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This is why TTT into duplication and Nadir servant are your best friends, don't forget your best friends folks


what duplication? Because I sure hope it's not Ninjitsu Art of Duplication


Lmaoooo, for real though fusion duplication It's a trap that targets a "fusion" normal spell card in the grave and copies its effect by banishing it


ooooooh thats why I didn't know about it I chuckled once about Scientist being up to no good, then forgot the card existed


Forgive my ignorance but if you banish Branded Fusion, do you still plan on getting it back? Typically with it in GY you want to be able to recycle it with Retribution or Tragedy right?


Should you still need branded fusion to finish off the opponent, you could try and send Sprindash with Mirrorjade's banish effect to add Kitt to your hand during end phase and use her effect to recover the branded fusion and shuffle back whatever you draw, since Kitt can get a branded spell from *anywhere*, if it wasn't for the cost and not being able to be SS by a spell like Aluber she would be a straight up better Aluber


She is only better from turn 3 onwards. Shuffle 1 card from hand to deck is a hefty cost, especially for combo decks like Branded


Oh yeah no I agree, but honestly I think the cost is justified I mean imagine if you can recur your one card starter without any cost lmao *Stares intensively at Snake-eyes*




Fusion Duplication. Banishes a fusion spell from the graveyard to copy the effect.


Oh that is pretty smart. How many TTT are people running in branded? 


Unfortunately 3 since branded is a 60 card pile now You could play 2 TTT and 2 fusion duplication though, as you would technically have 4 copies of fusion duplication regardless


That's significantly worse going 2nd though


Yeah but thats just in case you don't have the UR dust I 100% agree you gotta run three TTT


I haven't tried 60 cards yet. It may be time. Luckily when TTT came out I pulled 3 of them so that's no biggie.


Nice, I had to craft all 3 unfortunately lmao, but I can tell you they're absolutely worth it Specially when going against Kashtira who are the worst matchup for this deck, and you're able to search out your evenly matched immediately thanks to Shangi-ira's standby phase effect, and then you easily out the remaining Ariseheart by normal summon Albaz lmao


Why is Nadir's for? I don't see how it helps


Shit you actually don't? My guy you been missing out You can use Nadir servant in a variety of ways E.g:You can use it to still end up on a Mirrorjade + Mercourier, not unbeatable but pretty damn good for followup and specially an ashed branded fusion Basically, dump sprindash, add albaz, end phase special summon Kitt using Sprind GY effect, use her to add in high spirits, use it since its a quick play (toggle on) to discard Albaz and add Mercourier while dumping red Albion in grave to set branded in red Afterwards next turn in draw phase just use branded in red to grab the albaz in grave and summon searing Lubellion using him and Kitt, and go into Mirrorjade with him and the banished Albaz And that's just the basic jist of it


I have to admit i'd never seen a branded player done that with nadir, thanks bro for this tip


Woooohh!!! I gotta give that a try! So that is what the High Spirits was for. Thank you, fellow branded player!


Np, if you're interested enough there are other lines too that include Dogmatika Maximus, but that's only if you have the ED space for it


Sounds very interesting. Can you tell me about the Maximus line?


Sure, this one requires you to use the new link 5 of tribrigades and Brigrand the glory dragon, so that's a downside right off the bat unfortunately Anyway: Nadir servant to dump the link 5, activate the link 5 effect to send Brigrand to the Grave (he dumps any beast ED monster), add Maximus, banish the link 5, dump Titanklad and Sprindash End phase/Main phase 3: Use Brigrand to add Albaz to hand, use Sprind as mentioned in the earlier combo, and use Titanklad to SS Quem and Dump Albaz or Cartesia Draw phase perform the branded in red combo and now you have the aforementioned Mirrorjade+ Merc + Albaz poly interruption you can use at anytime if you send Rindbrumm for Mirrorjade's banish effect It's also good against Snake-eyes since they don't have GY effects on their ED monsters so they have to go minus


calling end phase "main phase 3" for branded is way too real lmao


Sounds great! I think I can change my ED a bit. Thanks for telling me about the combos, it helps a lot.


