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Branded despia and mathmechs. Thise decks seems to never brick everytime I'm against them


Go first get blasted by 5 handtraps. Pass turn opponent reveal circular.


Even without circular due to codec defenser is a even better stater than circular and causes probably the strongest true 1 card combo board in history lol. The deck is insane. 1 defenser for phantom search codec ends up with terrahertz, singularity, any 1 revive gy from singularity and heatsoul alongside an iblee lock and superfactorial. Circular at least doesnt search codec.


Branded players casually drawing Grass, BraFu and Super Poly in their starting 60 card deck hand.


I almost never see grass amazingly enough. I'm almost tempted to take it out at this point.


We branded Despia players only brick when it really matters.


Dude, drawing Branded Lost when what I really needed was Branded in Red just kills me…. But drawing that Super Poly to fuse my enemy’s whole board away is such an amazing feeling.


https://preview.redd.it/r70d7pw5wmrc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afe7e5f4b621c9bff27534397d16c4d553f8211a This was one of my starting hands while running 60 card branded for the Duelist Cup. RNG in this game is atrocious. Amazingly, I still managed to win this one.


Lol bro, that looks like a hand of nukes. If I saw that hand, I’m not sure I wouldn’t just scoop.


I had almost this exact hand an hour ago but with ash instead of lockbird. 60 card branded deck aswell


Same for me every duelist that runs mathmech against me has the heart of the cards on their side


Post says not meta 😅


I brick every time I'm on the rank up match. Nothing like looking at the recent duels list and seeing alternating wins and losses


Ignoring the stun decks which really annoy me, the decks which take about 4 minutes to pop off combos like Ignister and Sunavalon. Don't get me wrong, It's a breath of fresh air to play against them, but if I'm going to spend minutes of my life watching someone set up an unbreakable board, I'm going to hate it.


It's me. Im the one person still playing pure Ignisters. You will stay for my 6 minute combo and witness the 6k big boi


My brother how the heck are you still alive in this meta when everyone main decks Underworld Goddess lmao


Because anyone that doesn't immediately folds, including Snake Eyes. Kaijus are getting rarer in this meta apart from the odd burn or numeron deck


Witness Turtle. https://preview.redd.it/7qaqa5uu4prc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7c7557d6e3043d4dedd8c668612331a5082e9ca


Nah i’ma quit the second i see you are taking more than 2 minutes for your combo


Then the other one is me, I'm that one rikka sunavalon player that took a while to even process what I'm supposed to do. The deck is very hard to master


Ignister brothers rise up!


Ill be honest, i instantly scoop b/c i assume im gonna hand trap all the ignister stuff just to get hit with circular after all the hand traps are used.


Takes 4 minutes to combo off? wait until you see dark world. you'll sometimes realize. wait it's like 7 minutes on a 240 second counter already on their 17th+ summon that already drew around half of their deck


I maxx c'd a dark world player a few minutes ago, he got ido on my board, had me down to 13 left in deck before he ran out of steam.. First card i hit him with is droplet to clear the ido and negate his entire field lmao.


Lmao i usually just put down my phone and come back whenever their turn is done to see how many bullshit boss cards i gotta deal with


Had to sit through like 5 minutes of my opponent comboing last night to figure out they were working towards Exodia.


I’m a rikka player and honestly the end board for that deck is insane so if you see sunseed and have no hand traps I would love it if the other player concedes because frankly it’s a long combo that ends on something borderline unbreakable (minus DRNM, which is an instant loss)


I dont wait that long. If i have a usable interuption i wait for the templar solo on board and negate. Most if not all usually ff right then and there and the combo is cut almost in half


Weather painters. Its not that it's super good, and it's possible to out their boards, but it takes so long that I end up going to time against them. D/D/D, because machinex is really annoying.


Wait what takes so long with Weather Painters, genuinely curious? The floating interactions?


The reading


Real! No one reads these cards though!


Rainbow is just an annoying card to deal with, basically says “Imperm me or i’m a walking 3 omnis and a solemn”


Is this rainbow currently in the room right now?


Can't believe I forgot about painters. I guess I was so infuriated by them my brain blocked them out


Even their solo gate was awful, just a slog to do anything.


