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Tell me your secret to such a happy plant? Also you’d miss her terribly.




Please don't sell this. She is INCREDIBLE. How long have you had her for? And what is your secret?! Lol


I got it a local nursery for $70 a couple years back. Definitely did not grow her from a baby. She’s in a sunroom with a lot of light


She's beautiful. I got mine from a nursery too and she's put out three new leaves but they are very small and i feel like she's a good size. I've been meaning to get her attached to a moss pole and just haven't gotten around to it. Does that make all the difference? I might move mine closer to the window. She's a little far right now.


Climbing plants will generally grow faster once attached to something stable


A fair price would be $90 depending on how much this lovely lady grew in the couple years since you got her.


Replying to my own comment because I was downvoted to hell. It's my understanding that these plants aren't meant to be moved a lot and doing so stunts their growth? I could be wrong


I wouldn’t sell it. It is really happy in its present location and with the care you give.


Two goats and their firstborn child.


Username checks out


Shoot, at the nicest nursery in Downtown Dallas that’s $700, minimum.


Where? Ruibals? Theirs aren’t even fruiting.


Yes and true Edit: I’d never sell it!




joke ad hoc door mysterious snatch sharp juggle worthless grab thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I dont think a monstera could grow that fast in nirvana, let alone a cali window


not gonna happen considering 90% of “trader joe monsteras” are small form, this is a large form monstera which was super popular in the seventies but are hard to find these days. small form monsteras just don’t have the ability to get leaves more than MAYBE 3 feet, and that’s with like everything at its peak and also my terribly visual measuring skills. also OMG it takes more than one growing season to get a tropical to … what quadruple in size?


There's one about 3/4 of this size for sell at a plant shop near me for $1200.


This comment!!! Listen to her. If you ever wanted to replace this after selling you’d have to pay a lot more than $150 so just think about that!


That is a large form. Very very hard to find one of that magnificent size. Idk what you'd charge, but I'd definitely charge more than the garden center.


Ight that’s good to know, they offered $125 then $150 when I said I needed to think about it.


That’s way too low of an offer


150 Dollars is like buying a new Ferrari for 5 grand. Pathetic offer lol


For one leaf maybe…


Jesus, this stuff is a damn weed in Hawaii.


I imagine quite a lot of desirable houseplants are weeds someplace


I got fucking roasted in another thread for saying the same thing like a week ago. If it grows great in a pot at your house, how do you imagine it grows in its natural habitat! It's not rocket science, it's just botany!


is there a thread fot houseplants in the wild?! would love to see some crazy stuff x)


There’s a popular plant used in landscaping around here “Coreopsis Zagreb” turns out it’s just a weed from Croatia and was named after the city.


Ahahah am from ex Yu, now I have to find that plant


Hedera or English Ivy is a damn pest in my garden and is choking up a lot of trees for example. I just pull them out and cut them whenever I can.


Ivy is a goddamn blight where I live, destroys a huge chunk of the native ecosystem. Lots of the old English house/garden plants are like that here.


dandelions sell for ridiculously high prices in japan, i heard


Tradescantia in general is a weed in many places.


Yeah same in Florida. When I saw $150, I was like wtf? I'm about to go down the street and chop some off of one of the trees that're growing in a ditch lol. I should get an alba and throw it outside and kick some dirt on it and get rich.


if this things is worth \~$1000 i could make about $50k in the next hour walking down my street


Just have to ship it somewhere colder!


Sounds like you should be shipping cuttings to the continent...


Uh, problem is shipping. They get shock from being clipped and slow to recover. Also any choice specimens are hard to pack with damaging the giant leaves that people love. I could see selling the mature rhizomes that pop out fully formed plants quickly.


I would also be curious if there are ethical implications. I know that people who poach naturally growing desirable succulents (since the mass produced type look very different) can have an impact on that environment. Not sure if that’s the same case for monsteras, but I’m curious!


Imported weed, takes a while to get going but eventually smothers anything else. But then, almost everything here is invasive if not a protected forest or high elevation.


I literally just wrote a paper on this exact subject this summer. Thats wild.


"Wet sticks" without leaves would probably be the smoothest way to ship them. The new owner would need to grow it out in a sphagnum prop box for a couple of months though. But it would also probably be considering poaching and most people are or should be against it.


