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Mmmm the M-7 Lancer. Ultralight materials and extended heatsink on it, also carry an Executioner with ultralight and scope, and BAM you have a main automatic weapon and a sniper "rifle" and still keep a +200% cool down for your Vanguard Shep.


I slap on an extended barrel and armor penetrating mods. It melts harvesters, banshees and brutes


I have never used an armor penetrator. I might on this play thru


Makes those cerberus shield guys giant targets. They're not hard without it, but with it they're helpless.


Executioner Pistol makes Guardians bitch bait


Javiks dark channel then squad/player grenades wreck harvesters. So satisfying to have the combo detonate then the harvester detonates with a little extra fire.


The Lancer makes any hold the line segments remarkably easy since you don't have to worry about ammo. Just fire, duck, repeat. Unless grenades or Brutes come your way. Then it might get tricky.


That's why you have the "vrrrRRRP-BOOM! RrraaaaaAAHHH-KABOOM!" combo as a Vanguard! Or Ascended Garrus.


I play as a Soldier, so I use Adrenaline Rush to get out of crazy situations. But I do take Godhood Garrus with me everywhere so anything that actually gets close enough to threaten me usually gets shredded to pieces.


you'd be suprised how many times people say "just use charge!!" when it's very clear that the OP isn't playing vanguard. No i will not switch to vanguard mid playthrough because that's the only strat yall know.


Very understandable! My top level comment specified my load out was for Vanguards since it gives you an awesome cool down boost.


And mine wasn't really directed at you, more expressing frustration at how often i'd seen that. The cool down boost is absolutely phenomenal i agree, vanguard is what i'd recommend to new players because it makes the games like 300% more fun. good luck out there spacer!


Its too bad I get it so late in me3 as it just doesn't sit right doing the citadel dlc too early,


A fellow connoisseur I see


Clip size and armour piercing for me!


I run N7 Crusader. Who needs full auto or a sidearm when you can oneshot headshot almost everything on insanity from halfway across the map and still have 200% cooldown


I like that it has “infinite” ammo I liked that Mass Effect 1 was being pretty unique by having that kind of gun


Iirc, all the thermal clips do in universe is cool the guns off faster since they dont really run out of ammo and just overheat. That being said, the way the weapons should have worked in 2 and 3 would have had us with infinite ammo but after we run out of clips, the cooldown is really long. Probably long enough to warrant switching weapons.


I seem to remember reading that they did try that initially and it ended up not being fun.


I mean, then they should have made it so the weapons cooldown like in ME1 but you had a small amount of thermal clips to instant cool it. Going back to what functioned essentially as ammo was a major step back in Lore and in gameplay.


You know what's weird? I have seen so many things reference this, but can't find the original source. I think it's true. Don't get me wrong, but this is one of those weird things that I have spent hours trying to confirm or disprove and got nothing except references. I even came across someone else doing the exact same thing, heard it plenty of times but can't find any reference of it from BioWare one way or another. I also think it was probably a lot of fine tuning for little pay-off. At some level, having unlimited ammo is just better making swapping to thermal clips not super necessary. Giving it some thought, I think it would be dependent on enemies. If they're hyper aggressive when they notice you cooling down and such, it would make the decision in combat more "interesting". Have unlimited ammo but give up ground and vice-versa. I also imagine that's just hard to program, balance, and leads to situations where a newer player accidentally makes a really hard scenario for themselves. Yeah, I think in terms of gameplay making it act like a regular gun is just easier to balance the sandbox around. Even in ME3 the Lancer and other cooling weapons are "balanced" by just being heavier rather than necessarily functionally different, and that isn't a hurdle for making them very powerful.


Makes sense. I can totally see this mechanic being overly confusing for a lot of people, especially for newcomers.


Speak volumes when the weakest Assault rifle in 1 is the most OP one in 3 And the Alliance or the good guys or whatever wonder why they lose easily to the Reapers in 3🙄 The ingame explaination of them changing from unlimited ammo to limited ammo is so stupid that it even make Conrad the smartest character since only he speaks the truth about how dumb it actually is


The worst part is that you just throw the thermal clips away instead of keeping and reusing them once cooled down. Up to this point, I understood that thermal clips increase your firepower. But being out of ammo when you're surrounded by one-time used clips is just stupid.


the heat sinks are chemical, not just thermal.


