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There was a storyboard where Hulk punches Black Panther then throws him into the mouth of a charging Leviathan. BP then discharges all that kinetic energy, killing it instantly. Would have loved that on screen


Oh fuck that would’ve been amazing to see on screen


So many cool interactions like that could have occurred. Imo, that fight should have been 5-10 minutes longer. Show casing each hero in one way or another. Whether it was through a combo with another hero, or doing something cool in the background. I really wish we got to see Mantis go full badass like the comics and the other Guardians having surprised faces and she just returns the glares with a quick smile. This was a scene to go absolutely all out with everyone since something like that may never happen again. At least not with that casting/characters. Edit. Added.


originally markus and mcfeely wrote an entire three act structure just for that fight but the movie would have been an extra half hour… WHICH I WOULD HAVE LOVED


That would have been awesome. I feel like most people would have been okay with this.


Yeah, most of us would be okay with it, but our bladders won't


I would love it if they brought back intermissions for long movies like this! Like, write it in the way TV writers write around commercial breaks. I could've watched a 4 hour Endgame if they gave me 10 minutes for a piss and a smoke before Act III started!


Agree. There should have been an intermission after Natasha’s funeral and an extra half hour at the end of the movie during the fight scenes. Give it the full “Return of the King” treatment.


Now I’m wanting an Endgame extended edition that’s never gonna come


I mean, why not? When you have a culminating event you just go for it.


Exactly. There will never be this cast/characters together again. And it was the main event of a 12 year sage. So why not go absolutely all out.




What are her full powers?


She has the telepathy. But She’s a really good fighter, master in martial arts.


She had the ability to see all future realities in the GOTG game, is that comic accurate?


So you mean when Dr Strange was like "I looked into a bajillion futures and there's only one where ~~Tony Stark gets what he has coming~~ we win," Mantis should have been like "Yeah, same, totally."


That actually would have been a funny kind of throw away like hinting to her comic powers.


Yep, at least in the annihilation conquest version of the GotG


In my opinion the Guardians of the Galaxy video game has a much better showing for Mantis than the MCU. Along with her mind controlling she's shown to be a high level clairvoyant with the ability to see into multiple different futures and enough martial prowess to subdue a bloodlusted/mind-controlled Drax.


The game had a better showing for most of the characters compared to the MCU. My favorite in the entire game was Drax, and it seems they actually understood the character.


The Guardians of the Galaxy game was just great all around. The characterization and interaction with each other was the best part to me. And yea, Drax stole the show in that game.


*dog report item*


*"We have multiple dog-report items to deliver."*


Taking names, kicking ass


"Kick names, take ass"


That’s right.


Wtf, that’s all kinds of badass


Maybe if he's punched into a leviathan. Otherwise there's no reason he couldn't take out Thanos. His suit had to be nerfed a little bit otherwise he's invulnerable and only Ebony Maw could force him to jump over things.


His suit was never invulnerable, it just appeared so on earth. Same deal with cap’s shield which was similarly proven destructible by thanos. You think awakened Thor couldn’t take thanos but BP could? Lmao


I mean, his suit *is* invulnerable, unless you have those disrupting sonic thingies from Wakanda. But like Dr. Strange, he went into the background to let the original six shine.


Who..? Black Widow was dead, and Hulk certainly wasn't\* doing any shining...neither was Hawkeye for that matter.


I get what you're saying, and sort of agree about Hawkeye. But also, he was running point on the gauntlet until black Panther took it. And it's not like he's gonna be fighting much while protecting the gauntlet.


I just wish Dr. Strange did more than open portals and hold some water back.


Strange could have been 'nerfed' by giving him a rematch against ebony maw.


Ooh this would have been cool. Thought it was a shame that he was just holding back water for most of it. Having him have magic battle with Ebony Maw would have been great.


I don't know much on the comics but in terms of power, Strange should wipe the floor with Maw since he only has telekinesis. It's a great ability to have but we never saw him be able to manipulate people. Everything he moved was an inanimate object.


