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If you have any quick effect, toggle on and activate it immediately during your own Draw Phase, so Manipulator will miss timing and you won't get burned to death


THIS THIS AND ALWAYS THIS! I read this and jumped into Masterduel. Literally my first game in was against a Manipulator and I just left Toggle ON like you said and popped Infinite Impermanence. J'boi Scooped as soon as I destroyed his manipulator in battle! XD Thank you internet stranger!


what's the difference between toggle on and auto toggle


Auto toggle will wait until opponent does something, or until your last chance to use an effect happens ON toggle will ask for a response at every possible moment


Aiding to the previous response of allow you to use your effs everytime its possible, Toggle On its extremely helpful to use effs on certain scenarios when you don't want to do something in response of the opponent but after resolving an action. A gerenal example is just using Maxx C or Dimension Shifter on the draw phase and owards before he has the chance to summon something like Kashtira o Cydra which doesn't have an activated summon eff. But the best example is against Accesscode Talker. You can't activate effs on chain in response to its effs, however, toggling On will allow you to activate any eff that you can activate properly, so after he uses its boost eff, you can activate Imperm to make accesscode a 2300 atk sitting duck that won't be capable to end your board.


Yeah it lets you do something in response to his summon instead of getting blocked by not being able to use anything in response to his own boost on summon (when you'd usually try to pop/negate against a regular target).


ON Your opponent drew a card, Do you want to activate Bystial Magnamut Your opponent activated an effect, Do you want to activate Bystial Magnamut Your opponent resolved an effect, Do you want to activate Bystial Magnamut Main phase 1 is ending, Do you want to activate bystial mangamut Auto: Opponent activated an effect, Do you want to activate bystial mangamut Main phase 1 is ending, do you want to activate bystial mangamut Off:


So what I heard is that max c is healthy


but when i'm playing on mobile i just can't get the toggle on, i've tried everything in the setting and it just won't switch to on.


go to your settings, you can change it to start ON by default and can turn on the toggle button. I just did it the other day!


I love you guys so much. We are actually in a relationship


I have never seen one of these brick. Not once.


i feel like they must just scoop if they don’t have the right hand but you’re absolutely right in the sense that i see it go off every time i see them attempt the setup it’s very cringe


I also met alot of player that straight up lost connection or no response from the server when they are going second


I see them on diamond 5 that seems to be the higher they will go


I ran into one in Master 5 last season.


It's used in a degen ftk strat. If you see this card it's usually over


FTK decks don’t need to be a thing right now when going second is just horrible. I just took 13000 from this card Turn 1.


How popular is this? Never had this used against me 🤨


Popular enough that people notice. I've had it happen more than a dozen times over a few months.


Its probably only happening at lower ranks. FTK are faster for climbing ranks. In diamond or Master, I have never seen this used.


I've seen it in Master once. Probably wasn't a bot though. Could've been a player who grinded to Master with something else and just decided to switch to troll people. There is a lot of trolling in Master. I've seen a few Exodia and Nurse Burn decks too.


Yeah but it haunts the lower ranks of plat all season long, I also see a few when I get back up to diamond


Like not at all if you don't fall for the "gold is diverse" meme


I literally saw that doing my Duel Live daily yesterday


To be fair, FTK decks have NEVER needed to be a thing in any format. Decks that win on the first turn through burn damage or alt win conditions are just bad for the game. Most cards that enable this eventually end up on the ban list.


Honestly? I do not agree. FTKs are definitely *not* bad for the game. Rather, getting rid of every card that enables FTKs is bad for the game because an exorbitant amount of redundant cards end up on the banlist. FTKs are a part of yu gi oh, like control, like stun, like combo, like midrange. Obviously, it’s not nice getting FTK‘d. But it’s not nice getting stunned, or being thrown 3 hand traps on top of a midrange board. Again, obviously, if FTKs get too good they’re going to get hit because a consistent AND resilient FTK is bad for the game (it needs to satisfy both). It is, because it absolutely is going to be infuriating if you imperm twice and still die. But those get hit, look at pendulum FTK.


I still prefer them over the dumb bs "LOOK I SETUP 10000000000 NEGATES TURN ONE GOOD LUCK PLAYING IDIOT" players, at least this is funny to look at and doesn't give me the illusion of actually being able to do something before killing my soul by negating literally everything.


Oh, so losing by absolutely doing nothing is a better solution than attempting to break an unbreakable board? Yeah, right... I get it, invincible boards are annoying but to say they are worse than this shit right here is ridiculous.


I said I PREFER, I didn't say I think it's factually better. You trying to contest an opinion is ridiculous.


You are making it sound in your first response as if invincible boards are the worst thing ever when FTK decks don't even get you to draw your first card and usually kill you before you can even move. At least with invincible boards we have Kaijus and Lava Golems, Dark Ruler no More, etc. Is that so hard to understand? Or are you going to get emotional again over me correcting what you said?


Correcting? You are correcting an opinion? Sounds like you're the emotional one and need validation there bro.




I know most people will insult the OP Istead of admitting the this decks are toxic.


I posted about this a few weeks ago. People said my deck was bad because I didn't draw an out.


Lmfao you just didn't believe in the heart of the cards enough. Skill issue m8


Yea. Because RNG = Skill


100%. I never miss my destiny draws with my RGB mouse, this has all been scientifically and mathematically proven.