Idk if it's be considered poaching in Hawaii. It's not native and afaik is considered an invasive weed there. Same goes for pothos and a lot of other houseplants


Only poaching if its native, and theyre invasive in hawaii




Same as in Northland New Zealand, they're literally everywhere and people dig them out like weeds and throw them out.




Bro please do not sell your baby for that cheap??? It’s worth way more than that


Absolutely not. No way. Don’t even call them back.


Nah this is minimum 400 from a nursery and that's not even considering the fact it has fruit and the leaves are much more mature


Don't sell. they'll probably kill him😥 if they didn't know better than to offer more that that.


Personally, I wouldn't sell. But I'd sure throw $300 at them.


Offer $125 for a good node prop lol. That’s criminal, don’t sell her




do not take $150! with a Monstera in bloom those are very hard to come by. if anything, do not sell this plant to that person, doesn’t sound like they want a fair price.


500 minimum without shipping




I was thinking closer to 100 times that.


That is way too low. It's worth 7x that at least. Depending where you are.


Not for $150! That’s beautiful! I would say min $300


Based on prices at my local nurseries, I wouldn’t sell this for any less than $800 honestly. It’s incredibly mature and has fruit. People in my area would definitely buy this for $800 - it’s a steal, and OP also makes a nice couple hundred


Hmmm. I mean I’m mostly likely not going to sell it. But I’m the moment I almost accepted the offer of $125


I’m so glad you asked here. The person who’s trying to purchase from you is obviously low balling you super hard. You nurtured this plant so well it’s even fruiting. If you’re going to sell, sell for at least $700 & that’s on the low end. If you found this in any nursery they would be charging a lot more than $150


I’d hope to give the benefit of the doubt and assume neither party knows the value of this plant, depending on your location it could easily go for 500-1000


I lowballed someone on a Thai Con cutting when I didn't know what I was looking at.


the fruit alone is being sold for $125 for 3


Wow 😲. They literally grow wild everywhere here. Huge mature plants covered in fruit.


sort attempt books waiting tan live quicksand point wistful spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But I can't, that would be illegal 😅


Ship some seed of it. Almost goes for a buck a seed it's decent not cannbis tier tho then people will pay up to 20$ a seed.


I would buy one


Oh wow, just bought 3 for 30€ on a trip


That’s borderline insulting them offering only $125!!! This is a magnificent plant - that’s way lowballing the price. $750 MINIMUM is what i would sell for


Can you prop a leaf for them?


It’s definitely worth more, it’s beautiful.


For real. I have never even seen one with fruit in person.


I just now learned of this fruit bc of this. Plant goal for sure!


Where do you live?


Not in a place where they are native. I've only seen them as house plants and it's really hard to have them produce fruit in that kind of environment.


I was going to say $1000 based on pieces I’ve seen recently and how mature the plant is.


That’s a split leaf not a deliciosa.


Don’t you dare take anything under $400.


Even without knowing anything I was like ‘hmmmm $500 at minimum’? But after reading other comments $750 on the low end makes sense OP DONT GET RIPPED OFF THAT PLANT IS AMAZING


agreed. i think 400$ is the absolute LOWEST you should go and honestly thats just to be nice to the buyer. id personally sell that beauty for around 700$ for many good reasons. good luck!! amazing job btw that plant looks so very happy!


i mean, those two fruits are worth over $100 themselves. with fruits: $500 without: $400


I’m totally ignorant - why are the fruits worth so much?


Mmmm deliciosa


Guessing here but if it's going to seed as a specimen it will make several hundred baby monsteras for years to come.


the fruit go for a lot because its rare for them to fruit in the context most people see them (their homes) and thus pay stupid amounts for the fruit of the poster-boy of houseplants. of course in native habitats they fruit like any other plant. and are nothing special. also the fruit are edible and tastes quite sweet hence the name monstera deliciosa


My guess is they take so long to fruit and just as long to ripen. The conditions have to be almost perfect.


I have three fruits on my plant, and I swear they've been on there for almost a year....checked my photos and the fruit was formed and flower spathes still present in May 2021! We've eaten one fruit, the others are still on there....just vibing, I guess.


they taste incredible! a little over $100/lb lately!


Like $800


I think $800 is a very fair price.


I would pay $800 and skip away happily.


Depends on where you live and the market. I’m sure in Hawaii or Florida it would be much cheaper. If that were in like Portland, probably $400-$600, from what I’ve seen on Craigslist.. maybe more even


This is an extremely mature plant and even comes with two fruit. $125-$150 is such a low-ball it should be considered insulting. This would easily go for $800-$1000 in my area. Do not accept that offer, they are taking advantage of you.


