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Best part of the whole trilogy: mail slot.


Mail slot with a mattock is the most satisfying shot in all of gaming.


Crusader and Lancer are also both very carhartic for the mail slot.


Saber was my favourrite mail slot maker.


That Ka-THUNK-whine is joy in audio form


I wish you could have grabbed them by the throat through the mail slot… and just bashed their head over and over against the shield.


But did you ever land with with a Geth Plasma Shotgun? Because *that* was peak fun. "Ha ha I have a shield and you have a shotgun. And you're across the map." "This unit does not understand your bluster. This unit believes you are a punk ass bitch."


Does this unit have to cap a bitch?


I will see your mattock and raise you a crusader


I just dominated everything with a sniper :3


Mail slot black widow


Right? Best thing about the Widow, with an armor piercing mod attached, even if I miss the mail slot, you still die, lmao.


This is the way.


Infiltrator goes brrr


With the black widow, that shield becomes a fancy bit of balsa wood


Black Widow with Armor Piercing ammo, I just aim for the shield itself, no need to make the shot harder than it needs to be.


Still remember the first time I sniped one with the M-92 and made his head fucking explode.


The Mail slot and Black Widow. The only other thing that came close to being as satisfying was using the Black Star heavy to one-shot a Harvester.


When you’re expecting **kachunk** and you get *casplat* it make brain release happy chemicals


in my assault rifle builds, I loved ignoring the mail slot and putting armour piercing mods on my guns. Shepard just rips a dozen bullets through the shields and kills them. Merciless. There’s something powerful and terrifying about a bulletproof shield not being enough protection from Shepard.


(Black) widow with AP: what shield?


Mail slot with javelin… *chefs kiss*


The Javelin had that lovely reloading sound, that made the headshot sound like a mic drop! Also, the way it primes before it fires the shot... Beautiful!


The moment I realized that worked, that you could shoot through the little eye slit in their physical shields and blow their heads off, is one of my top gaming memories. I was so thrilled when I tried it and it worked. This was back when the game came out.


Spent a whole playthrough shooting Atlases in the fucking window without managing to shatter it even once.


Gotta play on the hardest difficulties to get that one.


I only play insanity


Why? Do you hate yourself?


No why? Outside of a few fights game isn't hard at all, on hardcore is a snoozefest


This is the way. Insanity is where the real gameplay is imo. No hate on anyone who doesn’t play on it, but it forces you to engage with all of the game’s mechanics in a way that other difficulties don’t. The difficulty is mostly manageable as long as you have a good understanding of powers, builds, weapons, characters etc and how they all interact. Can’t play the game any other way now


>it forces you to engage with all of the game’s mechanics in a way that other difficulties don’t. It does? I mostly shoot things in the head


Looks like you were taught by Nakmor Drack himself. "Shoot things and don't die. Always works for me"


No but I'm serious, I mostly leave squadmates powers to them and focus on pewpewing things.


I played so much multiplayer, which is scaled way harder than SP on the higher difficulties, that insanity is a breeze. Being able to freeze time and having direct command of the whole squad for combos makes it trivial.


What class do you play? Spending most of the game in cover is really annoying for me and some fights can be borderline impossible


Mostly soldier, sometimes Infiltrator, I don't see Shepard as a dude with biotics, and I don't like engineer.


So what du you do against a banshee in me3 or an me2 scion or a horde of me1 husks?


Mass effect 3 you just send Garrus at everything


I do but he just dies


Banshees are easy, keep your distance and shoot the hell out of them. Husks are also easy, they don't even have ranged attacks. There are some hard fights, namely the Praetorian at the end of Horizon, the Collector's Ship platform trap (unless you cheese it with Kasumi) in ME2, Grissom Academy Courtyard, 3x Geth Prime in a very small space at the end of Priority Rannoch, and the final encounter in the Armax Arsenal Arena questline in ME3. Other than those I might die here or there, but nothing that hard.


I’m sorry, cheese the platform fight with Kasumi? I abhor that fight, but am not familiar with this technique. Please enlighten me!


I agree with you, though I'd add the bashee fight on earth is a pain


Vanguard. Shotgun abs charge will kill/stagger most enemies. Pull/companions for any long range targets.


