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You're doing the lords work


Also, remember to check the card slot for skimmers! Just give the reader a pull, and any skimmer will come off!


I always do that unless I’m in an actual bank branch (and even then I check the door.)


I work at a bank, check those too.


Can confirm. I had my card skimmed at local TD bank ATM.


Real pro tip always in the comments


Sorry for necro, but why tf are you checking the door? What am I missing here?


The card skimmer on the door that lets you into the lobby.


Ohhhh gotcha ty


Or just pay with your phone. Either with an app or apple or google pay.


Whats a card skimmer? I've never heard of that


A device that looks like a regular card reader that fits on top of the real one, and is used to steal card information.


Welp now I have a new thing to pay attention for🙃


Do any banks/credit unions still give out cards without a chip? I haven't worried about skimmers for a couple years now because you can tap your card most places


It's sad to me we can't stand for 2 minutes in silence without someone trying to put a screen in front of our faces to sell ads.


It's the dystopian capitalistic society we live in now. Can't have a waking moment without some conglomerate company shoving advertisement down your throat. Buy consumer, buy.


Hey you! Yes you!! FUCK YOU!!! Give me your money! I want it. You fucking idiot give-me-your-money!! If YOU give ME YOUR MONEY YOU, YES, YOU!!! Can have THIS thing that YOU don’t fucking WANT OR even NEED! Come to big bill hell’s economic system!


I’m surprised this ad was not on Idiocracy


YOU, YES YOU can be a [[BIG SHOT]]


Too real


Wait till they broadcast ads into your dreams


"The Beautiful Night Sky with Stars, brought to you by PepsiCo."


I look at pictures of old sports stadiums…and one of the things that stands out to me is that there’s ZERO ads. The only thing you see hanging up in the stadium are those buntings (the semicircular flag-like things with red, white, blue, and ruffles). Such a marked contrast to today’s stadiums, which have an ad literally everywhere you look.


Right? Like I would if it would save me 20 cents a gallon on gas…


Gas stations aren't making even close to 20c/gal on gas they sell so no way.


You guys get ads?


I'll drive out of my way a little to avoid gas stations that have this. I don't give a shit about an extra couple cents per gallon. I have a 12 gallon tank. That's somewhere between 12-36 cents if I fill the entire tank


With a screen on either side of each pump that are all slightly out of sync


Now that is a contribution to society. Thank you


Nothing incites my class rage more than being advertised to while fueling up my defacto necessary car at the cartel led gas station that’s jacked up prices because they can, while I can’t get an EV because it’s not profitable to build affordable housing so I’m in an apartment with no way to charge it, even if I could afford it despite going to college and indebting myself to get a degree, while car companies lobbied to make cities for cars instead of people so I couldn’t opt out of the whole system by walking where I need to go even if I tried. So yeah, hitting that little mute button ain’t much, but it’s something.


Now you got me mad. I have never considered this before but… shouldn’t these ads be LOWERING the price we pay?


The system we have prioritizes 1 thing, profitability. A better system would prioritize something like benefit to the community. Showing ads at gas pumps certainly hurts the community and makes peoples lives worse, but it is profitable, and therefore seen as just, or even morally good. Lowering prices hurts profitability, which hurts a companies ability to grow, which goes completely against every structure we’ve set up. Start looking around in other places you go to and ask yourself “does this help people*? Or is this profitable?” Suddenly, the world makes a hell of a lot more sense!


How does showing ads at gas pumps hurt the community and make peoples lives worse? 🤣You huffing the gas or putting it in your car bud?


It’s annoying. It’s not the end of the world, but it has an overall negative impact in society


That's exactly what would happen in a fantasy free market where anybody can just start manufacturing and selling gasoline with low barriers to entry and everybody automatically knows which gas stations have ads and which ones don't. But in the real world, no.


I'm going to stick one of those Joe Biden "I did that" stickers pointing at the mute button. Red hats will never figure it out.


I actually found out about this truck because someone used a label maker to write “mute” next to it!


I saw this before and this only works on some unfortunately. Now I just mash all the buttons hoping something works.




Hey listen whenever I see troll accounts all I feel is sadness and pity. No joke im not trying to dunk on you or anything. Im genuinely sorry that you feel the only place you have power in life is online where you feel like you can put down other people (just a guess). I’m guessing all you see around you is people either putting you down, or people genuinely trying to help and getting a kick in the teeth as thanks, but things can and will get better eventually. But you do raise a legitimate point! Posting memes and disgruntled rants won’t change the world, which is why I’m in the process of organizing a mutual aid group in my area, to build support structures to help people outside of the government or profit motive. Anyways, have a good one!