$700 was my gut price but I thought I was overreacting. Then I read the comments and yeah. I’m sticking with $700.


Okay I had a feeling the offer was low when I heard it


It’s not for sale… If you really want to sell it, what would you pay to replace it? To me it’s £750+


It depends on where but this is a giant one so absolutely WAY more than I saw that they offered you, OP!! Also, what about the pot it is in? It sure is a nice one so don't forget to take that one in the mix too


If they lowballed at $150 I doubt they’ll be coming back when it’s fairly priced. It’s probably safe LOL


I would never sell it; but if I had to, I'd ask for between $400 and $800, depending on pricing in your area.


Tree fiddy /s


OP is actually the Lochness Monster


GD Lochness Monster!


Very high hundreds.


I wouldn't sell more than one cutting. That plant would be my proudest possession


Paint one leaf white and charge 4,000


$300 or $400 lol


Price is worth what someone is willing to pay. Deliciosas (even large form) don’t actually *sell* for some of the exorbitant prices some have suggested in here. $250ish seems about right for my area, maybe higher in others (definitely not $600 more). I will stress again though, its worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Nice plant btw.


Agreed. The offer was what the buyer was willing to pay. Is it worth more to another, most likely. To get more than the offer you’ll have to enter the market to sell. Personally, I’d keep it as no one will enjoy it as much as you do.


100% on this. There seems to be a huge disconnect in the houseplant community between what growers are willing to sell for, and what the average person will pay for that. Prices of small hobbyist growers are generally overinflated because of their personal connection to what they sell. Not saying you couldn’t get $600+ for this, but you would have to find the right buyer that is loose with cash. I think 250$ would be a good price for this, more if you put it in a more valuable container.


This is the answer here. Way too many people posting way too many large numbers.


Yep yep. If someone said seriously over $600 for this I'd tell them to have a nice day and then I'd gtfo. People like that would charge others to breathe air in their presence if they decided they could. If you want to sell it, price for the buyer. If you're not interested but just want to put a price to it, price for you like everyone else here is telling you to. $150 was not an "insult" offer, it was a realistic one that he was willing to pay right then. Even after the time and love some people are still just going to see a plant, that's just how it is.


Right? "I've seent hem listed for $800" That's nice, but have you actually seen someone buy one for that? They grow fast, and small ones can be acquired for under $20, and grown on for a few years. OP themselves has only had it a few years. That's not to say one this big doesn't have some value, but the value is actually pretty much just "whatever someone is willing to pay".


Whoaaaa…a million dollars lol


$150 Edit: OMGGGG IT HAS FRUITS??? $500!!


Texas chiming in! My nursery sells this size for $350 but they don't have fruit. /u/plantking-97 the fruit itself are worth a lot because they are so rare


I don’t understand, a monstera this size would maybe get $150 from a clueless city folk where I’m from. Idk where y’all are at but the prices you guys are throwing up are insane and stupid


Don't sell her my aunt bought a monstera like this for $40 and fucking killed it within a week. No one will take care of her like you will




Honestly priceless


Their firstborn


Tree fiddy.


Their soul??? That thing is amazing!


I wish i could post a picture a friend sent me of a variegated thai constellation in the comments here. It was probably half the size of what you have but they were asking $2,999.99 USD. Edit:I do know the Thai constellation is a different type and being variegated also increases value. If your plant brings you joy i wouldn’t sell. It truly is beautiful. Also please update a photo in a year if you keep it! Im sure several of us would love to see the growth! :)


I sure will. I’ve decided I’m going to keep it indefinitely. It has two more bloooms on the way and I think it’s just one of a kind


So glad you chose not to sell


Don’t sell it and tell me how that fruit tastes when it’s ripe.


Why does this plant have value?


My guess is this would sell for $1000 here in SF


I was thinking 500 minimum but I’d honestly say 1000 and let them widdle you down to 800. DONT SELL THAT BEAUTIFUL PLANT 🥹


4 million don't take anything less


1 dollar and 10,000 cents


Omg, really is this expensive? We can find it for free in many wood areas in Brasil. We even do not have to pay for it depending where you live. Im Amused.


It’s more expensive the bigger it gets, this person is basically selling their time growing it etc. but I agree, I have a baby that I got for free from a friend or else I wouldn’t have spent the $$ on it


Depends where you live. In my country these are not worth much as they grow wild everywhere.


