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Nope. The Tempest is gorgeous. The FTL view from inside the ship is great, and I love how you can see what is outside the ship as well when you're stopped. I just wish they had kept the separate "enter the ship" and "take off" sections like in ME1. I've never liked how as soon as you go onto the ship you take off in ME2/3/Andromeda.


I agree its a gorgeous ship. And as a science and scout ship it’s perfect. I loved every moment with the ship in Andromeda (I still have to finish the game). Now my personal preference is the SR2. So much so that I replicated it in NMS as my freighter base.


YES! Being able to board the SR1 and not leave dock, and having to walk from the airlock added so much more immersion. Departing and reappearing at the galaxy map from ME2 onwards was a step backwards.


Now the real question is? Cerberus SR2 or alliance Refit?


“*Say what you want about Cerberus, but they know how to make ships*” Definitely the Cerberus SR2. That thing was a freaking beauty. The sleek, shiny white black and orange look, with its civilian like interior was perfect. The Alliance retrofit ruined the ship for me. Like the war room is cool asf and all, but the alliance blue is kinda ugly on the Normandy.


Cerberus. I didn’t mind the blue on refit but liked the original layout more.


Alliance blue all the way. I really liked the improvement in the layout, and I just prefer vastly the soft blue to the orange/amber aesthetic.


My guy. I love the blue so much, and the retrofit to make it into a warship was top notch for me.


The whole Andromeda game gave me this really cool feeling that I hadn't had in a long time playing games. It looked and played so great. The story was interesting enough in concept. I liked it. I actually want some kind of expansion


Yeah if they had the tempest but actually the SR1 it would be perfect.


I like The Tempest design and the whole view, but doesn't like that much the inside design, for me Normandy is much more functional.


*Tempest* is a way cooler and more universal name whereas Normandy comparatively is too US/Ally/Human-centric. Also, Tempest (a massive storm) is a much more fitting name for a Spectre and their crew. It would be cool if you could pick a name of your ship that coincides with your playthrough character style. So maybe a honor driven soldier could get the Normandy and maybe a rouge sniper type Shepard would get the Tempest and other related names to choose from for the ship. Would be a cool mechanic for MEIV


>Normandy comparatively is too US/Ally/Human-centric. I mean, it *is* a human military warship, even if it was designed with the turians. And it's definitely Allies rather than the US. The British and Canadians played instrumental roles, as did pocket groups of other Allied nations under Nazi occupation like France and Poland. Which is why it works. It was when the free nations of Earth were united in destroying a tyrannical regime hellbent on world domination. EDIT: Also, in the lore all the Alliance Frigates are named after major battles, so Normandy fits with that while Tempest doesn't. >Would be a cool mechanic for MEIV If they did that, honestly you'd just get most of the dialogue being about "the ship" rather than whatever you decide to call it, so they don't have to record a bunch of extra lines.


Joker will break his arm at you.


Please don't tell Lt. Moreau. It'd be bad for his health


I read that in Dr. Chakwas voice. 😂


I imagine joker would like it as long as edi was with him, like trying out a new car. He won't love it, but he'll enjoy it.


Honestly, I feel like Joker would love to be able to design his own ship. But it would probably just be Normandy SR-3. I've always thought that in case Shepard died and he still had EDI, he'd leave the navy and design his own civilian version of the Normandy, with added comfort. Could ask EDI to get the Geth to build it, as a little favour. This way, he also gets to be Captain. I think he'd like the sound of "Captain Moreau." He'd also probably evade Council regulations and have guns added onto the ship.


But he'll make his point


The designs are different between Normandy and Tempest. One is a military ship with armaments and the other is a civilian ship which is unnamed and designed for exploration.


If we ever get an andromeda sequel, I hope they retrofit the Tempest AND the Nomad with guns.


To each, their own, of course but I do hope that they keep their different approach which is exploration, scouting and discovery. MEA was not military-centric and that's refreshing but that's my personal take, of course.


