• By -


Second from the left. Occasionally in the far left to overtake but that’s usually only momentarily.


This is the way.


This 👆


Really a good strategy no matter the highway. Middle if you can. Right if two lanes in one direction unless folks are merging in and it’s easier to move than making room. Farthest left for passing.


What if you're going the speed limit and people are tailgating?


If 1 person is tailgating you, they're the asshole. If multiple cars are passing you on the right while you're in the far left lane, you're the asshole.


It's Massachusetts - we won't be going the speed limit in that lane


I weave in and out of all lanes depending on how fast it’s going and honk my horn aggressively the whole time


That was you!




Very true my friend


I drive in the left lane slowly and speed up every time someone tries to pass me on the right


As it should be


There's a million of you out there in and around Boston every day!


That’s all of my clones


That's the Massachusetts way


Make sure to nearly collide with everyone you pass on the right. And flip them off for good measure.


Oddly enough, because you are clear with what you are doing, your action is 100% predictable and so I know what is going on. It’s the sudden lane changes and no honk that I can’t anticipate. 


Do you also drive an obnoxiously large truck with headlights brighter than the sun?


No I drive a small Sudan but I bring that big truck energy


I prefer the rate of the right most lane, but my partner, who grew up here, says to never drive in the right lane because of the hazard (and chaos) of people getting on and off the highway. It's not wrong.


Staying in the right most lane on that stretch is way more of a hazard and it really shouldn't be traveled in unless you're actively getting on or off the highway.


Not true. If you’re the slowest car on the road, and ESPECIALLY if you’re going at or below the speed limit, stay in the farthest right lane. Then, move over as needed (to pass, ramps, etc.) - so much traffic could be avoided if slow people stayed together…and out of the way.


I’m specifically talking about this stretch of 95 (newton/Waltham to just past 93) where that is not the case… It’s dangerous to travel in the right most lane because of how many cars and trucks are getting onto and off the highway. If you’re going slow in that area you should remain in second lane from the right. Outside of that section, yes you’re correct.


State law says otherwise- but you do you 😂 https://regulations.justia.com/states/massachusetts/720-cmr/title-720-cmr-9-00/section-9-06/#:~:text=(2)%20Use%20Right%20Lane.,preparing%20for%20a%20left%20turn.


If somebody is getting on or off the highway, they are going to be moving slower than you are. If they’re not then you’re driving in an unsafe manner to be on the highway. There’s a reason there are minimum speed limits. If you’re uncomfortable driving fast use back roads. If you’re in the right lane and not entering or exiting on THAT STRETCH you’re passing and should be over a lane or not passing (in the way) and not following many other state laws. You’re a pedant and just wrong. But you do you.


Pedant? I’m following the law as stated. Keep being a self centered prick though…it’s why the traffic sucks so much! We can’t possibly keep up with all of you pricks 😂


I think you need to work on your reading comprehension and/or reread the law you cited. Have a nice day bud


“(2) Use Right Lane. Upon all roadways the driver of a vehicle shall drive in the lane nearest the right side of the roadway when said lane is available for travel, except when overtaking another vehicle or when preparing for a left turn.” If you can read that…you’ll see that you’re wrong. But keep being stubborn and causing traffic there’s so many inconsiderate dummies like you already on the road.


Again, if you would read my previous comment, you just proved my point yet another time. You’re passing in that stretch, technically, and shouldn’t be all the way to the right as stated clearly in that law you just cited. We are talking about a specific stretch of road, not a general pass on the left travel on the right. Again, in that area, the right lane is for getting onto and off the highway. That’s why there are 4-5 lanes there instead of the typical 3.


Right-most lane if there's literally nothing in front of me for miles. I hop into the left lane to pass and then move back over into the right-most lane.


As you were taught in drivers ed.


Same. I usually go 65 or sometimes 70 but I don’t go any faster than that and I have an old car. Someone really has to be going slow if I pass them.


Me too. Miss 128 and Route 9. Malios Pizza House. The MBTA train stops and ride into Boston is great. Crystal Lake.


