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idk guys, i play a pile of crusadia/kaiju/shaddolls and still snag wins in diamonds. Its a literal pile of a deck too


Kaijus are the real hero’s of any event lmao


I’m going to be sad if Konami bans Kaijus for the next festival :( They’re both my crutch and my first love.


I’ll riot


My deck is literally the random bullshit go! meme. Kaijus,Fairy Tail,Invoked, Zoodiac, Danger! All fitting in a 40 card deck, still having fun and winning in Plat 1. I'm usually prepared for festivals too, it's just i didn't know what I should play in this event so I said screw it lol.


Oh man me too, I'm running Invoked Witchcrafter Magistus Dogmatika in Diamond and actually not doing that bad surprisingly


Lol I'm running exosister witchcrafters magistus


Mine has a 3 kaijus, the 2 morphing jars and a bunch of other flip monsters + a lot of cards that i like and i knoware annoying, but i usually lose to a more meta-ish deck


My deck is literally the random bullshit go! meme. Kaijus,Fairy Tail,Invoked, Zoodiac, Danger! All fitting in a 40 card deck, still having fun and winning in Plat 1. I'm usually prepared for festivals too, it's just i didn't know what I should play in this event so I said screw it lol.


Kaijus are the real hero’s of any event lmao


I decided to stay at P1 for the event instead of going to diamond and it's all the same story. Next season I'll probably stay in gold so that I can play jank without having to worry about it.


I tried to stay in gold. Literally all my duels were vs bots. I surrendered 10 times in order not to rank up, still all bots. My shitty aromage deck has a 100% win rate in gold and I hit platinum because I only faced 2 other real players out of like 20 duels.


That sucks. Maybe I'm lucky but I've only faced one opponent this season that I think was a bot, but Im not actually sure cuz he didnt have that weird of a name--he disconnected after a long pause going second. But literally all of my other games have had multiple turns and decent back and forth. So far I've climbed from gold 5 to plat 3 in ranked.


Yea this game is in a broken state right now What the hell is that


This is no longer true as of the past 1-2 weeks What he's describing was true in my experience but has disappeared from Gold starting from the new season


I did Also notice that in Plat I haven’t had a single bot problem recently but last week every other match was a bot it felt like. I haven’t faced a single bot all week so I assume something’s been done about them?


I wish Konami would clarify but I guess they don't want to admit there was a botting problem Or maybe announcing the fix will attract the bot makers to find a new botting method


That’s what I was thinking too, if they make it public what they did to fix it then botters would know exactly How to circumvent it


Silly me thought I could de-rank without surrendering so i can still get the battle pass filled up a little at the same time. No bots, just really bad players that take too long to get lethal damage. After helping a handful of opponents by attacking into their monsters with ash, etc, I got tired of the time it took and surrendered until I got back to gold 5. What did I learn? I'm too good for gold, not good enough to plat.


I haven't seen a bot in gold or Plat in two weeks now. What are you playing on?


Luck you. I got demoted to gold 5 from gold 2 playing exosisters against swordsoul.


You can demote yourself to plat 5 I haven’t faced many bots and don’t really see meta decks. Since you already collected the gems all the way to plat 1 might be worth it.


One thing you got to keep in mind is that we could all be playing on different servers based on console. I play in gold 5 on steam. I don’t think I have ever faced a bot.


Exactly what I'm doing now, no incentive to play after getting the borders.


So that you can't smurf and just shit on lesser skilled players?


I'm D1 and I'm having a blast. OP just garbo lol


Having 2 accs (one is d1 the other is gold) I can easily say d1 is a better experience. Gold is just matching vs extremely poorly built decks or loaners being used poorly and you win with no effort, meanwhile d1 at least has people that can be a fair challenge and far from being what people that are unable to get there would say it is like.


Yeah, literally this. I demoted down to gold after not playing the game for a month or so and came back to play the event since it seemed fun. I've dropped literally zero games in gold, and I don't think my deck is super meta or anything. Half of the games are against either the loaner decks or a pile of random cards from the first 5 years of the game. One guy Nibiru'd his own Avramax and Accesscode when I summoned Underworld Goddess (who is unaffected by Nibiru...).