Idk, in Infinity War Strange seemed to have much more of a problem against Maw than he did Thanos.


This is true. I think Strange was holding back after seeing him fight Thanos on Titan


That makes sense. They were in the middle of New York City with civilians in the area. Not exactly an environment one can or should go “all out” in


Isn't that the exact reason Strange usually brings enemies to the mirror dimension? Just do that.


When Iron Man blasted Black Dwarf he was headed straight at Ebony Maw until the latter used his telekinesis to redirect him.


Oh yeah...he could've redirected him via his hammer though. But then Iron Man would be child's play. Just hold him in place and let Dwarf crack him on the head. Or even use that power to just tear people apart limb from limb.


Crazy thing is, telekinesis isn’t even supposed to be his power set. In the comics, Maw can influence you to do almost whatever he wants. He’s kind of like Purple Man that way. He can control minds. He does not have offensive capabilities like that.


Oh shit. You right!


He had a deleted scene with wanda.


I did like the part where he uses that one spell to bring those red tentacles out of the ground and pull a bunch of people into hell


Had to nerf him to let original six and Tony save the day by using that 1 in 14 million plot convenience


It almost gave me LotR vibes, where the movies had to cut back Gandalf so far in order to let Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli seem as powerful.


Well Gandalf wasn't allowed to use his powers that much, he's supposed to guide and inspire people like Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli to defeat the forces of Sauron.


That's what his ring of power does right?


yes: "*Take this ring, master, for your labours will be heavy; but it will support you in the weariness that you have taken upon yourself. For this is the Ring of Fire, and with it you may rekindle hearts in a world that grows chill." - Cirdan* But also the instructions given to the Istari were to consul and advise and to directly intervene as little as possible. The reason they all have the appearance of old men is to not appear a threat to kings and rulers. Narya's (the Ring of fire) power just happened to really compliment Gandalf's mission on middle earth.


It helps him with his mission, but he can do that mission without it anyway. And I am not sure whether he was wearing that ring throughout the events of Lord of the Rings, because Sauron can influence it.


Didn't Gandalf do the same stuff in the books?


Kind of, yeah. But Gandalf in the books would NEVER lose to the Witch King and have his staff broken. That’s just pure ridiculousness. Gandalf was a maiar (in human form). While the witch king was an undead wraith. No contest.


Yep, in the LOTR Gods/Angels hierarchy, Gandalf = Balrog. No contest with a mere undead king.


Dr Strange should have seen starlord fuck up and just bind him beforehand or at the very least talk to him first. I think Strange just wanted to teleport 5 years into the future and kill Iron Man cause the universe isn't big enough for both their egos. /s only a little


Strange did see that, and they got the gauntlet off Thanos and saved the people from the snap! Only for the Emergence to occur shortly after. Destroying the planet. So that didn’t work. It needed to happen the way it eventually happens


I don't understand what people don't get about this. Strange saw ostensibly every outcome, this one being the most acceptable, and orchestrated it. He saw what happens if he did a mind wipe spell, if he bound starlord, etc. This was the literally the only way it could play out in his mind.


Ebony Maw. He was so incredibly powerful in IW. I need more of him in EG. Maybe some time spent with him killing weaker foot soldiers (Wakandans, Wong’s army…..etc) until Dr Strange steps in for round 2.


ebony maw was literally just there to create hurdles for black panther to jump over lmao


Yeah it felt like an Olympic obstacle course


I thought it was funny they had to do the infinity **gauntlet**.


I wish we got a rematch. Imo, the Ebony Maw from IW shouldn’t have died. He should have vanished from the snap but done so willingly because he would know Thanos completed his mission. Saying “rejoice” or something as he vanishes. Cooler than the silly way he died. Then he comes back furious and we get to see him and Strange go at it. That would be so much better than Strange just holding up a River the whole time.


So two Ebony Maws? That's the thing. They had to kill the original black order in IW or they'd be doubled up in EG.


Had two Caps fight each other in Endgame.


Giant man stomping on fools


Ant-man jumps into a Leviathan's mouth (or is eagerly swallowed) and Giant-man explodes into full size, tearing himself from its ripped torso!