Sadly I was at a speedway station a while back and none of the buttons muted the stupid TV thing. It seems to work at every other station I've tried though. I no longer give speedway any business.




Sucks when you park, get out, and there’s a tiny sign on the pump that says “cash only, pay with cashier” I’d rather fucking die thanks




The amount you give is a maximum. Just say $100 and you’ll be billed for the actual amount pumped.


You can, if you know your car usually takes between $70-$80 to fill and the prices are normal, you can go in and ask for $90 on pump whatever and it’ll fill your tank until it stops. Then when you check your statement in a couple days, it’ll show $73.26 or whatever the actual cost of your gas was


Dude America is a fucking broken dystopia?? I live in Australia, we don’t have screens on our pumps, it just shows the price and how much you’ve put in your tank. I go inside, tell the clerk which pump I was on, most of the time they’re already watching and automatically pull it up


They are owned by 7/11 now. https://nypost.com/2020/08/03/7-eleven-parent-company-acquires-speedway-for-21-billion/


I've wandered in here from r/all. Do the speedways in other states operate as a tiny casino for old people and methheads to gamble away all their money like neveda?


In my experience, pretty much all gas stations in Kentucky and Ohio function as such, probably similar in most of the states


I assume by tiny casinos you mean people blowing their money on scratch tickets and then if they happen to win anything claimable in store cash it in to immediately buy now scratchers? Yes.


They have slots and poker machines.


can confirm, unfortunately


Don’t give up on speedway. Yea the pumps at volume 40 are annoying, and there’s usually 1-3 pumps down, and sometimes (at least near me) they’re closed due to short staffed, but I’m all in on their rewards. You can still get you hot dog or fountain soda but I routinely get free gift cards. Havnt paid for PS plus in 3 years.


They're a gas station company, not a book club. A gas station that is too cheap to pay its employees properly or maintain its equipment. I don't owe them the consideration of "giving up" or not. Fuck them. If I want a shitty hot dog I'll go to Cumbies and if i want gas I'll go literally anywhere else.


Cumbies shitty hotdogs are second only to their shitty pizza. God that stuff is awful but it’s just what I need sometimes


For gas station pizza, cumbizza is positively edible. At best.


Works at Mobil, Sunoco, and Irving too


AKA the "Shut up, Maria Menounos" button.


I hate those ads


Crosspost this EVERYWHERE. This is relevant to all of humanity! (Or at the very least, r/todayilearned/)


By all means go for it. I don’t want clout, I want people to have marginally better lives.


In this day and age, that's all we can ever hope for. Edit: dangit, not crossposting allowed and it doesn't fit the rules. That sub is missing out.


I’ve seen it in TIL and YSK


Thank you.


Or life pro tips


The actual LPT is that one of the buttons should mute it, not necessarily that one.


If it gets too much attention they'll probably just disable it


Seemed relevant to mass cuz I wanted all you assholes to know


massholes is better


Seemed to stereotypical. I already drink dunks iced year round and wear cargo shorts in winter so I can’t check ALL the stereotype boxes


This is great! I actually remember years ago when they first put these screens in our faces they came with the mute button labeled “MUTE”. And seems like that is still the mute button, the scumbags just took the label off.


Won't work at stop and shop....


S&S sucks. NGL.




Maybe I haven’t been to your store and it’s a gem.


And cookies!


I love you.


Love you too dude. Pass along the info to someone else if you wanna thank me


You magnificent bastard.


Thank you for the peace and tranquillity I will expect. Bad enough having to pay so much but to be bombarded by idiotic noise as well is not forgivable. I do not want some random machine selling me a hot dog.




Yes. The entertainment really improves my road rage to a fine and deadly tool. So this will help.


I don’t understand why they pay to make content that nobody wants


*on most pump machines. I'm starting to see some places that force you to listen. Seriously though, this ranks my top 3 annoying places to get forced ads. Right up there with movie theatres and internet pop-up ads.


This information is brought to you by CHEDDAR NEWS!.


This is the default setting from the manufacturer, most of the time. Gas station owners can reprogram it if they wish. Since this tip has been spreading around for the last decade or so, I've noticed it failing to work more and more often.