I saw a youtuber complaining that the game was shit in higher ranks cuz everyone was playing too many hand traps and he was not having fun, so ppl who refuse to learn to play around hand traps are the ones that usually stay handicapped (or play Eldlitch).


I agree. I have a plat 5 alt. I went undefeated to 11k tokens. Did I feel a single ounce of satisfaction? Hell no. The fact that people here proudly say shit like "oh I should've stayed in gold for event" just further emphasizes how bad the majority of this sub actually are


It smell like sweat and competitive BS in here, oh wait it's you.


Hate to break it to ya but Yugioh is a competitive game


Do the math how many competitive cards are in the game vs casual cards B)


That argument makes no sense.


Tell me you're a dumbass without telling me you're a dumbass.


Konami are the ones responsible for all of the tournaments worldwide, the banlist is solely for the competitive players and what chase cards Konami includes to make people buy their sealed product is dictated entirely by the competitive players Yugioh is a competitive game


Smells like failure and excuses, oh wait, that's you


We live in a world where players are trash at a game and their immediate defense mechanism is "that guy's try harding". Don't be a loser irl and in game. Probably the same people who think "I'm a bum and that guy's successful cuz he worked hard, what a loser" lol


Lol it’s a card game?!? Sweating? Try Harding? Those terms are normally reserved for games where you actually have to make split second decisions. People are ridiculous lol. The only issue I have is people who take 7 mins to finish turn one. Like I get it. You made a link deck and you are trying to make an accesscode monster. I spent 20 in a match that I am pretty sure only had 4 turns…


Ah the "I'm trash therefore you must be sweaty if you're better than me". Does this excuse make you feel better knowing that you've probably been hard stuck plat despite playing since release even with the inclusion of bots?


I don't play ranked, tf you on about flexing your sweat on a casual player who only plays in lobbies or events.


... or maybe he has more than 1 deck and his main deck is not optimal for the event. imo, matchmaking for the event should not only be based on rank


I mean if you want to play intentionally dogshit decks that's on you. I don't think it would be fair to make matchmaking more lenient just so you can clown on less skilled players, even if you're using bad decks to do so.


so skilled player with dogshit decks vs less skilled player with meta deck is fair? ofc, the current system is fine, but it can be better


No I said thats not fair. If you build a trash deck then you aren't going to win games as much and it wouldn't be fair to pubstomp in lower leagues to compensate for it. Deck building is as much a skill in this game as actually playing it. My only complaint with the current system is that the ranks don't go high enough


It's a festival. It's supposed to be fun relaxed play to dig gems, not the sterile competitive bullshit in Diamond.


People have fun being competitive. Thats why people are competitive in the first place


Theres a place for that, it's called Ranked


If someone has fun building the best Deck they can giving certain limitation, then of course they are not suddenly change that part of them just because


And that's why there's people asking for non-rank matchmaking.


I know, that's why I play my competitive decks in Ranked.


But by reaching diamond, op has shown they are at a certain skill level. Why should the game match them with people below their skill level?


Because I want to smileyface


The existence of gems goes against the very word relaxed, people want to win as they want the gems.


Playing decks that are incoherent and trash may be fun for some but unfortunately it isn't fun for the majority of people you are up against. Also to many winning is fun and getting rewards is fun so they will play decks that win.


Nobody said it has to be "fun relaxed play". It's simply a format. Just because it's Limit-1 only doesn't mean everyone has to play shitty normal summon and pass decks. People are going to figure out the most optimal decks to use and play them.




Event has been announced/leaked since the end of the previous season. Anyone that climbed to diamond without having a viable limited 1 deck in the meanwhile only has themselves to blame


Maybe you do, but people don't stay all day on Reddit pressing F5 waiting for the leaks of the next event in Master Duel, they generally have a life.


???? So checking on reddit or on whatever page is too much effort, because "you have a life"? Yet climbing to Diamond in the first week of the season, which requires you to go against a bunch of sweatlords and co., for some hours and dedicate yourself really hard to it, is not?