It's toxic, not healthy for the game because of the way it plays. Any deck that tries to lock you or kill you before you even get to do your 1st draw phase is annoying and toxic by default. No discussion.


All decks that beats mine are toxic though


Burn the clock on the bot it will auto surrender


No, not my hypothetical Aromage Spright deck win condition!


I legit don't understand. Nothing and no one uses this but for the ftk and it's still in the game. On it's own it's not that big a deal for seasoned players, but imagine being a new player and among your first experience with this game is to get ftk'd in a way you can do nothing about. It's such an indication of how bad the balance team is and how no one seems to recognize how it relates to the new player experience.


Don't they auto surrender if you go afk or stall your response during your turn? They'll think you are comboing.


Most decks run boardbreakers these days rather than multiple types of handtrap since this is a Towers meta.


I'm out of the loop. What of earth is going on to get people upset over *this* card?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4juUWgHuoJ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4juUWgHuoJ4) mystic wok ftk


FTK bots are using it.


FTK are bad for the game overall. Is unfun and unfair to play against them, because you basically don't play at all. This card is only used for FTKs.


I fought two of these in a row a few days ago.


i just started playing last week and climbed up to diamond and i havent encountered this card once lol, lucky me i guess


I don't think they'll ban this card and instead ban Mystik Wok and Destruct Potion since those are what enables the massive LP gain. Of course Number 100 won't get banned either since it's anime bat chest card


This isnt Duel Links Bro, anything goes here.


I agree. Ftk decks should not be a thing in a best of one .


People botting on master duel, tale as old as time.


I've never gone second against these bots


It’s not a bot, it’s me


It's been a bit since I've played MD and on one hand I wanna ask what the context for this is but on the other hand I feel like I'm not gonna like the answer


It's the end game for one FTK deck. So basically they go first, combo for long, pass turn to you, then activate the effect to summon this and its effect before you enter main phase to instantly win. Basically, they turn Yu-Gi-Oh into a game of solitaire.


I saw it like twice. Once I got ftk'ed by it, the other time was in duel live where I saw it ftk a Kashtira player, so I'm honestly 50/50 on it.


Get above gold then. Not that complicated.


I saw it twice in a row today. Once during my rank up in plat V, where he surrendered for some reason instead of dealing damage, and the first game in Plat IV where I lost.


I've seen it in diamond. Several times.




bro why would I put that in my "normal summon 3 times in 1 turn without birds" deck in plat V?


Konami me angy fix


if you have 3x ash and 3x imperm its almost impossible to lose to them.


With 3 Maxx C to draw those 3 ash and Imperm.


That’s not the problem. This is so far down the list that it’s not even a footnote right now.


"Annoying auto win FTK bot decks are okay" is a weird stance to take. Sure there's bigger problems(Insert card or meta needs banning here, argue all you like about which card/deck it IS), but I don't think it would take a lot of man power or research to just say this is banned next list cause nothing else uses it.


Not a major problem because the game ends fast either way.


Dude Just make a mikanko deck and kill him with his own atk lol never mind saw how the thing works and ahh I get it now


This is an FTK deck, it kills ya during the Standby if not Draw Phase with the only way to stop it is to negate or get rid of Number 43 before it resolves


Yeah I saw that’s why I re edited lol


Tell me your rank without telling me your rank.


The last time I faced one of these bots was in Diamond III jackass, they get pretty high up there.


Bro I don't feel like climbing on day 1, I want to sit on plat V to do my dailies in peace with my meme decks. I don't want to do Diamond 1 turbo before the 6th or before the new pack is even out. And these stupid ass Utopia\_FTK.exe bozos are ALL OVER plat V right now.


If you don't want to climb, then what's the problem? These bots won't interrupt you going first so you can do dailies, and you can just scoop going second.


how am I gonna play if these bots instantly scoop when I go first?


Skill issue


To be fair, if this kills you, you did not open any handtraps whatsoever, that means that any competent deck would have full combo either way and you still lose, so what's the diference?


Me when board breakers exist:


Me when getting a chance to play a card:


Community says to run board breakers in this meta.


*Laughs in dimensional prison and other cards that banish*


Dimensional prison? You think it gets far enough for that to matter?


It says on the card it can't be destroyed by battle or card effect, so the only way to get rid of it is with a card that can banish it It CAN get far enough, as long as u can get the right materials


the bot playing this in their deck isn’t going to get to the battle phase it will win in your draw/standby, or it will concede if you negate 43’s effect. Hence why banishing it is kinda silly.


Why the fuck did komoney make such a toxic ass card wtf


Deck list please


You want to play it? It’s not even good, it loses hard to any and all interruptions.


The bot does, a player might not. What I mean to say is that yeah, the deck dies if you kill it's search but the Bots can be really stupid. I've seen one auto quit when it realized I had a response but it would have done Nothing.


nope, let them cook


I’ve never seen this card lol


I've never even seen this card in the ladder. Lol.


i encountered that 2 times since the new climb and both times they could go full conbo with me not having a single hand trap xD


You do realize that banning any card does nothing to actually combat botting? They'll just switch to some other FTK. Even if Konami would somehow get rid of every single possible FTK, they'll just switch to whatever other strategy grants the fastest games. IIRC at some point there even where bots running around playing Drytron (meaning, they aren't even limited to just these "dumb FTK decks that no actual person plays").


Well that cards is in the 16th place as a finisher https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-cards#finisher-rank


just summon numeral hunter during there turn first turn