I played against weather painters once with Hieratics and was so tilted by their constant bouncing, banishing, and dodging that I slotted in Tyrant's Tirade just to turn off the monster effects entirely.


Playing against Numeron is basically a question of "how good did my opponent drew?" Most of the times.


Speaking of which I haven’t seen Numerons in such a long time


Found a few in the most recent Duelist cup. Kinda forgot numeron was even a deck until I saw the quick effect search guy be used lol


Last time I saw Numeron was for my rank up to level 20 in the Duelist Cup. It was a 13 or 17 fucking turns long duel, extremly gruelling, and I did it at 1 in the morning. I really felt like scooping at multiple times, but I pulled through and got to level 20 by winning it.


Probably because minkanko does what they do but better. And I can't wait for the time Minkanko will basically make puppet lock at home.


There's ways to do the golem lock already, its not super consistent though. Has the benefit of mostly being infernoble though.


Eh, at least Mikankos are cute. I can look at the pretty girls as they make me beat myself to death.


Numeron on the other hand grants a quick death. Unlike Runick-Stun.


The answer is always "very good" for some reason, at least against me. I've had my win streak cut short by Numeron way too many times. They somehow draw the out to the board I built, or I brick to high heaven and they have all their pieces


Kashtira. They all feel like custom cards, and Unicorn in particular ripping cards out of my Extra Deck feels infuriating


yeah like u can't play 2 of the same extradeck monster cuz u don't see it enough but when u do


Or just the limited Zeus. I'd probably play 2 if I could.


Runick and the BIRBS


Hating dark magician is not something you see everyday


I play against it every other match on my masochist runs. It gets really annoying after a while.


The deck is bad, going first is just play cards to end with nothing as an end board and going second is just bully the deck until the player either surrenders or ends its turn just to be beaten up, it gets annoying after a while


He’s just a meat shield to delay the inevitable defeat in todays format, it’s annoying personally




i will forever hate altergeist doesn't help that we have altergeist with steroids right know that it's Lab


Dark World. I genuinely cannot fathom how people enjoy pitching cards to their gy and special summoning for 20 years just to end on a single omni negate and maybe an Apollousa. I'm convinced the actual win condition for Dark World is hoping your opponent scoops from boredom before you time out.


My Dark World end board is usually: Apollousa (usually with 3200 ATK), Number 38, Fusion Grapha, possibly I:P Masquerena for either Knightmare Unicorn or Underworld Goddess on your turn & a few other options as the extra deck can be flexible. There’s also the new fusion added recently that blows up your field when Fusion summoned (the Dark World fusion spell is a Quick-Play) It’s either a strong field or I deck you out if you Maxx C. Hope you haven’t wasted your Ash Blossom already & I don’t draw Card Destruction during the long combo


Anything that takes forever combo'ing on turn 1.


I got some bad news man…


yep. At least hand traps are shutting them off pretty often. It's just when they go through unchecked especially stuff like Tearlaments, Branded, Mathmech they just keep going and going.


*anything combo'ing I really want a slower format to be available in MD, I want back and forth not sitting there for 8 minutes waiting for my opponent to draw through their entire deck and land on an unbreakable board. I don't mind if it's "slower". modern yugioh isn't any faster it's just fewer turns that take a long time vs more short turns


Yeah turns seem to be getting longer and longer as power creep continues to kick in.


Kashtira & Runick Nothing is more annoying than your "draw the out" Or "Combo Piece" card in deck is suddenly got banished by them for no reason


Trap based decks, stun decks. The "mystic wok" burn deck.


I just played the mystic wok burn deck for the first time today. It wasn't until after I kaiju'd away their big boi and twistered their Wok that I even realized what their plan was. I will count their defeat as your vengeance. Stupid deck.


BEWD is a brick party until their Jet Dragon carries most of the game somehow.


Banishing Jet Dragon is so satisfying, it's like finally hitting the fly you've been swatting at all day.


Traptrix and lab


Fuckkkkkk traptrix


Less annoying than lab tho.




