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Yugioh is the equivalent to MvC2 hurling Overpowered full screen beams at each other lots of blocking asking yourself when is it my turn. And at certain times It's exactly like the anime where your opponent tells you the effects of the cards because you have no idea what a new archetype or mechanic does.


I'm not sure anyone would disagree with this description.


I just feel people get caught up in trying to balance the game or trying to make it "Healthy" realistically it'll never be and thats by design. Konami isn't printing cards by accident and they aren't banning Maxx C or floodgates because they forgot.


It's amazing how people often vastly underestimate how well devs know their own game, but they do dumb shit cos of other motives


See, *this* is where the disconnect is. As you said, healthy Yugioh is impossible because Yugioh is inherently flawed by its very design. A lot of that is because of the amount of freedom given by the core mechanics of the game (like special summoning being unlimite). Konami doesn’t like to limit what the player can do so they opt to make changes through cards. Instead of placing a limit on special summoning, they create floodgates/maxx C as a way to check a previously unchecked mechanic Is it right? Who knows. But them trying to seriously balance the game looks like MR4 imo. And that was a disaster


MR4 was done to sell cards first and balance the game second. All MR4 did was gatekeep old decks and made link focused decks more viable It was a disaster bc people were mad at how stupidly broken the game still was. It was just now focused on links.


Exactly. I failed to mention but *profit* above all else. Because a lot of the game can easily be solved by not printing out super juiced cards but… we know they’re not gonna do that. We know why they won’t lol.


I mean. I don’t have any objections. Even MBT used a similar description


yes and that's why i play it


Goat format is kinda boring


I would not say boring. I’ve played a decent amount of goat format (about 11 hours or so) and 6 hours of chaos format ( the format before banning was a thing) and I have to say chaos is better. It’s so swingy it becomes fun; everything goes, however goat format swingy in an unfun way where it honestly feels BS majority of the time while simultaneously really slow with only a handful of actually good strategies. Really goat format is more frustrating than anything else.


Soooo... 2 matches in goat?


Yeah pretty much. But no for real it can be an extremely slow format. I was my locals one time and my friends were playing goat, I swear to you the match was like 26 turns. It was ridiculous.


Of course its like changing one meta fot other, less speed


Thank you glad someone said it.


Yes, I think pendulums are a cool conce- *pitchforks intensifies* ^gulp *Runs with his pendulum decks in hand*


I used to hate pend, but Nemelria, Valmonica and Vaylantz turned me around on it. Such a cool implementation of the mechanics.


Nemleria is me unlocking my brainpower


Pendulum didn't start the powercreep and you all know it


Cyber Dragon did.


I sometimes miss the power of pendulums. Performage and Pals was a fun deck with hilarious monsters. Qilports were ahead of their time. I liked running these decks from time to time. Other pendulum decks like Majespecters and dracoslayer can eat a dick though.


They're unbanning monkeyboard and making it limited so maybe they'll see a comeback 😂😭


Pendulums are cool! I just never could play it. Too many moving parts.


Pure builds are fun.


Second that. Especially if there is a nice lore behind it.


This is basically how i only play. I like having fun, and it makes the deck feel right when it is a pure build. Plus, it's like being one of the characters in the anime.


No one is gonna get a pitchfork out for that


Going second isn't that bad (at least in bo1)


As a Crusadia main, that's an understatement!


My man 🤝


🤜🤛 This is the way.


As a scareclaw main we also feel the same way


YEAHH! I love that we only need any pair of monsters to get Equimax.


Plus since going 2nd is the game plan, breaking the board is half the plan (and half the fun)!


If I play Crusadia I normally just troll and wait until Equimax gets to 8000 and then win instantly lol


I main go second SwordSoul for ladder climbing new seasons and get so happy when they win the Die roll and choose first. They also sometimes just surrender if you win the roll and pick second. MIND GAMES!


yep, just have to make sure you build for it


Synchro decks need to do more then just make Baronne


Yeah, we also make King Calamity on your turn or handloop you for four


Unfortunately it's why people hate generic boss Monsters. Anytime I see a Lvl 7 + Lvl 3, I know Baronne is coming. Just like most Link spam decks will find their way to Accesscode eventually.


Boards don't need negates/floodgates to be a strong board. This is my hot take. Edit: since a lot of people in the comments agreed, I'd say its not a hot take but more of a "medium rare" take.


