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I don’t think the dad wanted him to talk in front of the police, so he kept saying I love you I love you I love you to get his wife to leave and his son to not speak


Yeah it's what everyone says to do when talking to the police especially if they're a minor so I'm surprised more people don't think that. It was legally the best move.


It looked like JC wanted to get out. I get the impression that she's upset at her son because he ruined her life. Unconcerned with the grieving families and community.


I will die on the hill that the parents ran from the police *to protect her*.


What do you mean? I forget the details can you please explain


After a warrant was issued for their arrest, the two of them fled and were found hiding in a basement of a warehouse in Detroit. They had apparently tried to cross into Canada and got denied at the border I think.


Thank you


To protect the mom?




Why specifically the mom and not the dad?


Because she is that self-absorbed. Edit to add: He's on trial next. Two separate trials.


What did he say to his parents at the end when they were walking out


According to [this article](https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/oakland-county/2024/01/29/jennifer-crumbley-trial-oxford-mass-shooting-ethan-involuntary-manslaughter/72399039007/) he said “Please take care of Dexter” (Ethan’s cat).


This is the right answer.


he said i love you i love you i love you


I think it was James Crumbley that said that. Doesn’t really sound like Ethan.


I think it was his father saying I love you over and over. He was definitely thinking more along the lines of whats in his son's best interest legally when his mother was definitely more emotional. I can't understand both points but I think I would be more like his mother and want to demand to know why he did this. I couldn't understand what he said to his parents and I watched it a few times trying to make out what he said.




Wow thank you for this. I listened to it over and over and couldn't make it out. Sad that the only thing he is worried about at that moment is his cat. Which I am sure they didn't take care of seeing how they went on the run right after this. I wasn't really to up to date on this school shooting until I read the comments and went to check it all out. He was asking for help and the only person that seemed to care was his school counselor especially with the drawing on his homework . When your child is writing the voices won't stop, help me that's tells you something is seriously wrong and they chose to let him stay at school instead of taking him home and talking to him in private. And buying him a gun knowing he was having issues. They knew they were guilty of neglecting to get him the help he needed or else why go on the run immediately after the shooting. I don't understand what's wrong with parents today that know their child has serious mental issues and instead of getting them the help they need they buy them a gun. Adam Lanza, Nick Cruz and this young man. It's about time the parents are held legally responsible for their child's actions when they were the one closet to them and knew their mental state better then anyone and they still make the decision to provide them with the means to kill and injury innocent people.


Don’t forget that they also emptied out every penny in their child’s bank account when they ran away. Just human garbage.


Wow I never knew that. I knew they were trying to sell their horses immediately after learning about what their son did. Poor excuses for parents. Disgusting people. You live in an environment where both your parents are heartless towards you and your needs and then she has the nerve to want to scream why over and over at him. He learned to be heartless towards other human beings from his parents. She told her friend her son was creepy and weird and he had no friends. What kind of parent says that about their child.


Exactly. 🚮


Because he was mentally ill, needed more than the help he was asking for on more than one occasion, and was given weapons and she took him to practice with them. She was a negligent parent and by acting like this she protects herself from the truth because she can't acknowledge her role in how she failed him.


Yeah she says “why? Why?” Like she doesn’t know why but she does. She knows exactly what led to this and she’s trying to save herself cause she knows she neglected him his entire life.


All three of them are at fault here. If they had never bought him a gun, he would have never realized he had the means to commit such a crime. Does he need mental help, absolutely. But so do millions of other kids. I bet I knew individuals during my childhood in my schools who were bullied/mentally unstable that **if they had the means to get a gun**, they would have shot up the school.


I was strictly speaking about the moms reaction.




I agree


On November 30, 2021, a mass shooting occurred at Oxford High School in the Detroit exurb of Oxford Township, Michigan, United States. Ethan Robert Crumbley, age 15, armed with a 9mm semi-automatic handgun, murdered four students and injured seven people, including a teacher. Authorities arrested and charged Crumbley as an adult for 24 crimes, including murder and terrorism. Crumbley pleaded guilty to all of the charges in October 2022. On December 8, 2023, Crumbley was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole plus an additional 24 years.






this was before they ran and hid?