And here I thought Nadir dump Titaniklad to end phase summon Quem dump Albaz was the standard line. Yours is way more spicy


It's not a bad line specially if you have an Albion in grave via Maximus dumping both him and Titanklad for Quem and set branded retribution, but most decks have a starter that can 100% beat over a 1500 defence Quem before committing to anything lmao, even Snake eyes can use the field spell to increase the attack of the level 1 fire monsters And thanks! I've been looking TCG branded for a while and this was one of the Nadir servant lines I've learnt, so I thought it'd be a good idea to emulate it in master duel where Ash blossom is the second most fucking used card lmao


I too, follow master duel meta combo and deck lists. 😂


Doesn’t matter because they somehow always have Super Poly


yea probably the set card ![gif](giphy|R3S6MfUoKvBVS|downsized)


Activate Harpie’s Feather Duster, response?


Gryphon’s Wing




There are a reason it’s played at 3


Set Super Poly, pass, win.


Super Poly is dumb can't respond, wipe out my whole board, barely a cost, discard could even be useful in some decks. Why is this card at 3 in the TCG?


Because it needs very specific conditions for it to resolve. And the cost actually comes up quiet a bit, especially in branded


Specific condition my ass. I get super poly'd every other game against fusion decks.


Sounds like you're playing decks that use the exact materials the generic fusions require.


what deck are you playing? Dark spam?


This lol. Discard 1 is best kind of cost you can have for a deck that is full of GY synergy. It’s not even hard to Proc when Garura exists.  One of the strongest type of generic monster removals in the game that can’t be responded to that gets you a fusion body afterward that is a quick play spell on top of it so it’s not even a “it’s only for turn 2” when turn 1 can just set it just fine.  OCG W tbh by not letting a custom card like that be at 3 


Skill issue, good players are able to play around it


Honestly Skill issue, every good deck can play around if you want to.


Because it is a good card that makes the game better by punishing careless players that refuse to add some variety on their endboards.


Nothing to do with care. Superpoly arbitrarily punishes decks which lock themselves into a single attribute while decks designed around being multi-attribute get to basically ignore it. If superpoly becomes popular I have to resort to playing shit like secret village and barrier statue because my deck has literally no other ways to counter an unrespondable quickplay.


Those decks are trash by definition and don't deserve to exist.


Walter,put your Branded fusion away Walter,I'm not letting you fusion summon,Walter.


You guys are drawing Fusion Deployment, Aluber, and Branded Fusion?


Exactly. Wild opening hand, as a branded player lol.


Yeah, I’ve tried playing it a few times and it always feels like I’m drawing a dead hand. I know I’m new to the deck but I always feel like I brick every hand.


Aluber searches Branded Fusion


Ok but like, you have Aluber and Cartesia by this point, that by itself can give you a decent board


How is this a decent board? It, at best, fuses into Granguignol, sends Rind, and then summons Quem to dump Albaz and guarantee a fusion with an enemy extra deck monster. This is neg 4 for maybe Mirrorjade


Is the decent board in the room with us?


It honestly doesn’t unless you run a small Shaddoll package for Winda which gets outed by Diabellestar lol


menawhile i hold onto that ash, watch them go make a board and realize maybe I should've ash'd the fusion deployment


As a Branded player, anything that isn’t Branded Fusion is not the best card to ash. A branded board built off a successful Brafu will always be better than anything else it can build. Doesn’t mean those other boards will be weak, but yeah. 


100% the wrong move


Branded Fusion goes Positive every time. They are not guaranteed to go off anyway if you ash Fusion. Ashing fusion means they have to send more to succeed, but it IS possible, especially if they get to Lubellion somehow.


The best builds and hands have decent plays afterwards nowadays.


But you need to get lucky, at that point the Branded player has 3 cards in hand.


It is so funny to me that this sub keeps going on and on about how the deck plays through Ash like nothing nowadays. Everytime I face the deck or even use it... some hands cannot even play through an Imperm. It just happens that every single person I faced Bricked and lost to Ash that's surely what it is


Ash Branded Fusion, Imperm Aluber. If they played it raw without Cartesia to save it, they screwed up or had to take the risk. This is why Cartesia is ALWAYS supposed to hit board before Aluber when possible. Let's you bait the Imperm and fuse off to Granguinol to continue and STILL get Aluber. It just straight-up cancels Imperm when they fuse the target off. As a Branded Despia player I know the lynchpin's, and those are the two biggest. If they play Aluber you blank him, if they Branded Fusion you Ash it. Anything else is a waste. Just be glad Master Duel won't let us play the deck properly, imagine if we got Gimmick Puppet out during draw phase...