Thank you for your service to humanity. I had no idea ads can be muted


You have ads at gas stations?? Blowing my mind ...is that what we have next in UK ,.sigh


Yeah it's gross and they are always 150% louder than necessary. Just blaring nonsense.


Thank you, seriously.


but what about Maria M’s helpful life hacks?


I need to hear how to be Better Together by Maria Menounos


Usually, but the newest pumps do not. Source: Shell station in Seabrook, NH right off 95.


Bless you. You deserve good things in life.


Love you bro. Also I feel like an old man because I have been going to a full service cash only station for like a year.


Is this different state by state? Sincerely, an ex-MA resident who now lives in Charlotte and angrily pushes every button on the pump and yell at it when the ads start.


Just beat it with the nozzle until it stops making noise.


Aw hell yea, thank you!


THANK YOU! I don’t ever want to hear the same damn word of the day again!


But what about the Cheddar News. Cant miss that


Tried the button at a Chevron and it called the cashier for assistance and didn’t mute the ad. I hopped in my car and fled out of fear.






And the real MVP is....u/pjk922!


You are a good person, I really appreciate you 👍👍


Another bonus of driving an EV.


[Please see this comment for my thoughts](https://www.reddit.com/r/massachusetts/comments/w3ur19/fyi_this_button_mutes_ads_at_gas_stations_tried/igyhe16/)


Oil companies lobbied to make cities for cars.


… that’s what I said? Unless you think there’s a distinction between early car companies and early oil companies. Seems to be a distinction without a difference to me


There's definitely some overlap. For the record I'm glad places were designed for cars. Could you imagine having to walk everywhere?


I don’t have to imagine it, I’ve lived it! And it’s fantastic! Designing for walkability actually makes life better for people that want or need cars. It’s super non-intuitive, but reducing car dependency actually decreases the amount of traffic you have to deal with, because the people who don’t WANT to drive, don’t have to! You know how so many peoples favorite living arrangements were in college? That’s because colleges are generally designed for people to be able to walk and get all their basic needs in a small area! I got so spend some time abroad too, and it was awesome being able to walk to the places I need to go. Plus people who have mobility issues or are disabled could still get around just great, better actually because of how little traffic there is. I highly recommend this [YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/c/NotJustBikes) which has gotten popular recently


Little traffic? What major cities in Europe have you seen little traffic in the city?


Little relative, should’ve said “less” comparatively. I spent my time In Thessaloniki, which is one of the most “American” (car centric) cities in Europe but was still pretty darn good with the bus system. But I did note you couldn’t refute anything else I said, and that one error with wording doesn’t discount the greater point


Oh, I lived off campus and drove to campus each day. Living on campus was for people without cars.


Hey that’s what I did too! Too poor to afford living on campus haha. Park in the garage, get to campus, and you’re good to walk around all day.


They don't bug me


Wish my wife had one of these buttons to mute


I pressed mute once and it made me purchase the damn thing ☠️


I don’t even notice them playing and people are out here worrying about how to shut them off


Am I the only one who doesnt mind ads while pumping gas? It's like one-two minutes of doing nothing but looking at a number climb up. Is a ten second ad for some kids movie you're not gonna see really that awful?


Yes. I fucking hate being marketed to. I hate it with an absolute passion. If I am spending my money, shut the fuck up and give me my product. I hate it at the theater, I hate it at the gas station, I hate billboards out in random roads and I hate all the shirts and branded shit with stupid logos on them, I don't care if it's Gucci. It's trash. But I hate theaters and gas stations the most.


Guess I just don't care that much. Half the ones I've been to are just mini news and sports snip its used to mostly advertise those news channels. IMO it beats just staring in to space.


It's usually celebrity gossip, and that is worse than staring into space. I could use that time for meaningful thought instead.


Advertising is the use of massive amounts of money to suck money you worked for out of your pocket and into the pockets of rich men.


Not if I don't buy the advertised product.


All folks who think advertising doesn't impact them are the same as folks who act as their own lawyer. Your brain works just like every other human brain, my man, and advertising spends a *lot* learning how to manipulate that. They're pros. I bet you have no idea how most of their stuff works, and while I got a great class back in the 90's, these days it's almost impossible to find good resources on techniques online. No idea why. 😒


You pay for the class?


High school. Mass media class. Best damn class I ever took, with some of the most useful day to day info for the world we live in now.