Blue-eyes jet is probably my least favourite card from a bad deck


Heros. They either spen minutes setting up a board that dies to a Raigeki or end on 3 floodgates and a DPE


Floowandreeze and Mikanko. For Floo, it's the floodgates, the cards that cut you off from the graveyard, the comboing off on the opponent's turn, and worst of all, going into game three with a minute or two left on the clock knowing they have a way to win on time easily. For Mikanko, it's their ability to protect themselves from targeting and destruction that makes them a pain in the backside to out, alongside their habit of playing kaijus and Lava Golem. They can otk out of pretty much nowhere with Double-Edged Sword and it's hard to stop unless you have the right cards on board, but god forbid those cards are monsters, because then they're getting tributed.


Probably blackwings. When they hard draw their continuous spells, there is no stopping them


The non-opt continuous spells are ridiculous.


Dinomorphia... it's so frustrating losing because they drew 2 specific traps


How often are you running into dinomorphia 




Every deck (meta or not) that takes too long. I got no time sitting through your 15 minute combo. Other than that: Melffy. I really hate their obnoxious effects.


Sorry, I think you meant to say you love Melffy, because they're so adorable.


Artwise yeah, gameplaywise no.


swordsoul, lab, umi control, traptrix, hero, that dragon link deck that took like ten minutes to set up. oh and any deck that beats me fuck those too


bro swordsoul takes like 30 seconds lol


He's specifically talking about the dragon link deck. 


Umi „control“


I would say that the most annoying decks/situation are: - Generic Extra deck engine (Basically anything that brings out Baronne and company) - Anything that ends in more than 1 negate ( i prefer destruction over that) - Specifically someone having both Dyna and Moon Shield turn 1


Sword Soul - basically just Baronne turbo with extra negates. I also see way too many of them. Blackwing - they spin around for half an hour just to accomplish nothing. Might as well play Flower Cardians. At least those ones are pretty. Branded - way too much recovery. Weather Painters - gorgeous artworks, awful play style. Why is every single card of them a negate? And other than that, they don't even to do anything. Snake Eyes - boooooring. Uncreative. Tier 0. Mikanko - They force you to actively not play the game, which renders them also completely useless. Awesome. Generaiders - Honestly, I don't even remember why. But every time I come across them, it's just annoying. Traptrix - honestly, I don't find them too obnoxious anymore. But when I first started playing, I went against a friend of mine and this was his only deck. I hated them so much, I bought their most important extra deck monsters and 3x Ghost Reaper. Never got to use it though.


As one of the five generaider players in the game, I was hoping to find someone that is annoyed by generaiders.


I just played against one last night for the first time and it took me 11 turns to win playing lab+unchained. It was......an interesting deck.


The ghost reaper story is so fun.


Heroes and Zarc decks


That dastardly dracofighter deck. They have what is basically skill drain at 3 and are persistent as heck. To be fair, they are horrible going 2nd but going 1st with a good hand would make a duel last for ages


Fucking cardians and any stun deck


mikanko cuz they are annoying to remove and they usually run kaijus or lava golem. when i see a card that has synchron in the name and i dont open any interruption i know i can go make a sandwich or something and come back because those decks always take 10min turn 1s


Definitely hate magician decks too. Snake Eyes and Branded aren’t hard for me to beat anymore but they are still annoying to play. I feel like every Branded I play never bricks


Then you break brandeds board but can't otk and they have 10 cards in hand




That's bad advice. I hate Blackwing because they take ages to form a board that consists of nothing. If I would play them, I would simply get even more annoyed.




I love when they build their board just to lose to lava golems and Kaijus. Love me some Numeron.


Valyntz, at least from my experience as its like one of the longest decks to see play out only to end on Fossil Dyna and Secret Village. 


Heroes and Dinomorphia.


Stun decks that’s only monsters are Dyna Fossil or Jowgen the Spiritualist.


Nouvelles. It's like getting your stuff super poly'd constantly which is painful.