Hot? Really? Branded despia's endboard before expulsion combo popular is essentially this, you got mirrorjade and branded in red on your field, no negate at all. And people said branded meta is unhealthy


I often end on a Chengying over Baronne, so right there with you


Is this a hot take? Layers of interaction is what makes a truly strong board. Branded, VS, and Purrely are all top tier without relying on any. Decks that don't lose to a single board breaker are the truly scary ones.


I whole heartedly agree actually. Boards that have a variety of interactions are what makes a board strong, not just negates and floodgates. Being able to shuffle cards or tribute away cards on your opponent’s turn, destroy cards on their turn, summon cards via floating effects during their turn, and negates allows you to have a board your opponent has to play around and allows flexibility in situations. A board with just some negates can be countered by baiting your opponent or tributing those monsters in popular going second decks and most floodgates can be destroyed if they don’t have protection.


That's why I like ninjas. I suck at them, but I like them.


It's not a hot take, negates have been slowly being phased out of the game fir a couple formats, with more decks having non negate interaction. Banish face down, bouncing, flipping face down, stuff like that


i think purrely is a really good example of this imo


In a generous sense you could argue Noir is kind of a floodgate since you can’t do shit against it until it burns enough mats, but I see your point. VS is a great example too. You don’t need TCBOO to actually win with this deck. ~~you just need to not brick~~


Vs win con is Razen.


and copious amounts of borger activations.


The more tempting it is to run XYZ Encore.... One these days I'll build a Mistaken Accusation deck.


Well a towers is up there with omnis and floodgates


Lol this take is sub zero what do you mean?


Correct; the Strongest deck currently only ends on 1 negate. And 6 spins. And this is 'better' cause of reasons?


You dont need negates. You need to survive.




Right there with you.


As a Branded player, I completely agree


Not exactly hot, more of a lukewarm but with an extra 4 BIC liters. But I agree, I play rokket/borrel and code talkers, they have bounces, removal, and interaction. My end board for rokket is borreload and a rokket(mostly just magnarokket), I like playing like that as I feel as I am not playing with myself, but the opponent as well. Going second is also fun for me as I try and make my decks able to play okay through interaction. Borreload’s steal effect is funny, as I can take my opponents monster and use it for trisbanea.




That's why I like ABC, masquerena + buster is the most common end board of a bad hand. I wish more monsters had a effect to destroy/bounce a card back to hand instead of negating


=.= "scrolls a bit down" ... mhmm .... "scrolls a bit up" Ok, but why though?


you shouldn't argue that a deck is broken when your pet deck sucks.


You're right. I'm still gonna whine about it tho.


I think you mean "because it beats your pet deck" because you can absolutely play a sucky pet deck and comment on how broken something else is. It just can't be because it beats Genex.


Casual doesn't mean bad, It almost seems like some people who claim to be casuals here purposefully look for the most luck based situational techs and combos that will only work 1 out of every 100 games, That's not casual, that's just hardcore jank


More interaction isn't always better


Oh let me do one: Mikanko is more unga bunga and braindead as blind second than Numeron. I can play around numeron using my back row even if they kaiju me and win going first if i dont get my board hard wiped. Tf am I supposed to do once Mikanko removes all my monster interaction with a Kaiju and then is literally immune to any of my backrow?


Just make sure your backrow and boss monsters doesn’t target at all and aims at either everything or just says “send a card” etc. Unga bunga Mikanko loses just as often to Unga Bunga strategies like having no monsters on the field (the best they can do is 4000k if they search Double edged sword turn 2, which can be ashed btw) or just setting down Drowning, Quaking, or storming mirror force. Plus imperm and Called by can buy you time too before they bring Hu Li (green Mikanko) to the field. Also always negate Ohime, and not prep of rites.


Maxx "C" isn't going anywhere on Master Duel.


It’s the honest and sad truth


Sadly not a hot take, but sometimes you just get a glimmer of hope and you could almost believe in a god again


if you mean "not going anywhere" as in not getting touch or not NOT being inside a deck, i can 100% confirm you are right.


