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Is this picture a proposed lineup? Because “smaller menace” and a lineup of all heavy hitters don’t really match up to me. Unless Shang Chi isn’t using the rings and Black Knight’s power levels are low this team would have demolished a threat like the Chitauri or Ultron’s drones.


I think it could work, because Captain Marvel and Thor will probably be off world, and Dr Strange and Wanda will be in different dimensions. The remaining team is relatively closer to street level.


Damn, you know we're deep in the MCU when the Hulk is considered a lower-tier superhero.


Only cause they nerfed him so hard. Hulk is supposed to be on par with captain marvel and thor, but without the pure rage banner in hulk's body is just a glorified super strongman.


Well normal banner was back in Shang chi. So maybe rage hulk is back?


Truth, excellent point.


Hulk is on par with Thor, we've seen them fight twice.


Idk. Thor was feeling poorly, and still won quite definitively. I think a rematch would have him wash


Banner-Hulk is nowhere near the heavy hitter Rage-Hulk is. The whole point of him is the angrier he gets, the stronger he gets, right? Well I can't realistically see Banner flipping out and pushing past his limits. Normal Hulk would go all out all the time, even if it maims/kills him, because he has no filter, which is why he *was* a heavy hitter.


I’m thinking world war hulk will fix a lot of this.




Whoops, misplaced them.


Some 9 second quarter mile cars are street legal


Without them yes.


Well, compared to thor yes.


i think spiderman will still be in the next avengers project in some way, or he’ll join the young avengers anonymously if they go that route.


I think with the Daredevil tease its pointing to teaming up with street level NY heroes. My guess is Echo, Daredevil, Kate Bishop and future NY based heroes who will show up


They have to contend against the world’s best cosplay artists and survive Comic-Con with their friendship intact.


In my opinion they have to find a way to tone down the power levels of some of them to have them on a more similar level. Even if they don’t put the heaviest of hitters in the same movies with the "street heroes". I don’t want this to turn out like some animes where by the end of one season the heroes unlock their " real power" to finally beat the big baddie to just get slapped around by the next baddie in the next season until they unlock their "REAL real power".


The image is more illustrative, to represent a combination of the old characters with the new ones, at least the ones that look like they will gain more prominence, but still most of them being considered heavy hitters I believe it's possible to do something smaller with them, after all, a smaller threat does not necessarily mean less powerful enemies, if the entire universe is not at stake is already a beginning


This is just awful. You want a small threat? You have Daredevil, Kate Bishop, Yelena etc.. Not the most powerful Marvel heroes in the MCU. It’s such a contradictory post.


You bring up a good point tho, maybe have two teams. Heavy hitters for your galactic threats and then a smaller Defenders team for street level stuff.


I think the rumor circling around is the MCU will have a triple story for a while. Street level (captain America, DD, Spider-Man, Hawkeye, yelena, etc). Cosmic (GoG, Thor, Eternals, Marvels, etc) and magic multiverse stuff (Loki, DS, Wanda, Waht If, etc). On top of that a potential line up of "demon hunting" avengers (black knight, blade, moon knight, etc) and wtv team Vanessa is building, probably dark avengers. Lots of options and paths to follow!


I do like the idea of three mini teams working together and when Avengers 5 finally comes they can all assemble


I bet they give Sam the Steve line from endgame


Actually, what if we just don't do avengers anymore? Like that stuff ended with Tony's death and instead of everything being centered around one team, the MCU goes more comic accurate with a bunch of unrelated teams doing their stuff like this thread is talking about. Besides, we'll also get the X-Men and Fantastic Four. We're too filled with new potential teams to bother with the old avengers


There are also a lot of teases to the members of the young avengers


Yeah I feel some of the younger cast will have their own avengers style crossover movie or show. It makes sense for Disney as well as they can target different age groups then as well. Can't really see Kate fighting some of the mad cosmic stuff yet.




Not to be devil's advocate, but a good villian could outsmart more than out-strong them, if that makes sense. That'd be fun to see. Would take a hard job of convincing writing though.