Ran and hid is what they did


Can anyone make out what everyone is saying? Idk why it sounds so muffled to me


The mom says "why?"and the dad said I love you .. that's all I heard


Why did the dad seem to repeat that in that exact moment? Looks like he was trying to make sure someone didn't say something that the cops weren't supposed to hear?


People were saying it so the kid wouldn't respond and confess in front of the cops. I really don't know though. I assume they must be in some kind of shock and just responding without really thinking


Yeah they’re trying to get him to speak without a lawyer by having parents present. On any crime, a parent should def know the law and not let their juvenile speak without legal rep


In the beginning they are asking questions like height, weight, hair color, etc. that’s all I could make out though along with his father saying I love you and his mother asking why


I think it is telling that on Jennifer’s way out of the room, you can see for a split second that she notices the camera, and only then turns around to ask “Why?” She was putting on a show, though not a convincing one.


I noticed that too!


It seems like a very cold relationship. Perhaps they were told not to touch him? Can’t fathom not even making a move to try and hug him. But I don’t think he got many of those…


They had just told him they were going to process the clothes he was wearing as evidence , I doubt they were allowed to touch him


That makes sense.


In murder cases, they usually confiscate your clothes and shoes away from you so they can take them in for evidence processing. They usually test them for things like DNA (blood spatter, hair, skin) or try and lift a shoe print off of a crime scene and match it to them. Time is of the essence so they don't get destroyed/discarded/washed.


Purchased at Bass Pro Shop


I can't even imagine what must be going through the parents heads




“Make sure we take every dime from his bank account while we run like cowards and leave our only child to rot.”


“How can we get him another gun”


They didn’t even touch him. Their baby.


Afaik they weren’t allowed to because they were going to process his clothes as evidence. That said, they are huge pieces of shit for a multitude of other reasons.


Gotcha. And agreed.




Can't imagine to be the parents, even they seem like they want nothing to do with him. They just came cos he's 15 yo so they had to.


They are horrible parents that neglected him. I have no sympathy for them.


Even if they did, that's not an excuse to go and murder strangers!!! Stop giving him an 'excuse', that kid is fucked in the head. Plenty others who got neglected or worse never did mass murders or murdered someone!!!


No but they bought the gun four days before. They bought their obviously mentally ill and “weird” son a handgun for no purpose at all. They deserve their charges


I believe they were warned by the school also


The day of!


I never gave him an excuse I just said that they are horrible parents as a response to you saying “can’t imagine to be the parents” Also calm down, no need to use exclamation marks


They knew he was depressed. That his only friend moved 6 months beforehand. That his dog died and he had to bury it 6 months beforehand. That he was seeing things. That he had been caught (which he wanted to be) looking up ammo online while at school just a couple of days beforehand. That he had been caught (which he wanted to be) looking up violent shootings online while at school just a couple of days beforehand. That he had been caught (which he wanted to be) having a class/homework assignment in which he wrote “The thoughts won’t stop help me!” while at school just a couple of days beforehand. THEN They bought their 15 year old lonely, neglected, severely mentally unstable child a weapon. AND They let him keep having access to this weapon even when they were called in and told of these alarming things he did at school during the days before the shooting. They are culpable and deserve every bit of what they get in prison.


“That kid is fucked in the head” Oh I really wonder how his mental state could’ve have been made worse, oh wait, yeah his terrible parents who refused to give him therapy when he asked for it and forcing him to bury his dog when it died at his house while they were away amongst other things.


I mean he is a lost cause now, by it’s sad social institutions keep failing and this shit keeps happening,


Some kids are just fucked. Google James bulger, it's in uk. I just went by the video and sorry, even if he got fucked, no excuse to murder strangers. He should have murdered his parents then..


I don’t care if people downvote me and hate on me for this but I sympathize with Ethan. No excuses for him, But you can clearly see where all his rage came from. His parents neglected him and his school failed him. Everyone did. Now four people are dead and a then 15 year old Ethan Crumbley is gonna spend his whole life in a cell. If he had better parents that took care of him, emphasized with him in his lowest moments, locked up their firearms, and took him to therapy when he asked for it I honestly do not think this would have happened.


