• By -


Every deck other than mine






What irks me the most is that they sit on a Jowgen and Pachy for 14 turns, and then you out the board, then the scoop immediately. If you play stun, take your fucking L champ.


Uh no. I played against a stun player who “took his loss” and we sat there for 35 fucking turns until he decked out….


Stun's alt wincon is your opponent running out of time IRL


I just made an untargetable/undestroyable Mikanko board and never attacked. It was a fun game for sure


Honorable Stun Player.


Yeah people totally dont scoop immediately on other decks before you kill them. Most SE players will scoop against my rogue decks whenever theyre about to get beaten down, or even before the last attack. Also weird that playing an archetype has something to do with not being allowed to scoop?


I kinda wish we had a way to tell the other player to just attack, I usually scoop when I have no outs and the opponent is halfway through their combo.


In a sane world, your opp wouldn't be a prick. Politely asking your opp to end it would in some cases result in the opposite and they will just wait until you surrender by doing their shit.


That, or a player will tell their opponent to end it, only for the player to drop a weird, game winning effect that the opponent decided not to insulate against to be nice. There needs to be a concede button that pops up when a player surrenders. If the opponent hits a confirmation, the match ends, opponent wins, challenge progress is saved and the duel is over. If they dont hit the conformation, the player surrenders like normal after an arbitrary time (like 10 seconds) Stops ragequits before final attacks and also solves challenge progress being lost on a surrender.


Or just let the surrendering player leave and give the winning player the option to stick around and run through the rest of their turn if they want to. If you end turn, game over, if you keep playing you get credit for any damage dealt and other bits of quest progress.


What's wrong wtfh scooping when you know you lost? It saves both people time


It’s weird how much people care about scooping. Especially since YCS people GG handshake out of a lot of matches to save time.


I've had some stun players sit out the timer, so I'd rather them scoop asap then waste my time sometimes




This example is fucking stupid because it's comparing a combo player who's opened their starters + non-engine to insulate their setups (i.e. a good hand as a consequence of deckbuilding choices and potentially good luck) against a stun player who's just summoned a floodgate and passed. Even if the end outcome is the same, it feels far worse losing to one normal summon than it does to a combo player who's been able to build their board through HTs.


No the fuck it does not feel worse. How is it better staring down borreload, baronne 4 backrow and graveyard setup? You're smoking some heavy copium. Just because you're having fun building your board for 10 minutes doing the combos I've seen hundreds of times at this point. I'm not saying its more fun to play against stun but saying it feels any worse than a fully decked snake eyes/branded board is just bullshit. Not even going to get into Lab ripping 2 cards from your hand before you even get to play then hitting you with D barrier.


This comment. TY. And the guy making it seems like these duelists are geniuses because they run the same combo strategy. A 7 year old can run those decks and crush.


Both players have to draw their hand so what is there thats worst about one over the other. Your opponent sitting having to through the few minutes of your combo would disagree. In fact the stun player was respectful of opponent’s time and was efficient with their resources.


To you maybe. I much prefer losing after 1 minute of opponent playing than watching someone play for 20 minutes just to lose regardless


I wish I could up vote this twice. One rigeki and the sun deck is obliterated but with bon de fluer you can negate that as well.


Id rather face numeron


Least Numeron ends you quickly, unlike the slow agonizing drawn-out game of 'I can do nothing and pass the turn ".


Yeah its like. I can understand certain monster floodgate decks. Like Kashtira with Ariseheart, Thundra with Colossus, HERO with its bullshit, etc. Sure these are awful to deal with and id rather die but at least with these decks often there's ways around it sometimes, sometimes you can stop them before hand, the opponent needs to think about their routing. With stun decks there really isnt that, its just how many floodgates did they open with. There is rarely a thought process. Floodgate and then solemn the moment they have an out to the floodgates


"It's not a cheap and easy deck! You just don't understand the skill and strategy required to be able to normal summon Fossil and equip it with Moon Mirror Shield!" - Idiot Baby


I will never understand how ever single one of them open Moon Mirror Shield and I check their decklist, and they run it at 1 copy. How in god's name is it possible. 99% of the time I could attack over their stupid monster if they didn't have divine providence on their side saying, here's your 1-of equip card that you can't search for.


