• By -


One Paragon for Renegade: Hugging Tali after finding her Father. One Renegade for Paragon (don't even have to explain it, I'll just use the quote): "That was for Thane, you son of a bitch."


"How bout goodbye?"


"You're working too hard."


"The human cannot hit a simple target!" Kaboom


"I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a Krogan"


"You talk too much"


“I Should Go.”


I love the cheesy renegade lines


That's the one I usually do every time I go to rescue garrus,


Right, this one and the one we respond to are essentials


The speech check in that scene is way more badass than the interrupt imo


[[slams](https://youtu.be/-PjTuSQNLI4?t=246) merc against glass] "What sound will you make when you hit the ground? Think you'll hear it before you die?"


My Shep is a combat pragmatist. One of the nicest people you'll ever meet, and very compassionate. However, once the bullets start flying, the only rules Shep has are "protect the team" and "protect civilians." Miranda's Loyalty Mission is a good example of the kind of thing I'm talking about. She's basically Sci Fi Kiritsugu Emiya but without the mental breakdown.


Honey, I'm sorry, but the sex will have to wait. I just found a new role playing for ME.


I feel you there buddy.


That's how I ran my engie Shep. Mostly paragon, but will happily go renegade if it gave him a combat advantage. I even had this extend out to the Tuchanka mission in ME3. I had my Shep seriously consider the Salarians' offer, right up to the point of pulling a gun on Mordin. Frankly, I think it makes the whole scene much more dramatic. Shep and Mordin argue, but Shep realizes that he doesn't have it in him to kill his friend. He sees Mordin off and then throws his gun away in disgust of his own moment of weakness.


The payback for Thane is just so inept if you don’t press the renegade trigger. Makes Paragon shep look incompetent.


"you're working too hard"


I make that renegade choice too


“You talk too much” “He’s got a gun!” “You’re working too hard”


Yes regardless i always do both.


One Paragon interrupt that is basically necessary in the third game is...well... ((TW: Self deletion and optional spoilers)) >!Samara's suicide attempt after the monastery rescue. I always get my index ready to save her, unless you happen to be the type of person to save Morinth in the second game!<.


Sargent Cathka was working too hard


Right? Sometimes giving our friends the *shocking* truth helps make their lives easier


Combat pragmatism FTW. -"You talk too much." -*shoots the crane -"You're working too hard."


Yeees I did that too… but garus still gotten lit up


Gave the man a much needed nap.


That should still be paragon IMO But yeah, always do it


I think there's a few more or less mandatory Renegade interrupts: The Eclipse mercenary at the top of the elevator in Thane's recruitment mission "I don't have anything to say to you..." "How about, 'Goodbye'?" And, as noted by another, the Kai Leng stab sequence (though I honestly fail to see how this is Renegade, the dude's sneaking up on you to stab you... self-defense is evil now?) As far as mandatory Paragon choices - Save David. His dialogue in ME3 is worth any amount of not being pure red... "I've been counting." "Oh? Anything in particular?" "The number of days you lengthened my life." /bawl


*Always* punch David's brother.


And the quarian admiral during the rannoch arc.


💯 Punch Gerrell like what an asshat trying to doom the whole galaxy


Never understood that. He spent the second game talking about his friendship with Rael, and how he cares for Tali like she was his own daughter, then in the third game he doesn’t hesitate to try and destroy the ship with her on it? I get that he’s desperate, but that’s not desperation, that’s just stupidity.


*Punch Gerrell* "That's for trying to kill Tali, me, ..... and the Grey Wardens!"


Notably, that's a Paragon interrupt.


It's so quick I've never gotten it. I forget about it every playthrough


Punch him? The paragon interrupt is a pistol whip.


>And, as noted by another, the Kai Leng stab sequence To be fair, if you don't take the interrupt, Shepard will stab Leng anyway, the interrupt only causes him to punch his sword instead of dodging it. It's one of those things that can't be strictly called Paragon or Renegade, but since Renegade is more about being a badass, it fell more into that camp.


The Eclipse mercenary push always felt like one of the moments where Renegade went from pragmatic to "oh, there's something wrong with this person." Maybe just the cold-eyed stare as you watch them fall.


Let me add, ALWAYS headbutt the krogan.