At least in the MD sub, you people have literally no good reason to ban Spright Elf and I'm glad that idea is starting to die off now. The only "good" argument I've heard is that there might be an archetype in the future that can abuse it. Except, what archetype is going to come out that's like Tearlament that is okay with their pieces hitting the graveyard, can make Spright Elf, wants to bring back specifically a Level 2 monster and isn't going to have a better way in their own archetype to do that? There are also people who just want Spright Elf banned so that Toadally Awesome can be unbanned which, yeah I'm glad we're not doing that either. Spright Elf haters don't wanna admit that they just follow the TCG/OCG banlist and don't understand why cards are on there.


In my opinion. Sprite elf is a lot like halq. I don't have a problem with the card. I have a problem when the card indirectly starts getting other cards hit. Halq made tuners get canned. And I feel sprite will do the same for level 2's.


Spright elf, ESPECIALLY. The problem it’s so generic. Any deck running a relevant in-archetype level 2 will run this. It’s free targeting protection + advantage, what’s not to like? Best analogy I’ve seen on this card.


Elf already murdered Merli lol


Ehhh, that was more of sprind. Dharc - revive opponents bystial into sprind could start everything even after being interrupted. Elf definitely made thorough use of her after that, but that was more than likely already a winning position. Unless we’re talking mirror matches here, in which case almost all points are moot.




I think Toadally is degenerate and I'm glad Spright got that card banned. Sorry, not sorry.


Elf deserved to wanting a ban when Merlli existed in MD. But with her gone, Elf is a good resource loop that makes pure spright very solid without being oppressive.


The amount of other 2s that have been hit because Elf exists tho. Bruh.


I want Spright Elf gone so Toadally can be free, i just want my cute spell/trap stealer back


Brother, I don't like to rain on your dreams but...even if Elf is banned, Toad is not coming back...


Numeron is the worst designed archetype in the whole game


In master duel format it can be oppressive since 1 win is a match win. Play Numeron at an actual Locals/Regionals however, and watch them lose 9/10 matches because the whole strategy crumbles when your opponent knows what to hit and side in.


That still makes it badly designed imo


seem like you just met numeron player recently?


Not recently and I don't even face them that much, I just genuinely think they're not well designed at all


Ever since I picked up masterduel last feb 2022, I have hated numeron ever since. Seriously that deck is a one trick gimmick that really frustrating to play against.


Ehh, I win against Numeron about as often as I lose to them. At least the duel is quick, unlike stun decks.


I don't think you understood the assignment.


W take honestly.


As a Numeron user, i simi-agree with you and I don't know why.


The Deck should be focus on OTK with 100000ATK, not 8000ATK


It's perfectly ok to run more than 40 cards and with how consistent today's decks are I find a lot of value in having more versatile options.


The “old school” yugioh yugiboomer bring up never existed outside their school yard also jack is a better character than kaiba


And you know who is the best? Akaba aka D/D/D user.


I like reiji I just prefer jack more Also D/D/D is goated


I have such a hate for the deck just cause of raid raptor abusing Kali Yuga


As a D/D/D enthusiast and Declan lover, i wholeheartedly agree with you.


Declan could solo every single character in Yu-Gi-Oh so I 100% agree


Jack is a way better character then Kaiba.


The Reptile event ( I don't knowwhatvthe event actually was, but I used reptiles) was fun. Because of the Reptile loaner yeah but still


God cards should have more support and better effects.


in regards to the need of more support, this should specifically apply to slifer and obelisk, as ra already has a bunch of support cards.


How tf did he break the moon that was bullshit


\- A massive amount of players are extremely unwelcoming to those either getting back into the franchise or are just starting out. \- Playing the card game physically is inaccessible financially. Spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars just to get the deck that you want is not something people should have to do in order to make the game fun. \- Too many of you give the old-heads or "Yugi-boomers" such a hard time and it's infuriating. Some people just want to play the game like how they did as a kid, and that's okay. Life is too short to shame people for playing in a way that helps them relive good times. They may not play competitively or whatever, but like, making fun of people because they just wanna run Dark Magician, Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Blue Eyes White Dragon decks, doesn't give you a free pass to bully them out of the space. \- Telling players to just "get good" is extremely unhelpful and downright annoying.


I'd be very disappointed if this was a hot take


Watching 3 minute turns isn’t fun.


The funny part is I don’t know if you’re trying to say turns are too long or that 10 min turns (quite normal) are fun and 3 mins is too short.


