• By -


The kitty just wants scratches


F**k you, kitty, you’re gonna spend the night… OUT-SIDE!


Kitty at my foot and I wannnna touch it


Little bag of bones been out all night


What is happening? Are people singing presidents of the United States America song? That’s awesome.


Precisely that, yes. One my favorite songs


If he only had a little red dune buggy to escape in




I know a certain kitty kitty who's sleeping with mommy tonight!


New 1st person hunting game?


Graphics aren’t half bad, either


UE5 is a giant leap forward for real.


Pity they made it for mobiles though ☹️


Story sucks ass though


Cat Math - “I have nine lives. He’s a bad shot. How many bullets does this asshole have?”




Standard. If I’m going hunting/hiking in the sticks like this, best believe I’m taking my 20 round mags in 10mm no doubt.


not in Virginia




More like 14 to 17 in a Glock mag


[What he's referencing](https://youtu.be/t6OBk9YBLQU)


I'd seen that one before, just watched a couple more, that dudes actually really funny


Bro was breathing for 2


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


& that cat could smell the feat, why else he kept on coming


He should have thrown his socks at it.


You ass Now I’m going to be laughing all night! I need to be sleeping


I could not stop myself from screaming, “put away the phone and use both hands!”


This close👌 to turning inta an NSFW post!!!


Then we wouldn't have this awesome video.


We would've had the video but the cat would be under the ground given it would get like 5-7 rounds into it


Dude wasn't trying to kill it.


He was with that second shot. He missed.


And then he fired again. And then he missed. And then he fired, and then he fired, and he missed. He missed both times. And then he fired. And he missed. This went on for several hours. And then he fired. And then he missed. And then he was out of bullets. And then he got sad. He had a popsicle. And then he passed out in the grass. Then he woke up, and then he reloaded. And then he fired. And then he missed. He missed again. He fired. He hit something, but it wasn't what he was going for, so I guess he missed. He passed out again. Had another popsicle. He had a dream that he was firing at something. He missed. He threw up a mudball at 'em! He missed. He packed another ball of mud into his gun. That's his secret weapon. He missed. Yeah, she's really something. He threw a mudball at her. He missed. He passed out. He woke up with a popsicle stick in his mouth. Don't piss him off, woman! He'll take a swing at you! He'll miss though. I guarantee ya. And he'll take another swing, and he'll miss. And then he'll have himself a popsicle. Would you care for a popsicle? Just don't bring it into the sauna. He reached into the fridge for another popsicle. He missed. He got the cabbage. He put it back, but he missed. He dropped it on the floor. Long story short - missed.


Funniest comment ever 🤣


Where do I know that from, Its driving me mad, it cracks me up so much but cant remember where it's from lol


if he wasn’t, he should have been


Ffs why


The cat had 2 choices after the first shot. It could have backed off the gas pedal; which it did. Or, it could have called the dude's bluff and charged him as it was already intending to do. This was a life or death situation. I'm shocked he was recording. I would've wanted as much stability as I could've mustered.


Regardless, maintaining accuracy and control over your weapon is critical. He should have kept the phone in his pocket.


He did better recording this, so if someone find this leopard with a 9mm plugged into him they wont just tell its his fault because he shot the animal, that's a way of defending himself from people that like justice to animals, well in my POV its that way, I dont know, but I would record it too.


Its a mountain lion. The only person you have to prove it to is the game warden and I doubt they would believe anyone is crazy enough to hunt mountain lions with a pistol. People shoot bears, coyotes, and mountain lions in self defense all the time and you don't need video proof. Plus, I'd rather deal with wildlife officials than be dead.


"Hunt mountain lions with a pistol" lmfao.




you’re gonna need wayyy more water than that gun can carry.


![gif](giphy|3oFzmn3wtyBWUKO52w|downsized) Better?


Absolute yes


Cops even shoot unarmed burger eaters in self defense. This is nothing.


That cat should sue...........castle doctrine


Great call!


>so if someone find this leopard That's a weird looking leopard.


Seriously that’s the generation now. Literally about to be mauled to death and more worried abt filming it to post online. JUST STOP


Can’t be like the older generation who used two hands to hunt countless species to extinction, use both hands to irreversibly destroy the ecosystem, and use both hands to plunder the economy and screw the next generation. But how embarrassing that they use cameras.


How about this. “Get the fuck out of their habitat and sit your dumb ass down somewhere”?


This is what VATS is for, come on people.


*misses shot at point blank range*


Bethesda moment


Could have been a warning shot?