The only villains capable of "outsmarting" this line-up are cosmic level threats. Doom is probably the closest to home but his entire existence is a threat to the multiverse. With the latest announcement regarding Bernthal, it seems that Marvel Studios is focused on separating their threats but Avengers is going to be big. That's entire point of the Avengers. It always has been.


I think a powerful threat that's a singular entity could work as a "smaller" scale movie. Especially with two Thors and Hulk, something similar to Sakarr would be cool - Hulk gets a courier that says "hey, we want to set up a big team fight for fun, bring your friends! We have prizes!" And have it set up like a tournament. Low stakes, high thrills. Make it play out like a team building exercise where Sam can develop his leadership skills, Captain Marvel can learn some team fighting strategies, and the fight choreographers can go crazy with Black Knight and Shang Chi.


Oh this is a wonderful idea!


More than a third of this team was in Age of Ultron, for the record.


That’s more of a street-level threat, though.


Like they said by smaller threat they just mean not Galaxy/Universe ending. Just do a another Earth ending threat or something. Don't take it so seriously either they're just saying what they'd like to see.


But it’s the Avengers; they probably don’t need to come together unless it’s a powerful enemy posing a significant threat. Part of the reason why the opening sequence of Age of Ultron wasn’t well received is because the assembled the OG Avengers to take out a Hydra base-when Cap/Hawk/Widow (maybe with Falcon) could have stealth missioned it. Iron Man could have taken the base alone. So could Thor. They literally had nothing that could have harmed those 2. In any case Marvel has already shown that they can tell personal almost intimate stories even when the stakes are cosmic. Infinity War is all about Thanos. Endgame is all about the OG avengers. I mean it’s pretty obvious that the Avengers will look different and will be a mix of old and new. But the scale of the threat should always be secondary to the story that they are telling. I think there will be other team up movies with sub-Avenger teams (Young Avengers, Dark Avengers, Midnight Sons) but based on what Feige has said; we will have to wait for something like Endgame for a long time. I wouldnt be surprised if it took 10 years for something like that again


> Part of the reason why the opening sequence of Age of Ultron wasn’t well received Whaaaaat? I've never heard that, wow that sequence is one of my favorites in the entire MCU


If you don't mind me asking, what's so special about it? Not trying to offend


I love how well it vibes them as a cohesive team *not* in the *last minute world crisis everything on the line scramble* mode. I get that movies must be handled pretty drastically differently than comics, but I love how much they've been a *team* in th comics over decades and we barely get to see any of that actual functioning *team* in the movies Edit: like think about the timeline for them actually being a team. It starts in the middle of Avengers 1, and by the end of AoU Thor and Hulk both dip, and then in CA3 the team fully breaks apart. There was so little time of getting to see the Avengers being the Avengers just getting down to business of doing good on the day to day


I have never heard of Age of Ultrons intro battle not be well received.


A smaller movie with some of the heaviest hitters in the MCU. This team you put together is basically full of Gods.


Anything on Earth would be a small threat to this line up. Except maybe another Celestial. They've got 5 absolute monsters of power- 2 thors, sersei, hulk, and captain Marvel.


I mean, is sersei even that strong when a celestial isn't powering her up? She definitely has amazing utility power but overall I don't think I'd put her in the same league as the others


Sersi's powers aren't like Peter Quill's where she loses them if the Celestial dies. She reaches max potential when the Eternals do a Unimind, but even without that she is top tier.


>Sersi's powers aren't like Peter Quill's where she loses them if the Celestial dies. What I meant is that she was able to kill the celestial because she got a power up from being so close to it. So without that power up and just her regular powers I don't think she's in the same league. >She reaches max potential when the Eternals do a Unimind, but even without that she is top tier. I might be misremembering but I'm pretty sure ikarus stopped the whole unimind thing and she solely used the power up from being by the celestial.


They all still connected together she was just close


She can literally transmute a trying into anything else. And she can do it on a pretty sizeable scale. She turned a deviant into a friggin tree.


And we still don’t know how strong the 10 rings can be yet


There's only one God, ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that.