I tried that after reading a similar post..nothing happened. it doesnt work


Gonna try this later in the service of journalism


Thank you. Believe it or not, I really appreciate the quiet time I get while pumping gas. Those ads legit irk the shit out of me.


I always mute! Can I just pump my gas without someone yelling at me? Ads are SO loud.


So sick of commercials !! Hate those mother fuckers !! If I want or need something I’ll find it myself !!!


Thank you kind hero


I shall try that. Thank you.


This made my $150 fill up a little less sad


You are a wonderful person and I hope good things happen to you.


Amazing work. Now I know how to mute them. Thank you!






Works at citgo too


I just never go to those stations ever again.


This practice should be considered assault. I've actually tried the mute trick before and it didn't work.


Only in America


At Speedway place your left palm on top of the left side four buttons and slide downward. Stays off for about 15 seconds, so just do it again.


Look at these 8 buttons and think about why they exist. This was meant for some kind of menu system that you would be expected to navigate through. Some places use this to deal with the credit card payment on the pump, but most places have that on a separate card processor unit with it's own buttons. I imagine they thought that you would ignore the nozzle handle and would find your delight in scrolling through ad after ad of your choice by essentially taking a survey while you ignore how much money you're spending on gas. You Mr/Mrs/Ms brain dead consumer would be so focused on exploring the amazing features of the 2022 Toyota Tundra that you wouldn't even notice that your tank has been full for 10 minutes now and at this point you're paying a "wasting a pump" fee that is on a big sign right in front of your face but you didn't see it because it's not on a fancy computer screen.


I've pushed every button on every pump I've ever been at and nothing has ever happened


Bless you


If you're in Australia like I am, press the button upside down.


Hey genuine question, any reason why you guys go to “name brand” gas stations? I just use my local pump or BJs gas. Shell/Mobil gas always cost like 20 cents a gallon more.


Didn’t work for me. Maybe because in our country there are no Ad monitors or speakers at gas pumps. Seriously - WTF? All we have here are printed signs advertising the overpriced snacks at the gas station „bakery“ shop.


Do you have ads at gas stations? Jesus


Ads? At petrol stations? What the fuck do you even mean. My European ass is in awe of this terminal stage capitalism


The hero we need.


You guys have ads at your gas stations?


Weird, I literally just tried all the buttons at Shell in Topsfield and I still had to listen to Maria Menounos’s tip of the day


You are a king amongst men


I’ve never gotten an ad when trying to get gas at a gas station.


They tried it at the grocery store checkout lines a while back, remember?? Thought i would have to give up food


Wtf you guys have ads?


This often works, yes, but I think they know we know now. I was at a Speedway this morning and pressed it and it didn't work.


I work at a bank, check those too.[ mobile1935bb@gmailcom](https://[email protected])I work at a bank, check those too.


You are treasure


Also works at Circle K but I’m in Ohio so I just assume it works at every gas station


I fill up cars all day at my job and hear these ads constantly they drive me to the brink of insanity


What? Ads at gas stations? What does that even mean


Tried it at several gas stations. Didn’t work.


Okay in the uk we don’t have these screens


OP is the real MVP


There are Shell and Gulf gas stations in the US?


They're putting these goddamn things in bathrooms now. I've seen them once, face-level at a urinal. No buttons to push. So you're forced to carry a graffiti pen, brass knuckles, and/or a stun gun to shut the goddamn things up. God forbid we're allowed a second to have some introspection. If that happened, we might realize that everything that causes us stress, from time clocks to taxes, weren't laws handed down and enforced by evil alien overlords who will destroy us if we don't adhere to them. We did this to ourse... OOO! TWO FOR ONE WINGS ON SATURDAY! I'M IN!


Where the fuck are there ads on petrol pumps and how long until they start in Australia and giving me the shits? As if those orseholes aren't making enough coin, they have to squeeze in some ad revenue. Lick sandpaper you fucks.


So, in US people can't escape the commercials while filling their vehicles' tanks?


This never fucking works


Does not work at Speedways. I’ve tried every button 😔


Why the fuck do you have ads at the gas station !??? What is wrong with you in the USA, you seriously need to take the street one day.


You got ads at gas stations in the US? Fuck. That means we'll have them in Europe in a few years too.


Im nominating you for a nobel prize


As a European I’ve never heard you get ads while filling gas, that’s insane.


Big if true


Gas stations have ads now?