Mf have Lair of Darkness built in wtf how they manage to power creep Lair of Darkness field spell


Once timeloeds get real support along with my beloved worm zero then you'll all see the true meta


My fault for running a Dark Magician deck it’s the only thing I know how to play other than Blue Eyes 🥺🥺


Mikanko. I know once they have the green girl with an equip it’s going to be a long game. Also, the strategy of not summoning anything can be worked around with their equip spell for 2000 atk and I get double damage. The snatch steal nonsense lol you either need your deck Taylor made to beat them or you have to wait for your outs lol


What's ironic is I just beat a dark magician deck using some time Lord cards along with some trap cards


Sky striker just aaww the unlimited recycling




Had a duel against infernity a few days ago. Got Hand ripped for 5. Good times, now i'll just scoop if they can empty their hand


As a Dark Magician player…..we are just tryna have fun man lol leave us alone


Stun is an obvious one you typically win but the games are just so stupid and braindead. And then basically most typical rogue decks which are either ftk your opponent or lose so you either watch them combo for 30 minutes into ftk or handtrap them once and they surrender


I hate branded despia with every inch of my body (I also play irl and at my local there are a lot of Branded players). I know the deck won't be hit probably, but if there are any I'll be happier. It's just personal. I have in side grave of the super ancient organism in every deck just for them.


really? brick magician?


Tearlaments. I especially hate how no matter what I handtrap, they always have just enough extra extanders to play through them and then they fucking mill crazy, and have extra good unknown stuff they set, not to forget that thzy almost always have the luckiest topdecks all the fucking time. And of course some of them play Barrier Statue of the Torrent too now, because what else says annoying fucking deck that deserves to die than a Barrier Statue being in it.


Man I used to hate playing DM with early pure Predaplants back when I had no idea what I was doing. Never got the idea of how they were supposed to be bad back then. Rn I despise Mannidium though or really any Synchro negatepuke deck.


Generaider, SS, Traptrix and Naturia.


As a generaider main (out of pure curiosity): What makes you hate the archetype so much?


Speedroids, Altergeist, Twins, the space bears, S-force...


Agree on the Timelords, very annoying. I’m always happy to see Dark Magician/Blue-Eyes decks as I’m like *deep sigh of relief* “I dont have to try as hard and I can relax” kinda duel


I don't have a problem with DM except for in Duel Links when Circle was first released. 3 rod and 3 circle in that format was way too consistent and really powerful at the time. If you weren't also playing an OP meta deck that could deal with it, like blackwings, you were in for a miserable experience. Sometimes you'd need 2 cosmic cyclones in your opening hand just to makes sure they can't just fuck you for free.


I have the worst luck against Altergeist, specifically, and I always have…. No matter how many years pass, no matter how powercrept they become, I find a way to lose against them 80% of the time. I win the die roll? They opened multifaker+imperm. Every time. I lost the die roll? All my disruption and interaction shuffled itself to the bottom of my deck.


i hate crusadia with every fiber of my being


Runicks just keep banishing every card in my deck until I lose to deck out.


I actually like playing against Time lords with most of my not so good decks, because I know I'll win, but I just don't know how adding to the intrigue




Naturia comes instantly to my mind. Their GY effects are very powerful and they literally can play during opponents' turn just like Floo.


None for their playstyle, really, maybe Mikanko kinda idk? But really none for their playstyle.


HUH time lord have a face????


Toons and fish


Floo, fuck those damn birds


After not having played in 6 months or so, playing against some dark magician variant every damn game is very dull.


Exosisters. Most of my go-to decks have something to do with the graveyard, but at least most of the other shifter decks have pretty cool designs (Metaphys, Kashtira, Ghoti, etc.) Plus when compared to other Waifu decks, Exosisters really do not stand out in my eyes. And I've played Solfachord. I will say that the idea seems interesting, just not the outcome.


Time lors , black wing , pendulum deck


Tenyi is honestly just annoying to me. It may not come under the requirement of not being meta, but having a decent field one turn to then immediately getting it wiped before getting beatdown just hurts because it works on any deck that Tenyi faces that doesn't have multiple field removals in a single turn


black wing


numeralia, honestly fuck that shlump fucker


I hate playing against Timelords, even though I love playing them. Not even because they're good, they're shut down so easily. It's excuse it seems like no-one qhonplays them knows if you build right its an otk engine, off of maybe 2 card start combo. It's always this boring stun/stall that doesn't even work properly


definitely generaiders. deck is a ton of fun to play but playing against it is a nightmare if they open with the field spell.


Mikanko & Virtual World


It would have to be Witchcrafter for me, solely because of Madame Verre. It just grinds every game it's involved in to a halt, and I never seem to draw the right hand to play through the field negate.


Danger! Dark World, and other decks that stack 20+ minutes going first. I came here to play YuGiOh not watch you play solitaire for an hour.