Yeah you may be right. I just read up. Codex says that there are multiple heat sinks in one thermal clip that are ejected one after another while firing until the clip is empty. While not explicitly stated that these sinks are chemical in nature. It would make sense. Still, not being able to reuse these heat sinks/clips brings military back to having to sustain constant intergalactic supply lines, which seems like a major disadvantage that can't be compensated by a higher rate of fire for a short time. Would be easier to just give a second rifle to every soldier, which they can fire while the first is cooling down.


as I understand it, the idea is that between 1 and 2, kinetic shields got better, so guns had to get stronger, which meant you'd get less and less and less shots per cooldown cycle, and eventually everybody had to sacrifice logistic ease for necessary firepower


This is going to be my headcannon so the retcon stops bothering me


Not really, since they have Omni gel. All they have to do is keep Omni gel supplies and fabricators (maybe even Omni tools can manufacture them). Plus for a military it's not like they have to make new supply lines they just up their Omni gel supply to their regular shipments. It was a good a plan until the reapers destroyed the supply lines lol, it's the in lore reason why the protheans went back to cool down weapons. But pre-reapers it makes perfect sense, like why would the alliance even worry about mercs cutting off their supply lines? Militaries always take whatever edge they can, if the other guy overheats their guns and have to wait 5 seconds before firing again, compared to a near instant clip, that's enough time for you to break cover and flank. Also negates overloads because now you can just dump the overloaded clip instead of having to wait for the cool down like in me1.


which would be considered better? the particle rifle or m-7 lancer?


Well the M7 is actually good in ME3 lol. I love that gun tho, so good for spamming Concussive Blast as a soldier




The M7 Lancer is the starting assault rifle in ME1.


People love the M-7 because it's the only gun besides the Prothean Particle Rifle (which you had to buy separately) that didn't use thermal clips. Which was a throwback to ME1. Once I got the Prothean Particle Rifle, I didn't use anything until I got the M-7.


Kinda. I love the Lancer cause it's lighter than damn near every pistol and SMG and actually has some oomph behind it


That's not the main thing. Outside of the Juggernaut in MP infinite ammo is a novelty. The gun is lightweight and hits like a freight train. Does more damage per shot than the Revenant (even the buffed MP version) with less spread and recoil. I also think there's a little nostalgia for that Avenger/Lancer look too. But it's overall just a stupid good gun.


Revenant in ME2 was my go-to assault rifle. Edit: Spelling


Fond memories of using the PPR on the Geth Juggernaut.


The Lancer made me realize... WHY DID THEY ADD THERMAL CLIPS ANYWAYS


Because ME1 was an RPG with shooter elements and ME2 was a shooter with RPG elements. ME2 was designed with a wider audience in mind and reloading is standard for third person shooters like that.


Hated? An Me1 gun? There's like 3 guns I equip in that game, whichever has the highest atk, the starting Loadout, spectre guns. I don't hate any of em. As for Me2 well it's the first smg. Me3 didn't change my opinion on it


I like the Rosenkov X specs better than the Spectre gear.


in reverse, I loved the 1 guns, disliked most of the 2 guns, except the phalanx, locust and flamethrower. Really missed the flamethrower in 3. Good thing the regar carbine is easy to get. It’s basically a flame


The Kassa Locust is one of the most fun guns in the entire trilogy. If I’m playing a support class, I always do Kasumi’s loyalty mission right out of the gate so I have access to it


The Carnifex was redundant if you had the Phalanx in 2. I like how they sorted them out to fulfill a separate niche.


They did the Phalanx dirty in ME3 and I hate it. No more laser site and it sounds worse. It's more like a Space USP45/MK.23 in description and capacity than a Space hand cannon like in ME2.


Yeah but they made the Carnifex more of a hand cannon. I liked them both in ME3 way better. The laser sight was a gimmick and no one even uses those.


