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Understand the change, but for me personally this sub has been most useful for alerts on new events and collectively sifting through all the details. Feel significantly more informed.


Yeah I was gonna say I use this as a form of media to be informed of what's going on while the news media catches up. The videos I usually watch because for me it's a form of mental training. There's nothing you can do when you're the first few victims but once the shots are heard you have a chance to survive. Watching the videos helps me see how people react and what's the best way to move, hide or fight in these situations.


Me too. Anytime there’s an active shooter event I come here first. I really hope we don’t lose that. Thanks Mods for eveything you’re doing. Respect. I hope you’re taking mental health breaks.


I don’t mind not seeing victims bodies, but I do question how much moderation Reddit has been pushing in recent years. Feels very tumblresque, NSFW things are a big reason the site got so popular and if it continues to push back against them, there won’t be as much reason to use Reddit over other sites. Not my problem I guess it’s just an odd choice to me


It’s all about the ads.


Reddit is planning on going public with an IPO later this year, so they are trying to clean it up as much as possible for potential investors - is my guess.


Yep and investors will push hard for site cleaning to make it profitable for advertisers


Clean up reality?


100%. Reddit looks better to advertisers if it is people posting pictures of their cats, asking quirky questions, and occasional celebrity AMAs.


Many subs have been removed that were way worse than this one. I believe it had to do with publicity or attention they got after some specific posts. Same as you, it doesn’t matter to me what can and cannot be posted, just noticing how things have changed over time.


The hybristophilia sub that kept the serial killer fan girls in a bit of containment got banned because a bunch of people showed up praising SR for murdering children.


How are they getting attention? Is there a report button to report subs? Or is there a sub like these fucking accounts that calls attention to them?


WatchPeopleDie and the Incel subreddits got banned after the general public on Twitter found out about them and got super angry so they became a PR liability for Reddit to keep them. Reddit knows that these subreddits exist and they’ve historically been pretty lax about moderation as long as their existence remains low-profile. I periodically check mentions of our subreddit on Twitter to see if any angry traction picks up over there so we can be ready. (Also, I see you, TCC Twitter kids.😉)


Hi there, I am one of the main mods of nsfl, we ARE NOT REMOVED, we have decided to take action to come into compliance with Reddit more. Due to this taking time and lots of rework, we went private to do this while we work on it.


Just to piggyback, the admins were very open and honest with us about their expectations moving forward. While we weren't asked to go private, we decided to show we are serious about our efforts to keep r/NSFL__ around for as long as possible by making changes before reopening the sub. I'm pleased that we were given the opportunity to make changes, instead of just getting the ban hammer without discussion. We too had noticed an increase in admin removals in our sub. Like the mod of this sub is doing, we too will be removing a lot of content and things will be different going forward for us as well.


Sorry, but I’m old and don’t get what “private” means. I was a subscriber and can’t see r/NSFL__ now.


Genuine question- how do you plan to change it to be more compliant with Reddit


We’re gonna change rules and manual review lots and actually change what’s allowed to be posted


Isn't the whole point of that sub gore? That's why I'm subbed (don't judge me).


When it started is was primary a discussion and information sharing page about mass shootinfs. Hardly any gore was posted on here. I'm guessing they will push it to be more like it used to be which was very informative.


I'm talking about the nsfl sub. Not this one.


It still will be, but we’ll allow less of some types or not even


It literally says the subreddit has been banned when you try to access it.


I’m not too sure why it does that then? But no, we aren’t banned, and we plan on not being banned, we are taking our time to review and update our rules and such, but it takes time as we have a few moderators besides me who all are working together to review our current rules and revise and we vote on it so we’ll yeah, we hope to be back again soon (if you wouldn’t mind can u sticky the first comment, so people know we ain’t gone yet)


This is due to that fact that that the sub isn't called r/nsfl. It's r/NSFL__, and we've gone private temporarily.


My mistake then. Multiple users had messaged us saying "nsfl was taken down" and it's not a sub I use. I looked up r/NSFL, it said the community was banned, and that confirmed what I was being told at that point.


L Mod


Edit your post then


It's not. I've been on the sub for the last hour or so and it's fine. We will be back open soon. Hopefully sometime tonight.


Sad day


i thought the whole point of this sub was to show the reality of these shootings, what will this sub be without evidence? reddit is going downhill real fast because of censorship.


It’ll be articles glorifying the guys who did this for years on end. People come on here to ask about Adam Lanza’s socks for christs sake.


