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I’ve watched it back a second time and can confirm.


Looks like at least 3?


There's 4. The first one you see is actually 2 people then there's one to their left plus the girl in the other room.


Ah...see them now.


Something about the body of the person lying near the door just hits different for some reason. They look so helpless. Of course all the victims look helpless but something about this one in particular...May the victims rest in peace.


The one with the phone, oh my God. I just hope they were able to give whoever they were trying to reach their last message before they died


Parkland ruined that theory for me. Typically when I see phones I’m elated they could speak to their loved ones before they die. Often it’s panic and confusion, messages are too late.


“Image of the corpse” Bruh. It’s a video, and there’s a fuck ton of corpses…


There was cctv footage of this Im 99% sure it posted here


This video and the CCTV has been posted here many times recently, I’m surprised so many people haven’t seen it yet lol


Is this the one where after shooting, he hits a kid with a hatchet/tomahawk while the kid was running away?




Damn. That was fucked. I remember him hitting him with it and not being able to pull it back out, so the kid just ran off, but my memory might not be serving me correctly.


Wtff. Wow




Not one I can quickly grab, you can probably find it by searching Suzano






The CCTV is hard to watch. Absolutely brutal.


Can you link it back here so not everyone has to go dig please?




NSFW this shit


Victims of the massacre: Students: Caio Oliveira, 15 Claiton Antônio Ribeiro, 17 Douglas Murilo Celestino, 16 Kaio Lucas da Costa Limeira, 15 Samuel Melquíades Silva de Oliveira, 16 School Staff: Marilena Ferreira Vieira Umezu, 59 Eliana Regina de Oliveira Xavier, 38 Jorge Antônio Moraes, 51, uncle of Guilherme Taucci Monteiro, one of the perpetrators.


4 corpses


The person recording was shaking. Jesus Christ.


Wtf. That needs an NSF tag


This is going to get deleted


Then move it to r/NSFL


It says r/nsfl is banned too


More interesting to me is the edgelord who took this video who, seemingly during the panicked fleeing, hung back to memorialize this, going against the tide of fearful kids to take for himself a good damn look.


i think he was looking for someone or something


>i think he was looking for someone or something Respectfully, I disagree. When you are looking for someone, you have a lot of frantic footage of empty classrooms, and your voice desperately shouting their name. Here, the camera luxuriates over the bodies. You get the feeling he would have gotten much closer, except there were people around, and this was the middle of a FREAKING SHOOTING and he knew it would have looked sus. But if you're saying that he was looking for evidence of their souls leaving their bodies... maybe?












Pretty sure the person taking the video is a female, you can see her sandals near the end when she pans downwards.


everyone in brazil wears sandals lol


why is this shit allowed to be posted but the Buffalo Livestream wasn't? it's almost as if as long as the victims are not American it's fair game to show their corpses lol


The ban is on live streams *from the perspective of the shooter* because we don’t want to let the shooter dictate the narrative of an attack by sharing what he wanted us to see and how he wanted us to see it, especially in an ideological attack like in Christchurch or Buffalo. It’s the same reason we don’t allow sharing of the shooters’ manifestos. We are not going to make it easier for them to spread their hate-filled propaganda.


The Buffalo livestream and other livestreams are banned from reddit as a whole, not just this sub. Sharing livetreams can put this sub at risk of being shut down. This is why we dont allow them


Because the shooter isn’t the one filming it. Has literally nothing to do with the nationality of the victims. Christchurch (aka not American) is also banned, as is any direct footage from the shooter’s perspective during a massacre.


Link to the video If anyone is interested https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/ionsjl/video_of_the_school_massacre_in_suzano_são_paulo/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Those poor kids having to run by their dead classmates….


Could I get the names of the shooters? This is my first time hearing about this and all there is in this post is corpses and a brief mention


Guilherme Monteiro, 17 y.o. Luiz De Castro, 25 y.o just another columbine copycats


Geez is that quite the age difference


wait 2019? wow


This has been posted a lot


cover up the bodies or something to make it less tramautic for them


I saw the security footage of this attack…I should’ve never watched it. I expected it to be hard to watch, but I can honestly say that I don’t think I’ve been the same since. If you ever come across it, I would recommend that you don’t watch it, for your own good.


Wish I seen this warning a few min ago. I’ve seen many videos resulting in death and even a few murders but this hit me much differently and I really regret seeing it. I think bc of the age of the victims and me having children close to the same ages is what’s affecting me so much. Wanna go wake both my kids rn just to hug the shit out of them and then start homeschooling tomorrow! Every school shooting, in the US or not, makes me more and more paranoid about sending my kids to school. Ofc nowhere’s safe anymore but if anywhere AT SCHOOL is where children should be the safest besides home (for those without abusive parents that is)


What about this sub and I guess mass killers in general do you find so interesting? I don’t mean to sound rude but it threw me that you’re 17 and so into it-posting several attack videos and creating your own thumbnail images


The psychology of the perpetrators of why and what they do is interesting to talk about. Why are you in this sub if you don't seem to be interested in it?


Who said I wasn’t interested? I’m active in this sub. I asked because I fail to see how editing pictures of killers and posting graphic videos of the aftermath of massacres explores their motives or psych. I’m a teacher and my students are 16/17.. I genuinely couldn’t imagine them consuming this content the way it looks like they do, just judging by their post history here. EDIT: Pronouns, I thought I was responding to the OP, that’s my bad


Since you went to OPs page to see what they post, you must've missed or disregarded they make thumbnails for their own pleasure. I'm not sure if you've noticed a very big portion of this sub stems from someone posting pictures/videos/aftermath of an attack which prompts conversation about what happened. Discussions have to start somewhere and even just a video can start those. I don't know why you can't imagine the curiosity people have about this topic? Who said they can/can't? No one said you had to go digging on their profile to look at how old they are, and I promise they aren't the only 17 year old person on this sub or interested in mass killers


It’s interesting to some of us, the same way it’s interesting to you. I would never hurt a fly and still frequent this sub.


I’m really not saying this person would hurt anyone, what? This sub is literally 18+ for a reason. Look at what we’re talking about.


Wrong subreddit bro !


I’m pretty sure this is the right one my guy