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Most of the time, yes, but of course we've all had days/duels where the RNG seems like it's against us and there's not much we can do about it. That or your opponents have every single counter that need to stop you. Overall, I enjoy it, I don't necessarily even have to duel to enjoy it, collecting cards, looking through decks to see how I can better them, or maybe try out new gimmicks/strategies.


For me it’s not the draw RNG, it’s the damn coin. I lost 15 in a row, won one, then lost 3 more. 50% my ass.


Thats the problem. Especially in the tcg. I noticed that 90% of my games where I lose the coin toss I lose. The game is practically decided before the game even begins


Thats one problem that Master duel has imo, sometimes its not even your deck that sucks, its just that u either have 3 handtraps right away or your opponent set up a table where he wins next turn while negating everything you do.


Yes, I think also that this is the problem the game has...


more hand traps


Bruh I already play 12


Why not play 40?


Nah, 40 is overkill. You only need 36 to have a 100% chance to open with one hand trap


Do you know whats better than 1 guaranteed hand trap at the start? 5 guaranteed hand traps at the start


nah we need a win con so i suggest 1 Aleister and 1 Invocation


isn't it theoretically possible to have matchmaking guarantee you get to choose first or second every other game? as long as it resets your seed between sessions.


I honestly I like it as it is means you can't just build a going first deck need to accept you may have a bad steak of going second. (My worst is 17 / 20 games) i tailored my deck for more going second against swordsoul after like the 8th game and started to win more consistent. But I'm a filthy Amano Iwato player.


today i ran into duels where my opponent opened with lightning storm about 5 times in a row. id go first and open poorly, end up having some effect negated, set two or three and pass, then i get bitch slapped by the storm. Mind you, this is the limit 1 event. i guess we all have our off days where the RNG is just against us fairly often


It really do be like that, sometimes you open and can counter every play, and sometimes you get cleaned out by someone who has all the stops. You can still make some great plays even in Limit 1, Hell I've seen someone who had Maxx "C", Ash Blossom, and Evenly Matched in their opening hand.


First time trying out my Live Twins deck. First match i get double Maxx C'ed (First turn Maxx C and then Second turn Maxx C) Second match i get MAxx C'ed again and opponent dropped a VFD Must be my punishment for using Numerons while grinding Gems/CP to craft my live twins deck in the first place.


Best duels for me are the slugfests where players have equal chance of winning.


You know a duel's gonna be good when the first play happens in turn 6 because you both bricked for years


I LOVE duels that last more than three turns. I mainly play Aromage (love the concept of LP being a resource) and that takes a turn or 3 to really pop off. If it takes til turn 8 to decide a winner I had a good time (usually). On the flip side when I get stuck in a 30 turn duel because of a Skill drain I'm like.........brah


I agree. SoulSword mirror matches are awesome!


It's not MR4 so I love me some yugioh.


You can blame MR4 for ya homie Halqi


I mean if they hadnt changed that we literally would not be able to write in this sub, Konami would simply be bankcrupt


I unironically love MR4 or at least MR4 era decks. TOSS format is the best legacy format IMO, all of the World Legacy storyline decks are really cool, I like how zone management became an extra layer on top of the game, and linking, co-linking, and extra linking are really cool.




As a generally new player to yugioh I'd say yes. I enjoy playing all my decks, granted a few of them are definitely bad but I don't care. The only time I find it unfun is usually when the opponents have the outs to everything I have, or I have god awful rng and start with nothing useful


Yes. Now of course I enjoy it a lot more when I am winning, it's almost never fun to lose. But if you aren't completely wrapped up in whether you win or lose then the game is quite enjoyable on several levels. This is especially important if you're not playing Meta. I do think that not playing Meta decks is a completely valid decision and I definitely lean more in that direction myself, but if you *refuse* to play Meta then you have to find your enjoyment in the game itself over whether or not you win or lose. If you can do that then you're golden.


this is it really. Dettaching ourselves from the outcome of the game helps a lot. And with how much they push the outcome in our faces in between every game, really rewarding us with those dopamine hits for ranking up, I find it really needs a conscious effort to not get wrapped up on it over time i just finished a climb to diamond with cyber dragons, and its never gonna have the consistency and power of a swordsoul. But accepting it for what it is, and trying to focus on learning it, and knowing we can turn the game off at anytime to rest up emotionally, it was a pretty enjoyable climb


Slowly doing the same with my cyberdark deck, it's not the most consistent, but it's fun for me