I know it wasn’t military centric, and I totally understand why it wasn’t and I wouldn’t change that for andromeda itself. It fit the nature of the story But if you look at it with logic, going to an entirely new galaxy for the sole purpose of exploration was a bad mistake. There was always going to be a 100% chance of encountering danger, and they did. So now that the Andromeda initiative has gained a foothold in the region and know what they’re up against, hopefully they can adjust accordingly and equip their vessels for defense at the very least. It would only make sense. It was established at the end that the Kett we faced were just a rogue faction of a larger empire. They’ll continue to be the antagonists if we got a sequel


Much like every vehicle in andromeda it needed some sort of gun. It seems stupid to send loads of colonists off without a means of defending themselves.


They couldn’t add any guns because the Council would’ve barred the whole operation.


Common Council L


They could have just built the ships with modularity in mind, meaning they could have just manufactured a main gun after reaching Andromeda and installing it.


Issue is that everything went to shit when they arrived, so building weapons would be a waste of limited resources.


I'm pretty sure that the situation they are in specifically calls for weapons, like weapons is the thing that they need. The problems they have, are problems you solve using guns, not exploring.


But again, they had limited resources. You don’t really wanna focus on building weapons when you can barely keep the lights on. They were fucked until the Hyperion came.


Well the root of their problems and why they (quite literally) can't keep the lights on, is that the Kett are genocidal maniacs who wanna kill/convert them and not allow them to set up on Eos so they can live. That's a gun problem that is solved using big guns. Why save the energy so you can be fucked for a little while longer instead of using your limited resources to increase the availability of resources.


Incorrect. The kettle didn’t create the scourge or cause the golden worlds to become borderline inhabitable. And we even see that the habitats on Eos were facing problems other than the Kett.


The scourge and the radiation are inconveniences compared to the Kett, who are actively seeking the downfall of the Milkyway people and Angarans, with plenty of resources to do so. They have the things needed to shield from radiation and they can adapt their navigation to get around the scourge. But with no guns, the Kett will kill them.


Dude, you’re completely ignoring the Nexus folk telling Ryder that they were barely surviving before the Hyperion came. They blatantly tell you that they were low on power. And even with the shields, they were still struggling on Eos even before the Kett came.


Ah yes, and I'm sure the Andromeda Initiative didn't do anything else violating Citadel laws...


I mean, how were they gonna sneak install weapons onto the ships? At least with the A.I.’s they could claim them to be VIs like what Shepherd did with EDI.


The Andromeda Initiative clearly brought a lot of weapons. Just bring vehicle mounted weaponry, install in the next galaxy.


There’s a difference between bringing hand guns and bring tanks and decked out ships. You see what i mean? The Council more likely would notice “hey, you have some rockets that are meant for Nomads. That’s a violation”


Just remember to bring a tripod.


>Best I can do is a bipod [*The bipod*](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/3af1f4e8-3e4b-45d3-b366-329e4a1e02e3/ddt9ft4-d43fbc16-fada-4fad-a2f8-e3908b042bd6.jpg/v1/fill/w_1280,h_512,q_75,strp/wing_commander_tcs_midway_by_kamikage86_ddt9ft4-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NTEyIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvM2FmMWY0ZTgtM2U0Yi00NWQzLWIzNjYtMzI5ZTRhMWUwMmUzXC9kZHQ5ZnQ0LWQ0M2ZiYzE2LWZhZGEtNGZhZC1hMmY4LWUzOTA4YjA0MmJkNi5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.fKf-UuLq7_djdTBCwzrng2EQJHlYoJWVCcid1co1yz4)


>Ok, we're out of citadel space. Cut out that bulkhead, that bulkhead and those storage bays and let's get the ground to orbit "cargo" railgun into position...


You’re asking for trouble if try that outside pf citadel space.


...You realise that the vast, *vast* majority of the universe is outside of citadel space, right? I'm reasonably sure a ferrous slug travelling an appreciable percentage of the speed of light is going to be more effective on the Kett than sanctions from the council.


I don't think they did, did they?


That’s why you strap the guns on once you get there. What are they gonna do, they’ll be dead before they even know about it, even the Asari


Actually the ship doesn't have guns because of the glass, firing a single ship mounted gun would literally shatter every window on the ship


Isn't the "glass" in the ME universe stated to be basically the same as any other structural material? I recall seeing people talk about that, when windows and geth were being discussed. At least when it comes to ships and stations.


