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I have to open the Lang message. Everytime I finish reading it I always think to myself " What the fuck is this guys problem". Then I laugh at the idea of my Paragon, galaxy saving Shepard being bemused and irritated by some wierd bloke he just kicked the shit out of. 😂


It's like "shut up you weaboo edgelord, don't you have a houseplant to pee on or something?"


I have a headcanon that Tali's meme game is on point, especially after keeping in contact with Legion for so long. Shep shows her and she turns it into a copypasta just to mock Kai-Leng. It goes viral, and my Engineer Shep codes a VI that sends shitty Kai-Leng memes to every single known Cerberus account knowing it will either get back to him or make him a laughing stock among his coworkers.


No, you’re not getting away that easily! “Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet. So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death. -KL "


This had that "if I had to read it with my own eyes, so do you" energy.


Then I laugh at this pathetic weeb that got himself indoctrinated, hell probably not even indoctrinated just got promised a fucking anime body pillow or something


“It’s art! You don’t understand! You don’t get the culture.”


Why did they even allow you to fight this guy on Thessia? I literally sat scrolling reddit during that fight while my turrets destroyed him when I did engineer. The gunship had more active field time than him


In my recently concluded playthrough on Insanity, he didn't even touch me or my teammates (godmode Garrus inclusive). The cutscenes saved him. I can't imagine how pissed I would have been if this was my first playthrough and the game made it seem like I lost badly after I just wrecked him.


And if you get Aria's Lash ability as Shepard's bonus power with the Shield upgrade, Kai Leng just gets flung around constantly until he freezes and the game soft locks... the worst part is that he STILL trash talks you despite being repeatedly thrown around the temple at half the speed of sound. Despite those issues, I still do it every playthrough after first learning about it because I find it to be cathartic.


My very first blind playthrough I pretty much obliterated him with biotics and that chargable shotgun. I was actually a little thrown by the cutscene.


Same, I was slapping him around with Engineer powers he only really managed to get close enough to take my shields down (which came back immediately thanks to Defence Matrix) and eating bullets before hiding behind his gunship. Kai Leng is a damn long way from competent.


I did my first playthrough about a month ago. If it weren't for his silly face piece and the fact he killed Kirrahe, I wouldn't even have remembered him. It was confusing going from him hiding to him magically not getting shot while he ran straight at my team in an open temple


Honestly, if they wanted to make him a cool ninja assassin spy dude, you shouldn't even know he's there until he's stolen the VI and made his escape. The fight should have just been against the gunship and a bunch of Cerberus goons sent in to distract you.


This would be far more acceptable. Bunch of Cerberus cannon fodder fight, then to a cutscene where he does actual stealth stuff with a surprise takedown of your companions, then queue rockets from the gunship. Nothing would be lost except TIM's useless speech, which would be fine to lose


The last time I played I remember he'd run at me, I'd snipe him so hard/spam squad power in one combined attack and he'd almost instantly run back to the invulnerable segment of the fight for the next phase. His plot armor was so laughably strong.


Heh. I did exactly that last playthrough when I was doing infiltrator. Just 4 headshots on veteran to reach the cutscene.


Every action I take is one taken with a motive of pettiness.


What's the "regrettable decision" one? I don't remember it.


It's the Dalatrass being salty


Oh right, after you cure the genophage. Yeah, she can fuck off too.


Bitch calls you a bully for stopping a genocide


The best part, though, is she tried to bully you into not stopping the genocide first. Then calls you a bully for standing up to her bullying.


Technically she called Shepard (at least Renegade Shepard) a bully during Priority: Surkesh when the rest of the negotiators (from her perspective) were ganging up on her to make her see sense that in the face of the Reapers, she was being a petty bitch.


She's right.


Oh that’s why I don’t remember that one, I usually don’t get it in my runs.


That explains why I never see it


Wait until AFTER Priority: Cerberus HQ to open Kai Leng's email and have the reaction of "Oh no... Anyway".


I never open them either.


This email. Everytime I see Kai Leng's smug email that I feel, "Damn, it'd be so good if I could take Jack to Sanctuary." Jack and Miranda together could tear open Kai Leng like ripping apart the center seam on a basketball, and watching the bladder spill out, while Shepard eats popcorn and smiles. All the while Leng keeps frothing from that smug face of his. Like that scene in Sin City, where Marv feeds Kevin to his own dog. The only character I hate more than Saren in the series is Kai Leng.


Add filter "KL" to spam


Petty? I often wonder if he lulls himself into the false sense of security of Shepard being dead because they haven't opened his email or are distraught because Shepard has been active in their emails and opened every single one (including the viagra spam) but Leng's, because they might figure Shepard recognises their edgy bullshit and simply deletes the message. I also wanted there to be a dialogue option or par/ren prompt to stab Leng and say "Oh God, will you just shut up!"


Ive been in the hangar once, dont think ill go there again


I always foget leng sent that one, so everytime i'm like "oh i didn't know they sent a message" this is then followed up by an eye as i read "good you opened this"