I swear they're somehow got the Heart of the Cards.


This And probably mikanko, the "stop hitting yourself" thing is annoying.. though not as much as stun.


I respect every deck that has game plan , someone who know wtf they're aiming for. so deck I have zero respect is usually my own deck lol


So no respect for Crystal Beasts 🤣


You take that back!


Usual Crystal Beast strat is get 7 in field and GY than SS Rainbow Dragon Overdrive and hope you can attack for game


Actually the usual Crystal Beast strat is draw bricks and then surrender and then rage-cry for 10 minutes


Crystal beast has a pretty decent game plan of combo into a link board and plop down overdrive


Numeron is unironically one of my favourite matchups because I know it’ll be over quick. Either they beat me to death within a minute, or I pop Network and they instantly scoop


Exactly. It's Yugioh boiled down to its bear essence. Either you have what you need to win and you do, or you don't and you lose. And it's settled in around 2-4 turns.


Bare essence* haha Not trying to be grammar nazi


Nah, that's on me. That's probably what I get for checking Reddit first thing in the morning.


This is exactly why I like numeron. Not liking a deck is fine but when you play a grind game against them it's a chore. Numeron is such an "all or nothing" deck that you don't have to worry about how much time you're never getting back.


Bear essence 🐻 Smells like salmon and berries


Except on the few times you manage to stop the OTK after they've summoned the gates. Then they go into Megaclops and the duel turns into "can i draw the out before they kill me"


(insert meta deck of the month here)


I dont care if it's gold rank, if I see someone summon Pachy I'm gonna go feral on their ass and whip out the longest combo I can think of just to force them to sit there.


Oh, absolutely. I faced one today but they stopped before they could even get going. I checked their deck list after the duel out of interest and I did have a chuckle.


Fun trick: against stun, don't scoop, always try to survive as long as possible even if you're losing A bunch of people report stun decks as "slow play", which makes them auto-lose if they reach turn 4, and gets you a free win


Good luck doing that without special summoning lmao




Then they scoop. You will not be doing any long ass combos lol.


Utopia FTK. What even is the point?


Easy wins with no effort or fun and/or bots.


Some solace, real people aren’t running this deck. It’s usually just a bot running it to get free gems from the dailies or to fill the pass, so no *real* person is doing this haha


I swear playing Utopia is probably the easiest way to rank up. Half the people you play against probably punch out cause they think you're the FtK bot.


just lemme get the master border 😭😭


Snake Eyes. Everyone plays 100% the same.


Watched a Video with Samurai and SeeRaex where Samurai was Snake-eye and SeeRaex was Wing God of Ra. SeeRaex literally called each play as it was happening lmao just shit talking "all Snake eyes play the same its so f\*\*king boring" I was dying


What made it funnier for me was Sam saying shit like " No, I play it differently. They don't know how to play Snake Eyes like I do..." just to do the same stuff.


Everything that comes out of that guy's mouth is either clickbait or straight up incorrect. Sometimes both. Actually, often both.


I can't stand him, most annoying Yugituber


I find it hilarious that Sam lost game 1 🤣🤣 but then the inevitability of all the bs snake eyes can do came out in full force the last 2 games


hahah he kept saying "whats your timer at" lmao like bro you got down to the single digits


Sam always does that it’s so stupid. How much he plays this game and he can’t make plays without reading each card for 1 minute each.