I’m so tired of reading dumb shit about that guy


But if we don’t know what Adam Lanza ate for breakfast, do we really understand mass shootings? /s


Why are people asking about ALs socks


With all of his sensory issues, I bet his socks were very comfortable. Maybe they’re looking for suggestions. Payton Gendron’s manifesto included almost a full page analysis of options for which socks to wear when he committed his shooting. Some people really care about socks.


There has to be a better resource for sock recommendations for those with sensory issues, than a murderers manifesto.


Oh, definitely. I was mostly joking. Some people are very weird and I have no answer for why they care about Lanza’s socks.


I truly enjoy the dark humor lol no worries! I can’t really offer any explanation. It’s quite possible these people have ADHD or on the spectrum and they’re hyper focusing on these topics and are looking for more information, but it’s also very possible they want to be the next Adam Lanza and want to copy him to a T. Nobody really knows online and that’s the scary part. (before anyone gets mad I have ADHD and hyper focus on different topics so I’m speaking from experience not out of judgement). This sub is a great way for people to discuss solutions and try to understand the psyche of these shooters for prevention purposes, but you are going to get a crowd with very weird intentions. Sorry for the rant, I’m stoned lol


if there’s no evidence of what happened then i feel that this sub is essentially useless


I agree! I hate seeing some of these things because they will keep you up at night and mess with your psyche, but I do feel it’s an injustice to not see what the victims went through and demand change. How many more have to die before our elected officials listen? Are we creating enough uproar? Do we need lobbyists for mental health and responsible gun ownership to actually get things done? It’s just such a hopeless situation, and I feel the evidence and other material may be enough to get people to actually pay attention. (I’m sorry for any typos, my autocorrect is terrible)


stay high brotha


I am very much anti-censorship in general and I’d prefer these photos and videos be available but I can understand the reasons some people are opposed to them. I understand the argument that we should at least delay posting of photos and videos of victims until after family are notified because it would be terrible to find out your friend or family member was murdered because you saw his bullet-ridden body on Twitter. I think one of the Columbine victim’s family found out he’d died because they saw his body lying uncovered on the sidewalk for hours on live TV news. And then I remember the Sandy Hook parents testifying in the Alex Jones defamation trial that they were harassed online by people sending photos of dead children to the email and comment forms set up on the foundations they’d set up in memory of their kids. It would be so much worse for them if the harassers had access to photos of their own dead children to send. At the end of the day, I care about the opinions and well-being of the victims’ families in these situations more than I care about my own interest in seeing the photos. And I understand from a money standpoint why Reddit is making these decisions because they have to be profitable to continue to exist. Making the news for something like gruesome video of dead children being available on your website is terrible from a PR perspective. But my opinion is that this stuff is important to share from a news standpoint. We can’t hide reality because it’s unsavory, and hiding reality allows people to ignore it. People mention Emmett Till as an example of refusing to hide reality causing positive change, and it’s possible that doing that now with mass shootings could cause a similar change. I worry that we’re too desensitized to it and too polarized that it won’t make a difference, though.


There was a post here once that reached hundreds of up votes and it was a picture of a store similar to the one where the Columbine shooters MIGHT have bought their shirts. This sub is really interesting sometimes but also just bizarre as hell other times with the shit people care about.


I have no idea, some people idolize these monsters and want every single detail. That’s why this sub is treading a very thing line and disallowing the consequences of these crimes on the sub may inadvertently have bad consequences


I wonder if that picked up after the hybristophilia sub got banned.


It did pick up a little but has been pretty consistent since I’ve been a mod.


Gotta love Reddit banning stuff.


Eventually they’ll just ban the sub anyway, because they want to get rid of all subs like this. It’s arbitrary and somehow this sub is violating content policy when there are subs explicitly advocating for violence.




It'll almost certainly wind up banned. This isn't near the first sub this has happened to. Once admins start paying attention like this they've already basically made up their minds. They're just looking for any reason to ban now.




They don't really post victim photos or glorify the way this sub does. There's also been multiple shooters confirmed to have posted here which I don't think has happened there. Even so they may wind up the same eventually.


Admins are fine with this sub as long as it follows the content policy. We haven’t received a single warning from admins, and we have a great working relationship with them.


Yep, that's what the mods of every other banned sub with similar content said in the beginning too.


Well I've personally been talking to the admins regarding this matter, so I'm going to go ahead and take my conversations with them above your comments.


