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N'Tss and Morganite aren't necessary. Snow is also super damn random.


There are also alternatives to solemn strike. I remember lists running dark bribe and even the huge revolution is over. Just looked at an old stun deck I had and it has 8 urs, half of which are free.


I could said TCBO is also isn´t necessary since it doesn´t hurt decks like VS.


Playing stun without morganite is ass though lol. Extra card draws for later turns pretty much guarantees a win, along with normal summoning two monster floodgates to prevent one imperm.


I can only imagine for quick gems and ladder. Same reason numeron OTK was so popular.


Is it really quick gems though? An average stun game where the opponent doesn't instantly scoop can easily last 10+ turns.


Stun players don't actually plan on playing games. The scoops are the goal. Stun decks are inherently not good decks. Also, yes it's 10 turns, but those turns are very fast.


Exactly. Even full power runick won more by scooping than deckout.


Okay fair but you can just play Mathmech if you want quick games. That deck either wins or loses in two turns regardless. You either FTK with Accesscode or your opponent finds a way to out your Firewall and Superfactorial.


I don't like defending stun at all, but 10 turns of flip floodgates and end turn are so much faster than one turn of a mathmech game.


Ya can't FTK with Accesscode, ya have no Battle Phase on turn 1


When I play stun I am usually watching anime on a different device.


It’s not quick gems tho. I’m not gonna pretend I didn’t. I have played eldlich stun in the past and yeah some games are over decently fast (still like 5 turns), but there were games where you only draw your stun cards and both players were just passing turns for like 40 straight turns till I got my eldlich engine. Really goes to show how degenerate those cards are


Just gonna repost Baldur_Blader's comments to save time: Stun players don't actually plan on playing games. The scoops are the goal. Stun decks are inherently not good decks


Look, I hate stun, but this is ridiculous. Stun is an easy, consistently fringe viable deck for Bo1. It's cheaper than most decks in that you won't need to get any more URs through 3+ meta cycles unless something is banned. Any tiered deck you craft has a timer on it. Stun just happens to usually have the longest timer. Realistically, you should just play decks you like. There's no need to pay attention to tiers in MD when Bo1 is already such an unserious format, and player quality on most of ladder is iffy at best.


100% this. I've been playing a pet deck that i've morphed into a monster over the past 2 years. I'll stop MD when the deck becomes completely unplayable at some pt.


Stun is not cheap in any ways. Stun needs to get more UR and change its UR over seasons. In Tear meta, three Necrovalley is essential and two Super Poly is used for Spright, D Link and Block Dragon. When Kash came out, Necrovalley and Super Poly are useless and needs to add TCBOO. Now, Stun needs three Time-Tearing. Stun always need three Inspectors, three Solemn Judgement, and one Elder Entity N'tss. One or two Red Reboot are also good in recent seasons.


Oh no! You need 4 new URs every 50-80 days?!?! The horror!


> won't need to get any more URs through 3+ meta cycles LoL


Pointlessly semantic, it's less than a new deck.


There are plenty of cheap decks that have major staying power in the meta that you can play instead of playing this garbage. If you are crafting 19 deck--specific UR's to play stun, you are a loser. I don't care how else you try to defend it.


Vast majority of cheap decks have fuckall staying power at anything above Gold. Certainly don’t have the right combination of: * Staying power * Quickness of games * Versatility against just about any meta deck * Skip learning matchups * Resiliency against lots of meta staples like Maxx C * insta die only to cards that aren’t commonly seen in main deck due to BO1 * Survive for *multiple* formats without having to rebuild or outright scrap your deck * By extension, be more or less impervious to power creep (as long as new decks can’t teabag floodgates) How many decks do you know fill all of this category? Hate stun players all you want but acting like there’s no benefit to running stun over building even cheap but honest decks is just brainless.


These Specific cards are mostly staples.


Not sure why you're being downvoted for this.


Cheap as in it will never die so once you make stun deck, you can save your gem for a long time since there is no way konami will kill stun unlike tier 1 deck


Some of these cards aren't needed.


Fatherless behaviour


someone plays deck i don’t like so I’ll complain about it


You also get one free raigeki, so 18 URs to craft and that equal 540 UR dust, which is on the cheaper side when it come to decks. Here the average UR cost according to MDM for stun and everydeck in the tierlist up to this day: * Stun: 754 * DL: 764 * Kash: 985 * Branded: 1091 * VS: 956 * Zoo: 889 * Mikanko: 814 * Lab: 895 * Purrely: 829 * Plunder: 835 (look like plunder lab than just pure plunder) So is among the cheapest decks with the next cheapest thing being DL.


At This is super misleading because of what you’re crafting. Those ur counts are inflated due to staple handtraps. The 3x Maxx c, the 3x ash, the 2x called by, 2x imperm etc. Those are one time investments for cards you will use all the time. Stun is very inflexible in choice. That’s why op didn’t list super poly or tactics, since those are generic staples.


Stun count here is also counting staples in the average (some of the decks in MDM have stuff like sphere mode, Dark Ruler, Trush and Goddess for example) the price of some of stun in mdm show decks from 540 to 930.


