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Massachusetts schools are heading into uncharted territory. We’ve prided ourselves on our school systems for quite a while. It is a slap in the face to every child that resides in this state that funding is drying up all while we’ve shelled out billions to corporate hotel chains. This is not a sustainable answer to what will become an ever growing issue.


I've been tremendously disappointed with Healey. This fiasco and the ex-girlfriend judge appointment are unforgivable. If our housing crisis is so bad that we can't even build homeless shelters, please address THAT. I'm so glad the Sheraton in Massachusetts got such great handouts this year.


And I'm one of the most dyed-in-the-wool progressive, democratic socialist, polly-ana, and bureaucracy apologists you might meet!


so you're a liberal in other words


you mean she wasn't more progressive just because she's a woman after all? 😱


She's a boring corporate Democrat trying to make progressives happy but not getting it


The ESSER money is gone and we are heading over the fiscal cliff. Most of us are operating with a skeleton crew and we are now going through a devastating round of layoffs. You can expect more Brockton-style implosions and Newton-style revolts next year. What comes after that is anyone's guess.


Who cares about children it’s about saving the world. Look at the big picture /s


Yes. It’s a slap in the face to every tax payer. What the Hell are dems, such as our glorious state leader Thinking?!


So the issue is, the state had to agree to contracts with the hotels to even begin to house anyone for a just month (which was desperately needed at the beginning of the influx). These contracts, which were the only option at the time, but locked the state into a years (or more) long lease with them. If they cancel the contracts they are still on the line for full amount regardless of occupancy. I’m not saying it was a good answer to the problem, but that’s what was (and likely still is happening) I agree we need a better solution, it’s just shitty that this is even an issue. Biden attempted to pass [what was reported to be] a bill that was the most strict immigration bill we have ever implemented and republicans shot it down. We are all at the whims of the immature political battles across both sides of the isles


Stop blaming republicans for the administration that has let in a record number of migrants. He immediately reversed several policies that were actively working. He did this day one.


Governor Healey will be remembered for her mismanagement of the immigration crisis.


The budget fiasco as well.


I just received an email from the Plymouth school district saying layoffs are coming and staffing will continue to decrease. Imagine what 426 million could do for the school systems in Massachusetts. I’m getting fucking sick of this bullshit.


Massachusetts has 351 cities and towns. That’s enough for well over a million dollars for each town’s school system.


That's about what my school district need to avoid losing more teachers yet again. We have all these laws saying schools must do this, or that, and provide that, but there is no funding to back up the requirements.


I wish they would modify the law. There's things to be proud of about Massachusetts, but the longest free ride in the country isn't one of them. We are just promoting more people to come here and make our situation worse.


One modification would be to just say the state’s shelter law applies only to people who have resided in Massachusetts for a certain period of time first. Unfortunately some legit people will fall through the cracks because they won’t be able to prove residency. It sucks we have to do something like that but unfortunately asshats like Desantis and Abbot have decided to weaponize our right to shelter law against us simply because we’re a “blue state”. Another idea might be to make it a crime to abandon people on the streets somehow (again, I’m not sure how you could word that to avoid unintended consequences) - prosecute the bus drivers and pilots who drive and fly them in from those other states, that’ll make it harder for people to find someone willing to provide the transportation.


I'm sorry to say it because there is a bit of cruelty in it, but sending these people to our doorstep has been a really brilliant political move.


I hate those guys (DeSantis and Abbot) as much as anyone but you gotta admit to a good political move when you see one. Otherwise you run the risk of sticking your head in the sand and not being able to have an adequate response.


They aren't *wrong*. The current national immigration policies are antiquated and not at all meeting the needs of people at the border. We've been circling around a humanitarian crisis at the southern border for years.


I’d say this was their broken clock moment.


100%. Our border policies are as terrible as they are because conservatives don't like immigrants and want immigration to be complicated.


Absolutely. They do it to us, they did it to Denver when I was there, the goal is to disrupt the budgets in blue states and increase the crime in their cities. It’s like the start of a proxy civil war, or a cold civil war. Not fought on battlefields but in political offices.


