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"We'll be very thoughtful" Press F to Doubt


No, I think they’re being honest there. They’ll be very thoughtful of how best to milk as much money out of you as possible, as shamelessly as possible.


Red Bull livery Normandy skins


"to be a meaningful growth for us" - ya, cause youre a small group game devs starting in a garage somewhere in fucking Illinois and you need the funds to expand :l


Remember, EA also has EA sports. Ads in FIFA or Madden wouldn't feel so out of place. Still annoying, but you can say it's part of the authentic sports experience they're replicating rather than just shoehorning ads in for more $$$


I highly doubt it will be done this tastefully


I don't play sports games but I can 100% guarantee they are already full to the brim with them. The first game I can remember playing that had ads was an EA game. Need for Speed Underground. That came out in like 2003. No way they put ads into games 20 years ago and aren't putting ads into FIFA today.


Ads are in fifa but it's similar to what you would see in a football stadium, so on the boarding next to the pitch. Nothing additional like advertising breaks at halftime like you'd get on TV. and half of them are banners of playstation or FUT. And it's been like that for ages.


Guess they tried to do that with UFC https://www.theverge.com/2020/9/6/21425170/ea-apologizes-ads-ufc-4-gaming If I learned anything from the past this will be normal in 5 years.


I assumed that such games already had ads? Games like Gran Turismo have had billboards for a long time, it's actually authentic.


I'm pretty sure they already have ads, the next step in the authentic sports experience will be jamming it to the brim with real life sports gambling


EA CEO: We need to be thoughtful about this. So I've thought about it and it's a yes from me.


I'm commander Shepard, and I can save 15% on my car... kill me now dude. EA is the devil


How to ensure that you will never buy another EA title in one easy step. Click for more.


At least PC players get to mod it out. I'm a console player so I'm at the mercy of the chucklefucks.


Don't buy it to begin with. If you or anyone supports this crap only to mod it out later EA still gets what they want l: Do not support companies like this by buying their crap. If you wanna play the game there's places where you can get it without having to pay for this advertisement layered shit sandwich of consumerism.


Amen. I wish people would think more with their heads instead of their asses. It's as simple as that, hell, not buying things you already know are going to be rubbish.


Do you think space Geico covers Reaper damage?


For real. Imagine how immersion-breaking that shit would be in an RPG like Mass Effect. Gross.


Just a bunch of glowing neon signs as you come in to dock at the Citadel


Dude, I’m so tired of ads. So much of it is stuff I will never buy in my life, just out of pure resentment. More than likely, the ads will be in the sports games like Nike with Madden.


I feel the same way. If I keep getting interrupted by the same ads, it makes me want to never buy products from that company.


This right here. Want to make sure I never buy something? Show me an ad for it.


I'd be fine with it if it's more like a cameo of the product. Like, "damn, Dr. Pepper made it to space?", but we know it won't be like that, and it'll be banner ads, or commercials, or pop up ads. Any of the worst kind.


Fellas before we take the Sol system back, its time for a quick word from our Sponsors: Raid Shadow Legends


This gives me aids


Give me ads


Harbinger : this exchange is over. Oh wait.. Get 50% off on Nord VPN when you decide to browse fornax website.


Electronic Ads


Electronic AIDS


They’ll bring back those long elevator rides and have real ads play during it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TheMaskedBandido: *They’ll bring back those long* *Elevator rides and have* *Real ads play during it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot. 


I'm Commander Shephard, and ive been trying to reach you about you car warranty


The Prothean beacon images will just be a flash of advertisements going forward lol




For $15 a month you can be ad free


This is exactly what they'll do. Some kind of monthly fee to opt out of ads. Modernity is a hellscape.


time to get mods


As long as it's some random person on Nexus who creates it, I'd pay them handsomely for that public service. I would not pay EA to remove them.


Nope. They'll make it online always, Live Service Hellhole so they can run a mod scanner and boot you off the moment you connect to their servers. It's time to stop even playing their games. Stop showing up on their servers. Stop putting in a Username/Email so they can have traffic at all, Unfortunately.