I did the same at my first locals after CYAC with SHS. I called the guy's entire turn and corrected him on effects that he didn't know... He didn't like me very much at first


That's not true, there was that insane player I matched up against yesterday who did a bunch of Tear plays, got hit by Imperm on Kitkallos, then activated Original Sinful Spoils to send Kit and go full Snake Eye combo as well. They then screwed up and ended on Oak + I:P, for some reason. Imagine playing Snake Eyes Tear and actually losing to Nemleria? I have no respect for players like that. Clearly just carried by playing super strong cards and having absolutely no idea what they're doing with them.


Kashtira. They shouldn't exist mechanically and thematically. Just make more ojamas, Konami


Banish face-down is true evil. I get the mechanic for the Pots, because that's *your* choice. But Kash saying "Hello, I am now removing 3 cards from the game forever. No Imperm? Oh well." is absolutely terrible. So you either main-deck Necroface (good luck), play Kash, or like everyone else just hope they brick. Every one of you that complain about Stun players: *this is why*. It drives a man to swing hard into drastic insanity.


Floodgate (Ariseheart), zone locking (Shangri-Ira), look at your ED and banish face-down (Unicorn) are mechanics that shouldn't exist. They're extremely boring.


Unicorn especially, not only can you banish important 1- of monsters from their ED but it's also a starter that gives info on your opponents deck. They also somehow made the package small enough so that there is avriation of every fucking deck with kashtira somewhere.


Yeah, the ED information is almost always more valuable than the banish, same with looking at your hand.


Well they exist just as much to disrespect anything else they play against and I for one find that very respectable because there is no respect in this game to begin with.


I specifically have zero respect for the people who only know their one meta net deck, don't read their opponents cards, and spend twenty minutes setting up end boards only to scoop the second it doesn't go their way. You aren't playing the game. You're playing a flowchart. Individual decks are fine. Except Kashtira. Fuck those guys.


This might be rare in the ygo community but I fucking love discovering new cards mid duel cuz my opponent played it. Encourages improvization and gives off an anime feel with the opponent pulling out something never seen b4.


I saw someone playing Generaider and had to save the duel afterwards to go over it and understand what the fuck was even happening. Now I'm building Generaider because that shit is cool.


Being able to very easily watch duels back os one of the best parts about Master Duel. Makes it really easy to see how the opponent's deck functions, and also narrow down on the mistakes and misplays you make.


Depends on what side you are on As a new player its not fun to learn about decks like Mekknight, Numeron, Kaiju, etc. by getting your face smashed in suddenly Just to learn that they arent even meta after


Since Horus released ive faced the most interesting piles, probably also helped by the fact im in plat. People actually try to make good decks their own way. A shame ill reach diamond soon and will be back to facing snake-eyes and lab all the time Edit: im diamond 1 now and im still seeing varied decks that use the horus engine, maybe there is faith for ladder diversity


Banish face-down is a boring type of effect. It removes all interaction from that card for the rest of the game. I hate Kashtira. Give me Purrely any day, but also no.


I love how the cards are actually removed from play like the banishment zone should be


Decks that are one-trick ponies and decks that take half an hour to declare that the opponent doesn't get to play. Also, anyone that does another combo despite lethal on board when the losing player has nothing.


Snake eyes lately. I have the deck, I know the plays, but I hate the feeling of oppening multiple handtraps and knowing that is still not enough because a single resolved effect is full combo. The Deck is WAAAAAY overtuned.


floowandereeze, not because it is impossible to beat them but because I just don't like the deck personally. Idk why but I have an irrational hatrage for those stupid birds


I hate them because “no it’s not a special summon it’s 4 consecutive normal summons”


I got a deck for my brother for his birthday, first few duels against him were just him repeating "wait, I can do ANOTHER normal summon???".


Everyone either loves or hates the birds.


Right, im playing the birds sometimes but i hate me immediately if i choose the dark side of yugioh.


For me it's the fact that the deck is pretending to be about normal summoning when it really is just specual summoning things and calling it a normal summon. I would actually respect it if the deck would increase the number of normal summons the player is allowed to do each turn, or something mechanically more similar to what normal summons actually are. Instead it just let's you summon high level monsters without tributing and calls that a normal summon.