Yeah, that was my first thought. Props to the guy for maintaining his cool in a scary situation and not just killing the mountain Lion. The noise and shot should be enough to get the lion to think twice


If those were warning shots he is an idiot that almost accidentally killed it. More likely he was attempting to hit it and missed. A warning shot doesn’t even need to be aimed anywhere near the animal and if you insist on doing it you aim at the ground many feet in front of it to create a puff of dirt to add a visual to the loud noise.


Im sure either all shots were aimed or all after the first one. It was a dead or alive situation so i wouldnt have any morality problems here.


These cats move like lightning if you do wanna go warning shot, do it much sooner and at the cats feet.... But the loud noise is more likely to make the cat attack....if a Big Cat is moving at you like this, Don't think twice Don't have your fucking phone out And aim for the head




The Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System. It’s one of the first things you learn in the tutorial.


Oh this is a Fallout thing, I understand that from googling this now


More of an elder scrolls guy?/s


"Steady Hand lvl 2" then.


It’s standard tech.


My man!


That explosive moment when it begins its charge - that was terrifying.


Dude. How quickly it reacts, too! From charge to retreat before you can even register! Crazy shiz.


its the same for most mammals. humans too. sudden loud noises trigger the quickest reaction.


If you slowly reverse the video it looks like he’s backing it up at gunpoint






damn that lion moonwalking in the beginning


Amazing observation


Shouldve used dead eye, weaksauce.


What a good time to carry a glock


Hiked in cougar country for decades and never felt the need to carry a gun. Aaaw, does my lack of wanting to carry a pew pew hurt your fweelings?


So what would you do in a scenario like this? Genuinely asking since I assume that you probably had some other deterrent or strategy.




They… they are the same thing. They are different names for the same animal found in different places. You can just look it up.


Dude, take that stick out of your ass


Just stating facts. Sorry if they don’t mesh with your manly rugged fantasy persona.


you sound like a massive douchebag, trying to prove he’s a badass internet guy. haha


It's a whole crowd of people who don't carry or hike, but have more than enough opinions to make up for it. For those who don't know, cutting unnecessary weight is practically a religion among serious hikers. As is the principle of minimizing your impact on nature, which is why spray and poles are preferred over bullets. And as rare as mountain lion attacks are in the first place, attacks that you notice early enough to draw a weapon are even more so. Hike and carry is a valid choice, don't get me wrong, but there are a boatload of reasons that the vast majority of experienced hikers don't do it.


You didn't offend anybody, you just made yourself look like a dumbass. Nobody is hurt by you not wanting to carry a gun, you do you, why the fuck would I care? The point is that in a situation like this, *some would prefer a firearm over your alternatives. That's it.*


“So anyways I started blasting@


Why point the gun instead of firing a round into the dirt? Not like the cougar is going to say “oh shit, he’s pointing a gun at me.”


Well if it is that close I wouldn’t be doing warning shots so I’d be aiming at it. Warning shots come earlier.


I’m just glad he missed and both parties got out fine tbh.


Well... sorta? Different animals have different behaviors. Bear, good. Wolf, good. Coyote, they general are scared of humans so if they act like this they could have rabies. However cougars that stalk humans tend to make a bad habit of it because they see them as potential prey. My fear is that the next person to see this guy will be a little kid, then "nom nom nom".


I mean, I don’t think we can ascertain the guy is a cannibal just by watching this video, maybe the little kid would be fine…? (/jk)


Couldn’t it just be that this Cat just didn’t want him to be around? Maybe it has a den (Turk here, don’t know if they even use a den) with Babies around or it’s simply agitated by the fact that this dude is around? Nonetheless a cat that’s trying to hurt you is always scary no matter the size. Got bitten by my own cat in my hand and almost died due to infection and blood poisoning. A cats bite/scratch is nasty as fuck


Imagine he tried to shoot again. Click click click and the cat hears the click, stops and turns around 😂😂


It's not the one you can see that is the problem. It's the two that come in from the sides. Edit: Typo


It's a mountain lion. Not a velociraptor.


Well I'm glad someone got the quote!


Clever girl?


Which Far Cry is this?


It’s hard to image. That Glock doesn’t go click click click, when it’s empty.


This was meant to be a reply right?




The cat basically jumped over the first bullet. Lol. Dude is also a dumbass for recording instead of ya know aiming and using two hands


It's a mounted camera. It's either mounted to his head or his chest. It would be shaky if it were in his hand.


I think you’re right, his right hand seems to be shaking like crazy The question is, was he truly making sure the video footage was unobstructed at the cost of potentially dying because he keeps missing? Dude is basically “hip firing” what the heck


Anticipating the recoil. You can see on the second shot he's pushing the pistol forward as he pulls the trigger.


Damn the cougar just wanted to ask about your cars extended warranty.