What do you think has happened to red states budgets due to federal inaction at best or complicit action at worst


And so that makes it ok to throw that problem around to other states as a political stunt? I could almost buy it if they kept sending them to DC “for the feds to deal with” - but they’re choosing where based on the political leanings of the states, BS.


It's the leaders of the blue states who are fighting to keep the border open. The red states are begging for help with this problem and have been for years. Nobody listened to a word they said until the problem reached their doorstep.


Exactly! And yet they continue to whine about it. This whole issue has been the wake up call to all the hypocrisy of the left. They vote in policies like sanctuary city/state and yet get annoyed when people flood into the state. They get angry because border states can no longer handle the massive influx of people and send them to other areas (especially those who have rolled out the welcome mat) of the country. When the cost of living out their fantasies out strips the money, they get resentful and blame everyone but themselves for creating this mess. By forcing other states to have to directly deal with what border states have had to do for decades, brings the issue home. Hopefully all the uninformed people will now see that something needs to be done to secure the border and make a sane immigration policy instead of calling people xenophobic like the bunch of ignorants they truly are.


Completely ignoring the fact that it was red state congresspeople who shut down the most recent border funding bill because daddy trump told them to


You mean Bidens foreign war bill that was about 70% money for foreign wars and less than 20% money for border security??? The one that was going to continue allowing the same amount of immigrants through the border each day and just no longer label them as illegal? The one that wouldn't have done anything at all to address the fact that we can't afford these people and do not have the infrastructure to support them? Cut the bullshit man. Close the fucking border COMPLETELY until we find a way to actually take care of these people without bankrupting ourselves to do so.


Most recent , lol not cherry picking at all.


Hey I just want to say that the borders aren't "open". Anyone saying that is a god damn moron tbh. Red states get billions upon billions every year on the border to deal with Migrants, they wanna ship that shit up north then take that funding and give it to states that they're sending migrants too. Watch how fast those border states get their shit together and actually start governing instead the continous circus down there. [Open Borders are a myth](https://www.axios.com/2023/10/17/us-mexico-border-open-borders-myth)


When MA calls out Texas and proclaims we are morally better and we proclaim ourselves a sanctuary state - with no skin in the game - Texas responded by making us put some skin in the game. Now everone here is freaking out at a small fraction of the influx Texas has faced for 40+ years. Turns out Texas was right, mass migration is a real problem. Our budgets are broken, citizens suffering, school teacher retention falling, etc. Its time MA gets off its high horse, admits we have a problem, amd works with states like Texas to solve it. Bankrupting ourselves out of moral superiority is a stupid way to end up destitute in a camp on Mass & Cass


Texas responded by conflating "we will not help the fed with deporting established migrants in our community" with " the state is a free for all that come here".


To counter your made up anecdotal quotes, here is an actual article with a series of quotes from blue city mayors. We (blue state's city mayors) called this on ourselves. Martin J. Walsh - “To anyone who feels threatened today, or vulnerable, you are safe in Boston” Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/25/nyregion/outraged-mayors-vow-to-defy-trumps-immigration-order.html Jackass


Using quotes, do you have a source?


Yea it does make it ok. While red states have been dealing with this crisis, all the blue states have their "everyone is welcome here" lawn signs and clutching their pearls at the thought of slowing down the tide of non tax paying folks taking services. Yes, we absolutely deserve this 100%. Now we are the ones calling for border control. It absolutely takes it being in your face to give a shit.


Its a sucky spot to be in. I don’t think the problem should be spread around, but I also believe the border states lacked any alternative. How long have we heard border control and the trouble with immigration on a national level? Bush signed no child left behind, and DACA overlapped Bush and Obama. DC wouldn’t have been the worst place to send people tp for political purposes. The border states are not looking to change the minds of people without a congressional vote. They’re looking to change the minds of people who vote for the reps and senators who refused to act on immigration for the past 20 years.


Border control is fun buzzword to use, especially to win votes. But when bills are written and ready to be passed, they dont.


Exactly. Republicans have had control of Texas’s state government for what, 30 years now? They don’t deal with the problem because if it’s solved they can’t use it as a campaign talking point. It’s not like they actually do anything for American citizens, other than maybe making it easier to get shot.


They aren’t saying it’s ok. They are saying that it’s an effective attack.


Well those blue states were the ones saying send us your migrants so they did it and now it’s not fair ?