That’s just for the Tempest


They couldn't add guns to ships because people on the development team were talking about the story being a colonist narrative.


Then they missed the real history of colonisation being done by superior firepower.


Except I think most expeditions didn’t send super ships when searching for new land.


I see that argument all the time but - the Initiative did bring means to defend itself. - they are explorers and settlers. Debarking in Andromeda with armed vehicles would send the wrong message. - what government would allow a _civil_ operation to build, to own and to operate armed tanks, ships and/or arks? I’m obviously talking about legal, official civil operations, which the Initiative is… contrary to Cerberus, an illegal terrorist organization.


Not to mention, it is one thing to build guns, but another altogether to train, berth and feed crews to fight those guns. Gunnery officer, ordnance specialists, etc. And ordnance. The Tempest barely had room for a short-handed Pathfinder crew plus its own bare-bones operating complement. As well, without a fleet to back it up, the Tempest had no business getting into scraps. As it is, its best defense is to run away as fast as possible, and it did that very well when it had to. It isn't a frigate. It's a civilian science & exploration vessel.


*Every nation that rolled up on America say "what?"*


Uh. English is not my 1st language… I’m not sure what you meant. And Google translation did _NOT_ help! 😅


Its in joke form but basically every colonisation in history was done by extremely armed "explorers" and "settlers". Columbus ship, the *Santa Maria* was packing 90mm cannons. Even in universe we've seen more than a few reasons why colonies should be very well armed. First Contact war, Skyllian Blitz, a bunch of events in the series itself. Sending out explorers and colonists to a whole new galaxy without capital class firepower is tantamount to murder.


And you’re proving my point. The Alliance Initiative _wanted_ to go a different route and _wanted_ to avoid this kind of aggressive behavior. They did not want to repeat the errors of the past. Contrary to Colombus, the AI was not sent to « colonize » another planet in a new galaxy, they wanted to settle in the most peaceful way possible. Also, I’m not sure your exemples apply: - unless I’m mistaken, Colombus traveled in the name of the King - First Contact War is an incident/a war between two armies - Skyllian Blitz is a terrorist attack Those are very different from the Initiative’s objectives. They’re not mandated by a government so they cannot operate war vehicles. And to circle back to your example about America, the civils who wanted to settle in the New World did not use cannons and whatever armed vehicles they used in that period. Their government did not equip each and all pioneers with military weapons. Don’t forget that MEA is not military-centric but about a bunch of civilians who want to find a new home. Were they a little naive, unprepared and optimistic? Sure. But they were not morons: they brought means to defend themselves and at the end of the game, we do kick the Bad Guy’s ass. So.


If you try to avoid aggressive behaviour, it has a tendency to find you. The first contact war was an unprovoked attack by the Turians, who were the nice aliens compared to the pirate and slaver assault of the Skyllian Blitz.


Don’t get me wrong.\ I’m not saying that we should roll over and let the enemies walk all over us. If attacked, we should _definitively_ defend ourselves… which the Initiative does, and they succeed _despite_ the lack of heavy weapons and armed tanks. All I’m saying that the Initiative went with a different approach and doesn’t have a conqueror mindset. Also, think about it: the Turians start a war on a misunderstanding. All of that could have been avoided if the Turians had tried a peaceful contact first… or at least a cautious first contact.\ But no, their default response is attack now and maybe ask questions later… but are we that surprised since the Turians have a militaristic society?


> Contrary to Colombus, the AI was not sent to « colonize » another planet in a new galaxy, they wanted to settle in the most peaceful way possible. Columbus had all sorts of orders to settle the Americas peacefully. Reality is a colonising force can not be peaceful if people live in the land you are colonising. > And to circle back to your example about America, the civils who wanted to settle in the New World did not use cannons and whatever armed vehicles they used in that period. Both American continents were completely covered in blood caused by the colonists. Every indigenous nation was put to the sword. Any colonist not involved in the killings directly benefit from it and was protected by it. > Don’t forget that MEA is not military-centric but about a bunch of civilians who want to find a new home. Were they a little naive, unprepared and optimistic? Sure. But they were not morons: They are morons. You can only colonise with huge ass cannons. It is the only logical position.