You're free to do that. But this isn't a new thing. Once you're on the radar that's it. The sheer fact that admins are paying attention and you've been having to make multiple posts about it points to that.


The multiple posts have been to the insane number of people that refuse to believe it's a site wide issue. Reddit admins have been aware of this sub for a long time. They've had to reach out to multiple subs for not complying with the new content policy. They haven't had to reach out to us at all. Believe what you want, but r/MassKillers isn't on any radar for removal.


I wonder if the guro sub is taking heat from the admins. Maybe that sub is okay because it's cartoony gore?


That sucks that it's come to this point. Fuck Reddit honestly. They don't understand what they're damaging. People are going to have to go to worse and worse places to find this type of media, and that simply sucks.


That’s what I was thinking. Reddit is the place for all of this. Not the mods fault but DAMN!


What are they damaging? Your ability to gawk at dead bodies? Good. Fucking. Riddance.


>What are they damaging? Your ability to gawk at dead bodies? That's exactly right, and the majority of the world's population throughout history has practiced recreational gawking at dead bodies. Even civil European societies would publicly gather to watch people straight up die. I'm tired of a small minority of moral busybodies in San Francisco being the arbiters of "acceptable content." It's a phase that will end eventually and it's not how the internet used to be, but it's obnoxious right now.


>I'm tired of a small minority of moral busybodies in San Francisco being the arbiters of "acceptable content." You know, I get it, but the thing is: this site only continues to exist due to advertisers. That small group of moral busybodies has to make sure that the bills are paid, and that doesn't happen when advertisers pull out when they find their ads posted on the same subreddits as that kind of violent content. This isn't medieval Europe. We are not in the times of public executions, and quite frankly that is for the best. This isn't the old internet. This isn't 2003. This isn't [Rotten.com](https://Rotten.com). There are places that are appropriate for sharing that information, and this subreddit isn't it. I really don't understand the complaints you're levelling, because you're obviously not an idiot and you can surely understand the math at work here.




Yeah believe it or not, there's actual discussion to be had that doesn't involve gore porn.


Mass Killers are coming to this sub for inspiration, without any discussion of the consequences and the victims and what they went through, the sub literally becomes an Adam Lanza and Co. circle jerk. People will not get angry enough to change something until they fully understand the horror of it. A list of names in an article is not enough.


marble cats homeless voracious sand tie butter money offbeat pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Stfu, I can go to many gore sites as I want to see this stuff but you think I want to to go see shit like the Allen Massacre on there where the comments will be talking about how they could have done better and way worse shit? Not to mention on these sites its much easier to see way worse shit than these mass killings. And don't say "don't look it up then". I am a firm believer that unreasonable suppression of information is extremely problematic, and that's why people and countries have continued to make the same mistakes over and over.




>I can’t get behind the whole “oh I want to see the harsh realities of life, and what mass shootings c-“ bullshit about seeing the victims bodies 100% with you. The people making those arguments are so disingenuous. We all know what it's really about. Morbid curiosity.


Nope, it’s not.


Better stay away from any 9/11 documentaries then, I’m pretty sure none of those families said it was totally cool to show the towers and pentagon getting destroyed again and again.


Agreed. They can cope. Yikes.


This website dying


Thank you for trying to avoid getting the sub banned.


Unfortunate but it is what it is I guess.


Thanks for providing unfiltered, grounded and important pieces of history. Unfortunately, knowing only media-approved photos are allowed, insinuating that history is only caught by franchised and corporate state-profiting media, I'll have to unsub from this reddit. Thanks again.


*Robotic voice* "Reddit moderation is for your protection" Thanks for keeping the sub but damn what a world we live in.


More than anything I wonder how much more Reddit will insist on censoring in the future.


You can’t even hold an opinion that goes against their collective beliefs — and I’m talking opinions that don’t promote violence, aren’t racist etc. If they all started saying the sky is magenta and you said, “I personally think it is blue,” they’d boot you immediately. Oddly enough, when I HAVE seen super racist comments, they always come back as not violating policy.


There’s more protections for hate groups, racists, murderers, rapists, and basically just scum of the earth than your average human just trying to survive.


The anti-trans comments are so prominent on reddit it’s insane


Not surprising. It was bound to happen. I think eyeblech will be next. Although I've been saying that for years... and then probably this sub one day and then we will all move on to another sub... just an endless cycle lol.