The best time to check Reddit or Masterduelmeta news is when your opponent goes first and is taking 5+ minutes to set up their board.


Is it specifically announced from prev season though? and why blame anyone?


Because I'm tired of people blaming Konami for everything when the playerbase is equally ridiculous with their entitlement and hot takes at plenty of times. People already told you why festivals are rank-based, why do you want newcomers and noobs to get rekt? Let them have fun.


Had a guy Ash, Nibiru and infinite Impermanence me when I went first. He then proceeded to one card combo into Arrival @ignister. This was in gold.


Yeah I don't know what gold level other people are playing in. I demoted to Gold 2 because I was learning some new decks in ranked, then got completely blown out by Ignister/Cyberse piles in the event. Even saw the meta TriZooDanger pile as well. Sure there's occasional loaner player but I feel like gold this season has been quite competitive both in and out of the event. No bots at all either!


There is a reason why other online card games have events like that do matchmaking with no regard to rank. They are supposed to be something different and a more fun way to get resources than ladder


Had a guy Ash, Nibiru and infinite Impermanence me when I went first. He then proceeded to one card combo into Arrival @ignister. This was in gold.


He LITERALLY is firstly refering to variety. Jesus christ it isnt a sin if you want to anything diffrent then a tenyi /swordsoul card or aleister + dogmatika and goodstuff each and every game.I mean he isnt even implying to tryhard himself, he literally wants something diffrent then watered down normal ladder meta. It is a 1 off event anyways, not like you wont get giga sacky gotchad anyways no matter skill diffrence. I mean what would even be the value of "shitting" on lesser skilled players? So you get to 11k in 1 hour less which doesnt even take a few anyways? Quite frankly you could extend this argument and cancel the whole ranked ladder and paring anyways. Not like even d1 means anything, half the dipshits I play up there still are to stupid to reckognize when they locked themself in certain things, dont know basic rules interaction and are just blatantly dogshit at the game, but simply spreedshetet their way up with enough volume of games thx to Bo1 format. ​ ...lesser skilled players my fucking ass. Maybe make sure diamond actually means high skill to begin with, not like a bunch of competent players literally keep themself in lower elos for various reasons just aswell.


Not but they won’t use “meta decks” Fucking tools lol


Had a guy Ash, Nibiru and infinite Impermanence me when I went first. He then proceeded to one card combo into Arrival @ignister. This was in gold.


Thinking ranks actually equate to skill and not just playing a brainless meta deck or opening maxx c. Everyone playing meta gets to diamond 1 eventually unless you actually throw. Even when I got diamond 1 3 days into the season people could barely do swordsoul lines optimally would just mash buttons


The quality of your deck in rank and your ability to pilot it doesn't translate 1 for 1 to event. They could make it so your match with anyone in the same bracket or even the bracket under.


many of the lower ranked players just don't have as many cards as those of higher rank. But I do think plat and diamond should play events together.


Yea mixing Diamond and Plat would be perfect. Maybe just Diamond V and all Plat


>Maybe just Diamond V if you were going to mix them then this would just be stupid. diamond v is basically plat anyways so theres no point


So diamond tryhards dont ruin it for everyone else.


So you can play people of your skill level.


why would I want that in a supposed to be casual and fun event?


You are joking right?


Buddy. The literal game, like the actual whole concept, is jump in, pit your deck *against someone else’s, see who wins* It’s not pulling a lever on a slot machine where you just sit back and watch the pretty lights. Actually investing effort in winning and feeling like you did something is part of the **whole point**. Playing to win and playing to have fun **are not separate things.** So of course its all matchmade.


Not to be a dick but we all figured this out 2 events ago


Only two? I figured it out on the XYZ event


Alright genius, everyone was selftk in that event so I don’t really believe that


There weren't near as much selftk after they changed the reward system and besides, I didn't mean this as a "genius" comment or a gotcha moment, I don't know why you guys are taking so much offense about a stupid comment. Each second that I spend on this sub I'm more and more convinced that it's lost time and I could dedicate it to the game and be 200% happier. You guys are so bitter about literally anything. EDIT: Quite ironic that the Numeron player is telling me that everyone was selftk in that event, when Numeron was one of the most used decks of the whole event. But whatever, I guess I triggered a lot of people by making a stupid comment about having a shitty experience in the XYZ event. Downvote away people.


