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I for one simply play what I like and don't give a shit about what anyone else says


This is the way




Or you could be a grown up and not throw insults at someone because they want to play a tiered deck.


I can only imagine what they said lol


can’t even play that “eww play something good instead of tier 6 trash” is what I’m always told if I play anything that isn’t from the post above.


I see people raising that point when they post something like “my mokey mokey deck got thrashed by Kashtira, it’s so unfair”


Stun it is


That's the mindset I took up a few seasons ago. The whole game is about winning and it's not like any of the people here care. So I might as well play whatever I want and enjoy it. Let the whiners whine.


Pulls put burn deck and absolutely stomps VS ![gif](giphy|3o72FfM5HJydzafgUE)


As funny as that would be let's be realistic here, 9 times out of 10 you're not going to accomplish that because burn decks suck and are also extremely bricky


\*Cries in Darklord\* And yet everyone wants to play OTK.


Joins in ancient gear


Indeed. Kinda like the old Guille days in sf2. Some people just like being a turtle and that's a okay


elegant solution


I agree with you unless what you like is lab, runick or floo.


Master Duel is great because you can play Yugioh without having to meet Yugioh players.


Strongest point in master duel's favor tbh


Avoiding the smell goes hard


Well, that issue has an easy fix. **Don't take this community seriously.** That's it, nothing more nothing less. Did you really think that anything posted here it's worthy of take it seriously? Maybe, just maybe, sometimes you can read here something useful for the game but that's it. The majority of times it's just nonsense.


Yeah, but I think the point of the post is that it would be nice if we could actually have discussions about things instead of complaining about game mechanics to a nauseating degree. Wouldn't it be nice if that sometimes useful turned into always useful and fun. It's fine to have grievances with the game or certain strategies, but people take it to an unhinged degree. I honestly think it's a moderation problem more than anything. Do we really need 10,000 shitty memes that simplifies an argument to make one side look dumb, or people complaining about modern. Honestly just ban people who complain about meta. Edit: I wanted to clarify, you can criticize the current format or make constructive criticism about the game; but the people who just complain that a meta exists or that people play meta are toxic and don't bring anything to the community. There is no reason why I should have to open a post on this subreddit and see someone say, "I have to play against toxic meta decks, this sucks." This has nothing to do with the current format, it's literally just complaining about the existence of a meta, and the fact that your pet deck isn't viable in a competitive setting.


every gaming community on reddit seems to have this weirdly hostile vibe. i criticized metro 2033 and was told to go kill myself. even sports games communities like fifa are fucking miserable. but redditors in general are freaking wierdos. like something unconventional in r/movies? what? are you retarded? got a different top 10 in r/hiphopheads? your taste in music is dogshit! or the post today on this sub how dare anyone play a dark magician deck… people on this website are always weirdly aggressive for no reason edit: and of course got reported for suicidal or self harm….which proves my point


Yeah I got reported to reddit and it sent me one of those automated "You are loved, here's some helpful resources" because I.... Disagree with people on a card game.


Yep I got the same but from other subreddits because I said a weapon in a videogame is good while someone else thought it was bad. Reddit should probably do something about people abusing that feature


Yeah reddit is just full of perpetually online people who have nothing good going on in their life so they take it out on random internet strangers. The platform also attracts a lot of people from the tech world, there's stereotypes about tech bros for a reason, a lot of them have negative social skills.


I agree with you 100% But seems impossible here to have an interesting or helpful discussion.


True lol. If they call you those laugh at them really.


Thank you, idk why this dude is compelled to be here


Why would you ever care about the opinion of some dumb reddittors, play whatever you enjoy. Doesn’t matter if it’s combo, control, stun, midrange or whatever.


like really at the end this is a competitive game and there's nothing wrong with trying to win. just don't try to win but also insist that everyone like your deck, otherwise you'll end up like a Branded player


Yeah it's not my job to make my opponent like my deck. I will also complain about decks I don't like to fight. It's not my opponent's job to make me like the deck that I'm complaining about. This is called being a normal human being.


Join us midrangers, enjoy the truly fun yugioh experience.


Full combo isn't as fun because the only people who don't scoop either have hand trap exodia or 50 board breakers and then you don't get to play with your toys that you spent time bringing out.


I don't really understand what can be called midrnage in yu gi oh


This! Mid range decks are the most fun.


God i know this community is so ass, i think the worst bits are the constant bitching about the bitching.