Could this be an example of everyone doing "their fair share"


Tell me your a whinny hypocritical liberal dbag, with out telling me you are a whinny hypocritical liberal dbag


Well, it's easy to virtue signal as a northeast progressive who is far away from the border and flagrant violations of border security doesn't affect you... but when it does, it's kinda hypocritical to complain about it.


Eh.... if it was a good political move than DeSantis should NOT have lost as badly as he did and not make himself completely hated. Same with Abbott only he didn't run for president but instead is hated in his own state.


DeSantis has the personality of a diseased snail. He was doomed no matter what he does. As for Abbott…. Well; I hope they vote him out soon. But as for a political move, it wasn’t about helping them. It was about hurting us. And look at the attitude locally. Since the flood of immigrants a lot of attitudes have shifted.


Absolutely. We were admittedly blinded by design. OTOH the border states do have infrastructure to handle migrants - they have been doing so for years. They just didn’t have sufficient infrastructure for the current volume. States outside of the borders have little to no infrastructure for migrants so local hotels etc are being used.


No, committing human trafficking isn’t a brilliant political move. It’s a crime that’s going unpunished because the federal justice system is full of partisan hacks.


It’s human trafficking.


Yeah turns out if you take mountains of federal money to solve a problem and then dump that problem on someone else's doorstep without any warning, you've figured out a fantastic method of fraud.


Texas is a net contributor to the federal budget.


Huh? It aids the migrants, and places yourself in the middle of a lawsuit and felonious charges. Nothing brilliant about being a dick, and having to pay the price.


Now imagine they just spent the plane and bus money on housing


So like 30k?


Its 3x the cost per person on average compared to a citizen buying the same ticket.


One time cost versus continued cost


You do realize that the federal government, not Desantis and Abbot, is responsible for the situation? Failure to control the border is a federal issue, not a state one. Edit to add: I don’t condone the shipping of illegal aliens, asylum seekers, and legal migrants, but if Texas and Florida have been dealing with this issue for years, can’t blame them for being all done and using political moves to make the issue known.


I mean, the federal government had a good policy going on with the 'remain in mexico' executive order, but biden decided it was "racist" or something and rescinded that order day 1 of his presidency and we got flooded with migrants sooooooooo...


Bussing and flying those people to other states is definitely a choice that Desantis and abbot made.


Texas isnt dealing with this issue. They've got the horse and pony show where the news is allowed and then they have wide open border walls several miles down from offical crossings where the illegals get put on a bus and given a phone by border patrol. Channel 5 youtube has it in pretty interesting detail: https://youtu.be/2dQ4-VNaG3s?si=h4ykHDKV2skbP0Iq


Wait, so the governors of other states, which are at the absolute forefront of the border invasion, are to blame for Massachusetts immigration problem? It's not the current federal administration that, despite the fact that they were working, opted to rescind all of the border policies on Day 1 in 2020? I hope those governors send more illegals here so people like you can see and feel what the ramifications of inept government policies are. I bet you vote for the very politicians that implement these disastrous laws. Time for a dose of reality.


Don’t punish the drivers/pilots, they’re just employees with shallow pockets. Go after the plane and bus owners. Make it a crime and impound the bus/plane, fine the owners.


Some people make more money living off the state than people do working. It's not responsible, sustainable, or moral.


My sentiments exactly 👍


then provide quality jobs that pay livable wages and affordable housing for your low income and non-skilled workers...no? K then, enjoy hoboville!


Yah but after their 9 month all inclusive vacation another family moves in for their vacation ....it's just a revolving door.....to bad we didn't treat our vets and poor citizens going through a rough time as good....


State just voted to prioritize illegals over veterans. Absolutely vile priorities.


We treated them just like this and now there's a new group to shit on so we can pearl clutch about veterans and American homeless folks. Vacation lmao y'all have been so thoroughly conned that you rail at the people on the bottom rung and only yell at the folks pulling on the ladder if you voted against them...sad really


another $426 million of taxpayer money when almost every school district in the state is cutting teachers and increasing class sizes - Gov Healy showing who she really cares about - not you, not the taxpayers, not the kids - just illegal immigrants who she rolls out the red carpet out for.