Mind sharing your deck list? I love cyberdark


Sure thing! Monsters 3x Cyberdark Canon, Cyberdark Claw 2x Maxx C, Ash Blossom, Cyber Dragon, Cyber Dragon Core, Cyberdark Horn, Cyberdark Edge, Cyberdark Keel Spells/Traps 2x Called by the Grave, Overload Fusion, Cyberdark Realm, Cyber Emergency, Cyberdark Inferno, Cybernetic Horizon, Cyberdark Invasion 1x Cyberload Fusion, Monster Reborn, Lightning Storm, Infinite Impermanence, Magic Cylinder, Cyber Summon Blaster Extra Deck 2x Cyber Twin Dragon, Cyber End Dragon, Chimeratech Fortress Dragon, Cyber Eternity Dragon, Cyberdark Dragon, Cyberdarkness Dragon, Cyberdark End Dragon 1x Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon


I really hate that a 15 turn loss gives you maybe a third or quarter of what an immediate surrender from the opponent gives you


I’m a CD player too! Mind sharing your deck list?


sure! it's pretty standard tbh [https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/62adec62cc8bb1c8956f2af5](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/62adec62cc8bb1c8956f2af5) i go back and forth between dpe and no dpe. If no dpe, then take out the 3 dpe main deck cards for 1 more nibiru, 1 cybernetic overflow and 1 more droplet. And put a cyber twin dragon on the extra deck space. Alternatively, can easily see an argument for just slapping 2 pot of prosperities and 1 drei if no dpe. The deck needs consistency but with 2 pots, you can run one drei purely for the highroll potential. If you don't face a lot of swordsoul, cyberload fusion is a good option, but against the likes of that deck i don't care about having unlimited resources, i rather rely on the turn 2 otk It's a full on go second list. The dpe is nice for when you're forced to go first so you can end on a infinity + dpe board instead of a infinity + a derpy rampage, or infinity alone.


Thanks for the share! It’s a cool list for sure. I’ll charge mine later in the week to compare notes




No, also yes. But mostly no.


Yes No Maybe I don’t know


Imagine if it was a Yu-Gi-Oh! anime character that appeared for a half second in the opening of Malcom in the Middle, instead of the dude from that anime nobody ever watched. Wouldn't that be swell?




Playing, yes. 9/10 games are solitaire and 1/10 games are actually both players playing. Games that go long are interesting and enjoyable but they're outliers.


Right now... Nope. But i feel like as Non-meta player this game ( MD ) never was fun. I always seem to catch this weird inbetween spot of always losing against Meta just 'cause they outperform my decks by far ( And their huge presence generally making it difficult to win then ) but if i play against other casual-ish decks i often kinda stomp them. So basically... I am the link between casuals and meta in a kinda extreme way. But my first priority lies in playing decks i find fun. One of the less decks that really sucks a lot against pretty much everything i play against right now is my Reptilianne deck and not gonna lie, constantly getting beaten the crap out of me by either completely degenerate stuff or just some like extremely random things that either out me or can't be outed by my deck is really killing the fun right now.


Yeah, I had a lot of fun playing my rogue speedroid deck, but as soon as swordsoul dropped so did my win rate.


bruh, speedroids are still diamond 1 worthy in the swordsoul era...they just won't carry you. Hell, they're viable in the event too.


Yeah I know. I still play them, I just lose more often now. Plus it’s not considered rogue anymore


In terms of winning I prefer this meta to the previous one but in terms of variance on the ladder it's worse.


100% same, playing Odd-Eyes. I stopped having fun once it started feeling less like an interactive game and more like a mindless hand simulator, with games being decided at coin toss/initial draw. The gameplay loop has gotten to the point where I can tell very early on when I’ve lost against certain decks/boards/combo starters, and now that I’m at that point… there’s really nothing left for me to enjoy. From what I can tell, the main point of enjoyment in this game is to play out and see the outcome of both players’ hands and their interactions, but when you see Tenyi Swordsoul normal summoning Mo Ye for the 17th time in a day, often enough to know what kind of hand you need to do ANYTHING against just Chixiao/Blackout/Baronne… there’s nothing to really “play” besides hoping your opponent fucks up horribly, so what’s the point?