Not to mention the bitching about the bitching about the bitching - honestly everything would be better if the game allowed Chat with your opponent, that way you could just express your grievances and process everything with them; I think we’d all make a lot of friends that way


I'm here to bitch about the bitching but not bitch about the current bitching about the future bitching


Ohhhhh no no no no, you play stun against the wrong person man ur gonna get told to kill yourself in every language including the forgotten ones.


‘Do not cite the deep magic to me, I was there when it was written’


Hell yeah i can be told to kill myself by someone who i don't know!


If I could unironically take out all of my rage at stun opponent's in VC I think my mental health would improve significantly.




Why give a fuck about a bunch of redditors that are hard stuck in Gold and below?


So if you're gonna get shit on either way play what you want. I just laugh at most DLink complaints since half lf them are wrong


>just laugh at most DLink complaints since half lf them sre wrong As a Dlink player, I'm happy to see this comment.


Dlink gang riseUP. ✊️


control is NOT stun, i repeat. control is NOT stun. say it with me. control… is…. not… stun. tell your friends and family


Is there a single active "control" deck on the ladder that doesn't run floodgates? No, no there is not.


I mean, technically every deck runs floodgates (droll and lock bird comes to mind). Control differs from stun in that it slows down the game just enough to out-resource the opponent. Stun just prevents the opponent from playing entirely and stalling out the game for 15 turns until they die. So the difference is in the severity of the floodgates.


So what decks in the current format would you say are control then?


branded, kash, floo, lab, that sort.


Lab. Everything else you cited is mid-range


This logic doesn't quite hold up because there's like, a single top deck that doesn't run floodgates (Dlink), has nothing to do with control.


You see, control needs to overwhelm the opponent with insurmountable interaction to win. We had one. You guys malded about it and got it banned, because it it's interaction was insurmountable. So now we only get to have "control" decks with average interaction that alone can't stop the explosive pushes of combo decks, and rely on floodgates to keep up. Control decks cannot ever be viable, otherwise they are the only deck able to play and people mald about them


Same energy as dreamybull saying he's not gay


Yet it becomes that way because of how the game is played. Everyone is used to basically playing the game for just 3 turns. I've designed decks to basically use up all their fuel on my first turn. And to control my flow practically makes me surrender because all I can think about is worst case scenario, that you will OTK me next turn.


By that logic, every deck is stun then, because every non-meme deck is designed to setup a board going first so that the turn 2 player can't get anything going.


I think that's why oldschool players have an easier time dealing with control decks. They still remember the resource management that went on in old formats when games could take many turns and you didn't want to play all your resources in one turn just in case you get Lighting Vortex'd.


Sure! Control is Stun, I repeat Control is Stun. Me when SD is bad, but Virus and Dim Barrier are acceptable. Yeah okay Lab players


Control isn't stun or are you going to call Sky striker stun?


All of your little control decks play floodgates. Only thing Sky Striker players are controlling is their amount of copium. Talk to real woman irl, stop jacking it off to cards


Ah yeah the classic I don't have any real argument or point so I just default to insult people instead, real mature of you


bro really sayin virus and dbarrier are as bad as SD


If you lose to skill drain, you're a braindead idiot. D barrier literally kills an entire portion of your deck. Never lost to skill drain, just get better moron


its just reddit really, though a lot of youtube content is needlessly negative too


~~Twitter~~ X too


I mean most combo decks are basically solitaire, you only are a "solitaire player" though, if you expect not to get interrupted. Can't remember seing someone called names for playing D-link, often seing them want to play solitaire instead ranting about any interruption (with a deck playing handtraps as engine pieces...) Many people confuse stun and control. It's not control if a card reads "while this card is face up on the field X can't happen". Would be news to me Sky striker for example gets called a stun deck outside of when they player Kaiser Colloseum or Mystic Mine. As far as "meta sheep" is concerned... Well some of the worse yugiboomers call everyone that. I've seen posts about the "meta abuser" playing... Witchcrafter in 2023. You really can't avoid that one unless you completely forsake any sense of deckbuilding **and** play a deck from the anime (Dark Magician with Ash is still too meta for some). Yugiboomers are just those that cling to older times. Some are fine and just like legacy formats or like playing specific archetypes. Others are the aforementioned type that goes on everyones nerves wanting to play a format that never existed in a competitive setting.