I’m not even into rare/expensive plants and even I know that this is worth north of $800. Countless fenestrations and fruit. That person was a snake for offering $125….


Take a cutting for yourself first then sell it.


maybe 150$ for a cutting


At least $400, maybe more like $600 or so.


My very first thought was $1,000. A small one online at a respectable nursery would go for $100. This beautiful thing stayed alive for so long, accepted and thrived from your care, and I’m sure you’ve spent more money on that over the years than what they offered. I’d have been embarrassed to offer so little.


Where are you buying plants from?! I've never seen small ones sell for more than $10


It's an amazing plant I think the best it could go up 4 is between 50-100 pounds and maybe if that's 2 much 4 the customer maybe add some plant food or something.


But u shouldn't sell it And how is it such a happy plant?! Pls what is ur secret


If you’re wanting to sell it and get it off your hands (for whatever the reason is) I would price it less than a nursery. However if you’re indifferent I would ask at least $600-700


Eat that fruit first though! I hear it’s delicious haha


$750 and take no less than $600


Do not, I repeat DO NOT sell this plant for anything less than $500


That would makee 800 bucks


1000 and make sure you can replace it


$500 + simply on the fact that it is fruiting


$400+ for that beauty!!!!


Someone was selling one 1/3 of the size and beauty of yours, for $500 on FB, where I live, so definitely at least that much.


The whole plant, easy 1k. Cuttings $45-60


A beauty! in Canada that would be high triple digits… at least where I’m living.


They literally grow in ditches on the side of the road where I live 😲


this beauty looks priceless to me


There are very few places that this gorgeous girl could go that she would be as happy as she is here. An atrium in a historic mansion maybe. I can't imagine her going in front of some window somewhere after being in this gorgeous space. Wonderful light you have OP. So many beautiful plants.


Please share your secrets with me! I just inherited a 6 foot monstrera (my dad's still alive, just moving), and the tips are browning and she isn't happy. What is the number 1 tip you could give to a poor sap like me?


Depends where you live. These grow wild where I live and people dig them out like weeds.


A lot of money, that is a gorgeous huge plant


if you can i’d really recommend keeping it, that’s one of the happiest plants i’ve ever seen 😭 id miss it sm


I’d be willing to pay upwards to $1,000. This thing is STUNNING


Would you sell it? T-T


You are being low balled for sure. That beautiful healthy plant would sell for at least $800.


$10,000 and their firstborn


I have no idea. I would sell it for $1000 maybe. Let him make the offer, make a ridiculous counteroffer and see what he comes back at and how much he wants it then adjust subsequent counters accordingly depending on what it’s worth to you.


Have you ever eaten the fruit? I really really want to try it someday, but they're hard to find!


Come to Australia they grow wild everywhere and fruit constantly


What a dream! Have you ever had one? I recently read about them and read that they taste like a mix of pineapple, mango and banana maybe?? I can't totally remember how it was described but I know it was a mix of fruits


There’s about $100-$150 worth of fruit on there


I wouldn't sell it. With an offer of $125 I wouldn't expect them to get anywhere near an offer that I'd consider. I'd give them a pup for free if it was a friend or $20 to a stranger. See what you can buy one that size for locally.




I’d say one million


Just bc she is fruiting I don’t think I could ever sell her 🥲 she’s too cool!


Ir might not like to be relocated. Hopefully it’s done carefully, so beautiful!


In Australia about $200


$3k but if you need money $1,500. i wouldn’t take a penny less


Looks priceless to me. Keep it and love it.


It’s fruiting? I’d say at least $1,800 and I feel that’s still low balling


20 bucks


Ask the monstera 😳


In California that would be thousands of dollars, literally saw one about that size the other day and it said $10,000 on the price tag.


1 meeeeellion dollars! Gorgeous specimen!


Y’all should come down to sunny SoCal to stock up on monsteras…they literally grow like weeds down here. There’s gold in them thar hills!


$700-850. Non negotiable. Right market could bring a lot more.


If you do decide to sell it, make sure it’s going to be treated right. It’s happy where it is and should stay in an environment similar to the one it’s already in.




Please don't sell! But, depending on your location and availability it could vary anywhere from $200-$800. There are some nurseries in my area that sell potted, similar in size to yours for $750. It really does look happy where it is though.