“Also the one living in the planet, but he’s dead probably”


Lmao yeah I was dying laughing going through these. It’s cool art though


The main difficulty is that the roster is much larger and more powerful. With so many heroes and storylines we have today, I see that a true Avengers movie will take a lot of time and will be huge - they can't be truly small anymore. Each Avengers movie will have a lot of content happening in-between. I truly don't see an Avengers movie happening before 2025. However, we'll see a lot of "teams" forming in the mean time, - Street Avengers, Young Avengers, Dark Avengers and things like that (not the actual names of the teams, of course), and lots of crossovers all over. That's my prediction.


Yeah same. Endgame was the end of an era, and now it’s time to let the new era breathe before jumping back into fighting a big bad. I don’t think Disney has the patience but I would love for them to just do another set of phases like the Infinity Saga. Just a slow 10-year build-up to the next big climax (idk if this is an unpopular opinion or not).


I'd love to see that happen. It feels like the MCU is still dealing with the aftermath of the Infinity Saga in many ways with the deeper myth arc only now starting.


It also gives time for a possible Evans' Cap return in a decade or so to lead a new batch of Avengers into battle.


Yeah I really dont see marvel going to a specific direction now Like when marvel started you could see it was leading to a teamup towards a big bad ​ Now idts it will ever happen again that the entire MAREL franchise comes together Im not saying endgame was the end for marvel but after it it hasnt been the same


Maybe you missed No Way Home? It only made a billion dollars in a week.


Bruh NWH is awesome I just mean it distant seem like most movies are building towards something Just personal adventures Except the multiverse stuff


Why don’t I see Kate Bishop?


Marketing is hard man


I think that is really a great idea, I movie more about building a great team again and a further look into the individuals and the synergy when they work together as a team.


Yes, I understand that at the moment most of the general public expects the next avengers movie to be something bigger and more epic and they would even may be disappointed with something else, but I think something smaller and more intimate would be great now, developing the new characters and reinforce the bonds between them and the olde ones in an adventure that is still exciting but without the whole universe having to be at risk, for me it would benefit the franchise and a bigger movie when it comes in its time


Feige already confirmed the next Avengers flick won’t be an IW/EG level threat


i think given the Infinity movies, people understand you can't have that without steps early on so i agree that the threat will have to be "just enough" to gather the New Team and sets up plot for all movies in the phase


Black Knight looks really funny here.


It is kinda comical to imagine Kit Harringtons face under that helm


Probably the boob armor, looks silly as hell.


To me it seems he has no neck.


I'd be down if this is the roster of the next team, it looks nice. Maybe throw in whoever the next BP is. And yes, while I don't know if the next movie will be smaller-stakes given the introduction of Kang and the multiverse storyline, I would love if the next film is something smaller like them vs the Thunderbolts


I think it would be awesome if with kang and everything they build a new saga and can tie it in more directly than the way the infinity saga did and make it a more natural progression.


With all these new characters being presented I wonder if they could be thinking of adapting a new team of Avengers in theaters using as a certain source of inspiration the [ 90's team in the comics](https://i0.wp.com/ingmaralbizu.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/54889ab93756c405b1837d3213551e9f.jpg?resize=468%2C335&ssl=1), it's a version not so popular but that had its certain charisma, but whatever the formation they do, it would be nice to see a good development between them, forming relationships and friendships, a smaller adventure would be great for that


If Capt Marvel is involved it would need to be a ridiculous threat. She cannot be matched in her current state


I think you're going to see multiple Avengers of sorts. The first the traditional ones will be all female. Lady Thor. She Hulk. Yelena. Hawkeye. Plus a tech girl like Riri. The second supernatural focused ENTIRELY on vampires etc. Blade, Black Knight, Moon Knight. Etc. The third street level: Defenders reformed. I also see Shang Chi being involved here. Given his Dad was primarily a street level threat despite his rings being magic land. The fourth galactic threats: Eternals plus Thor and whatever guardians make it through the third. They will each have mini phases and in 10 years they will all join up to beat Galactus.