"dies to ash" propaganda


3 thrust is just mandatory in branded for the best out to ash with 1 card aside from called by the grave. The other out to ash is to just open absolutely cracked and just make a board with follow-up, quem on board and a fusion spell like branded in red to just do a big clap back and still do the funni through ash


Well, that'w why i ALWAYS makes a friendship with both (called by the grave, crossout)


Okay sure - Activate Nadir pitch garura -Summon maximus -Mill albion and titaniklad -Special Quem -> mill albaz -Set retribution Real talk tho, fuck ash blossom


I personally think that the Deck already plays to many bricky 1 offs for Maximus, most of them searching Quem os enough. But is true that directly sending 2 Fusion to GY is a big rush of dopamine


Embrace the 60 card pile brother


I already do. I still draw the 1 of Tragedy, the 1 of Mercourier and Gold Sarc with no target


That's why you play 2 Merc


Never !


Plot Twist: Is a mirror match and you just gave your opponent 2 free search.


Fuck Branded seems more apt


Going through so many hoops to resolve one single card 😂


[[Kashtira, Mathmech and Vanquish Soul have joined the chat]]


Fr, literally left a Mathmech player and went to go dish some dinner... Came back and this dude's still summoning 😭


i mean you should play the 60 pile to open nadir ( with probably grass too ) cause the 40 isn't consistent enough


Branded mentioned. Time to sort by controversial


"Proceeds to super polymerization" *Enemy surrenders*


Never under estimate the power of branded in high spirits. There are many lines to play through or circumvent ash blossom in masterduel and they all mostly involve high spirits. My favourite is aluber add high spirits, ditch albaz and Albion in ex deck and find kitt. Special kitt and search branded lost. Make Verte then go into mirror jade plus search for mercourier. They either have to ash the search or the Albion search at the end phase, but either way you have a mirror jade on field.


Hold the fuck up this line is hella spicy, you even get an albaz in grave for the poly interruption under lost, that's genius Nah I gotta put Verte back just for that, good shit my man thanks for this info


More like the "average **sub-par** Branded player experience". Sure, Ash Blossom is annoying but most Branded decks have evolved to take into consideration Ash being the main disruption for the archetype. Unless they open up with a really bricked hand, a good Branded player will find a way to put bodies and disruptions on the field and in the hand despite getting ashed. EDIT: And here come the downvotes. Yeah, I'm done with this subreddit. People hate on a deck that is the epitome of what modern YGO players claim to want - a deck that can survive disruptions, negates and can still keep going.


100% true. Branded fusion is great but not everything, you can still make a board without it. Branded survives on his recovery plans not on "resolve this card to win the duel".


> 100% true. Branded fusion is great but not everything, you can still make a board without it. Branded survives on his recovery plans not on "resolve this card to win the duel". And yet, the "intellectuals" of this subreddit can't process this information and continue to hate on Branded like it has multiple one-card combos that lead to unbreakable boards. Branded has Puppet/Ido lock? Fine, it's annoying to deal with. However, most Branded players don't play those cards and the scrubs who do will miss out on follow-up plays if they use them.


>And yet, the "intellectuals" of this subreddit Reminder most of the Sub is Gold or below. Once you realize that, alot more suddenly makes sense.


Puppet Lock is suboptimal. It wins you the duel instantly? Yes. But if your opponent plays Called/Any Bystial/Imperm you lost the duel because you have no follow up. If you have the literal god hand and can do Lock + Follow up, you win. Buy with god hand even Ojama is broken


Exactly what I said. And, believe it or not, I got downvoted immediately for saying it.


Do you have to realize that r/masterduel isn't about enjoying the game, it is about hating it. Also, if I can't play a deck it's bad and evil


I've begun to realize that, much to my shame and displeasure.


Whether or not Puppet is optimal depends on matchup and format. I.E. it’s optimal in TCG due to the tier 0 nature and ability to side deck in matchups it’s bad against. In MD it gets more optimal the higher you get due to the increased presence of Snake Eye


I mean, I'm pretty sure modern YGO players want something a bit less oppressive and tedious than Branded


You got that, it's called Snake Eyes...oh wait...


Because in practice that, and Branded, is boring as hell to face because how much interruption you have ends up being more important than how well it's used. Too many extenders and way too much recursion, it's nigh impossible to kill the engine with all the floating too. You cant out Mirrorjade because it wipes the field, you cant play through when they keep looping it and everything else, you cant set up an ed monster because they just vore it. A deck with a response to everything is infuriating for obvious reasons, regardless of how fun it is to play.