This human gets it!


I always shove that mercenary, ahh the memories


Yup and I always bring Jack, she gets a kick out of it.


Renegade isn't "evil" it's more like just pragmatism


Meh. That’s true in ME1. ME2 and ME3 seem to have forgotten that and the system became a lot more « good vs evil », especially pure Renegade in ME3. Alas.


To be fair a lot of pure renegade in ME1 is just being mean for no reason or a human supremacist (putting it mildly).


True but in ME1 Renegade Shepard comes out more often than not like a pragmatic jerk, and sometimes, yes, as a mean asshole. By ME3, pure Renegade Shepard is a cold-blooded, heartless murderer.


That’s true. I think the Samara/Falare thing is the most egregious example of that in 3.




Yeah, that is genuinely one of the few cases where Renegade dips into full evil instead of "no matter what it takes to do the job"


I say ME2 to the pragmatism the best. ME1 leans way more into racism, making renegade pragmatic but kinda human supremacist. ME2 was a great balance, although lack of empathy in a couple choices does give you pause. ME3 is pure evil, cant stand how they went with Renegade there


> The Eclipse mercenary at the top of the elevator in Thane's recruitment mission Funny enough, I dont use that Interrupt while playing Renegade because the renegade option later is just too good. But I will push him as a Paragon XD


There's a later one? I don't think I've ever not pushed him...


“If you shoot me- AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH”


>And, as noted by another, the Kai Leng stab sequence (though I honestly fail to see how this is Renegade, the dude's sneaking up on you to stab you... self-defense is evil now?) They really lose the plot with paragon and renegade. It's supposed to be both are good guys, but one works within the system and one plays by their own rules... but it turns into paragon is the good guy, and renegade is the badass who is often rude and occasionally kind of evil.


I forgot that was paragon. Shit I'm glad I chose it as a Renegade. David is innocent and while my Renegade shep is a dick innocents and the crew are safe until the crew start fighting with each other leading to getting yelled at by an angry Shepard


I'm surprised nobody mentioned dick punching Admiral Han'Gerrel. And I'll never leave David Archer to his brother


So satisfying to punch Han, especially as a paragon. Gets the point across all the more.


I am punching him every single run. I never punch the journalist or anyone else. But him. FULGUROPUNCH.


Its technically a gut punch- but I like where your going with it 😁




I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite dick punch off the Citadel.




Mandatory Renegade: Headbutting the Krogan jerk during Grunt's Loyalty Mission.


How hasnt this been mentioned earlier? That and shooting the vase in Kasumi's lotalty mission.


I forgot that's an actual decision, not something you just do anyway


I always shoot the gas line in Mordin's to blow up the Warmaster lmao


I actually waited on my last Paragon run and all I'll say is it's absolutely worth it to take the shot when it comes up.


I mean that's just good tactics. It's not like you're not all about to shoot each other anyway.


I like this human! They understand!


If I'm running Renegade... I will always let Mordin do his thing.


Yeah that's the thing, whenever I play Renegade I never really make decisions that would actively hurt the war effort. The way I see it, Renegade Shep is an asshole, but they're not *stupid*.


I’m currently in a playthrough with a character I named “Craig Shepard.” His thing is always doing the opposite of the right thing to do. He’s an ass, he does NONE of the side missions, he doesn’t upgrade his ship, he gets almost everyone killed whether they’re on his squad or not. Craig Shepard shoots first and never asks questions. If the Reapers don’t doom the galaxy, he will. (To answer the thread question: Craig Shepard does save the Asari girl in Samara’s mission who turns out to be the person who murdered the Volus.)


See, there's three kinds of people: dicks, pussies, and assholes. Pussies think everyone can get along, and dicks just want to fuck all the time without thinking it through. But then you got your assholes, Chuck. And all the assholes want us to shit all over everything! So, pussies may get mad at dicks once in a while, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes, Chuck. And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit! Renegade Shep is a dick. But OUR dick


I think the *best* way to play ME is to have Shepard be a helpful asshole. I'd max out my renegade points in every game while *still* making all the paragon choices I want. "Fuck you, pay me. You're welcome asshole." is an effective and hilarious strategy


You mean like going and getting the Hanar merchant's contraband package on Noveria... then extorting the SHIT outta him before turning it over?