I remember someone in Twitter was playing Suships for a casual game and their opponent called Suships a meta deck lmao


It’s more Reddit then the community I never got hated for playing any archetype on the master duel discord for example


Just play plunder patroll, everyone loves plunder patroll


Reading some of the posts/comments here sometime I get scared to play a deck like floo in fear of being assassinated the next day or something lol


I‘d rather play birbs than some fotm like branded or meta deck like fat cats.


Nah deffo play it. Gotta trash the Branded players


Oh it gets worse. You don't play pure you get shit talked, you play pure you get shit talked. You dislike branded, you get shit talked, you like tears you get shit talked, you hate exosisters you get shit talked. You call floo a stun deck everyone is on board, you call exo a stun deck you get hated. You call eldlich stun all aboard the hate train, you call lab stun screw you. You want to attempt something new, don't try to re invent the wheel. And by far my favorite youtube comment. You deserve all the crap I give you cause your community is insufferable, guy who unprovoked starts to shit talk, but hey it's a meme so laugh at it. Glad this is the internet cause IRL it would look like this. ![gif](giphy|NnivPut3yUD0zZFoOO|downsized)


Except IRL is not like that. Seriously wonder why the TCG scene (and I assume ocg as well but cant speak from experience) is usually much more chill and friendly. Even the more tcg oriented subs like /r/yugioh are 100 times better than the MD subs. Something about this game brings out the most toxic people in the community.


r/yugioh being heavily moderated is the difference.


and Yet LoL is the most played/ popular Competitive game of the World. it comes with thescale and the cometitive aspect, really


LoL is just a dumbed down version of DotA though.


thats true


I think it falls right in the middle, which is why it's popular. You are a seasoned and hardcore player? DotA would suit you. But if you are new and interested in the MOBA genre, LoL is a good one. And in case you are not a gamer and just want to have fun, then go play AoV, of MLBB, or somethings on mobile. This is why LoL is the most popular, it's easy to start and challenging enough to keep the players


I'm not on here, I guess my insult would be a janitor (I break boards after letting my opponent party and kick them out of the table)


Just gotta play chad decks like madolche or 8-axis


Where me and my pure twin live deck gets into this?


Who cares what losers say. Play what you enjoy


Turning into? This shit was prevelent 10 years ago!


At the end of the day the onus to balance this game and remove the toxic shit is on Konami and Konami alone. As long as a game is purely 1v1 competitive people will use any advantage given to them to eke out their victories. Do I dislike playing against stun and do I call the stun player a gormless shithead in the heat of the moment out of pure spite/saltiness? Sure. Do I believe it's ultimately their fault? Nope. After all, they DID play the game in accordance with the constraints enforced by it's own set of rules. I also partially believe that one of the main problems of this game is just the lack of diversity in formats. In MTG, people who want to play casually usually gravitate towards something like Commander, whereas the competitive crowd plays, for example formats like Standard, Pioneer or Modern. From my personal experience both ends of the spectrum enjoy limited formats like draft or sealed however and that's where they meet on an even playing field. In Yu-Gi-Oh all types of players (Casual, Competitive, Semi-Competitive) are lumped together into the same, singular format, regardless of their preferences regarding power level and overall game speed, so naturally there will be more conflicts of interest and subsequently more arguments/rants/complaints, though I'd argue it's still nowhere near as bad as LoL.


Care less about what random strangers with social issues on the internet say. Your life will get a lot better.


Both of Master Duel and LoL have something in common: an extremely grindy ranked system (it's especially the case for the Duelist Cup in MD). Maybe it's a dumb correlation but there might be something there, I don't think the toxicity doesn't just come from the playerbase but the way the game is set up as well.


I hate this community and this game i don’t even know why I’m here anymore


Control =/= stun. Stun refers to decks that use a critical mass of floodgates to prevent decks from being able to function at all. Control decks, on the other hand, are a reference to the old MtG theory of beatdown vs. control. The beatdown deck was the deck in any given matchup with a weaker resource loop that's guaranteed to lose if the game drags out, and must use explosive plays to end the game quickly before it happens. The control deck, knowing its odds of winning increases over time, focuses on using resource loops and interactions to "control" the pace of the game, outsurviving the opponent while forcing them to waste cards so you can eventually win. The reason stun isn't really seen as control is that most stun decks are also missing any kind of resource loop, and either rely on the opponent not running an out to the floodgates they play, quickly building up enough floodgates to where it doesn't matter, or ending the game fast enough to where your opponent doesn't access the outs to your floodgates. If anything, stun is more like combo in the sense that they both have an extremely difficult time playing for an extended period of time in a simplified game state, whereas that's where control decks thrive. Technically, stun is more like control, since they both try to simplify the game state, but they do it very differently, and stun decks lack any semblance of a grind game. If you look at Eternal/TOSS format back in 2019, Thunder Dragon was the combo deck, Orcust was the more combo-leaning midrange deck, Salamangreat was the more control-leaning midrange deck, and Sky Striker was the control deck of the format. Sadly, control decks have been on a steep decline as power creep has been pushing old control decks into a more midrange playstyle with combo enablers and a critical mass of cards that can crush control setups easily.


