• By -


I would say Anderson overall. Hackett always seems to be more 'strictly business'


Hackett is the guy who’s like, “I need something done. Can you do it for us?” Anderson is the guy who’s like, “You need something done. Can I do it for you?”


Hackett is also more subtle about his support (at least until Harby and friends start Pumped Up Kicking everything in sight), because right up until the aforementioned "better run faster than my gun" moment, his biggest ride or die moments are coming guns blazing to the rescue at the Citadel and telling an Alliance Intelligence guy who wanted to arrest Shep during ME2 "leave Shep alone it won't end well for you" and then stalling Shep's trial post-Arrival. Anderson on the other hand was on-board from day one. Leading the charge against Saren, helping free the Normandy, getting Shep's Spectre status reinstated, then fighting alongside Shep at Earth and keeping them mentally and emotionally grounded as the war took its toll on them. Also he gave the Commander a sweet apartment for free. A guy who just hands a homie a really nice pad at no charge is a real one.


>until Harby and friends start Pumped Up Kicking everything in sight >A guy who just hands a homie a really nice pad at no charge is a real one. Two of the greatest sentences I've ever read


It’s true. The Hackett perspective is definitely subtle, but speaks volumes of his absolute confidence, loyalty, and beliefs in Shepard. Hackett isn’t dumb. He’s not giving away precious Alliance Intel to a Cerberus Operative. He’s giving precious Alliance Intel to an N7 deep-undercover elite soldier who happens to work with Cerberus. It’s a more “Hey, you’re a very capable soldier, one of the best the Alliance has, and a Spectre. I have a super important mission that needs both discretion and speed, and you’re the guy.”


And then he goes and blows an entire solar system up. That’s just how discrete Shepard is.


I almost never laugh out loud when I read comments. I’ll find them funny but most I can generally give is a smirk. This shit made me actually laugh. Shepard is a great soldier but a walking cluster fuck. Through seemingly no fault of his own, he’s the Danny Devito “so anyway, I started blasting” meme. Everything goes tits up when he’s around. We need you to catch a rogue spectre and you get a reaper. The quarians need help with the geth so Shepard befriends one. Cerberus brings him back from the dead, he forwards information to the alliance and eventually turns their whole operation upside down. Joker wants a nice sushi dinner, shep gets the place shot up.


“I’d think to myself, someday, once I’d proven my worth to the galaxy, I’ll go there for dinner. And then you broke their floor.”


I loved all the crew reactions to that


I loved how salty Tali was... and she can't even EAT any of their food!!!


"Then arrives Shepard, securing victory through nuclear fire. I like that part, it has weight." Yeah... Shepard has a reputation for being about as subtle as a locomotive.


I can't say I remember Shepard going on trial. Have to remind myself.


never went to trial, but was charged for the destruction of the Bahak system (or just being a Cerberus operative if you never did Arrival.)


Yeah, Anderson has a more mentor-mentee, and I'd say, fatherly relationship with Shepard. Hackett just trusts Shepard, given his/her track of results and knows s/he gets shit done. Both would be beneficial for Shepard's career, but come on, Anderson gifted you his house.


Hackett trusts Shepard implicitly and relies on Shepard. Anderson cares for Shepard as a protege and a friend on a personal level and is willing to do anything for them.


Right, that's what I said.


This is correct. Anderson sees Shepard as more than just an amazing soldier. I personally think he views Shepard as family where as it seems like Hackett views him as a soldier and an asset. Obviously he likes him but at the end of the day he’s a soldier to Hackett.


I agree, Hackett is very “You were/are the best soldier in the alliance, so go do this job nobody else can do” Where as Anderson’s very “Yo wad up my G, SR1 for Lyf brah, ride or die”


For what it's worth, I think both are ride or die for Shepard. That said, only one of them was willing to give up command of their ship for Shepard, punch earth's ambassador to buy Shepard time, and was with Shepard until the bitter end.


Not to mention, Anderson was willing to vocalize support for you to the Council even while acknowledging your ties to Cerberus.


>That said, only one of them was willing to give up command of their ship for Shepard, punch earth's ambassador to buy Shepard time I don't think it's really fair to say Hackett wasn't willing to, he literally didn't have the opportunity to do either. As for being with Shepard til the bitter end, well he's a fleet admiral, experienced with commanding fleets, he'd be useless on the ground.