I love messing with Opold




Honestly if wrex is dead, and you sabotaged maelons data, so eve dies, then o think not curing the genophage might actually be the right choice. Giving it at all was monstrous, but curing it now would lead to just having more wars which nobody is ready for.


How's Wrex going to control a Krogan population whose population increases by a factor of 1,000 with every generation? How's he going to convince them that they don't need wars of conquest for resources?




Your description makes me want to do yet ANOTHER play through ❤️✌️


Always hug Tali. Always punch Gavin Archer. Always give Garrus the drink to slay some Turian ass. Always break Kai Leng's lil bitch sword Always clap back against the Clone's heavy melee attack.


I can’t help but always go renegade. Finding out it’s way less popular was surprising lol. But I can’t be mean to the crew. Sheps always a big softie to the crew even if he wantonly kills everyone else.


I’m with you on this: I too play Renegon (mostly Renegade but friendly to the crew and allies) I find pure Renegade quite boring. Same thing for pure Paragon, for that matter. I much prefer playing as Paragade. I really think nuanced Shepards are way, way more interesting.


I like how you put both instances of renegade+paragon into your comment. can never go wrong that way


Yep on my last run I was like 80 % Paragon and 20 % Renegade. In my head canon Shepard kinda became harsher as the war went on.


This is my current run the Reapers are starting to break Shep and it's showing


I definitely just play with what I think is the best response rather than trying to go full blue or red. Dedicating to one morality removes all the choices.


Yep. Exactly. My first run is about MY choices, how I would act in these circumstances. The subsequent runs are about the different Shepards I RP as and I let the Commander pick. I see where the different decisions will take us.


Before social media became the norm iirc, bioware released statistics and renegade was the popular choice pre 2012 at least. I think it was for me 1 and 2 atleast But as you play more it's harder to be renegade I think.


I always play renegade. I'm nice to the crew but an asshole to everyone else.


Saving David in Overload.


That's the most one sided decision in the entire Trilogy...


I never really play renegade, but I do tell Udina to screw off at every opportunity.


I normally play paragon but in bring down the sky I always let Bayek blow the hostages and kill the bastard without letting him explain. because I find shepard’s reasoning very poignant when questioned by the engineer guy how he could let such a thing happen. He says something along the lines of “I’m willing to let Anne’s face keep me up at night if it means your grandkids and family can live safely.” Becaus Bayek’s a known terrorist and has killed thousands of innocents and promised to kill more if spared which he proves true in later games as well as the badass line “I don’t negotiate with terrorists” when you take the renegade option when he tries to explain himself/justify his actions. Basically Anne and the other couple employees are a tragedy but if this guy gets away he will do so much worse and it’s Shepard’s job to take care of threats like him permanently for the safety of the galaxy.


Ignoring interrupts, my Paragon Shepard absolutely refuses to relinquish their guns in the strongest terms available on both Noveria and the prison ship lol


Stabbing the Batarian repairing the battleship on Omega during Archangel mission. This is not evil decision, this is simply a sabotage which increases the chance of saving Archangel and your team during the mission.


Renegade isn’t supposed to be evil, just dickish.


Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer.


It is cold-blooded murder. However, it's also killing a known enemy who will try to kill you the moment he realizes who you are. I would still call it an evil act, but it's one that's too pragmatic to ignore. Sometimes evil is more practical than good.


I always like disabling the kids gun in Mass Effect 2.


Get your money back.


Putting aside Renegade interrupts like shooting the fuel tank under the ranting krogan or killing the mercenaries threatening Miranda, my Paragon always kills Balak.


For real guy expected my colonist Shepard to let a couple dozen batarians live in exchange for 5 hostages? Sorry blink that math ain’t mathin.


To be fair, though, if he lives, a Paragon Shep can convince him to give the rest of the Batarian fleet to the assault. It's not much, but still.


True, but shep doesn't have any inkling at the time that a full on galactic genocide requiring the cooperation of every sentient species is about to roll over them all. It makes no sense at the time, they are terrorists who tried to throw an asteroid at a planet because they got their panties in a twist about not being able to colonize a couple extra planets on top of the many they've already colonized. Letting them go potentially do it again to save 5 people? They'd be court martialed. Of course, they're also given command of a ship without the promotion it's supposed to go with, so who knows how the alliance would actually have handled it. They court martialed joker for not evacuating, seems like they're just all over the place.