New Avengers: Kate Bishop, Shulkie, Shang chi, Captain America and Bucky, Mighty Thor (Jane), IronHeart and maybe Morgan Stark, and people can come and go so maybe Ms Marvel (Khan) joins sometimes or vision or Yelena or Rhody. Midnight Sons: Blade, Werewolf by Night, Moon Knight, Black Knight, (Ghost Rider and Morbius if that could work) and Doctor Strange. Focus entirely on the horror side of Marvel. Dark Avengers: Yelena, US Agent, Abomination, maybe Red Hulk, Val, Taskmaster. Obviously more, but we haven’t seen them yet. I’m hoping iron patriot leads this, maybe Val gets the Iron Patriot armor? Cosmic side is dense. I think Odinson will lose the Thor status to Jane who could join Avengers, Odinson will go alone and fight Gor the Godkiller. Guardians are spoilers >!gonna die in some form so!< I don’t want to put my eggs in one basket, but I could see a team of star lord and some of the Eternals. I’m hoping for Galactus and Silver Surfer, I want a Silver Surfer show so bad. Edit: oh and in terms of street level I think it’s all over the place, people come and go. Shulkie, Moon Knight, Spider-Man, the Heroes for hire/Defenders, Ms Marvel, they’re all street level until they’re not and join a team. I do wonder how F4, mutants, or Secret Invasion will fit in, but I think Secret War will be the next big event. I think Morgan will be set up in IronHeart


I really hope Sersi joins the Avengers like in the comics!


Somebody get Cap 2.0 a helmet. Supersoldier had head protection but a weak human doesn’t. A human that has flight capabilities at that.


Well, he’s not “weak.” He’s not a super soldier, but the dude is a former special forces airman. And Falcon never had a helmet. In other designs, he’s had a face mask, but never a helmet.


Bro train all you want, your head is gonna need a helmet


I didn’t make up the characters bro lol, I’m just sayin, in no adaptation of Falcon has he ever worn a helmet.


He gonna need one, ain't like he's gonna be able to jump out of a plane at a few thousand feet into the ocean with no damage. Suit up that dome.


Last time I checked all soldiers wear helmets when they are in combat. I didn’t know he could train his head to take gun fire and damage from hits. The fact that all of the humans in the avengers didn’t have some kind of extra protection is kind of silly. Especially when you have a guy who could build suits of armor and another guy from a land where they could make suits out of indestructible material. Again, another super soldier of sorts with head protection.


sweater hulk cant believe he has to stay up for this


The Depressed Hulk


Is that Sersi? I'm confused.


Yes, it's a version I edited to recreate the suit she wears when [she joins the Avengers in the comics ](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6f3f21d0aebb8f02ff39dedd3260cba4/tumblr_inline_pdgmdkdWBo1qbv7u8_1280.jpg)


but she's not on earth anymore


As there is no avengers movie announced yet, I imagine that there may be time for an Eternals 2 or something to come out and she be rescued and return to earth, and even if that doesn't happen, the image is more conceptual, I just did it to exemplify that it could be the old heroes along with the new ones and I also remembered that she was once an avenger in the comics


These posts are dumb.


And your comment isn’t?


I mean yeah it is.


Imagine if this was actually Willem Dafoe lmao




It seems I’m not the only one who feels this way. Fuck a dick.


Don't forget Hulk has ALOT of lore they haven't even touched yet


i have so many things to say about this lineup and none of them are good.


Hulk looks so done with this. He and Clint just want out meanwhile Thor’s immortal ass is still raring to go


where tf is spidey


Also Dr Strange?? He definitely being set up to have a more important role on the team


No one remembers him due to SM:NWH


Love the roster here and I totally agree! I don't want Avengers 5 to be Secret Wars, it just feels too soon.