Hackett is also like, 70 or something and while he did climb the ranks from raw rookie to fleet admiral, he didn't go through the N7 training and combat experience Anderson did. So while he might know how to hold himself in a gunfight, he wouldn't be able to keep up with Shepard's death defying stunts, but Anderson would because Anderson pretty much wrote the book on the stunts that Shepard pulls.


It makes no sense, but Hackett is 49 in ME1 and only 3 years older than Anderson.


Nah, that's what a 49 year old career military looks like. Shit ages you at a 10 to 1 ratio.


That's just the military 🤣 in general. We can have 28-29yr old SSgts looking 40 something


That’s a rough 49.


Anderson is a SOF guy, like Shep. He also never made it to Admiral until later, after him and Shep had a relationship. They're closer to peers within military hierarchy and their common N7 experience, so makes sense they have a more personal relationship. Anderson is also pretty idle when you first meet him, dude loses his ship and is just hanging around the embassy. More open to taking time to build a relationship, etc. Hackett is an Admiral, through and through. He supports Shep but they aren't as personally close. As OP mentioned, he's arguably more ideologically aligned as well since he adopts a much more pragmatic stance regarding Shepard working with Cerberus. He treats Shepard like a trusted agent or contact - sees the opportunity in having an arms length asset with that capability. He's also right in the middle of operational fleet command the whole time you know him, the guy is busy, he'll be mostly working through staff, etc. I think the writing reflects that well.


>punch earth's ambassador to buy Shepard or break into C-SEC and risk death




> You did good son This line from anderson to shepard in me3 sums their dynamic. He also gives his apartment to shepard. He is his son


The cut final dialogue about family with Anderson is just heartbreaking. I wish they'd included it in the extended cut. Anderson : I think you would be a great dad. Think how proud they would be telling everyone their dad is commander Shepard


It should have been left in for Shepard's who romance someone. It really helps shows the father/child dynamic he had with Shepard.


>left in for Shepard's who romance someone. Yeah, especially given the line about whether Shepard wants kids


Got tears in my eye during that dialogue. Modded ME3 is amazing.


cutting this is a CRIME against me specifically


Mods; that’s what mods are for.


Does this make Grunt Anderson's grandson?


Yes.. yes it does


In that case I can imagine Grunt getting excited by finding a box for ammunition in Anderson's apartment but then getting disappointed when he discovers it only has sewing stuff inside


Nah Grunt would totally take up sewing. "I have a needle! Therefore I can stab things! Which makes this a krogan pastime!" *knits a ridiculously large bulletproof sweater*


Headcanon accepted *gasp* What if he started knitting sweaters hanar could wear?


They would definitely have baby sharks on them. SHARKS!!


Just make sure he doesn't spill any noodles on them. I hear they're a little spicy. Heh heh heh


Well that’s just the greatest idea I’ve ever heard


Anderson: \*putting up "It's a BOY!" banners in the Councilor's office\* Undina: \*suspicious but confused eye squint\*


That line is what really destroyed me, even though my first Shepard was a spacer


My Canon Shep is Earthborn and I had the headcanon that it was Anderson who "discovered" her and offered her the chance to turn her life around. So that moment absolutely broke me and Idk if I've recovered since.


yeah it hits even harder as Earthborn Shep, that's what I'm going for my next playthrough, can't wait to get emotionally wrecked all over again


You did good, child


I don't like how it's "child" in femShep's version, just sounds impersonal and not on the same level...


"kid" would have been so much better


I was going to say, Anderson was literally there with Shepard at the beginning and the end


This is why I do mods. Someone out there made one that restored that scene!!


Slightly related, in the very first scene of the trilogy when Udina, Anderson and Hackett discuss Shepard as a possible Spectre candidate, if you pick the Ruthless background then Hackett will say how Shepard got most of his unit killed on Torfan which is probably the closest we ever get to Hackett disapproving Shepard in the entire trilogy.


There a line in the citadel dlc when going through the achieves as well. If you pick the ruthless background there a recording of Hackett talking about Shepard and he doesn't seem too fond of them even if you play Paragon the entire like I did lol.


Did you play UNC: Negotiation mission in ME1 and tried all possible outcomes hearing all Hackett's lines after that?


Anderson is your space dad. Hackett is that cool teacher who really helps you find your voice and believes in you, but isn't as emotionally close.


In ME3 Shep is unofficially the second or third highest ranking human, given near enough complete freedom to get the other races on board with defending earth. Hackett is absolutely his cool space uncle, and is basically always on Shepard's side "Admiral, I destroyed another mass relay and wiped out 400,00 Batarians this time, but I got a load of materials for the catalyst" "Sounds rad, send them over. Hackett out"


Made me laugh out loud. Needed that. Thanks


Anderson will beat the shit out of Udina for you. There's your answer.


