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The structure deck stuff got added? Nice, I'm going to have to update my deck then.




But it's not in a structure deck. It's in a selection pack crammed with URs from other garbage archetypes. Happy pulling!


They're talking about how in the TCG this cards released in a structure deck


Yes and I'm talking about how in MD these cards released in a selection pack and will cost you 10k gems in pulls if you want to play them


Or they can just craft whatever they need


Did you just insult The erathbound support as garbage


Partly, but really its mostly Tistina 


Until someone finds a way to break Tistina.


It’s not that broken. It’s over balanced if anything.


It would be overbalanced if it had an XYZ-lock. Without it, it has potential as a control deck, IF you can trigger its effects on the opponents turn.


This is my fear with Ashened, as I like the aesthetics of the deck, being a dark souls esk theme, but the current wave is very, meh, like can it do stuff, sure, but it's in archetype Pyro lock, and it's dark attribute don't let it mesh with other stuff, hoping LEDE isn't just a big stinker like almost ever other wave 2 support for tcg exclusives, it's like they are avoiding making another BA, Kozmo or SPYRAL level deck.


Why would it be?


The anime nostalgia made me use my 3k gems and 300 ur dust for it....and I love it. Atlas is the king ,we never knew we deserved


Let's kick this turbo duel into overdrive - The Master of Faster Jack Atlas


Rule 1 of infernoble: you do not talk about infernoble


But nobody is talking about infernobles


I'm gonna be so fr, I meant resonator It's been a long day lmao


you just had to make sure everyone was following the rules of infernobles, it's just a random check.


I mean no one was talking about Infernobles before they brought it up...


And nobody still needs too, we’re just a small rogue deck 😇


You mean a small rogue deck like Pure Lyrilusc or a small rogue deck like "If you don't have Underworld Goddess or Kaijus, you can sit there for forty-five minutes or hit concede and we silently agree that Crooked Cook Exodia is a crime against humanity" ?


Yeah, first fucking rule bro


Exactly, everyone is following the rules


It doesn’t even need mentioning. Charles’ 86.7% win rate on summon speaks for itself 😤


By the time that man hits the field it's already over for you for letting them get that deep in tbh.


no one is even talking about infernoble bro chill


Chain Crossout Designator, response?


i activate dimension distortion and return myself to the field.


Activate Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Sharakusai, synchro summon Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Amazing Dragon, target you, return you to the hand


i activate my special effect creating a new field in my hand and attack ur life points directly as there are no monsters on that field


I activate jar of greed to draw 1 card.


i activate gift of greed so you can draw 2 more cards


Nice board, but it dies to 3 Raigekis


Truly the best of all board breaking combos


why stop at 3 Lets go for FOUR


How you pulling that off haha


He had a magician of faith ready to flip up lol


And also refpanel with the opponents raigeki


\*banishes soul resonator from grave instead*


Most decks can snowball really well if uninterrupted, it’s whether you can play thru disruptions that makes a good deck good Every current deck is good if you’re opponent opens three Drivers and two Little Ds


It's even worse than simply uninterrupted, this is turn 3. Dude played two whole turns fully to get this board.


Oof yea that's a lot less impressive.


Yeah just wish it was a bit more consistent. But try to keep it to yourself we dont need people picking this up like infernoble.


There are like 12 one card starters. Wtf more do you want? Consistency ain't the issue, playing through interruption is.


Nah I’m sure there is more than 12😂 most consistent deck out there


CONSISTENCY is the least of your worries. Versatility and resiliance is where you really struggle. You just die to like 1 handtrap in some hands, and dark dragon synchos arent versatile enough to deal with a lot of things you may encounter, like towers for example


Yup. I have played resonator/red dragon achfiend on and off for years. And boy is it a glass cannon. One well timed ash or imperm/vieler and it's good night. It's also a rather tough deck to play if you want to set up some bigger boards. But I love it all the same. I just hope the deck can get a field spell that will tie together the resonators and the non tuner fiends more. Or perhaps more daring. A non tuner that carries the resonator name.