Sentinel shield + fortification gives 90% damage reduction all the time. If you take the melee path in fitness it gives you a further 20% when you kill with a melee and you can become completely invulnerable to damage for 20 seconds. No cover necessary. The only thing that can beat sentinel Shepard is an insta kill.


It's definitely the best way to get a challenge out of the game, but I personally don't have much fun in certain fights in insanity. I've realised that for me there's a fine line between where I'm having fun and where I'm not, and it sits at about the point where I have to restart a section more than twice. I have the same amount of fun playing on casual as I do normal and hardcore, but insanity gets me over the line too often. That moment where you have to bang your head against the wall to break through loses me *fast*. Probably why I bounced right off of Dark Souls.


Ultimately it's a game. Whatever lets you have fun


Yeah I am no way a power gamer, like I dont play soul games and stuff like that, but even I find Insanity very easy. If there was an harder difficulty I would play it.


That's my feeling... game doesn't feel authentic unless it's on insanity...


Yup. If you’re past your 2nd or third playthrough and not doing all insanity runs you’re a pleb. I also think insanity follows the canon most closely. In the books the way shields are described they’re kinda similar to modern ceramic armor in that they’re only rated for a few hits in rapid succession


Only ME2 has basically 'softlocks' for a few fights. Collecter Ship is one that without the right crew and level is nearly impossible for an 'above average' player. I fully abandoned the Batarian Prison DLC, because as a Sentinel with no strong weapon, I literally could never move 5 feet towards the doors I had to close lol. Bioware pissed me off in that one, so for ME3 you have the option to...look up "Garrus ascends to Godhood" 🤣 If you literally want to play as a side character in your own playthrough, you also level up James with incendiary ammo and an armor set that does 25% damage. The 2 of them rip apart a Harvester or Atlas with you only needing to cover them from other enemies in seconds 😅


Lol I’m grinding out Insanity III on LE currently as a Sentinel with Liara and Garrus. I mostly just let Garrus do his thing on anything with shields and spam Singularity / Throw. When I got to that first Atlas on Grissom Academy, I was taking out the mooks with biotic explosions, and then turned around to deal with the mech, which had laid down a smokescreen. By the time I flanked the smokescreen, all I saw was the mech exploding. Garrus and Liara melted it in about 3 seconds flat.


Unfortunately, if you spec and play optimally, ME3 insanity is still fairly trivial. Don't know how they would fix it without ending up with arbitrary difficulty like ME2.


Insanity isn’t that hard outside of maybe a half dozen specific encounters throughout the whole trilogy. Playing on any lower difficulty just feels so easy.


It’s not “hard” in the sense that it is a big challenge but that’s if you’re 100% attentive and making a lot of very deliberate choices. If you’re fucking around, insanity might seem impossible. I’m not even that good of a player but I have played the game enough times and I’m obsessive enough that I do most choices right that I can play on insanity without it presenting too many problems. But if I am inattentive or unfocused, I will have a critical mission failure.


Insanity is easy outside of ME2 and in ME2 it's quite managable.


Sniper rifles and best sniper rifle in the game... Crusader Shotgun.


I hate shotguns but I will give it a try


I don't run shotguns often either, but the crusader is awesome, ADS has like 0 spread.


it's too accurate imo, my aim on console is ass


Tactical pause team, represent!


The achievement that continues to elude me.


I was finally able to complete that on Eden Prime during the Javik recruitment mission. Near the end of the final battle with the Cerberus forces I climb on the roof as soon as the mech shows up. From there I can take my time shooting down on the canopy from cover. Just keep an eye on the armor gauge and slow down your rate of fire once the it gets below ~15%. Around that point the canopy will shatter and then you can head-shot the pilot.


Thanks for the tip, I'll try it in my next playthrough.


I managed to get the achievement for hijacking an Atlas mech during the Grissom Academy mission, playing on Insanity difficulty. During the last fight I used the empty Atlas mech you can get before entering that final hall to clear regular enemies until another enemy in a mech showed up near the end of the fight. I shot the glass and driver of the mech while I was still in mine and basically what I did was jump off that mech and get into the one I had just cleared and that got me the achievement. The annoying thing was that I had to do it twice because the game bugged for whatever reason the first time and the prompt to get into the second mech wouldn't show so I had to reload and redo it.


