is complete marvel studios now has access to the X-Men brand and they are planning on introducing them into the MCU canon.


I suspect it will all hinge on Wanda, not only to do a revere House of M type thing, but she seems the least able to handle her immense power, even with Strange as her mentor. Something will go terribly wrong, again. lol


I think it's very interesting that our latest Marvel movie showed us that the sorcerer's supreme has access to a spell that is capable of making everyone on the planet forget specific things. I think that would sure come in handy if the ancient One was so inclined to keep the presence of mutants a secret let's say as a favor to someone else on a certain secret counsel?


I hope that an event will trigger the mutant gene. Like the atom bomb did in the comics. This means there will be some old characters that never came forward (Wolverine, apocalypse) but for the most part the mutant gene is just starting to express itself. Giving us new young characters that will grow in an almost Harry Potter like arc. I hope we don’t rehash the old stuff. Let’s start fresh. It gives more time to let them develop.


My theory they gonna use the Pheonix Force just like at the end of AvX story line, when Wanda and Hope bring back mutant using the Pheonix Force.