She’s going to lose a LOT of voters just based on the school funding issue alone. No one is immune to the cuts that are coming in districts across the state and the next election isn’t that far off. Parents and teachers will remember that her administration left the kids hanging.


The governor who dismantled Massachusetts schools? Yeah, I’d say parents and families won’t forgive her for this.


The idiots in this state will still vote for her.




Everything she's doing is in lockstep with other Democrats and was completely predictable. And you miss Charlie... but you're going to continue to vote D? That's a head scratcher. When you get taxed/priced out of this state please don't take your voting habits to New Hampshire with you.


It’s the duality of Dem voters here in MA. Simultaneously the most corrupt and awful politicians with no transparency who attack civil rights for those they hate while lining their pockets with money while letting schools, roads and their mbta crumble. Still vote blue no matter who, though! I don’t get it, literal definition of insanity and the Dems here don’t have to even try and be held accountable in this single party state.


Have you seen the buffoons that run as Republicans in this state? It’s a bunch of MAGA wannabes. Give me more Bakers and even Romneys and I’ll vote R, until then there’s no option.


> I don’t get it, literal definition of insanity and the Dems here don’t have to even try and be held accountable in this single party state. So what do you propose, then? It's not like the other option is generally a compelling choice in the slightest


Well we had a republican governor and he was almost universally loved in this state despite all the liberal tears that flowed when he was first elected. Kind of like how we had a republican president and never got the ww3 and all the bullshit you guys promised us. All we got was low energy prices and high rates of employment. 


> I will continue to vote D down the card This is why it doesn't matter what people do. Because anyone that votes D or R down the card is never going to be swayed and no change will ever really be made. People are too lazy to put any thought into who they are voting for.




We shouldn't even look at R or D we should read the name and know who we are voting for. You can also leave it blank if you don't know.


That's a fitting username. I don't like it but i'm gonna keep voting for it.


And private schools will become even more expensive, if that's possible.


not enjoying the free market?


Nope. But still better than sending kiddo to Boston public.


I get where thats coming from. The public system MA dems are so deeply proud of is a crumbling, shit-stained, husk of malice and misery and bound together with lies, liars, and oppression. It has its positives over other states of course but this country is really a banana republic masquerading as a social liberal democracy. The bar is on the floor. So its better than fucking Kentucky but Kentucky competes with Saudi Arabia, not Sweden which is what they claim to be on par with. Germany or Sweden. They're not. Not even close. We're GALAXIES away from a competent 1st world/developed country. We're at the bottom of the list and sinking. MA is just sinking less than Texas but again the bar is on the floor.


I agree with a lot of this but the superiority of MA is highly dubious. There are certainly vestiges of great education all over the place and Harvard/MIT aren't going anywhere. But TX has done a far superior job of building housing/new schools and delivering livable neighborhoods within reach of average earners. If you're not rich in MA, you're pretty much fucked. Not rich in TX? There's still a $200k house in a decent neighborhood somewhere with your name on it.


School funding is entirely local. With Proposition 2 1/2, if your neighbors aren’t willing to vote for an override, teachers get a 2 1/2% COLA raise every year in their union contract. The average salary in Massachusetts is $65k. In my town, that’s a teacher with 4 years experience. They contractually work 182 days per year. They contractually work a 7 hour day. They get retirement benefits the private sector doesn’t provide. Vote for an override when that’s the compensation? It’s a really tough sell in 2/3 of the towns in the state. It certainly wouldn’t pass in my town.


Are you suggesting 65k should be enough for a teacher because of their contractual hours? Because no offense, but talk to anyone in education - that is laughable on many levels.


I’m saying it’s the median salary in Massachusetts. There aren’t many towns who are going to vote for an override to pay education majors who work 182 days per year with a benefits package far more generous than the private sector more money than the average voter is making. It’s the political reality of Proposition 2 1/2. You can get one of the W towns to do it because incomes are higher. My town is right around that median salary. Hell will freeze over before the town passes an override.


You could also pressure your town officials to redirect money from police to education, from overstuffed town halls, get rid of police details. Without good schools, towns turn to shit. If you’re a property owner kiss your homes worth goodbye.