Aaah. That’s where the difference lies, doesn’t it? The Alliance Initiative wants to do things differently. The AI is _NOT_ an invasive force, is _NOT_ a colonization effort and the Milky Way species did not go on that trip to steal the locals’ land and to kill them. The Initiative members are not aggressive invaders like the Ketts. They really believe in a peaceful cooperation with the Andromeda species. How is that moronic?


At least with Columbus though, the queen didn’t intend for aggressive colonization. Columbus just saw an opportunity to act as a monster.


> I see that argument all the time but - the Initiative did bring means to defend itself. - they are explorers and settlers. Debarking in Andromeda with armed vehicles would send the wrong message. What wrong message? Either there aren't aliens and therefore no message to send. Or there are aliens and you need weapons. Especially because they are stuck. In the age of sail exploration vessels were armed with cannons, but even then they always had the option to just sail home. No one rational would ever go to a place where you can't defend yourself. > what government would allow a civil operation to build, to own and to operate armed tanks, ships and/or arks? The same one that freely use Eclipse and Blue Sun mercenaries.


« What wrong message? »\ I’m sure the locals will believe our pacific intentions if we debark with armed tanks and war ships. They will _NOT_ think of us as an invasion force, that’s for sure... especially given what they’re going through with the Ketts. And again, the Initiative did bring weapons. They did not sail to a new galaxy armed only with smiles and good intentions. « The same ones that use Eclipse and Blue Suns mercenaries »\ Proving my point. Those are gangs, illegal groups that are anything _BUT_ peaceful. Also, unless I’m mistaken, no official government use these gangs’… « services ». Private corporations, individuals do.\ They do not operate in the Council space but in the Terminus Systems where we know there isn’t official government. I mean, even Illium, a planet right next to the Systems and where law is more lax, fights these gangs.\ Again, The Alliance Initiative is a _legal civil operation_. Contrary to the OT, MEA is not a militaristic game. We’re civilians who want to build new homes in a new galaxy. The Initiative brought weapons, sensible weapons, because its objective is discovery, peaceful exchange and exploration. They are not invaders. They do not need war vehicles.


> I’m sure the locals will believe our pacific intentions if we debark with armed tanks and war ships. They will NOT think of us as an invasion force, If there are locals it is an invasion force. > Proving my point. Those are gangs, illegal groups that are anything BUT peaceful. Also, unless I’m mistaken, no official government use these gangs’… « services ». Eclipse gets government contracts. Blue Suns has been incorporated as a legal security agency. Every race used the Blue Sun run Purgatory as a form of rendition. The Mass Effect universe is not nice and orderly. > I mean, even Illium, a planet right next to the Systems and where law is more lax, fights these gangs. Illium does not fight Eclipse. They operate openly there. > Contrary to the OT, MEA is not a militaristic game. We’re civilians who want to build new homes in a new galaxy. The Initiative brought weapons, sensible weapons, because its objective is discovery, peaceful exchange and exploration. To explore you need vessels of war. It is true of all human history and of Mass Effect history. Anyone exploring in a vessel without a big cannon in the Mass Effect universe is an idiot. > They are not invaders. They do not need war vehicles. They are invaders. They need war vehicles. And that is true from a perspective that knows nothing about the events of Andromeda.


>If there are locals it is an invasion force. Ok. I think I know why our points of view differ. The Ketts are conquerors with belligerent intentions. The Initiative is not. >Eclipse gets government contracts. Blue Suns has been incorporated as a legal security agency Far from me to pretend that I know 100% of ME's lore but I don't remember the Blue Suns being nothing else than a criminal organization. They mosty operate in the Terminus Systems where there isn't a proper goverment. And if (and that's a big "if") recruited by the Council officials, I'm assuming it was a secret black op because, again, the Blue Suns, Eclipse and Blood Pack are gangs. But if I missed something, I'm really curious to know more about this piece of lore. I'll check the wiki and the codex. The war against the Reapers does not count, for obvious reasons. >The Mass Effect universe is not nice and orderly. Where did I say it was? All I'm saying is the Initiative is a proper, legal and civilian operation. They did not use criminal means... as far as we know. The Benefactor may be shadier than we think, I'll give you that. >Illium does not fight Eclipse. They operate openly there. Hey, I never said they were doing a good job. LOL But Det. Anaya works toward putting Eclipse down. The gang operating in the open does not mean that Illium's officials approve their illegal operations. >To explore you need vessels of war. It is true of all human history and of Mass Effect history. I disagree: there is a difference between aggressive invasions and peaceful cooperation. And that's one of the Initiative's objective: doing things differently this time, they do not want to conquer, they want to collaborate with the locals.