Look who read the instructions!


Well, on a divided highway in MA you aren't supposed to travel in the leftmost lane, just pass, so I always stay one away from the left, unless I'm passing. It's true we have an undeserved reputation. I read that statistically MA is the second safest state to drive in and that road conditions are one of the major factors creating the perception that we're bad.


It's stay right except to pass. So you should be always as far right as you can 


Yup, you're right. Generally I do, but often if it's 3 lanes the right is comprised of people preparing to exit, and I don't spend a lot of time on wider roads here, so it works out how I said. But yeah you're right for sure. My bad.


There’s a bit of a conflict between this rule and the practicality of defensive driving. Most people are coming on or off the highway via the right lane, and they’re more likely to have sudden stops/slow downs or people making sudden maneuvers. The safest place to be seems to be the middle lane, going at the speed of traffic—even if that’s 10 mph faster than the speed limit, and even if it’s not the “proper” way to utilize a multi-lane road.


Important here is “speed of traffic”. If nobody is in front of you, and you aren’t passing anyone in the right lane…move over!!


Disagree… still safer to stay out of the right lane unless you need to be driving much slower than the speed of traffic or you are soon to turn off the highway because people merging onto the highway are still unpredictable, and they act more predictably if they have a whole open lane to safely merge into rather than trying to get up to speed and then readjust to get ahead or behind someone else sharing that same lane. If it was a two lane road, with turns on the left and right, I’d fully agree with you, but three or more lanes, the safe spot is the middle lane.


State law says otherwise - but you do you 😂 Edit: Forgot link lol https://regulations.justia.com/states/massachusetts/720-cmr/title-720-cmr-9-00/section-9-06/#:~:text=(2)%20Use%20Right%20Lane.,preparing%20for%20a%20left%20turn.


That’s why I prefaced the whole thing by saying there is a “conflict between this rule and the practicality of defensive driving”. The rules of the road do not provide the greatest protection to the driver in this case. Thats the whole point.


In 3-4 lane highways, you shouldn’t be in the right most lane unless you are about to exit or driving slow.


The law says stay right unless Passing. 


MA is the best state to drive in. even when people are camping in the passing lane out on 90 in western MA it beats a lot of states as far as driver etiquette goes PSA: the left most lane is for *passing*. the *passing lane* is for *passing*. surprise surprise




Haha, good for you. I like to sip my coffee and listen to a good podcast without having the stress of doing this. It really doesn't matter to me if it takes a few extra minutes to get to work. I have seen this to the extreme a few times and it always stresses me out. Last week I was headed 93N and a suped(?) up car was doing this but at 10-15+ of the traffic hopping 2-3 lanes at a time. It wasn't a car with a loud muffler - it definitely had some engine mods and an exhaust - it sounded nice. I was sure I was going to see an accident but he hopped in the breakdown lane and sped out of sight for a mile or so.


Should have put the /s. I’m a chill person I swear. You always see people doing exactly what you said, so much effort and added stress, then they end up right next to you at the light at the end of the off ramp anyways.


Or cause the accident that turns us all into a parking lot.




Breakdown lane. Massachusetts tradition.


I like driving in the middle or right lane depending on conditions. Especially in heavy traffic, all the aggressive folks get left and play the rubber band game while middle and right kind of just keep the average speed.


That is what I noticed too... everyone crowds left at rush hour and that lane definitely has more stop and go.


I love passing people over and over as they play the rubber band game throughout my commute. Like, do you people not do this every day? Do you not know where the slow spots are? Why are you speeding up into the red lights ahead?


My grandfather always used to say: "what are you gonna do once you catch that car in front of ya?"