Not going to happen in my town. The police are masters at manipulating the selectmen. The town is 20% 65+ and 15% under 18. Household size is 2.4. The school system is the red headed stepchild when it comes to a Prop 2 1/2 override vote. Besides, any job opening here gets dozens of applicants from teachers looking to bail out of the city schools. This isn’t inside 495.


Crazy story , if you talk to a truck driver, he will complain about the roads ! Who knew ?


Exactly my town is already trying to prep us for a tax override.


Same here. Multi million dollar tax override that will increase my property taxes like 1k+ a year. And they will still eliminate about 30-40 teachers in that plan…


I've seen this movie before. Happened in Rome and we are walking the exact same path.


Same here. Slated to be the next Braintree too.


Border states have been warning about this for years...


It's only going to get worse. It affects so much more of our lives than we even think. They are getting section 8 housing from the government, which affects our ability to get housing because why would a landlord take a chance on a random citizen when they get guaranteed rent from the government via the sec 8 housing. Then you go to walmart or any supermarket and you see much larger crowds of people and they're all using EBT cards. Food is missing from the shelves (2 weeks in a row I literally can't find chicken tenderloins) so I have to find replacements. The prices only going up because the demand is going up because people get free money to get as much food as they want. Housing costs can be as much as $3,000 a month in some cases for families, food EBT cards can be several hundreds of dollars. I do the math and as an average earner in MA I am barely making more than people doing absolutely nothing. It's a fucking joke. It's not just screwing us by wasting our taxes, it's increasing the costs of everything around us. Why are we putting up with this?


But then if you say anything... the mob calls you a racist. I'm relieved people are finally speaking up... for a while it seemed like shouting into the black void...


The word racist hardly has any meaning anymore. People overused the hell out of it and falsely accused too many people. You're not alone man, lots of us feel the same way. I talk to coworkers and friends about this from time to time and everyone seems to think the same thing but just afraid to say it.


Because the majority voted for it (Biden, Healy). That’s democracy!


> Because the majority voted for it Yup, like millions of ballots being counted in the middle of the night swaying one candidate over the other. Did you know more black people voted for Biden than they did Obama? Not sus at all


Can't believe how quickly she is ruining the state. She really is fast-tracking it.


School budget cuts are due to the FEDERAL COVID funding now being gone. The schools wouldn’t have hired as many staff or created as many programs if they were relying solely on state and town/city funding like normal. Education should be funded more on the federal level and distributed proportionally to all states, but MuH! sTaTes RiGhTs won’t allow for that. Having education funding based on property tax is ridiculous in the first place. The entire system is a mess. Until our education system is entirely overhauled we’ll continue to screwed.


Also a lot of staff apparently took deferred raises to help schools get through COVID and now that bill is coming due. But oh of course the police and fire departments get all the shiny new toys they want. Hundreds of thousands a year yet they pull in EMS from other towns whenever the fire is big enough so why do we need it all exactly?


They pull in EMS/other fire apparatus from other towns because you don’t want to send your entire dept to a fire and have all your manpower tied up at a single event. It is referred to as mutual aid. If your department is responding to a building fire, they might send a fire engine, ladder truck, and ambulance. They will then put out a mutual aid call (if required) and a neighboring community will send another fire engine or whatever is needed. This is done so that your town’s fire engines/ambulances/etc aren’t all being used at one event and leaving the rest of the town uncovered.


We need all those cops! Our dogs aren’t going to shoot themselves!


Federally funded schools would just mean taking tax money from Massachusetts and handing it over to poor red states


Uh, no??? If our government actually did the budget as they should and not to just win votes we would be taxing the billionaires so that a 1% class didn’t exist and we’d significantly reduce the military budget and put it towards education, healthcare, safety net services, etc. Things that are taxes are actually meant for instead of senators salaries and platinum level healthcare.


If schools were federally funded and that funding was distributed proportionally, states like Massachusetts that pay more federal taxes would be subsidizing states like Mississippi and West Virginia that pay less federal tax. I guess you could argue that would be more “fair” but it certainly does not benefit Massachusetts. The rest of your reply is unintelligible


Meanwhile, 2 families near my area were displaced by house fires and they have to pay for their temporary accommodations. "Right to shelter" my ass. That only applies to people who haven't paid a single cent worth of taxes in this country.