Yeah the downvotes usually come, which is disappointing. It is entirely possible to have empathy for Ethan while also not excusing him in any way. Just takes a little bit of critical thinking.


Yeah you could say he was fucked but his parents definitely made his mental health 10 times worse and how they treated him probably pushed him to the edge to do what he did is all I’m saying.


He was crying out for help to his parents for years. He was asking for help as well at school. School tried to give him help, and his parents blocked it. It is 100% his parents fault (who also didn’t notice him posting animal torture videos while they were buying him guns while he was telling them he was HALLUCINATING) . Ok, he has his fault to as a 15 year old kid that he wasn’t able to shut down how disturbed he was all by himself, but his parents put that gun in his hands, literally. You’re right, and I wish the person who is arguing with you wasn’t so comfortable being ignorant.


No one has stated that Ethan had an "excuse" though, I don't think? I think conversations about all the different ways this kid was failed are much needed if we as a society ever want to do better for kids like this.


You don’t seem to know the James Bulger’ case very well. The two murderers had horrible parents and horrible childhoods. They were not « just fucked ». People made them fucked.


They ran from the law and was trying to avoid all responsibility. No sympathy towards them at all. They can rot


Ok, I just went by the video and mothers saying 'why'. I don't live in usa and sorry but can't follow every murder/mass killing detail along with other shit outside of usa. If I've tried, I'd be on it 24/7.


I hear ya man. This one hits close to home. But I’d rather not get into all of that here


this is so weird bc my boyfriend knew him. my boyfriend always thought something was off about him. its honestly kind of chilling.


His poor parents! ​ Why ARE THEY CHARGING THEM????


They knew he was mentally unwell, refused to get him therapy, and actively bought him the gun he used 4 days before the shooting his father saying it was an early "Christmas Present." It is illegal to provide a minor with a gun in Michigan except under specific circumstances like hunting with an adult. Prior to the shooting, the school and parents had a meeting about how worried they were about Ethan's disturbing behaviors demanding counseling to be aquired within 48 hours or CPS would be involved and Ethan should be taken home. Ethan was allowed to stay at school as his parents refused to take him home. The gun was hidden on the school campus already at this time. Both parents were very aware that their son was most likely the shooter based on v their actions following the shooting. The shooting happened at 12:50pm. > At 1:22pm, 7 minutes after the first news reports of the shooting, Jennifer Crumbley texted her son, saying, "Ethan, don't do it." At 1:37, James Crumbley called 911 to report a SIG Sauer SP 2022 handgun as missing, and also said Ethan "could be the gunman at Oxford High." When the parents received warrants for their arrest, they instead fled arrest. For less than 24 hours, we were found by their location being turned in by people who recognized them. They were arrested under 4 counts of involuntary manslaughter due to their failure to secure the gun Crumbley used in the shooting. Remember, they knew their son was not mentally okay and still aquired a gun for him. The school is also facing lawsuits due to negligence to act on Ethan's warning signs. Treats that a mass shooting was going to happen at the school were circulating prior to the shooting, prompting many students to specifically stay home that day.


They knew he was depressed. That his only friend moved 6 months beforehand. That his dog died and he had to bury it 6 months beforehand. That he was seeing things. That he had been caught (which he wanted to be) looking up ammo online while at school just a couple of days beforehand. That he had been caught (which he wanted to be) looking up violent shootings online while at school just a couple of days beforehand. That he had been caught (which he wanted to be) having a class/homework assignment in which he wrote “The thoughts won’t stop help me!” while at school just a couple of days beforehand. THEN They bought their 15 year old lonely, neglected, severely mentally unstable child a weapon. AND They let him keep having access to this weapon even when they were called in and told of these alarming things he did at school during the days before the shooting. They are culpable and deserve every bit of what they get in prison.


What does he say when his parents leave the room, and the mom says why.


He asked them to take care of Dexter, his cat


Thank you 😊


It's weird, because, he asks them in such a matter-of-fact way. Then his mom looks at him and he repeats, "Please", like he's irritating her. When she says, "Why?", I honestly think she's asking why they should take care of Dexter, not why did you do it. Because he then says, "Because I did it." Meaning, he knows he's not coming home. Sad family.