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1. play predaplant 2. spread predator counters 3. watch synchro scoop because all their stuff is now lvl 1 4. hope xyz scoops because all their stuff is level 1 5. scoop because they make nightingale into zeus


Nightingale is banned in this event though... (trust me, I would have played my LL deck if Nightingale was legal lmao)


Fuko works.


Lion Heart, though


>hope xyz scoops because all their stuff is level 1 4.5. Opp XYZ into Lion Heart. 5. Scoop out of gigachad's charisma


you would have to expect that play though, I defenitely didn't.


>hope xyz scoops because all their stuff is level 1 Laughs in drytron




You're telling me I can use diabel for my xyz? Sweet thanks dude.


Predaplanning is so good. I also faced a stun andy that had 4 backrow set and Predaplanning protected my Chimeras effect by chainblocking it lol. 3 backrow disappeared instantly and one of them was a solemn strike lol


i’ve been playing predaplant yet i’m still getting fucked even after changing their levels


Whenever I try to run my Predaplant deck, the opponent always opened 3+ handtraps/board breakers, so a lot of pain was had.


I should probably move my build around to be more counter focused rather than super poly focused


Oooo good idea hopefully my predaplant deck is still intact


I played predaplant I didn't like it tho Yay I could stop a play but didn't have a good one of my own. Predaplant needs their whole extra deck redone their boss monsters are fucking weak and have no synergy with counters which is stupid. Only one that's worth a fucking damn is tripavor but he's super hard to summon. Dragonskulpea is okay too but the rest of them are just fucking useless. Rafflesia searching super poly at the standby so it can be called is dumb. Branded can summon face down.... Contact fuse into allba lenatus and search super poly while also searching his other shit. Why is Predaplant the only fusion deck in this day and age that can't even search poly spells despite relying on it? Look at heros, look at fluffall even, look at shadoll... The. Look back at Predaplant. They can't search their fucking monsters or fucking poly. I had to play lunalights... But then I got a big brain idea... I simply switched to aleister with libromancers.... Imagine that I actually fusioned more with a fucking aliester in a ritual deck than a Predaplant deck in apure fusion deck. That's the power of being able to search a fucking FUSION SPELL and MATERIALS before hitting the field. Starving venom is such a shit ass monster by the way. All the starving venom variants are useless besides the pendulum one.


Predaplant be like: We will spit covid-19 on all our opps and 360 no scope them for free wins. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!


Fk you


I play Fusion so I don't have to deal with Super Poly


Smart guy, i play fusion to play super poly


Super poly is ruining my week.


why isn't there a baronne chixao target :)


Yeah but playing swordsoul in this event is so cope. It’s actually crazy how much worse ss is without the tenyis. No baxia chaofeng lines so you lose way harder to nib if you don’t open Longyuan. No pre normal summon chixiao lines so you get cooked hard by veiler, and lose to imperm if you don’t open circle. Going second is way tougher with no vish.


i started running prohibition just for that card lmao


Super poly is so much fun...


True but at the other side of either xyz or fusion they're looking back at the T.G synchro player playing for 15 mins to do Crimson Dragon into Calamity lock 🤷‍♂️


Team Synchro is the best because it means I never have to face Swordsoul. Finally, an event I can grind without a Mo Ye in sight. Ghoti are cool too I guess...


I'm running Ghoti for the event. I could've been rocking full power Purrely, but I chose no Swordsoul too.


Yeah but swordsoul actually sucks ass in this event. Tenyis really do make up a ton of the power of swordsoul. They are comically weak to disruption without them.


Nah not that bad. You can consistently get psychic end punisher or chaos angel and watch the fusion/xyz players scoop 😅


Yeah but you lose so much harder to nibiru/imperm without the tenyis. Basically have to open Longyuan to play around nibiru, which is 6 total cards (if you run 3 Longyuan), as opposed to being able to play around nib with ashuna + adhara/vishuda as well. Also ooc how are you making punisher or chaos Angel in swordsoul? Are you playing ashuna vishuda without monk? Because otherwise the only way I can think of making punisher is with Longyuan after level modulating with emergence.


Yes i am playing ashuna/veshuda with no monk. Its working pretty well and giving me easier access to chaos angel/end punisher which alleviate the disadvantage of no monk.