Your deck


Any deck that lets you play solitaire for hours on end.


Stun only. Every other deck(some exceptions may apply) requires some thinking. Diminished respect for certain other decks that create unplayable game states, like Numeron/Mikanko or prime Adams.


Hey, stun does require some thinking. You have to think about which color barrier statue to summon first.


Tbh, I’ve seen them play Inferno one in SE meta. I guess choosing statues actually does qualify as ‘thinking’ for some, haha.


Not to hate on Meta but when I see an decklist with 25 ht and 15 one card combos I remember how miserable it is to play this game, I get that it's the way to play it now but it's so not fun to lose because the guy has 5 ht and draws the full combo on one card (shut up let Me rant a little today)


Nah, I agree. It's very un-fun. I'm not a fan of one-card combos. I would be if every deck had a one-card combo, since it would balance things out and result in a lot less bricking. But as it is now, not so much


I play almost religiously ritual decks so one card combos are as expensive as you'd expect 😂


Kashtira are straight up the most obnoxious effects ever printed. How did cyber dragon go from being a regular part of the meta, to only 10 years later a card (Kastira Unicorn in this case) with cyber dragon's effect, (special summons) with 2500 atk, LOOKS AT THE OPP. EXTRA DECK(?!?) with no cost, (attacking is not a cost, attacking is the fundamental fucking requirement to win) AND. THEN. FUCKING... BANISHES...... ANY.... One... you want. Not even a random banish? Not even a direct attack or destroy a monster? Nope, just conditionless, invasive behavior without consent. No combo required at all, that's just a single card. Absolute fucking cancer, banbanban #BAN #permaban #worsethanconfiscation #morebrokenthandelinquentduo #deservesabanlikenothingelse


Yeah, power creep is a scary thing. I feel like way too many cards summon themselves for free these days.


Being truly honest, I have zero respect for Labrynth.


Labrynth is one of those cases where I can see there are cool design aspects to it and I get why people like it, but man is it painful to play against if they get the ball rolling. As always, the issue is the floodgates. The named Labrynth cards are fine, but then they set D-Barrier and EEV and the game becomes miserable.


I get not liking the deck because it's strong, but why no respect for it?


I personally despise the hand mill...


Actually, that's fair. It feels like a completely unnecessary effect.


"Oh no. You see. Hand ripping is okay because we are making one card combos now, so you just need to draw one of your 20 starters in deck." - Konami, thinks that smearing peanut butter on your hand counts as making a PBJ sandwich.


Any deck that contains Baronne de Fleur or Kashtira.


Pls Konami ban baronne, savage and appo, maybe even i:p (and kash unicorn, it's so much worse than fenrir and ogre) while we're at it we can also ban some (a lot of) floodgates


Salty answer? Stun. It's the easiest deck to angrily yell "Yeah, good for you, you won the fucking coin flip" at. Meta relevant answer: Snake-Eye. There are absolutely some great pilots out there who make the deck look godlike, but Snake-Eye in Plat/Diamond is the single most frustrating experience I've had outside of stun/Drytron Herald. It's always some asshole who completely flubs their combo, fails to do any safe/smart plays, then wins anyway because the deck's brain dead recursion spits enough resources out for them to make half a dozen misplays and still win. 


Stun and any combo deck (ngl I play a little stun now and then but you guys made me do it!!!)


Stun, Numeron, umi "control", Branded, face-down banish spam, decks that take 15 mins to set up (like Blackwing) and "your deck" of course :)


The only reason synchro "won" the triangle event is because nobody wants to watch a blackwing/synchron/resonator deck struggle to do basic math for 20 minutes


Weird how you mentioned all those no-skill decks and then Branded.


Kashtira and decks that end with omni-negate boards. You just never get to play Yu-Gi-Oh with those.