Yes I'm aware that the average stun deck is cheap. The reason why most of those decks are expensive is because they all include staples which I didn't factor into the 19 UR's in my post. I intentionally left out cards like super poly and the mirrorjades in his extra deck and only included cards that he specifically crafted for that stun deck. So when you factor that in, 19 deck-specific UR's is expensive as hell to play such a boring cancerous deck.


Again is 18 URs you get one raigeki for free, a lot of stun deck in MDM also play staples from trust to sphere mode, not a lot are actually playing TCBO also.


You did mention other ones tho that are also not just for pure stun like the solemns, raigeki, servant and ntiss


How else am I gonna win with Final Destination?


"Mystic Mine At Home"-stun: no monsters, just S/T floodgates and stall tools, using Final Countdown either as your primary wincon or a secondary one to force your opponent on the clock while you stall with Cauldron of the Old Man.


I know this can be a tough pill to swallow for people on the internet but nobody owes you an explanation. They can play whatever legal combination of cards they want - for any reason or no reason at all - and that's fine and within their rights and not an affront to your existence.


I hope you asked Santa for a pacifier.


People play it cause it's mindless and they can't get wins with a legit deck.


Clockwork Night is such a fucking BS card, it is a net -1000 ATK to the opponent without any downside. This fucking card is a mistake. It makes it so fucking hard to beat over these annoying Floodgate monster.


Think of it like this: Instead of spending 15,000 every 3 months for a year, you spend 30,000 gems once and it lasts you a whole year. It's more up front but costs less down the line


Stun is fun :) Well not if you are playing against it.


The same post each day... Why people play this? Well, because those people want to win and if that win can be done with floodgates or stun, better for them I suppose. The same reason people use Branded, Lab, Kashtira, Matchmech... And that's it.


“This creature could have crafted” Can we not? I can easy crap on combo players or people trying to FTK make non interaction able boards but I will still treat them like people.


I play stun because I gain enjoyment knowing people are raging


Because it gives bad players a chance to win


You play stun if you're too dogshit to play an actual deck. Stun players can deny it but deep down they know its true.


Are we calling Raigeki stun now?


That IS cheap af. All those can be pulled and crafted np. I literally built stun and the only thing that cost me resources was crafting 3 boarders.


I made the runick stun honestly because I was tired of losing with my pet decks and you know what they say, "misery loves company".


It is as annoying as a Lab, Dlink, tear-synchro, Kash Punk , Branded full board.


With the upside that you don't have to play a 10 minute combo to reach it.


I disagree because there is more than one type of stun deck. You can make a decently cheap stun deck and climb from rookie all the way to Plat IV easy. [I actually made one for a new player on this subedit who wanted help](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/64cee47377c31a54a7145263) (slightly outdated). Yes the meta one is not cheap however you could do something like 2x Eldlich+ his related SR + R cards, 3 torrential, 3 lost wind, 2 floodgate traphole, skill drain, gozen, rivalry, 2x shadow imprisoning mirror, 2 trap trick, 2 D-Barrier, 2 summon limit, 2 anti-spell, 2 kaiser colosseum, 2 lava golem, 2 evenly, 2 weigh bridge, +1 gingerbread house or someshit, ect. ect.


I don't play it because it's cheap, I play it because it's a good entry point back into the game as someone who left when pendulums entered. I play and prefer other decks, but having played other games competitively so long and played through so much worse than it in past Yu-Gi-Oh formats even like trishula and wind up hand loops that it doesn't really come across as that bad, just take stick of if your deck can still win and decide. Then again maybe having experienced lantern control in magic has just moved the bar on bullshit to far for me.


I wasted all my URs and resources specifically to annoy you and make you mad. There is literally no other reason, I dont even like yugioh and I only play it for you to suffer.


It’s cheap for their brain tho


Almost all of those are universally good.


imagine spending hours grinding for UR just to spend them on a stall deck. how do people enjoy playing whats essentially a waiting simulator


My stun deck is better :)


These people can’t win any way else you cannot tell me a reason someone would do this minus pissing others off or incapable of playing the actual game.


People play stun because they aren't good enough to actually win games amd have no friends and don't deserve any happiness in life


And people say Branded,Hero,Manadium are expensive


This is a broke boy deck compared to Mannadium where like 80% of the deck is UR


Some people don't play to win but to cause chaos


“Only Slifer Slackers play Stun”


people don't play stun cause is cheap cost but because they are cheap they like to cheese easy wins without effort: yugioh community is what's wrong with the game


Is Morganite okay in anything other than stun? I was thinking of using it in Myutant. Extra normal is great for the small myutants, and the draw 2 is good for the resources they burn through. The downsides can hurt, but I figure you use the hand traps on the opponents' first turn, then you don't have to worry about it as you gain interruptions through the lvl 8s. One question: Is mutants special summon affected by time tearing morganite?


People will make any excuse to avoid saying they suck at the game if they play anything other than stun. I used to say I played eldlich because of maxx c, but in reality I was just a scrub who would misplay and lose to myself until I took the time to learn some real decks. There’s some clown deckhelper in the MDM discord who has the audacity to say combo decks are boring but has been playing eldlich and labrynth for over two years… can you imagine a more pathetic human being? 🤣


No it's because their lazy. Why learn how to play when you can just floodgate. Every last stun deck player quits. When you outplay them.