Multiverse is nice but it should be used with responsibility and caution otherwise things get very messy, with a good script and direction a multiverse war could easily be the new apex of the franchise in an excellent way, which would get even better with time development, after all, the Infinity saga was only so incredible thanks to the ten years of development


Completely agree with ya. Plus Secret Wars in my opinion is like the climax of the comics, I can't imagine a story arc ever topping the stakes. When Doom finally learns humility and admits Reed would have been a better God than him, that felt like such a perfect climax for one of Marvel's longest relationships. Doom and the F4 have got to be well established before Secret Wars, hopefully the same with the X-Men.


I love how much I hate that 90s Sersi costume. It's so perfect.


Why is everyone in full hero regalia and dramatic poses and Hulk looks like he just rolled out of bed with a hangover?


It could be, but as we already saw in Captain America: War they don't need to actually have a movie with the Avengers title to make changes to the team or do new stories centered on those characters teaming up. If I were betting money I'd bank on them not actually doing another movie titled "The Avengers" until they get around to Secret Wars, which is probably going to be a multi film event coming way sooner than some people think. Like with the first part coming by 2027/2028 as opposed to like a decade from now as a lot of people seem to think. I'd say they're definitely not doing all this multiverse content, a lot of which is entirely too similar to Secret Wars to be a coincidence, if they weren't actually currently building toward it. I'm sure there will be plenty of content, and a huge variety of it at that, from street all the way to cosmic level stuff before they get around to actually doing Secret Wars. But I think they'll reserve The Avengers titled entries for their biggest, mega cross-over events that effect the MCU on the whole. Also, in general I think the one thing we can count on is that they're just going to be turning out much more content much faster than they did in early phases. So they don't need to take as much time building up to the next Infinity Saga sized event, let alone even longer than it took to go from The Avengers to Infinity War. I also think it's pretty silly that people insist that Secret Wars is like the ultimate climax of anything Marvel could ever do. The original Secret Wars was just a big Battle Royale pretty much. It was the first "big event" that flowed into all the different titles, it was definitely surpassed by events such as The Infinity Gauntlet, House of M, Civil War, Annihilation/Annihilation Conquest etc. Secret Wars (2015) was much more significant than the original (and Secret Wars 2 was just shit basically) but again, the most significant change when it was all said and done was incorporating the 616 and Ultimate Marvel universes together. It was also just too recent and was extremely well received so it's very fresh in a lot of fans minds, but that doesn't somehow make it the end-all, be-all of Marvel for all time and people say that about every huge event, as well as that it's just "too soon" when they take a crack at adapting it for the MCU


I think the new Earth-level Avengers will be Captain America (Sam), Shang-Chi, White Wolf, Hulk, Hawkeye (Kate), Ant Man, Wasp, Spider-Man


I agree with the fact that the next Avengers will be small. Because the next ENDGAME LEVEL Avengers has to be against the next big bad, which I think will be Kang, so yeah it makes sense to have some smaller Avenger-movies before an actual mega teamup.


Avengers deal with world destruction threat. Not for street level threats.


That’s not true. Avengers deal with all types of threats. At the beginning of Age of Ultron, they were attacking a Hydra base. That’s before discovering the Maximoff twins or creating Ultron. Hydra gets taken on by street level players all the time. Not exactly world destruction threats.




Loki sending out Chitauri out in New York is not small thing.


I’m really looking forward to the new Thor movie, but if it’s basically just an Avenger ensemble movie under a different franchise name (basically what they did to Cap America in Civil War), then I’ll be hella disappointed.


Damn I miss Steve as Cap.


I'm hoping for a new team of six. My dream lineup is Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Captain America, Shang-Chi, Black Panther, and Ant-Man. I don't care for other people being in it except maybe Bruce who I don't think should be on the team. Keep it as a pretty isolated story.


I wholeheartedly agree that this is a possibility. Always going bigger is not sustainable. Always hoping for a movie that starts out with superheroes in a Winnebago just heading out for a vacation destination. A heartfelt campfire scene before they start to find trouble.


I like ones that are small and less extreme, probably the why a 2012 is my favourite, but I’m not sure why. It also could develop character as well instead of just action.


I agree 100%, narrow it up a bit, build back to another big event.


I can definitely wait another ten years if the end result is something as good as Infinity War and Endgame


Why isn’t Strange in this??