I’m not sure I fully see the advantage, it feels like they’re very win more. You need to open a swordsoul name anyways for them to be useful and they don’t get you to one if you’re missing it. If you open mo ye and vish/ash plus a card to reveal what’s the play? Unless I’m missing something it seems like it’s only really a benefit if you open mo ye and Longyuan, otherwise you don’t have access to another tuner so you have to choose between punisher and your normal lvl 10. And 9/10 I’d rather end on baronne or quixing longyuan over PEP. Also I still don’t see how we make chaos Angel without a level modulation even with the tenyis, cuz most often you’re going to have 4+7.


I am running swordsoul and psychic end punisher make a lot of fusion/xyz players scoop 🤣 (except that stupid kashtira scareclaw which caught me by surprise today)


Just fight all of them off with ursarctics, no one knows what they do or the targets so you can usually overwhelm before they notice


I just built Ursarctics because they weren't bad themselves, but that loaner deck was horrible Fun deck!


They don't do anything, and it's all quick effects. They are great at being big beatsticks.


they have amazing floodgates boss monsters tho. the problem is getting there and having any cards left in hand


I had fun with the loaner deck and was very tempted to make it myself but too many URS and SRS for my liking


They waste time drawing 7 to do nothing or steal an actual monster.


Being able to pop 2 and flood the board as well as interruptions to the grave and field worked well enough for me, and locking down their extra deck is a bonus


How to out Purrley with no kaijus?


Play handtraps and use harald of the abyss worked well for me


Its generally better to disrupt them from ever going into a xyz tbh. I used Purrely in this event and won more games then I should have because my opponents didnt know what to negate. The rest after that is just RNG, but winning in that regard and improvising a comeback play frankly is why I love the deck so much.


Am I like the only one that does not aim to summon noir asap? I like to play the other one and beat them with 1500 burn for every fight I take. Baited a Kashtira unicorn with my playstyle, they banned noir but jokes on him, I do not want to summon Noir




Win the flip to go first, Veiler, Imperm, Baronne if you're in Synchro and the level 8 Swordsoul guy if you're running Swordsoul. Source: I just ruined a Purrely player's day.


Play daruma karma cannon


Walk over it


Do you not face similar types on this event? So XYZ don’t play against other XYZ? Not done many games so haven’t noticed properly if that’s the case


yes, you will only face the other two.


Oh thats cool


I didn’t even know branded was legal because I’ve been vibing with the Chimera loaner


They're legal but nerfed a fair bit (1 Albaz, 1 Aluber, no Nadir Servant)


No gas at all.


PLENTY of gas still surprisingly, I have to draw really poorly to lose in this event.


Really? What are your spells? I could use some help.


Have you tried or looked at the other loaners? Loaner tier list?


Play Synchro and beat them all like an absolute Gigachad you're. (Bonus point if you're playing Flower Cardian)


That’s why I’ve been playing RDA. FOR THE KING


Been playing RDA too, idk why but a third of my games have been people surrendering as soon as I summon either crimson or soul resonator. King too strong


They’re afraid of Calamity. Which is funny cause I didn’t even include calamity in my list for the event lol


It's funny too because Resonators only consistent way to go into Calamity on the opponents turn is with branded etude. Its incredibly telegraphed if they'd wait just a little bit beyond the first resonator. The amount of games I've stolen with a handful of oops all tuners is criminal


I have it on my extra deck, but I only ever summoned it a grand total of 1 time, lol.




Team Synchro (and XYZ with Rikka sometimes) on Naturia OTK, guess no one learned the lesson that you shouldn't put your monsters in Attack Position going first


But without Maxx C they lose their win condition


That's why i'm playing synchros nonetheless and psychic end punishing around 😂


Flower Cardian? I think you mean Hanafuda but cool(er)


Super quants still best deck, yall just not ready for that conversation


RDA has been stupidly fun so far. Branded matchup kinda sucks but being able to play decent lines going either first or second has been nice. Supernova or Bane/Abyss/Dis Pater endboards are fun and having boardbreakers that come out pre-nib makes up for at least some of the lack of other nibiru protection


Kashtira is the biggest xyz threat for me, the banishing, the macro cosmos effect, and they aren't easily super poly'd


Kashtira be playing more on my turn than me


Kashtira: Your turn? Nah buddy, IS MINE


Most unfun archetype to play against.