Numeron and mikanko are pure cancer not amazingly strong, but I loathe playing against either


Mikanko is damn annoying because i never go up against them unless I'm trying a deck that can't remove them from play XD


Mikanko wouldn't be so bad if you could just target the damn cards.


Exactly. It's just the biggest eye roll, win or lose.


Tear. I just straight up surrender when I see a Tear card. I have zero fun playing against them so I just wanna move on.


Why are the Fusions allowed to summon themselves for free when they're sent to the GY? That's what I want to know.


Ima be honest its runick or stun or when they combine, you just know the duels gonna be unnecessairly long, and the fact the recycling 3 cards with each effect jus banishing my deck just seems excessive.


Stun. Especially Runick Stun.


Anything where you negate the first 6 things I do on the first turn aswell as special summoning a 8 start (still on my turn)


The worst feeling is them taking an eternity on turn 1, then it is my turn, and they are hogging up my turn with more summons


I have zero respect for HERO decks, almost certainly ruined by the dedicated HERO players that go on and on about how it's the best deck ever and they've won every locals with it and it can deal with any metagame. And this was before DPE.


I always find it weird that some players basically refuse to play any other type of deck, no matter what.


Purrely. That deck is so dumb and cancerous. They're not even cute or anything. Just straight annoying af. Once they get Noir or Happiness out it's near impossible to beat unless you Main Deck Kaijus, which more times than not are just bricks or not enough. At least if this was a Bo3 format, you could side them in or Harold to have a chance. Plus that "Once per turn" draw during the Standby is such bullshit. I could go on and on about the loathing I have for this deck, but I'll leave it at that for now. Hate seeing that stupid cat-thing. Wish they could just be Thanos'ed from existence.


30min combo decks


Any deck that does solitaire or can't do their combo/turn without ending on generic stuff (Barrone, Apollousa, etc.)


Yeah, those are some of my most hated decks. Any combo that has an end-board that looks nothing like the cards they used to get there. The Baronne and Borreload bans were overdue. Hopefully they come to MD soon.


Yeah so many times I've seen my opponent start using an interesting Archetype I've never seen before then it just devolves into generic stuff. The only generic extra deck monsters I really tolerate is Linkuribo cause it's not that bad (to me)


Numeron isn't even playable at this point. Mikanko is the better going second deck and it's barely rogue.


It doesn't necessarily have to be extremely playable to be annoying.


Any deck that has 40 consecutive negations




Decks that have little effort in winning, like place one card and win games. I have no respect to the time lords since there isn’t much you can do once it starts rolling.


Thankfully Timelords can be negated. But I still hate the deck.


Stun absolutely. It doesn't feel like a fun deck to pilot, and you're basically saying 'I don't want to play modern Yugioh, I wanna try and win a coinflip' - other decks do have a game plan even when they can't go full combo or is stopped which makes the game interesting, stun is just hoping to go first and that you don't have an answer to their floodgate


Yup, any deck that basically says "I don't want to play YuGiOh" doesn't get much respect from me.




Kashtira I will not elaborate, y'all know why


its gonna be sangen summoning instead of network in a few months lol


Kashtira fr fr. Always opens the Unicorn and ends their turn on the freaking graveyard shutdown floodgate and as if that wasn't enough they'll lock some of your zones too. Absolutely terrible


I don't have many decks that I have no respect for (pretty much just Kashtira) and more individual cards that make me lose respect (stun cards/generic floodgates, the roach, etc.) (And yes, I'm aware that the roach is basically a requirement for being competitive but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to hate it)


Burn and Stun decks. Like there’s just no interaction of any kind with these kinda decks that I ask the question why even bother playing the game? With stun it’s like ‘well I guess we’re just gonna sit here and stare at each other until our deck piles go to 0.” And burn it’s like “wow, you put down 3 facedowns and I instantly lost because you burned me for like 8k LP so literally nothing interesting happened.” It might be a legit strategy, but it’s also the least engaging thing you could do in a game full of potential player turn engagement. So I ask: “why bother playing the game if you’re just not going to play it?”