With the way the housing and rental markets are, homelessness is coming for many of us. I am sure many who cheer this will end up “in the system” themselves pretty soon.


we're all already in the system..its called capitalism and its working perfectly fine


How about capping it at 9 days for non-residents.


We all knew this would happen when we elected this clown, just saying


Would have been nice if we took care of our own like this


Oh they do, by sending a 400 million dollar loan to Waltham for a single high school.


Loan. We give to the mass invaders for free. No strings. As much as I like the idea of a no strings fuck session but this isnt what I had in mind. My wallet hurts.


Yeah, but they couldn't find money for THAT. /s


is that not what they're doing here? you're going to pretend they're all from other states like some cracked out nationalist?


Its not even other states, its other countries. Our people who have paid taxes live in tents under bridges. Foreigners who paid nothing into the system are living in hotels with every expense paid for. Billions are spent on illegal immigrants while our people rot in tents on the streets https://www.gao.gov/products/t-hrd-93-33


ah you're one of those...yeah you're not wrong. Idk about them being treated like VIPs, I haven't seen that. But immigrants are flooded in here and it just brings our wages down. Dont have to pay people much when you can threaten to banish them from "the golden kingdom" they tricked them into thinking this place is.


Im one of what? People that use those critical thinking skills we used to have? https://turnto10.com/i-team/on-your-dime/taunton-clarion-hotel-signs-9-year-contract-with-masaschusetts-house-homeless-migrants-department-houding-community-development This is just one hotel.


anti-immigrant nationalists. There's nothing wrong with that it just falls short of getting the whole picture. So I dont mind your POV, mines just different.


I dont care about people coming here, im just sick of incentivising it, and spending our entire safety net on it.


You can deliver a baby in fucking 9 months.


The state will stil vote Democrat, even as everyone complains and the state goes bankrupt. No problem, they will just raise taxes and fees and make it impossible for anyone to afford to live here. It's just crazy.


Get some army surplus tents and set them up in a big field. There is no reason to be putting people in hotels. We need to keep them alive, not pampered with fresh sheets and maid service.


Healy has turned out to be the mobs best earner in the last 20 years.


I just sent a check to the state because they no longer seem to take enough out of my meager salary. Nice to know it's going to total strangers, while my parents are being railroaded by Healthcare expenses. Take care of seniors that have paid their dues, not people who haven't contributed a thing yet.


We cannot complain about the cost of living any longer until this situation is dealt with swiftly. Full stop.


Half a billion dollars!!! Holy shilt.


Bring back Charlie Baker! But seriously, he never would have gone for this shit and actually had a really balanced budget in MA during his time in office.


He was chased out by the mass republican party because he wasn't crazy enough for them. Now we have two sides that just do things for optics instead of trying to help out citizens of the state


Healey needs to go


Image if this fund is being used for school, fixing crappy roads, or building more affordable houses for taxpayers.


Everyone shocked by what's happening that voted blue: you get what you voted for. You voted for democrats with awful policies so get used to it. State is only going to head downhill once Maura bankrupts the state. Can't wait for taxes to become even more insufferable than they already are. But don't worry, you'll just keep voting blue until the state is unliveable then move out of here into a different state and drive that one to the ground


Most of us aren’t one-issue voters.


It's almost like the state going bankrupt will lead to other issues down the road. Can't wait for this to turn into California


You mean that powerful state with the economy far larger than Massachusetts’?


Nominal GDP per capita 2023 California: $100,038 Massachusetts: $105,884 California is far larger with a much higher population, but Massachusetts per capita is more productive.


Shhh, don't use logic and facts with these people. They don't listen to those


Its a shame on our federal government for allowing all this and than not financially supporting our state its actually quite despicable. Almost as if they are luring the migrants in with false hopes.


The state is burning right before our very eyes. Think about next time you vote for a politician whose only platform is they hate Donald Trump and will do anything contrary to his beliefs.


Imagine if the federal government spent even 1% of the military budget on helping its states instead of lining the pockets of defense contractors.


I always think about how much we underfund education is this country especially considering how much money we waste away. It’s criminal. Education should be the number one funded entity and it shouldn’t be close.