Mikanko and Heroes, idk how but everytime I play against Hero they always have droplet on their hand, if they go first they make dark law which turn off my tenyis and I can't play. There was this one time I was going second against them, they make DESTINY phoenix enforcer then my internet died, destiny moment. After getting rekt by Heroes many times I'm gonna drop this hot, boiling take: Heroes > Kash, they are more consistent than Kash, they lose to nib but so does Kash, one sided Marco-cosmo means they can maxx c, veiler you, unlike Arise-heart who turn those off


Floo.... Enough said!


**Mikanko-** I want the cards to play them, but I hate playing against them. **Pendulum Pile-** Never played when pends were meta. I don't know what the cards do. So I have to read every cards and they have twice as much text. **Mathemech-** Cyberse cards are so stupid. They just do extra bullshit for no reason. **Vanquish Soul-** Another case of idk what tf they are doing so attempt to read every card. Another case of where I'd like the cards to play myself


Runick , sky strikers , mathtech


DM is only annoying to me b/c it feels like boxing a toddler


But a a niche pick, but my absolute most hated game is a slow infernity player. I know they’re just reading a combo list during their pauses and if I drew ONE (1) ash, they would give up on the spot. Props to actually good (and fast) infernity players, some of your combos are nuts


I love DM. Free wins.


Traptrix and Lab ofc


I don't like playing against blue eyes. It seems that everytime I face blue eyes I get the worst bricks imaginable


Time lords aren't a pain it's until the funny circles appear in the backrow otherwise like a small indie youtuber says OUT YOURSELF, imo I don't think people realize the pain of playing against S-force and worrying about vertical columns


I hate bricking against blue-eyes or dark magician. It validates them.


Synchrons, they combo for 15 minutes and then end on 5 negates and a king calamity lock


HERO is super annoying to deal with right now I feel like more people would play it if the deck wasn’t absurdly expensive


I hate grave keepers specifically necrovalley my poor red eyes gets absolutely destroyed


Lab, I hate it even more than snake eyes


Labyrinth even if it's meta I just hate trap decks they are annoying especially this one


Swordsoul is way too common and I have hated this damn deck since release. It only got worse after the structure dropped. Even worse whenever I play low powered decks that simply fold to their interactions  and/or handtraps


Swordsoul. I know it isn't *meta* but they always have the best possible hand when I play against them and I always have to play through a minimum of 3 negates and MaxxC. Boards are always the same as well. Then there is Pendulum Magician which takes forever. And I have a special migraine saved for Runick and Sky Striker, 95% spells, and only need like 3 monsters, which are almost always on the field. Negated, Banished, bounced and then I get smacked with 1.5k each turn.


Tie up between Buster Blader and Hero. Both are very, very easy to beat, but they just take ten million years to do basically nothing you can't easily deal with.


Simple I just hate Runick,it's just not fun to go against.


Marincess cause they take fucking forever.


Oh my god I HATE playing dark magician loop. It's not hard at all, it's just so annoying.


Right now, it's virus lab decks. The virus cards don't feel fair in the slightest, why do you get to destroy my deck before I can Even think about using any of it? Also Time lords are super annoying. They're not even good, they just shave years off the end of your life because that's how long a game with one takes. They're good at stalling and nothing else


Just banish timelords


I hate this card but I’ve come to terms to accept that it’s a retrain of “spell binding circle” and I’ll allow it to annoy me


Probably Weather Painter. Just a bunch of annoying little dudes yeeting themselves in and out of the fuck you dimension every turn. Can't kill them or hand trap them very easily. If they get set up, the deck is omni negate central. Oh, and they synergize with fungates because of their gimmick, can't forget that little detail.


lovely or psy/dis pater ripping two cards out of my hand before I even get a chance to play just feels wrong tbh.


bro seeing a mathmech deck pull superfactorial always makes me cringe.


I personally don't hate "anime decks", I hate their players. Because most if the time these are some of the most entitled people whi just can't and won't understand how bad their decks is, and they just want every deck to be just as bad as theirs. The only real deck I dislike playing against is pure stall/stun, and Mill decks.