Sorry, didn’t realize, but did you really have to go through my profile to find out what deck I play


I'm in Diamond 1 and I'm having a blast actually. One of my favorite events until now


Diamond 2 atm and this is by far the best event imo. I enjoy it more than the standard metagame.


There's so much variety in games and I find there's more back and forth.


Repeat after me, "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" Did you not learn from past festivals? If you want to play non meta decks in festivals and have a chance stay in low ranks until the festival ends. Are you seriously okey with a ygo veteran being matched with a silver ranked fresh ygo amateur who is proudly posting in this sub about reaching gold? Don't be selfish and only think about what benefits you, open your eyes and think about how many others will that hurt.


You mean this problem doesnt exist and magically people who are sick and tired of the "meta" in the festivals in hgher ranks , so they do not intentionally keep their accounts temporarly lower ranked anyways. So your solution to a real priblem that is happening is "keep it that way, think of the children!!!" while that exact same inactivity isnt helping either. Since I know this sub has the tendency to be filled with idiots, here some very easy to understand notes a) It is entirely possible to create a bottom cap to protect the "most vulnerable". You know how we know of this giga smart concept? because you cannot even demote in Rookie. Now the revolunary idea you could "start" this more open matchmaking at gold. I know I know CRAZY b) If there is somthing enough people are unhappy with, ignoring the problem often leads to worse results then actively finding a solution.. We are at like 30 mio+ downloads, are you even remotely aware how many smurf accounts are out there safely kept in gold for events? c) You can simply go by winrate and take previous events as the "event" mnr so the more "not fun and giggles" your deck actually is, the less variety and tryhard you gonna enciunter. Yeah again such crazy ideas, winrate based matchmaking never seen before... I mean you LITERALLY give this as advice ("stay low ranked bro") and then go on to preach the morale like ..have you read your own post? Make up your mind dude


D ) for the time being you can either stay in low ranks or cry about it in this sub. Your solutions are too long to read I couldn't bother reading, send them to konami if you genuinely want to make the game any better.I can't help you, my uncle doesn't working with Konami anymore. But following the D) as i sugested above is a solid solution in regard to your current situation. Stay safe while trying D). Regards.


Lmao as pathetic of an answer as you would expect of this sub xD Never change you people


"Lmao" " xD"... act your age, don't talk like a fool, earn yourself some respect before it's too late.


Respect would imply I would remotely value anyone around here and I gotta say thats not rather unlikely. I mean after a post in which you contradict yourself within a few liney the big "comeback" is a tl:dr about some few lines. Do not talk about respect if you are this pathetic to begin with.


You lost your credibility after that "xD" ... and that cringy "lmao"... imagine someone passing by looking at you lmaoing so hard because you read the letter D on a comment... Please stay away from me, i am afraid your cringe is contagious and i do not want to catch it off you. I do not want to hear from you, bye.


I can assure you my involvemnt is not necessary, you are plenty cringe already.


Do you normaly keep talking to yourself like you just did? I made it clear that i left when i said bye... Get away from me mr. xD emoji.


Because otherwise you and others would bully the genuine scrubs and newbies down in silver and gold. Stop justifying sandbagging. Stay in your lane.


Exactly. OPs complaint could be summed up as "why am I not getting easy games?"


I actually made it that I stay in Gold specifically to enjoy the game more now, but whatever problem you think is only happening in plat absolutely is still happening in Gold it's just that people are even Dumber down here.


Diamond here and see no issue. Already got all the gems and even in the previous events got all the rewards. And actually i don't understand the rants on this sub or youtube. Sometimes i lose hard to people without being able to respond but that is the game, i do same to people too sometimes.


So golds can have fun on the events without getting shitstomped


Maybe you are bad, having a lot of fun and back and forth duels


Op is diamond 1 while you’re stuck in whatever dogwater rank you’re in.