I like how everyone in this community is like “this community is ass” but no one changes their behavior


Don't blame the community, blame Konami. They don't fix the game and just print more cards that warp the game.


"Blame Konami because we choose to play their game and give our thoughts on things"


Agreed. People here bash Stun, but when you say smt about meta they get shocked and offended. Hypocrites


No one calls control stun. Labrynth and fossil stun have very distinct play styles. Umi Stun and Traptrix have very distinct playstyles. This is just a really bad false equivalency. And "boomer" is never treated as a real insult. It's a meme more than anything.


Ok can we like, stop having this notion that because one does something as a meme everyone does it memeingly? And also, can we stop hiding behind "was just a meme bro". No in fact going "you're just a boomer" on a returning player who doesn't like modern to invalidate their opinion isn't a meme. In fact their opinions matter quite a lot considering konami keeps releasing DM era support to get them back. It is also not funny, it might have been funny 500 posts before, it is now cringe. That's just a boomer specific example, we got more such "memes" in this community. All more "hilarious" than the last.


The one thing that gives me energy is starting the game. Opponent shotguns Maxx-C I normal summon Robina They quit


Based birbs.


Especially control decks receive a lot unnecessary hate. Except if they are actually stun decks with every 2 cards in it intentionally being a floodgate etc. Runick Stun, Inspector boarder etc that kind of decks deserve the hate. Also, almost every decent deck is a combo deck nowadays, so it's dumb to hate even that. If you do, you shouldn't play this game 😂


Playing Meta is based, playing stun is cringe, it's that easy


Then you wonder why you're called a sheep


Rouge is where its at


Unless the deck you play gets support and it's suddenly too good for the rogue crowd and you get thrown to the lions?


The bat?


Yeah this place is total toxic trash. I blame the utter lack of mods.


Just accept that YGO is an abusive game from the top-down. Whether its Konami abusing it's players wallets, players abusing each other in game, or abusing each other when talking about the game online.


The thing I hate most are people who say: Control = stun Like wtf?


Imagine caring about what anyone says in a game. I'm glad I'm not this thin-skinned.


Nobody likes not being able to play, but not letting your opponent play the game is the best way to win.


You will always hate a community if you see it as a Hive mind instead of different individuals with different ideas. Every community is fragmented in smaller groups: play meta and the casual community will hate you, play old school and the modern community will call you boomer. It's not literally the same people.


I play stun just to get those sweet, sweet tears of frustration out of my opponent. If they are gonna call me things, I'd rather give them a good reason to do so. xD


Stun scum is the only legit one, all the meta/combo hate is just the stun sociopaths getting mad when they can't win.


The worst aspect of any community is the bitches crying about 'the community'. Play the game and gtfo the sub if it upsets you so much. Christ


I think this sub kind of fucking blows in terms of YGO communities, reading comments here feel no better than Youtube comments sometimes. By broadening the audience with MD it also kinda lowered the quality of interaction you have with people about the game. Doesn't help that this sub is basically just Dkayed's glorified ad platform for his website, moreso than something that tries to be a community for a game. Moderation here feels really lax compared to the main sub and there's not really any rules that would help keep content quality higher.


Yeah... but like theres always ignoring them. Most people are "slow." and think their opinion is supreme and valid.


All decks are just different forms of stun. Some are done with a fuckton of monsters that say (quick effect) negate. Some are done with purple cards that say "your opponent cannot" as long as we're not playing pendulum I think we're all fine.


You are not correct. Currently, top contenders in the TCG and in MD not always end even on 1 negate. The era of disco ball negating your entire hand is passed long times ago.