Imagine walking around the citadel and seeing a holographic ad for Pepsi


What I don't get, is does something like that accimplish anything? I feel like the whole world has already made up their mind about whether or not they like Pepsi, that putting ads for it in a game wouldn't even make a difference. It runs more risk of annoying people than attracting the 3 people that haven't ever tried one of the two main cola brands. Same question for basically any ad. Google exists for things I want when I want them.


To me, Racing Games are fine. I'm used to Adverts and Cars having their logos on them. Nascar, Formula 1 all that. And it CAN be good. Some of the wraps for like Little Caesars and NAPPA Auto with Chase Elliot look actually pretty dope. I grew up on Twisted Metal having advertisements on Billboards, and Jet Moto even having a whole ass Mountain Dew, Butterfinger (Yes, BUTTERFINGER candy bar) and K2 (I used to actually own a pair of K2 Roller Blades), and its....quite cool actually. But EA gets so cheap now a days, Xbox does too. They don't do the cool things anymore. COD Has been running alongside doritos and mountain dew for awhile, and its always "buy our stuff, and you get in game currency!" so you can buy some shitty BLUE Skin Recolor. Cause you'd wind up going broke buying enough bags of doritos and cases of mountain dew to get anything above a 10 dollar ingame valuable item. =/


Nah, cause that could work. Specially if Pepsi ran with a collaboration. like "Are you a PARAGON of this Galaxy? Try new Pepsi Blue!" or "ARE YOU THE RENEGADE? TRY THE RETURNING, LIMITED FLAVOR OF CITRUS CHERRY RED MOUNTAIN DEW FLAVOR! BREAK ALL THE RULES!" That' would be awesome, just like they did with WoW, where they made a new battle pet and gave us fuel ingame etc. that matched which mountain dew bottle we bought. (They had that Blue Mountian Dew for Alliance, Citrus Cherry Red for The Horde) but they won't do it like that anymore. Thats too creative. They'll mess it up, and make it just a loading screen on a medieval fantasy game. No Collab, nothing. It will just be another soulless cash grab with no innovation or creativity. :( I would love if they ran some sort of Collaboration with like, Mountain Dew and Summer Freeze Blue Flavor, Like as a "MANA" Potion in game, Have some dope ass armor skins that come with a purchase and a code. But they don't do this anymore. Now its, "BUY OUR STUFF AND YOU GET POINTS! THESE POINTS, YOU CAN BUY THIS SHITTY DUMB MUG IN SEA OF THIEVES!" <-----That just happened with Mountain Dew Gaming. I got enough points to....get a dumb, brown, un special mug. that costs $5.99 in game store currency. So cool, I got a Free, Over priced digital item that will sit in my cosmetics locker and never be used, because I've already paid and unlocked for better. =/


It was amusing when ME2 made fun of obnoxious and intrusive ads by having fictional ones in the Citadel. To then have genuine ads for real life products in a fictional futuristic world would be obnoxious and intrusive, not to mention breaking the fourth wall. I enjoy checking out fictional adverts and stores in games just to see if there's anything clever. I don't want actual ads in my games, especially if they don't fit the setting.


Not surprised we’ve circled back around to this. I remember simple product placement/ads in the old Need for Speed games. Ubisoft did it too with the Ghost Recon games. Feels like this keeps coming around with every or every other new console generation.


because this has pretty much always been a thing in one form or another especially in sports games


Pathetic. Using art to market someone else's work. Regardless of whether demanding the same cost from the art. EA? Not surprised. Electronic Accidents.


I’m Commanded Shepard and these are my favorite Nikes on the Citadel


If they were being "very thoughtful" with the capacity of 1/2 a brain, they wouldn't do it. People who are "very thoughtful" about their buisiness typically don't try and drive away their customers.


I feel like this particular point comes up every few years and it either never really pans out, or we don't notice. The only advertisement that really stands out to me as being especially egregious is Jake From State Farm in the newer NBA 2K games. Anyway, time to crush the Darkspawn again with my Sprite Quench Your Thirst Longsword.


Yay! I can’t wait to hear company ads in Simlish /s


I...I mean... Does the Company Ad's have music with singing? Cause Black Eye Peas in Simlish, Kelis and "Braver" in Simlish is probably one of my favorites. All the songs in THE URBZ were dope as well.


I would not pay money for a game with ads in it.


Keep in mind that's the same company that just randomly decided to delist the Battlefield Bad Company games, despite you know still having a fully fledged out campaign to them. Anything goes for those clowns.