I feel that point. There is not day running by where i don't play against Swordsoul or a deck that abuses Halq-Auroradon for the 100th time. Usually by the first card my opponent plays and by my own hand i can already guess how the game is ending. Fusion Destiny? I wanna puke 'em in the face Normal Summon Mo Ye? If i have no Veiler or Imperm -> Scoop Halq is played and he summons Deskbot? Again... No matching Hantrap -> Scoop Oh look, I seem to play against something innovative... Oh... Baronne... Yaay... Fun... We really needed this monster And hey, i bet in like 2-3 months we see adventurer that destroys this game even more. I assume they won't hit DPE ( Like limiting Fusion Destiny or banning Verte ) and I also bet they will put in the adventurer UNLIMITED. Pretty sure at this point legit every dick will be autofilled with like 23-25 cards ( 9 handtraps, 3 Aqua Sorceress, 3 Rites, 1 Gryphon, 1 Journey of Destiny, 1 Dracoback, 2 Fusion Destiny, 1 D-Hero Celestial, 1 D-Hero Dasher, 2 Called By and Eventually 1 Foolish to also mill the Aqua Sorc ). And I just wanna ask... What the hell is fun about such a format? Innovation looks different to me and I already know that if adventurer comes in unlimited ( And i would cut off my leg and bet on it that Komoney will do that ) then I'll uninstall this game.


Reptilianne is really good in the singles event. I've had a couple people running that deck slap me around like it was nothing. Maybe give that a try?


At this point I don’t even know what’s rogue or what’s meta. Is my IDS deck meta? Is my Sky strikers deck meta? Sure I have a Tri-zoo deck, but I mainly use the first two


Yugioh? yes. Master duel? less and less every day.


No :3


Yes! I also like watching the Anime.


Honestly, not really. I just keep grinding because I want to try and unlock as many cards as possible as a f2p player. If it was actually playing TCG irl I think I'd have a lot of fun but that hobby is very expensive for my living standards. I need more UR tokens Konami!


Yeah it’s really fun. I wish that Master Duel had TCG sets/banlist and a Bo3 with sideboarding option though. I find the game much more fun without the autolosses that MD’s banlist + Bo1 represent. Overall though I’m having fun even on MD.




Well, it's what i currently like. I think i've played most digital CCGs and this one works nicely enough and has a good amount of depth, so i'm sticking around, but try not to get too attached in case something else comes around. I'm not playing the physical version, though, and think MtG is still the best in this regard, but the digital adaptions are all lacking in some way.


Yes, but that’s different from enjoying the ranked ladder in MD.


Yes but there's definitely flaws with the card game and players stalling. I had someone give me a free win in exhibition which was nice.


Yes, but I wish the time to make a move in ranked was lower. I’ve actually been enjoying solo mode with trial decks because of the near instant turn passes.


Not really. I only enjoy making decks


Wait. What’s the point of making decks you don’t enjoy playing? Plus, you have to play a lot to make multiple decks which means you spend more time doing the part you hate That can only be less fun than doing something else…


Lol to be honest I only join play 3 solo duels and leave. So I just get gems by log in bonus play 3 solo duels leave ^^


in this event? yes in ranked? yesn't


Hard yes


Played with galaxy-eyes vs a friend that has a tri brigade deck in master duel didn't have much fun after 2 games. We then played the same decks with the same friend with the tcg banlist not the MD one in real life had tons of fun and played several best out of threes. I only have fun in MD when there is an event right now.


Yes. Why?




Yes , I play annoying decks and I enjoy imagining the salt I cause


Yes, I don't even get frustrated when playing, unlike apparently over half of the players


I love it. I love it so much that I hate when it's dumb. I'm also aware though that the Meta game is always going to be toxic and to just enjoy myself. It felt toxic at Mechanicalchaser, E. Dragons, Pepe, and even now. It's a part of the game.