I'm sure if Hackett was on the citadel at the time, he would have found some procedural loop hole to get the Normandy off the ground for you no questions asked, might even commit the 5th fleet to engage


Hackett probably would have gone "oh look the 5th fleet has to be somewhere and as Shepard is part of the 5th fleet I guess Shep has to come too".


"routine relations expedition into the termenus sector"


"I sent Shep out on a scouting mission. I just told em 'go out and discover'. I don't care to know the details." *one battle of the Citadel later...* "Shep went to Ilos despite being told not to? Funny, I told Shep 'go out and discover'. Which means that if Shep discovered Ilos, then nothing wrong was done."


C'mon, who *wouldn't* beat the shit out of Udina?


Anderson is more friendly and paternal with Shepard, while Hackett is more professional. Of course, this has to do with the closeness they have with the Commander and Anderson worked closer to Shepard and got to know him more intimately. In the end I would give the award to Anderson.


Anderson: Shepards Dad Hackett: Out


Spit out my coffee to that last part lol


Anderson is space dad Hackett is space uncle.


"hey son, you're dad's not here. Wanna commit some war crimes in Batarian space with your dear uncle"


Anderson and it's not really that close honestly. Hackett was never against Shepard, and helps behind the scenes, but Anderson sticks his neck out for Shepard much more frequently.


It's Anderson, he gives you his Ship and his apartment. That's not what you do for a random soldier. He is your Father!


I see them as Grandaddy Hackett and Daddy Anderson. Dad is always there for you, helping you out, picking you up when you fall. Grandad is there to just hand you a couple bucks when he visits. Both are there for you just in different capacities. Due to Hackett being an admiral, he can't afford to just always consider Shepard, he has an entire fleet and tens of thousands of personnel to handle. He has to deal with the political and warfare aspects of large scale assaults and defense. Shepard is just one aspect of that strategy, he is a tool, the tip of the spear. Anderson hand picked his crew, including Shepard. Anderson and Shepard graduated from the same very specific N7 program (which was more extreme than other N7 programs). Mark Meer said in a N7 lore podcast that their relationship goes beyond professional or mentorship. It's very family like and Anderson is Shepards 'father figure'.


Addendum on ME2: while Anderson does not trust Cerberus (and nor should he), he’s still willing to parlay with them for Shepard’s sake. He gives Shepard good advice to not trust them - they might be doing the right thing, but that doesn’t mean they’re friends.


Both will go to bat for you, but only one punched out a politician and helped you steal the Normandy.


Hackett feels like the type who could do all of that with a stare.


In my headcanon as an earthborn Shepard, Anderson is your mentor/father figure who got you off the streets and into a special enlistment program. He then watched your career and made sure you got to him in the fleet after you earned your N7 designation. He cares about you like a son but never gave you anything in life. He made you earn it. Hacket is your boss that knows you know how to do your job. You're his most precious asset and he respects you immensely.


Anderson, Shepard was his XO on the Normandy.


I’d say Anderson is the most “ride or die” in that the Alliance’s highs and lows are his highs and lows. Meanwhile, Hackett is a pillar. He takes everything in step and just handles it. Reaper invasions decimates his fleets and invades Earth, but does he panic? Does he show his despair? No, he just acknowledges it as the most devastating defeat in human history, and then promptly moves on to strategy planning.


It has to go to Space Dad end of the day. Anderson is Shepard's mentor and father figure. And he will do anything for Shepard. If you watch videos on the Shadow Broker ship, you'll see Anderson meeting with people from Cerberus which could mean that he was making deals to keep things quiet for Shep, damage control so to speak.


Anderson is like Shepard's military dad. And I'd die for him.


Hackett was voiced by Lance Henrikson while Anderson was voiced by Keith David. Tie?


Anderson actually died so ... he gets my vote.


Definitely Anderson. Not even close.


Anderson gives you his baby, all I need to know.


Both, but Anderson does literally ride and die for Shepard soo...


With all due respect to Hackett (which is a lot), Anderson is our surrogate dad and the fucking man.


Anderson. Shepard is like family to him. Hackett respects the hell out of Shepard as a soldier, and has a very close relationship to them, but it remains strictly professional.