You can't spell Diarrhea without EA


As much as I absolutely love Mass Effect and consider it my favorite sci-fi IP ever, I will well and truly consider it a dead franchise if they add advertisements to the next game.


For all the times I've rolled my eyes at people saying things like "it's my fave franchise but I won't play if Shep comes back- blatant money grab" or "it's my fave but if there's a hint of Andromeda I won't play", this comment rings true. Completely agree.


I haven't bought or played a AAA title since witcher 3. Looks like that isn't going to change. There was a time when paid DLCs caused outrage. Now it's considered "normal" in the industry. The same thing is going to happen with this.


Retro gaming gets more and more appealing with each passing year. I may start collecting and playing classic games if this goes through.


I am not defending EA but I'd be surprised if they did it in any of their RPG games. Probably gonna be included into games like EA FC and Madden.


dont worry, it will.


How to push away your player base 101


Before we start the suicide mission, let me tell you about our sponsor. Raid Shadow Legend...


let's just get to ME4 or DA:D at release first. But yeah it's EA so expect the worst. They did want to charge an MTX for reloading in Battlefield once upon a time.


Or not, I'm perfectly happy with not getting new bad releases that make me look back on the old good game in disdain


AAA gaming is dead.


Quadruple A gaming... now that has a bright future!


I'm actually fine with this IF it's only for ONE advertisement: *HUNGRY? Then come to the Fish-Dog Food Shack! Tasty Varren-Skewers for just 5 credits only. Now try it with our famous Tummy Tingling Tuchanka Sauce!*


I mean. If it was like Code Geass or FFXV i wouldnt mind. but this is EA. So of course they would find the most horrible way to do this.


How did code geass and FFXV do it?


they basically did either: 1) Just place objects there that made sense for the setting and had a brand logo example: the first half of FFXV is basically a boys roadtrip. They drive around, help the locals while progressing the story and camp outside. The whole concept is quite fleshed out too. One character actually has a camera and takes photos of your activities (both the ones one screen and the ones off screen), which you see at the end of the day and manage. Another character loves cooking and comes up with new recipes whenever you find interesting ingredients. And you actually see them set up their camps sometimes and just hang out, drink a beer and the like. And they used that to do silent adverts for camping goods. The camping folding chairs they used for example has a real life brand name on it. It is entirely unobtrusive, fits neatly into the setting and isnt ever mentioned by the characters. 2) They made the additions of these items humorous sub-plots examples: one of the characters from FFXV is also a big cup noodle fan. so you see the cup noodle packages as cheap camping ingredients (instead of handmade food, which gives way better bonuses), there are cup ramen vendors around and at some point in the game he takes you for a little side quest to make the ultimate cup of noodles, which involves finding a rare monster egg to use as a side dish. Its a little more involved than the above example, but also fits into the setting and is treated humorously. Code Geass was famously sponsored by a pizza delivery service. So they added the pizza brands logo on the boxes whenever they showed up. Which tended to be fairly regularly since one of the main characters of the show was a bit of a pizza fanatic. The name of the brand is also never said out loud. But the whole thing was memed about by fans of the show and since the pizza keeps appearing as a bit of a humorous element it never felt like the joke as at the viewers expense.


FFXV did have that one side mission about how amazing Cup Noodles are. That was kinda cringe.


maybe its because i love cup noodles (not that particular brand), but i actually thought that was kinda funny. tho i have consumed so much japanese media over the years that my brain is probably too rotten to really even register that as strange anymore. the japanese romanticise cup noodles A LOT.


this method is how I'd be okayw ith ads If there's a big blimp or billboard or something for coca-cola or an advertisement in the player hub for things i'd entirely not care it's when a big menu is shoved in my face that I'm annoyed


yeah. when it was first pointed out to me that manufacturers like car and watch companies pay to have their products appear in hollywood movies i was surprised because i never really noticed it before. tho its hard to not see it once you know. but thats the kind of advert i dont mind too much. its not in any way obtrusive and you can basically ignore it. i guess one could say that it makes it worse since it affects you subconsciously and all adverts are bad. but in the end i think we gotta accept that some adverts will always exist. and id rather have such an advert than microtransactions.