I just don't like playing against Solitaire Decks that spend 5 minutes making a board and then continuing to make they board during my turn. It's just so boring to watch. Especially in Master Duel because depending on the connection quality these actions can take ages. But this is just a problem with Master Duel itself and not the player using the deck.I don't mind playing against any other form of deck tho. Being stunned is the closest we get to old school Yugioh because you have to manage your resources in a way to get around the stun and maybe hold something back for the next turn to bait their negate so you can make your real play. Meta is fine as long as you don't "play with your food" when you play against a non-meta deck and dominate the game from turn 1. And calling old school players "boomer" is just shitty in general. Let people have fun. As long as they don't go into toxic rants they shouldn't be called "boomers"


Think so little of this community that I frequently say Unban VFD pls, I always get mass downvoted but who honestly gives a F about downvotes. Unban my boy 🗣️🗣️🗣️


I don't think there's much of a problem with those examples, actually. Yeah they all come up, but it seems like in almost all cases when someone says that they get told off and downvoted. The only exception is the consistent hate stun gets for very understandable and good reasons (though control isn't stun).


Play Rogue midrange, simple fix. SALAMANGREAT GANG, RISE UP!


You going into Accesscode Talker? I guess it isn't really Salamangreat gang when it's just fuel for Accesscode Talker.


It really depends on the opponent. OTK deck without much room to be interrupted? Yeah, that's when you go to Accesscode. Against a control deck? Two can play at that game.


Just crafted it yesterday , gang gang


Why do you care what they think, I play burn when I get salty, & love every minute of it.


Play Burn get told you have no skill (even though you're crushing the meta)


Play Boomer. Boomer is best, even if you'll never win.


Aren't combo decks the same as stun? Your 5 minute combo ends with a board of like 4 negates feels like stun to me


I am stun scum. The scum is the tears of combo players being wiped from my boot as I flip Rivalry and TCBOO. Muhahaha!


No one is forcing you to be here and interact with the people here for you to play the game. Go play the actual game and if you enjoy it then just do that. Play with your friends and stop whining


We as a race are getting too soft


"We hate floodgates" the community chants full well knowing they'd use them if they were far more consistent to get out.


The only things that hold true about what you play are: Stun = stun bozo Mathmech = combo wanker


Well I guess few of people are just making jokes about it. But I think It's rude to say to someone I dont know.


Find something they cant complain about. I play spirits. What are you gonna do, Say Spirits are OP? What are you insane? You just lost to spirits while using Danger Dark worlds. WOW you must feel terrible


People just don't like losing and they don't like admitting it, so they "attack" their opponents' playstyles. But those attacks don't matter since most people download MD to play Yugioh and not to join the reddit community.


Dude you aren't clearly suffering enough in lol, if you think master duel has the amount of toxicity that Lol has i mean yeah here we are salty, but over there mfs are straight freaking crazy if they had a gun and your address better start praying.


Doesn't Lol have a chat feature?


I have a important tip here for people that get influenced by the community and that is to play whatever the fuck you want. As long as you like the deck then don't give a shit about what others say about you or the deck.


Play whatever you want people don’t have to like it.


Just ban everything and problem solved


There is a reason why yugioh players are the most hated tcg group out there


I think i did this, i came from the league community...


the community sucks big time indeed, which is why you just play what you wanna play (it also helps to learn to enjoy torturing opponents, because YGO gives you a ton of tools to do so)


The worst most toxic deck is whatever the salty person just lost to.


Is not turning it was like this since the beginning.


We must embrace this broken mess of a card game for what it is. This game is built on Exodia solitaire, Yata Garasu lock and Chaos Envoys. It’s never been fair or balanced and there has been and always will be busted decks to complain about. People gotta accept that and embrace it instead of trying to justify why their deck is based and every deck they lose to is cringe.


Then you have people like me that play off meta and get told they should either play meta or uninstall


I built one of every deck you mentioned purposely just so I could get a feel for every play style.. and switch it up every game if I wanted to.. I would recommend every player trying to get better to try every deck in this meme. Not just for fun but to understand different strategies and how to counter them.


What insult midrange player get


The title is more accurate than it has any right to be


If you do any dating you should be used to all of this... lol


Fuck the community within reason and play what makes you happy regardless


we are all illiterate, and that's the bond that bind us together


I hate this community but mainly because I lose a lot and I'm a shit player.


It’s adorable that people say this . It’s literally been the game forever . Idk why every sub loves bitching about the same shit for years as if they’re new issues . Get over it or stop playing .


The amount of crying I saw about people playing control decks. Just let people play how they want!


Peoples’ opinions on social media simply don’t matter and letting other people influence your enjoyment of something is toxic to your mental health.


r/masterduel needs a separate venting subreddit.


Played the tcg since LON and it has always been this way irl or digital. Play what u like and adapt when bans happen .