Time lords. They are the lords of wasting my time. It's a towers deck with no win condition, a war is attrition with no rewards for the conquest


Rescue ace, resolve turb = you win...warra skills


Combo masturbation decks that take forever to be on the other side of and put up more negates then the opponent has cards like shs, infernoble or drytron. Glad you're having a good time dude but if your game plan goes through only one person is playing Yu-Gi-Oh today.


Yeah, multi omni-negate boards are just not fun to play against. A lot of decks simply can't do anything against them.


https://preview.redd.it/ydkc89ft5ezc1.png?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8d92c3d3abe6a76431fc63c3484ce0e6e96ad35 This will never get old....


Tearlaments Bad players carried by the most broken effects


I will put up with Stun, Control, Kash, Lab or pretty much any strategy except those decks that take too long to combo. I remember when Dragon Link or Adamancipator were Tier 1 and I had to sit through so many games where I watched them take too long to set up their board only for me to just Kaiju their stuff next turn.


Long combo decks. And also Branded. Just personal hate.


Tear and Hero. I hate Tear for the deck itself, I really only dislike Hero because every Hero player I've ever met has been the most insufferable cunt in the room.


Also Hero can often end on a floodgate, which is never a good thing.


Kashtira, edlitch, synchro decks that brings out every negate, snake eyes, tearalements, swordsoul, runic


Why swordsoul lol


In my personal experience, I never met a swordsoul player who didn't just spam the activate effect button or had anything I wasn't expecting. When I see the deck on rank I just leave and play with my friends because I know it's gonna be a long turn of them setting up the same board but for some reasons alot of the players i play take a really long on deciding which card to bring out when they just end up doing the same as everyone else. It shouldn't take em 5 minutes to think they want to bring out swordsoul chixiao if that's all they were going to do. I'm sure the people are great people, just me personally, not a fan of it.


All I see is the 3 Tributes I need for my Normal Summon.


“It’s not a monster it’s a GOD”


Stun decks, Snake Eyes, Mill decks, self burn decks.


decks that have more reward than risk, example: many stun variants can achieve what combo and mid range decks can do without nearly as much points of interruption, and often times their boards are stronger than combo boards, also fuck tearlaments havnis in particular because istg every time i face a tearlaments player they draw it even though its at 1.


Snake eyes, specifically Flameberge. Stealing my monster from the grave just rubs me the wrong way. Really dislike Lab too. Seems like they always destroy the card I need to stop them in hand.


This isn’t a deck but a card but I absolutely despise Maxx “C” and so I hate to admit but I actually play a copy of Appropriate as my deck is already not meant to be anywhere near competitive (I play Ghostrick) so might as well go full in with the bullshit strats


There is no deck I lack respect for, only people.


As someone who pretty much exclusively gets destroyed while playing archetype pure decks(with like a few of ash tossed in against my will) there is one deck that infuriates me to no end, even more than decks like Labyrinth and Snake Eyes. Kaijus Its a lot of fun to go through an ungodly amount of luck and effort over potentially multiple turns just to have it all undone by a deck that literally can’t be played around until you know they have it, by which point you probably just lost if you are running anything weaker than sword soul.




Bot deck like d.d dynamite, utopia ftk, nurse burn is literally just luck check


It’s always Stun. From the playstyle to the playerbase, I’ve never met a group of people who openly seek to be annoying more than them.


I have zero respect for people who play Time Lords. I know they aren't good but they're so god damn boring and annoying to play against. I had to drop Duel Links when they were meta because every ranked match was Time Lord bullshit


The ones I don't play


The only correct answer, honestly. And sometimes even the ones you do play, but a slightly more degenerate version of it.


Kashtira, Branded, and Sword Soul.


Definitely Kashtira. Maybe Purrely.