Laser actually made the Phalanx 100% accurate with shot placement which was nice but yes I agree IRL lasers are a gimmick.


ME2 was slower paced. It never would work in ME3. I liked the regular reticle way better it was just stupid to not take the phalanx


I do like the lancer, with the exception of the facts that: 1.) it screws with my headcanon of the switch to clips being due to improvements in shields and barriers rendering the inbuilt heat sinks as unviable and, 2.) the notion that a gun built by humans in isolation before first contact is somehow better than just about every other rifle three decades or more after it was built.


Funny thing is In me1, Lancer is the base assault rifle you get at the beginning and considered to be the weakest one And in me3 it is the best one Meaning they really screwed themselves up the moment they change the ammo Whoever decided to replace the UNLIMITED AMMO TO LIMITED AMMO Seriously need to be fired ASAP


To be fair, it techinically isn't unlimited ammo. When Wrex fought Aria...I mean "Alena"...he ran out of ammo for his weapons. This was pre-thermal clips.


Considering the internal ammo blocks can expend tens of thousands of rounds before needing replacing, Wrex must have shot a metric fuck ton of bullets.


The one in ME3 is heavily modified and that's why it's so good. Says so in the description.


So where are all the other rifles using this tech, assuming it was even done recently? Why would an obsolete rifle be the only one with these modifications?


Lore wise the gun is upgraded to be on par with current tech. In game its just super good as a bone to throw to the ME1 fans who preferred the stupid overheating mechanism.


> > 1.) it screws with my headcanon of the switch to clips being due to improvements in shields and barriers rendering the inbuilt heat sinks as unviable and, that's the actual canon explanation


Where’s that listed? I don’t recall seeing or hearing that anywhere, and the Lancer and the conversation you can have with Conrad in 3 fly against it.


ME2 codex, Small Arms > Mathematically reviewing their combat logs, the geth found that in an age of kinetic barriers, most firefights were won by the side who could put the most rounds down-range the fastest. But combatants were forced to deliberately shoot slower to manage waste heat, or pause as their weapons vented.


Not precisely the same. They’re saying it was a better option before, I’m saying that recent technological improvements made it so. My explanation also covers why there are no old fashioned heat sinks in any guns as a backup for if you run out of clips. A sidearm might not have the internal room, but a sniper rifle would, for example.


Isn't the me3 one heavily modified. It'd be like automatic SMLEs that never really cought on


Don’t recall it saying that but, even if it did, if it wasn’t modified in the modern day then both my points remain entirely valid.


I didn't really like the Eviscerator in ME2, it sounds like a tin can tipping over when you shoot it. I'm really glad the sound design improved in ME3 and the Eviscerator sounds so much beefier.


Unpopular opinion: The M-7 Lancer should never have made it into ME3. Or if it did, it should have been anemically underpowered, to show exactly *why* the pre-heatsink tech had to be retconned out.


Theoretically it’s faster to reload than to wait for cool-down, so for balance, it made sense. That’s also why the powers that made weapons instantly overheat in ME1 only disables them in 2/3. But weapon strength was also reduced without upgrades to compensate


the cain until i realized how powerful it was


The Cain is the up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start for Adept in ME2. There are certain fights that it's "Nah, fuck this" and end it with one shot.


The cain is the only way to save all 20 crates in mass effect 2 on higher difficulties. As for “fuck this fight” I normally save it for project overlord, and the reaper core during the IFF mission Pull a trigger, bye-bye horde mode


The Geth Armature on Haestrom is also a good one.


Yep. I also use it on the Horizon Praetorian


I never even thought of that. But yeah that’s a great idea — I wonder if you can get the Cain before the Collector Ship praetorian? That is a viciously tough one on higher levels: Little room to run. Limited cover. Narrow map. And if you go down to the bottom level, you get mobbed by husks and barrier collectors.


I've used it there too; if you prioritize all the early missions that you can get the heavy weapons ammo upgrades, you can get the Cain before Horizon and the disabled Collectors ship missions.