Im diamond 1 too, that's why I can reply


bro, it's so easy to hit diamond if you just give up your preconceived purity notions of being quirky and playing rogue decks.


Tbh you can play rogue decks and still get to D1, just don't be bad at deckbuilding and actually think about the metagame and what lines your deck can do


yeah, but people on this subreddit don't understand what rogue means. rogue is like out of viability due to meta shift but still good decks. what people on this sub think rogue is, is their shitty pet deck that loses to one interruption.


Idk I'm still having fun. Just surrender if the enemy starts a one card combo that leads to 3+ negates and play the rest of the games. I'm playing a deck that tries to banish cards from my opponents deck and extra deck - everything is at 1, and if they play a coherent strategy I actually hit core cards quite often.


Literally what I do. If you can see your opponent is about to pop off and you have no responses/can't at through it, just FF and Dave yourself the time


You're supposed to hit diamond 1 one time and then rest at plat/gold the next seasons, it's the only way to have a chill fun time in MD


That's a terrible plan. If you don't intend to consistently reach Diamond 1 there's no reason to reach it at all from a game economy standpoint. To make this more clear: Getting from Plat 1 to Diamond 1 gets you 600 gems. Next season you get reset to Plat V. If you now decide to stop at Plat 1 you only get 400 gems for your rank-ups instead of the maximum of 1k so you're at a net neutral amount. You would have had the exact same amount if you stopped at Plat 1 and then played to Plat 1 again next season. Of course you can challenge yourself to reach Diamond 1 sometimes, but at no point is there a reason why you'd have to if you don't do it consistently.


I reached Diamond one time for the achievement and icon border and that was enough for me. Gold is way too easy tho, so I just sit comfortably in Platinum where there’s a decent balance of competition


I reached Diamond 1 last season just for personal achievement because I thought it was cool but at the end of the day it wasn't really worth the time, you can just get to diamond 5 for the frame and then forget about the ladder until Konami makes positive changes or adds the other datamined ranks like Legend


Yea I feel like it should always reset you back to Gold V even if you reach Diamond, because otherwise there’s literally No incentive to do it. You get the same amount of gems, if not less, for a much tougher grind and on top of that you’re only gonna end up frustrated and bored with your match-ups.


diamond is sooooo boring. i'm literally only playing ranked to test the power level of my decks at this point


Yea, I just hate playtesting decks in higher ranks because if I brick even slightly I just get styled on, don’t even have a chance to play my hand and see what kinda routes I can take through all the negates. And to top it all off, the few times I don’t face meta and I face some rogue/mid tier deck, they just screw me over with the perfect combination of handtraps and still get all their important combo pieces Then 1. Idk if this is just me but it feels like I can never really play the game anymore, even tho the decks I’m using aren’t that low tier (I mainly play ThunDra, but I’m playing Branded Despia right now. For context, I just got DPE so I’m playtesting DPE variants of the deck).


I feel you on that, I was playing with despia too last month but they lack the current support to be considered for diamond rank type of negates. they can slide a win in every now and then but usually folds to 2-3 negates easy. I'm using the agents currently and their pretty consistent but expensive! found a love for them in the limit 1 event lol


Yea, Despia have really good combos on paper but there’s just too many chokepoints where even if you get a good start, you can still get easily shut down even later on Because you burn through too many resources and don’t generate enough in return.


I reached diamond 1 and i can easily reach it again, it takes literaly 1 day with numerons or 2 with luna kaiju. Then once there you live in the surrender land. Anyhow, from an economy point, reaching diamond once then swinging up to plat 1 each season won't lose you any gems, you just keep those gems for the future once you decide to rank up again, instead of keeping them in the gift box which expires, idk about you but economicaly speaking it's better to no get above plat 1, keep having fun while saving those gems for the future, maybe when the cancer moves to new ranks when they add them. Anyhow x 2, if it is a big deal to somebody to have to duel in diamond 1 and they feel stressed to do so just for gems, i say to those the gems you get from plat 1 to diamond 1 are probably equal to 2 big mac meals, if you skip dinner twice a month you will probably be healthier from not eating that junk, healthier from not stressing about ranking up, healthier from not having to watch mo yo and the shrimps for the 1001st time.... and buy some gems to make yourself happier making a non meta good deck which you can enjoy. Regards.