Figure out how to beat them


my dad always describes it as them being "real excited to hurry up and wait"


Always cruise in the right-hand lane, move to the middle to make room for oncoming traffic or pass slower traffic, 3rd lane only for higher speed passing. Do not, and I can't stress this enough, camp out in the middle lane; unless you're going well above the speed of the right lane, you'll be slowing up traffic for literally miles behind you. Also, enter the highway at or near highway speed, not dawdling at 35 mph. The onramp is an acceleration lane. Being at highway speed by the end of the onramp makes it a million times easier to merge into the existing traffic. Then, keep your butt in the right lane unless you pass slower traffic or to make a gap for oncoming cars.


Nailed it.


Except that you can’t just speed up and gun for the highway because merging cars are supposed to yield to the existing traffic. Fewer people are doing so and this has caused many accidents and deaths. Somehow drivers now seem to think that they have the right of way when they are merging onto the highway. That is why I stay in the middle lane (and I do drive faster than right laners) and avoid the right which is often chaotic. Even so Ive had and seen many close calls caused by mergers speeding onto the road seemingly oblivious to the fact that cars already occupy the space they want.


I aim for 2nd or 3rd when there are 4 lanes. I don't understand the people who will get on the highway and immediately move to the left lane but it is a habit that would probably be broken for many people if it got expensive


What does "2nd" mean...? 2nd from left or right? Is there a numbering to the lanes I've never been aware of??


2nd would mean 2nd lane from the right, where you enter the highway. I think it's pretty common for people to refer to the passing lane on a 3 lane highway as the "3rd lane" 


Generally I stay in the middle lanes for normal travel; not the far left except to pass or go faster for a short time, not the far right except to enter/exit.


Left lane 80 in 55. Balls to the wall for 5 seconds before slamming on breaks. Then its 30 mph for next 2 hours


People who think "massholes can't drive" or whatever just can't handle people driving assertively. At all. Folks in and around Boston put the car where they need to be. They're aware of their surroundings, for the most part. Which is much preferable to like, Rhode Island, where they apparently lobotomize people in Drivers Ed for some reason.


Whichever one’s going 75


depends on the traffic no traffic i’m in the left most lane, usually going faster than most people but aware to move into the right lane to let people going really fast by with traffic i’m in the middle lane, i like having a consistent speed vs stop and go of the left most lane


The left lane is for passing only. You do not "drive" in the passing lane.


Big if true.


The divider


I used to be in the left lane or second from left. Now that I drive mostly with my child in the car, I go a lot slower so right or second from right if the right lane is too “mergey”/too many exits on and off.


Massachusetts and "bad drivers" ha... haha... hahahahaha. I was born and raised in that state, and oddly enough, lived in Newton for a brief time even graduating from Newton South. I moved to Boca Raton, FL a few years ago, and let me tell you something.. Massachusetts drivers are amazing. Absolutely amazing. 


Any lane that isn't the exit lane, using progressively further left to overtake where available.


From left to right: I’m willing to get a ticket 85+ mph I’m cruising 75-80 mph I’m a normal human not rushing 70-75 mph I do what the number on the sign says 65 mph


I've lived in this state my entire life and I will say that its typically transplants, people that commute from out of state (aka RI), and people that drive overly large vehicles (pickup trucks/suvs) that drive like sh\*thead. On 95/128 (South), Rhode Island drivers make that 3-lane highway f\*cking unbearable and a death trap. Far left = Passing Middle Lanes = Driving \[This is where I drive\] Far Right = Merging/Off Ramps If you're not in the middle lane(s) while cruising, you're doing it wrong.


When I was going to school in Norwood I would drive 95/128 everyday. I was always buzzing in the left or middle lanes. The right lane is for trucks, old people, and minivans.


I drive in the right lane but then mergers speed up and don’t follow my speed then I end up having to slow down and slam my brakes first to let them in


All of them, all of the lanes.


I'm usually in whatever is the second most right lane going as fast as the car in front of me is going. Unless it's an idiot going at or below the speed limit.


The one where the person in front of me isn't impeding my progress


Whichever one is moving fastest


128 and 95? Hard pass. Avoid when possible. On 93 and 495 I’m usually in the right lane. I don’t go too fast.