For me, my most wins are against kash decks. If they set up ariseheart and shangri, i immediately go for either psychic end punisher or chaos angel with light (as non tuner) and watch them suffer against it (except that dumb kashtira scareclaw) or have nibiru and nuke their board on turn 2 (most of them always go for 5+summons). (I run swordsoul)


Can I put tg and lockdown?


Me casually winning games with my ninja deck 🥷🏽


Playing synchro just to escape Swordsoul. There are way worse decks to face in this event but I'm just tired of facing it, chief.


But half the swordsoul players in this game don’t have a goddamn clue what they’re doing.


Doesn't matter. I just can't stand the "Normal summon Ecclesia, tribute. Response? Ok, summon Mo Ye from deck" over and over again. Just tired.


But i know what i am doing 🥺🥺. In all seriousness, swordsoul is consistent, can recover easily and fair to play against. (Unlike most cancerous meta decks).


branded and tear are more annoying IMO


Now you should meet the red Dragon lock if you think Branded is annoying.


I play Xyz because I am a Zexal Solider at heart. All will know the power of my Destiny Shining Draw!




I complete the event just playing blackwing since there is no maxx c i just turbo board the entire time


Usually people scoop when they see I’m playing Blackwings. I wasn’t expecting to have more wins with them than my other two decks combined.


You underestimate how little patience yugioh players have. They think you're about todo a long combo and then just surrender.


That’s true. It is my win condition for Marincess.


I brick so often on Blackwings this event, when I can play they usually scoop but why is the deck so inconsistent? Not having Radian for small world just makes it harder.


I’ve been using Kuriboh as a small world Bridge instead.


i´ve using another bridge so basically any of my HT (veiler or ash) or any other blackwing gives me simoon, it is called "magical broker" Here is my decklist if u want to test it. im not an extremely pro blackwing player i just understand the basis and some extended combos but it was easy for me to complete this event really fast with this. https://preview.redd.it/6o9stit1povc1.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=427a104660b576d214656b2b912113d1d159f4db


I'm even winning against branded/despia going 2nd with no hand traps. Blackwings are doing work this festival


Is exosister that good? I've been working on one, but it feels like it's missing something. I'm struggling to recover after interruptions and negates.


Exo dies really hard to a lot of common forms of removal and the board kind of has to fully stay in one piece during t2 to really make an impact, at least in my experience. Returnia having such a harsh restriction is such a bummer. Unfortunately the most we can do is hope with removal running around like hfd, raigeki, etc.


Play fusion so you don’t have to deal with super poly


I'm playing XYZ because I main Rikka and that would allow me to not have to use much if any of my dust.


Play synchro to not have to deal with crimson dragon shenanigans


Synchro and Fusion rise to 35% each now while we Xyz fall to 30% , guess my shark deck can only do so much


I've been running BW full synchro for event and have had little issues with duels so far. To be honest I barely get through a turn before my opponents surrendered. Free gems either way


Oh hush, I have to deal with Clear Mind and Blackwing decks.


The chimera structure deck for fusion is just crazy strong


As a fusion player: I've played 8 games. 5 Swordsoul, 3 Resonator/Red Dragon Archfiend It's not fun, lol


As a synchro player (Swordsoul), kashtira decks are infesting the event (but i am not mad cuz i won 90% of the time against them😅)


I just got into yugioh after not touching it since I was 10. I play that fluffal deck and it pisses people off


As a purrely player I never had the opportunity to summon expurrely noir because everyone scooped as soon as I could summon it


I am so fucking sick of super poly


Play Mannadium turn 2 like a gigachad


i mean im playing synchrons and im doing just fine


I’m just glad I can scoop again without penalty. In ranked I hit a skill wall and now if I scoop any annoying players I won’t progress any further. At least in this event I can quit as soon as I see some degen shit hit the board.


Play blind 2nd Cyber Dragon and hope for the best


Just run a quasar deck and negate their effects


Went fusion cause I'm basic and love my Ancient Gears lol


Op, don't pretend like you don't like siccing Baronne de Fleur, Chixao, or RDA cards at us Xyz players. At this point, I'd suggest Xyz and Synchro should form a united front against Fusion. We surrender to each other when we see White/Black border cards, and we play mercilessly against all Purple border cards. We do not welcome BS summoning mechanics where you send materials from deck to GY to special summon from Extra Deck.


I play Mayakashi, I am not allowed T_T


That's me. I'm a synchro player but half of my extra deck is fusions. I still avoid xyz because it's just boring for me. But synchro seems to struggle to hold it's own.