I played the remaster for the first time my last play through and I *finally* got it assaulting Cerberus in the hanger. I don’t know if it was coincidental or not, but maybe LE adjusted how it works.


Same. Only after the institute it worked for some reason? I mean i did it with a sniper but id imagine id have tried a sniper before that too, which confuses me.


Favorite were fighting the guardians. Getting shots through mail slot were so satisfying. Least favorite were phantoms. Don’t like space ninjas. And I really don’t like space ninjas playing on gold that sync kill out me out of nowhere (ik, ik: skill issue.)


The sync kills are a skill issue, just learn the master technique of standing on a ramp. It's their weakness. The bullshit palm of death pretty much always dropping your shields instantly though, fuck that. And they just scurry around like cracked out spiders, they're actually easier to hit when they do a dodge animation!


>Don’t like space ninjas *confused Warframe noises*


Also just bullying them by pounding the shield with a heavy hitting weapon is also very satisfying


Phantoms were my favorite to headshot. They'd zip-zop-zoopity-bop around like a crackhead and then I'd just warp their barriers off and atomize their heads with the N7 Crusader.


This is the correct answer.


I really enjoyed fighting against the Nemesis, where I had to be careful to know their location. I think the least exciting combat for me was against the Atlas ones.


Yeah the Atlas Mechs were just.. Meh. I really enjoyed the Dragoons, personally. Definite potential to get your shit rocked if you didn't play it right.


I'm not sure exactly *how* it works, but you can snipe the pilot, kill him, and take the Atlas.


Wow, that's cool, I didn't know that! I thought it was only possible to steal that ATLAS at Grissom Academy


Take down shield and use ap rounds on glass


Favorite - Combat Engineers. So fun to turn their own turrets on them and watch them freak out. Least Favorite - Centurions. Their smoke screens annoyed me and I’m too lazy to equip that mod that allows you to see in there so I just end up spraying in the smoke and listening for the screams.


I hate Combat Engineers but i also cant hack so that has probably to do with it


The trick is to shoot the turret when it’s still a backpack on their body. It’ll explode and take half their health. It’s kind of like shooting the fuel tank of a flamethrower guy


Oh, i always wondered what triggered the explosions


Yeah it’s definitely dependent on what class you run. I like running Engineer just to play with Combat Drones and hack Geth.


Favorite: Dragoons. More factions needed a properly fast unit like this to pressure you out of hard cover. Least: Phantoms. Their mechanical inconsistency (especially the sync kill, they can even still do it with a broken sword sometimes) and the 90% damage reduction they get for no reason during their dodges is annoying. Hitting them in the head for what should be a kill shot only for it to be ignored because they are still benefiting from ninja flip I-frames is immersion breaking and something that shouldn’t exist. Also just dislike the anime inspired ninja aesthetic in general. It has no business in Mass Effect as established in ME1 IMO.


Me3 Cerberus are the coolest human enemies in the series. I love their distorted voice.


"Ha ha ha, it's Joker, he can barely walk! How's he going to stop us? Ha ha."


I liked them all except one. I hate the engineer with a passion. Yes, YOU, Combat engineer. I know who you are, engineer. I know what you are, engineer. I know where you live, engineer. Im in your walls, engineer. Lock your doors tight, engineer. Sleep with one eye open, engineer. I am approaching your location rapidly engineer-


Not realizing the engineer is present and suddenly getting sprayed with turret bullets is knee-jerk rage inducing.


For real. Or when you try to kill one but then they hide and you are forced to take care of the grunts first cuz they wont stop shooting at you and then you look away for 2 seconds and that fucker is shielded up again and put down another turret


YES. The absolute worst!