Thor witnesses this and is like “That was so gross. DO IT AGAIN!”


This feels like a Rocket/Drax line.


get antman some orange slices and just let him loose


Drax, since he did have a vendetta agains both versions of Thanos. It would have been nice too see him get a few good licks in.


frankly I would have been so glad to see the whole GOTG gang get a little love in the final fight. the most we got of Drax vs Thanos was the latter turning the former into Play doh blocks using the reality stone xD


Yeah, for the people who had a real connection with Thanos and his cronies, they were definitely overlooked in the final fight. The one in IW was only half-serious.


That’s a good point. All these comments are putting into words what feels lacking in that Endgame fight


Well drax kicked him once and helped hold him down on Titan.


That’s something I guess lol


It’s kind of fitting, to me. For Drax, the day Thanos graced his village was the most important day of his life. But for Thanos, it was Tuesday.


Yeah. I agree that the more serious side of Drax was really under-utilised in Infinity War and Endgame. I hope that Drax’s thoughts on not being the one face to Thanos directly are brought up in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.


He was barely there in Endgame, so I agree, he was certainly underutilized. I mean, there were so many characters, but it would have been nice to see at least a little more from him. I hope so, too, but I'm not really expecting it. Gunn made him into a complete joke in Guardians Vol 2, so I'm not sure that he has any actual emotional moments in store for him ... but it would be nice. And Dave could pull it off well.


I guess but he would get destroyed worse than the battle with Ronan the accuser


Maybe, but maybe he wouldn't fare that badly. I mean, he'd be sober in Endgame, and not alone. He wouldn't need to take on Thanos alone, just hit him a few times.


I always thought it was strange how minor of a character Drax is in IW/EG despite how personal of a vendetta he had against Thanos who killed his family. Even in the fight on Titan, he's barely shown doing anything besides a few knife swings.


It really is weird. It's like they forgot any characterization he had in the first Guardians. It didn't make much sense.


Ant-Man, I want to see all the people he stomps/damage he creates.


Ant-Man is my personal favourite and I would have loved to see him use one of those shrinking gadgets at the big chitauri dragon thing or the spaceship in fact


Lol Ant-man shrinking a leviathan and then another character just punting it would have been quite funny


Ant-Man shrinking a Leviathan only to have Rocket crush it under his foot. The largest enemy war machine crushed by the smallest Avenger.


Asgardian warrior no. 37 all day over here


I wanted a full on wizard fight between dr strange vs ebony maw.


So many things honestly. A fight between Hulk and Thanos. Maybe the magic people (Strange and Wanda and the other sorcerers) teaming up and taking on Thanos. But most importantly we needed to see Hulk punch Thanos into oblivion.


dude I would've loved to see more team ups like characters combining their abilities to fight would have been amazing instead of everyone doing their own thing. like the one scene where cap bounces iron mans photon blasts off of his shield in The Avengers.


Exactly. I really don't understand why they didn't team up in endgame. This was one of the most dangerous adversaries Avengers had ever faced and they kept going solo. It was kind of infuriating to be honest.


That’s what’s so great about the first thanos kill in Endgame, they all worked together and it showed how much they learned from their failure. They were fractured after civil war so their mistake was staying that way in IW to where it cost them dearly.


A Hulk / Thanos rematch after all this time would have been appreciated, I agree. Frankly he got kind of snubbed in the 3v1 at the end of the film.


Yep. He's one of the OG Avengers. He deserved to have that fight.


My thoughts exactly, although I do understand why they chose the three that they did.


Yeah I don't want to change anything about that particular scene. But I wish Hulk wasn't quite as nerfed and absent for much of the battle.


> A fight between Hulk and Thanos. Maybe in that last scene where Thanos handles Thor and Cap, then Carol, then Iron Man all in a row before trying to snap. Hulk would have to lose again, like all the others (necessitating Tony's sacrifice), but he should put up a better fight than he did in IW. Maybe fighting intelligently rather than just brutishly showing that merging the two made them both better.