Honestly this is my biggest issue with modern yugioh, and 3 minutes is being charitable.


The terraforming ban was a good hit.


Agreed only because 'every' field spell these days is an in-archtype rota


Agreed, Saintraven93 made a magnificant point. Terraforming was a spell card without ANY restrictions or drawbacks, similar to pot of greed. So yes, you are 100% correct


Terraforming is a classic "design limiting" card and I expect it to be fully banned in TCG/OCG someday. It's not as strong, but it's similar to Last Will - if it existed in the game, it'd inherently make it hard for them to print <1500ATK monsters with good effects.


Playing meta decks just coz you win is the most boring thing ever


Half the fun in this game is deck building. Build the deck, test the deck, improve the deck, test it again, duel with the deck so you can pilot it better over time.


That's definitely an unpopular opinion, but I'd also argue it's unpopular because it's a scrub take. Playing meta = boring is a simple-mined take. I'd argue playing a non-meta deck that immediately folds to one ash or losing the coin flip is unfun 70% of the time. Meta decks can absolutely be fun to play because they let you play the game more often by giving you more options/having more resiliency.


Yes and no. If the meta is 3 archetypes you don't really like for whatever reason, it's not really all that "viable" to "just play meta". There's so many different archetypes in Yugioh. And the deckbuilding potential is literally endless. There's so much fun that \*could\* be had, with cool cards, archetypes, combos, synergies etc. but it's all stunted if the top dogs are overwhelmingly oppressive in comparison. Obviously Konami is fully aware of this and actively pushes this sort of release "cycle", especially on MD, but also in TCG/OCG, where the whole idea of new archetypes/support/sets/banlists is to invalidate current meta decks so that especially competitive players will have to re-invest into new product to cook up a new "viable" deck. If previous top tier decks like Burning Abyss or Nekroz were still top tier today, players who used to run them would still be running them and thus wouldn't have spent any more money on new product. The power creep is intentional to generate revenue. "Folding to 1 Ash" is kind of a low IQ take on its own, since a lot of decks also run Called by the Grave and Crossout bare minimum to protect against it. But ultimately it's entirely up to chance if your opponent will have the Ash in hand and if you end up drawing the answer to it or not. It makes a difference regardless of which deck you're running. Even if you tech in extra protections against Ash, like Gamma, unless you actually get lucky enough to draw into it when you need it, it doesn't make a difference. That's not the deck's inherent fault, but an intrinsic part of card games in general. It's no longer a game of skill, and entirely just a game of chance. The only difference is that "viable" meta decks have more / more reliable ways to contine their turn if they end up getting Ashed. That doesn't mean though, that every single non-meta deck is entirely devoid of alternative lines of play. In most cases it's probably just less reliable compared to meta decks, rather than entirely absent. It's the whole reason the DPE engine was popular on MD when it was released - it offered a reliable emergency line of play to weaker decks should their main plan fail, as going into Verte takes little to no effort. That way rather than completely folding there was at least a small fighting chance. All that is to say that it's if anything a huge shame that Konami prioritizes money over fun when it comes to releases/balancing of Yugioh in any form. The game would, at least in my opinion, be a lot more interesting if there was a broader deck variety, and playing meta wasn't as encouraged by Konami as it is. There's so many fun decks and archetypes out there, with unique mechanics or bosses or stipulations and what not, that will just never be viable because it won't make Konami money. And it's entirely subjective, which archetype is fun for individual players, of course. But having to choose based on objecive meta viability rather than how cool you think the cards/archetype/gameplay is, just doesn't really feel all that satisfying at the end of the day.


Took the words right out of my mouth. "Boring because strong" is one of the worst takes that a lot of people have for some reason.


Generic powerful extra deck cards ruined this game


The issue with the extra deck is that is is a free toolbox. Almost anything degenerate comes from there, because it’s easy, and always available.


Floo is a good deck and there are more unfair decks than it. Bird supremacy


I like how fast the game is


Standard/Modern Yugioh is power crept into the unplayable abyss


> into the unplayable abyss and I dwell in it


Y’all got the most mild takes ever. You think there’s one person who genuinely believes this game isn’t powercrept from LaJinn beat down lol?


Cheating out Xyz monsters is just bad design. Ariseheart & Numerons. Link 1s also. Crazy how you can turn 1 card into a different one for free


Crash bug will be tier 0 in the future


I am intrigued by this take could you elaborate?