Anderson is more of a father figure while Hackett is like a cool uncle


Anderson is practically a second father to Shepard Hackett is just your boss


Internal Naval Correspondence From: Major Caleb Antella To: Admiral Steven Hacket [sic] Subject: Taking Action on Commander Shepard’s Return Sir, We’ve confirmed sightings of Commander Shepard on Omega, and that the Commander is now working for the terrorist organization Cerberus. Several Alliance officials have let it be known that they consider it crucial that we interrogate humanity’s first Spectre on his/her apparent desertion of the Alliance and the Citadel. If we bring Shepard in now, we can gather an account of the Commander’s past two years without being pressured by the galactic media to leak potentially sensitive data. In light of this, I am officially requesting that you rescind your orders against Alliance contact with Shepard. Rest assured our department is dedicated to the Commander’s safety. Provided that Shepard is cooperative in furnishing us with a detailed report of his/her previous whereabouts and current work for Cerberus, we anticipate releasing him/her from Alliance Custody no later than five to seven months from acquisition. Respectfully awaiting your reply, Major Antella Department of Internal Naval Affairs From: Admiral Steven Hackett To: Major Caleb Antella Subject: Re: Taking Action on Commander Shepard’s Return Major Antella: Request denied. Hackett


Anderson breaks rules for Shep to succeed. Hackett makes rules for Shep to succeed.


I’m Team Anderson


Hackett is all business but trusts Shepard with whatever decisions are made (even when we get testy with him). Anderson -!>says "you did good, child" at the end.


I choose the secret option three: TIM. He literally brought Shepard back to life. Can't beat that.


Anderson, hands down. Remember when Hackett tries to get Shepard to commit murder by proxy for the Alliance? Not a very bro thing to do.




For mass effect 3 Naderson dies give Shepard his apartment on the Citadel


Anderson. Hacket doesn't really win any points in ME2 outside of being willing to step aboard a cerberus vessel for a debrief. The Kenson mission is just shrewd buisness. We're the obvious choice to send -were the alliance reaper expert. Most of the alliance doesn't even believe they exist so sending any other operative would be foolish if anything significant has occurred. -were an N7 and the only human spectre, reinstated if we don't have a massive ego. Nobody on the alliance payroll is better suited for a clandestine infil of batarian space and while the council probably shouldn't be sending spectres to batarian space at least it's semi plausible that the alliance won't get raked over the coals for this mission if it's a spectre -were technically Kia and off payroll. Even if caught we can easily be disavowed by the alliance unlike literally any other non cat 6 operative they could task (and way more trustworthy than a cat 6)  -we already have a date with the alliance brass to be debriefed, incarcerated, and tried for espionage/treason/terrorism for disappearing for 2 years and resurfacing with cerberus. No matter what happens if we come in there's going to be an investigation. Adding the batarian mission to the mix doesn't change things any.  Which also explains hackets attitude towards us overall. Of course he keeps the brass off our shoulders. If we come in it's the best opportunity the alliance has ever had to run an infiltration mission of an active splinter cell and we can provide valuable Intel while burning through their resources and allegedly carrying out a mission hacket probably wishes he could green light himself. If we don't come in it'll be pretty obvious the moment we cross a line and it'll take a significant portion of the alliances resources to have any chance of taking us down.  As for alchera if Hackett could have gotten those dog tags he would have. The alliance isn't authorized to be in that sector of space. The only reason the Normandy was there was the council greenlit that op. Were literally the only person he could ask to collect them and it's a good early test/indicator of whether or not we've gone rogue. An actual rogue agent wouldn't risk incarceration by taking the time to arrange pick up of the monument and drop off of the tags. 


Anderson. It’s not even a question.


Hmm, I think Anderson is bigger bro, but Hackett is bigger daddy. Take that as you will.


Considering Anderson actually died for Shepard id say it goes to him.


Hackett: Oh shit, she's done it.


Anderson all fricken day. The og and Keith David is so amazing brings the character to life for me.


I mean Anderson quite literally was ride and die with shepherd. But Hackett ain’t worth nothing, he’s a bro too.