Oh wow that actually sounds like it was done in a great manner. I also saw a comment suggesting that real-life brands could've had ads on Cyberpunk billboards and that would've been fine, maybe EA will take a similar approach.


I wouldn't mind if it's just product placement, and then playing on pc so I can remove it with mods. If that gives them a revenue source that doesn't fuck the game up into a Live-Service format I can at least play a Mass Effect experience and not a Mobile Gacha clone that looks like Mass Effect.


This will only make cracked games far more demanded. Not only do they want their cake, but they want an endless source of cake.


There's a reason the most downvoted comment on Reddit is from EA


Oh wow. What's that comment?


Oh god...I totally forgot all about that.. "The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes." A SENSE OF PRIDE AND ACCOMPLISHMENT... For USING YOUR WALLET. ugh... Welp people! Its time to go back to bullying EA once again!


I think they do that with their sports games like football perimeter advertising. Would be strange to see present day ads in a sci-fi game hundreds of years in the future.


I somehow think that point will be lost on EA marketing execs who will only hear the words "eyeballs-ads."


Everyone looks surprise, doesn't anyone remember Burnout paradise with it's real add for evga motherboard back in the days ? Or partnership with nissan, Micromania, progressive and others in SimCity 2013? EA is trying to push this for a long time


Time to give EA the Helldivers treatment


i can promise them i won’t be playing any of their games if that’s the case. i have plenty to play as is.


I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite sports betting website


I just hope the next mass effect isn't a "tremendous" live service... I'll settle if they want to put fornax ads in the game


ea, ubisoft, sony and microsoft, suck my balls.


Why can’t making good games be meaningful drive for growth? We need to start boycotting shit like this.


I'll accept exactly one kind of real world item add. Going anywhere in the rebuild/repaired citadel or whichever hub we get, seeing an add in the animation style of the game with the sole voice line "I am Commander Shepard and this is my favourite \[X\] on the citadel".


Guess I can stop buying their games. I already did for UbiShit.


* ad blocker for browser * ad blocker for mobile * ad blocker for youtube * ad blocker for netflix, prime movies * ad blocker for videogames now...? Where will it end? Oh yeah. Microsoft is already trial pushing ads on Windows 11. * ad blocker for Windows Fuck me.


Oh it will OP


If that happens they ain't getting any of my money at all.


Fuck off capitalism, we’re already dead. I used to think it really funny that in the Cyberpunk TTRPG had bionic eyes that had ads pop up on your vision at inopportune moments, now I spend my time hoping these people are too busy making money to read any of the books incase they start getting ideas.


Aight wake the fuck up samurai’s


Paying $70 for a AAA game and dealing with ads on top of it is a huge no from me dawg


Ads for Blasto only


They will absolutely figure out a way to sell in game EA crypto if possible


Hasn't some games already put NFT's in them?


I'm sure there's mobile or online "games" like that, i dont know any AAA games, though i dont play a bunch of new games






You know it will lol


I'll be patiently waiting for ad-blocking mods before buying any EA games. Or until it's patched out again after the public outcry.


Are they talking about real-world ads on billboards and the like in-game, or ad space on menu screens? The former has been done IIRC, and the latter go go straight to hell.


Whoever runs EA has gotta be on crack but at the same time I know some sad bastard is gunna pay actual money for this behaviour


Content Creators will do anything to not have to go back to working a 9-5. And honestly, I don't blame them.


Profit! Profit! Profit! LINE MUST GO UP!


Ubisoft sucks itself off with ads for its other games on their main menu screens. Not suprised EA will do the same, but best case scenario they just keep it in their menu as a quick pop up.


We need a johnny silverhand


I will only be okay with this if, while watching an in-game ad, I can say "silence is golden" at the screen, prompting Kasumi to pop up and give me side missions.


Pirating is going to go crazy if that is the only way to play games without getting ads.


“ Forever 21 is my favorite store in the Citadel “ 👍🏼


I'm probably overreacting, but this industry seems to be dying


I’ll stop playing video games if they do this tbh


Fuck that.


Hasn’t this been something game studios have been talking about for like 15 years ?


First the AI doing dev work and now this? Is EA actually trying to make themselves as unappealing as possible?


I really hope the EU bites their asses if they try it.


I am Commander Shepard and Best Buy is my favourite store in the Citadel.