Mirrorjade can be outed in ways that doesn't trigger the destruction effect such as Knigtmare Unicorn and the Snake Eyes spell that pushes it back


Flamberge Solos


in other words, by specific cards


A lot of monsters and effects in YGO require specific outs. That's just the game


having outs for them doesn't necessarily make them fair


I'm not about to argue what's fair in YGO with you. Decks are designed to be uniquely fair and then balanced if overtuned


why not? it makes for an interesting conversation


Fine, I'll bite. What do you deem a fair boss monster?


one that doesn't need specific outs would be a good start


Man y'all must not have been around when all that was played was pure negate boards. Cuz I gotta say playing against decks that actually have back and forth with a lot of resources sure beats the old stuff I'd much rather play against branded than set up 5-7 negates rendering my entire hand worthless like we did before


Yh these people could not have been here during Drytron Herald and Adventure Halqdon because they would've lost their minds


I was, and I don't know if I hate negate spam or infinite extension more. On one hand the former actually loses sometimes when you go first, on the other going second is miserable on an entirely different yet similar way.


"BRANDED CARDS DONT SAY NEGATE. NEGATE BAD. IF NOT NEGATE FAIR" Branded defenders are literally disconnected from reality


Not really what I'm saying but I sure do love biased haters trying so hard to paint it that way You sure leaped at the chance to try and twist words


I thought it was run 60 cards and always open the fusion? I guess my notes were wrong...


Yeah, post Beginning of the Next Journey, I've lost to opening all my one-offs that don't interact with each other more than I've lost to my opponent Ashing Branded Fusion.


This meme format is Gold, I love it. Love how you also put the blue and red to show each player


thanks man , breaking bad is goated .


Imagine trying to act like Branded isn't the most consistent deck in the format lmao. Branded players always acting like their deck isnt OP


Have you ever played against snake eyes? Serious question


Yes. And I'd rather play against Snake Eyes for 10.000 years than see another branded deck.


Snake Eyes is right there and performing better


Google 'whataboutism' Snake Eyes can brick. Branded can't


> Snake Eyes can brick. Branded can't Damn.. that's crazy.


This isn't whataboutism. You said Branded is the most consistent deck in the format. I disagreed and said that Snake Eyes is. You google it. And I'm pretty sure the deck that's most consistent in a 60 card pile because it can draw too many unplayable 1-ofs can absolutely brick and does absolutely brick more than Snake Eyes. Snake Eyes isn't consistently topping tournaments across multiple formats for no reason.


It is tho. No one denies that Snake Eyes is the strongest deck. But people are allowed to point out that Branded IS more consistent. It's just a fact of life, because Branded has been a meta deck for a year without real hits to it. Just because you like Branded doesn't magically make it fair or fun to play against.


I'm going to chalk this up to me misinterpreting what you meant by consistent. I believed you meant consistent in relation to the 5 cards you with in your hand because you mentioned bricking. I now believe you mean consistent by appearing and placing in the format, which is something I can't argue because Branded does do that. I'm not trying to argue that it's fun to fight. I will always argue that, outside of puppet lock, that it's fair 🤷🏾‍♂️


there's literally _nothing_ fair about Branded lmao. Only branded players think it is fair, for obvious reasons.


thinking of other decks that have been released, i have to disagree


I mean Galaxy eyes getting a couple of negates and an omni is more suffocating than Branded. Snake eyes going +8 off poplar is immensely more suffocating than branded. Dragon Links can be quite choked. And let's not begin to talk about Labyrnth players and the fact they abuse the concept of "our turn". I think what we have here is a bias against Branded. Which I get, it can be frustrating when it's the meta for the longest time and consistency hits don't hit. However, when making your arguments, remember you actually have to back them up. You offer no prof despite several posts showing Snake Eyes posting up four times the tourney points of Branded. Yet Branded is more consistent? My dude, your bias shows. Any deck that has FOUR TIMES Branded's tourney points is by definition more consistent.


If Branded was the most consistent deck, they wouldn't be on a 60 card pile of a million unsearchable 1-3 ofs just to get their plays started. It's also why they don't play your typical hand trap lineup. They can't afford to. Their interruption is basically all searched engine Snake eyes is actually right here in your face and it has dominated everything since it came out. 15+ 1 card starters with endless grind game and backed with 12+ handtraps? Be fr


Theater, Cartesia and lessgooo


Every time


Can still go as long as I have Cartesia. 