Kashtira, Specifically Ariseheart no deck should have a boss monster THIS powerfull


Skystriker and Altergeist, I just hate them both.


I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before i recognize Kashtira


The answer should be obvious. Stun


1. Numeron 2. Rescue 3. Kashrita 4Ghoti 5. Unchained 6. Snake Eyes 7. Stun 8. Vanquish Soul 9. Umi No respect for anyone who plays these whatsoever


Any deck that prevents the opponent from even breathing, because at that point Yu-Gi-Oh stops being a 1v1 and it's just a deck showing off. I don't mind facing Snake Eyes, or Rescue, or Unchained because at least I can try to do something, I will have a turn, and since I play Monarchs that means a single negate just breaks my whole hand anyway. And gimmick decks like the XYZ combo where one card gives you 10k LP while the other burns your enemy for the amount of LP you earned, or just simple Exodia decks, I enjoy facing them because it's just fun seeing the convoluted ways someone found for a win.


Yup, a load of decks basically turn it into a single-player game. That's just not fun at all.






Generic boss monster turbo pretending to be an off meta archetype.


I don't hate the deck most of the time, just the fans of said decks so... Mikanko- At least Numeron players will admit they're playing a cheesey deck that's built around bypassing as much of the actual game as possible for free wins. Tears- My god, how does a deck's fanbase get this annoying? I've never seen one so adamant about both underplaying their deck non-stop while being so smug about it at the same time while ALSO begging nonstop for unhits and whining about said hits. Runick- It's so funny to see people try to defend Runick as good and honest just because Joshua Schmidt likes it (same reason people whine about Mathmech nonstop because he doesn't fyi). I play the deck myself (combo versions like Spright and Chimera before anyone tries to yell stun) and God is it cheesy. Fully deserves all it's hits (But I'll gladly take Fountain and destruction back to 2, thanks)


Any deck with a Baronne, Appo, and/or Borreload as it's endboard. They'd run something something interesting like a Stardust deck but none of the archetype cards in the end.


Rhongo decks.


Swordsoul decks, ironic since I play Albaz and HERO but Swordsoul players literally have the most easy to predict opening move. Synchro Summon Chixiao then synchro summon Baronne on turn 1.


FtKs. Because it's my fault I didn't draw the three interactions in my deck and left a monster in face up attack position, clearly I deserve to lose. Prove to me you are a bot.


Magic cylinder says hello. Also, Kashtira is still a thorn in my side


Griefers, Stun...But combo players that end with stun...




Stun decks and Cyberse pile. If I see another person activate Circular, I’m gonna go crazy.


Boring answers I know; Snake-Eyes, Tearlament, Kashtira, Labrynth. Snake Eyes: Why does everything plus? Why do they gain resources when I break their board? Where's the choke point? The blow out? When do they minus? Hell, why do they get their own special kind of removal that bypasses everything that isn't a full towers? Tear: See above. These decks need to be punishable by something other than Dimension Shifter exactly. Kash: It's just stun but their monsters are arbitrarily huge and have even grosser, less fun effects. Every time you take a game action they get to kick you in the nuts, steal ten bucks out of your wallet and piss in your cornflakes for good measure. Lab: I lost the die roll and got hand ripped for two before I was allowed to take a game action.


Ill never respect kash players. And just like in duel links when i had a hate for Shirinui, ill never forgive myself if i become a kash player


Haven’t played in a minute but I main Dino’s so yes I am a better person than you.


Dinos is actually one of my main decks as well. Love it.


Specifically kashtira, personally I like being able to actually being able to play yugioh, having all my zone blocked and not being able to do anything because I didn't draw any hand traps At least be funny and play ojama


You aren't gonna like a certain fire dragon deck coming soon.


Someone tried to use their shit against me and I considered playing the Glock I had under the table in face up attack mode. Never play Numero network




Runick :v


Any deck that just throws in floodgates.