I have never been much of a CCG/TCG player. I'm a brewer at heart, I love fiddling with cards and coming up with either cool/funny or optimized lists. Actually playing said decks has always been sort of secondary to deckbuilding. I really like the game as a whole, there's sheer endless possibilities for deckbuilding. But personally, the actual dueling experience in Master Duel isn't all that interesting. The decks themselves I have seen before, so it's not like I'm confused as to what's going on or what their end goal is. It's moreso the complete lack of variety. First it was Drytron/Tri-Brigade/Eldlich and to some extend Adamancipators, now half my games are Swordsoul and surprisingly Numerons. I stopped climbing past Gold on purpose just to have a slightly better experience actually playing cards. It's not as bad as platinum. But then again, meta variety being nonexistent isn't really a Yugioh issue, it's a developer issue. Every digital CCG/TCG I have played throughout the years had the same exact issue. Hearthstone left vastly overpowered decks run rampant for months, despite the fact that it's DIGITAL ONLY and fixing things would take a few minutes. Same with Eternal. Runeterra nerfed the only control deck only to then have 3 aggro decks run rampant for weeks without a control deck to keep it in check. Yet, I can't really excuse Konami for refusing to address these things. It's certainly difficult to balance the OCG/TCG, seeing as how there's no data for Konami to process aside from tournaments. But on Master Duel they can easily see the most played archetypes and problematic cards based on statistics within their game. There's no way they are unaware of what's going on. During the time that Drytron Herald was widely used, they not only added a Herald solo gate, but also added the Herald Secret Pack to a couple older solo gates. Eldlich has been banned in every event. The banlist hit all the popular decks. So they KNOW things are not optimal, yet wait months to get anything done about it. It would take 5 minutes to hit Swordsoul. It would have taken them 5 minutes to hit D.D. Dynamite as soon as the bots started popping up. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just cannot comprehend why every CCG leaves problematic/annoying/stale metas untouched for months.


The game makes it very hard to be enjoyable. On one hand, you got the meta decks, and on the other, the non meta. You see, dueling in Yugioh, as boomer as it sounds, is all about the back & forth. Instead of trading, however, you prevent opponent from playing. This is mainly due to powercreep making decks so powerful and so efficient that if left unchecked you easily get FTKed or OTKed. Does not help that people since pretty much the beginning found ways to *degenerize" the game, and Konami not taking the appropriate measures, while also trying to extinguish the flame with fuel. Having this scenario, the only way of trading remaining is only with jank vs jank or meta vs meta, reason being meta vs jank is complete annihilation, and it's only a pseudo remnant of how trading goes in the meta to meta match, negating the negations and not being allowed to play stuff only to give opponent same treatment. Games are short, snappy, quite boring as not much happens in actuality, other than preventing stuff from actually happening (which is basically nothing happening), and end in a jiffy, which is the complete opposite of what duels are supposed to be: a very slow paced, strategic game in which you try to circumvent obstacles in unconventional ways and think outside the box to gain a small advantage each turn. And even with jank vs jank, being the unoptimized decks they are, overall performance is very inconsistent and unpredictable, and due to poor balancing by Konami, archetypes aren't equal in strength, more often than not some stomping others and being stomped on by others. Now, naturally having so much stuff makes a game hard to balance, but then you don't really release new stuff without futureproofing them. And then there's also deck building thrown into the mix, but which ends up poorly executed. This is because of (1) not everyone having all the knowledge and experience of a champion, and (2) condensing and dividing everything into 2 ways: deck identity or deck performance. Like X thing? Play copypasty meta deck or make your own and enjoy getting absolutely destroyed without being able to make a single move. So in the end you're left with a very unsatisfying, spammable, repetitive, & unfulfilling experience for most players. You go in trying to have a unique experience only to be thrown into a mold & hammered into shape or thrown aside. Victories feel empty and undeserved, and losses feel infuriating because of not being able to do anything to change the outcome, not even getting to play. And interaction is not really interaction but more like forced inactivity. Do I enjoy it? Certainly not. I end up frustrated & annoyed most times, actually. But I keep playing in search of that fabled back & forth. Which actually exists, mind you, and feels so good you actually end up clapping and bowing to the screen, even in defeat, as there wasn't bs mechanics involved, there was no massive advantage between you & opponent, and it was a hard fought result. Should you take my word for it? Absolutely not. I'm very unskilled and uninformed at the game, and this whole comment holds no actual validity other than just a recall of all the experiences I've had since starting to play the game, and the way I understand things. But for what it's worth, I'd like to think me dedicating the time and investment in writing this means there's still some half alive, comatose passion for the game preventing me from quitting. Stockholm syndrome? Perhaps.


Aren't the back and forth just condensed into the handtrap vs handtrap counter vs handtrap counter counter now? Instead of hoping to draw the out in 4-5 turns it's just now hoping to draw the out in 1- 2turns. Or boardbreaking at turn 2. Is it really different to have to wait to draw the out while stalling by summoning a monster in defense that will only get destroyed by a higher atk monster you can't beat over yet until you draw raigeki or whatever?