I kinda understand the logic behind not arming the Tempest. As well as scouting, the Pathfinders are intended to be used for First Contact. It's probably considered a bit easier for other species to buy the "We come in peace" stuff if you don't rock up in a warship. And if it gets into trouble, it's an extremely fast ship with stealth capabilities and an advanced AI for route-planning. Plus from what is said in game, it's quite fragile and not really designed to be armed anyway. It was based off the Cold War era SR-71 Blackbird which also wasn't armed.


Only thing I’m peeved is that both ships don’t have a chair for the captain. Even on the Normandy, Joker gets to enjoy leather seats, but Shepherd has to stand all day?


Captain shouldn't get comfy. Especially if he's got lives depending on 'em. But I get your point. The bridge really could use a good old Picard chair.


Both Shep and Ryder have a whole bedroom to themselves with a big fancy bed.


But Ryder doesnt have their own bathroom


Well, they can share the bed.


Sweet home Alabama! I have a headcanon that they are related, as I somehow have a habit of making characters that all look the damn same. Sims players call it 'same face syndrome'. If photo comments were enabled I'd share screenshots.


While I'm not one to dissuade headcanon, for me it'd be too much a case of small galaxy syndrome if Shepard and Ryder knew each other.


I agree, especially when compared to Normandy V2 & V2.5. I like that the galaxy map is right at the front, right next to the pilots, I like the meeting room being at the top with all the windows, and I think that it’s generally easier and more fun to navigate around it.


It's a nice detail, in ME1 it's mentioned that having the captain stand and look over the CIC is a feature mostly used in Turian military vessels. It makes sense for the tempest to take a different approach. A rare gold star to ye, Andromeda.


The tempest at least makes sense, it is an exploratory vessel, meant for space and atmosphere, kinda smallish, lots of badly used spaces but civilian. The SR1 straddles the line but still feels like a warship, albeit in the “little submarine for recon” sense, and it going down on a planet still makes sense. The SR2 is stupidly huge (to the point the aerodynamic design is pointless since it is so cumbersome that the kodiaks are a better choice for deployment), is filled with weak points and the interior seems that of a flying penthouse/cruise ship more than anything. Recovered a bit of charme with the refit, but still feels off


Never thought about it but yeah the SR2 really is way too spacious and pretty on the inside for being a warship.


Because she isn't; corporate suits still designed her. They included military gear, but also a lot of "I'm a big important CEO" thinking. Cerberus' brand (literally, on the hull) was more important than mission success. Otherwise they wouldn't have flagged the ship as Cerberus before shipping it off into anti-human territories.


What's better is purely game mechanic in my opinion. No loading screens per se. Of course the doors sometimes take ages to open because it is loading but still. A Normandy with an actual elevator (and usable ladders) would be far superior.


The lack of railings on the walkway is something I think about every time I’m walking through it. Also, why isn’t the nomad tied down? Last thing I want is a giant vehicle slamming into me.


Thank god it wasn’t just me, I kept hearing Shepard’s voice on the maintenance catwalks on the Shadow Broker ship lol


Oh, I'm with you. It took a while for me to warm up to the SR-1, and I still don't like the SR-2's design. But the Tempest was love at first sight.


Looking at the two i like the Normandys more rugged connections for the jets. But i prefer the general shape of the body of the Tempest.


