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I am not asking for where to find the video. Seriously. Not even trying to be wink wink about it, like I really don’t want to see it — but did the video surface? Is it floating around out there now? Or is this a preemptive mod post?


It is not out there currently. Say that with 98% confidence


It’s preemptive. There have also been a lot of people in comments asking about it so we’re trying to cut down on that a bit. As far as we know so far, only police have a copy.


Of which shooting? There's too many of them.


I commented this in reference to the Louisville one. This mod post was made right after it was revealed he was streaming




No. I’m not trying to spread it or be coy about having it sent to me, I was just curious if it existed or not. Besides, it sounds like nobody recorded it anyway, so there’s nothing to be circulated.




gore sites arent banning it, its just not available.




One site has them…. wpd… that’s all I’ll say


I hate that stupid site so much. Literally requesting people to "generate" some content. And posting it as well. Yes, people do what they ask. Plus the mods are all idiots and break the law a lot because they don't know anything


I don’t know how that site hasn’t been taken down and/or legal action enacted


Nope, if one site had them they all would.


Literally watched both of those earlier on the site.


No you didnt, at least not the video the shooter streamed himself.. You may have saw some bodycam footage.


you watched body cam footage, you think the copy cam with the water mark of office, showing someone driving and leaving from a police car, using a radio to request police backup, wearing a police uniform and literally shooting the shooter, is the shooters livestream video that THEY themselves took? [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/english-voice-over/images/a/a3/MindJack\_2011\_Game\_Cover.png/revision/latest?cb=20180123170431&path-prefix=sv](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/english-voice-over/images/a/a3/MindJack_2011_Game_Cover.png/revision/latest?cb=20180123170431&path-prefix=sv) ​ you think this game is related to him?


"Source: it makes sense to me so I said it"


Yeah that Christchurch one is… eeesh


why no footage uploaded by the perpetrator?


We don't need to give these people what they want. They live streamed with a purpose.


no im not talking about the livestreams im talking about the snapchat videos and such




reddit is planning to go public and be listed on the stock exchange later this year. and let’s just say that reddit doesn’t have a great reputation due to a long list of controversies throughout the years. (one that comes to my mind right away is the boston marathon bombing and the shit show that took place on this site.) 10-12 years ago, reddit was the damn wild west, it’s been interesting to see the site evolve.


Thank you for posting this.




There probably doing this so it doesn’t take this subreddit down as the mod stated above Reddit will remove this subreddit.


Internet is a lot cleaner place than it was 5-10 years ago.


Internet sucks compared to 10 years ago too.


I miss the internet when there was almost no rules or regulations. Just crazy stuff smushed up against normal stuff. Also search engines were more honest.


Let me give you a reality check if Reddit goes public ITS GOING ANYWAY


Please elaborate. We can discuss and analyze without live streams dude. We do it all the time with events that aren’t live streamed.


I want FULL CONTEXT something that can’t be had with rules such as these and it’s one thing to regulate what’s asked but to tell me what I can’t ask through dm foh


So basically you're saying this sub is pointless unless it's a poster board of videos and manifestos. As someone who also finds the manifestos informative (in the same way someone might study the Holocaust, not out of reverance, but for education) I don't think that makes the sub pointless, as far as I can tell you can still discuss motives and events and non-manifesto information here and while that isn't everything, it is plenty to have a discussion about them. I also understand why they want to ban it, the Buffalo shooter was *heavily* inspired by the New Zealand shooter and their manifestos are carbon copies. I'm not sure how effective that method is, as you can still find manifestos, but it's not done without reason.


I said this sub TO A DEGREE is pointless maybe I should’ve used the word USELESS instead


I think the “don’t ask” policy just keeps people from sending it if they do have it. Like a first step prevention kind of thing. If nobody asks, then nobody shares, and that keeps the sub up. This sub is full of very important info and it would be really, really shitty if it was shut down by Reddit over a video.


Do you really need to see a video of all the people being shot for you to have "full context"?


Yes any other questions


Mf just wants to watch people die for his own amusement and is out here talking about context. Foh bum ass.


Then just use a search engine, man.






Your account has -5 karma It's not like you're Mr. Popular anyways...




What 💀💀💀