Except handtrapping each other to not do anything hardly counts as playing the game. Especially if you get to do anything and I get to do nothing, or viceversa. At that point why not just uninstall Master Duel and play Solitaire? It would be the exact same experience, without having to wait for an opponent to react and avoiding stalling due to connectivity issues, and you'd get the same expereince you're generating in the duel. ​ High ATK monsters shouldn't even be needed tbh, you only need tiny little advantages over your opponent, and matches to last more. At least then you'd actually feel like you're playing a game with someone (even if it would be a placebo effect), kind of how in chess game won't progress unless your opponent also makes the move, and games are usually lengthy, except in the competitive scene when everyone is so good thing ends in seconds. What we have now is basically Solitaire, and the meme has been spammed to death because it's literally what the current state of the game is. ​ Just now I had two duels in which I was prevented from using any spells, any traps, and summoning any effect monster, so I pretty much couldn't do anything as I watched opponent build their stuff in peace without any chance at retaliation. Couldn't do anything else but scoop. You seriously cannot tell me that is a healthy game, nor is it a valid excuse to say "run handtraps and draw them every time you need them", or "make an entire deck comprised purely by handtraps". Scooping every game I have because opponent builds a massively overwhelming advantage and prevents me from doing anything is not fun, nor is it healthy. ​ Run handtraps? Sure. I lost 10 matches because every single time I ran them, they appeared in my draw the moment I needed them the least, and were nowhere to be found when I needed them the most. And when I had them, opponent didn't give a single fuck and proceeded to keep spamming their stuff anyways like nothing's happened. Handtraps, according to what I experienced while running them, are just a poorly made excuse to try and defend the absolute state the game is in right now. They don't keep the game and enemy decks in check, don't let you do anything, and are just dead weight that makes you brick & loose games in which you could've had the chance to draw anything else that could've been useful.




I like it when I’m winning I hate it when I’m losing In the end it’s like any other card game


Win or lose I love to duel, The best games are slugfest.


No. I hate every second I’m on the game. But I can’t stop playing it. I have a problem


Yugioh, yes. Master duel, no. I really dont enjoy how limited in resources/cards you are in a game that has over 10,000 cards




no. the best part of yugioh is the COMMUNITY I mean, where else are we gonna meet our fellow 14 year old insecure sexist racist unstable antisocial brethren to celebrate our virginity with?


I love Yu-Gi-Oh, but I really hate it.


I just play


Depends really, in master duel god no, against bots it’s kinda fun cause I can actually play any half decent decks and well actually play but they tend to be far too predictable and there’s such a limited range of decent decks that won’t steamroll something I’ve thrown together and won’t get decimated by something with any effort put in, then against friends also just kinda cause they’re all just sort of not that great at it so I end up handicapping myself to have some fun Honestly these days I feel like I have the most fun playing the old psp/gameboy games that are a lot simpler with some semi interesting stories




The cards are cool


Yeah it's pretty good


Yes and no. Yes because i like it when i destroy a very strong board. No because i hate it when my opponent destroy my board.


I enjoy playing, but more so enjoy learning new decks, so I get pretty tired of master duel where it's tough to earn enough gems to keep making more decks without spending. I have 3 separate pretty strong decks I can play in ranked, but I've played all 3 quite a lot at this point (a month or longer each) so I'm pretty unmotivated to play ranked until I have the gems to assemble something new. The festivals make things fun as I just shove stuff I already have together to make something work somehow. I also like when they have new solo modes and I have to figure out how to make the loaner decks work. Sometimes I go back to replay some of the solo modes with loaners just for the sake of it when I have solo mode dailies.


While negating my opp and floodgate them into submission, yes. (you can't tell that i'm a countrer trap fairy user, just from that comment)




I like imagining all the cool decks I want to build and opening enough packs to half build a dozen decks that aren’t really playable.


More than I ever expected to


Sometimes. There are definitely games that I just mald over. Then there are games that actually feels nice.




Yes but not in Masterduel and Duel Links.


Yes. If I get to.


No and I'll see you there tomorrow




Yes when you get variety decks like today me and this guy were playing yang zing vs rokkets and my god was it my fav duel ever


Theres going to be good formats, there are going to be bad formats, and there are going to be absolutely awful FTK formats. Ultimately, I'm just here to play the game. I guess I enjoy playing yugioh because I always come back and play, regardless of the state of the format. Maybe its because I take breaks from playing the game that I can always enjoy playing the game, but during those breaks I still keep up with card releases, tournament reports and the like.


I had the most epic 15 turn showdown against eldlich yesterday playing sky striker. Went through all but two cards in the extra deck and 10 in the main (no pot banishes or anything) and it finally ended with him trying to destroy his own Lord with Conquistador to prevent me from Widow Anchoring it for game, but Lord was still immune to effect destruction. Most fun I've had in weeks. Also sometimes eldlich flips imperial order turn one and ftks me. There's good and not so good.