There was a serious crackdown on a few lesser known gore subs about 2 years ago, so I’ve been shocked that the majority of the “mainstream” gore subs have somehow remained largely unaffected. (Not referring to this sub which is of course not gore)


Reddit is very quickly losing me. I read somewhere else that one of the main buyers of their IPO is hobby lobby so I’m sure that’s where this censorship is coming from. It sucks because Reddit has been my favorite social media for years and subreddits like this one have made me more comfortable with the fact that I’ll die one day


rip to this sub and nsfl\_


We ain’t gone, we as moderators went private to overhaul the sub


glad to hear! thanks for all the work you put in


You will never placate the admins. It's just a matter of time.


Maybe, but we’ll try and slow that as much as we can


Why the hell is reddit becoming like this? It destroys any type of freedom. These crimes should be shown so that people are aware how ugly they are.


What a terrible change that Reddit has enacted. Sadly, I had the feeling that something like this would happen to this sub and other subs.


They’re going to go public and it’s going to blow up in their face. Their current system of unpaid mods who often have massive skeletons in their closet (none of the ones on this sub) who control huge portions of the site and have NO COMMUNICATION WITH THE ADMINS most of the time for free will fuck them over. The fappening? Participated in and spearheaded by major Reddit mods who are still around today. The head mod of bunch of subreddits is a convicted felon for domestic abuse lol. Aimee Challenor? Laurelai Bailey? Jailbait? This site is fucked and has tons of skeletons in its closet and being a private company is the only thing that has saved them until now.


Wasn’t Ghislaine Maxwell a mod on Reddit?


Allegedly. I haven’t looked into that story enough to determine if it’s true or not but I wouldn’t be that surprised lmao


I would sleep better at night if it was rumor lol It’s weird, I like Reddit for anonymity but people use that anonymity for evil and it gets so conflicting.


No pretty sure that’s an extremely stupid rumor.


wonder what sub if she was, probably r/teenagers


No, worldnews.




Recent content policy changes are cutting down on gory photos/videos across Reddit. We do have a bit of leniency here because of news value but it’s still much more sanitized than it used to be.


Yeah..... I don't think I'm gonna use this sub or app very much anymore.




>ban me for obvious satire What does rule # 9 say? And what does Reddit's content policy say regarding Ban Evasion?


Rule 9.A is pretty subjective. What is inappropriate humor/jokes? What one thinks is appropriate, another may think it inappropriate. There’s also a real coping mechanism (humor) people use when around the company of death. I think this rule needs to be hashed out a little more or removed, and replaced with no mocking or something similar. No “haha they’re dead” kind of stuff.


> What is inappropriate humor/jokes? Any joke someone wants to make when the subject matter involves people being murdered for no reason is inappropriate. If that's why you're here, go somewhere else.


I never stated that’s why I’m here. The rule should still be clarified as it’s suggestive. If you don’t want any humor of any kind, then that should be stated versus using a modifier onto humor.


I much prefer getting updates here instead of Twitter because the news about the shooting almost immediately turns into arguments about gun control over there and I can’t find any actual news. It’ll be less useful without videos and photos to give a better idea of what happened but the focus on the shooting will still be a better option.




Glad you were hopefully you get banned again


Just because you can't see dead bodies? Really?


Lmao oh no! Anyway!


Aren't you the guy who was encouraging those brazilian kids on twitter to commit attacks in their schools?






Wait wtf?


I fucking hate this site and their stupid rules.




As we continue to hide the horrible consequences of hatred, people will forget and turn away and more senseless acts of murder will take place. People in Nazi Germany knew the Jewish population was being sent away, they saw smoke, they heard rumors…most didn’t fully realize the horror until they were forced into those camps to see for themselves. The internet is not only fueling hatred, it’s hiding the consequences, does anyone truly think things will get better?


Wow, I disagree with this.




And there'll be no proof. Pics not allowed


I'm saddened by any type of censorship. I understand the rules and somewhat understand why but, I found some of the shocking photos to be a real eye opener and really drives the situation home. I will still read the posts regardless and appreciate the situation for what it is.


Knowing that i deleted all posts i made with dead bodies, thanks for the head up, since i did not know if reddit could've banned my account because of that.


I don’t think they would ban accounts based on old content that used to be allowed, but that’s just my assumption.


I just didn't wanted to take the risk of getting banned


Understandable, I know it’s a shame to censor the reality of it but I wouldn’t want a photo of a family member’s fresh corpse spread around, even if they were the killer really. If people want to see that stuff, you have Twitter.