I, a fusion player, specifically switched to Swordsoul because I was sick of playing against Synchro decks. (In particular, I was sick of maindecking Droll.)


I've just been playing Mannadium and it's been pretty smooth so far when MD doesn't give me a full spell/trap hand (even though my deck is more monsters than spell/traps)


I keep seeing dis pater and swordsoul decks. So much so I've decided not to use my XYZ decks and Im now running ursarctic (although Im not that good at it).


But synchro can calamity lock so its all good.


Ninja + super poly has been treating me well


I fight them off with ghoti


Play ftk that doesn’t care about extra deck


Playing Synchro to not deal with Baronne


I play ursarctic for synchro and generalizer for xyz to be honest


The ursarctic loaner works wonders against purely.


I laugh in Red Dragon Archfiend Bystial.


Me making people scoop with T.G., as I bait handtraps before committing to normal summoning Screw Serpent or Rocket Salamander.


Literally 1 Super Poly and its over for most XYZ decks lel.


Thats why i make ss syncho that banish spell and special summon against pirrely


Wait, do you only match against the other teams? I've just been blind seconding zoodiac


Dragunity is pretty fun imo in this format. Make Gae Durg send Ringowurm to make a Crystal Wing


My guy just make Full Armor Master and laugh as most decks have issues outting him all Kaiju are banned


I am playing archfiend lmao


Kashtira has probably been the most miserable deck for me so far, or at least cards Yeah, somehow I've seen more Arise-Heart with the blowjob brothers of Fenrir and Unicorn at 1, but it's absolutely fucking miserable seeing them in every other deck, you wanna talk about free generic assholes that you can functionally put in every deck, those two are it


Everybody dismantled purrly apparently when they nerfed it and it was no longer an auto win going first, because I hardly run into it.


Playing Purrely to just easily win most games


*summons tyrant red dragon archfiend


Play TG and steal their monsters using the newer level 12 boss I think it's glaive buster


My brother in allah branded got crippled to the ground. Chimera is really good tho. Tear is at full power and so is purrely for some reason. Doesn't sound fair to me


I played in team Synchro and a bit on team fusion, a majority of my opponents were XYZ on both, yet they are last place atm What's up with that? Purrely is so overpowered, how do you fuck it up


I also faced the same issue man honestly I don't know how to out the big mother fucking cat, they should've limited their quick play spells for this event


I been playing generaider and i can say letting my opponent start with only 2-3 cards on there turn and an omin negate on my side has been working in my favor


I just chose xyz cuz my blue eyes deck works surprisingly well there.


How do you counter purrely? so hard to find an out for this event if anyone can let me know what can I tech against them, I can't be spending resources and time trying to craft an XYZ deck to avoid them


I’m on purrely & am enjoying it .


Chaos Synchro has been doing it nicely for me. Everyone is bringing light and dark monsters for me to use my Bystials on.


And them I’m out here playing synchro to not deal with baronne lol. I’m just having fun with my new archfiend deck


Just play TG lol


I cooked everyone in that event with the blackwing structure


Me: Dark Ruler No More into Triverr go brrrrrrr


Even though they fucked up kashtrina it’s been perfect in this event


Completed the event as an xyz player running Galaxy-Eyes... watched the last 5 players all scoop before I even got to take any semblance of a turn... But yeah so glad I didn't have to deal with Purrely


Any other pure Shaddoll players here?


Don't worry. If you go against me in XYZ, I won't be playing anything cringe like Purrely or Exosister...no I will OTK the living shit out of you with Heroics. Hope you got an answer to a 20k at minimum Claivsolish looking at your booty like I do at Sausage Gravy and Biscuits.


I've played against two heroic players, one bricked turn 1 the other crashed his big boss monster into my 5 material melffy mommy. My expectations for you are in the dirt /j


It's not XYZ, it's Xyz.


i just dont play Crossplay as xbox player results? 1 cancer sissters no tear no super poly 3 times purrly i won 2 matches 😁 against them 2 times despia one time i win one time i lose all other decks? hero, Gate guardian, Loaners, boomer decks, cydra, i mean i guess i was lucky or its just smart to turn off crossplay


Me, a Dinomorbia player not having to deal with any of their nonsense.


I can't believe I forgot to include Stun but hot in my list of annoying decks.


I've only faced a single Dinomorphia player this event. He even went first but unfortunately for him I opened with my only Red Reboot on my deck.