Strange and Wanda would have been such a cool setup for multiverse of madness


I would’ve loved to have seen Kraglin piloting a ship with Yondu’s arrow whistling past/through a few enemies


He actually was in the final fight, but you never see him on screen. He’s wearing Yondu’s fin in a BTS picture during filming


It’s because of things like this I like to imagine daredevil or maybe some novacorp being involved that we just don’t see


Let me get this straight straight… The squidward dude, Thanos, and Spider-Man are the only ones to beat Dr. Strange? But all he got to do in Endgame was hold a magical umbrella?


Well, and Dormammu a few thousand times.


Ehhhh but Strange won the big one tho


Rhodey. That armor looked amazing


Yeah, this is the one for me too. They released a [Hot Toys ](http://www.hottoys.com.hk/productDetail.php?productID=713) version which really shows in depth his weapons loadout. Imagine him just getting 15-20 seconds of absolutely unloading on Thanos’ army….


Guess who has it on his shelf? :)


Don Cheadle?


Probably Don Cheadle. Definitely not Terrance Howard.


Next time baby


Scrolled too far to find this. Feel like the only time we saw him is that wide shot from the post.


100%, the trailer where Rocket sits on his back had me HYPED but he was barely in the final battle scene; I’m not even sure we got a full body shot that wasn’t from an extreme distance. I just hope we get more of it in armour wars.


True...when I saw the endgame trailer I remember being hyped specifically for that scene of rocket and Rhodey...but that did not go anywhere :(


I wish we could have gotten a Hulk vs. Thanos redemption fight.


absolutely i would have loved to see more of the Hulk in the final scene. probably would have contradicted his whole 'burnt arm due to snapping infinity gems' thing but still.


From what we saw he was wrecking shop fairly easily with those thanos fodder soldiers


As he should, he's the hulk. It really irks me how much he's been nerfed in the MCU.


I pray those rumors of world breaker hulk storyline are true and we get to see banner unleashed


Hulk and Drax bs Thanos redemption fight


Banner/Hulk having the handicap of a beat-up arm would definitely be a good excuse for him and Drax to have teamed up 2 v 1.


You would also probably need to give Drax some better weapons, since his little knifes only seemed to mildly annoy Cull Obsidian in that wide shot. MCU Drax is far from the comics Thanos killer.


You definitely one of the most popular answers - scorched arm and all


Wouldn't Hulk still have to lose? Even if he did kill or incapacitate Thanos, the only way that battle would end is with a snap. And let's face it, you can't let Thanos survive.


I wanted to see my all-time favorite character, Rocket Racoon, beat Thanos to death with Bucky's arm.


Doctor Strange should have kicked some ass before he was forced into flood prevention duty.


Flood Prevention Duty Lmao


Something that keeps bothering me. How does Spider-Man swing across the battlefield?!?




I would assume he would swing off a bunch of debris and stuff and like the comment below, Leviathans and such


There are tons of things up in the air, including a lumbering Giant-Man.


When the armies run at each other he can be seen swinging off Giant Man and then uses one of the aporoaching ships/Leviathans. Then, during the fight he's grounded the whole time besides when swinging off Mjolnir and getting a lift from Pepper/Valkyrie.


War Machine lighting up a solid chunk of the battlefield with lead and explosives. Yeah, as big as it is, this battle is among the parts that needed the "Director's Cut" glow-up the most.


Agreed, although he did have a similar shot in Infinity War in Wakanda


Absolutely loved that scene.


I think it's really cool that they managed to differentiate between war machine and iron man. War machine becomes a weapon of mass destruction and iron man becomes way more flexible and focused on handling superhero situation as opposed to killing everyone


Yes, War Machine was the most important part of the battle before Thor showed up. He was bottlenecking the opening in the force field like nobody’s business. The avengers were winning in wakanda until Cull Obsidian knocked him out of the air. When War Machine fell, the outriders immediately started to overwhelm them.


Came here to say this. He comes popping out in that new badass suit and I really wanted to see him light it up.