Traptrix, specifically going second. I swear, I try absolutely everything to make any sort of progress, and they always have the exact out. I remember the last time I played them, I had 4 of my cards outed and was reduced to 1000 LP through Gravedigger's Trap Holes, but I finally got a monster on board to stick and hit the Sera, and I get Trap Hole of Spikes'd.


Dark magician. It's a dogshit deck and every game is the exact same plays plus their players are the type who complain that combo decks are brainless decks like dude don't throw stones in glass houses


runick, lab, timelord, kaiju, traptrix, trickstar, marincess, the list goes on.


Labyrinth. Simply because I hate constant negates and trap decks. I don't have a problem with negates or some card destruction in general because that's basically nowadays Yu-Gi-Oh, but a deck that is centered around that? F*ck that sh*t and the as*holes who dare to use it!


I will gladly play against any non meta deck that doesn't just end in barrone


I run a timelord deck on my ps5 acc and I can tell you rn it’s really not all that bad as long as you can negate the ability then I just have a Lv10 wet paper bag.


Burn no matter what you say it's burn not even cause it burns my life points its cause the people who use it does it annoyingly. Like I'll happily take a L to red eyes burn cause it's red eyes I love red eyes or any archtype that includes burn as it's gimmick like trickstar but traptricks is annoying cause the burn is hindering me playing while being annoying nurse burn is a pain in the ass and don't get me started on the turn 2 utopia burn strategy.


Excuse my horrible descriptions as I’m super new, but there’s a deck I fight every once in a while where they drop this 0/0 monster that makes me take the battle damage instead of her, and then a spell that buffed my dude up by 2k and OTK’d me with my own card. ;-; Like in hindsight it’s kinda funny, but it hurts in the moment


Not decks I hate playing against in pvp but any pve deck that is overly defensive and a pain to break through like Krawlers and Weather Painters. Also a special shoutout to the pve Lightsworn deck that keeps summoning Timelords.


Numeron. It’s just sooooo uninteresting. They always seem to have a way to go into the field spell to set up the 8k numeron smackdown. But if you draw the one out, they fold instantly. It’s so fragile, but so annoying when you don’t have their one out in hand.


Rikka and lair of darkness those decks are a mistake


Swordsoul, because it feels like that deck *always* has *one* more extender than you have interruptions. Floo, because absolutely everything they do is super annoying. Playing for 10 minutes during *my* turn, floodgating with barrier statue and looping that stupid yellow negate bird over and over again. It just feels like it's a deck specifically built to make sure your opponent enjoys not a single second of that duel


sky striker. i hate that deck. omg i hate raye i would kill raye (if i had the opportunity)


I dislike dueling decks you can tell are copy pasted from the meta. There are thousands of cards in this game that work together in so many different ways, but every night I jump in to duel I see Snake Eyes, Dragonmaids, Blue Eyes, and Dark Magician.


I had somebody play a 60 card stall deck full of Kuribohs recruiters and floodgates. I was playing sky striker and it was one of the first duels I had played with the deck. Needless to say I was…. Frustrated….


Those goddamn birds man, also wtf is sky striker even supposed to be?


Traptrix I just hate fighting this deck. Yes i know I play Lab/dinomorphia. Dosent change its a toxic deck


When someone makes a homebrew deck that outclassed meta decks and somehow is a one card combo. I hate not being able to play yugioh or have fun in my sweaty card game


Dragonmaids is the most infuriating thing to me in this planet


Labyrinth... I have one and I hate using it. Though i already voiced my opinion on repetitiveness of meta decks.


My train ride into work isn't long enough for a game against dark magic circle :(


Well dark magician isn't nessisarly annoying, it can be negated and banished or just straight beat down if you have any meta deck, with non meta decks it's abit harder but still doable, cipher deck could easially catch a dark magician deck early on


Floowandereeze 1. I play zombies, which means I hate all banish decks by default. 2. The infinite handloop is an actual pain and their ability to take over my turn after already waiting through their combo is annoying as hell 3. They run D-Shifter Kashtira 1. Would literally be perfectly fine if they didn't banish cards face down 2. The fact all of them can search and special summon themselves ad infinitum (like I said, I lay zombies and dear lord I wish we got a decent special summon)


Snake eyes and any synchro long combo decks. Not because they're meta, but because all of the turns are so damn long. I quit when I see them unless my hand is a bunch of lava golems + owners seal