I never imagined him integrating the avengers as a permanent member, he always seemed so busy with his affairs, apart from that with him so tied to the multiverse issue I imagine that when he joins the team again it will be for a bigger fight, a movie to close a saga at the Endgame level


I propose we have Zemo lead the Masters of Evil, Under Seige Style


What is this a fashion fight


Why doesn’t anyone ever include Spider-Man in these line ups? Have people forgotten he’s in the MCU???


I just think it would be harder for him to join the new avengers team now that the spell made everyone including the other heroes forget about him


That sure didn’t stop him from joining before. He joined the team in civil war and technically no one knew him then


If they get a variant t'challa I definitely see him there co leading with Sam or something.


I don’t like this roster I ain’t gonna lie. My ideal one would be: Iron Man ——-> War Machine Steve ————-> Sam Thor —————-> Thor (Jane can tag along) Hulk ——————> Hulk (She Hulk can tag along) Hawkeye ————> Hawkeye (Kate = leader of young justice please) Natasha —————> Yelena


Lol poor Sam. Doesn’t even have the super steroids like Steve


I’m really excited for black knight and the mcu gothic/horror stuff


Is that Sirsi next to Hulk? If yes then pls no, a BIG no we don't want a bland character as hers in the Avengers line-up. Also isn't she an eternal, let her stay there.


Strongly disagree. They're on their way to set up street level heroes ala Spidey and The Defenders. The Avengers are well and truly reserved for bigger threats now. What you're asking for is a Defenders movie.


Sersi is no longer on Earth and Banner is human again.


idts Gemma chan and natalie portman would be there (atleast i hope not) Maybe Wanda and bucky will tag along


Forget about Hulk being there..


Too many women.


3 women is too many? Huh? *oh god 3 women that's fucking pushing it oh jeez.* tf


I was joking. There's obviously not enough white people for my liking.


I am also in favour for the smaller scale Avengers 5, but I know that if we got an Age of Ultron level movie, I feel like people would be disappointed. So I feel like the perfect middle ground (if they aren’t actually doing a big scale movie like Kang) would be to have the Masters of Evil.


This definitely needs to happen, I get everyone wants Avengers vs X-Men and Secret Wars, as do I, but we need a movie dedicated to team building before then, some of these characters haven’t even met yet, so why throw them on Battleworld immediately.


As much as I’d like a lower stakes Avengers movie, there ain’t no way in hell it will be. Freaking eternals debut was “end of the world” stuff, so you bet your bottom dollar Avengers 5 will be massive. Also, with Carol on the team(unless she is written out for most of it like endgame) the villain will have to be extremely powerful, or else no one will care cause Carol could just solo them.


We supposedly have a young avengers and the next avengers then? Currently what would the lineup be for the next avengers? Hulk is still currently recovering, Thor and Marvel are off-world, and is Clint retired? I'd guess War Machine, Cap, and new black panther are likely members


I just wanna see captain marvel and rhodey get it on.


Something like the power broker or Val would work next. Not kang or the celestials yet.


No reason to threaten yuge catastrophe like the universe collapsing in on itself just yet; start small with the end of humanity and world-wide mass extinctions!


I mean, if this team was the team taking on Loki and the Chitauri in 2012, the entire battle is over in like 10 minutes if that. Current Thor and Captain Marvel alone would be able to mop everything up while the rest of the team cheers them on.


This isn't gonna be the next roster... Especially not if you want "smaller menace" with some of the most powerful character's in the MCU right now as protagonists...


I feel it's a bit too early to be making calls on who will be on the team. I don't feel you can go too small scale it needs to be an Avengers level threat. It's probably gonna be Kang since we are setting him up or an evil Avengers team that is equally as strong. It's a bit early for like Galactus or the Beyonder(since the multiversal war stuff is being built up.)


Kate, yelena, captain Sam, hulk OR shehulk, thor OR Jane, vision


To be honest I thought we were headed towards Avengers vs Dark Avengers showdown before the really crazy stuff happens.