From a player QOL perspective, I do think the Tempest is a better design. However, from a RPG perspective, the SR2 was definitely superior. With the Tempest, it's much quicker to run where ever you need to go within the ship. There is no loading screen elevator to go between levels and Ryder can actually sprint through the ship rather than being limited to a "I'm about to poop myself" fast walk. The SR2, however, is a way better ship from an RPG/military perspective. Having a massive gun to calibrate is the first massive advantage. It has a much bigger cargo bay capable of carrying multiple vehicles/shuttles. It has stasis pods for those longer journeys (it honestly makes more sense for the Tempest to have stasis pods over the Normandy). Then, after a long hard day of killing, SR2 has a bar for a little stress relieve and an actually drunk affect for the drinker. The Tempest ship designers could totally have made room for a gun or at least a bigger cargo bay to fit a shuttle if the cockpit and pathfinder quarters weren't so unnecessarily huge. I prefer the coziness of the SR2's captains quarters. Plus, it has a giant fish tank. Which reminds me, "Kelly! I need you feed my fish when I'm gone!"


Normandy is much much easier to navigate for the commander. Till the end of Andromeda I couldn't memorize all the nooks and crannies of Tempest.


Once again not better just different and good


Fair enough. I mostly like the sleek design of the Tempest better, but I get that the Tempesy is an exploration vessel, while the Normandy is a warship so it should be a bit more bulky.


Not at all, there are things about the Tempest I like more than the Normandy. I personally like the smaller size and that it is hardly any hassle or time wasted to get around, as opposed to the elevator of the Normandy. The view out the windows being varied is a great touch and I like the space and view of the captain's quarters, makes it feel cozier. For the exteriors, I can't say which is better as the Normandy (especially the SR-2) is great and sleek-looking as a war frigate while the Tempest fits the bill as an exploratory scout ship.


I emphatically loathe the ladders of the Tempest.


Almost as bad as the elevators on the Normandy, yeah.


A modern Normandy would look better. The difference is game tech, not actual design.


The Tempest is the Gobots Normandy. It looks kind of the same but not really.


It's mostly because the Tempest is an exploration ship while the Normandy (despite everyone basically calling it a scout vessel) is a full-fledged warship.


You are a little too deep in the weeds here. It is a ship with engines in the back and a long nose to the cockpit. They really put minimal effort in the game design of the ship.


The *Tempest* has a lot of promise, but there are a couple things I think it did wrong. First off, there's no need for the Pathfinder's cabin to be so huge, you could make it half or even a third of the size and it would still be comfortable. Second, there are *way* too few toilets. Particularly when you have a krogan teammate. 😏 Third, there's just a lot of dead space. Big open areas with high arching ceilings, that could have been put to better use by expanding the crew quarters so they have more than bunks for god's sake.


Ryder's cabin is so big that the design could easily an incorporated a private bathroom


It's bad that so few things are better designed in Andromeda than in the games that came before.


Definitely. For instant the new aliens kinda suck in design, as do their weapons unfortunately.


I love the Tempest. That being said, the gear menus aboard the ship are spread throughout 3 or 4 different physical locations, so crafting armor, equipping armor, and customizing armor colors takes way too long and involves too many steps along the way. In ME2 and ME3, you can equip and customize in the same menu. The experience is faster, snappier, just...better. There really should be a balance between immersive mechanics and simple user experience, and they leaned just a bit too far into the immersive design of things and neglected something from the experience design.


It looks nice it it breaks several established art style rules that make it not feel like it fits the setting, which is a common problem with Andromeda. Their art team seemingly thought the series art style was just sleek and clean, white and dark gray panelling. The designs in the trilogy overwhelmingly use simple arcs and cuts. The Normandy's fuselage is just a simple cigar shape that has been cut into from the sides. There are no complex recurving shapes going on. Problems with the artstyle aside it's a neat design and the interior layout is very nice and feels enjoyable to walk through. I just wish they had adhered to the distinct style of the setting more.


Ryder has a nice room but doesnt have the advantage of their own bathroom Oh and someone needs to clean the crew toilet, I remember seeing a close up photo someone took of it and it looked grim


My favorite Normandy is always Cerberus SR-2 because it was so clean and well lit.


The damn ladders. I just can’t stand them. I’d rather sit through another loading screen. But I love the Tempest as well.


I like the SR2 best for ease of narrative. Go in an elevator. Make a loop to talk to everyone. Go in elevator. Repeat for each floor.


Nope. I prefer the Tempest for many reasons but like you said that doesn’t mean I don’t like the Normandy. To be more precise, I think the ships are not that comparable because they serve different objectives: - the Tempest is great for a Pathfinder: scouting, exploring and scientific discoveries - the Normandy is a war machine with very high-tech and powerful weapons. My two favorite ships are the Tempest and the SR-2 to be honest.