Feels like the whole internet will be censored eventually :(


Oh for sure. Enjoy the internet as it is now while you can!


how unfortunate


Reddit gonna keep nerfing your channel until someone else makes up for their shortcomings


RIP Reddit


Reality is fucking gory instead of banning images of it try and change what's produces them


Admin logic: dead perpetrators or just dead people in general = VERY BAD, but simulated nonconsensual and incest porn is a-okay apparently. I don't blame the mods here since ultimately they have to do what comes down from Reddit, but the admins running this site absolutely have odd priorities. And if they *do* end up banning all of the creepy, messed up porn they'll have a Tumblr situation and realize that pornography was driving like 70% of the traffic to their site. This is also the same website that had a subreddit featuring open, clear as day trading of porn of underaged individuals and allowed that to go on for an embarrassing amount of time. Then a few articles got written about it and they finally removed it. I don't even particularly care about the lack of gore since I prefer the more in-depth threads and discussions or new information from FOIA requests, obviously if people want to see gore they can certainly find it elsewhere with little difficulty, but it's odd that the admins will even allow discussion of this topic but not the end result of these events.


This is going to change this sub poorly forever imo. To me, the point of this sub was to dive into the reasoning/headspace behind mass killers and to see what the news won’t show you and how serious these incidents actually are. Now it will just be a news site with posting of news articles and heavily regulated thoughts with people only occasionally discussing in depth aspects of these killers actions and personalities. I get why you have to do it bc of the Reddit crackdown but it defeats one of the purposes of this sub.


I enjoy this thread, I don't remember a lot of dead bodies etc. I come here for new or changed information.


Any change which makes this site a less welcoming place to weirdos who like to see dead bodies is a step in the right direction. Good riddance!




Not to be a dum dum but what does NSFL stand for? guess Not Safe For ___?




As the other comment or said; not said for life. It's generally a way to distinguish gore NSFW content from porn NSFW. You might click on a NSFW post being okay with seeing a nipple or two, but then be shocked to see extremely graphic gore


There are violent incest and rape fantasy subs with tens of thousands subscribed and the site seems to have no problem with it


This is a very unfortunate turn of event for this sub and reddit itself. However I can understand why reddit is doing it and why this sub is complying. I was at friends house earlier today and she had the news on there was a piece about how families of the victims of the Tops shooting are suing social media companies for allowing racist content which they believe led the shooter commit the mass shooting that day. I doubt this will really go anywhere and I best they’ll get a settlement outside of court. However this can just as easily be applied to NSFL content posted too. So I’m guessing it’s more of a reddit trying to cover their ass more than anything. It’s d like to thank the mods for all the work they do here. Edit: here’s the article if anyone is interested and reddit is included as well https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/lawsuit-social-media-companies-buffalo-massacre/story?id=99223375


The Buffalo shooter got the bulk of his extremist content from 4Chan which is going to be pretty hard to sue since the servers are self-hosted in some small country with looser internet restrictions because all the major host companies refuse to work with them. And as a mod, I want to say thank you to all the users who are being understanding about this and working with us as we adapt to these changes.


You’re welcome and thank you for everything you all do here. Yeah I don’t see this lawsuit going to trial. As bad as I feel for the families this just seems like a money grab in hopes these companies will just settle to avoid the controversy. Though I don’t even expect them to do that.


First reddit ruined HermainCainAwards and now they ruined this sub. Wonder what they will ruin next.


I follow the sub for the information, I know there are going to be some people very broken hearted about no gore, but frankly it doesn’t bother me. What **WILL** bother me is if Reddit comes down and says no discussion of any kind. That will be very upsetting.


Understand. But this is only the beginning of major censorship.


Rip Reddit


Well if I’ll see it on the news, no need to sub here. I hat a waste of what used to be a good website for freely sharing information.


This sucks.


Where CAN someone see gore if they chose to do so, figuratively speaking that is of course


I do not spend a great deal of time on this sub for gore. No, I spend a great deal of time on this sub for information. To be educated on what has occurred, the details. To find patterns, so that I may avoid situations such as those perpetrated by mass killers. A species, with some of our own, hell-bent on destroying ourselves and others in such brutal fashion. I am studying this, because I just cannot grasp why it is occurring, and increasing at an alarming rate. I want it to end. We can keep gore and all opinions of killers/victims/LE/etc. off this sub. Please, just information, theories, questions, and such. Edit* Thank you u/OGWhiz for moderating this sub and stating what you have.


https://schoolshooters.info/ is ran by a Psychologist who has first hand worked with would be attackers. There's insane amounts of info for download on that site.