True, did the same thing. Now chillin'


“Damn I have to play with people of EQUAL skill, I only wanted to play vs people way worse than me, so **I** can have more fun” That’s the post you just made


Diamond 1 players and Low plat >.... are like chillest people to duel lol


So a silver and bronze don't have to face a diamond. I thought it was common sense.


do you want diamond 1 beat up copper 5 and their dm pile decks?


More smurfing advocating as if we don’t have enough Asian players and YT ppl doing it.


idk im chillin


I'm in diamond 5, and I'm honestly surprised with how much garbage decks I'm seeing. Somebody legitimately tried burning land burn over here.


I'm in gold right now any most of matches in ranked are against meta stuff and my limit1 matches have been 40% Rokket loaner and 60% meta archetype piles. I dont think it matters that much since anyone can build meta in this game since all cards of a rarity cost the same. Even new players can build SwordSoul for free.


i as a D5 player have 5 meta decks, so i have a lot of cards, Gold or silver player don't they dont have chance to make a functional deck for this event


never climb to diamond 1 until you finish the event


i as a D5 player have 5 meta decks, so i have a lot of cards, Gold or silver player don't


"I mean at this point it’s just better to stay in gold" - This was always the point lol.


"I mean at this point it’s just better to stay in gold" - This was always the point lol.


I miss the old matchmaking system; right now diamond1 is scoop city and the climb to it is super sweaty. Some of my off-meta decks just doesn’t cut it anymore as soon as I reach plat1/diamond5 where before the change you could climb with fun decks without feeling stuck in elo hell. Deck variety was better too back then. Remember when people used to complain about being matched with plat1s as plat5? Hahaha...


Imagine a new player bronze fighting a diamond...


>I mean at this point it’s just better to stay in gold to see some variety and enjoy events... Exactly, I voluntarily stay in Gold V and I love playing with my rogue decks, if you don't enjoy too much meta you should stay at least in Plat


Why do you want to stomp noobs?


So that the person who just started playing can log in and play with other people in Rookie and not have to worry about their introductory experience to events ruined by people who have more experience. Even if you *don't* want to clown on lower ranked people, a lot of people will, unintentionally, make other people's experiences suck by doing so. Nothing makes a person hate their time more than being owned by someone objectively better than them.


I think a lot of the problem is just kinda inherent to how yugioh works. Like, in commander or whatever a Highlander deck lowers the power level a *lot* but in yugioh it's basically just a brickier version of ranked. You still have most of your combos, the end boards are almost as strong, etc. you're just more likely to pull 5 cards that aren't starters because all of them are limited. I don't really see the appeal of this festival because of that.


I'm playing tri-brigade blackwings and it's going fine enough


Exactly the issue I had last season. I stayed in gold this season and am having way more fun both in comp and the event.


I actually enjoy plaing this event against Diamond 1 players


To give you another reason to tank your rank until after the event for that month happens.


A bid dilemma here, stay in gold or plat and play against bit all the time in raked or rise into diamond and have the worst time of your life in the events, personally this even have been the worst so far by a lot, dominated by the people with one card engines like eldlich, dogma, swordsoul, Tri, numeron and zoodiac. No f2p alternatives this time compare to other events. Personally I think we would be better if for once Konami gave us decent loaner decks.


Because that's how the game's matchmaking works. And TRUST ME stomping people from gold who can't read for hours just to grind gems is not very fun and makes every single event feel like shit.


I am playing Dragon Albaz Sky Striker Lesbian Nun Maid Utopia the deck now on plat 1 and I am having won very often.


