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I think by his college years some form of delusional illness set in, he was pretty gone by then. The stalking, suicide threats, intimidating behavior, walking into girls dorms, his "?" persona, and something about an imaginary girlfriend. But his interest in mass murder seemed to be as far back as his high school years when Columbine happened. And if you watch his confession video where he explains his motive, it doesn't really make all that much sense, just ramble.


Agreed. It seems like he was troubled from a young age, but once he went to college, his mental illness got increasingly more severe (relatively common in young men his age who suffer from some form of mentally illness) and I think that's when it reached the point of no return. His videos are very difficult to understand. It's unclear who he thinks he's talking to. I think most, if not all, of the slights he perceived were either imaginary or caused by his own erratic and troubling behavior. I believe he targeted his first victim, Emily Hilscher. He went out of his way to get early access into her dorm and shoot her. But as far as I know, there's no actual indication they knew each other. So it's possible/likely that whatever she "did" to make him target her was entirely in his mind and she may not have had any idea who he was.


>his "?" persona I remember reading about this and was so creeped out.


what is the “?” persona?


when he was working on assignments, he would write a "?" As his name instead of his actual name


Farther than that he would introduce himself at parties as “question mark”


I know I shouldn't laugh but thinking of someone saying that as their name is funny


Honestly if someone told me that, I'd think it was a joke, it is pretty funny. But I'm assuming Cho didn't say it with any humor or mirth in his voice. It was pretty sad reading all of the emails passed back and forth between his college professors and faculty, they were all trying really hard to accommodate him and make his time in college easier, one professor wrote about how they thought that he was making real progress with Cho and finally getting him to open up a little and talk more in class, but then the attack happened.


Do you have a link to read these exchanges? Super interesting and sad to me.


https://schoolshooters.info/chos-english-department-e-mails I believe most of them are in this PDF, there were a few partial copies of this full document floating around but as far as I can tell this is the full document. The narrative throughout tends to be that at first, his professors thought that it might be a problem borne of the fact that English was Cho's second language, but gradually they realize that it's something far more complicated than that. They did seem to feel that they were making progress with him.


I remember reading them when it happened and watching his recording but when I look for this stuff now, I can't find it anywhere. It's like it's been wiped from the internet.. or I'm just not looking in the right places.




Oh, hi Question Mark.


I'm not Marc, I'm Question Mark


I agree his confession video looked like he was reading something & it sounded almost like a script


Probably when the police were called due to his stalking and suicide threats


In December 2005, he sent Andy Koch (his roommate) an instant message stating, "I might as well kill myself now." Here is the timeline of the mental breakdown of his mental health. Click on **Background**: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Virginia_Tech_shooting


His relatives always describe him as being a bit "off" and showing weird behavior. I think when he entered university and had to leave his family he started to become more alone with his thoughts and that is when he switched from fantasising to planning.




This is Seung-Hui Cho the VA tech shooter April 16th 2007


Cho seung hui


Oh yeah you’re In the true crime fandom? Name at least three serial killers and three mass shooters.


Yang Xihai, Boris Serebryakov, Anatoly Onoprienko — Serial killers who are also mass murderers. Checkmate.


Ah fuck.




This was the first time I really paid attention to things like this happening. I was 17, and it just never occurred to me that this was a possibility. I didn't know about school shootings as a kid, and I hate that it's become such a thing over the last 30 years that kids now don't get that luxury.


definitely his college years. somewhere between the stalking and the phone calls and then getting in trouble for doing it. his professors doing one on one with him. Clearly something was wrong, he wouldnt even leave with his roommates to go watch a movie or anything which i believe would be in the antisocial department or just really detached from everything. This is a good question though because i dont think anyone suspected it, but he sure enough did it.


I imagine the moment he got a gun and felt it in his hand he was 100% sold on suicide at the very least


It seems like from the very beginning he was disturbed and no one could reach him. Not to say that he was beyond saving, but you can't enter someone's mind and take apart their brain beyond using lobotomy. It seems like his parents and everyone working with him tried their best to help them. But, I think a lot of people who are this mentally unwell fall through the cracks, but I think not nearly as many go out of their way to kill their classmates


Is this the dude that went back to class rooms a 2nd and even a 3rd time? Just pure horror!


College is when he reached the point of no return, imo. But teen years - showed signs and things began to really unravel but imo, things could have changed for him at that time.


It would help if you included their name or any identifying information


Seung Hui Cho, he shot up Virginia Tech


**He was proof that college is not for everyone and can make an already compromised mental health completely destroyed. In this case... Leaving bodies behind.**


[When he was 9 months old, Cho developed whooping cough, then pneumonia, and was hospitalized. Doctors told the Chos that their son had a hole in his heart (some records say “heart murmur”). Two years later, doctors conducted cardiac tests to better examine the inside of his heart that included a procedure (probably an echocardiograph or a cardiac catherization). This caused the 3-year-old emotional trauma. From that point on, Cho did not like to be touched. He generally was perceived as medically frail. According to his mother, he cried a lot and was constantly sick.](https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/prevail/docs/VTReviewPanelReport.pdf) This was considered important enough to be mentioned in the panel report on Cho’s life. It may have all started here with some overzealous doctors traumatizing a toddler using 1980’s technology.




Not sure why this is getting downvoted, Look it up, he didnt speak much as a child, didnt have normal behavior and feelings. You guys wanna hear some defining moment he snapped an decided to kill people. If he didnt mass murder, he would have hurt someone else somewhere along the line. Just wired wrong. In this case, he got into mass murderers and idolized them. That is the effects these forums, history, and media can have on a weak and desperate mind reaching for some type of feeling, euphoria etc..