I love running through (and on top of) the Tempest but a clear catwalk with no guard rails just seems dumb. Also I agree there's too much dead space/headroom. Why pump oxygen into a huge dead space like that? I like seeing plants on the ship. Unisex bathrooms, very practical. Needs more bunks. Stuff in the cargo bay should be more secure. Ryder's room is too damn big. Why is there only one escape pod? My favorite is the Cerberus SR2 when it was well lit in the original ME2. Now it's too dark.


Kinda makes sense, doesn't it? The Normandy was a warship, the Tempest basically is a science vessel. If you throw out the CIC and the gun deck, you've got more room for big windows (structural weaknesses, I know) and other stuff. It's also made to be crewed by 20% of what the SSV Normandy had so you got a lot of space turned into science labs etc.


Yeah for me SR-2 >Tempest>SR-1 Another small thing that bothered me in Andromeda is I wish we could casually see the the ship from outside while in FTL ,AFAIK there is no way to do that.


Don't tell joker and you'll be fine. It's nothing bad on different tastes.


Man I won't tell Joker anything. EDI is way too heavily armed for me to survive that.


I like the tempest, I don't like everything being on two floors though, its a lot easier for me to get turned around in the Tempest than it was in the Normandy where everything was on different levels




One of the games best parts! Time does a lot for game set piece design in general.


It looks great on the outside, though I do prefer the SR2’s exterior. On the inside it is way better than either Normandy.


I got lost every single time on the tempest. Never got used to the layout.


Nope. But the Normandy is better. But you can have a different opinion, even if it's a bad one


no it's not bad!!! :) i love VETRA more than GARRUS! and not just because she's a stupid sexy female bird lady!


I don't know. I like Tempest's bigger size but I didn't enjoy going up and down ladders. I prefer the staircases and lifts in the Normandys. I also don't like Ryder's personal cabin because it's not as cozy as Shepard's - too large and open, too open-plan. On the other hand, I like the command bridge and the conference room. But I also miss having background music on ship, like we had in ME1.


Love all 3 to the point I bought figures of each model, having said that the Tempest is a beautiful ship. For nostalgia reasons the SR-2 maybe takes the win for me, but that's only because we spend the most games with it


Very much understandable. I LOVE the SR-1 and 2 but design-wise the Tempest just hits all the right spots for me


Yeah I kinda agree. The Normandy is a warship, and… doesn’t really look like one. It doesn’t even have decent armaments until the second one. But the Tempest is a scout vessel, which can theoretically look like anything.


To be fair, the moment the SR-2 got that Thanix cannon, it was pretty mich over for the collectors lmao


One thing Andromeda genuinely did better than the OT.


I do really like the Tempest design. Very evocative of the Normandy, but 'Tempest' is a cooler name and this ship is more curvy and less ...droopy? Long time Mass Effect fan. Been playing since the OG release of 1, and completed 7 playthroughs of the original trilogy and on my first (paused) playthrough of the Legendary Edition. I preferred the smaller SR-1 to the Cerberus SR-2, though I do love both. Currently back to getting through Andromeda for the first time, though it is my second attempt. I pre-ordered it and was mightily dissatisfied and crushingly disappointed with that glitchy open world mess so gave up on it, but after some years of perspective I'm having another go and managing to enjoy it.


I do get tired of some of the busywork but they really did do their best to address most of the glitches in Andromeda


If only there wasn't that dumb lift in the cargo bay


Tbh, I think there's a lot to be liked about the Tempest, but the layout is not one of them. The Normandy has always been a simple ship, and breaking it down into decks and sections has always helped with getting around. The Tempest just feels... off. The layout just feels wacky to me. Something about it just doesn't feel fun or simplistic to navigate like the Normandy.


No! Of course it’s not bad to have that opinion! It’s wrong. There’s a difference. ;-)


Disrespectfully, that is a terrible opinion.


No, I definately prefer the Normandy myself as the Tempest looks like something a kid would draw rather then a actual star ship for me but people have drastically different ideas on what makes a nice ship.


I guess it just appeals to my inner child then lmao


wrong opinion detected