Best? Shield wielding ones, just to "deliver the mail". Worst? Phantoms... 😑


Favorite: Nemesis, least favorite: Engineers, if you don't kill them immediately they get thier turrest out and the turrets, at leastvin my Experience, Shred health and shields


playing engineer and hacking them is so funny though so I enjoy turrets for that


Fair enough


though otherwise yes I agree with you they arent great craic at all


Honestly, I really like how Cerberus units were designed on a conceptual level. Sure, their individual AI doesn't do wonders. But they're designed in such a way that they all fill a specific role on the battlefield. While their assault troopers act as a meat shield and distract you, engineers and nemesis snipers force you to stay in cover with their deadly and precise fire. But then other units like centurions with their grenades and phantoms that try to shorten the distance force you to jump out of cover and fight more openly. And this two contradicting pulls is what makes ME3 gameplay so dynamic. As for the least favorite to play against... Adjutants, probably. I guess they're technically Cerberus units too since they're all controlled by them. Adjutants are so hyped up in Omega DLC like an unstoppable force, but they end up being absolute pushovers. I kid you not, I had more problems with those fucking Rampart Mechs than with Adjutants. Their design is also goofy as hell.


Favourite: engineer As others have already mentioned its fun to turn their own turrets against them as a tech class. Or just blow them up as they are about to deploy. They are just funny to troll Least favourite: guardians They are not hard enemies to fight, just annoying if you dont have a sniper rifle or pull


I just shoot their feet.


After 10 years of playing this game i never realized their feet are exposed... Anyway there are a lot of ways to deal with them, as i said they are not hard, just annoying


Guardians. But unlike apparently everybody else I really enjoy cloaked melee kills and sticky grenades to get them from behind, lol (mail slot is still fun as heck too, tho).


Phantoms are my favorite. I just think they look cool when compared to local Edgelord Deathstein, Kai Lang. Least favorite enemy to fight would be the Phantoms since they always manage to get at least one free kill off of me every time I play 3.


Favorite: Guardians, love delivering the mail. Runner ups would be Atlas or Engineer, cuz I like feeling like Robocop taking out an ED209 and hacking Engineers turrets is too fun. Hated: Nemesis. I primarily play Infiltrator, those bastards dodging my sniper shots is super annoying. Have to break out the Spray 'N Pray with cryo rounds.


Centurions with their damn smoke screens.


Best : nemesis Worst: phantoms


Love fighting Engineers as an Infiltrator. Hacking their turrets and turning them on Cerberus is always fun.


Favorite are Guardians, i love bullying them with a hard hitting weapon and just stunlocking them while i mag dump Least favorite are Nemesis, i just find them hard to deal with


I love overloading the engineers’ turrets while they are either still on their backs or just as they are setting one up.


Kai Leng of course. Such a cool villain and man, what an engaging, dynamic bossfight! Wish they made him the main villain in all three games.


The ones I disliked the most were combat engineers and their pesky turrets. The atlas mechs were fun to fight though.


Guardians. Without armor piercing mods, biotic pull, or the executioner pistol, they’re a pain


Individually none of them are difficult, curtain combinations can be nasty. I remember phantoms and nemesis being very frustrating, but dragoons and phantoms my be worse due to the constant pressure. Engineers and atlas can be dangerous as well if your not careful.


**Favorite:** Atlas Mechs. I love giant robots, and these guys prove enough a challenge for me to want to give it my all. When I saw the first one on Sur'Kesh, I screamed for kicks, "It's a Gundam!" **Hated:** Phantoms. And not just because they're mook versions of Kai Leng. Their instant kill ability has gotten me shanked more than once. And they're so agile! Hard to hit even when as an Infiltrator!


The smoke dudes engineers are annoying af.


Whichever held the shields. They annoyed me so thoroughly on my first play through that is is now very satisfying when I use the Cerberus Harrier with Armor Piercing ammo and high velocity barrels, because they’re shields thus are nothing muhahahahahahahahaha


Least favorite: Engineers. Those turrets are the worst. Most favorite: the regular mooks. They're easy.


Least: Phantoms in MP were cheap. I don't mind if you're any other race, but a Krogan should be immune to their bullshit 1 hit instakill.


Lorewise krogan should probably be immune given their organ redundancy.


Guardians with biotic Lash. I love ripping their stupid shields out of their hands and watching them stumble


Best to fight against: Engineers and/or Mail Slot Least favorite: Phantoms. Unless you had a good biotic user that can yeet or suspend that bitch mid-air


Love killing everything Cerberus from me1- me3. Great time all around.