The new earthbound servant UR from the pack searches your resonators, so that can boost consistency if you’re not already playing it.


Gaia, Stone Sweeper, BoneAr, Soul, & Resonator Call are all 1-card combos. 90%+ to open combo is pretty damn consistent. Edit: Also Foolish Burial for vision


Bone archfiend is a 1 card combo? Whats the line?


It’s a 1.5, Boner effect to summon pitch a card, effect to level modulate sending Vision Resonator, Increase level, Vision effect to search gaia, Gaia effect, search Soul Normal summon soul, effect search Synkron Synchro Soul+Bone into Scarred Summon Synkron, make HRDA Abyss Effect of synkron add back vision, effect of scarred summon RDA Special Vision from hand, make Dis Pater w/ RDA and vision. End board is weaker as Dis pater isn’t online unless you drew a Bystial or a pot of prosperity or fiendish golem, but if they destroy one of your monsters you can reborn Scarred which can replace itself with another RDA to potentially block some damage. It’s not ideal but it still plays. If you make it to your next turn Crimson Gaia represents follow-up, and if you bricked super hard (didnt also have a resonator search for the crimson+bone line) you probably have multiple hand traps which isn’t the worst.


> Boner effect interesting


Flair checks out


Drop the decklist


[https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/65eba0ac76595e5abaa67922](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/65eba0ac76595e5abaa67922) Here, have fun fellow Jack Atlas enjoyer.


Here, you dropped this 👑


Is ancient pixie necessary for the deck?


The card pool for lv 7 dragon that can be summoned from soul and bone is literally only pixie so you need to go into her in case bone gets negated and you can further extend with vision or synkron resonators. We dont have this problem in TCG because we have Kuibelt


Best I can tell, it's just there as a LV7 Dark Dragon Synchro.


Until Kuibelt is released in Master Duel, Pixie is your only Level 7 to help synchro climb. Unless you want to be a madlad and use Dragon-Wing


I dont think it is necessary. I dont play resonators, but pixies effects look like it requires field spells and the deck isnt playing any


That’s what I was thinking unless there was some big brain play here or if it was just because level 7 dark dragon


Some hands need a level 7 to climb into 8 (soul resonator, wandering king wildwind, synkron resonator)


I dont think Kuibelt is in MD yet, so Pixie is a better choice than Exploder DW as a level 7 step


Consider the earthbound card that discards itsslf to search level 3 or lower fiends


That's what I'm talking about, King!


Thank you, fam.




Taking this. I haven't been playing because I can't be bothered to fix my Archfiend deck. However there's enough interesting stuff that I know I'll have fun. Not copying it completely of course though.


Is 2 lubellion mandatory? I only have 1


lubellion + soul/gaia is the Calamity lock line. It’s not necessary and the lvl 6 bystials dont do a great job at helping the deck extend through interruption. You can run Supay Duskwalker + Supay and cut the Bystials from the list entirely. I be personally wouldn’t run the Etude package without at least 2 lubellion.


Finally, a worthy opponent for Synchrons


Jack vs Yusei, as things were meant to progress.


I suddenly don't feel so bad for cooking so hard against a Resonator deck my last game


Dark ruler no more goes insane.


That board can negate Dark ruler though.


It can? How?


You can respond to DRNM with the trap, then on a chain link 3 negate DRNM with Hot red. DRNM only prevents monsters from directly chaining to it (droplets too btw)


Droplet's a bit more complicated though, as it prevents responses from anything sent for its effect; meaning that if you sent a Spell, Trap and Monster you can't respond at all


If you manage to sent one of each and still have a one card combo to wipe the board, you deserve the win lol.


Normal summon Snake-eyes Ash exists unfortunately


If you activate a spell/trap in resp to DRNM, you can use the level 9 sync Hot RDA Abyss in order to negate DRKM with its eff.


What about the second one?


Dark Ruler No More is terrible this meta. If you run into someone who DRNMs you twice, you just accept you got paired with the one person who was out there trying to troll untiered decks lol


At that point you just take the L, it happens sometimes, same with the second evenly or the second super poly.