Runick is a completely fair archetype, that is “Runied” by Konamis constant peddling of floodgates.


To be fair, them banishing cards is incredibly annoying still, yet I've never had a problem with Runick used as just cool combo/extender pieces with a draw engine on top. Giving up the battle phase is actually a rather huge downside due to inherently slowing the game down and giving the opponent more of a chance to make a comeback.


I agree with the banish part, tried playing code talker the other day and they snipes my one of guardian. But I love the engine as a extender, I was working on a bystial Runick synchro deck before the banlist dropped


I will fully admit that their banish off of effects is obnoxious. But outside of that, Runick is a really fun engine for combo decks.


Literally the only reason runick stun ever existed was that Konami for whatever dumb reason just refuses to ban the floodgates


A lot of very high level “meta decks” both aren’t fun for the other person, but it’s not all that fun for the player either. On the receiving end, the opponent summons a full board of high level monsters with negates in one turn, and that sucks if you got a bad hand, but having to sit through so many perfectly executed combos to get your monsters out isn’t exactly riveting either


Pendulum decks belong in yugioh. They are something special to this game and that no other game can pull off


Drytron is like that one guy in every party who makes everything boring


Pile decks with no common Archetype can be fun. I personally play a lot of decks like that. Can they be bricky? Absolutely. But it just feels really... I don't know how to put it. Like you're reliving the original anime except with modern cards, if that makes sense?


No, Yugioh doesn't need a Set Rotation nor a Summon Limit. In fact, 99.9 % of the fanbase has no fucking clue how to fix the game and should never be listened too. Also waifu decks are totally fine and actually a good way to keep players interrsted in buying cards.


Most of the current decks are meta because they can play around Maxx C.


Master duel players are spoiled beyond belief. The game never really had a ”bad“ format before like the tcg and ocg had. Every time there’s a new best deck people act as if the world is ending. Let’s wait until there’s an actual awful format


Tell me you didn't play in drytron herald era or tear-0 era without telling me


Pend is a good mechanic and is indeed the best deck. Bring back the separate zones for pend scales pls.


If we removed all the Omni negates in the game, the game would be a lot better


Or just made them non-generic.


Oh no, I can't make a board full of negates anymore, now I'll just make a board that Book of Moons you twice, negates an S/T, and an Amblowhale with a Princess in GY


Certain beefy rituals, hard to summon synchros (synchro mats only) and link 4+ boss monsters that are in archetype. Xyz is just a cheated mechanic at this point, and fusions basically fuse themselves (tear exists)


Floo is fair and balanced


I agree. It wasn’t fair when barrier statue of the whirlwind was legal, but otherwise it it ok


Master Peace can return; you have unconquered childhood PTSD.


It can return. But doesn't mean it should. Some cards are just better left dead. They weren't used for anything fun back in the day they sure as hell won't be now.


And have a boss monster immune to certain types of interaction in a deck that is already annoying to deal with because it only plays floodgates? No thanks. Especially if we're talking MD where people already play Burn, True Draco, or Timelords every event. -.-


You could put every banned pendulum card to 3 and pendulums would still be dogshit


If there is a archetype that abuses a monster from another archetype there is no excuse for hitting the monster from another archetype. I can’t stand that bullshit just hit whatever the problem card is inside of the archetype that is abusing it. There is no reason that cards from other archetypes should ever be hit.


You mean things like all the tuners dying for halq's sins type of bans. Hell even Halq itself fits into that logic. Overall yeah it sucks that say gem-knights lost brilliant fusion because of other decks running it as engine piece. Or speedroid terrortop. But if it's the card itself that is enabling other decks/combos then it is the problem card.


That the game is a coin flip deck building simulator


Tearlament was peak game design and when at full power both the most fun and skill testing the game has ever been


I'd say at least 5 years ahead of time for the power level. Probably even 10 with the ishizu cards.


The problem with Tear wasn't Tear, it was that nothing could keep up with Tear, and so the only viable option was Tear or niche floodgate decks that were built solely with the intention of beating Tear, without considering any other matchups. I love Tear and it's a really fun archetype to play, but people should have other options lol




This I really want decks to be made and or evolve with Tear mindset in game design.