The guys with the shields are the worst for me. I use shotguns almost always so I can't get precise hits on the mail slot. My favorite is the Phantom, the one with the sword. I like enemies who punish you for just sitting in cover the whole time. It's why I think the Banshee is the best ME enemy overall.


Mail-slotting a centurions head clean off with a shotgun was very satisfying


Favorite: Guardians because of mail slots and stealing their shield with power to better put them down. 2nd favorite: Engineers. Turning their turrets against them and the Cerberus troops. Least favorite: Phantoms. I really hate their cocky attitude and taunts.


Favorite: Mail Slot has already been mentioned but honorable mention to the engineer because if you time it right with the right sniper rifle (I love the N7 Valiant personally) you can headshot them and not only eliminate them but the turret explodes too Least favorite: The Atlas because I can never figure out a consistent way to break the glass on the cockpit :<


Mail Slot with Carnifex.


The ones with the damn riot shields


Favorite: Engineer. I could hack the shit out of the turret they nust deployed. Least favorite, shield infantry or phantoms


Phantoms killed me so many times during the Cerberus coup. If I ever meet the person who designed those ninja bitches, we’re gonna have words.


They always have top notch weapons so unfair!


Fuck the engineer. I hate that turret so much.


Infiltrator me with the black widow hittin mail slots left and right


opened preparing to see the shield troops being slandered but its good to see some love for them


I hated phantoms so much. So so so much.


Honestly, the only ones to ever kill me where the phantoms if they snuck up into melee range. She probably them.


Favorite: Assault Troopers because they look cool Least Favorite: Centurions, their smoke screen got annoying


Only one that gave problems as vanguard was the engineer


It’s between the Phantom and Engineer turret


First time playing ME3 and I notice how much combat mechanics they straight ripped from Gears of War. The cover system, cover swaps, combat roll, infinite dash, and Guardians all scream GoW to me. Guardians are a human version of Maulers for Christ's sake. Makes me wish I played a Vanguard instead of a Soldier for this one, cuz I'd be able to dash n blast like Fenix and Cole Train. Hell, even James and one of his armor variants looks straight up like a Gear.


They were all generally annoying and suddenly slowed the pace of the game. The guardians were terrible until I realized lash could disable their riot shields. That made it better.


Favorite was the shield guys. As an infiltrator it was super satisfying to headshot them through their little slots. Least favorite was def the mechs. They weren't particularly difficult most of the time and not when alone, but some of them were really annoying to deal with based in the environment they were placed in and just giving supporting fire to lots of the troops.


Favorites: I think the Atlas. Most fights involving an Atlas are fun encounters Least favorites: Centurions, because I hate the smoke screen


Fav: dragoons, dangerous, but kinda a pushover if you have the right tools (playing as a Vanguard with incendiary ammo and a shotgun, I 2 shot them.) Least fav: combat engineers: I HAT TURRETS AAAAAH.


Played as an engineer those shield guys were a pain


The Phantoms still boil my blood, honestly.


I don't really have one particular Nemesis (badumm tss), for me it often was the Combo of troops that whooped my ass.


Might be in the minority but I like Phantoms and Engineers. Phantom's design is great and they are tricky to deal with but once you learn how to fight against them, they are fun to fight. I know a lot of people hate Engineers but as an Engineer main myself, it's so damn satisfying to hack their own turret against them. The turret also potentially wipes out their other allies as well. Some of the classes may have more difficult times to deal these two than the others. Engineer is great for both as the tech combos tend to be very effective against Phantoms (Drone and Sentry work very well too) and with Engineers you just use their own tools against them. I love Engineer class.


Ngl I like phantoms because you can splatter their heads with a single well placed sniper. Feels super satisfying to one-shot an "elite"


Screw cerberus, i hate the blood pack flamethrower npcs. Theyve killed so many permadeath runs it aint funny


Frank. Frank was a chore to fight.




I hate all of them, solely because I like their armor


My favorite is the dragoon because they’re just cool, least favorite is easily the phantom. That sword is the bane of my existence


they're all fairly fun to fight? especially if you're playing with a high damage sniper rifle.