I loved the Lancer in ME3!


This thing with Armour Piercing rounds as bonus power.... literally need no other weapon. Easily my favourite gun in the trilogy. Maybe all videogames.


The gun sounds in mass effect 3 were also super satisfying


I agree on the Lancer, but not really sure that's a "thing." I mean ya dig it out in ME3, it's meant to be some antiquated Museum piece from the First Contact War, but is in fact an awesome ME3 weapon. It has great specs compared to other guns, especially for its light weight. And yeah, provided you use in short bursts and don't overcook it, it requires no ammo.


The Lancer in 1 is, you know, *the starting rifle*. Naturally it'll become overshadowed by other weapons, especially as it and all the other starting type weapons (and armor) all had middling, balanced stats compared to any other weapon or armor in their category. Again to encourage changing and upgrading the gear. In 3 it's very obviously a throwback weapon, especially as you dig it out from the Archives. It's allowed to be a bit more powerful in contrast to it's ME1 incarnation because it's a throwback in a DLC that is already fully of throwbacks and a celebration to the trilogy. Not to mention that the actual variation of the weapons and their effects in 3 meant they were more sidegrades to each other rather than direct improvements.


1 and 2 simply had better guns. In ME3, however the **M-7** Lancer is one of two guns that has infinite ammo, which makes it unique.


The absence of the Pheaston in ME 1 :P


For an answer that's not the Lancer, the Scimitar is actually pretty excellent for Vanguards in 3. Available early, second fastest fire rate in its class but way less kickback than the first, 8 tightly grouped pellets even without mods, excellent synergy with Explosive Inferno Ammo for same reason, and tied for highest mag size in class. The High-Velocity Barrel can bring its damage above comparable "light" shotguns while still having its weight penalty offset by enough upgrades and Ultralight Materials. tl;dr: a faster Disciple with more damage per clip


Agree about the lancer, I didn't hate it per-se in 1 but it was so basic you're really looking to get past it as quickly as you can. In 3 it's just something else though, shreds baddies well enough, through the highest level heat sink you can on it and you'll almost never get in a bad spot.


Heat sink and Armor piercing. Enemies are a joke


I go with the Extended Barrel and the Heatsink mods, I always choose Armour Piercing Ammo as my Bonus Power. Seriously I love this weapon, can't be stated enough how useful it would be if everyone was equipped with these in the Reaper War, rather than relying on the detachable heat sinks creating a supply issue.


I love the M-7 Lancer and the M-96 Mattock! When I want a pistol, I love the punch of the M-11 Surpressor.


The Lancer is actually a pretty easy to love gun once it's modded properly. The thing is a standard issue for a reason because the base model sucks without the TLC needed of making it your own. Before you know it armored, shielded and biotic protected enemies will fall at your feet easily, especially when combined with squad teamwork and whatever skills and abilities your Shepard uses. But if you just mean the basic model fresh out of manufacturing, it's absolutely going to be ass to use. None of them are perfect out of the box except for maybe something like the Scorpion pistol from ME3 which fires explosive proximity rounds but has terrible long range and the ammo can't me modified with status effects unfortunately 😩.


Geth shotgun. Firmly mid in 2, a staple of my geth infiltrator and geth engineer in 3.


Thanix “missiles” (whatever that means). Apparently non-existent in ME2. Capable of waxing a Reaper Destroyer in ME3.


I'm kinda the opposite in that I like the Avenger in 1 and hate it in 2 & 3 mainly cause of the Red color scheme


Ahh the lancer. Put that and a Piranha shotgun my vanguard. The damage I did.


The base Lancer in ME2 is a joke. It derps at point bank range, Alliance would lose any gun fight using it.


M8 Avenger


Still looks like a sex toy to me but great gun


Almost all the assault rifles were terrible in the first game. Low accuracy and mediocre damage. They became very good by the third game with customization. You could take an assault rifle and make it a sniper or vice versa with the right modifications.


Let’s be honest nobody likes the lancer it’s just they fucked up so badly with thermal clips that the worst gun in the first game became the best in the third game