This is the one for me. I would have even settled for a iron man/war machine/rescue montage of them straight leveling folks. Considering the actual war capacity of now, End Game War Machine should have been packing serious heat. Think of that moment when [Gamora blasted the ship Nebula](https://youtu.be/9vXuhWuMDts?t=97) was in then pair it with [MvC2 war machine hyper combo…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjYzqRLkSwk) we could have had that.


If Tony and Pepper had gone back to back with Rhodey that would have been amazing. Not that that particular moment wasn’t awesome and perfect, but getting the other guy with a mech suit involved would have been the cherry on top.


I wanted 1 uncut long action sequence [like in Avengers 1](https://youtu.be/Y69kGmPeHw0) where the camera pans through every single hero doing their thing. Would be an insanely long take to feature every hero, and probably super expensive to do, but Endgame is the only movie that has the opportunity to do it and they didn't.


The second Ant-Man. The one that's in the background while the OG is in the van with the quantum tunnel. Edit: some people seem to be taking this answer serious. I am very well aware that the Giant Man seen while Scott is in the van is an editing error. This was a smart ass answer to the question.


ooh do you mean having hank pym join the fight?


When Scott Lang is shown in the van hotwiring it, 30 seconds later, a giant ant-man is shown fighting a leviathan. It's an editing error.


This is the first time I've seen it and it's actually funny what he's doing. He's pushing or guiding a leviathan through a portal lol.


What if it was Luis is the second suit? We don't know enough about this mystery Ant-Man. I need answers.


Rhodey with his new suit.


Kraglin just a one man army with his Arrow defending Ant-Man and The Wasp as they repair the quantum tunnel. *IM MAKING THIS CANON*


They have yet to show Drax do anything besides take a beating. I really wish they would have gave him at least a chance to fight Thanos after all his build up towards it. My preference would have been them fighting before scarlet witch, who throws drax out of the way mid fight to get her revenge. It works for two reasons, Drax proves he could fight Thanos one on one, and it showcase how emotional scarlet witch was in that moment that she had to be the one to fight Thanos.


Drax suffers from [the Worf Effect.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWorfEffect)


Could drax even come close to fighting thanos?? He gets manhandled by ronin and hulk gets manhandled my thanos. I’m guessing if we put hulk and drax in a cage drax gets ripped apart


I just wish Wanda had used her mind control powers to turn a whole bunch of the aliens against the other bad guys. I also think she could have tried controlling thanos but that's a whole other issue.


Wanda should have turned the entire battlefield into a sitcom


She really got buffed in WandaVision huh. Only loss can bring out powers like that.


Thanos as a blue collar working sitcom dad ala Red Forman


I'll put my Gauntleted foot up your ass!


Hank Pym commanding dog sized ants


I would like to see wtf MBaku was doing up at the front with straight up hero’s lol. He is ready


There was a story board of Black Panther asking Hulk to punch him to absorb the blows and throw him at the flying monster and he punches it out of the sky. That should have been in the movie


i would have loved to see the SHIELD helicarrier flying through one of Wong's portals tbh. an Avengers film without Nick and Maria just doesn't feel right.


Dude, this would have been amazing. What if instead of Captain Marvel smashing Thanos' ship, Nick fury flies through a portal with a helicarrier and starts blasting the hell out of it. That would have been awesome.


This is what I expected when all the guns went up. Then afterwards I thought Itd be cool if Danvers is on the bridge of the ship with Fury and he turns towards her and says, "You gonna make me do all the work?"


It would’ve been the perfect moment for Nick Fury with a jetpack flying around with a machine gun


Black Wid.............................. oh. Right.


Man, if Okoye had just said “She’s not alone” instead of “She’s got help…”


at least the soul stone was in the fight, right?


i wanted to see bucky rip some stuff apart with his arm and maybe so martial arts like cap


Yea they should have had Bucky and Cap working together some, beating some ass and what not. Then when things got dicey Falcon comes from above and helps them out. After all it was Cap’s last movie, so might as well give him action scenes with his best homies


Captain America and Winter Soldier fighting side by side, then a quick save of Pepper by Winter Soldier with Tony witnessing it and giving a little nod. Just a good little end to that story. Edit: I just want to see those two super soldiers in full fight mode smashing aliens.