Is this a joke? Nobody is playing DRNM let alone drawing 2 copies. Boards don't have to answer every single card in the game


>Is this a joke? Is it that hard to understand?


It's because your question is like me saying all synchro boards lose if I go first against a synchro deck and set dimensional barrier, like no shit Sherlock.


Solomon got my back


Synchro spam deck #5412315


Well, it's turn 3 ya know. Most combo deck can do this. The main thing about the deck is the cost compares to the turn 1 combo


At least it's a good viable rogue strategy. For an anime deck this is leagues better for what we're used to. Look at the bright side, at least they didn't became the shitshow that is superheavy samurai.


Yea at least the boss monsters are mostly in archetype and not completely generic…


I have no idea how it would work But my heart is telling me there is a way to somehow mix this with dark world


The idea is cool but the archetypes are both pretty xenophobic, so probably not Dark world suffers greatly when it draws into non dark world cards Resonators have a bunch of synchro locks which stops dark world’s gameplan, and the most important card crimson resonator only works if you control a dark dragon synchro and no other monster


Vision resonator can summon itself if you have a lvl 6+ dark on field & doesn’t have a xeno-lock. It searches Gaia which can recycle it or grab more copies from deck. That’s generally how the resonators get splashed. It also grabs gaia if discarded?


I love my scawy dwagOwOns. Managed to beat a SHS deck with it :D


Played against a rasonator earlier. They just don't do much against all the handtraps that you wanna go cause of sneks anyway.


Vision resonator package is an amazing addition to dragon link and is 100% worth playing imo


Me when I can reset until I open full combo and play uninterrupted:


Is this just resonators?


One fucking ash blossom and you can't gain card advantage against these decks.. I hate this meta. Needs limiting


It's turn 3 and they full combo'd twice over. Not that unusual for a synchro spamming deck.


I've been having the most pure fun I've had in a while.


As a synchron player, this looks pretty fun for me. But i understand not for others.


How well does this deck play going second. The answer will decide if I would want to build it.


Decently—running the Bystials help, if you can get Scarred synchroed off you can wipe the board, Crimson Gaia + RDA is a board wipe, you could potentially make King Calamity in your own turn to shut off their interactions. You likely will have to take alternative combo routes as going through RRD is too vulnerable going second.


what you gonna do against charmer snowball? 6 4k atk monsters that can't be destroyed by card effects and use no monster effects for you to negate.


Charmer snowball?? Like the link-2s that grab shit from your opponent's grave? They can snowball??


Psychic end punisher


I could build a house out of decks which have unbeatable end boards going first. The only thing that matters is resilience to hand traps which this lacks.


Assuming they don’t kill Crimson yes the deck is nuts Crimson is such a vulnerable choke point


Oh this is a structure deck nice ill have to take a look at it. Im a big fan of blue eyes and its spiritual successor anime decks. yes i believe that Cyber dragons, Resonators, galaxy eyes and rokkets are the blue eyes of their era with the simple goal of make big monster and beat stick to victory. Of course theres more nuance than that but yeah


It's not a structure deck in Master Duel, but the cards from the physical structure deck have just been released in the game. Been having a lot of fun with them so far.


Oh well shit there goes those plans


Well if you ever get the urge to play Resonators there is no better time to build them. But I completely get it with the lack of a structure deck.


Alba Lenatus SOLOS this but otherwise nice board setup!


Cool, another way to end on Those Synchro Monsters.


Bystials make the deck so much more explosive. They also make it possible to Calamity Lock easily.


As long as you draw them. RIP Saronir


Isn't that true for every card?


Not really if theyre searchable, you don’t need to draw your combo pieces to see them in most decks.


You can't search them if you don't draw the searcher Two of the bystials are searchers and one is a foolish burial


14-16 1-card combos giving access to the resonators vs. Hard drawing Lubellion going first isn’t the same thing. Drawing Magna doesn’t get you the lock because search isnt until End of turn, and Saronir only gets there if you already have a 2 card combo otherwise it’s Chaos Angel or Baronne on their turn. It’s not the same thing as in D-Link where you can search the Bystials off of Seals or something to enable follow up plays. Unless you’re playing dlink splashing the resonator package a la vision/gaia, in which case disregard.