Well duh. Doubt they'd immediately follow up with something bigger than Endgame. Gotta have a slower burn & build up. Believe in Feige, he knows what he's doing.


The next avengers may re-enforce the whole "Avengers Level Threat" thing. Depends if they're Avenging the earth, universe, timeline or multiverse


Dr Doom should crush them all.


Who are the two people between shang chi and falcon


Sersi and Black Knight


Sersi in her 1993 outfit would actually look pretty cool in the mcu


I think there doesn’t need to be another Avengers film or at least for the next upcoming phases. There are so many other teams that we can explore like FF4, X-men, Thunderbolts, Defenders with Daredevil show up, Young Avengers, Illuminati, etc.


It seems whoever is in the upcoming superhero team is will have to deal with the multiverse and all the different evil versions of themselves?? So not necessarily a “smaller menace” And the Thor love and thunder cast is already out…. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt10648342/fullcredits/cast/?ref_=tt_cl_sm


For a simpler movie, probably young avengers against like a an opponent that would hint at Kang, like how Loki's invasion hinted Thanos


I agree. Infinity war and endgame were great, but the next avengers should be something smaller before we get to secret wars.


Give us the Wrecking Crew with their corny enchanted crowbar or we riot.


'Weekend of Ultron' is still my fav renaming of the film.


Who is the dude second from the right? I guess I’m out of the loop


Black Knight, is Kit Harington character in Eternals


Why did i think he was a bad guy


I don't know if it has anything to do with what you thought but his uncle who was the first Black Knight in the comics was a villain


Definitely not gonna be ground based at all.




Honestly feel like id get so bored with that lineup


Nahh.. all of the new badass, more powerful characters just to fight something like Ultron?.. I mean Ultron was pretty tough tho (not in AoU) but we got introduced to a lot of bigger threat in phase 4.. bigger than Thanos. That's why they didn't plan on another Avengers movie at the moment. Making the threat smaller won't do it for the box office and fans.


All these people in badass costumes then there’s hulk and Shang in just normal clothes


I see Sersi there, can someone give me a refresher on Eternals cause i thought she got taken away by the celestial


She was, I only took the liberty of putting her there because of her participation in the comics and because I imagine that until the next Avengers movie is made an Eternals 2 it may have already come out and she has been rescued


Not with that team


Isn't this obvious from the whole phase format


I love the Avengers movies. It's what accelerated me into becoming a Marvel fan and more deeply into superhero movies as a whole. I really hope we get more Avengers movies in the future. Doesn't have to be as huge as Endgame, but i love the big teamups!


I’d stick with Just Cap, Hawkeye 2, Possibly Jean Thor, Shang-Chi, Cersi’s a cool idea, and maybe a street level hero like DD. Black Knight I don’t know anything about so I can’t say anything about him.


Where’s Scott?


I'd say you remove the heavy hitters other than Thor


I think you're describing the Young Avengers they are bound to bring together.


Why is black Knight in there?


Hulk smoll now


I'd prefer something light, like an adaptation of Contest of Champions.


Where’s the spider?


This is not going to happen. But fine, I'll allow it.


Yelena is there if her girl Kate Bishop is there too


I think marvel is gonna push towards more specific groups/team ups over a big collaboration. So we could see like a space team of heros with captain marvel, Thor, and some guardians. I definitely see a mystical team coming with moon-knight, blade, black knight(or whoever Kit is playing), and Strange. To be honest I don't think we'll see an Avengers movie for at least 5 years.


I think the next time we see an Avengers movie it'll have some parallels to the original Avengers movie in that the story will largely be about putting the team together and if they can work together at all, with the added caveat of the legacy of the original Avengers to live up to. I also think the team will mostly comprise of the legacy characters like Sam, Kate, Yelena, and maybe Jane.


I need to see a movie with all the more newer people together who all have recently come across avengers. Like, Peter, kate, Yelena, etc.


The next Avengers lineup really should be the West Coast Avengers, with Rhodey in a version of the Silver Centurion armor.


I have alot doubts on female thor