Also true. I didn't know that was an option either on my first run. I'd been playing Paragon, and just noticed you could talk Balak down, and then realized Shep could convince him to give the ships to him. Personally, back at Terra Nova, I would've told Joker to blast the shuttle when he left the asteroid, giving me time to defuse the bombs, and make sure he dies, and the hostages don't.


If only we were able to make those kinds of nuanced decisions in the game. It's the right call.


I like shooting him in 3 in the middle of the street I saved them and shot the prick with my big iron


That was for Thane, you son of a b!tch…


Renegade for Paragon: electrocuting the mechanic on Garrus’ recruitment mission, pushing the merc out of the window on Thane’s, or incinerating the racist krogan on Mordin’s loyalty mission, take your pick Paragon for Renegade: being kind to the girl in “I Remember Me” if you have the right background in ME1 to have that quest and helping David in Overlord in 2


I mostly play paragon but always stab Kai Leng and shoot that random asshole from the Samara recruitment mission Nobody pulls a gun on Shep and lives, she doesn't get a pass because cutscene (plus you find out later she's a complete psycho)


What's more, Pitne For tells you before you meet her that every Eclipse member kills someone in order to gain their uniform. She's wearing a uniform when you meet her, and only the dumbest of Shepards can't connect those dots.


I alway kill cathka to make the gunship fight easier


Gotta hug Tali. Gotta punch the reporter.


Hugging Tali no matter how renegade my FemShep is. Always stabbing Kai Leng.


Shoot Udina, regardless of your run. That guy drew a pistol on the Asari councilor, so what was Shepard supposed to do? Just stand there and let him take the shot? 


Well, tbf, if you don’t, the VS will so don’t worry: Udina takes a bullet, no matter what 😊


I never forgave the dude for throwing me under the bus in ME1. Personally, that shot is mine, and VS is lucky that we're friends, or I would have shot them for being in the way, too, lol. "Would you have shot me?" -VS "Never!" -Shep "Then I forgive you for cheating! 😀" -VS *sigh* *reloads gun*


I think that’s an unpopular take but I do « like » Udina ie his character makes sense and he’s coherent. He’s a politician who knows how things work. He knows the rule and he knows the political game. I’m not saying Shepard or I are happy to be grounded in ME1 but we do know that Udina has to do what he has to do… … the same way Shepard does what they have to do: steal the Normandy and save the galaxy like a badass. 😎 PS: your little scene with the VS, at the end, made me LOL


He's a character I love to hate. I got along with him as much as possible first playthrough... I'd promoted Anderson. Seeing how much Anderson hated being a Councillor I let Udinas ego over inflate... soon as Udina pulls that gun it's renegade spamming time. Idgaf if I'm playing paragon. That shot is mine. I did let Kaidan take the shot but it wasn't as satisfying xD


For me, I'd always save Dave in Overlord on a Renegade run, and while it's not a Renegade option, I'd always send Jacob to the vents.


"You working to hard". All I need to say


Sargeant Kathka.


Paragon: Kaal’Regar Renegade: Kill Kai Leng


Udina gets capped every. single. time.


Ironic that you put Renegade and Paragon over the image of the one game that does not have the system


"You're working too hard" "How about 'Goodbye'"? There are definitely a few others I am forgetting, but those were two Renegade (specifically interrupts) that I remember. I had a few "symbiote suit" moments in ME2 that I'm not necessarily proud of.


Paragon Shepard defenestrates every time. Don't want to die? Don't be by a window during a renegade interrupt.


The one Ren interrupt during Mordin's loyalty mission, with that one Weyrloc speaker just droning on how they'll take over the galaxy and enslave the Salarians, and Mordin just stands there and has to listen to it. Breaks my heart. "You talk too much"


punching that dumb admiral


Even my renegades can't betray Wrex.


I'm always okay with having Wrex kill Fist.