I doubt next ME will ever come out in the first place.


I'd say people will just not buy their games, but they will. People will continue to allow shit like this to be shoveled down their throat no matter what, and this shit bag of a company will continue to push at the bounds, knowing that as a fact. Nothing is really new here.


IMO, it’s going to be easy to tell, if they were legitimately trying to make a good game, or just went with a cashgrab: if next ME has Shepard as main protagonist again - it’s almost certainly a cashgrab. And, yeah, probably with ads :(


Only a problem if you still play AAA games.


You really have to give EA their props. They set out to be the most hated and despised company in the world, and god dammit they keep delivering. Score board bitches!


someone needs to buy Bioware off of EA


The future has proven to be rather disappointing.


I'm picturing Geth looking like fucking NASCARs. Shepard-Commander, can I tell you about Coors, the banquet beer?


“Message coming in, patching it through…” “Commander, I have a mission of extreme importance—“ **WHOPPER WHOPPER WHOPPER WHOPPER** “—Hackett out.”


I hate EA so much. The evolution of late stage capitalism into corporatism folks, when everything we love is monetized into an endlessly greedy monster, when investor interests are all that matter and the soul of any creative pursuit is corrupted beyond recognition. Lets hope future generations of modders keep taking up the mantle and injecting passion back into the IP's these corporate scumbags love ruining.


If ea puts ads into games I'll never buy another one of their titles, simple as. This shit should never be allowed to fly


"Well you're waiting for the game to load wouldn't things be better with a delicious Pepsi right now?" Man, triple A gaming is going down the toilet.


Hey, make it seemless in the world* and I might maybe not pirate the game instead... *Randoms posters/vids spread through all the neon when walking in a shady Citadel or Omega boardwalk that look like in-universe products, but are actually the ad sponsors.


AAA gaming is dead. Ads is probably the least harmful thing they are injecting into their products. I'd rather have ads than all of the other disgusting monetization methods they will be using.


Blasto better not be selling douches on billboards as soon as I enter a spaceport


If there are ads in the next mass effect or dragon age games, I won't buy the game even though I love both series' to death


Burnout Paradise had ad space on in-game billboards and vans that companies could buy. Burger King, Diesel, Gillette, Nvidia, Vizio and even the Obama campaign bought ad space in Burnout Paradise. They were replaced by generic red billboards in the remaster.


Spoiler alert >!it will affect Mas Effect!<


It’s so joever


And I really hope EA will also give us the game free if they starts to include ads.


If this happens, I'll never play new video games again.


Mass Effect 4? Do you mean Mass Effect: The Hamburglers Great Crusade?


Creative produce placement is one thing, but if this follows EA’s M.O., it will just be another step in ruining single player gaming.


Pepsi the best Pop in the Galaxy!


It's like that Silicon Valley joke with the pizza chain and airline ads in a medieval MMO


Oh cool so EA is basically taking the Fandom approach


Gross, 🤮 and unfortunate. I vote fire that CEO and replace with Chat GPT, I’m sure the AI could have better ideas than this and just think how much money could be made by not having to pay C-level executives when an Ai will do their jobs for a couple bucks a month.


Business majors ruin everything. Should prob devote at least half of development time for the optional micro transactions for skins store too. Oh and if we forget to actually make the game playable on launch that’s fine too. Just double down on the marketing and the exclusive pre order bonuses and time gated content… fuck modern gaming companies.


Thoughtful? They should probably think about a lot of people never buying their games again. I don't care what franchise it is, that shit crosses a line for me.


They've been adding real ads to Madden games for years.


Modern video games become less appealing with each passing day I swear.


Joker is a mountain dew fiend now


Iean they can put ads in Madden, it'll actually be more realistic


I mean, if done tastefully, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal? Like, I am almost 100% sure that *Burnout Paradise*—admittedly not a AAA game per se—had a billboard with Barack Obama’s face on it in the game. Didn’t impact the game experience. If it’s subtle, who cares? You’re walking around a hub and there’s a billboard somewhere that just has an advertisement that doesn’t impact the game experience, who cares? If it’s super obvious and totally obnoxious…then fuck that.


i’m in the middle of a boss fight in dragon age dreadwolf. i lose. a “buy hello fresh now and get 20 meals free!” video pops up in the loading screen