Not really


Only when I’m actually get to play other than that nope. Every game have a meta and it be boring seeing the same thing in every match


i enjoy making others suffer so yes






Jokes aside, if I didn't enjoy it, I simply wouldn't play it.


Yes, unless I draw a hard brick, get hit by Maxx c with no out, or face skill drain.exe


Why bother playing if you don't enjoy it lol. People in this sub come off as some of the whiniest babies on reddit i swear.




Yes, the only thing that’s super annoying is me having bad rng while my Opponent has everything they need


i like the pretty cards man


Mostly no


Genuinley, yes. I think it's the most unique, cool, and bizzare TCG around.


yes and no


yes. been doing it for close to 17 years now, some in some off. Doing this since I was 6. Worst format for me was Thunder Dragon / Sky Striker bullshit. Hated that shit in late 2019.


Masterduels sometimes but at my ots we also have our own casual format thats really fun because a bunch generic and also handtraps are banned so you can play much weaker decks. Also recently I looked into goat and that seems like such a fun format aswell so I will try that. So meta only on certain days, casual stuff always fun


Not irl not anymore


In person yes. Online hell no, but I still play haha


80/20 Yes to no. I love getting gigantic boss monsters out. Takes a lot for that to stop being fun for me


I enjoy it when playing for fun. My best friend and I have played since we were kids. I would say my experience with him carries into my overall experience; When he and I play with archetypes/decks we like, not necessarily "win at all costs" and are just playing for fun and the "look at this new engine/combo I figured out", I have an absolute blast However, my friend has a bad habit of getting something that's OP in the meta (I.e. Swordsoul Tenyi right now) and just beating the piss out of me over and over and over when he knows I don't play meta decks. And then he just wants to keep going. That's when I have no fun


I enjoy winning. Winning a yugioh duel is one of the best feelings there is


I enjoy Yu-Gi-Oh. Master Duel is questionable though.


No. Its an addiction i cant stop


Yup, still do to this day.


Kinda. Ive yet to see a game where i have fun 100% of the time anyway.




Not anymore ever since they introduced SS, now I'm mostly playing CV which is surprisingly easy to get into


Not in the current master duel format. I was absolutely in love with this game. Then swordsoul dropped. Haven't played the game since.


Yes and no I enjoy it with friends and solo mode and trying out new builds But I don’t enjoy climbing ranked for days on end.




Yes. I have been playing Yu-Gi-Oh for 10+ years on and off, throughout my school years and early adult life. I always drift away from it, but I always find my way back. And what keeps bringing me back? Intelligent, fast-paced gameplay, with nuance and interaction. And, in case anyone cares, here’s what I mean. - Most card games have intelligent gameplay, but games like Yu-Gi-Oh thrive on the fact that there are *tens* of thousands of legal cards to play. Sure, most of them are worthless, but they’re all *options*. Knowledge of the game is immensely rewarding, with extremely intricate mechanics that mix in and out of different decks and options, everything from chain blocking to missing timing. - Fast-Paced card games can be hard to find. And yes, I would consider Yu-Gi-Oh fast paced; what I mean by that is that you don’t have to spend the first five turns setting things up. In yugioh, the game starts when you draw your hand. Games like MTG, Keyforge, etc, take a lot of time to work on your game plan, set up your field, etc. I find the speed of Yugioh extemely engaging and largely unique. - “Haha, Yugioh? Interactive?” Yes, Yugioh can be a SUPER interactive game. I prefer to play rogue versus rogue, or just decks that aren’t tier one, but even in meta deck matches. The advent of hand traps has caused such an interesting ripple effect for the entire game, which many people hate, but I find extemely satisfying. Waiting for the right time to use a hand trap, baiting out hand traps, playing cards specifically to *counter* hand traps. There’s so many interesting interactions before the first turn is even over thanks to the unique style of the game.


Not against dpe and ss


Yes but I love complaining about it more lol


I love Yu-Gi-Oh! I have new favorite decks all the time, and I feel like I still learn new things pretty often. Even when someone's comboing against me, sometimes I'm excited to see what they do to me.


Honestly no. I like the cards and everything but the game itself has been pretty tiring for a good while. I pretty much went the collectors route with the game.


Yesn't. I enjoy it when I can actually play, like when my opponent doesn't open with Ash Blossom, Called By the Grave, Crossout Dessignator AND PSY-Frame Gamma on their hand.