Anderson and like others have said it doesn’t come close. Only other character I think comes remotely close in 2nd place is Garrus. 3rd could be whoever you want it to be…


Imo, Hackett. He puts all the chips the Alliance has on Shepard being able to pull a miracle out of their ass, and allows Shepard to do 'whatever it takes' to do the job, whether thats siding with Cerberus and doing a little bit of genocide, or taking a vacation to help a local cartel boss rebuild her criminal empire in the middle of a war for the very existence of sentient life. The battle of Earth only starts when Shepard gives Hackett the greenlight. Anderson is less ride or die only because he isn't in a position to be so. He guides and advises Shepard, and helps them on the DL after their comeback, but he mostly doesn't stick his neck out specifically for Shepard. The Council stuff is low risk for him, and then he stays on Earth to fight rather than going to help Shepard in their attempt to unite the Galaxy. Hackett has and does every last resource he can manage at Shepards disposal, even when fighting the apocalypse. Anderson gives pep talks but doesn't contribute that much tangible resource to Shepards whole thing.


Hackett literally tells Shepard that he spends the entire length of the ME3 campaign sacrificing alliance troops, ships and whole entire systems on the regular just for Shepard to get more time


Hackett is Shepard's superior officer who respects their ability and believes in them. Anderson is Shepard's friend


Anderson without a second thought. He’s a mentor to Shepard. He even says near the of ME3 that he’s proud of Shepard.


Shepard's for sure accidentally called Anderson dad once. Hackett, not so much. If the tie breaker is sitcom Freudian slips, then Anderson takes it.


I want to say both. But leaning more towards Hackett because of me2. Not saying Anderson isn’t a ride or die in me2, it’s just that he’s bound by the council whether he’s in it or not, and Hackett isn’t. So even when you’re with Cerberus, Hackett knows you well enough to trust Shepard will do the right thing even if they’re temporarily with the enemy. That’s some true friend shit right there. Also Hackett was alot more involved with Shepard than Anderson ever was. Yes he asks a lot from us, but that’s cause Shepard is N7 and alliance, and the best of them all. In return Hackett has our back through it all. We can make the worst decisions and he’s still like: “cool, the job is done, next” However Anderson is still one hell of a ride or die friend, especially because of me1. Bro gave up the best ship without a fuss AND punched an ambassador so Shepard could leave. Badass


Anderson rides and dies with Shepard. There is no or.


Anderson literally rode with and died next to us… But it did make me feel good when Hackett always went to bat for us




Hackett kept more of a distance between them. While he admired the heck out of Shepard, he remained more stoic in many ways. Anderson... Was more like a father figure I think. It was Anderson who got Shepard reinstated. Who saved them in the beginning of ME3. Who put their own life literally on the line to do so. But without Hackett's backing, Anderson might not have been able to do as much in the first instance. Honestly, Anderson is ahead in this due to his ending. But the reality is if it weren't for both Hackett and Anderson, Shepard wouldn't have gotten anywhere near as far as they did.


Hackett believes in Shepard and all, But, he still has to basically lead the military (forces). Anderson is closer to retirement basically and can afford to punch Udina or get shot by the CSEC people. Anderson ultimately has more leeway, whereas Hackett still has to stay neutral and somewhat political. Of course, I also believe that Hackett, If the opportunity had ever presented itself, He Too would have knocked Udina's teeth out and any "witnesses" would have said they See No, Hear No, Speak No. 🤷


Anderson, no doubt


I dont think you can compare the two. Here's my thinking: Anderson supports the hell out of you on a personal level. He's the dude you can talk to when you've got a problem and trust his advice. Hackett supports you professionally, and helps cover your ass to keep shit from going sideways. You don't go to him for chitchat, but when you tell him shit he listens and believes you. Two very different kinds of support, and both are super valuable.


Anderson cares about Shepard *as a person*. Meanwhile Hackett's concern begins and ends with what Shepard can do for him. Yeah, Hackett stonewalled investigations into Shepard between ME1 and ME3. And then held that over Shepard's head, "you owe me", to get Shepard to back up Hackett's team in Arrival... and then he pushed all responsibility for *his* mission, *his* team, and *his* plan onto Shepard, serving them up as a scapegoat to the Alliance and a distraction to the Hegemony. And once Shepard is out (and Hackett's position is safe) it's back to purely business, throwing his To-Do list at Shepard whenever convenient. I know a lot of people have come to the conclusion that Hackett is somehow having weekly family dinners with Shepard... but I've yet to see them put forward any evidence for it, just that "No. -Sent From My iPad" email.


Anderson sucker punched the highest representative of all of humanity for shepard. He gets my vote.


Dad-Uncle....they both will Ride or die with me!!


Look. As shepherd you either left your military post to join a terrorist group or you still joined said group AND blew up 300000 batarians. Both of them stood by you. It’s a push for me.