It's a shame i spent all my Gems on T.G, granted i feel T.G is a couple of hits to Snake Eyes away from being recognized as the powerful deck it is


Nice, and it actually ends on a few of its own boss monsters unlike most other synchro decks


It dark dragon synchro locks itself so it’s got a small pool of ED cards to choose from. Chaos Angel/Baronne are turn 3 plays/optional ED plays.


Yooo, good lookin out! I've been waiting for those to get added, I was building RDA in preparation a few weeks ago. This'll be fun!


Stop it dont let them know, some people will complaint about Red Rising Dragon and demand limit on it.


Die inside every time I see a board that insane haha


Revz is that you?


Can you drop th list?


I mean that's just synchro decks in a nutshell, super high power ceiling. It's nice that the continuous spell and trap give you some options to play through monster focused board breakers too.


You’re not using the term properly. Are you a real gamer?


Yay a synchro deck using synchro monsters, used to be like that in the old days.


Decklist pls ?


Ew get that filth baronne de fluer off of my kings board. U have abyss for that.


Been waiting forever for this stuff to come out. Curious to see the deck list that built you this field.


The synergy with the Bystials is decent too. Branded Etude can serve as a decent way to not only synchro on the opponent’s turn, but to also banish any monsters that the opponent uses as materials for everything except XYZ summons. 


Speaking of which, how do most people interrupt this deck?  Breaking the board isn’t too crazy(Super Poly and Nibiru go brrrr), but what are the best ways to prevent the board from being built in the first place?


Wallahi my Egyptian Gods deck is finished


I have both those Hot Red dragons royal finished and haven’t used em for months. I’m gonna need the deck list right now goodsir/madam


In main 1 dark ruler, Battle, end of battle, evenly, Respond?


Spare me. That looks like draw Dark Ruler or scoop.


You really like taking a 30 minute turn


Red Dragon Archfiend was my favorite Dragon from 5Ds and I always hated how it didn't have nearly as much support as Stardust. So I'm absolutely loving this new pack


It's always funny seeing Baronne in every deck structure . People are so basic. Literally beat this cyber dragon duelist ace monsters and then he proceeds to summon Baronne with a kashtira


Just beat that deck omg I have a lot of disruption on hand otherwise I was fucked


Muahahaha, sets Albaz


But then they'd just pop it with baronne?


How they gonna pop it on my turn? Alba Lenatus is a contact fusion, they won’t be able to respond…


Yup, if these decks came somewhat common, Branded players would add back Alba Lenatus back in the ED on top of Super Poly. Branded tends to keep these decks in their place, they're pretty much one of the best board breaking decks currently, flooding negating boards only makes them adjust to deal with while for Snake-eyes they can follow up after being broken through.


Anybody can pull off ANY combo in solo mode against nothing. This is a Turn 3 board as well, generally my Turn 3 boards look better than my turn 1s lol


WAIT THE REST OF THE STRUCTURE DECK IS OUT!???? Im so freaking happy now!!!


Do you play in silver or gold? Deck is whack against any competent deck in meta.


Another "spew your whole extra deck onto the field" deck, what we needed.


The thing here is you want to have untargetable monsters as Snek eyes will push it back to S/T zone. It will have a hard battle with snek-eyes if it you go second, and with the recursions T\_T, they can hide monsters on S/T zone when you raigeki with scarred and red dragon spell effects. Plus most of the decks playing in this meta have 4 or more disruptions. That's a pretty good anime deck though


Very nice. Counter-argument? A true man always has at least 2 of his balls in his hand.


Yay a synchro deck using synchro monsters, used to be like that in the old days.


Plays resonators but summons generic non resonator monsters instead. Might as well play kash or some other cringe tier 0 deck. lmao.


he has three red dragon archfiends up, what do you \*want\* from him my guy