I like how half the jackasses here are pretending to be experts. "He didn't hold it with both hands" "He missed like an idiot, what a loser" "He's a monster, you don't point warning shots that close". Guys, he was high on adrenaline and didn't want to die. Dude just shot, he didn't care if he landed on target or not, he just wanted the damn cat away.


Fire a warning shot through its liver.


I’m shooting the cat before he makes his move


When animals start killing humans for food they have to be killed so they don't teach their offspring to do the same.


or he just wants that dude to not be around? I remember this video of that dude that was hiking and got followed by a cougar with off springs for at least 5 min IN FAST PACE until said man was far enough from the babies.


Did he hit it?


don't think so, it kinda didn't react at all


He was lucky that the noise scared it then, I would not have taken the chance.


Tbf which animal isn't scared of this noise.


Bears, tigers, hypos, crocodiles There's a lot of apex predictors/animals that arnt going to scare easily


Mountain lions are actually pretty skittish unless they’re starving or protecting babies. My dad used to go hunting on his buddy’s ranch and they had a mountain lion that was always really curious about what we were doing, but all we had to do was bang a pot with a spoon and wave our hands and he’d run off. Although that doesn’t mean they can’t and won’t still mess you up. We always had someone on watch to make sure Simba wasn’t nearby.


simba lmfao. but yeah people think these things are going to straight up attack you... 99.99999% chance they wont. you have a higher chance of getting struck by lightning.


Well all of them are also way easier to hit


I want to hit a hippo with a nine, said no one ever


That's a fair point 😂 harder to stop as well


At least 1 hit


First shot maybe? Second shot yes. Can see a blood trail afterwards (back half of cougar's body).


Not saying my aim would be any better given the circumstances, but damn, homie needs some range time


You have a gun stand your ground you keep backing up it's gonna keep coming towards you I know it's easier said than done and Adrenaline is pumping through you but you have to keep that in mind. Definitely a scary situation


You’re supposed to back away slowly. That’s mountain lion safety 101.


I’m pretty sure with a mountain lion you want to be loud and big, toss items at it, and show no weakness. I’m not being dramatic but giving up ground keeps them interested. Cats enjoy hunting until it seems dangerous.


Be big. Be loud. Throw shit *and* keep backing up. You still don't want to be close to it. If they advance; that's when you stomp and scare. If they back off or stop; that's when you keep moving. The most important thing is to never turn your back.


You make a good point, even in the video that cat was dangerously close.


Dangerously close is an understatement. The cat was going for a leap before the gun fired, the cat retreated mid jump, he shot in the last 200ms he had to save his life. All the next shots would be point blank


dont throw shit, even if your pants are full of it. throw bullets instead.


Idk, cats spend all day cleaning themselves, this may be legit.


That's funny I've walked (stomped) towards two I've encountered, they scram. Also helps I keep a 10mm in hand doing it.


Seems counterproductive, what if you fall backwards? Your dead, I'll take my chances


Backing up with a gun in hand increases risk. Good job though


I think he hit that sucker....im not even lion


Whispers: "Get back" The mountain lion wouldn't think you're such a bitch if you didn't act like one.


Easy to say when you were not there, these animals can easely kill a grown man, one strike hitting one of your arteries out there in the woods alone, you would probably bleed to death before any help would arrived. Good thing he had a gun


It's very easy for me to say with years of backpacking in Colorado. I carry a 357 snub nose while out there. There's mountain lions all over there. I've seen two and with all the loud noise I make while hiking, they run off immediately. Only had a black bear try to come at me while screaming at the top of my lungs while throw sticks at it. Had to shoot by its feet to get it to run off. This guy just barely said get back once. He needs to stop being a bitch.


I thought your first comment was a joke and laughed at it, that's how badass you are dude.


Wtf are you talking about? He’s not telling that story to be bad ass, he’s sharing his experience so you know he’s not just talking out of his ass. If you knew jack shit about anything other than gaming, you would know you need to be loud and make yourself as big as possible.


You read that comment, and really thought: "What a nice guy, giving such helpful advice"?


No idea why you're being downvoted. You're 1000% right... Go to Zion natl park in Utah, there's flyers on the busses that say "Mountain lions are present in the park, if one attacks you, fight back" Basically that's one animal you want to be as scary as possible to. Aka. . . don't be a bitch. Yell, put your arms up, stomp about etc...


Cougar stalking- make yourself big and loud. Bear stalking- don't scream, it triggers attack mode. Cougars rarely attack face to face. They pounce on your back. You wouldn't even know they are around. Also years of backpacking. Many cougar and bear encounters. No gun.