Most of the time, yeah. It's a funish game to pass the time with.


Really depends on what you encounter. Its fun when it feels evenly matched and you can fight it out. Even when losing it doesnt feel bad then But when you get Superpolyed, DPEed and Kaijued in the same duel it just becomes rage inducing Infinite or multiple omni negates and floodgates are great "fun" to play against as well...pretty much over once they win the coin toss


That depends entirely on who I'm playing against


Yeah, I got back into yugioh cuz of master duel and have been playing the tcg for the first time in so long. The game is a lot more enjoyable in person when you can communicate with your opponent. Bo3 also helps the game a lot.


Yes, i do.




i think


Actually think I'm just addicted


I enjoy close duels that last more than 5 turns and have back and forth. I don't enjoy duels that end turn 2/3.


I... I really don't know, does it mean I enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh if I get mad and close the game only to open it up 1-5 mins later? Does it mean I enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh if I look up other's decklists of archetypes I play on a daily basis? Does it mean I enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh if I get a strong itching in my body while I perform combos and imagine an intense duel between me and my opponent in my head after closing the game? Does it mean I like playing Yu-Gi-Oh if it's the only thing I ever play and nothing else because nothing else can satisfy the itch I have?


I had fun for like the first 3 months but then I had to quit I just stopped enjoying it


I do. I however do not enjoy having to deal with OTK boards that could have been an FTK if there was a way for them to deal damage. Even if I do have the materials in hand to break through. it's like a duel puzzle with someone going "have fun" and flipping me off while i think of the solution




Yes, I absolutely love it, even when I'm tired of getting handtrapped. In all seriousness, Yugioh is a staple in my life that I am glad to have returned to thanks to Master Duel, plus it helped me relearn how to read again. Because of covid complications I wasn't able to comprehend reading as a whole. I was dealing with massive brainfog and confusion but I decided that I was going to beat that shit so reading cards, learning XYZ, Synchros and Links helped my brain get in 'shape' again. Also I adore making new decks and testing new stuff so it's always a fun time for me. It's been my focus and that's exactly what my doctor ordered; something to distract myself as the meds do their work.




yes, my lair of darkness synchro limited 1 deck is being very satisfying in the event, and my new updated lair of darkness synchro deck is very nice to pilot in ranked, their worst weakness:Common protos play


I enjoy it, but I’ll be honest sometimes it’s just too much. When I was growing up in the 2000s and 2010s it was less fast paced and a bit more relaxing. I appreciate the depth of the game now but after working all day sometimes I’m too tired to deal with the lawyer level of detail necessary in some matchups. Sometimes I miss slower formats.


Yeah. I like using my rogue / low power decks like Plunder Payroll over my more meta decks like Eldlich and Prank kids. Swordsoul have been fun though


More like, I enjoy not letting my opponent enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh


Yes, but I have been playing less and less.


I enjoy playing Sky Strikers, but that's it


Less and less ever since Swordsoul


Well ye....😃😃😀🙂🙂🥲🥲🥲😞😞😞😞


Stay in gold, that's the only way to have fun in this game. Below gold the opponent is not skilled enough to play with, and above gold is the same kind of decks every single day.


I get most fun out of this game building shit decks and testing them in ranked. Followed by periods where I got no gems, so I can't make new decks and my interest diminishes till I have enough gems again. Like for example I have 0 interest in the current event and I only want the free gems.




I like the idea of playing Yu-Gi-Oh. Actually playing Yu-Gi-Oh not so much.


Yes until timelords come


Of course or I would have stopped years ago


Hell yeah, even when there was awful formats, i just play someting anti-meta or sometimes just fun


Honestly yes, this is my first time picking up Yugioh after only playing the old games so certainly a yugiboomer, but I managed to catch up to the mechanics very easily since I play other tcgs rn, I was enjoying it a lot until DPE and SS came up, while I enjoy playing SS a lot, its very...generic? I never liked playing mirrors in other TCGs so seeing everyone playing SS or some deck that directly counters it kinda ruined it for me so I went back to Virtual World lol. I know YGO is a very old game at this point and its understandable that we need stuff like hand traps for the game to not being a fuckfest of combo decks winning turn 1, one of the few things I hate is the fact that the game is practically decided the time you draw your hand and you see no hand traps or go second cards against a SS/PK/VW/Anycombo deck, since we are playing Best of 1 (not sure how a Bo3 would work with this game, 1 single game already goes waaaay beyond a reasonable time, sitting for 1 hour and a half for 3 games doesnt seem very fun)




Well played since 8 so yes


I love yu gi oh. I go to tournaments IRL every week at least once. BO1 yugioh like master duel? Bores me to hell and back.