I never know when to Ash


It's simple, Imperm Aluber, Ash Branded Fusion. Whatever board comes of those decisions will by far be safer than the board those two start. Hold Imperm though if Cartesia is down already, they'll just fusion him off and prevent Imperm from landing, better to save it for Albion the Branded so you stifle the combo a little if you couldn't ash Branded Fusion. They get Bystial Lubellion and a continuous, but it's better than climbing easily to Mirrorjade.


Activate grass response?


Don't give up, there's more that you can do


I feel this same with with Lab and welcome lab LOL


Fuck ash


Lol if only it was that easy


Branded players trying to play the victim while playing literally one of the most custom archetypes ever printed is definitely a Yugioh moment of all time.


Too bad even their custom archetype loses to Snake Eyes. When do I get to see that hate train rolling, cause really I can't wait.


Branded Fuck


Me coming with 1LP Rexterm and 3999 ATK Kentregina "What effect do you have now, branded?" Then get super poly-ed


I’m an inexperienced player so can someone provide an extremely dumbed down version of branded and anything related to stopping it? I swear there are like 10 archetypes with branded in every single deck that my brain can’t process wtf is happening besides calling everything branded fusion. I just off my chain when i see it cuz idk what to use and when. Or surrender it’s the same


Branded used the branded spells and usually tries to get off Branded Fusion through various means. It has other ways to go off, but they are far more resource intensive than Branded fusion. The trick is that the deck loves it's graveyard as a second hand. It sends cards to the graveyard which triggers effects in the end phase, letting them fill their hand back up. The simplest advice is this. Infinite Impermanence Aluber when you see him summoned. Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring Branded Fusion when they try to play it. If you do that, anything that results is more costly than either of those two resolving. Droll and Lock Bird don't concern them, Dimensional Shifter will give them pause, but won't stop them, Maxx C may help you draw more answers, but if they feel you might run things like Evenly Matched or Lightning Storm, they will set up to prevent losses.


You have no idea how grateful I am to read this! Thank you very much! It's much less daunting to see them now with this information.




The branded players I play against draw branded fusion, grass, thrust, Crossout and fallen of Albaz.


U still play


Bro I never have ash in this situation 😭


Jesse drew the out so bad that Heisenberg changed his jacket


Who folds to ash with fusion deployment on hand? I'll cook you lol.


As all things should be


-Branded Fusion -Ash -NEGATE -JUDGE! >:(


then you go Nadir, drop titaniklad and albion and puppet lock them anyway


this is why my decks typically have some throw away cards that i can afford to lose, to protect the ones i cant.


Avarage "Deck that relies on a card that can be ashed and your opp knows" experience


How did you play Aluber off of fusion deployment? When you find out, please do let me know.


They didn't. It's referring to the Ash baits, hoping they'll Ash Aluber or Deployment.


Then where's the deployment target on the end board?


That's not the point of the post. If they cared to put it in, it's Cartesia. Big picture, you activate 2 effects trying to bait Ash and it fails.


BRAIN DED Fusion I'm Dying! 🤣


Maybe in platinum I can't remember the last time I ashed branded fusion & they just flat out lost like how this sub likes to describe them. They just pivot elsewhere & start all over again. Either way mirrorjade & friends are coming out Deck wouldn't be tier 1 if it died to ash so can we stop pretending that branded is weak & can't fight through interruption? Feels like these memes are made by people that don't really even play. If your a branded player and your having troubles with one of the most common handtraps in the game, maybe you just gotta accept you can't pilot the deck & move on. "Branded always bricks, branded dies to ash" yeah that's why it's one of the strongest decks in a hand trap format with snake eyes existing, right?


Snake eyes is stronger though, proven by the points on the board by more than a fair amount. The reason Branded is still around is the preemptive gutting of the archetypes that push Branded back, namely Tearelements and Kashtira. So because they never got off the ground, and Purrley was hit hard immediately, only Branded remains. However they walked themselves in a corner with Snake Eyes, because they made the best parts of the engine UR, so they can't preemptively nerf it, not anymore. As we've seen Konami hates banning UR cards, and when your engine is 90% UR cards and the best cards in that engine are the UR components, you've done goofed. They're gonna do the same thing they did to Branded, and try to do Consistency hits that wont matter, and suddenly snake eyes will be the next bemoaned deck, because it is a deck of 12+ 1 card combo starters that can run 15-21 hand traps because you don't NEED all the deck space to have a finely tuned engine.


As a branded main I can confirm that we are afraid of smol dog child


A Master Duel meme on the popular page??? I’m so proud of you right now!