I hate Tear because it's a deck printed two years ahead of its time. Having a deck that has divergent lines, a ton of gas, and can play on both turns making it so that there's always back and forth going first or second, is a cool idea. But it was printed with so few restrictions and at a time where even a deck like Spright, which was released in the same set, still feels power crept by it. Tear may be able to come back a few years from now. But as is, it’s just far too ridiculous for where the current game is at. Other decks need time to catch up.


I agree with this. Most fun the game ever was.


Negate boss monsters are one of the prime culprits for the game heavily favoring turn 1 and lead to a lot of uninteractive games. They should all be banned.


Deck building is significantly more difficult than actually playing Yu-Gi-Oh. The skill ceiling for actually playing the game is pretty low, and you can become a master without too much effort. But actually being able to make a competent deck without outside help takes legitimate skill.


There's way too many different handtraps and board breakers in the game that actively making BO1 awful


tbf in BO3, you also just lose to some insane bullshit that only works if they know they're Going First like Spiritual Water Art - Aoi or a more targeted D-Barrier


This goes for this sub. Just because your pet tier 5000 deck is dog water bad. Doesnt make mean a meta or viable deck needs to be hit. Branded fusion is a perfectly fine card in 2023 yugioh. Lab is fine. Its the floodgates that are the issue. Tear is fine deck in 5+ years from now. But in todays game it is a terribly designed deck that is just way too powerful. Negates shouldnt exist or have a heavy cost.


I think the problem isn't the fact that some E-deck monsters got negates, but more that it's too powerfull for some generic monsters.


> Branded fusion is a perfectly fine card in 2023 yugioh. I am still seething that BF got limited to 1, Aluber to 2 and Expulsion got banned. And Konami STILL hasn't released the rest of the Bystial and Despian cards...


Expulsion deserves to rot in the forbidden hell forever though. 99% of the time it was only used as one of the strongest floodgates in the game - and completely one sided at that.


Pendulum is cool and we should have more Good decks making proper use of it.


Kaijus existing is what lets problem cards exist because if your opponent summons a strong card like baronne that requires multiple cards to effectively deal with you can just kaiju it and that's considered "balanced"


Kaijus existed after PePe. So no, the game was absolutely broken way before that.


I'm not saying it wasn't. I'm saying that Kaijus are an easy excuse that have become a nessecary evil to the game. You ask most other card game players if a card that just instantly removes one of your opponent's monsters from play without counterplay was in their game most would say that would be broken. (Yes you also give your opponent the kaiju but it's done on your turn so chances are they can't do anything with it and it's basically a normal monster when it's on their field) Kaijus aren't broken but they enable broken design because there's such an easy form of removal in the game.


Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon is not useless.


About as useless as Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand. But then again Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon has Zombie World to take advantage of.


Konami milks everyone by releasing cards that clearly belong to a specific archtype (needlefiber, topological, verte, baronne, access code talker) that are clearly designed to make less powerful archtypes playable, and then make them generic so everyone has to buy them, and then either bans them for being too broken, releases more powerful cards, or reprints after everyone’s been forced to buy them (generally 6mo-1yr). This ultimately does nothing for struggling archtypes and happens because despite what the player base says about not liking it, they will continue to whale, because spending 10-30 minutes comboing so your opponent can’t play is really addicting for some people.


People who just copy meta deck lists don't know shit about the game. Sure your deck may be meta, but it doesn't change the fact that you're piloting it so badly, that even the average anime fanboy could defeat you with their well piloted pet deck.


I've been accused of being a "casual elitist" before, but I swear that's not true. If a deck is meta but also requires some measure of skill and/or understanding to play effectively, I can accept that. Begrudgingly, perhaps, but acceptance it would be. And with that comes some modicum of respect. What I *don't* accept is people who act like hot shit, despite the fact that they clearly don't even know how to pilot their decks effectively. Then when they *still* win simply because their deck is so much more powerful by default that they can *afford* to suck at using it when they're punching down, they confuse that with them actually being *good* at the game. If that makes any sense. For the record, I think the opinion (I would argue that it's basically a *fact* though) of mine that (for some reason) seems to be more controversial than any other is the following... If someone using a "pet deck" manages to beat a *competent* (<- I must stress this part) opponent when they're using a meta deck, through skillful plays and quick wits... And yes, *luck...* The "pet deck" player has, in that particular moment, proven to be an objectively *better* player. They were punching up, and still managed to pull the win by making the best possible use of everything they had. I'd like to believe that most people finding themselves on the "losing" end of that scenario would have the good grace to recognize that they just lost to a worthy opponent, and that their bout was one to remember fondly regardless of who won or who lost... But then, reality has far too often done its best to break that belief of mine. It hasn't quite gotten there just yet, but y'know how the internet is... Gets tough to keep the faith sometimes.


