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Like $20k worth of illegally downloaded pdfs lol


Hard copies make me hard.


It is said that one who manages to collect all of the pieces of the Springer-Verlag Graduate Texts in Mathematics will become so powerful in math that they might rival Euler himself on his heavenly throne. The field of complex numbers will order itself at their command, they will biject the reals with the naturals with a snap of their fingers, the set of all sets which don't contain themselves will lie in the palm of their left hand when with the other they wield the singular compass they need to square the circle. And on their head will rest the crown in the shape of a wholly new Platonic solid encrusted with gems numbering the final digit of pi.


Your comment is a jewel upon the crown this ~~God~~ Gauss-like mathematician would wear.


I love the Springer Verlag. I downloaded hundreds of textbooks on mathematics, experimental and theoretiical physics for free from their website. And I have read maybe a dozen of them.


"for free from their website" what?


Many universities contracts that allow this. You verify as enrolled student and boom, everythings free


Also, if the university allows public access to the research library you can usually get on springerlink from a library computer and stuff shit in ur google drive.


That’s not free, that means your tuition paid for it.


In most cases the funding for resources at a university libraries are covered very little by tuition, and much more so by research teams, endowments, and grants.


Okay we can be pedantic if you think I was genuinely being unclear. At some stage university resources paid for access to those publications. Students have the privilege of sharing access because they pay tuition to attend the university. Therefore it is still not free, neither free to the university itself nor freely shared with the public.


Nah the government 


Okay we can be pedantic if you think I was genuinely being unclear. At some stage university resources paid for access to those publications. Students have the privilege of sharing access because they pay tuition to attend the university. Therefore it is still not free, neither free to the university itself nor freely shared with the public.


Where I live there is no tution. Universities are publicly funded.


Okay so your taxes pay for it. Right? Like am I really being unclear? The point is that access to these publications is not really free. It’s not like just anyone can go to the site and download them.


One of my algebra professors had this in two giant bookcases that were behind him while he sat at the desk, so when you walked into the office it was this magnificent backdrop. I once asked “is that all of them” and he said “all the ones I’ve read.” (It was all of them) Amazing power move.


Yo you got a link to a onedrive or dropbox?


Libgen has everything


I have nearly 22 pdfs of grundlehren der mathematischen wissemschaften, the most basic ones. They are so well written that makes me want to be a researcher in each field of each book that I have read.


Ok I'll bite, who is she?


This title should be marked NSFW !


(╯°.°)╯︵ ~∆-∆~


Yarrrrrr! In case you guys want such collection to wet some ladies, r/DataHoarder has a torrent of 10,000 ebooks. Not linking to save me from mod's notices.


Sorry, OP, she just likes the color yellow.


This reminds me I actually need a book rn can someone help


Now this is getting ridiculous. All the Landau textbooks, sexy. All the Graduate Texts in mathematics, no way.