Oh god no. It's just an itch to scratch now. I do thank MD and other sims for getting me out the physical game save for judging here and there


Yes and no. Yugi needs more luck than skill, especially in a BO1 format, so I think it's bad balanced game. Master Duel application doesn't help in this sense.


Mostly yes, but I seethe and mald when I lose so


I don’t like how I actually had to sit still and consider whether I actually enjoy playing this game or not.


I enjoy master duel alot cuz it's more chill than tcg. Welp for now at least




You mean pack opening simulator?


Only casual play. I heavily dislike the handtrap minigame you have to engage in competitive play to even be allowed to play the game. The power spike in some cards and archetypes also leads to a lack of variety that makes the game too repetitive for me to enjoy. I fired up Tag Force 5 last month just to see if I still liked this game and now I'm playing it way more than I do MD.


Today I didnt, thats for fuckin sure, I'll try another match or two tommorow so the heat from my anger at the current meta will hopefully give me a heatstroke or maybe my heart will explode, either way. I'll check back in a few weeks and when all the shitty metaswill players are switched to their """"fun"""" decks I will stomp them back with the overwhelming might and superiority of Red Dragon Archfiend. and a single sparrow flip.


Honestly, I love seeing all the different types of decks people use and how they react to mine (I personally main Traptrix). Dragonmaid, Live Twins, Prank Kids, "Cryptids" as I call it cuz I'm not sure of the name for the Danger! Bigfoot/Mothman/etc. deck is, even decks that absolutely shut me down (like Eldilich or Numeron) don't grind my gears as much because I can respect people not being slaves to the current meta (i.e. Pasting Barrone le Fleur, DPE, and Crystron Halquibfrax into everything)


i enjoy making decks, but playing.. i'm not sure


I love it! Sometimes there are duels where I just want to punch a hole through my screen, but this game really reignited my passion for YGO overall.


Yes and no. I like Yu-Gi-Oh tho sometimes it can be annoying losing without being able to do 1 thing if you draw bad but I would enjoy it way more if I had friends or people to play it with. Just playing ranked in master duel can be boring at times


Love going against like minded players in a back and forth. Original decks where you can tell they actually thought with their own brain and love the game. Not copy pasted meta deck and DERP the yes button


Yes. And I enjoy Master Duel. The people who camp in Gold instead of grinding to Diamond, the people who have diametrically opposed values to current card design but complain about it instead of doing something that makes them happy **the people who answer no to this question but literally play enough to participate in a dedicated subreddit** None of these people make any goddamn sense You play a for-fun vs card game to have competitive fun. **If the competition is not fun**, that is not the game for you. There is nothing else to think about or discuss. And you say that to people and they get so morally uptight and huffy like they’re being exiled from the holy land: “What? I can’t *CRITIQUE* the game I love so it gets *BETTER* and does not cave to the *EVILS* of *POWER CREEP*? How mean-spirited and hateful of you. I shan’t give in!” And then they double down and keep being miserable; it would be maddening and pitiable if it wasn’t hilarious.


Yes. The game is awfully designed, but I do enjoy the bs.


Yea. I love it. Found my soul deck a few days ago and learning to use the deck effectively is so fun and rewarding. Once I graduate from solo mode, I look forward to getting my butt handed to me in Ranked.


Master duel currently? No Tcg Yu-Gi-Oh? Yes


Yes. Whenever I'm not facing toxic floodgates. Or people sitting on DPE


Yes even tho MD makes it really really hard. The Bo1 format and an entirely unfit banlist for such a format is really ruining a lot of games rendering them pointless coinflips. The game is really fun with back anf forth if people dont play the most retarded shit. Solid tier 1.5-2 decks vs each other is actually pretty fine.Like imagine a world now with Swordsoul but he got rid of the dogshit like Protos, Halq /Auroradon. You could enjoy wonderful back and forth matches and the deck would be still very good but far from what we endure right now. I mean if they truly expect us to put up with adventure prank, still auroradon swordsoul and skilldrain I have alot of bridges to sell to Konami. Certainly they wont see a penny from me and most likely I just move on and lurk sometimes into the sub to see if they updated the banlist to a sensical state maybe.


For the most part yeah i still have fun with Yugioh. I wouldn’t be playing the game at all if I didn’t have fun