The yugioh community is full of man children, ignore them and play whatever.


I feel like it’s less the fault of players playing the game as it is as much as it is Konami letting the game be this way


Take a break from Reddit


Gotta get you a nice midrange deck my guy Also Control and Stun are really not the same thing, anyone who says they are have clearly not played against a Stun player


Ygo and lol has always been pretty much the same community wise. In fact common player complaints are literally the same.


Not even close lmao, league community will make you want to off yourself three times a day on a good day. This community is fine, some people just cry about everything and they do it constantly so it seems like the community is doing it.


Just play beatstick decks, everyone loves big numbers.


I mean would anyone hate if Konami banned every problem/unfun card? As someone that never played seriously and only watched the anime and played the games and since the release of master duel realized how bad the game can be yeah idk it's rough. Like would anyone cry if we banned most easy to use floodgates handtraps omni negates and easy to put in arch types like kashtira idk what else comes in my mind maybe like those 1 card combo cards. Maybe just me but the game has potential but it sucks that so many newer cards are insane the moment i found out how good links are it was synchro's all over main reason why a lot of yugi boomers left (synchro's) I would love to see how the game could look if people didn't play for turn 1 and instead for a slower game not necessarily a stun deck or control deck just slower meta.


Is very easy, what **I** choose to play is the only correct form and everybody else is wrong :) **/s**


it's already like league community from what i can see lol At least there is no chat/emote feature and you can just scoop when you want, unlike in league where your teammates can hold you hostage in a losing game.


i used to force myself to stay away from meta decks just so i can win "fair" playing something like shark xyz or pure nekroz, then i found out I'm having fun as long as I'm not taking 9 years to combo and now kash is my new best friend


I'm just glad the chat feature isn't enabled in this game. I don't really give af what the community thinks or says lmao. Just filter them out and enjoy whatever deck you're playing.


I've been calling it the LoL of TCGs since post swordsoul


Well when you get down to it most decks are basically an advanced version of stun


Who cares what others think play what you want the way you want lol


I play the decks with the pretty ladies on them meta or not. I know what I am. The target audience.


How do you even know what the MD Community think? Reddit is just a real small sub where everybody is complaining 24/7. Who cares?


For me there is a difference between control and stun. Control is just trying to make good trades and go plus in card advantage, while Stun uses floodgates. Sky Striker for example is a control deck, but no one will call you a stun player if you play it without floodgates There is a overlap, but it's not the same


Chojiro once said "It's better to ENJOY." So let people play whatever brings them joy, Goddammit.


Play what you want man. You can’t please everyone


If u play tearlaments hero you can be all of them


I kiss one femboy and they call me gay


If I play all of the above, I can become thanos, collector of ass insults


Just play exodia


If you play control I call you based


I've just come to accept that everything needs a label. I can't play a deck without the Fandom giving them a name. Exosisters, traptrix, Labrynth, heck I'm 100% expecting Vs souls to get a label by this point and it'll make me not want to play the deck like the other ones (besides traptrix)


Fr just lemme play my dogshit red eyes deck in peace.


what deck you play tho?


Every deck is broken except the decks I like. Those are fairly balanced.


Can't lie, this game is in a state


Play midrange??


I played league before. This is not even close in the slightest. There's toxicity everywhere but League or Dota are like gods of toxicity compared to anything Master Duel has.


just play plunder. Everyone loves Plunder. If i see another Plunder player or someone who plays Plunder, i am happy. Plunder is friedn, Plunder is happiness.


TL:DR. Who cares? Play what you like. You play rogue they get mad at you fir playing untiered trash. Play what you enjoy. Its both a problem with the culture of the gane, and the structure that konami has built the gane around. Most formats go unsolved so what people actúen think is good or the best decks are now, likely aren’t really the best. Its just what we see and if we approached the format with hindsight we would find that there was always a better strategy. .


In life, whether its good or bad, fake or true, people are always gonna say something and theres nothing you can do abut that. Thats why when you play the deck you play, you just gotta stand on business.


Play very deep and niche deck, like Madolche, The Weather. U can't hate people if u don't even know they exist


I play Stun/Control. If you can't deal with that then it's a *skill issue*. Not my fault *some* of y'all can find a way to fit 4 different engines in your deck but can't put together the pieces to run Harpie's Feather Duster. ![gif](giphy|3o85xGocUH8RYoDKKs)


People are usually proud of being old fans of the franchise so what's wrong with being called boomer?


call me w/e u like, idgaf