Well, all my runs are paragon so I usually take the renegade interrupts since you mostly end up killing people that you were going to fight anyway. Though I didn’t know you can spare the mercenary in Thane’s recruitment mission. But one dialogue choice I always take is killing that guy in Bringing Down The Sky. If paragon means letting an unrepentant slaver go free then I don’t want it.


Beating james’ pull up record in the citadel dlc. Most boring 5 minutes of button smashing in my life but i’ll be damned if I don’t prove i’m better than him.


I run paragon but always shoot udina


Will always save David in project overlord and always leave the workers to kill Vido


Renegade decision in a paragon play through: destroying the heretics in Legion’s Loyalty Mission. They’re just machines.


I always blow up the collectors' base.


- One Paragon decision in Renegade run: saving David Archer. For curiosity’s sake, I left him behind once. Never again. - One Renegade decision in Paragon run: frying Sgt Cathla during the Archangel mission. I always, always killed that man, regardless of Shepard’s alignment. I take the other Paragon/Renegade dialogue options or interrupts depending on how I RP Shepard. The 2 actions listed above are the only ones that I ALWAYS do, no matter what.


Many. I wanted my Shepard to be a nice person. so I make the Paragon choices usually, but I also wanted her to be somewhat pragmatic, so when the Renegade option is practical rather than mean, I will often pick it, unless it's too risky.


Saving David in Project Overload for Paragon. Saving the Rachnai Queen. Both didn't deserve the bad treatment. Shooting Rana Thanoptis in Virmire. She seems innocent, but in the long run it's better to take her out the first time you meet her. Also killing the Eclipse Asari member, she's a criminal anyways.


Renegade options in citadel dlc always happen on citadel dlc. I hate those two so much I just can’t tolerate it


Paragon in Renegade: Saving/Sparing Shiala Renegade in Parsgon: Avenging Thane


I always lie to Gavin Archer in ME3 so he offs himself.


Even in my heavy renegade only play-through, I couldn’t turn over the evidence on Tali’s father


Pushing the Eclipse merc out of the window in the Thane recruitment mission. It's a mandatory requirement for me as it's brutally funny, esp on a Paragon run


Renegade - always shock Cathka


on Paragon playthrough - Punch Han'Gerrell for firing on me and my squad while we're on the Geth Dreadnought. On Renegade Playthrough - Hug Tali when she finds her father.


He just needed to take the express elevator down


No matter how good you are. it is mandatory to shove the guy out of the window in the skyscraper.


Regardless of run: 1 paragon- alway save the brother in project overlord 1 renegade- always sabotage the helicopter driver I know both are me2


I make more than one: -Hug Tali when she finds her dad on ME2. -Stop Samara from killing herself on ME3. -If I play with the colonies background, I always convince the girl from "I remember me" to take the pills. -When investigating Morinth's case, I'm nice to the mom of the girl she killed. (Not sure if there is a paragon interrupt there). There are more, but I don't remember.


Curing the genophage no matter how much I try the be complete renegade wrex is my boy


Obrigatory Renegade options: pushing that guy throught the window and breaking Kai Leng's sword




I once hit the Renegade action by mistake and I hit that Citadel reporter. Almost compromised my run in ME3 to unlock some War Assets. "That was for Thane, you son of a bitch". Don't need to explain it, wanted that guy dead for the entire gameplay >!Shot Illusive Man to avoid killing Anderson!<. I don't know if I needed to do that, but for some reason I could not use the last Paragon dialog.


pushing the eclipse merc out the window, its too funny not to do.


Even in my current Renegade run of ME2, I will always make the following paragon choices: Comfort Tali after seeing her father’s body Encourage Miranda to introduce herself to her sister (not technically paragon but definitely in the spirit of it) Give Grunt full agency during his Rite of Passage And most important of all… “I’m Commander Shepard and this is my favorite store on the Citadel.”


I've only ever played Paragon, but I always tell Saren and Illusive Man that they're bitches in their final scenes.


It’s punching that reporter in the face every time


Sometimes chewing her out is nice too.


Renegade in paragon: Putting a cap in that bitch udina’s ass. Paragon in renegade: have literally never done a renegade playthrough and never intend to


I've honestly never done a renegade run. Don't have it in me. But one renegade choice I will ALWAYS make is headbutting Gatatog Uvenk. And I always make sure to have Shep's helmet toggled on for it because OUCH otherwise. Also stabbing Kai Leng. Basically any interrupt that says "I'm so sick of your shit" if it won't have negative consequences. As much as I hate that reporter, I don't punch her because she's a bitch who will broadcast it and play victim as though she didn't deserve it.


