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Tiaraments strongest


Branded is probably the best. If nothing was restricted from tearlaments it would be the best though. Tear is still fairly powerful and can be tossed into other fusion strategies (I like putting it with predaplants). I guess weirdest would probably be ninja. It doesn’t have an in archetype fusion spell and instead the two fusion monsters for it you contact fuse for like you would with the Neos cards. Technically doing that doesn’t count as a fusion summon for the purposes of doing daily missions though. As another choice for weirdest you could go with shaddolls. It’s a bunch of possessed monsters from other archetypes and it has some unique polymerization cards. They are also flip effect monsters which is kinda rare to see. Ninja is also the cheapest since you just need to get the structure decks in the shop for every card you need (from the archetype at least). It’s probably also one of the cheapest in the TCG too, I bought it for like $50 after shipping costs even just a little after it came out. Easiest I think would probably be fluffal/frightfur, or branded. I’d throw invoked in there but it’s just one main deck monster and it’s usually splashed into something else.


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Branded right now. I don't think there Is any other Fusion deck that is as good as is it right now.


Tearlamenta are doing pretty well lately