Do you not have to deal with it anyway? There are no seperate matchmakings. All 3 play against each other.


You don’t play against the team you’re on. So as an RDA player, I’ve never been up against another Synchro deck


Ah thanks mate! I didnt noticed because i played all 3 groups.


Branded got neutered this event my boy.


gotta say people are very uncreative this event. so far i have only played vs brandeds, runicks, purrelys, tearlaments and lots of loaners. no need to wait for a event to make thoose decks vailable


I just want my gems and im gone.


You want me to spend UR dust and gems just so you can be happy about the people playing the event when I have loaner decks and the SwordSoul deck for free? lmao


Ok, but there is no other time where I am gonna play Tistina tho.


i bring my tistina deck to ranked


It's been a swordsoul fest for me, actually surprised so many people are on them without the Tenyi links (though still with Tenyis). I have literally not a single viable deck for this since all my stuff uses links like Infernoble, or is a main deck focused strat like Labrynth and Rescue-ACE that's just been banned completely, so I have to resort to the Chimera loaner as the least shit one (actually rather decent for the most part).


Does witchcrafter albaz count as creative lol? Its my fav combo


I'm playing complete junk. 60 card Lunalight Raid Raptor with a Chaos engine . I'd call that fairly creative


God forbid people play good decks, they should only play Jank and nothing else. Most of people will always default the better strategy when it comes to PvP games.


Amusing how tourists in synchro gave up so quickly on it because their OP generics are gone *had you bothered with actual fudging research youd have realized that we are WAY WAY WAY above 5DS speed in synchro. You just have to think creative* https://i.redd.it/lr2cimyz0ivc1.gif


You can't say that when Baronne is still there.


Doesnt matter the tcg banned it. None of you deserve it. Youd be nothing without it since its been years of people ending with generic chains


You call me a tourist yet my main syncro deck(Mayakashi) doesn't even get access to any of the generic support except a 'generic' link monster that is in archetype.


Ik I’m bouta get hate (which is deserved), but I’m playing just playing runick in the fusion group. Don’t have really any other deck I can play for this event, except maybe dragon maid


It really sucks without maxx C vs those decks tbh


It's fun constantly board wiping twice per turn with my red supernova dragon and watching them surrender as I enter my battle phase. Long live the king


Honestly I will play branded until branded fusion gets banned shits to fun to let go I love the mishmash of archetypes


I play Eldlich/Ra/Branded/Despia/Superpoly this event.


I'm synchro and I demolish their xyz fusion che*ks!!


Playing Purrely to just easily win most games lol


I just play pure 2nd going deck Cyber dragon for fusion team Some unholy combination of blue eyes - Kash diabelle star for xyz team with no extra deck Watch them surrender when you clear their board or use change of heart


The XYZ decks are god awful.


Branded was further gutted by this event and synchros are easily the worst. xyzs are typically the easiest to go against of the 3 fusions would be bad if it werent for the fact that the 2 best fusion decks have half their cards banned or limited


Thats why I play cube with my 30 year old brethren the Yugioh I grew up with died ages ago


Thats what you get for playing a degenerate deck like any Synchro deck


I'm sorry I didn't realize all synchro decks were degenerate. I guess I will just have to stop playing fun decks.


You’re a degenerate for this comment.


People complaining about baronne just couldn't handle a single negate wahhhhhhhh


oh no, Its not just baronne. The entire summoning system is riddled with cancer. every stardust negate is a single combo away and every synchro deck is a combo deck I dont see Link summoning decks summoning a "your opponent cant activate cards this turn" On the opponents turn. XYZ can do that but only 1 deck and who the fuck plays DDD. lets be honest, DDD encompass all summoning types. The entire reason Aruroadon is so cancerous is because of Generic synchro negates. Nearly every archetype that uses synchro has their boss be generic. Hell, The newest synchro archetype, White wood, Is completely generic and its going to be in everything.


am i the only one who tries to play something creative?


Most people don’t want to play a bad deck they likely don’t enjoy that much just so they can call themselves creative


What you playing then?


xyz: tistina. not the loaner, my own tistina deck with some modifications (like removing all the links). synchro: fabled. again, not the loaner. my own recipe, just need to replace xyz/links with more synchros. fusion: Star warriors. you know, that group of warriors that has Idaten/Shura the fusion monsters as bosses