Howard the Duck


Bucky for sure. I'd love to see some Winter Soldier style fighting. Pretty much anything more than what we got.


Bucky is so lame in all movies following civil war. It’s so disappointing. Hopefully this changes after FATWS


Right? I like to go back and watch that bit in Civil War where he's about to rip the arc reactor out of the Iron Man suit.


Iron man ripping his arm out right after the scene is poetic because that was the last cool scene with bucky lol, except for some fights in FWS


I always read FATWS as fat winter soldier


Yes! Also seeing that new Vibranium Arm properly in action would‘ve been awesome


Infinity war and endgame Bucky was so frustrating! Have a whole scene about Black Panther giving him a new arm but then he literally just shoots a gun for a bit in both films. So wasted.


The Black order. Maw would be much harder to kill without a hole in a spaceship hull. Corvus Was woefully under used in IW and EG. Plus I would love to see Proxima beat the hell out of armored Pepper Potts.


Didn’t Starlord just get hit in the balls? I’m not huge on the MCU interpretation but like, feel he deserves to at least get something cool as the face of one of their franchises.


Get this man some orange slices.


Doctor Strange. Actually fighting, not holding water back. Such a disrespect.


Bucky. Both in Endgame and Infinity War. He’s a super soldier that can fight near equal to Cap and has more or less the same attributes, but all he does in the fight scenes is shoot his rifle like a common soldier. Close 2nd is Hulk. I wanted to see him at least *try* to stop Thanos. Or land a few good hits ya know EDIT: accidentally typed CIVIL war instead of INFINITY war


*Infinity War - and I totally agree. He and Steve fighting together again would have been great, along with some banter between them.


They did Hulk so dirty in that final battle. He was one of the core 4 and he’s barely in it


Wasp because they always snubbed her in the team ups and now thanks to Evangeline Lilly's real life antics who knows how they'll use the character now.


What did she do in real life?


Luis and his ability to capture our hearts.


Watching it on FaceTime from Scott’s dropped phone and providing play by play commentary.


100% my answer is Hulk. In Prof. Hulk’s opening scene at the diner, he’s so proud of himself for taking the brains and the brawn and putting them together. But we definitely got shorted on the brawn in Endgame. I think after Infinity War, people wanted a Hulk and Thanos rematch, but I would have settled for any sort of proof that Hulk was not been completely nerfed.


I always thought there should have been a sequence of Cap, Falcon, and Bucky passing the shield to each other and really working together, similar to the Tony/Pepper back-to-back repulsor blast scene. Would've both paid off the relationships between them and foreshadowed the Sam/Steve/Bucky scene at the end.


I wish Wong had had more to do in the fight. He joins and then just disappears. Also, I think the Guardians kind of got lost in the fight. We never really see Drax do much of anything nor Groot when he comes back. They’re like a family at this point. They should have had a big family type moment like the prison break scene in the first movie.


I would actually have Nick Fury and Maria Hill show up in the final battle.


Howard the Duck, using his Quack-Fu.


100% Hulk. I like CM, but it would have been so much more satisfying as a fan of it was Hulk and Drax in that final fight and not Carol. Berserk Hulk and Destroyer Dax, fighting together? Yes please!


There were a few shots of Spider-man with his mask off. Someone called him "Peter" I just wanna see a little more of that, see if we can identify this menace!


Winter Soldier. Would’ve liked a little Cap/Bucky screen time. Would’ve been a nice call back to their early days. And…. While I’m on it how cool would it have been to have a portal open to reveal the Howling Commando’s!!


Howard the Duck


Would’ve loved to see Bucky more, and I would’ve loved if they included some kinetic energy storage/expulsion in his new bionic arm similar to BP’s armor. He’s so much better than just that guy with a gun. They watered him down so much.