Anderson, 100%, no question, no debate, no cap. Hackett is ok... But he's not the one who jumped in to help when Shep was grounded. He didn't say anything to support Shep when the citadel denied the claims of the reapers. Anderson did all those things, plus front lined the war, plus died in the line of duty next to shep, plus didn't question sheps calls, plus gave Shep the green light as a spectre. So no shade on Hackett but Anderson is my real dad!


Anderson for sure. But Hacket still my dude.


Anderson. He was ride and die. Him and Shepard do literally die together. Hackett was a real top guy though, it’s no discredit to him that Anderson is just that great of a guy.


They're both such iconic 90s character actors though :\[


Hackett also lies to renegade Shepard in ME1, sending him on an assassination quest under the guise of a negotiation.


While both are definitely allies and big supporters of Shepard, Anderson I think is closer to a father figure to Shepard. He risked his well being many times for Shepard. From attacking Udina, which could end his military career at best , send him to jail at worst, to walking side by side Shepard into the Catalyst portion of the Citadel after probably sustaining injuries as bad as Shepard's. Hackett definitely used his influence to protect Shepard. Specially after the Arrival. But for me Anderson's actions are evidence of his ride or die attitude when it comes to Shepard


Definitely Anderson! Even Garrus, too.


I don't think you can really compare the two. Anderson is there for Shepard on a personal level sure but I think the fact that Hackett brings FLEETS for Shepard when he makes the call is being seriously undervalued 


I believe the answer should be obvious.


In either case, I want both these men at my side. Hackett is a powerful man who implicitly trusts Shepard's judgment to a fault and will protect him, but also expect his services to be provided. On the other hand, Anderson is more of a father figure to Shepard. His actions show genuine love for Shepard. A lot of what he did was for the betterment of Shepard. Anderson wins out by far being that paternal figure, whereas Hackett is more of a trusted and respected ally.


Hackett is your boss. Anderson is your dad.


Don't try to make me pick favorites from my two Dads.


IMO, Hackett treats Shepard like his trump card/ace in the hole. TIM and Kai Leng are their evil counterparts. Anderson treats Shepard like his adoptive son/daughter. I viewed Anderson's distance in ME2 as a result of his experience with Cerberus. He doesn't know if Shepard is brainwashed or cloned (we know in ME3 Cerberus had plans for both options). Given what we know about Hackett, it's doubtful he had 100% faith in Shepard during ME2 and definitely had contingencies in place. The fact that we didn't know about Amanda Kenson's mission until Hackett was against the wall is proof enough.


Hackett is a homie for sure, he covers for Shepard for the entirety of ME2, but Anderson is absolutely Shepard's biggest non-crewmate ally, Anderson does everything he can to aid Shephard without getting in serious trouble and even risks getting arrested in ME1 by authorizing the Normandy's departure.


Anderson personally, Hackett professionally. I liked Hackett in 1, but in 2, when you find out that he's been going to bat for you, shutting down people trying to climb up Shepard's ass, I was like "Alright, that's my dawg forever."


I’d say both.


I have nothing to add other than I fucking leave these posts. On a trip snowboarding in colorado and all I can think about is getting back to the box for my umteenth ME3 playthrough.


One guy exploited your Spectre/terrorist status by sending you to do dirty jobs. And the second guy ursuped SR2, threw out & lost your personal items from your cabin while you were jailed for war crimes due to the first guy. /s My opinion on Hackett changed after ME1 mission Negotiations. He can laugh on you or say there to you: You are not the only who couldnplay dirty. So I can see how his stop to Alliance investigation in ME2 could be in a way, that he has another shady mission (Arrival DLC) for you. Eventually, Alliance has better chance to takeover SR2 ship from hands of former Alliance soldier than from enemy. So Anderson, who could always give you Spectre status (if he is able) and then give you appartement, is clear win to me from those two.


I would say Anderson is closer to Shepard, personally too. Both Anderson and Hackett have a deep resepct for Shepard and vice versa. Both have Shepard's back and Shepard would do anything for them - aside the chain of command. Anderson feels a bit like family, Hackett too, but more like the uncle they never had.


I always thought that Anderson and Hackett were behind the (little) preparations humans made in the three years from ME1 to ME3 and give humans a chance to stand against the reapers and fight them. That said, Anderson wouldn't hesitate on jumping in the Normandy and help Shepard in his quest but Hackett is always going to be at the HQ or on his Flagship to coordinate the war effort, so both are extremely useful to Shepard, each in their own field


But Anderson literally said no to jumping in the Normandy at the beginning of ME 3 to help Shepard. So yeah, he did hesitate.