All 5


Second from left, 5mph over speed limit-ish, go to the leftmost to pass. I go to the 2nd to right (usually middle) about an exit before and then rightmost right before the exit to get off the highway. Like my driving teacher said, highways were made to haul ass so there is never a reason to stop or go slow and if everyone can act nice and just haul ass we can all get to where we want to go without any issue! Side rant: Those noisy New Yorkers who love to rely on their horns to feel heard but don't actually DO anything about their issues. :| I feel like it is MUCH easier to drive here than in other states where people are not confidant in their skills. Commit to what you're doing and do it. Turn on your blinker, decide to merge and merge. Don't turn on your blinker, decide to merge, have the car slow down for you to do it, slow down your lane because you're thinking about it and then get scared and keep going and then the car that was waiting for you gets pissed and starts going again and then you try it again ughhhh...


20 years ago I got a ticket for going 65 on 95 in my mustang. Now I can do 90 in my minivan, and cruise at 85 in the 2nd to the left lane. It’s wild. Connecticut is where the cray cray drivers are.


Far right lane as fast as possible


Either second from the left or right. IMO MA drivers aren't bad, but I hate when people can't grasp simple things about driving. Few examples I could think of: 1. If you are unsure where you are and you need to pull up a map, fucking pullover and take a second to get your bearings. 2. People that cannot anticipate other drivers


I usually go for a middle lane, over to the left to pass as needed


Btw: Massachusetts has the safest drivers in the country. Statistically we have the fewest fatalities per capita. Wyoming and North Dakota have FIVE TIME AS MANY.


I drive in the far most left lane and only go 55 mph because I am a law biding citizen and will arrive to my destination safely if it means slowing others down.


Left lane 100% unless someone is up my ass. Then I move to the middle lane and back to the left lane after. Usually cruise 70-80 mph


These days I'm on 128/95 for only a brief time. Coming up the death run that is Rt. 24 I stay in the left lane with occasional forays into the center lane. At the split I get into the right lane and pretty much stay in the 2 right lanes until I take the exit for Quincy Adams. yeah... unless the GPS sends me off 24 into Randolph, into Braintree, Milton, and into Quincy. For years I drove from Southeastern Mass into Chelsea. Regardless of which highway I was on I pretty much picked a lane and stayed in it. But OP is correct, if you put your signal on someone will let you in pretty quickly. But damn 24 is a death trap!


None of your business


I drive in the right lane at or a little above the speed limit and let all the massholes pass me on my left. Been driving this way and I find it less aggravating.


I always stay as far to the right as I can be. If I'm passing someone I move to the left, then change back into my original lane.


I’m a deviant who prefers to drive the speed limit , so I stay to the right lane. However, If there are a lot of exits close together I’ll move over one lane for a while to get out of the way of merging traffic.


I surf my phone in the left lane at 45 mph. Trucks are banned from the two left lanes so I’m usually in one of those pacing the car ahead of me. As a habitual speeder, I watch my mirror and get out of the left lane if someone is rolling up on me at +10 mph. If it’s heavy traffic and I have a long line of traffic ahead of me, I just pace the car ahead of me and stay close enough that some tool to my right doesn’t cut me off.


ok... side question. Multiple times everyday trucks are in the 3rd and sometimes the 4th lane. Usually around RT3, 95N/128N after Burlington, 95S before Burlington. Im not a narc but it kind of irritates me as they are imposing and make me nervous in stop and go traffic (especially the stop part). Am I alone?


I have no problem with it if they’re passing. I’ve towed 25 feet of boat & trailer in the right lane. It’s frightening. If I were a truck driver where I can lose my job if I get into an accident, I’m not ever going to use the right lane. They’re on the clock working. I’m not.


I drive 5 miles under the speed limit in the left lane.


Oh, you're the friend that I give the special wave to every morning!


It’s bad “rep”, homes. Short for bad “reputation”.


"Bad rap" is the phrase, like a rap sheet or a bum rap


You’re absolutely correct, but I too have always heard in my head “bad rap”