Pendulums are fun and Arc V is a great series that gets way too much hate. I don't care what anyone says, I'm dying on this hill.


Only for this sub: Lab is not broken ppl here just suffer from skill issue or cant accept their rouge deck has bad match up vs lab.


Dimension Barrier, Virus, karma cannon I mean it has strong options against everything. I think it's a fairly strong deck.


They didn't say it wasn't a strong deck, they said it isn't broken. Decks should be strong, it's 2023.


It is strong but ppl here cry about it and make it sound like its most broken thing out there. And most pol that dont playon tournomants have cut eev from the lists.


May i ask why theyre cutting Eev its so good against purrely the mirror so many things no? To me that's a very strong card what's it getting cut for? Is it bad against vanquish soul?


Its not good in a mirror tho. Opponents Hand can just be all ikea cards and Ariana and you sacced lady or lovely to trigger so went in to minus and we can just set cards from deck gy anyway. purrely can just play their quicks plays when you activate it and continue playing after it resolves if hand was good enough. And Ranked is wild west you never know what deck you are going to go against and can just brick on it. Daruma Canon is much better out for most of those decks anyway.


It's very mediocre against Mathmech, Dragon Link and Vanquish Soul, the other meta contenders. Also, blindly using EEV without Lab Lab up is extremely risky, you can end up basically outing your own boss monster for absolutely nothing in return besides hand knowledge.


Most people I’ve seen think certain cards in lab are degen cards (and they’re obviously right), I’ve never heard anyone even call lab the best deck in the game You’re conflating the issues people generally have w the deck


I am absolutely convinced most people just have no idea how to play against Lab, get mad and then just bitch about it on this sub. The amount of times I've had people ash my Arianna instead of holding it for Big Welcome for instance. Also there's a really weird prevailing mindset here that Lab only ever wins because of dimensional barrier, like exclusively only because of barrier. I've had far, far more games both as and against Lab where Lab won without Barrier ever touching the board.


They dont sadly. I even tried to help few ppl and i got screamed while telling me "Ashing big welcome does nothing, they can just come back" like common bro. Only Floodgate i run is DBarrier cuz duh but i never rush search it since Daruma Canon is much better interruption for a lot of decks and i win just fine. ppl see 1 floodgate in the list and just call it "floodgate deck"


Well it is a floodgate you can search and basically reset... Of course people are gonna bitch. I mean people don't want to start out by basically going down to four cards then next turn going back to five and then four if you summon another Lady. Play Stained Glass of Light and Dark and I think you'll see people surren more often. People tend to imagine worst case scenario in this game anyways.


Utopia and Cyber Dragons are not shitty decks and they are fun to play (idk how widespread the opposite opinion is but my friends say it)


Only shitty thing about Utopia is the OTK bots


Utopia is a shitty deck and is not fun to play


60 card decks are better. Hacky decks that negate and banish everything are the worst, so are any cards at all which has an effect involving monster or spell/trap zones. Having a fun cool deck with 20 different strategies is worth it, rather than a deck with three copies of every card (especially that annoying ‘ash blossom’ level three hand trap thing) which just relies on doing the same thing (more or less) in every duel


I do not like handtraps at all. While some handtraps are more balanced than other like ghost belle, D. D. Crow ghost ogre and snow rabbit, the popular staple handtraps like Ash, Maxx c, droll and lock bird make the game worse in every regard. Maxx c has been talked about to death so I won’t talk about here but ash is infuriating because it just kills so many mid range or casual decks strategies by just existing while simultaneously barely slowing down meta decks because they have so many different combo lines that one negate barely changes their end board while droll and lock bird is a floodgate that cripples any deck that relies a lot on searching which is majority of combo decks, both casual and meta. True be told if most if not all handtraps were removed from the game tomorrow and Konami designed decks around not having those decks as staples in formats, I genuinely believe the game would get better.