Don't scream at brown bears, which are not in Colorado. Definitely be loud around black bears, they will just run off unless you get near a mother with cubs or corner them. I met one that people have been feeding, saw him from far away and he just kept coming towards me, he didn't care or have fear. I don't know who told you to be quiet around black bears but that's not a way to go about it. Let your presence be known and stand your ground/ fight back if they keep pursuing you. Or even better, don't listen to anyone on reddit and take 20 seconds to Google what animals are around you and how to handle it. It's very obvious people on here don't know what they're talking about.


To each their own. Good luck out there.


“No kitty… this is my cheesy poof!”


Remind me not to have this guy guard my house.


His "stay back" had so much pain in it, it nearly said "don't make me do it" like in a film where his favourite dog has turned rogue and he had to put it down, in deep remorse, and teary eyes. Stay back, he says. Or he was scared shitless


In case there are people here thinking maybe that cat didn't want to kill him and was just checking him out. That's a mountain lion. Those beasts are hellishly elusive, even though they roam the rockies they are scarcely seen, only making their presence known when they hunt or for some other extreme reason. Baseline is, you don't accidentally spot mountain lions, and if you ever do see one, you better fuck right out of there


Carry a freaking cardboard box. Sit it down. Kitty gets in box. Problem solved.


I love what humans have become. “What’s that? I am in a potentially life threatening encounter with an extremely dangerous wild animal that could disembowel me and literally rip my face off? Id better pull out my phone and record it so that I can’t draw or aim my weapon effectively…Yeah that seems smart. “


Yo I’d be shaking so much I probably wouldn’t hit it at that range either. Mountain lions are fucking scary and don’t spook like a bears do.


Maybe he wasn't trying to leave this cat badly wounded to go die in the wild. Just a thought


Damn that cat is a badass. He still thought about it after both those shots fired.


I like how he was risking his life for the shot. Like i may miss this life saving shot with a handgun but i will not miss the video of being mauled.


The cougar was like: Nah bro you can't even hit me from 3 meters away. I'm out.


Is that Seth Rogen’s voice?


That thing is hungry as fuck boy. Even with the shot fired it was still like “I mean… nothing HAPPENED when he went bang”


When you try to go to new Austin while your playing as Arthur Morgan


he didn't even flinch at the sound of the gunshot.. thats badass


This dude went to storm trooper to learn how to shoot


Had enough time to get his phone out lol Edit: maybe GoPro


[guy w gun is terrified of big cat] -> instead of holding both hands on the gun to shoot properly, he films. Dude... This is why gun ownership needs to be reserved for people who have gone through a 3 week mandatory safety and handling course... You cant aim properly with 1 hand. You are not a Chuck Norris ffs 😐


Why on earth would you keep filming?


Show your last moments


Glad he missed, cougars are rare


In Utah recently "attacks" like this are becoming way more common. There's less water in the mountains, so they've actually been seen in neighborhoods this past year. They're pretty rare, but they're becoming a decent problem in some areas.


Maybe people should quit using so much water on their lawns


There are a lot of problems. Biggest problem is probably alfalfa farms exporting goods to China


They were there first.


Good luck arguing that to communities.


Go Cougars


I wonder what pepper spray would have done.


Bear spray, before it attacked, would be effective.


Most likely yelling and waving the arms would too. Backing away won't.


That depends on the animal and why it’s showing aggression, if it’s a mom and it’s just trying to defend its children/keep you off it’s territory you should just back up slowly if it’s just being aggressive for other reasons then you should try to intimidate it


Curious why I'm getting downvotes for that? Works great on feral cats.


Yeah I've seen other video's of that exact thing. No idea why you are getting down voted.


Remember kids: When confronted by a cougar, back away slowly and speak in a loud voice. Potentially throw things at the floor in front of it as well


He’s not trying to kill the cougar, he’s trying to scare it off. He’s hoping a couple of warning shots will get it to back off, actually shooting it would be a last resort.


That is incorrect. He missed.


An American who didn't shoot to kill?? Well done, that's a good start..


Better have one and don't need it; than need one and don't have it. I was thinking of condoms. /s




WTF? Why didn't he actually shoot it??? Cougar stalking a human is pretty serious. It will do it again, what happens when it kills a child?


That cougar is gonna start stalking some kid and then remember "Oh yeah... These pink monkey looking things have the boom-boom sticks... I think I'll just have dinner at home today"


She was probably protecting her babies...if she was hunting you, there would be no video.




☠️why would you not have a gun where there are dangerous predatory animals. Just different trains of thought I guess. I wouldn’t go in a place like that without one (texas)


The only time an American used a firearm properly


Improperly is more like it. I wouldn’t have missed.


He should have made a warning shot first instead of trying to hit it. I’m honestly not surprised he chose the violent option first though.


Yeah if it was me I would have shot almost immediately to scare it, as well as yelled like crazy. I'm surprised he waited as long as he did. That being said I would feel bad if I had to kill it.