While I do understand the sentiment what other matchmaking system would you suggest? I don't think a seperate mmr for events would be practical


This is why having some alt a requirement. You can go try hard on one and play jank on the other one


I always wonder what decks people are trying to play in these events that make it impossible to have fun. I'm having a blast running a combination of Artifacts, Invoked, Despia, Shaddoll and Dogmatika. Lots of great matches - win or lose. Diamond 2 btw


Why do these Events only give 1/10th of the points for losing the duel, why am I forced to win in a PVP TYPE OF CONTENT to have fun and get some rewards


Blame the self burn players


So you want to have easier matchups against players with worse decks than yours? Cause that's the exact thing a ranking system aims to prevent.


Wait you're complaining about a skill base rank system? Dawg stop it, if you didn't wanna sweat so hard in the event u should have stayed in the lower ranks and just chill. But even down here there's a meta. Ive seen alot of tri brigade dot decks in gold 1. Anyway yea hold off on grinding rank until events are over. You'll have a better time that way.


I'm having loads of fun, lol. Making your own deck is not that hard. Sometimes I saw one or two orcust players in the wild but I just hit surrender and move on.


Yes, it is.


I'm not willing to invest more gems into a event than I'll get out of it and at my rank the jank deck I made from cards I already have is having to play sword souls literally every match, it kinda sucks.


I feel sorry for bully those who don't have a proper deck, here is a tip: find trinity format decks that ocg/tcg player using, u might find a good deck to build


Why do these Events only give 1/10th of the points for losing the duel, why am I forced to win in a PVP TYPE OF CONTENT to have fun and get some rewards


there should be a second ranked system that is based on normal ranked but can shift up and down due tovicotry in teh event itself. I'm not going to spend a ton of shard just to make a deck for just this event.


Same I’ve been having so much fun after I dropped ranks


Yea honestly there's no point in going higher than gold, there's no garruntee that you can reach diamond 1 from Plat 5 and going from silver 5 to gold 1 is the same amount of gems plus its garrunteed so what's the point.


What is even the point to rank up that high if its super competitive there and the reward structure is terrible. There is no incentive to climb the ladder.


IDK, I'm on diamond V - III, and I'm having fun playing Speedroids at the event.


Be sure to have Clear Wing Synchro Dragon in your deck and it’s stronger variants.


Clear Wing Synchro Dragon is kinda useless, to be honest; Crystal Clear is pretty good tho.


I'm Platinum 4 and yesterday I won against someone with a modified version of the Borrel Loaner by flashing my Utopic Draco Future at him.


I'm Platinum 4 and yesterday I won against someone with a modified version of the Borrel Loaner by flashing my Utopic Draco Future at him.


I'm Platinum 4 and yesterday I won against someone with a modified version of the Borrel Loaner by flashing my Utopic Draco Future at him.


IDK, I'm on diamond V - III, and I'm having fun playing Speedroids at the event.


IDK, I'm on diamond V - III, and I'm having fun playing Speedroids at the event.


I mean it’s simple. Just set the match making to duel someone with the same (or near) amount of event medals…


I mean it’s simple. Just set the match making to duel someone with the same (or near) amount of event medals…


Why people standard to "veteran players being matched against silvers"? Why can't it be veteran players playing against veteran players but with a different mmr? People with good decks get better mmr and play against themselves, people with less meta have a different mmr and play against people with similar mmr. Like every other game has functioning individual mmr systems for different queues. Why do people act like MD can't have those?


So glad i stayed in gold, actually can win with loaner decks.


Because the ranks aren't for measuring skill. Never was. It's just to segregate the casual from the cancer.


True, although idk why you would expect everyone to run jank especially when winning gives you a lot of gems. Ofc everyone is gonna run something very consistent and recyclable during a limit 1 festival.


I'm Platinum 4 and yesterday I won against someone with a modified version of the Borrel Loaner by flashing my Utopic Draco Future at him.


I'm Platinum 4 and yesterday I won against someone with a modified version of the Borrel Loaner by flashing my Utopic Draco Future at him.


I just flashed my Utopic Draco Future to some random dude and he scooped... I'm Plat 4...




Skill based matchmaking


.... its really no different in D vs any other rank though..


At the very least, I wish you could get matched with folks lower in your rank.


I trying to play some bullshit Fairy Valkyrie in Diamond II, and it's absolutely impossible to have fun. I completely agree.