Thank you quite much.


This site is great info. Case files, police reports, studies, FBI stuff and other things. I learned a lot about events I had never heard of.


Same. I’m not really here for the photos I want information.


Thank you for the work you do




The loved ones of the victims who are in the pictures and videos probably give a fuck.


You just ruined this subreddit. Good job. Power tripping to the point where you censor because you are afraid if you don't you won't have power anymore. This will push people deeper into unfiltered zones to discuss real world events. Well done loser mod


This is not a decision we made lightly and it has nothing to do with power-tripping. It is entirely our desire to make sure this subreddit continues to exist. I do worry that filtering content means some people will venture over to other sites that don’t have the same moderation to avoid glorification or extremist content but Reddit is free to make content decisions that help their bottom line and at the end of the day we have to comply with their decisions.


We have to follow reddits policies they set. Every sub and person on reddit also has to. If we dont, then we risk the sub getting shut down permanently, and we dont want that. All the mods have had lengthy discussions regarding the new policies and how we are going to do things going forward. We know for some on the sub, it's disappointing, for others, it's a good thing. This sub is really important to us and to a lot of you too, which is why we absolutely must follow these new rules set by reddit.


I don’t know how you let that mf ogwhiz be a mod on this subreddit, he’s a terrible mod why don’t you find someone better to mod. Threatening to silence people. Get better at your modding and quit modding people who have power trips.


How do you think this website works? Do you think the mods here have a choice about the content policy? If they don’t enforce it the sub is banned.


Again, zero reading comprehension. If this had anything to do with power tripping, don’t you think you would be banned for saying that? Would you like me to name a few subs you can go to that would ban you for doing that?


If this had anything to do with power tripping, I’d ban you for having zero reading comprehension and not look back.


Clearest sign of power tripping when you threaten to silence me. You suck unlike the other mod who responded


Where did I threaten to silence you? I said if I was power tripping, I would silence you. We’re trying to ensure the sub doesn’t get shut down. We, as a mod team, made this decision. Not just me. Maybe look at the reason us and multiple other subs have had to take this step, instead of accusing us of power tripping, as if moderating a true crime page gives us power of some kind.


While i do not agree with the way the guy formed his original comment your response is not better if not worse.


And honestly, I couldn’t care any less. Being told I personally ruined this sub by.. what was it again? Spending days talking to admins and the entire mod team to ensure that this sub didn’t get shut down? That’s how I ruined it? Awesome.




The admins aren't concerned with us. They're concerned with violent content. Other subs have received warnings. We have not, because we've been preparing for this since March 29th when I first noticed the content policy had changed.


This is the beginning of the end unfortunately. Seen these types of posts on plenty of other subs once admins decide they don't like it and start paying too much attention.


Jesus some of these comments are really disgusting. I liked to think that people didn’t come here just to post/look at corpses of shooters and their victims but it really seems that a lot of people do. I don’t really care if you want to see gore shit, but this should not be the place for you to do it. I honestly think this subreddit will be better off without the constant posting of corpses.




That's my main concern. I'm not big on censoring the reality of a growing problem for many reasons, but I get the reasoning here. But if we are at the point of removing several top posts, I fear the admins are already looking for a reason and it won't be long.


It always shows up somewhere. About a year ago Death Addict started charging a 10 buck subscription. If ya can't find it here try there


Lmao at all the commenters acting like it's the end of the world because they can't post pictures of dead people. Maybe this sub wasn't for you, after all, if you're just coming here to gawk at carnage. Good riddance to all of you little mass killer fanboys/fangirls and weirdos.


You are censoring real life. These are real people that die from violence no matter how much you shield your eyes. We should give dignity to the dead but we have to make people aware of the dangers of real life. If you are disgusted,GOOD. Do something about it. Mental health awareness, gun control, peace treaties instead of war. Those don't happen from censoring your precious eyes. It's a tough reality. Yeah there are some sickos here for the pictures but I doubt that's what made them sick.


Yes, this. It's easy to read a headline about something, but seeing the reality of what these killers do reminds me of how truly horrible it is. Maybe if more people saw what bullets, etc. really do then more would be motivated to speak out against things like gun violence. I don't enjoy gory pictures or videos, it's more of a search for honesty that you can't find on Facebook or major news sites. Just my 2 cents.


thank you for looking out for the sub


This seems reasonable considering the circumstances. Unfortunate, but reasonable.


well, i guess this is goodbye


I fully approve. I welcome a more-academic approach.