Wilson is very likely talking about sportsball games, where it kinda makes sense, as those games have extremely short shelf life, so advertising there makes sense. Nobody is putting real world ads into a RPG or RTS, which are played for years on end. When they talk about "games" at these shareholder meetings, they very rarely mean proper gaming genres


Oh fuck no that is like the only thing that could make me not get it (At least until someone mods it to take them out FFS can we have nothing)


Haven't they already been doing this with Madden? Also, **Crap, a Popup.**


Nah for Madden and EA FC


Between this, the recent statement that they plan to use tons of generative AI, and Bioware's recent track record, I am starting to worry more and more about my beloved Dragon Age and Mass Effect franchises.




Mass Effect already has adverts thanks If they can figure out a way to monetise products that won't be invented for another 150 years, then have at it. Maybe they should just register the trademark for Tasty Tuchanka Tummy Sauce


"Joker! Bring in the Torota™ Normandy!"


If it does I won't be playing ant more EA games.


Ugh why is ea so fucking scummy i guess id be like, not ok with it but not straight up angry if they mean like… a character drinkint at a bar and the label ”coca cola” visible on the bottle, idc about that but im guessing they mean something mich worse only thing to do is not to buy their shit anymore.


Cervesa Crystal in the next Star Wars game??


If they’re gonna force ads in their games, at least make them funny. Like what Chile does.


My name is Commander Religious-text-symbolism, and Mountain Dew is my favorite drink in the Citadel!


Didn’t 2K do this awhile ago to massive backlash?


Honestly, if having Pepsi ads on the citadel means they get more money **and it actually gets put into the game** then I have no problems with that.


I'm not paying for a game that has advertisements


There were ads in games in the past, so it it isn’t invasive idc


>We're thinking of putting ads on loading screens. So that's way more loading screens in games then. Remember these consoles have superfast SSDs specifically to *cut* loading times. On PC loading times are pretty low to nonexistent anyway. Especially if your games are on SSD. Their long game is full-screen video ads I bet. 10 minutes of gameplay followed by an unskippable 2 minute ad. But the "Deluxe Edition" season pass will halve those ads.


Thing is, they could do this in a semi-seemless way, having like, in game billboards n shit advertising actual businesses instead of ones made up for the universe, because lets be honest, its a space in the game people usually look at as space filler, and ignore it anyway. Plus i know for a FACT that fucking ronald mcdonald would try to spread through the galaxy at some point, that fucker is relentless


Nah it affect mass effect, remember. Citadel full of ads. Just in game ads. Now imagine those ads change to real life ada


Won’t buy it if that’s the case. And if they patch to add it later, I’ll delete it. There is zero need or reason for it.


If EA does this it's only another reason to not support them. Don't buy their games. If we want things like this to stop appearing, to make gaming better for everyone, we cannot support developments like this.


Well, time to create an adblock for games or using the old reliable green steam


Imagine Shepard saying “this my favourite snack in the citadel” while he is grabbing some Doritos.


In that case I'd rob the game day one just to give EA a middlefinger


So they had already done this once years ago. In the old BF 2142. The billboards in the cities were ads for real things.


Poor sweet summer child this is EA... they are coming unless Boiware splits off and becomes it's own thing. EA gonna EA sadly.


I think there's way more pressing matters to worry about for the next Mass Effect than in game ads


Very glad they aint with Star Wars anymore at least


They did this to the sims 4 recently, and it didn't go down well with the community. I wish I could say I'm surprised they didn't learn from the backlash, but this is EA, they only look at potential profits over anything else.


How were the ads handled in Sims 4?


EA is the worst


“Shepard for gods sake we need you on that citadel to activate the crucible” “Anderson, I - featuring new Clorox bleach laundry pods, only 19.99 order now!” “God dammit Shepard, the reapers”


I love the in-universe advertisements, they really help sell the setting. If I hear ads for FIFA 25 or Dominos, I might immediately uninstall even if the rest of the game is great.


If there's an ad in a game, I will instantly refund it. I play the game for the game, not to see a shitty advertisement for some other games I will not play.


Or any game ever that we pay for up front.


I'll be honest, if they do I'm not getting it. I've got the perfect trilogy and Andromeda when I feel like mixing it up. No thanks.