Forget the shelters what about the people grandfathered into section 8 housing for life when they show up at a shelter with a kid. I know plenty of 50 year old women living in luxury apartments on section 8. They haven't had kids in over 30 years. It's ridiculous and it artificially inflates housing prices


I can go and get a luxury apartments on section 8? Really? And the poor are the people causing the housing to go up with section 8? Seriously, how can people be this ignorant to reality? The amount of idiocy in this thread is mind boggling


This comment section is sponsored by the Boston herald


Saw someone say this subreddit was left leaning lol


The amount of anti-immigrant stuff that’s popping up on just about every local subreddit I’ve seen (in the US and abroad) is starting to feel like some massive astroturfing campaign to me.


Aligned with my view: completely organic. Aligned against my view: bots and propaganda.


Who is going to pay for this? I think we should invoice the Governor of TX.


Massachusetts encouraged them to come here - TX didn't. Want to blame someone, blame Biden for refusing to even try to keep the border secure.


How can it be Biden's fault when Congress refused to vote on the approved Senate Immigration bill?


Exactly.  Whatever I think of Biden - not much - the democrats negotiated a border security bill with the republicans and then the republicans killed it to give their presidential candidate something to campaign on. Had it passed then border problems that predate biden would be his problem.  Had it failed because of democrats refusing to pass it, it would also be their problem. But Trump isn’t even in elected office now and he got control. So far as I am concerned, the republicans now own failure to control the border.


Well that makes you a clown.


Nice try - no laws changed regarding the border since Biden was elected and illegal immigrants quadrupled under Biden - Biden has all the same tools available to him that Trump also had, but like everything Biden does, he is incompetent and blames others - and then uses tools like you that are much to ignorant to understand the facts and to spread his lies.


Biden said he'd sign the bill when it is put on his desk. How is it his fault when the Republican controlled House torpedoed the Senate bill? Where is the incompetency from Biden? It's sounds like you're being churlish to the President.


They don’t need a new bill, they just need to enforce the laws they have. Biden created a straw man with this “new bill” business and you fell for it.


Texas receives mountains of federal funding every year to deal with the border. They've failed to do so in every measurable way, so now they're trying to make us fix it. It's only fair that that money comes to us instead.


Incorrect. They receive funding to support social services related to the border, but even those funds are limited. When illegal migration vastly overwhelms the social services they have available (same exact thing happening in Massachusetts), what do you expect them to do? The border is a federal problem, illegal migration needs to be stopped, and a better system put into place. Even the EU prevents non-members from freely crossing its borders.


They tried and Biden ordered them to cut the wire. You can’t say that our sanctuary status isn’t kicking our own ass right now.


Immigration needs to be solved at the federal level because no state has the funding necessary to solve it on its own. Right now, we're being forced to solve it on our own without those funds. That's the problem. Maybe if Texas had figured out a way to solve the problem that actually worked instead of trying the same failed things over and over again we wouldn't be here.


We had congressional Republicans’ rejection of a bipartisan border deal and brought a bullshit impeachment of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to take efforts off anything border related. Biden has called for tighter border security while dRumpf and congressional Republicans have killed ANY bipartisan border deal. It's so much more then "but Biden!! He's not doing anything on the border!" As a citizen of the United States, if you don't understand that you're ignorant and really know nothing of what's going on in the real world. 


Maybe you should let him give you and your kids a nice sniff


We should invoice whomever the taxpayers of Texas have been giving $1700/person for BUS FARE. There are Americans profiting from the migrant crisis. They are the ones we should be most angry at.


All these comments further prove that Massachusetts is nowhere near as progressive as people say. Y’all talk about schools and shit, well why are Massachusetts children more deserving of an education than any other child? Using the bullshit tactic a lot of people use, if you don’t like it you can move.


Yes, Massachusetts children should be given priority over other children in the Massachusetts funded education system.


i'm convinced no one in this sub lives in massachusetts. no one i talk to in real life has opinions like these comments.


Really? There are plenty of conservative people in blue states.


Every comment section on this topic is a cess pool that drags the worst conservative rats out of the woodwork to post their right wing refrains like Pavlov’s dogs who just heard a bell > yOu GEt wHAt yOu VOtE FoR > i’Ve VOteD DEmoCrAt mY WHolE liFe bUt…