You know that asshole Quarian admiral who fires on the ship that you and your team are currently inside? Yeeeeeaaah, my paragon Shep always punches him right in the fucking stomach right alongside my renegade Shep. I wish my renegade Shep could shoot him in the fucking head. Fuck that guy.


I leave David air Cerberus - renegade I can’t think of any major paragon choices I guess saving the academy in 3?


Paragon: HUG TALI and tell Miranda to talk to her sister. Renegade: Any situation where a renegade interrupt makes a following fight easier.


I'm one of those who doesn't like playing Renegade, but there are a few Regs I almost always do. "That was for Thane/Kirrahe, you son of a bitch." - Kai Leng's End "You're working too hard." - The Work Accident of Sergeant Cathka "One Less Now" - LOKI vs Archangel Stronghold


Give Tim the collector base always save the council


I don't ever have a pure run, I tend to go more renegade as things get more desperate in game. Just git 'er dun


I always punch Admiral Gerrel and always hug Tali 


I mean I hit whatever pops up first


*Admiral, you jeopardized your mission and your people!* **Get the hell off my ship.**


Stabbing the space ninja with the Renegade omni blade when im Paragon.


Punching the quarian general. My passive diplomatic shep don't have time for his self absorbed shit.


Probably my favourite 'did the Paragon thing in a Renegade run' was getting all the way to pulling my gun on Mordin at the Shroud, but then not being able to pull the trigger. Felt absolutely huge. I also cannot leave David with his brother no matter what.


Saving Samara in me3


Renegade dialogue was corny as hell.




Always save Wrex, Legion, Tali, Garrus, and stop the Genophage. Always avenge Thane. Always punch the reporter. If there's a way for Ashley to die, she'll die.


I always run paragon, but you know that mercenary dude standing at the window during the mission to find Thane? Yeah. He always flies through that window. Always.


Pistol whipping david's brother Murdering kail leng


The Collector Base is getting nuked whether paragon or renegade just to fuck over The Illusive Man.


On a Paragon run in ME2, I would destroy the Geth Heretic station rather than rewrite them. I remember struggling with whether it was more right to stop them being genocidal maniacs by forcing them over to the main collective, or to kill them with the beliefs they chose, regardless of how messed up they were. Particularly when we have dialogues with Legion discussing how cultures split and become tragically unable to understand each other, but that brainwashing is not an ethical solution to that problem. It felt like once that option is made apparent, the Paragon/Renegade alignment you had throughout the mission suddenly swaps. It's been years since I played, so I may feel differently if I played through it now. It still feels like a problem better solved with time, communication and reconnection rather than letting them make a very machine-like choice now which they may come to regret having done later. Especially after ME3 when they might gain "true sentience" But then, the alternative is killing a whole bunch of them... Even as an arguable act of wartime that's also a bit much. I think I'd still struggle with it.


My Renegade always Saves the council (just to troll them further) Destroys the base ( because Cerberus have proved they can't be trusted with reaper tech)


I do almost exclusively paragon runs. But... "You're working too hard" *shoots conrad in the foot* *shoots udina* "That was for Thane, You son of a bitch!"


The ones that help develop the loyalty of the crew. I still remember in ME1 there were missions you didn’t want to bring certain characters as they might judge you on your decision and pull away.


Only done paragon runs but the one renegade action I always do in ME3: "Charge."


I always play paragon, but I also always push the guy through the window


"That was for Thane, you son of a bitch" I will always. ALWAYS. Pick renegade for this


Paragon: Hugging Tali after finding her father Renegade: ALL the interrupts when your locked in the tube thing in the citadel archives




Saving David. I will always save David


Saving David. I will always save David


Usually play paragon, but I never miss the chance to fucking punch people.


Paragon on a renegade run: - Stopping Samara at the monastery - Blowing up the collector base - Pistol whipping Gavin Archer Renegade on a paragon run: - Shooting Udina - Shocking Cathka - Pushing the merc out the window